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Ok, Ladies, Now Let's Get Information: Recognizing Moments of Rhetorical Identification in Beyonc(&)#233;'s Digital Activism
The Resonance and Residue of the First African American Newspaper: How Freedom's Journal Created Space in the Early 19th Century
Moving Towards a Dialogic Pedagogy: Using Video Feedback as a Teaching Tool to Respond to Writing across Disciplines
Meeting Student, Instructor, and Institutional Expectations in Online Writing Courses
The User Experience of Disney Infinity: Do Smart Toys Matter?
Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to Predict and Explain Elementary and Secondary Preservice Teachers' Continuance Behavioral Intentions and Pedagogical Usage of Twitter to build Professional Capital: A Structural Equation Modeling Inquiry
Learning Spaces are WAC: Investigating How Classroom Space Design Influences Student Disciplinary Identities
Celebrities, Fans, and Queering Gender Norms: A Critical Examination of Lady Gaga's, Nicki Minaj's, and Fans' Use of Instagram
Wounded Warrior or War Hero? Or Maybe, Neither?: Resisting Common Tropes of the Veteran and Developing Digital Literacy Practices via Narrative Building and Identity Presentation in Social Networking Spaces
Exploring Repurposing Across Contexts: How Adolescents' New Literacies Practices Can Inform Understandings about Writing-Related Transfer
Understanding the Role of Resources in Writing Center Tutoring Sessions
Composing the Classroom, Constructing Hybridity: Writing Technology in(to) First-Year Composition Course Design
Using Hashtags to Disambiguate Aboutness in Social Media Discourse: A Case Study of #OrlandoStrong
Curating culture through social media in the 21st century: Orlando as a case study for arts participation and engagement among millennials
Digital Citizenship Tools for Cause-Based Campaigns: A Broadened Spectrum of Social Media Engagement and Participation-Scale Methodology
Making Waves, Mixing Colors, and Using Mirrors: The Self-Regulated Learning Support Features and Procedural Rhetoric of Three Whole-Body Educational Games
The Effects of Narrative and Achievements on Learning in a 2D Platformer Video Game
GAYME: The development, design and testing of an auto-ethnographic, documentary game about quarely wandering urban/suburban spaces in Central Florida.