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Psychophysiology meets computer science: predicting the magnitude of participant physiological response with machine learning
Assessing the Safety and Operational Benefits of Connected and Automated Vehicles: Application on Different Roadways, Weather, and Traffic Conditions
Safety, Operational, and Design Analyses of Managed Toll and Connected Vehicles' Lanes
Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Analyze the Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes at the Macroscopic Level
Nurse Managers, Work Environment Factors and Workplace Bullying
The Impact of Relational Coordination and the Nurse on Patient Outcomes
Perceived readiness to transition to adult health care for youth with cystic fibrosis and congruence with their caregivers' views
A Faith-Based Primary Diabetes Prevention Intervention for At-Risk Puerto Rican Adults: A Feasibility Study
Integrating the macroscopic and microscopic traffic safety analysis using hierarchical models