Current Search: musicals (x)
Bartel, Kendra, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of the current study was to observe how music affects the mood of those who suffer from anxiety and depression and those who do not. While previous research has examined this many of the previous studies have induced either physical pain or mood in participants in order to measure the impact of music. The current study, however, intends to examine how music affects mood without attempting to induce mood in participants. Six-hundred and seventy college students were given a...
Show moreThe purpose of the current study was to observe how music affects the mood of those who suffer from anxiety and depression and those who do not. While previous research has examined this many of the previous studies have induced either physical pain or mood in participants in order to measure the impact of music. The current study, however, intends to examine how music affects mood without attempting to induce mood in participants. Six-hundred and seventy college students were given a questionnaire containing an anxiety questionnaire, depression scale, demographic questionnaire, and music listening questionnaire. Intercorrelations, ANOVAS, as well as linear regressions were performed on the data and results for the study were significant in that music was found to impact participant's anxiety and depression. Results of the current study indicate that participants' preference for alternative music and soundtracks/showtunes impacted their level of depression and anxiety.
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Date Issued
CFH0004328, ucf:45048
Document (PDF)
Clark, Alan, Thornton, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
For a year and a spring semester, I have been in the works of a school music project. I set out to make a record of ten self-penned songs. Along the length of the project, I would discover musicians and recording artists. I notated my songs on a staff and recorded demos to assist players of drums, electric bass, French horn, and violin. I play guitar, percussion, synthesized instruments, and do all of the singing on Brown Study, the record's title. The technology used to create the songs...
Show moreFor a year and a spring semester, I have been in the works of a school music project. I set out to make a record of ten self-penned songs. Along the length of the project, I would discover musicians and recording artists. I notated my songs on a staff and recorded demos to assist players of drums, electric bass, French horn, and violin. I play guitar, percussion, synthesized instruments, and do all of the singing on Brown Study, the record's title. The technology used to create the songs include a Tascam 2488 (home digital recording device), computers, printers, cell phones and i-phones, amplifiers, microphones and headphones, and a drum machine. This is my first attempt at collaborating with other musicians. At the defense I will be presenting 4 songs: "Runaway," "Lonely Heart," "Topsy Turvy," and "Friendliest Advice." Each song has a particular history and story to tell containing influences and aesthetic philosophies. My gift is to be shared with whoever will listen upon completing and distributing the full-length album.
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Date Issued
CFH0004274, ucf:44961
Document (PDF)
Baby Bird (&) the Electronic Abyss.
Senior, Alexis, Bartkevicius, Jocelyn, Thaxton, Terry, Roney, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
What is a real life? A well-lived life? And how do we define either? Baby Bird (&) the Electronic Abyss is a collection of personal essays that questions and explores escapism and existentialism as experienced at music festivals and campsites around the United States. Within this collection, festivals are illustrated as more than just spectacular stages and bright lights(-)they're depicted as fascinating, budding utopias that encourage creativity, generosity, and positivity from attendees who...
Show moreWhat is a real life? A well-lived life? And how do we define either? Baby Bird (&) the Electronic Abyss is a collection of personal essays that questions and explores escapism and existentialism as experienced at music festivals and campsites around the United States. Within this collection, festivals are illustrated as more than just spectacular stages and bright lights(-)they're depicted as fascinating, budding utopias that encourage creativity, generosity, and positivity from attendees who abandon inhibitions, and oftentimes logic, in the name of fleeting freedom from the routine of their (")real(") lives. The narrator strives to live a fulfilled life(-)what many might call a well-lived life, if not a privileged life(-)but she struggles to identify her life as meaningful as she works to disentangle the falsities of her (")real(") life as typically defined by society, a corporate, desk life in between festivals, and her electric life, an actualized but less publicly-accepted life at festivals. She repeatedly contemplates her relationship with art, and whether or not art offers a sort of immortality to those who pursue it. As a festival-goer, she finds that the art of music takes her away from her own art, writing, but her writing is about the festivals, so a love/hate relationship grows with the festivals over time. Many of these essays, such as (")In a Tent, a Home,(") (")Rebecca,(") (")We Left Town,(") and (")I Don't Wanna Wear No Shoes,(") ruminate on how dislocation and travel can be fulfilling occasions for further ontological inquiry. Other essays, including (")They Call Me Baby Bird,(") (")Monterey, Babe,(") and (")When the Fire Dancers Come Alive at Night,(") focus on music and entertainment, and a kind of resulting debauchery that compels the narrator to reflect on her moral incontinence, inability to identify reality, and jaded self-appraisal.
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Date Issued
CFE0006501, ucf:51397
Document (PDF)
Don't Let the World Rot: Anarchism, Hardcore, and Counterculture.
Bolt, Pearson, Grajeda, Anthony, Beck, Christian, Meehan, Kevin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Hardcore music is intrinsically anarchistic. The hardcore music scene represents a radical departure from contemporary society. Rejecting the materialism, militarism, and hedonism of the mainstream music scene(-)and, by extension, modern culture(-)hardcore music presents an alternative lifestyle rooted in solidarity, equality, and liberty. Indeed, the culture of the hardcore scene approaches a transitive, nomadic model of an anarchistic commune built on resistance as a way of life. In this...
Show moreHardcore music is intrinsically anarchistic. The hardcore music scene represents a radical departure from contemporary society. Rejecting the materialism, militarism, and hedonism of the mainstream music scene(-)and, by extension, modern culture(-)hardcore music presents an alternative lifestyle rooted in solidarity, equality, and liberty. Indeed, the culture of the hardcore scene approaches a transitive, nomadic model of an anarchistic commune built on resistance as a way of life. In this study, I identified the ways music and lyrics craft attitudes and environments for revolt and rebellion, cultivating critical thinking and disobedience in equal measures. In order to understand the hardcore community, I conducted interviews, studied political theory, analyzed the lyrics of hardcore bands, and synthesized the data to draw connections between major thematic elements of this community. I've found that hardcore music has created a countercultural ethos that subverts and defies political apathy and instigates direct action in order to revolutionize the political process and erect spaces of anarchic solidarity.
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Date Issued
CFE0006267, ucf:51042
Document (PDF)
Can One Hear...? An Exploration Into Inverse Eigenvalue Problems Related to Musical Instruments.
Adams, Christine, Nashed, M, Mohapatra, Ram, Kaup, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The central theme of this thesis deals with problems related to the question, (")Can one hear the shape of a drum?(") first posed formally by Mark Kac in 1966. More precisely, can one determine the shape of a membrane with fixed boundary from the spectrum of the associated differential operator? For this paper, Kac received both the Lester Ford Award and the Chauvant Prize of the Mathematical Association of America. This problem has received a great deal of attention in the past forty years...
Show moreThe central theme of this thesis deals with problems related to the question, (")Can one hear the shape of a drum?(") first posed formally by Mark Kac in 1966. More precisely, can one determine the shape of a membrane with fixed boundary from the spectrum of the associated differential operator? For this paper, Kac received both the Lester Ford Award and the Chauvant Prize of the Mathematical Association of America. This problem has received a great deal of attention in the past forty years and has led to similar questions in completely different contexts such as (")Can one hear the shape of a graph associated with the Schr(&)#246;dinger operator?("), (")Can you hear the shape of your throat?("), (")Can you feel the shape of a manifold with Brownian motion?("), (")Can one hear the crack in a beam?("), (")Can one hear into the sun?("), etc. Each of these topics deals with inverse eigenvalue problems or related inverse problems. For inverse problems in general, the problem may or may not have a solution, the solution may not be unique, and the solution does not necessarily depend continuously on perturbation of the data. For example, in the case of the drum, it has been shown that the answer to Kac's question in general is (")no.(") However, if we restrict the class of drums, then the answer can be yes. This is typical of inverse problems when a priori information and restriction of the class of admissible solutions and/or data are used to make the problem well-posed. This thesis provides an analysis of shapes for which the answer to Kac's question is positive and a variety of interesting questions on this problem and its variants, including cases that remain open. This thesis also provides a synopsis and perspectives of other types of (")can one hear(") problems mentioned above. Another part of this thesis deals with aspects of direct problems related to musical instruments.
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Date Issued
CFE0004643, ucf:49886
Document (PDF)
Romantic Ideals in Contemporary Folk Music.
Schwartz, Brett, Murphy, Patrick, Kamrath, Mark, Meehan, Kevin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis examines contemporary folk music from no earlier than 2006, specifically music of the bands The Decemberists, Fleet Foxes, and Bon Iver. Providing a close reading of select songs, I prove that modern music is seeing a revival in the Romantic Era and Transcendentalist ideals and philosophy. The works and philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), John Keats (1795-1821), as well as Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803...
Show moreThis thesis examines contemporary folk music from no earlier than 2006, specifically music of the bands The Decemberists, Fleet Foxes, and Bon Iver. Providing a close reading of select songs, I prove that modern music is seeing a revival in the Romantic Era and Transcendentalist ideals and philosophy. The works and philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), John Keats (1795-1821), as well as Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), among others and their critics are all considered for points of comparison to the modern lyrics. The reason for this revival is considered in the conclusion chapter in terms of why there is a reaction against the technology driven culture in favor of one that romanticizes the thoughts and ideas of the Romantic era writers, their emphasis on nature, emotion, and the imagination which opposed the logic, reason, and technology of the industrial revolution, just as today there is a reaction to the alienation caused by technology.
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Date Issued
CFE0005708, ucf:50147
Document (PDF)
Stringer, Omari, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Music fits in a larger media culture that can influence the thoughts and beliefs of many people. Specifically, there is an interest in the relationship between music and any influences it may have on political views or orientations. Based on the existing literature, it is hypothesized that there will be a significant correlation between political orientations and involvement in music and political orientations with music genre preferences. It is also hypothesized that there will be a...
Show moreMusic fits in a larger media culture that can influence the thoughts and beliefs of many people. Specifically, there is an interest in the relationship between music and any influences it may have on political views or orientations. Based on the existing literature, it is hypothesized that there will be a significant correlation between political orientations and involvement in music and political orientations with music genre preferences. It is also hypothesized that there will be a relationship between socioeconomic status and music preferences. Furthermore, it is expected that participants will report a high level of music involvement, considering how accessible music is to many students (Agbo-Quaye & Robertson, 2010; RIAA, 2016). Results indicate that there is a correlation between political orientation and several genres, in addition to demographic variables. Participants reported a high level of music involvement and high usage of music streaming services. Additional analysis indicates that two of the top five genres participants listened to (alternative and religious music) can be a significant predictor of political orientation.
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Date Issued
CFH2000159, ucf:53149
Document (PDF)
Scholl, Brittany M, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Reports on sexual activity among U.S. adolescents have shown a rise in their seriousness (Martino, Collins, Elliott, Strachman, Kanouse, & Berry, 2006). Such young sexual initiation is seen as a predictor of overall riskier sexual behavior such as having a multitude of sexual partners, not using any protective birth control and taking part in unwanted sex (Brown, L'Engle, Pardun, Guo, Kenneavy, & Jackson, 2006; Martino et at., 2006; Parkes, Wight, Hunt, Henderson, & Sargent, 2013; Price &...
Show moreReports on sexual activity among U.S. adolescents have shown a rise in their seriousness (Martino, Collins, Elliott, Strachman, Kanouse, & Berry, 2006). Such young sexual initiation is seen as a predictor of overall riskier sexual behavior such as having a multitude of sexual partners, not using any protective birth control and taking part in unwanted sex (Brown, L'Engle, Pardun, Guo, Kenneavy, & Jackson, 2006; Martino et at., 2006; Parkes, Wight, Hunt, Henderson, & Sargent, 2013; Price & Hyde, 2009; Primack, Douglas, Fine, & Dalton, 2009; Steinberg & Monahan, 2010). It is apparent that such riskier sexual behaviors result in higher rates of STI's and unwanted pregnancies (Brown et al., 2006; Parkes et al., 2013; Price & Hyde, 2009; Primack et al., 2009; Martino et al., 2006; Steinberg & Monahan, 2010). In September 2007, the United States Congress held a hearing on the gravity of sexual music content and their relationship to risky sexual behavior (Kistler & Lee, 2009). Recognition has also been found through studies, including some self-reported, concluding that young populations seek out entertainment media to facilitate as a tool of insight into personal development in the areas of sexual norms, and as a means of reference in establishing their own identities (Brown et al., 2006; Coyne et al., 2013; Coyne & Padilla-Walker, 2015; Primack et al., 2009). Music has been suggested to have the largest personality developing influence when compared to other media forms (Primack et al., 2009). Being that adolescence is the time of accepting or rejecting normalizations, including those distorted, (Turner, 2011) it remains a subject group that provides great value to this study. An organized computer search was directed with the assistance of MedLine, PsycINFO, Communications, and Mass Media in April and May 2017 in search of relevant articles. From here strategic elimination of those without inclusion criteria were made. The remaining data was coded and assessed through the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software program. Although, suitable to both random and fixed effect models, only random models were reported in accordance to Hunter and Schmidt's (2005) argument on population variation. Positive effects signified associations with music in the form of lyrics or video and that to sexual behaviors. All studies presented said positive relationship in support of the music as sexual behavior indicator perspective. Generally, music is not something people are thinking critically about (Burgess & Burpo, 2012) bringing light to the closer but still not reached need in media literacy education. This is essential as it is not realistic to expect media to stop selling sex, therefore the responsibility for change lies in those who can use this knowledge to promote its awareness and ultimately help our youth become better prepared for making healthy, responsible deductions out of the sexually clad music we all enjoy. It is true that the wheels are already in motion (Wright et al., 2016; Wright, Dillman Carpentier, Hopper, & Warburton, 2017); the goal of this study was to keep up its momentum to continue propelling the movement forward.
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Date Issued
CFH2000308, ucf:45764
Document (PDF)
Mendez Campos, Barbara, Gammonley, Denise, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Although use of personal music devices by persons with dementia and their caregivers is now widespread, there is limited literature concerning music and memory's effects on caregivers for persons with dementia. Caregivers were provided an iPod by two respite agencies and were encouraged to use it with their care recipient. A mailed survey of 50 caregivers who received an IPod explored: (a) associations between use of an iPod and caregiver self-efficacy, burden, and care recipient functional...
Show moreAlthough use of personal music devices by persons with dementia and their caregivers is now widespread, there is limited literature concerning music and memory's effects on caregivers for persons with dementia. Caregivers were provided an iPod by two respite agencies and were encouraged to use it with their care recipient. A mailed survey of 50 caregivers who received an IPod explored: (a) associations between use of an iPod and caregiver self-efficacy, burden, and care recipient functional abilities, and; (b) if the method of presenting the music playlist was associated with use of the iPod. Associations were examined for 10 complete surveys returned by caregiver respondents using non-parametric methods. There was no relationship between self-efficacy, burden, functional abilities and use of the iPod. A content analysis was conducted of caregiver open-ended responses to questions about factors associated with use of the device. Mean caregiver age in this study was 75 years of age, care recipient mean was 79 years of age. On average caregivers used the IPods 2-3 times per month. Scores on caregiver burden measured by the 12-item Zarit Burden Interview had a mean of 12.5 which suggests a moderate level of burden. Emergent themes from caregiver open-ended responses about using the device revealed care recipients as primary users, use mostly in the evening, and in response to caregiving tasks or difficult care recipient behaviors. Keywords: Music and memory, dementia caregiver burden, self-efficacy
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Date Issued
CFH2000181, ucf:46046
Document (PDF)
Phillips, Neal, Taylor, Rosemarye, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examined the possible relationships among the perceived implementation levels of elementary music standards and Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) scores for fourth graders in reading, mathematics, and writing for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006. Survey data for the study were obtained from 32 school district music supervisors from large, medium, and small districts who returned fully or partially completed questionnaires. The study was focused on the relationships, if any...
Show moreThis study examined the possible relationships among the perceived implementation levels of elementary music standards and Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) scores for fourth graders in reading, mathematics, and writing for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006. Survey data for the study were obtained from 32 school district music supervisors from large, medium, and small districts who returned fully or partially completed questionnaires. The study was focused on the relationships, if any, between a school district's mean scale scores in reading, mathematics, and writing from 2004 to 2006 in grade 4 and (a) elementary music standards implementation, (b) the average amount of time spent in elementary school music classes per week, (c) demographic and economic factors, and (d) the reported average amount of time spent in elementary school music classes per week. Findings of the study indicated that, when all variables were considered, a relationship existed among district music supervisors' views on two variables, degree of music standards implementation and the amount of time allotted per month for elementary music in respondents' school districts in 2004, 2005, and 2006; and (a) the percentage of students achieving at proficient or higher on FCAT reading who were also identified as free and reduced lunch in 2004, 2005, and 2006, (b) the percentage of students achieving at proficient or higher on FCAT mathematics who were also identified as free and reduced lunch in 2004, 2005, and 2006, and (c) the percentage of students achieving at proficient or higher on FCAT writing who were also identified as Hispanic in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Finally, implications for educational decision making were offered and recommendations were made for future studies dealing with elementary music standards implementation in Florida's schools. These recommendations included (a) investigating reasons for achievement gaps on FCAT between majority and minority ethnic groups and between minorities themselves, (b) exploring socio-economic factors affecting FCAT scores, (c) continuing research giving special attention to brain research involving music and its impact on the brain, (d) determining why high-stakes testing is necessary, and (e) devising controlled studies both in Florida and nationwide that would compare the elementary students receiving consistent and varied teaching in music with those students not receiving consistent musical instruction. Controlled and experimental group studies of pre-schoolers should be conducted to determine the extent to which the use of musical rhythms impacts the rate of language acquisition.
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Date Issued
CFE0002063, ucf:47566
Document (PDF)
Smith, Doranna, Jennings-Towle, Kelly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The intent of this thesis is to capitalize the effects of using music as a tool in tandem with English language arts in order for students to improve their ELA skills. Songs are already flooding the Internet and social media; such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vine, echoing in the background of television broadcasts and commercials, and blasting across radio stations and in public areas like restaurants and malls, classroom lessons tied to current songs, are more apt to resonate with...
Show moreThe intent of this thesis is to capitalize the effects of using music as a tool in tandem with English language arts in order for students to improve their ELA skills. Songs are already flooding the Internet and social media; such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Vine, echoing in the background of television broadcasts and commercials, and blasting across radio stations and in public areas like restaurants and malls, classroom lessons tied to current songs, are more apt to resonate with students in this era. In lieu of subconsciously humming a song by popular artist such as Beyonce, Kanye West, and Taylor Swift, students could accomplish more in a classroom environment while using music as a tool. This includes using music as a tool for learning through reading, as well as teaching writing processes through song.
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Date Issued
CFH2000171, ucf:45993
Document (PDF)
Downs, Olivia, Kent-Walsh, Jennifer, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The ability to communicate is essential for children with developing language systems, and ultimately to being successful academically and eventually vocationally. In a world where communication is vital, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at a disadvantage and require additional options to express themselves; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies have presented promising options for helping these children communicate. One technology option that has...
Show moreThe ability to communicate is essential for children with developing language systems, and ultimately to being successful academically and eventually vocationally. In a world where communication is vital, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at a disadvantage and require additional options to express themselves; augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies have presented promising options for helping these children communicate. One technology option that has proven to be of particular interest to families of children with ASD involves the use AAC iPad apps. Research has been conducted in AAC, ASD, and music, but there is limited research to date, which integrates these three areas. This investigation was designed to address the lack of evidence-based AAC app interventions specifically designed to meet the communication needs of children with ASD. This pilot study will serve to further the evidence available to date indicating that SpeakAll! can be effectively implementing in 1:1 interventions using food reinforcers. This intervention adapts the SpeakAll! intervention protocol in a classroom setting with natural music activities to aid in functional communication.
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Date Issued
CFH0004807, ucf:45443
Document (PDF)
Nowotny, Nicole, Wright, Chrysalis L., University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the sexual content found in music lyrics of different genres and their relationship to specific sexual cognitions. The study included 902 participants, both male and female, belonging to various ethnic backgrounds, ages 18 and up. It was hypothesized that listening to music containing frequent sexual lyrics will have an affect on men and women�s sexual cognitive beliefs. Results indicated that there was a relationship between frequency of sexually...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the sexual content found in music lyrics of different genres and their relationship to specific sexual cognitions. The study included 902 participants, both male and female, belonging to various ethnic backgrounds, ages 18 and up. It was hypothesized that listening to music containing frequent sexual lyrics will have an affect on men and women�s sexual cognitive beliefs. Results indicated that there was a relationship between frequency of sexually explicit lyrics and views on sexual cognitions. The breakdown by genre shows a more detailed relationship between the lyrics and sexual cognitions. Overall, the results supported the notion that frequent exposure to sexually explicit lyrics has a significant relationship to sexual cognitions.
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Date Issued
CFH2000009, ucf:45603
Document (PDF)
Angel, Samantha, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Archaeologists have pored over countless texts of the ancient civilizations, attempting to piece together bygone worlds. However, relatively little work has been done to reconstruct the musical history of these societies, and even less on why their musical histories are important. This paper aims at a synthesis between the ancient Egyptian and classical Greek archaeological records to analyze the importance of music in Paleolithic human cognitive development. Countless musical instruments...
Show moreArchaeologists have pored over countless texts of the ancient civilizations, attempting to piece together bygone worlds. However, relatively little work has been done to reconstruct the musical history of these societies, and even less on why their musical histories are important. This paper aims at a synthesis between the ancient Egyptian and classical Greek archaeological records to analyze the importance of music in Paleolithic human cognitive development. Countless musical instruments have been discovered globally, ranging from pre-Columbian bone flutes in Oaxaca, Mexico to ancient trumpets in Egyptian burials (Barber et al 2009). Apart from their place in a museum, minimal work has been done to ascertain their importance to human society as a whole. This thesis attempts to display the crucial need for more research in this field. The recent decline in support for arts education in favor of 'hard sciences' and mathematics is deeply disturbing; the history of humanity should be important not only to anthropologists and historians, but to members of all disciplines. This lack of interest in 'soft sciences' and the arts may lead to a complete loss of ancient musical history; a loss that would be devastating to history, anthropology and the worlds. The contents of this paper portray both the ancient importance of music, and how it contributed to increased cognitive faculties during hominid development.
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Date Issued
CFH0004182, ucf:44853
Document (PDF)
Halperin, Marin, Goodman, Constance, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music." -Albert Einstein In the spirit of recent legislation, educational leaders are in search of ways to ensure a quality education for all students in America, vowing to leave no child behind. Unfortunate-ly, most of the rhetoric surrounding quality in education fails to acknowledge the impact of the arts in...
Show more"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music." -Albert Einstein In the spirit of recent legislation, educational leaders are in search of ways to ensure a quality education for all students in America, vowing to leave no child behind. Unfortunate-ly, most of the rhetoric surrounding quality in education fails to acknowledge the impact of the arts in standards-based reform initiatives. In fact, some school districts have discussed cutting the arts entirely from the curriculum. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to ex-amine the impact of music education on high school students' achievement in mathematics, and (2) to examine the relationship between schools with music programs and their gradua-tion rates, (3) to explore the personal impact of music participation through auto-ethnographic study. The results of this study revealed that participation in a music program can have a positive impact on mathematics retention of high school students. This study revealed information about the need for student participation in order to make a clear determination. However, the auto-ethnography shows a clear example of the impact music can have on student academic success.
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Date Issued
CFH0004111, ucf:44869
Document (PDF)
Brandt, Jessica, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between music and the sexualization of women. The study focused on 450 participants, both male and female, belonging to various ethnic backgrounds, ages 18 and up. It was hypothesized that a participant's exposure to sexually suggestive music would impact their views of women. Specifically, exposure to sexual explicit or suggestive music would relate to more sexist views towards women. Results indicated that there were relationships...
Show moreThe purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between music and the sexualization of women. The study focused on 450 participants, both male and female, belonging to various ethnic backgrounds, ages 18 and up. It was hypothesized that a participant's exposure to sexually suggestive music would impact their views of women. Specifically, exposure to sexual explicit or suggestive music would relate to more sexist views towards women. Results indicated that there were relationships between music and the sexualization of women. The breakdown of each genre of music and the different measures proved to be surprising, as some genres had a very strong correlation, while others had none at all. Overall, the results supported the idea that media, specifically music, does certainly have an impact on listeners and viewers. This supports most previous research, and disproves the very few studies that suggest otherwise.
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Date Issued
CFH0004539, ucf:45218
Document (PDF)
From Frances Elliott Clark to Today's Higher Education Music Educators: An Exploration of the Perceptions and Usage of Digital Audio via Electronic Reserves and Digital Databases.
LoPresti, Kathleen, Gunter, Glenda, Hopp, Carolyn, Hartshorne, Richard, Palmer, Mary, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Currently, there is a lack of research on the use of digital audio from the perspective of music educators in higher education. Researchers [for example: James Mason and Jared Wiercinski (2009), Jean E. Ferguson (2004), Richard Griscom (2003), Scott R. Phinney (2005) and Kathryn Sullivan, John J. Stafford, and Cindy Badilla-Melendez (2004)] have, however, studied streaming audio in relation to university students and libraries. Knowing the perceptions of instructors is important, because...
Show moreCurrently, there is a lack of research on the use of digital audio from the perspective of music educators in higher education. Researchers [for example: James Mason and Jared Wiercinski (2009), Jean E. Ferguson (2004), Richard Griscom (2003), Scott R. Phinney (2005) and Kathryn Sullivan, John J. Stafford, and Cindy Badilla-Melendez (2004)] have, however, studied streaming audio in relation to university students and libraries. Knowing the perceptions of instructors is important, because according to Oblinger (&) Oblinger (2005), they may not have the same perceptions as the students. Additionally, Moseley (2010) recommended further qualitative studies concerning the perceptions of faculty regarding technology utilization to allow more in-depth information to be discovered on the topic.The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to analyze music educators' perceptions and usage of the use of digital audio (e-reserves and streamed databases) in higher education. This research explained how and why these educators utilize (or do not utilize) streaming audio via e-reserves and databases. The research questions used for this study were: (a) How is streaming audio (-) in the form of e-reserves and subscription-based databases (Naxos and Classical Music Library (-) being utilized by college/university level educators at the two studied institutions?; (b) What are the perceptions of the participating music department faculty members on the subject of streaming audio?; and (c) What factors, regarding the use of streaming audio, are considered by the participating instructors to be important? Results of this research revealed participant instructors did utilize digital audio recordings, but not all of the instructors utilized streaming audio. The results of this study also revealed possible reasons for the lack of use of available streaming audio resources.
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Date Issued
CFE0005522, ucf:50302
Document (PDF)
Cline, Abigail, Chicurel-Stein, Steven, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Artistry, particularly musical, is subjective and success in artistry can be achieved by more than one route. I consider myself an autodidactic musician by the musical and compositional achievements I have made without formal music training. I chose to research the compositional traits of other autodidacts to see their successes and challenges with their knowledge. George Gershwin, Danny Elfman, and John Bucchino come from a different background, a different time period in music, and each...
Show moreArtistry, particularly musical, is subjective and success in artistry can be achieved by more than one route. I consider myself an autodidactic musician by the musical and compositional achievements I have made without formal music training. I chose to research the compositional traits of other autodidacts to see their successes and challenges with their knowledge. George Gershwin, Danny Elfman, and John Bucchino come from a different background, a different time period in music, and each comes from a different stylistic genre. This research describes each of these composers' influences, approach to composing, and any advantages or disadvantages they have faced because of their lack of formal music and music theory training. I wanted to know what skills and instincts composers possess. As part of my study, I composed a song cycle of 10 original musical theatre-style pieces. Notating the sheet music for the songs was a large portion of the project. During the process, I recognized my level of music theory, patterns and habits in my writing, and engaged in the process of making my music accessible.
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Date Issued
CFH0004883, ucf:45426
Document (PDF)
Women in White: my journey into color.
Tarbox, Madison, Ingram, Kate, Boyd, Belinda, Brown, James, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In many religious circles white is a symbol for purity, cleanliness, and perfection. However, white is also synonymous with empty, blank, and colorless. Women in White: My journey into color is a project centralized around a personal study of the cultural pressures of (")perfection(") presented both in religious cultures and in the every-day life of a performer. Utilizing the catalyst of a cabaret-style performance, Women in White explores the struggles of nine different female characters in...
Show moreIn many religious circles white is a symbol for purity, cleanliness, and perfection. However, white is also synonymous with empty, blank, and colorless. Women in White: My journey into color is a project centralized around a personal study of the cultural pressures of (")perfection(") presented both in religious cultures and in the every-day life of a performer. Utilizing the catalyst of a cabaret-style performance, Women in White explores the struggles of nine different female characters in the musical theatre cannon and aims to draw a personal connection from their journey. Inspired by the wise words of my own mother, this thesis celebrates the color present in our lives.
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Date Issued
CFE0006959, ucf:51656
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A Study on the Influence of Perceptual Distortion in the Scoring of Musical Performances by Florida Bandmasters Association Adjudicators.
Donato, Raymond, Murray, Kenneth, Murray, Barbara, Doherty, Walter, Everett, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explored adjudicator reliability in scores assessed at the Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) Music Performance Assessment. It investigated how adjudicators under conflicting sets of circumstances interpreted the criteria and rated musical performances. A sample of five concert band audio recordings from the FBA resource library were chosen and a sample of participants were selected to score the recordings using the criteria currently in use by the Florida Bandmasters...
Show moreThis study explored adjudicator reliability in scores assessed at the Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) Music Performance Assessment. It investigated how adjudicators under conflicting sets of circumstances interpreted the criteria and rated musical performances. A sample of five concert band audio recordings from the FBA resource library were chosen and a sample of participants were selected to score the recordings using the criteria currently in use by the Florida Bandmasters Association. These participants were chosen from Certified FBA concert band adjudicators, FBA members who are not certified concert band adjudicators and out of state judges who are certified though other judges association. Differences between groups were examined. In addition, data were collected on the participants' ranking of the musical criteria from the FBA concert band assessment instrument.From analysis of the data, it was reasonable to conclude that there is a significant difference in scoring of musical performances between face-to-face adjudicators who evaluated a live performance, and blind adjudicators who evaluated the same performance via a recorded audio only presentation. This study may provide valuable information that could lead to better development of a fair and balanced rating system.
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Date Issued
CFE0006099, ucf:51208
Document (PDF)