Current Search:   Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940 (x)

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Marxism in the United States
Leon Sedoff, son - friend - fighter
Fascism: what it is, how to fight it: compilation
In defense of the Russian revolution: Speech delivered at Copenhagen, December 1932
The Revolution in Spain
I stake my life!
World unemployment and the five year plan
Stalinism and bolshevism
The turn in the Communist International and the German situation
The Kirov assassination
Soviet economy in danger: The expulsion of Zinoviev
road for revolutionary socialists
The strategy of the world revolution.
Problems of the development of the U. S. S. R.: Draft of the thesis of the International left opposition on the Russian question
Communism and syndicalism: On the trade-union question
The permanent revolution
The Soviet union and the fourth International, the class nature of the soviet state