Current Search: Attitudes (x)
Carter, Ashley, Chin, Matthew, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Companion animals now serve as more than tools for human use, they have become family. Many individuals now spend increasingly more money on animals than in years past and are more likely to acknowledge the animal as a family member. With this change in roles many humans have become more empathetic to animal cruelty. Studies have been conducted to examine various aspects of animal cruelty and how it relates to humans. However, few have examined attitude change regarding animal abuse. If...
Show moreCompanion animals now serve as more than tools for human use, they have become family. Many individuals now spend increasingly more money on animals than in years past and are more likely to acknowledge the animal as a family member. With this change in roles many humans have become more empathetic to animal cruelty. Studies have been conducted to examine various aspects of animal cruelty and how it relates to humans. However, few have examined attitude change regarding animal abuse. If attitudes can be positively changed in adults, these individuals are in a position to pass the information onto their children. Adults are also currently in the position to make changes in legislature regarding humane treatment of animals. An experiment was conducted which examined adults' attitudes toward animal abuse and whether they can be changed. Text information was examined as a variable for attitude change. Additionally visual aids in the form of photographs were used in conjunction with and separate from the text information as variables. Two types of photographs were used: images of companion animals by themselves or the same animals accompanied by adult humans. The text information used was adapted from an ASPCA presentation obtained, with permission, from the Orange County ASPCA. The power point presentation included information on the connection between animal violence and violence toward humans, how to help stop animal cruelty and how to report it. Six conditions were created using the three variables. iii It was found that pictures have an immediate effect on attitude change and information affects individuals in certain measures but not others. On all measures, images had more of an effect than information alone. Only when the text was accompanied by a picture, did it produce a significant change. Attitudes regarding the treatment of animals saw an immediate increase in both conditions in which images of humans and animals were present. Additionally, images of animals alone immediately increased attitudes regarding treatment of animals. This difference does not appear to increase further over time. Images of animals alone appear to aid in immediately altering individuals' sense of continuity with animals. The attitude that animals and humans share some commonalities and exist in relation to each other could assist in adoption campaigns by allowing the potential owners to place themselves with the animals they are adopting. However, over time information combined with images of humans and animals significantly increase this sense of commonality. The applications for the results depend on what type of attitude one desires to change and how soon the change has to occur. The present research reveals that images appear to affect attitude change regarding companion animals and the way they are treated more than text information.
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Date Issued
CFH0004127, ucf:44883
Document (PDF)
Munroe, Theresa, Loerzel, Victoria, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
BACKGROUND: Nurses have the opportunity to bring a unique perspective to genetic and genomic healthcare through their emphasis of health promotion, prevention, screening, caring, and patient, family, and community relationships. Nurses are expected to have genetic and genomic knowledge that can be integrated into clinical practice. However, researchers today are finding nursing students are not competent or comfortable in the clinical applications of genetics and genomics, even though these...
Show moreBACKGROUND: Nurses have the opportunity to bring a unique perspective to genetic and genomic healthcare through their emphasis of health promotion, prevention, screening, caring, and patient, family, and community relationships. Nurses are expected to have genetic and genomic knowledge that can be integrated into clinical practice. However, researchers today are finding nursing students are not competent or comfortable in the clinical applications of genetics and genomics, even though these students will soon be working in healthcare as it advances in these fields. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the genetic and genomic knowledge of nursing undergraduate students and explore their attitudes about using this knowledge in practice. METHOD: A pre- and posttest design was used. Student knowledge was measured online using the Genomic Nursing Concept Inventory (GNCI) in both tests. Demographic questions were included in the pretest and questions regarding attitudes toward comfort and readiness to apply that knowledge were included in the posttest. The pretest was administered at the beginning of the Spring 2014 semester. The posttest was administered at the end of the same semester, after the nursing students received the majority of genetic and genomic instruction from their program's curriculum. Descriptive statistics were used to examine all data. Total and subscale knowledge scores on the GNCI were computed for each test. A paired t-test was used to compare pre- and post-GNCI total and subscale scores. Correlations were calculated at both time points. A Spearman correlation was used to examine the relationship between prior experience with genetic education or exposure to people with a genetic condition and total pre-score knowledge on the pretest. For the posttest, a total attitude score was calculated to examine the relationship between attitude and post total knowledge scores using a Pearson's r correlation. FINDINGS: 109 undergraduate junior nursing students participated. Gains in total and subscale knowledge between the pre- and posttest were statistically significant (p [less than] 0.05), except for the Mutations subscale. For the pretest GNCI, the average mean score was 45%, which improved to 50% at the time of the posttest. Lowest scoring items were in the Genome Basics subscale, whereas highest scoring items were found within the Inheritance subscale for the posttest. Mean total attitude scores were 28.33 (SD = 5.17) indicating students had a relatively positive attitude towards using their knowledge base in practice. The majority of students (87.1%) agreed that it is important for the nurse to incorporate genetic and genomic knowledge into clinical practice although only 34.9% felt ready to do so. DISCUSSION: Genetics and genomic knowledge and preparedness were low among nursing students. This demonstrates a need for more integration of genetic and genomic content within nursing curriculum, including a review of basic concepts. Nurses are expected to perform comprehensive health assessments by incorporating knowledge of genetic, environmental, and genomic influences and risk factors. Lack of a basic understanding could lead to patient consequences related to inadequate risk assessment, referrals for genetic counseling, and patient education.
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Date Issued
CFH0004648, ucf:45290
Document (PDF)
Guyton, Pamela, Ortiz, Enrique, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Within a low-performing seventh grade mathematics classroom, communication techniques including discourse, collaborative groups, listening, reading, and writing were implemented during a six week period. This study shows how the use of these techniques led to the twenty four students' conceptual understanding of fraction and decimal concepts. This research study provides insight to the deep-seeded beliefs of low-performing students. It provides a record of how the teacher used...
Show moreWithin a low-performing seventh grade mathematics classroom, communication techniques including discourse, collaborative groups, listening, reading, and writing were implemented during a six week period. This study shows how the use of these techniques led to the twenty four students' conceptual understanding of fraction and decimal concepts. This research study provides insight to the deep-seeded beliefs of low-performing students. It provides a record of how the teacher used communication techniques in the classroom and had a strong positive impact on the attitudes and performance of these struggling students.
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Date Issued
CFE0002146, ucf:47928
Document (PDF)
Teacher Candidates' Civic Attitudes and Civic Knowledge: A Comparative Study.
Furgione, Brian, Russell, William, Waring, Scott, Hewitt, Randall, Jahani, Shiva, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The foundations of a democratic society are the citizens who engage in its political processes and functions. The democratic skills and dispositions needed to be engaged citizens must be embedded within the school system of that society. In the United States, teachers serve as the delivery system of these skills and dispositions, and it is therefore imperative to understand who these teachers are as citizens. Leveraging survey research and various quantitative measures, the civic attitudes...
Show moreThe foundations of a democratic society are the citizens who engage in its political processes and functions. The democratic skills and dispositions needed to be engaged citizens must be embedded within the school system of that society. In the United States, teachers serve as the delivery system of these skills and dispositions, and it is therefore imperative to understand who these teachers are as citizens. Leveraging survey research and various quantitative measures, the civic attitudes and civic knowledge of teacher candidates in various fields were investigated. Using self-reported demographic information, teacher candidates were compared based on their academic program track, gender, race, and status as a college student (first generation or other). Initial findings indicate statistically significant differences in the mean civic attitudinal scores and civic knowledge based on program track and college student status. How the findings may influence the long-term outlook of civic education and the needs for preparing future teachers are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0007633, ucf:52474
Document (PDF)
Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: The Issue and its Dimensions.
Kelly, Brenna, Gay, David, Wright, James, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a variety of factors on environmental attitudes and behaviors. Studies have addressed a number of issues that are related to environmental matters. This examination extends the research in this area by incorporating educational attainment, political ideology, gender, marriage and family formation, religiosity and subjective spirituality, race and ethnicity, as well as several sociodemographic influences. The 2010 General Social Survey is...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a variety of factors on environmental attitudes and behaviors. Studies have addressed a number of issues that are related to environmental matters. This examination extends the research in this area by incorporating educational attainment, political ideology, gender, marriage and family formation, religiosity and subjective spirituality, race and ethnicity, as well as several sociodemographic influences. The 2010 General Social Survey is selected for the analysis because it is the most recent data available and contains items pertaining to environmental concern and behavior, and the independent and control variables. Directions for future research in the area will be discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004393, ucf:49393
Document (PDF)
Mathematic Strategies for Teaching Problem Solving: The Influence of Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies on Students' Attitudes in Middle School.
Klingler, Kelly, Ortiz, Enrique, Gresham, Regina, Andreasen, Janet, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this action research study was to observe the influence of teaching mathematical problem solving strategies on students' attitudes in middle school. The goal was to teach five problem solving strategies: Drawing Pictures, Making a Chart or Table, Looking for a Pattern, Working Backwards, and Guess and Check, and have students reflect upon the process. I believed that my students would use these problem solving strategies as supportive tools for solving mathematical word...
Show moreThe purpose of this action research study was to observe the influence of teaching mathematical problem solving strategies on students' attitudes in middle school. The goal was to teach five problem solving strategies: Drawing Pictures, Making a Chart or Table, Looking for a Pattern, Working Backwards, and Guess and Check, and have students reflect upon the process. I believed that my students would use these problem solving strategies as supportive tools for solving mathematical word problems. A relationship from the Mathematics Attitudes survey scores on students' attitudes towards problem solving in mathematics was found. Students took the Mathematics Attitudes survey before and after the study was conducted. In-class observations of the students applying problem solving strategies and students' response journals were made. Students had small group interviews after the research study was conducted. Therefore, I concluded that with the relationship between the Mathematics Attitudes survey scores and journal responses that teaching the problem solving strategies to middle school students was an influential tool for improving students' mathematics attitude.
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Date Issued
CFE0004309, ucf:49490
Document (PDF)
The Implementation of Engineering Design Challenges on 4th Grade Students' Attitudes Towards Engineering, Classroom Climate, and Writing Ability.
Newby, Tara, Jeanpierre, Bobby, Ortiz, Enrique, Everett, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine if my practice of having 4th grade students participate in engineering design challenges impacted their attitudes towards engineering, the classroom climate, and writing ability. In this action research students were given a pre and posttest that measured their attitudes towards engineering and their perceptions of the classroom climate. A pre and post written reflection was also examined and compared for the use of predicting, observing, thinking,...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine if my practice of having 4th grade students participate in engineering design challenges impacted their attitudes towards engineering, the classroom climate, and writing ability. In this action research students were given a pre and posttest that measured their attitudes towards engineering and their perceptions of the classroom climate. A pre and post written reflection was also examined and compared for the use of predicting, observing, thinking, explaining, reflecting, and yearning to learn more. A triangulation of data included the use of pre and posttest statistical analysis, rubrics, teacher observation, and student interviews. The data collected from this action research project showed that that students were more satisfied with the course after completing the design challenges, the classroom environment improved in that students perceived the level of friction in the class had decreased. The data collected also showed that students' attitudes towards engineers was changed in that they were more likely to want to pursue a career in engineering and take a future school course in engineering after having completed this action research. Student generated definitions of engineers demonstrated a decrease in the number of misconceptions about the work of engineers and an increase in students' knowledge as to what engineers do for a living. My practice of implementing engineering design challenges with a 4th grade class did not have an impact on students writing ability.
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Date Issued
CFE0004281, ucf:49545
Document (PDF)
Ortiz, Vivian, Ross, Lee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The assessment of citizen attitudes has, in recent decades, become standard practice within the criminal justice system. However, in assessing the criminal justice system, most research has gathered data on the attitudes and perceptions of specific populations within society (i.e. older citizens) and has not really focused on younger age groups, or more specifically, students enrolled in colleges and universities. The present study examined attitudes of college students in the areas of...
Show moreThe assessment of citizen attitudes has, in recent decades, become standard practice within the criminal justice system. However, in assessing the criminal justice system, most research has gathered data on the attitudes and perceptions of specific populations within society (i.e. older citizens) and has not really focused on younger age groups, or more specifically, students enrolled in colleges and universities. The present study examined attitudes of college students in the areas of confidence and utilization of campus police. Utilizing a non-random convenience sample of undergraduate and graduate students (N=393) at a large four-year research institution, participants completed a 21-item survey to measure their confidence and utilization of campus police, resources, and services. The results suggest that confidence does not affect utilization of police and students stated they would utilize police despite their confidence level. However, more significantly, students also indicated that while they would utilize police, they reported they had not. As a result, various recommendations were made to improve communications between students and campus police and directions for future research were also noted.
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Date Issued
CFE0003126, ucf:48638
Document (PDF)
Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding the Recent Zika Outbreak Among a Sample of South Florida Residents.
Elakkari, Mohamed, Naser, Saleh, Parks, Griffith, Samsam, Mohtashem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
South Florida has had the largest number of U.S. Zika infection cases during the recent outbreak. This study aimed at assessing South Floridians' basic knowledge, perceptions of the seriousness and susceptibility to Zika infection, their information sources and needs, as well as their attitudes towards the protective measures proposed by the CDC. We also wanted to assess whether any of those factors have affected the frequency of participants' undertaking of the protective behaviors. To this...
Show moreSouth Florida has had the largest number of U.S. Zika infection cases during the recent outbreak. This study aimed at assessing South Floridians' basic knowledge, perceptions of the seriousness and susceptibility to Zika infection, their information sources and needs, as well as their attitudes towards the protective measures proposed by the CDC. We also wanted to assess whether any of those factors have affected the frequency of participants' undertaking of the protective behaviors. To this end, we designed an online questionnaire and surveyed the responses of five hundred South Floridians (Age=18-78 years). We found significant gaps in participants' knowledge about the risk groups, routes of transmission, treatment, and complications of Zika infection. Older age and college education were associated with significantly higher knowledge scores, while the presence of pregnant women in the household was associated with lower scores. About half of the participants perceived Zika to be a profoundly severe health problem, but less than one-third believed that their susceptibility to the infection is high.Most participants agreed that undertaking the measures that limit exposure to mosquito bites would be effective in preventing infections and that they would be able to carry-out these measures if recommended by the CDC, but a significantly lower proportion had similar responses to the items regarding protection against sexual transmission.There was a significant association between the frequency of protective behavior undertaking and respondents' beliefs about the seriousness and personal susceptibility to the infection, as well as their beliefs regarding the efficacy of the protective behaviors.Finally, most participants reported media platforms as their sources of information about Zika, while a minority of them received their information directly from healthcare professionals.These findings suggest that more targeted risk communication efforts are needed to increase South Floridians' awareness about Zika's public health threat.
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Date Issued
CFE0006998, ucf:51622
Document (PDF)
From the Yellow Peril to the Model Minority: An Experimental Survey Examining Racial Attitudes towards Asian Americans.
Nguyen, Jenny, Carter, J. Scott, Carter, Shannon, Anthony, Amanda, Corra, Mamadi, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Attitudinal research continues to show a more liberal trend in racial attitudes of Whites towards Blacks across a spectrum of issues (i.e. interracial marriage, residential integration, etc.) leading some to believe that we are moving into a post-racial society. However, a growing body of research has brought into question this utopian post-racial assertion. While Whites express support for racial equality in principle, they vehemently oppose race-targeted policies aimed to address racial...
Show moreAttitudinal research continues to show a more liberal trend in racial attitudes of Whites towards Blacks across a spectrum of issues (i.e. interracial marriage, residential integration, etc.) leading some to believe that we are moving into a post-racial society. However, a growing body of research has brought into question this utopian post-racial assertion. While Whites express support for racial equality in principle, they vehemently oppose race-targeted policies aimed to address racial inequality. This principle-policy gap has been consistently associated with persistent racial resentment; thus, contradicting the notion that of a post-racial era. Existing attitudinal research is often limited to the Black-White binary. Asian Americans in particular are often omitted from attitudinal research. Through a group threat framework, which argues that racial resentment occurs when there exists a threat to valued resources, this dissertation research examines racial attitudes towards Asian American in four domains: education, jobs, marriage, and residential integration. Given the stereotype of the model minority and the successes made by many Asian Americans, the project assesses whether there continues to be underlying racial resentment toward Asian Americans by Whites and whether the racial resentment is based in feelings of threat to valued resources. This study utilized an experimental list survey design, which addresses social desirability bias in traditional survey research. Quantitative analyses were conducted from a sample collected at a large public university. Traditional difference-in-means approach along with Ordinary Least Squares Regression were conducted to examine what factor(s) significantly predicted anger towards Asian Americans in these domains. Results suggests that group threat significantly predicted the presence of anger towards Asian Americans in the job domain, but not in the education, marriage, or residential domains. As group threat increased in the job domain, presence of anger also significantly increased. Results suggest that not every domain stimulates feelings of anger towards Asian Americans. Moreover, not every domain evokes feelings of threat to valued resources.
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Date Issued
CFE0006154, ucf:51130
Document (PDF)
Outcomes of Perceived Workplace Discrimination: A Meta-Analysis of 35 Years of Research.
Dhanani, Lindsay, Joseph, Dana, Fritzsche, Barbara, Beus, Jeremy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Given the substantial monetary and nonmonetary costs that both employees and organizationscan incur as a result of perceived workplace discrimination, it is important to understand the outcomes of perceived workplace discrimination as well as what moderates the discrimination-outcome relationship. While other meta-analyses of perceived discrimination have been published, the current meta-analysis expands prior meta-analytic databases by 81%, increasingthe stability of the estimated effects....
Show moreGiven the substantial monetary and nonmonetary costs that both employees and organizationscan incur as a result of perceived workplace discrimination, it is important to understand the outcomes of perceived workplace discrimination as well as what moderates the discrimination-outcome relationship. While other meta-analyses of perceived discrimination have been published, the current meta-analysis expands prior meta-analytic databases by 81%, increasingthe stability of the estimated effects. In addition, several prior meta-analyses have not focused exclusively on workplace discrimination. Consequently, the purpose of this meta-analysis is to provide a comprehensive quantitative review of perceived workplace discrimination, its consequences, and potential moderators of these relationships. Results showed that perceived workplace discrimination was related to decreased job satisfaction, reduced organizational commitment, greater withdrawal, and more perceived organizational injustice. Further, perceived workplace discrimination was associated with decreased mental health and physical health, lower ratings of life satisfaction, and increased work stress. Moderator analyses provided some evidence that perceiving the general presence of discrimination in one's organization may bemore detrimental than perceiving oneself to be personally targeted by discrimination at work.Additionally, moderator analyses provided some support that interpersonal discrimination maybe more detrimental than formal discrimination for some outcomes and that there may bedifferences in the perceived workplace discrimination-outcome relationships across different countries. The implications for workplace discrimination research and practice are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0005481, ucf:50340
Document (PDF)
A Comparison of Students' and Parents' Mathematics Attitudes and Achievement At A Private Historically Black University.
Childs, Kristopher, Dixon, Juli, Hynes, Mike, Haciomeroglu, Erhan, Swan, Bonnie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The focus of this research was to compare students' and their parents' mathematical attitudes using the Attitudes Towards Mathematics Instrument (ATMI). The sample consisted of 476 newly-enrolled students and 263 parents attending the New Student Orientation and Leadership program at a private historically black university. The sample was predominantly African American, with 96% of the students and 95% of the parents identifying themselves as African American. The ATMI total score and...
Show moreThe focus of this research was to compare students' and their parents' mathematical attitudes using the Attitudes Towards Mathematics Instrument (ATMI). The sample consisted of 476 newly-enrolled students and 263 parents attending the New Student Orientation and Leadership program at a private historically black university. The sample was predominantly African American, with 96% of the students and 95% of the parents identifying themselves as African American. The ATMI total score and subscale scores of self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation were explored to determine if there was a relationship between the mathematics attitudes of students enrolled at a private historically black university and their parents'. Analysis was conducted to determine if there was a relationship between the students' mathematics academic achievement as demonstrated on the ACT/SAT by the mathematics subset score and their mathematics attitude. Additional analysis was conducted to determine if there was a relationship between students' mathematics academic achievement as demonstrated on the ACT/SAT by the mathematics subset score and their parents' mathematics attitude. The researcher found a statistically significant relationship between mathematics attitudes of students and their mothers as measured by the ATMI total score and subscales: self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation. The researcher found a statistically significant relationship between mathematics attitudes of students and their fathers as measured by the ATMI motivation subscale. No statistically significant relationship was found between students' mathematics academic achievement as demonstrated on the ACT/SAT by the mathematics subset score and their parents' mathematics attitude total score or the subscale scores. A statistically significant relationship between students' academic achievement and their attitudes towards mathematics total score and subscale scores: self-confidence, value, enjoyment, and motivation was found in this research. The findings of this study provide a line of research to further explore mathematics attitudes and its relationship to African American student achievement.
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Date Issued
CFE0005316, ucf:50514
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Expectation and satisfaction of freshmen and seniors in higher education.
Rodriguez, Reuban Beryrl, Lynn, Mary Ann, Education
Abstract / Description
University of Central Florida College of Education Thesis; The purpose of this study was to examine the expectation, satisfaction and performance gap levels between selected freshman and seniors as measured by the selected SSI scales. The problem was to determine if expectation, satisfaction, and performance gap levels differed between freshman and seniors in 1995 and freshman and seniors in 1998 based on class level, gender and age. The study examined four selected scales from the twelve...
Show moreUniversity of Central Florida College of Education Thesis; The purpose of this study was to examine the expectation, satisfaction and performance gap levels between selected freshman and seniors as measured by the selected SSI scales. The problem was to determine if expectation, satisfaction, and performance gap levels differed between freshman and seniors in 1995 and freshman and seniors in 1998 based on class level, gender and age. The study examined four selected scales from the twelve scales derived from the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI): Campus Climate, Campus Life, Campus Support Services, and Instruction Effectiveness. Respondents rated all items on a 7-point Likert scale with respect to their expectations of and satisfaction with student services represented by the scales. Findings indicated that, for both 1995 and 1998, freshman had significantly higher levels of expectation than did seniors in regard to campus climate, campus life and campus support services; freshman has significantly higher levels of satisfaction than seniors with campus climate, campus life, campus support services and instructional effectiveness; seniors had significantly higher levels of unmet needs than did freshman for campus support services and instructional effectiveness, and; there were no significant differences between freshman and seniors according to gender or age. Responses of 1995 freshman and seniors and 1998 freshman and seniors were similar. The four selected scales served as having the potential to guide administrators in assessing the levels of student satisfaction with both academic and nonacademic student services.
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Date Issued
CFR0011945, ucf:53107
Document (PDF)
Lash, Andrew, Gay, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Historically, research has connected religiosity to many economic concepts in the United States. Religiosity can be a primary factor in the development of attitudes and values regarding financial issues and personal wealth. This study further expands the sociology of religion and economics by examining how differences in religious affiliation, attendance, and sociodemographic factors affect attitudes regarding personal wealth and financial behaviors. Previous studies have concentrated on...
Show moreHistorically, research has connected religiosity to many economic concepts in the United States. Religiosity can be a primary factor in the development of attitudes and values regarding financial issues and personal wealth. This study further expands the sociology of religion and economics by examining how differences in religious affiliation, attendance, and sociodemographic factors affect attitudes regarding personal wealth and financial behaviors. Previous studies have concentrated on religious differences in income, education, and life course achievement; however, few studies, if any, have directly measured religiosity and subjective attitudes toward personal wealth. Using the PEW Research Center's Economy Survey from February 2008, this examination uses multiple regression models to understand the extent to which religiosity affects wealth attitudes in America. Indicators of subjective wealth incorporated in the analysis are satisfaction of vehicle and home, ability to take preferable vacations, and desirable amount of discretionary income. The results of this study are discussed, as well as potential options for future research.
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Date Issued
CFE0002532, ucf:47640
Document (PDF)
Goddard, Yvichess, Burg, Mary Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The Affordable Care Act is creating major political changes, on the state and federal levels, and is redefining American citizens' ability to access health services. Medical and mental health social workers are in high demand within the health care workforce to advocate and assist patients in navigating through a complex health care system. Little research has been conducted in understanding future social work professionals' views and knowledge about the legislation. This exploratory...
Show moreThe Affordable Care Act is creating major political changes, on the state and federal levels, and is redefining American citizens' ability to access health services. Medical and mental health social workers are in high demand within the health care workforce to advocate and assist patients in navigating through a complex health care system. Little research has been conducted in understanding future social work professionals' views and knowledge about the legislation. This exploratory-descriptive study used a convenience sample of 105 Bachelors (BSW) and Masters (MSW) level social work students to explore views on health care policy and reform based on students' personal experiences accessing health care. The study also obtained an understanding of how demographic factors affect students' support for health reform. Implications of this study show the need for greater implementation of health policy education in the social work curriculum and further research on the factors affecting students' knowledge and attitudes of health reform.
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Date Issued
CFH0004649, ucf:45306
Document (PDF)
Panzarino, Randy W, Vanryckeghem, Martine, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates the extent to which the fluent life partners (LPs) of persons who stutter (PWS) understand the effect stuttering has on their partner who stutters' communication attitude. This was accomplished by administering the Communication Attitude Test for Adults Who Stutter (BigCAT; Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2018), a subtest of the Behavior Assessment Battery (BAB; Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2018). The BigCAT was administered to 33 PWS and a modified version was administered to...
Show moreThis study investigates the extent to which the fluent life partners (LPs) of persons who stutter (PWS) understand the effect stuttering has on their partner who stutters' communication attitude. This was accomplished by administering the Communication Attitude Test for Adults Who Stutter (BigCAT; Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2018), a subtest of the Behavior Assessment Battery (BAB; Vanryckeghem and Brutten, 2018). The BigCAT was administered to 33 PWS and a modified version was administered to their LPs via Qualtrics, an online survey software system. Between-group total score comparison revealed no significant difference in total scores, and a low-medium score correlation was evidenced. Within both groups, participants age and gender did not have a significant effect on total scores. The perception of stuttering severity was found to significantly influence BigCAT scores within each group. No differential effect of duration of relationship on score agreement was found to exist. A high Cronbach Alpha coefficient was obtained for both test forms. Between-group item score comparison revealed that only answers on two out of the 34 items differed significantly. They were related to frequency of speech disruption and avoidance of persons, places or situations. Item 24 had a perfect correlation between the two groups and relates to common behaviors PWS exhibit in trying to attain more fluency. Overall, the findings of this study show that LPs of PWS have a general understanding of the impact stuttering has on their partner who stutters' communication attitude.
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Date Issued
CFH2000465, ucf:45743
Document (PDF)
Hanley, Erika, Donley, Amy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Perceptions can be influenced by the media concerning different groups of people. As a result of the importance of the media in how individuals obtain information and formulate opinions, how different groups are presented whether negatively or positively is important. This research examines the portrayal of mental illness in films and the impact that such portrayals have on the perceptions of mental illness of the viewers. Mental illness representations can be found quite prevalently among...
Show morePerceptions can be influenced by the media concerning different groups of people. As a result of the importance of the media in how individuals obtain information and formulate opinions, how different groups are presented whether negatively or positively is important. This research examines the portrayal of mental illness in films and the impact that such portrayals have on the perceptions of mental illness of the viewers. Mental illness representations can be found quite prevalently among film and the way in which it is represented can be important as to how populations perceive those with mental disorders. This thesis looks to explore perceptions of mental illness and beliefs from those who have viewed films that portray characters with mental disorders. Through the use of an online survey, one hundred and ninety five participants provided data for this study. Based on previous research, it was hypothesized that individuals who had seen more films portraying mental illness would have more knowledge and sympathy regarding mental illness compared those who had seen less films portraying mental illness. It was also hypothesized that social stereotypes surrounding mental disorders would be present in the knowledge that individuals had more so than factual data about mental disorders. Women were predicted to express more sympathy than men. A statistical analysis program was used to analyze the resulting data including the use of correlations and t-tests. Evidence indicated that the amount of films viewed portraying mental illness did not have an impact on knowledge or sympathy regarding mental illness. Perceptions of mental illness are still a relevant topic and the awareness of facts surrounding mental disorders should continue to be spread.
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Date Issued
CFH0004848, ucf:45441
Document (PDF)
Breuer, Astrid, Bledsoe, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In 1997, both the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU) signed the Kyoto Protocol, the first legally binding international treaty with targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions. However, in 2001, the United States withdrew from the Protocol. This thesis seeks to understand some of the reasons why the European Union embraced the Kyoto Protocol while the United States did not. Using an overall framework of comparative politics, research is undertaken through three lenses. First...
Show moreIn 1997, both the United States (U.S.) and the European Union (EU) signed the Kyoto Protocol, the first legally binding international treaty with targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions. However, in 2001, the United States withdrew from the Protocol. This thesis seeks to understand some of the reasons why the European Union embraced the Kyoto Protocol while the United States did not. Using an overall framework of comparative politics, research is undertaken through three lenses. First, an overview of public opinion toward global warming and climate change in the U.S. and the EU analyzes potential differences or similarities from surveys carried out in each area. Second, I examine the prevailing political ideology in each polity, with emphasis on the period when climate change arose as a major global challenge. Finally, two case studies examine the theory of environmental federalism and how it might affect climate change policy action. I obtained the following results. Public opinion research has revealed that, on average, the American public is nearly as concerned with climate change as the European public. However, the overarching political ideology in the U.S. was one of conservatism, while that in Europe was one of social democracy, with left and center-left governments, contributing to a greater or lesser degree, and through indirect mechanisms, to the political stances adopted. Finally, the case of Germany shows that member state actions, such as the implementation of ambitious reductions targets, can still play a crucial role in leadership even in the presence of action at the central government level (EU). The California case study shows that state-level efforts can rise to fill a vacuum created by the absence of central government action. In the end, behavior of each polity regarding international climate agreements, particularly the Kyoto Protocol, cannot be explained in simple terms. The complexity of the issues revolving climate change require further interdisciplinary research and collaboration among multiple actors including scientists, policymakers, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders.
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Date Issued
CFH0003840, ucf:44757
Document (PDF)
McHarg, Samantha, Molina, Olga, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Attitudes and beliefs influence how counselors practice. This study explored four psychosocial factors and their correlation to the attitudes of graduate counseling students' (N = 28) toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. The four main psychosocial factors that were identified in previous research include knowledge level, religiosity, political affiliation, and previous experience with LGBTQ individuals. The hypothesis of this study was...
Show moreAttitudes and beliefs influence how counselors practice. This study explored four psychosocial factors and their correlation to the attitudes of graduate counseling students' (N = 28) toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. The four main psychosocial factors that were identified in previous research include knowledge level, religiosity, political affiliation, and previous experience with LGBTQ individuals. The hypothesis of this study was there are relationships between attitudes toward LGBTQ individuals and the aforementioned psychosocial factors. Students were invited to participate through emails sent by the Director of the Counseling Education program. The survey used to collect data included a demographics questionnaire and three scales. The findings did not show any significant correlations between knowledge level, religiosity, and political affiliation and attitudes. Personal relationships and attitudes could not be tested due to limitations of the study. These findings were not congruent with previous research.
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Date Issued
CFH0004417, ucf:45090
Document (PDF)
Laschober, Zachary, Eriksson, Gillian, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
According to the Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration, training in gifted education is inaccessible by teacher candidates in colleges of education in the United States. This study involved the use of questionnaires with 100 teacher candidates enrolled on an introductory course on diversity in education in a Florida university. Teacher candidates responded to a series of items to identify beliefs about giftedness within and outside the context of education as well as the value of...
Show moreAccording to the Institute for Research and Policy on Acceleration, training in gifted education is inaccessible by teacher candidates in colleges of education in the United States. This study involved the use of questionnaires with 100 teacher candidates enrolled on an introductory course on diversity in education in a Florida university. Teacher candidates responded to a series of items to identify beliefs about giftedness within and outside the context of education as well as the value of training in gifted education for educators. Of the 100 respondents, 79% agreed or strongly agreed with the need for specialized training for educators working with gifted students. 60.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed with outcomes with gifted students being positively influenced by research of and experiences with gifted students. The data showed a statistically significant, positive correlation between attitudes towards giftedness within education and agreement with outcomes with gifted students being positively influenced by research of and experiences with gifted students. Results suggest teacher candidates recognize a value in training in gifted education but do not see themselves as gifted educators and are unaware of how to be trained in gifted education.
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Date Issued
CFH0004277, ucf:44940
Document (PDF)