Current Search: religion (x)
STANLEY, DORIS, GAY, DAVID, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This research addresses the relationship between sexual activity and religion. In particular, the analysis focuses on the impact of religious affiliation, religious public participation and subjective religiosity on the frequency of sexual activity. Religious categories are operationalized as conservative Protestants, moderate Protestants, liberal Protestants, black Protestants, Catholics, Jews, non-affiliates, no religious preference, and other Protestants. The results of the analysis...
Show moreThis research addresses the relationship between sexual activity and religion. In particular, the analysis focuses on the impact of religious affiliation, religious public participation and subjective religiosity on the frequency of sexual activity. Religious categories are operationalized as conservative Protestants, moderate Protestants, liberal Protestants, black Protestants, Catholics, Jews, non-affiliates, no religious preference, and other Protestants. The results of the analysis indicate that conservative Protestants and black Protestants are more sexually active than other religious categories. Attendance at religious services has a negative effect on the frequency of sexual activity. Subjective religiosity is not related to sexual frequency. Conclusions and directions for future research are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003962, ucf:48684
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Tillesen, Brian, Zorn, Elayne, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis examines issues of cultural identity and modernity, and the anthropology of spirituality and sacred sites by conducting ethnographic research on fairy beliefs in contemporary Ireland. Irish folk belief has traditionally identified a spirit world intertwined with our own which is inhabited by spirits, often collectively referred to as fairies. Belief in these spirits was once widespread. My research sought to determine the prevalence of these traditional beliefs among modern Irish...
Show moreThis thesis examines issues of cultural identity and modernity, and the anthropology of spirituality and sacred sites by conducting ethnographic research on fairy beliefs in contemporary Ireland. Irish folk belief has traditionally identified a spirit world intertwined with our own which is inhabited by spirits, often collectively referred to as fairies. Belief in these spirits was once widespread. My research sought to determine the prevalence of these traditional beliefs among modern Irish people within my research area, as well as differences in belief across variables including age, gender, and religious preference. I conducted eight weeks of ethnographic fieldwork during June-August 2008 in and around Sligo Town in County Sligo, Ireland. I selected County Sligo as a research site because it is a sparsely populated, largely rural area, identified in an earlier major study of Irish folklore as a region where belief in the Irish spirit world persisted more strongly than in other parts of the country. My primary research methodology was to conduct structured and unstructured interviews, complemented by visual site surveys. In the preparation of this thesis I utilized data from 52 Sligo residents plus ten other visitors to the area from surrounding Irish counties. While my research suggests that few Sligo residents from the project area continue to believe in the literal existence of fairies, it also shows a much more common belief in a ÃÂ"powerÃÂ" associated with sites identified as ÃÂ"fairy forts,ÃÂ" which are natural features of the landscape or the remains of ancient burials or dwellings apocryphally endowed by folk tradition with supernatural or mysterious energies. These beliefs led to a taboo against intruding on, altering, or destroying these ÃÂ"fortsÃÂ" that is still very much alive today. Additionally I was able to discuss at length the subject of the Irish death-herald spirit called the banshee (bean sidhe)ì with several study participants. Although it can be classified under the umbrella label of ÃÂ"fairyÃÂ", my research indicates that the banshee is seen as a stand-apart element of Irish tradition by research area residents, and is believed in by those who do not otherwise profess a belief in ÃÂ"fairiesÃÂ" in general.
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Date Issued
CFE0003185, ucf:48610
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Hunter, Darryl B, DiBernardo, Sabatino, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Within the past three decades, Star Wars has become nothing short of a household name. The millions of dollars gained from the films and various products, as well as the enjoyment and enthusiasm generated among fans, shows that Star Wars' value and significance in the realm of entertainment is substantial. In addition to this value, there are also many religious and mythological elements that are embedded within each of the movies. However, these elements do not carry the same prominence or...
Show moreWithin the past three decades, Star Wars has become nothing short of a household name. The millions of dollars gained from the films and various products, as well as the enjoyment and enthusiasm generated among fans, shows that Star Wars' value and significance in the realm of entertainment is substantial. In addition to this value, there are also many religious and mythological elements that are embedded within each of the movies. However, these elements do not carry the same prominence or interest that the plotline has with the audience. In an interview, Lucas stated that it was not his intent to use Star Wars to create a new religion or ideology. Nevertheless, the movie series has raised questions regarding its ability to attain such a devoted following. Consequently, the thesis will look into the dynamic between authorial intent and reader response. In addition, this thesis will investigate the religious themes and mythological elements of the Star Wars series and use this analysis to corroborate the position that Star Wars both resembles traditional religion and functions as religion for the fans. This thesis will analyze the religious elements and myths that are embedded in the general story, as well as those that are unique to the individual movies, by highlighting a family resemblance/functionalist approach to religion that focuses on not only the resemblances to traditional religion but also the religious effects that Star Wars has on its fans and society; namely, moral issues and the sense of meaning and belonging it inculcates among the fan base.
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Date Issued
CFH2000168, ucf:46009
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Groff, Amanda, Chase, Arlen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Iconography has the capability to memorialize and guarantee one's place in history; iconography can also provide powerful insight into human culture, and explore social and cultural values in a visual manner. Iconography can incorporate information about group identities, allegiances, religious affiliations, propaganda, and acceptance within both modern and ancient societies. By studying a specific iconographic figure, the Central Mexican god Tlaloc, as a visual representation of a belief...
Show moreIconography has the capability to memorialize and guarantee one's place in history; iconography can also provide powerful insight into human culture, and explore social and cultural values in a visual manner. Iconography can incorporate information about group identities, allegiances, religious affiliations, propaganda, and acceptance within both modern and ancient societies. By studying a specific iconographic figure, the Central Mexican god Tlaloc, as a visual representation of a belief or identity, we can glean a greater understanding of the cultural transmission of iconographic symbols. The substantial use of this icon, in both Central Mexico and the Maya region, reveals iconography as capable of being catalogued and traced over space and time to interpret meaning. With these goals in mind, this research project focuses on the iconographic representations of the Central Mexican god Tlaloc in the Maya region. It was during the Early Classic Period (A.D. 250-550) that Tlaloc transcended the boundaries of Central Mexico and was adopted into Maya ideology. During the Late Classic Period (A.D.550-900), a 'Maya Tlaloc' was established and used to express ideologies depicting warfare and ritual activity. The adoption of Tlaloc imagery among the ancient Maya ultimately holds significant value to understanding Maya ideology and religion as well as facilitates an understanding of wide-scale interactions with Central Mexico.
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Date Issued
CFE0001861, ucf:47403
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Robertson, Linda, Young, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Spiritual and religious beliefs are significant aspects of a person‟s worldview and have been well established within many disciplines as a resource for physical and mental health. Therefore, they are relevant topics for counselors. The governing bodies of the counseling profession support the discussion of these beliefs in counseling. To meet the ethical mandates for competency in this area, the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) produced...
Show moreSpiritual and religious beliefs are significant aspects of a person‟s worldview and have been well established within many disciplines as a resource for physical and mental health. Therefore, they are relevant topics for counselors. The governing bodies of the counseling profession support the discussion of these beliefs in counseling. To meet the ethical mandates for competency in this area, the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) produced the Spiritual Competencies. Despite these efforts, spiritual and religious material continues to be neglected in counselor training programs. In the absence of a formal measure of spiritual competency, curricular recommendations have been based more on speculation about what should be taught than on empirical evidence of students‟ deficits in spiritual competency. A further concern is that there is no existing measure to empirically evaluate the efficacy of this type of training. The purpose of this study was to meet these needs through the development of the Spiritual Competency Scale (SCS). The pilot instrument was administered to 100 participants at a southeastern secular university. The final study included 602 participants from 25 secular and religiously-based universities in 17 states across the nation. All participants were master‟s level students who were enrolled in mental health, community, school, marriage and family, and pastoral counseling tracks. The items were drawn from the literature and address each of ASERVIC‟s nine Spiritual Competencies. Content validity was establishing through item-competency consensus by an expert panel. A 6 factor oblique model was extracted through exploratory factor analysis and an item analysis supported the revised instrument. The pilot instrument yielded favorable test-retest reliability (i.e., .903) and internal consistency coefficients (i.e., .932). Cronbach‟s alpha for the 28-item revised instrument (i.e., .896) and for each of the resultant factors (i.e., from .720 to .828) was also satisfactory. There was no evidence of socially desirable response sets in either administration. The discriminant validity of the SCS was supported by this finding and through a contrasted groups approach. Students from religiously-based schools had significantly higher scores than their secular counterparts. There were also differences in scores based on a variety of demographic variables. The findings of this study support the use of the SCS to inform curriculum development, as a measure of training outcomes, and as a tool for the certification of spiritually competent counselors. Recommendations are made for future analysis of the psychometric properties of the SCS and the limitations of the study are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0002422, ucf:47740
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Kelly, Elyse, Hubbard, Susan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis is a novella highlighting the struggle many religious individuals face to maintain a faith with or without physical props and boundaries, and why some people voluntarily live with pharisaical rules that make it harder to reside in the modern world. Maid for Man is the story of Caty, a young woman brought up by the strict conservatism of a combined church and homeschool group, who, after marrying a man and discovering he has no physical interest in her, must decide whether or not...
Show moreThis thesis is a novella highlighting the struggle many religious individuals face to maintain a faith with or without physical props and boundaries, and why some people voluntarily live with pharisaical rules that make it harder to reside in the modern world. Maid for Man is the story of Caty, a young woman brought up by the strict conservatism of a combined church and homeschool group, who, after marrying a man and discovering he has no physical interest in her, must decide whether or not to divorce him, even though her family and community believe divorce is an excommunicable sin.
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Date Issued
CFH0004400, ucf:45146
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Chowdhury, Rezawana, Smither, Janan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This research investigated the role religion plays in how individuals view euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. One hundred participants from each of the three major monotheistic world religions were given a seven-question survey. The seven questions consisted of statements regarding the knowledge of their own religion, how the participants feel about terminally ill patients and those who have lost vital functions, and also whether or not they believe euthanasia is morally just. It was...
Show moreThis research investigated the role religion plays in how individuals view euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. One hundred participants from each of the three major monotheistic world religions were given a seven-question survey. The seven questions consisted of statements regarding the knowledge of their own religion, how the participants feel about terminally ill patients and those who have lost vital functions, and also whether or not they believe euthanasia is morally just. It was predicted that the participants who belong to Judaism and Islam viewed euthanasia as morally just and participants who belong to the Christianity viewed euthanasia as morally incorrect.
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Date Issued
CFH0004254, ucf:44959
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DeGenaro, Kelsey, Gay , David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The millennial generation is said to consist of all those born between the years of 1978 and 1996. The majority has come of age and has the ability to be active participants in the political community. For the past three elections they have been the democratic party biggest supporters. In the 2008 presidential election 68% of all Millennial voters voted for Barack Obama. Millennials are also reporting to be less religious and more spiritual. They are attending religious services less...
Show moreThe millennial generation is said to consist of all those born between the years of 1978 and 1996. The majority has come of age and has the ability to be active participants in the political community. For the past three elections they have been the democratic party biggest supporters. In the 2008 presidential election 68% of all Millennial voters voted for Barack Obama. Millennials are also reporting to be less religious and more spiritual. They are attending religious services less frequently and identify with religious denominations less often. Throughout American history, religion is known to have an effect on political ideologies. So with Millennials religiosity changing, does their religiosity have any effect on their political ideology? The purpose of my research is to examine the religious ideologies of Millennials and see how they are affecting their political ideologies. To collect my data I have surveyed 380 Millennials. I choose to take a quantitative approach to this research project and use statistics as the basis of my analysis. My research is important to my discipline as well as my society because it closes the gaps between existing research of the Millennial generation. This research also contributes to literature because it is important to understand the political and religious views of the upcoming generation. Millennials have the ability to make huge political statements, and their decisions, attitudes, and behavior will significantly impact the future of the United States.
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Date Issued
CFH0004365, ucf:45000
Document (PDF)
Eubanks, Karissa, Seidel, Kathryn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The majority of critics interested in the religious elements of Flannery O'Connor's fiction argue that her texts illustrate her professed Catholic faith. For many of these scholars, the author's nonfiction figures predominately in their interpretations of her fiction. This thesis highlights the presence of Evangelical theology in O'Connor's short fiction by utilizing an approach that is underrepresented in scholarly examinations of her works: reading O'Connor's texts without considering the...
Show moreThe majority of critics interested in the religious elements of Flannery O'Connor's fiction argue that her texts illustrate her professed Catholic faith. For many of these scholars, the author's nonfiction figures predominately in their interpretations of her fiction. This thesis highlights the presence of Evangelical theology in O'Connor's short fiction by utilizing an approach that is underrepresented in scholarly examinations of her works: reading O'Connor's texts without considering the author's personal beliefs. Through this approach, the Evangelical dimensions of O'Connor's short stories become apparent. This thesis contends that each of the six short stories discussed exemplifies Evangelical theology as they emphasize the fallen nature of humanity, depict the action of grace as transformative, and suggest that willful cooperation is not necessary to salvation. By demonstrating that O'Connor's short fiction reproduces Evangelical theology, this thesis aims to provide scholars with a basis for reconsidering the relationship of her works to the literary tradition of the largely Protestant South.
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Date Issued
CFH0003807, ucf:44721
Document (PDF)
Damned to Hell: The Black Church Experience for College Educated Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals.
Andrews, Edwanna, Gay, David, Grauerholz, Liz, Donley, Amy, Matejowsky, Ty, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Despite increased acceptance nationally towards same-sex sexuality, intolerance within the Black Church against those who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) continues to persist. As one of the most important institutions in the African American community, the significance of the Black Church makes the religious experience particularly influential. LGBs frequently experience homonegativity in the Black Church in the form of homophobic laced sermons, Microaggressions, and church...
Show moreDespite increased acceptance nationally towards same-sex sexuality, intolerance within the Black Church against those who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) continues to persist. As one of the most important institutions in the African American community, the significance of the Black Church makes the religious experience particularly influential. LGBs frequently experience homonegativity in the Black Church in the form of homophobic laced sermons, Microaggressions, and church gossip. The stigma LGBs encounter around homosexuality in the Black Church has created a dissonance between their religious beliefs, faith, and sexual identity. This study explores the multifaceted experience of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in Black Church. Drawing from the theoretical frameworks of Patricia Hill Collins' Intersectionality and Erving Goffman's stigma, this research focuses on how the intersections of one's religious and sexual identities is impacted and influenced by stigma experienced within the Black Church. This study is based on 14 in-depth interviews with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals who attended the Black Church and reveals the complex relationship LGBs experience trying to integrate their religious and sexual identities. Additionally, participant narratives provides insight into the impact of homonegative stigma sexual minorities experience in the Black Church.
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Date Issued
CFE0006714, ucf:51890
Document (PDF)
Raising Roma Voices: An Insider Examination of American Roma Realities, Resistance, and Revaluation.
Deaton, Sabrina, Grauerholz, Liz, Koontz, Amanda, Rivera, Fernando, Hancock, Ian, Santana, Maria, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A vast scholarship has been dedicated to examining the discrimination racial and ethnic minorities endure in the United States. Research has also shown racial and ethnic minorities work to resist discrimination via various social processes. One ethnic minority group absent from the literature is the American Roma, more commonly known as Gypsies. Therefore, this study aimed to gain insights into the situation of the American Roma, including the discrimination they endure and the resistance...
Show moreA vast scholarship has been dedicated to examining the discrimination racial and ethnic minorities endure in the United States. Research has also shown racial and ethnic minorities work to resist discrimination via various social processes. One ethnic minority group absent from the literature is the American Roma, more commonly known as Gypsies. Therefore, this study aimed to gain insights into the situation of the American Roma, including the discrimination they endure and the resistance tactics they employ. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 31 native-born American Roma adults during the course of this insider study. Participants reported experiencing discrimination in schools, employment, and the criminal justice system, similar to other racialized minorities. Findings also show members of the American Roma population invoke authenticity work, passing, and moral boundaries to resist discrimination and ethno-religious efforts to combat internal issues such as Romani language attrition and illiteracy.
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Date Issued
CFE0007835, ucf:52833
Document (PDF)
On Digital Doctrine: The Mediatization of Religious Culture.
Yebba, Celina, Jones, Natasha, Wheeler, Stephanie, Brenckle, Martha, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Media is a constant feature in our modern lives, transforming and influencing society and culture. This study examined how increased participation in digital media has changed the nature of religious representation, culture, and practice. Data was collected from both secular websites and religious media spaces where people post information about religion. This discussion is a necessary step in determining how media has not only become embedded in religious culture but has influenced the...
Show moreMedia is a constant feature in our modern lives, transforming and influencing society and culture. This study examined how increased participation in digital media has changed the nature of religious representation, culture, and practice. Data was collected from both secular websites and religious media spaces where people post information about religion. This discussion is a necessary step in determining how media has not only become embedded in religious culture but has influenced the transformation of American religious culture.The first part of this analysis concentrated on uncovering rhetorical strategies in religious digital spaces. I assumed that organizational identification would be a common approach used on the member profiles. The data collected verified this assumption. The second part of this analysis compared collaboratively produced articles in wiki-spaces that described Roman Catholicism and Mormonism. The goal of this part of the analysis was to determine how faith organizations are represented in digital spaces that are situated outside church authority.
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Date Issued
CFE0006824, ucf:51780
Document (PDF)
Christ on the Postmodern Stage: Debunking Christian Metanarrative Through Contemporary Passion Plays.
Dambrosi, Joseph, Listengarten, Julia, Wood, Vandy, Weaver, Earl, Thomas, Aaron, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As a Christian theatre artist with a conservative upbringing, I continually seek to discover the role of postmodernism in faith and how this intersection correlates with theatre in a postmodern society. In a profession that constantly challenges the status quo of Christian living, and a faith that frowns upon most (")secular(") behavior, I find myself in a position of questioning the connection between these two components of my life. Furthermore, I am troubled by the exclusive nature of the...
Show moreAs a Christian theatre artist with a conservative upbringing, I continually seek to discover the role of postmodernism in faith and how this intersection correlates with theatre in a postmodern society. In a profession that constantly challenges the status quo of Christian living, and a faith that frowns upon most (")secular(") behavior, I find myself in a position of questioning the connection between these two components of my life. Furthermore, I am troubled by the exclusive nature of the evangelical Christian community for people who do not meet its expectations of absolute truth(-)namely, the treatment of the LGBTQ+ community and the judgment of others. After reading several contemporary plays with religious narratives, it is safe to say that there is a correlation between Christian faith and the postmodern stage and this connection can be used to debunk these accepted truths in Christian thought. In this thesis, I explore three plays by mainstream American playwrights(-)Terrence McNally's Corpus Christi, Stephen Adly Guirgis' The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, and Sarah Ruhl's Passion Play: A Cycle(-)to disrupt the metanarrative dogma that evangelical Christianity continues to force upon its (")believers.(") These topics include the traditional evangelical treatment of homosexuality, the judgment of others, and the exclusivity of the gospel message. Using postmodern theory and the New Testament Gospels as a lens, this thesis expands the universal messages of the Gospels and makes them inviting and applicable to all people despite varying cultures, lifestyles, or worldviews.?
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Date Issued
CFE0006093, ucf:51189
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Orisa Tradtion, the Catholic Church, and the Construction of Black Identity in 19th Century Brazil and Cuba.
Sellers, Allison, Martinez Fernandez, Luis, Pineda, Yovanna, Walker, Ezekiel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis compares the role of the hybridized religious traditions Candombl(&)#233; and Santer(&)#237;a in the construction of identity for people of color in Brazil and Cuba in the 19th century. In particular, it focuses on the development of these traditions within Catholic confraternities and contrasts the use of ethnic and religious categories within them to define (")African-ness(") and (")blackness(") as Brazil and Cuba transitioned from slaveholding colonies to post-abolition nation...
Show moreThis thesis compares the role of the hybridized religious traditions Candombl(&)#233; and Santer(&)#237;a in the construction of identity for people of color in Brazil and Cuba in the 19th century. In particular, it focuses on the development of these traditions within Catholic confraternities and contrasts the use of ethnic and religious categories within them to define (")African-ness(") and (")blackness(") as Brazil and Cuba transitioned from slaveholding colonies to post-abolition nation-states. This comparison is illustrated through the examination of each colony's slave trade and the nature of slavery as it was practiced within them; the analysis of the structure of Ibero-American Catholic practice and the diverse forms of religious expression which resulted from its interaction with Yor(&)#249;b(&)#225; (&)#242;r(&)#236;s(&)#224; worship; comparing each colony's independence and abolition movements and the racial tensions which followed; and contrasting the Brazilian and Cuban hierarchies of color, including the variety of mechanisms that both the enslaved and free people of color employed to navigate the multi-racial societies in which they lived.
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Date Issued
CFE0004935, ucf:49639
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Why They Stop Attending Church: An Exploratory Study of Religious Participation Decline Among Millennials from Conservative Christian Backgrounds.
Chase, Jessica, Gay, David, Grauerholz, Elizabeth, Lynxwiler, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Using a grounded theory approach, this study examines the reasons why Millennials from conservative Christian backgrounds stop attending church. The purpose is to understand why attendance attrition is at an all time high for those in the Millennial generation, ages 18 to 29. Data from 18 semi-structured interviews with former attendees demonstrate that this phenomenon is not due to a simplistic list of reasons but is actually a result of a complex development involving varying interrelated...
Show moreUsing a grounded theory approach, this study examines the reasons why Millennials from conservative Christian backgrounds stop attending church. The purpose is to understand why attendance attrition is at an all time high for those in the Millennial generation, ages 18 to 29. Data from 18 semi-structured interviews with former attendees demonstrate that this phenomenon is not due to a simplistic list of reasons but is actually a result of a complex development involving varying interrelated processes. The primary processes at work are cognitive and spiritual disconnection and disengagement for personal wellbeing.
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Date Issued
CFE0004830, ucf:49698
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Soviet Russia and religion.
Lamont, Corliss
Date Issued
1745486, CFDT1745486, ucf:4770
Document (PDF)
Jewish culture in America: Weapon for Jewish survival and progress.
Ausubel, Nathan
Date Issued
359819, CFDT359819, ucf:5214
Document (PDF)
Pedraza, Jennifer, Alrutz, Megan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this study, I worked with an ensemble of teenagers from Ayts Chayim Messianic Synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida to develop an original Purim play to be presented for the congregation and the public. I specifically explored "What is theatre's role as a worship tool in a Messianic Jewish Synagogue?" My ultimate goal in this process was to honor God through the creative arts, and I used the process of creating the play to discover the specific ways that theatre can be used as a worship...
Show moreIn this study, I worked with an ensemble of teenagers from Ayts Chayim Messianic Synagogue in Boca Raton, Florida to develop an original Purim play to be presented for the congregation and the public. I specifically explored "What is theatre's role as a worship tool in a Messianic Jewish Synagogue?" My ultimate goal in this process was to honor God through the creative arts, and I used the process of creating the play to discover the specific ways that theatre can be used as a worship tool, from script development to theatrical presentation. I hypothesized that theatre could be used as a worship tool if both the attitude of the artists is one of worship and the artists strive for excellence because it is ultimately for God. I furthermore hypothesized that worshipping throughout the process by way of the group's teamwork, attitude, and quality of work would be an integral part of producing a successful product. I sought to discover specifically what theatre as a worship tool looks like in the context of a Messianic Synagogue and what practices I glean from models of Christian drama ministries and what practices emerge from my process that are unique to Messianic theatre when used as a worship tool. How can I infuse my spiritual foundation with my artistic training? The majority of this project focused on the process of creating the play, from writing the script to dress rehearsals. The ensemble met weekly to explore the themes of the biblical story of Esther, brainstormed ideas for our adaptation, developed a script, and executed production aspects such as acting and design elements. Simultaneously, I kept a rehearsal journal with reflections on each lesson and the process as a whole. I completed research on contemporary theories and practices of Christian theatre artists in order to compare and contrast different approaches to faith-based theatre; these approaches are described in this thesis and conclusions are made as to how this research can be applied to my study. At the end of the presentation, I conducted interviews with members of the ensemble and the leaders of the congregation to receive feedback about the process, final presentation, and their perception of how theatre may be used as a worship tool. In this thesis, I write about the experience as a whole, evaluating our ability to use theatre as a worship tool for this specific presentation. I then process the implications this project has for future Messianic Jewish theatre, as well as the project's impact on my growth as a theatre artist. My final conclusions based on this experience are that theatre's role as a worship tool is to create an atmosphere where people are comfortable worshipping. Furthermore, the process of creating the play helped the youth and I discover how to be effective "ministers" and artists that create an atmosphere of worship. Based on my research, I posit that theatre can play many "roles" in the context of a Messianic synagogue: a bypass, sandpaper, or light, to name a few. Finally, artists and places of worship have something to contribute to one another, but both parties must move forward with the understanding that the Scripture provides a theological framework from which to base artistic choices and that artists need to develop their own specific approach to theatre while suiting the mission, vision, and values of the host congregation.
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Date Issued
CFE0001742, ucf:47322
Document (PDF)
Bauer, Nicole, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigated the relationship between religiosity of female college students and sexual victimization experiences. These experiences include the reporting behaviors that take place subsequent to an act of sexual victimization. The study utilized secondary data gathered from the forth wave of a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute of Justice between 1990 and 1995. The study used multidimensional levels of religiosity to analyze and to assess its impact on the sexual...
Show moreThis study investigated the relationship between religiosity of female college students and sexual victimization experiences. These experiences include the reporting behaviors that take place subsequent to an act of sexual victimization. The study utilized secondary data gathered from the forth wave of a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute of Justice between 1990 and 1995. The study used multidimensional levels of religiosity to analyze and to assess its impact on the sexual victimization experiences. Findings ascertained that certain behavioral measures of religiosity were consistently found to be a protective factor against sexual victimization. On the other hand, subjective measures of religiosity were not found to be a protective measure for victimization. Instead, this measure was statistically determined to be related to experiencing acts of sexual victimization. Recommendations were given for a greater focus on campus resources pertaining to student victimization and more in-depth research on the role churches have in dealing with this issue.
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Date Issued
CFE0002389, ucf:47759
Document (PDF)
Lash, Andrew, Gay, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Historically, research has connected religiosity to many economic concepts in the United States. Religiosity can be a primary factor in the development of attitudes and values regarding financial issues and personal wealth. This study further expands the sociology of religion and economics by examining how differences in religious affiliation, attendance, and sociodemographic factors affect attitudes regarding personal wealth and financial behaviors. Previous studies have concentrated on...
Show moreHistorically, research has connected religiosity to many economic concepts in the United States. Religiosity can be a primary factor in the development of attitudes and values regarding financial issues and personal wealth. This study further expands the sociology of religion and economics by examining how differences in religious affiliation, attendance, and sociodemographic factors affect attitudes regarding personal wealth and financial behaviors. Previous studies have concentrated on religious differences in income, education, and life course achievement; however, few studies, if any, have directly measured religiosity and subjective attitudes toward personal wealth. Using the PEW Research Center's Economy Survey from February 2008, this examination uses multiple regression models to understand the extent to which religiosity affects wealth attitudes in America. Indicators of subjective wealth incorporated in the analysis are satisfaction of vehicle and home, ability to take preferable vacations, and desirable amount of discretionary income. The results of this study are discussed, as well as potential options for future research.
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Date Issued
CFE0002532, ucf:47640
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