Current Search: Sharing (x)
Ethical Decision-Making in Higher Education: A sociological examination of graduate students' understanding of appropriate academic sharing.
Parham, Jennifer, Boote, David, Biraimah, Karen, Vitale, Thomas, Owens, Tom, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Most prior research and scholarship views cheating as an individual failing rather than a sociological or organizational phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges students face in graduate education and the factors that affect ethical beliefs towards academic dishonesty. This study used a mixed method research approach including an online survey with approximately 1,250 responses from graduate students representing each of UCF's colleges and fifteen interviews with...
Show moreMost prior research and scholarship views cheating as an individual failing rather than a sociological or organizational phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges students face in graduate education and the factors that affect ethical beliefs towards academic dishonesty. This study used a mixed method research approach including an online survey with approximately 1,250 responses from graduate students representing each of UCF's colleges and fifteen interviews with students in fourteen different disciplines. Results of the online survey indicated no significant differences between international and domestic students. Survey and interview data indicate that graduate students' perceptions of the perceived norms and expectations related to academic honesty are impacted by the culture of the academic program. Analyzing these data through three sociological theories of deviance (-) anomie, labeling, and rational choice (-) shows that graduate students' understanding of appropriate academic behavior depends on their academic socialization. The data also reveal that graduate students struggle with subtleties of cheating, such as misrepresentation or (")fudging(") of data. Especially for the doctoral students in the sample, their views were highly influenced by viewing themselves as teachers and independent researchers. This sociological analysis emphasizes the role of culture in graduate programs and students' socialization into those cultures. This doctoral dissertation also provides a deeper understanding of the social and organizational factors affecting graduate students and re-frames students' perspectives on appropriate academic behavior.
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Date Issued
CFE0005394, ucf:50452
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Peering Into The Future: Three Essays on the Nascent Phenomenon of Collaborative Consumption.
Dellegrazie-Perren, Rebeca, Massiah, Carolyn, He, Xin, Tafaghodijami, Ata, Grauerholz, Liz, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The primary objective of this dissertation is to examine the theoretical and practical implications of the collaborative consumption phenomenon for individuals, businesses and society. To accomplish this goal, a research approach at three levels of analysis is used to explore how market institutions and consumer practices negotiate a social order that combines the social domain of peers with the economic domain of market exchange. The first essay of the dissertation approaches this objective...
Show moreThe primary objective of this dissertation is to examine the theoretical and practical implications of the collaborative consumption phenomenon for individuals, businesses and society. To accomplish this goal, a research approach at three levels of analysis is used to explore how market institutions and consumer practices negotiate a social order that combines the social domain of peers with the economic domain of market exchange. The first essay of the dissertation approaches this objective from a macro level to examine how social order is produced and sustained through the systemic interactions of service firms and peers. This essay provides a framework to understand the emergent business models by developing a typological theory that explains how platforms can be configured for higher value creation. The second essay approaches our understanding of the phenomenon from a meso level analysis to examine how peers interact with the social order of collaborative consumption markets to negotiate key existential tensions between consumer resistance and market appropriation. This essay explores the metaphors that peers use to construe the field of collaborative consumption. Through the interpretive analysis of participant-generated images, this research uncovers the prevailing use of a liberation metaphor that reveals a new way of thinking about resource circulation. Lastly, the third essay employs a micro level of analysis to examine how participation in collaborative consumption practices provokes intrapersonal dynamics leading to moral decay. By relying on a social cognitive framework that considers how behaviors impact personal and environmental factors in a recursive fashion, this essay scrutinizes when and how prolonged participation can erode moral identity and negatively impact prosocial behaviors. Together, this holistic approach advances our theoretical understanding of the collaborative consumption phenomenon and provides practical implications for managerial practice and public policy.
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Date Issued
CFE0005783, ucf:50055
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Dopson, Natalie, Cross, Lee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Young children who are Hispanic, from low-income homes and have developmental delays are at a disadvantage for not having the basic early literacy foundation to become successful readers later in school (Ballantyne, Sanderman, D'Emilio, & McLaughlin, 2008; Hammer, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2010; Ezell & Justice 2005; McCardle, Scarborough, & Catts, 2001). These challenges can be addressed in several ways. Early intervention including parent education and collaboration along with shared book reading...
Show moreYoung children who are Hispanic, from low-income homes and have developmental delays are at a disadvantage for not having the basic early literacy foundation to become successful readers later in school (Ballantyne, Sanderman, D'Emilio, & McLaughlin, 2008; Hammer, Farkas, & Maczuga, 2010; Ezell & Justice 2005; McCardle, Scarborough, & Catts, 2001). These challenges can be addressed in several ways. Early intervention including parent education and collaboration along with shared book reading are considered best practices and critical to improving child outcomes (NELP, 2008). In addition, children who have a solid foundation in early literacy skills including vocabulary development in their native language will later transfer to the development of vocabulary in English (Ballantyne et al., 2008). Yet, research on shared book reading practices within the home of Hispanics is minimal (Hammer and Miccio, 2006). It is necessary to expand the literature on how to adapt best practices to meet the needs of Hispanic families who are economically disadvantaged. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of parent training and coaching of dialogic reading strategies in Spanish on mothers' implementation of the strategies and total vocabulary expressed by the child during shared book reading within the home environment. In addition, the researcher explored parent receptiveness towards shared book reading strategies. The research design for the study was a single-subject multiple baseline across three mother-child dyad participants. The independent variable was the intervention which consisted of parent training video on dialogic reading, parent handouts, and researcher coaching. The dependent variables were the mother's implementation of dialogic reading strategies and the children's total expressed words during shared book reading. The mother-child dyads, originally from Mexico, lived in settled migrant community in central Florida. The three children regularly attended a local federally funded preschool and received services for speech and/or language. The results indicated that the mothers' implementation of dialogic reading increased after training and coaching and the children's expressed total vocabulary words also increased. Dyad's interests in the selected books, mother responsiveness during shared book reading, and duration of shared book reading may have impacted some of the variability in the results. Furthermore, mothers were unaware of the dialogic reading strategies prior to the intervention and reported positive feedback and a desire to learn more ways to help their children at home. Implications for research and practice include the need for parent education to support caretakers of young children with speech and/or language delays, involvement of parents in the intervention planning process including coaching options, adaptation of intervention to expand upon parent's funds of knowledge, complexity of code-switching and language differences, and greater collaboration between school and home.
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Date Issued
CFE0003961, ucf:48713
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Bisbey, Tiffany, Salas, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Practical drift is defined as the unintentional adaptation of routine behaviors from written procedure. The occurrence of practical drift can result in catastrophic disaster in high-reliability organizations (e.g. the military, emergency medicine, space exploration). Given the lack of empirical research on practical drift, this research sought to develop a better understanding by investigating ways to assess and stop the process in high-reliability organizations. An introductory literature...
Show morePractical drift is defined as the unintentional adaptation of routine behaviors from written procedure. The occurrence of practical drift can result in catastrophic disaster in high-reliability organizations (e.g. the military, emergency medicine, space exploration). Given the lack of empirical research on practical drift, this research sought to develop a better understanding by investigating ways to assess and stop the process in high-reliability organizations. An introductory literature review was conducted to investigate the variables that play a role in the occurrence of practical drift in teams. Research was guided by the input-throughput-output model of team adaptation posed by Burke, Stagl, Salas, Pierce, and Kendall (2006). It demonstrates relationships supported by the results of the literature review and the Burke and colleagues (2006) model denoting potential indicators of practical drift in teams. Research centralized on the core processes and emergent states of the adaptive cycle; namely, shared mental models, team situation awareness, and coordination. The resulting model shows the relationship of procedure—practice coupling demands misfit and maladaptive violations of procedure being mediated by shared mental models, team situation awareness, and coordination. Shared mental models also lead to team situation awareness, and both depict a mutual, positive relationship with coordination. The cycle restarts when an error caused by maladaptive violations of procedure creates a greater misfit between procedural demands and practical demands. This movement toward a theory of practical drift in teams provides a conceptual framework and testable propositions for future research to build from, giving practical avenues to predict and prevent accidents resulting from drift in high-reliability organizations. Suggestions for future research are also discussed, including possible directions to explore. By examining the relationships reflected in the new model, steps can be taken to counteract organizational failures in the process of practical drift in teams.
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Date Issued
CFH0004636, ucf:45300
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Yao, Liangbin, Batarseh, Issa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
With the rapid development of microprocessor and semiconductor technology, industry continues to update the requirements for power supplies. For telecommunication and computing system applications, power supplies require increasing current level while the supply voltage keeps decreasing. For example, the Intel's CPU core voltage decreased from 2 volt in 1999 to 1 volt in 2005 while the supply current increased from 20A in 1999 to up to 100A in 2005. As a result, low-voltage high-current...
Show moreWith the rapid development of microprocessor and semiconductor technology, industry continues to update the requirements for power supplies. For telecommunication and computing system applications, power supplies require increasing current level while the supply voltage keeps decreasing. For example, the Intel's CPU core voltage decreased from 2 volt in 1999 to 1 volt in 2005 while the supply current increased from 20A in 1999 to up to 100A in 2005. As a result, low-voltage high-current high efficiency dc-dc converters with high power-density are demanded for state-of-the-art applications and also the future applications. Half-bridge dc-dc converter with current-doubler rectification is regarded as a good topology that is suitable for high-current low-voltage applications. There are three control schemes for half-bridge dc-dc converters and in order to provide a valid unified analog model for optimal compensator design, the analog state-space modeling and small signal modeling are studied in the dissertation and unified state-space and analog small signal model are derived. In addition, the digital control gains a lot of attentions due to its flexibility and re-programmability. In this dissertation, a unified digital small signal model for half-bridge dc-dc converter with current doubler rectifier is also developed and the digital compensator based on the derived model is implemented and verified by the experiments with the TI DSP chip. In addition, although current doubler rectifier is widely used in industry, the key issue is the current sharing between two inductors. The current imbalance is well studied and solved in non-isolated multi-phase buck converters, yet few discusse this issue in the current doubler rectification topology within academia and industry. This dissertation analyze the current sharing issue in comparison with multi-phase buck and one modified current doubler rectifier topology is proposed to achieve passive current sharing. The performance is evaluated with half bridge dc-dc converter; good current sharing is achieved without additional circuitry. Due to increasing demands for high-efficiency high-power-density low-voltage high current topologies for future applications, the thermal management is challenging. Since the secondary-side conduction loss dominates the overall power loss in low-voltage high-current isolated dc-dc converters, a novel current tripler rectification topology is proposed. Theoretical analysis, comparison and experimental results verify that the proposed rectification technique has good thermal management and well-distributed power dissipation, simplified magnetic design and low copper loss for inductors and transformer. That is due to the fact that the load current is better distributed in three inductors and the rms current in transformer windings is reduced. Another challenge in telecommunication and computing applications is fast transient response of the converter to the increasing slew-rate of load current change. For instance, from Intel's roadmap, it can be observed that the current slew rate of the age regulator has dramatically increased from 25A/uS in 1999 to 400A/us in 2005. One of the solutions to achieve fast transient response is secondary-side control technique to eliminate the delay of optocoupler to increase the system bandwidth. Active-clamp half bridge dc-dc converter with secondary-side control is presented and one industry standard 16th prototype is built and tested; good efficiency and transient response are shown in the experimental section. However, one key issue for implementation of secondary-side control is start-up. A new zero-voltage-switching buck-flyback isolated dc-dc converter with synchronous rectification is proposed, and it is only suitable for start-up circuit for secondary-side controlled converter, but also for house-keeping power supplies and standalone power supplies requiring multi-outputs.
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Date Issued
CFE0001814, ucf:47336
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reasoning about frame properties in object-oriented programs.
Bao, Yuyan, Leavens, Gary, Dechev, Damian, Jha, Sumit Kumar, Cash, Mason, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Framing is important for specification and verification of object-oriented programs.This dissertation develops the local reasoning approach for framing in the presence of data structures with unrestricted sharing and subtyping.It can verify shared data structures specified in a concise way by unifying fine-grained region logic and separation logic. Then the fine-grained region logic is extended to reason about subtyping.First, fine-grained region logic is adapted from region logic to express...
Show moreFraming is important for specification and verification of object-oriented programs.This dissertation develops the local reasoning approach for framing in the presence of data structures with unrestricted sharing and subtyping.It can verify shared data structures specified in a concise way by unifying fine-grained region logic and separation logic. Then the fine-grained region logic is extended to reason about subtyping.First, fine-grained region logic is adapted from region logic to express regions at the granularity of individual fields. Conditional region expressions are introduced; not only does this allow one to specify more precise frame conditions, it also has the ability to express footprints of separation logic assertions.Second, fine-grained region logic is generalized to a new logic called unified fine-grained region logic by allowing the logic to restrict the heap in which a program runs. This feature allows one to express specifications in separation logic.Third, both fine-grained region logic and separation logic can be encoded to unified fine-grained region logic. This result allows the proof system to reason about programs specified in both styles.Finally, fine-grained region logic is extended to reason about a programming language that is similar to Java. To reason about inheritance locally, a frame condition for behavioral subtyping is defined and proved sound.
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Date Issued
CFE0007279, ucf:52195
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Explore Contributing Geometric Factors and Built-Environment on Bicycle Activity and Safety at Intersections.
Castro, Scott, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Cai, Qing, Eluru, Naveen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study attempts to explore all factors associated with bicycle motor-vehicle crashes at intersections in order to improve bicycle safety and bicycle activity. Factors such as exposure (bicycle and vehicle volumes), existing facilities (bike lanes, sidewalks, shared-use paths), geometric design (# of lanes, speed limit, medians, legs, roadway conditions), and land-use were collected and evaluated using Poisson, Zero-Inflated Poisson, and Negative Binomial models in SAS 9.4 software....
Show moreThis study attempts to explore all factors associated with bicycle motor-vehicle crashes at intersections in order to improve bicycle safety and bicycle activity. Factors such as exposure (bicycle and vehicle volumes), existing facilities (bike lanes, sidewalks, shared-use paths), geometric design (# of lanes, speed limit, medians, legs, roadway conditions), and land-use were collected and evaluated using Poisson, Zero-Inflated Poisson, and Negative Binomial models in SAS 9.4 software. Increasing the bicycle travel mode can have positive lasting effects on personal health, the environment, and improve traffic conditions. Deterrents that keep users from riding bicycles more are the lack of facilities and most importantly, safety concerns. Florida has consistently been a national leader in bicyclist deaths, which made this area a great candidate to study. Vehicle and bicycle volumes for 159 intersections in Orlando, Florida were collected and compared with crash data that was obtained. All existing facilities, geometric design properties, and land-uses for each intersection were collected for analysis. The results confirmed that an increase of motor-vehicles and bicyclists would increase the risk of a crash at an intersection. The presence of a keyhole lane (bike lane in-between a through and exclusive right turn lane), was shown to be statistically significant, and although it still had a positive correlation with injury risk, it had a much lower risk of crashes than a typical bike lane at intersections. The presence of a far shared path (more than 4 feet from the edge of curb) was shown to be statistically significant in decreasing the risk of crashes between bicycles and motor-vehicles at intersections. Institutional, agricultural, residential, government, and school land uses had positive correlations and were statistically significant with increasing activity of bicyclists at intersections. This study is unique because it uses actual bicycle volume as an exposure to determine the effects of bicycle safety and activity at intersections and not many others have done this. It is important for transportation planners and designers to use this information to design better complete streets in the future.
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Date Issued
CFE0007318, ucf:52134
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Determinants of Satisfaction and EWOM in Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy: Timeshare Stays Versus Peer-to-Peer Accommodations.
Redditt, Jennifer, Fyall, Alan, Gregory, Amy, Ro, Heejung, Orlowski, Marissa, Altinay, Levent, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Considered a disrupter in the lodging industry, sharing economy accommodations have become an emergent field in hospitality literature. While this literature predominantly addresses peer-to-peer accommodations such as Airbnb, it has not considered timeshares, one of the sharing economy pioneers. However, consumer behavior literature has integrated timeshares into the sharing economy due to the shared resource of accommodations between consumers. This study examined the determinants of...
Show moreConsidered a disrupter in the lodging industry, sharing economy accommodations have become an emergent field in hospitality literature. While this literature predominantly addresses peer-to-peer accommodations such as Airbnb, it has not considered timeshares, one of the sharing economy pioneers. However, consumer behavior literature has integrated timeshares into the sharing economy due to the shared resource of accommodations between consumers. This study examined the determinants of Satisfaction (Amenities, Community Belonging, Economic Benefits, Trust, and Vacation Counselor/Host) for consumers of two different types of sharing economy lodging products, timeshares and peer-to-peer accommodations, and their electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) behavior. Considered a critical travel information source, eWOM has been attributed to affecting purchase decisions in hospitality literature. Current research has revealed a gap in peer-to-peer accommodation studies related to eWOM. This study extended eWOM research by exploring the role of Satisfaction as a mediator between the determinants and eWOM. In addition, accommodation type (timeshare vs. peer-to-peer accommodation) was investigated as a moderator to the relationship between the determinants and Satisfaction, and to the relationship between Satisfaction and eWOM. The study employed the two-step approach of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM). The results indicated that Amenities, Community Belonging, Economic Benefits, Trust, and Vacation Counselor/Host had a positive impact on sharing economy lodging Satisfaction. Amenities, Economic Benefits, and Trust demonstrated an indirect effect on eWOM behavior through sharing economy lodging satisfaction. The model also revealed that Community Belonging had a direct effect on eWOM. Multiple group SEM revealed that accommodation type moderated the effect of Community Belonging's impact on sharing economy lodging Satisfaction, as well as the effect of sharing economy lodging Satisfaction on eWOM behavior. Satisfaction did not mediate any relationships for peer-to-peer accommodations. This study extends eWOM literature and provides competitive advantage insights between two sharing economy accommodation types.
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Date Issued
CFE0007854, ucf:52785
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Hamilton, Christopher, Batarseh, Issa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recent trends in the energy sector have provided opportunities in the research of alternative energy sources and optimization of systems that harness these energy sources. With the rising cost of fossil fuel and rising concern about detrimental effects that fossil fuel consumption has on the environment, electric vehicles are becoming more prevalent. A study put out in 2009 gives a prediction that in the year 2025, 20% of new vehicles will be PHEVs. As energy providers become more concerned...
Show moreRecent trends in the energy sector have provided opportunities in the research of alternative energy sources and optimization of systems that harness these energy sources. With the rising cost of fossil fuel and rising concern about detrimental effects that fossil fuel consumption has on the environment, electric vehicles are becoming more prevalent. A study put out in 2009 gives a prediction that in the year 2025, 20% of new vehicles will be PHEVs. As energy providers become more concerned about a growing population and diminishing energy source, they are looking into alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power. Much of this is done on a large scale with vast amounts of land used for solar or wind farms to provide energy to the grid. However, as population grows, requirements of the physical components of a power transmission system will become more demanding and the need for remote micro-grids will become more prevalent. Micro-grids are essentially smaller subsystems of a distribution system that provide power to a confined group of loads, or households. Using the idea of micro grid technology, a solar charging station can be used as a source to provide energy for the immediate surroundings, or also to electric vehicles that are demanding energy from the panels. Solar charging stations are becoming very popular, however the need for improvement and optimization of these systems is needed. This thesis will present a method for redesigning the overall architecture of the controls and power electronics of typical carports so that efficiency, reliability and modularity are achieved. Specifically, a typical carport, as seen commonly today, has been built on the University of Central Florida campus in Orlando. This carport was designed in such a way that shifting from conventional charging methods is made easy while preserving the fundamental requirements of a practical solar carport.
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Date Issued
CFE0003490, ucf:48954
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Allen, Colleen, Dixon, Juli, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The purpose of this action research study was to investigate the affects of teaching through a situative perspective with story problems on students' understanding of fraction concepts and operations in my fifth-grade mathematics classroom. Students participated in twelve weeks of instruction. Data was collected in the form of pre and post tests, audiotaped and videotaped recordings of instructional sessions, and student work samples. Data analysis revealed that my students...
Show moreABSTRACT The purpose of this action research study was to investigate the affects of teaching through a situative perspective with story problems on students' understanding of fraction concepts and operations in my fifth-grade mathematics classroom. Students participated in twelve weeks of instruction. Data was collected in the form of pre and post tests, audiotaped and videotaped recordings of instructional sessions, and student work samples. Data analysis revealed that my students constructed their own knowledge about various fraction concepts and operations because students engaged in discussions, after solving story problems, that developed, extended and restructured their knowledge. One example of this occurred after students had solved an equal-sharing problem. Two students came up with different answers and another student explained why both answers were equivalent. Student work samples and post test results indicated that the one student's explanation was understood, adopted and extended by all the students in my class. The data also revealed that students' pictures typically represented the context and action of the story problems. For example, subtraction problems dealing with length were usually represented by number lines or horizontal rectangles with crossed-out markings to show the subtraction operation. Throughout this research study, I discovered that my students were capable of learning from each other and solving problems for which they have no preconceived algorithm. I also learned that analyzing students' work and listening to their discussions in ways that focused on their thinking, not their answers, provided me with information about what my students were grasping and not grasping.
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Date Issued
CFE0000538, ucf:46423
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