Current Search: signals (x)
Modified Pal Interpolation and Sampling Bilevel Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation.
Ramesh, Gayatri, Mohapatra, Ram, Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle, Li, Xin, Sun, Qiyu, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Sampling and interpolation are two important topics in signal processing. Signal processing is a vast field of study that deals with analysis and operations of signals such as sounds, images, sensor data, telecommunications and so on. It also utilizes many mathematical theories such as approximation theory, analysis and wavelets. This dissertation is divided into two chapters: Modified P(&)#225;l Interpolation and Sampling Bilevel Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation. In the first chapter,...
Show moreSampling and interpolation are two important topics in signal processing. Signal processing is a vast field of study that deals with analysis and operations of signals such as sounds, images, sensor data, telecommunications and so on. It also utilizes many mathematical theories such as approximation theory, analysis and wavelets. This dissertation is divided into two chapters: Modified P(&)#225;l Interpolation and Sampling Bilevel Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation. In the first chapter, we introduce a new interpolation process, the modified P\'al interpolation, based on papers by P(&)#225;l, J(&)#243;o and Szab(&)#243;, and we establish the existence and uniqueness of interpolation polynomials of modified P(&)#225;l type.The paradigm to recover signals with finite rate of innovation from their samples is a fairly recent field of study. In the second chapter, we show that causal bilevel signals with finite rate of innovation can be stably recovered from their samples provided that the sampling period is at or above the maximal local rate of innovation, and that the sampling kernel is causal and positive on the first sampling period. Numerical simulations are presented to discuss the recovery of bilevel causal signals in the presence of noise.
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Date Issued
CFE0005113, ucf:50760
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Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission in Few-mode Fibers.
Bai, Neng, Li, Guifang, Christodoulides, Demetrios, Schulzgen, Axel, Abouraddy, Ayman, Phillips, Ronald, Ip, Ezra, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As a promising candidate to break the single-mode fiber capacity limit, mode-division multiplexing (MDM) explores the spatial dimension to increase transmission capacity in fiber-optic communication. Two linear impairments, namely loss and multimode interference, present fundamental challenges to implementing MDM. In this dissertation, techniques to resolve these two issues are presented.To de-multiplex signals subject to multimode interference in MDM, Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO)...
Show moreAs a promising candidate to break the single-mode fiber capacity limit, mode-division multiplexing (MDM) explores the spatial dimension to increase transmission capacity in fiber-optic communication. Two linear impairments, namely loss and multimode interference, present fundamental challenges to implementing MDM. In this dissertation, techniques to resolve these two issues are presented.To de-multiplex signals subject to multimode interference in MDM, Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) processing using adaptive frequency-domain equalization (FDE) is proposed and investigated. Both simulations and experiments validate that FDE can reduce the algorithmic complexity significantly in comparison with the conventional time-domain equalization (TDE) while achieving similar performance as TDE. To further improve the performance of FDE, two modifications on traditional FDE algorithm are demonstrated. i) normalized adaptive FDE is applied to increase the convergence speed by 5 times; ii) master-slave carrier recovery is proposed to reduce the algorithmic complexity of phase estimation by number of modes.Although FDE can reduce the computational complexity of the MIMO processing, due to large mode group delay (MGD) of FMF link and block processing, the algorithm still requires enormous memory and high hardware complexity. In order to reduce the required tap length (RTL) of the equalizer, differential mode group delay compensated fiber (DMGDC) has been proposed. In this dissertation, the analytical expression for RTL is derived for DMGDC systems under the weak mode coupling assumption. Instead of depending on the overall MGD of the link in DMGD uncompensated (DMGDUC) systems, the RTL of DMGDC systems depend on the MGD of a single DMGDC fiber section. The theoretical and numerical results suggest that by using small compensation step-size, the RTL of DMGDC link can be reduced by 2 orders of magnitude compared to DMGDUC link. To compensate the loss of different modes, multimode EDFAs are presented with re-configurable multimode pumps. By tuning the mode content of the multimode pump, mode-dependent gain (MDG) can be controlled and equalized. A proto-type FM-EDFA which could support 2 LP modes was constructed. The experimental results show that by using high order mode pumps, the modal gain difference can be reduced. By applying both multimode EDFA and equalization techniques, 26.4Tb/s MDM-WDM transmission was successfully demonstrated.A brief summary and several possible future research directions conclude this dissertation.
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Date Issued
CFE0004811, ucf:49751
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Kursewicz, Christina D, Lambert,Stephen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Satellite glial cells (SGCs) surround the cell bodies of neurons of the peripheral nervous system, including those of the sensory ganglia. Their close apposition to the neuronal soma allows for bi-directional communication between neurons and SGCs, which are thought to regulate neuronal activity. After nerve injury, SGCs in the dorsal root ganglia contribute to neuropathic pain. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, SGCs show increased coupling via gap junctions, and communicate...
Show moreSatellite glial cells (SGCs) surround the cell bodies of neurons of the peripheral nervous system, including those of the sensory ganglia. Their close apposition to the neuronal soma allows for bi-directional communication between neurons and SGCs, which are thought to regulate neuronal activity. After nerve injury, SGCs in the dorsal root ganglia contribute to neuropathic pain. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, SGCs show increased coupling via gap junctions, and communicate with the neuron via bi-directional purinergic signaling after nerve injury. The increased coupling between SGCs and neurons may have implications for chronic pain following peripheral nerve injury. In vivo studies suggest that injury through the administration of capsaicin to the sensory nerve endings causes SGCs to be activated and proliferate. We have shown that capsaicin treatment in an in vitro co-culture of sensory neurons and SGCs increased the expression of the proliferation marker, Ki-67 in the glia. Here, we examine whether purinergic signaling plays a role in the promotion of SGC proliferation.
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Date Issued
CFH2000172, ucf:45960
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Wang, Xuesong, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Statistics show that signalized intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Different approaches including crash frequency and severity models have been used to establish the relationship between crash occurrence and intersection characteristics. In order to model crash occurrence at signalized intersections more efficiently and eventually to better identify the significant factors contributing to crashes, this dissertation investigated the temporal, spatial,...
Show moreStatistics show that signalized intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Different approaches including crash frequency and severity models have been used to establish the relationship between crash occurrence and intersection characteristics. In order to model crash occurrence at signalized intersections more efficiently and eventually to better identify the significant factors contributing to crashes, this dissertation investigated the temporal, spatial, and site correlations for total, rear-end, right-angle and left-turn crashes. Using the basic regression model for correlated crash data leads to invalid statistical inference, due to incorrect test statistics and standard errors based on the misspecified variance. In this dissertation, the Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) were applied, which provide an extension of generalized linear models to the analysis of longitudinal or clustered data. A series of frequency models are presented by using the GEE with a Negative Binomial as the link function. The GEE models for the crash frequency per year (using four correlation structures) were fitted for longitudinal data; the GEE models for the crash frequency per intersection (using three correlation structures) were fitted for the signalized intersections along corridors; the GEE models were applied for the rear-end crash data with temporal or spatial correlation separately. For right-angle crash frequency, models at intersection, roadway, and approach levels were fitted and the roadway and approach level models were estimated by using the GEE to account for the "site correlation"; and for left-turn crashes, the approach level crash frequencies were modeled by using the GEE with a Negative Binomial link function for most patterns and using a binomial logit link function for the pattern having a higher proportion of zeros and ones in crash frequencies. All intersection geometry design features, traffic control and operational features, traffic flows, and crashes were obtained for selected intersections. Massive data collection work has been done. The autoregression structure is found to be the most appropriate correlation structure for both intersection temporal and spatial analyses, which indicates that the correlation between the multiple observations for a certain intersection will decrease as the time-gap increase and for spatially correlated signalized intersections along corridors the correlation between intersections decreases as spacing increases. The unstructured correlation structure was applied for roadway and approach level right-angle crashes and also for different patterns of left-turn crashes at the approach level. Usually two approaches at the same roadway have a higher correlation. At signalized intersections, differences exist in traffic volumes, site geometry, and signal operations, as well as safety performance on various approaches of intersections. Therefore, modeling the total number of left-turn crashes at intersections may obscure the real relationship between the crash causes and their effects. The dissertation modeled crashes at different levels. Particularly, intersection, roadway, and approach level models were compared for right-angle crashes, and different crash assignment criteria of "at-fault driver" or "near-side" were applied for disaggregated models. It shows that for the roadway and approach level models, the "near-side" models outperformed the "at-fault driver" models. Variables in traffic characteristics, geometric design features, traffic control and operational features, corridor level factor, and location type have been identified to be significant in crash occurrence. In specific, the safety relationship between crash occurrence and traffic volume has been investigated extensively at different studies. It has been found that the logarithm of traffic volumes per lane for the entire intersection is the best functional form for the total crashes in both the temporal and spatial analyses. The studies of right-angle and left-turn crashes confirm the assumption that the frequency of collisions is related to the traffic flows to which the colliding vehicles belong and not to the sum of the entering flows; the logarithm of the product of conflicting flows is usually the most significant functional form in the model. This study found that the left-turn protection on the minor roadway will increase rear-end crash occurrence, while the left-turn protection on the major roadway will reduce rear-end crashes. In addition, left-turn protection reduces Pattern 5 left-turn crashes (left-turning traffic collides with on-coming through traffic) specifically, but it increases Pattern 8 left-turn crashes (left-turning traffic collides with near-side crossing through traffic), and it has no significant effect on other patterns of left-turn crashes. This dissertation also investigated some other factors which have not been considered before. The safety effectiveness of many variables identified in this dissertation is consistent with previous studies. Some variables have unexpected signs and a justification is provided. Injury severity also has been studied for Patterns 5 left-turn crashes. Crashes were located to the approach with left-turning vehicles. The "site correlation" among the crashes occurred at the same approach was considered since these crashes may have similar propensity in crash severity. Many methodologies and applications have been attempted in this dissertation. Therefore, the study has both theoretical and implementational contribution in safety analysis at signalized intersections.
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Date Issued
CFE0001497, ucf:47078
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Yan, Xuedong, Radwan, Essam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Crashes categorized as running red light or left turning are most likely to occur at signalized intersections and resulted in substantial severe injuries and property damages. This dissertation mainly focused on these two types of vehicle crashes and the research methodology involved several perspectives. To examine the overall characteristics of red-light running and left-turning crashes, firstly, this study applied 1999-2001 Florida traffic crash data to investigate the accident propensity...
Show moreCrashes categorized as running red light or left turning are most likely to occur at signalized intersections and resulted in substantial severe injuries and property damages. This dissertation mainly focused on these two types of vehicle crashes and the research methodology involved several perspectives. To examine the overall characteristics of red-light running and left-turning crashes, firstly, this study applied 1999-2001 Florida traffic crash data to investigate the accident propensity of three aspects of risk factors related to traffic environments, driver characteristics, and vehicle types. A quasi-induced exposure concept and statistical techniques including classification tree model and multiple logistic regression were used to perform this analysis. Secondly, the UCF driving simulator was applied to test the effect of a proposed new pavement marking countermeasure which purpose is to reduce the red-light running rate at signalized intersections. The simulation experiment results showed that the total red-light running rate with marking is significantly lower than that without marking. Moreover, deceleration rate of stopping drivers with marking for the higher speed limit are significantly less than those without marking. These findings are encouraging and suggesting that the pavement marking may result in safety enhancement as far as right-angle and rear-end traffic crashes at signalized intersections. Thirdly, geometric models to compute sight distances of unprotected left-turns were developed for different signalized intersection configurations including a straight approach leading to a straight one, a straight approach leading to a curved one, and a curved approach leading to a curved one. The models and related analyses can be used to layout intersection design or evaluate the sight distance problem of an existing intersection configuration to ensure safe left-turn maneuvers by drivers.
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Date Issued
CFE0000451, ucf:46389
Document (PDF)
Yan, Xuedong, Radwan, Essam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Crashes categorized as running red light or left turning are most likely to occur at signalized intersections and resulted in substantial severe injuries and property damages. This dissertation mainly focused on these two types of vehicle crashes and the research methodology involved several perspectives. To examine the overall characteristics of red-light running and left-turning crashes, firstly, this study applied 1999-2001 Florida traffic crash data to investigate the accident propensity...
Show moreCrashes categorized as running red light or left turning are most likely to occur at signalized intersections and resulted in substantial severe injuries and property damages. This dissertation mainly focused on these two types of vehicle crashes and the research methodology involved several perspectives. To examine the overall characteristics of red-light running and left-turning crashes, firstly, this study applied 1999-2001 Florida traffic crash data to investigate the accident propensity of three aspects of risk factors related to traffic environments, driver characteristics, and vehicle types. A quasi-induced exposure concept and statistical techniques including classification tree model and multiple logistic regression were used to perform this analysis. Secondly, the UCF driving simulator was applied to test the effect of a proposed new pavement marking countermeasure which purpose is to reduce the red-light running rate at signalized intersections. The simulation experiment results showed that the total red-light running rate with marking is significantly lower than that without marking. Moreover, deceleration rate of stopping drivers with marking for the higher speed limit are significantly less than those without marking. These findings are encouraging and suggesting that the pavement marking may result in safety enhancement as far as right-angle and rear-end traffic crashes at signalized intersections. Thirdly, geometric models to compute sight distances of unprotected left-turns were developed for different signalized intersection configurations including a straight approach leading to a straight one, a straight approach leading to a curved one, and a curved approach leading to a curved one. The models and related analyses can be used to layout intersection design or evaluate the sight distance problem of an existing intersection configuration to ensure safe left-turn maneuvers by drivers.
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Date Issued
CFE0000401, ucf:46347
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Alverio, Gustavo, Mikhael, Wasfy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Today's world consists of many ways to communicate information. One of the most effective ways to communicate is through the use of speech. Unfortunately many lose the ability to converse. This in turn leads to a large negative psychological impact. In addition, skills such as lecturing and singing must now be restored via other methods. The usage of text-to-speech synthesis has been a popular resolution of restoring the capability to use oral speech. Text to speech synthesizers convert...
Show moreToday's world consists of many ways to communicate information. One of the most effective ways to communicate is through the use of speech. Unfortunately many lose the ability to converse. This in turn leads to a large negative psychological impact. In addition, skills such as lecturing and singing must now be restored via other methods. The usage of text-to-speech synthesis has been a popular resolution of restoring the capability to use oral speech. Text to speech synthesizers convert text into speech. Although text to speech systems are useful, they only allow for few default voice selections that do not represent that of the user. In order to achieve total restoration, voice conversion must be introduced. Voice conversion is a method that adjusts a source voice to sound like a target voice. Voice conversion consists of a training and converting process. The training process is conducted by composing a speech corpus to be spoken by both source and target voice. The speech corpus should encompass a variety of speech sounds. Once training is finished, the conversion function is employed to transform the source voice into the target voice. Effectively, voice conversion allows for a speaker to sound like any other person. Therefore, voice conversion can be applied to alter the voice output of a text to speech system to produce the target voice. The thesis investigates how one approach, specifically the usage of voice conversion using Gaussian mixture modeling, can be applied to alter the voice output of a text to speech synthesis system. Researchers found that acceptable results can be obtained from using these methods. Although voice conversion and text to speech synthesis are effective in restoring voice, a sample of the speaker before voice loss must be used during the training process. Therefore it is vital that voice samples are made to combat voice loss.
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Date Issued
CFE0001793, ucf:47286
Document (PDF)
Batarseh, Majd, Batarseh, Issa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The challenges imposed on Voltage Regulator Modules (VRM) become difficult to be achieved with the conventional multiphase buck converter commonly used on PC motherboards. For faster data transfer, a decrease in the output voltage is needed. This decrease causes small duty cycle that is accompanied by critical problems which impairs the efficiency. Therefore, these problems need to be addressed. Transformer-based non-isolated topologies are not new approaches to extend the duty cycle and...
Show moreThe challenges imposed on Voltage Regulator Modules (VRM) become difficult to be achieved with the conventional multiphase buck converter commonly used on PC motherboards. For faster data transfer, a decrease in the output voltage is needed. This decrease causes small duty cycle that is accompanied by critical problems which impairs the efficiency. Therefore, these problems need to be addressed. Transformer-based non-isolated topologies are not new approaches to extend the duty cycle and avoid the associated drawbacks. High leakage, several added components and complicated driving and control schemes are some of the trade-offs to expand the duty cycle. The objective of this work is to present a new dc-dc buck-based topology, which extends the duty cycle with minimum drawbacks by adding two transformers that can be integrated to decrease the size and two switches with zero voltage switching (ZVS). Another issue addressed in this thesis is deriving a small signal model for a two-input two-phase buck converter as an introduction to a new evolving field of multi-input converters.
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Date Issued
CFE0001513, ucf:47130
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Ghauri, Farzan, Riza, Nabeel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis proposes research of novel hybrid photonic signal processing systems in the areas of optical communications, test and measurement, RF signal processing and extreme environment optical sensors. It will be shown that use of innovative hybrid techniques allows design of photonic signal processing systems with superior performance parameters and enhanced capabilities. These applications can be divided into domains of analog-digital hybrid signal processing applications and free-space-...
Show moreThis thesis proposes research of novel hybrid photonic signal processing systems in the areas of optical communications, test and measurement, RF signal processing and extreme environment optical sensors. It will be shown that use of innovative hybrid techniques allows design of photonic signal processing systems with superior performance parameters and enhanced capabilities. These applications can be divided into domains of analog-digital hybrid signal processing applications and free-space--fiber-coupled hybrid optical sensors. The analog-digital hybrid signal processing applications include a high-performance analog-digital hybrid MEMS variable optical attenuator that can simultaneously provide high dynamic range as well as high resolution attenuation controls; an analog-digital hybrid MEMS beam profiler that allows high-power watt-level laser beam profiling and also provides both submicron-level high resolution and wide area profiling coverage; and all optical transversal RF filters that operate on the principle of broadband optical spectral control using MEMS and/or Acousto-Optic tunable Filters (AOTF) devices which can provide continuous, digital or hybrid signal time delay and weight selection. The hybrid optical sensors presented in the thesis are extreme environment pressure sensors and dual temperature-pressure sensors. The sensors employ hybrid free-space and fiber-coupled techniques for remotely monitoring a system under simultaneous extremely high temperatures and pressures.
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Date Issued
CFE0001983, ucf:47423
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Shoubaki, Ehab, Batarseh, Issa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this Thesis a Unified Discrete State-Space Model for power converters in CCM is presented. Two main approaches to arriving at the discrete model are used. The first approach involves an impulse function approximation of the duty cycle modulations of the converter switches , and this approach results in a small signal discrete model. The Second approach is direct and does not involve any approximation of the modulations , this approach yields both a large signal nonlinear discrete model and...
Show moreIn this Thesis a Unified Discrete State-Space Model for power converters in CCM is presented. Two main approaches to arriving at the discrete model are used. The first approach involves an impulse function approximation of the duty cycle modulations of the converter switches , and this approach results in a small signal discrete model. The Second approach is direct and does not involve any approximation of the modulations , this approach yields both a large signal nonlinear discrete model and a linear small signal model. Harmonic analysis of the converter states at steady-state is done for steady-state waveform acquisition , which increases the accuracy of the model especially for finding the control to inductor current frequency response. Finally the Discrete model is verified for the Half-Bridge DC/DC topology for its three main control schemes (Asymmetric , Symmetric , DCS). A GUI platform in MATLAB is presented as a wrapper that utilizes the models and analysis presented in this thesis.
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Date Issued
CFE0000710, ucf:46607
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Yao, Liangbin, Batarseh, Issa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
DC-DC power converters play an important role in powering telecom and computing systems. Complex systems, including power electronics systems, are increasingly using digital controllers because of the major advancements in digital controllers and DSP as well as there ability to perform sophisticated and enhanced control schemes. In this thesis, the digital controller is investigated for DC-DC converters in high current low voltage applications. For an optimal design of a regulated DC-DC...
Show moreDC-DC power converters play an important role in powering telecom and computing systems. Complex systems, including power electronics systems, are increasingly using digital controllers because of the major advancements in digital controllers and DSP as well as there ability to perform sophisticated and enhanced control schemes. In this thesis, the digital controller is investigated for DC-DC converters in high current low voltage applications. For an optimal design of a regulated DC-DC converter, it is necessary to derive a valid model. The current doubler rectified half bridge (CDRHB) DC-DC converter is suitable for high current low voltage applications. In this thesis, the topology operations are analyzed and then the unified state space model, analog small signal model and digital small signal model are derived. Then the digital compensator design is discussed as well as the analog-digital converter (ADC) and the digital pulse-width-modulator (DPWM) design rules. In addition, voltage driving optimization is proposed for the benefit of the digital controller. Finally, experimental results based on the CDRHB are presented and analyzed.
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Date Issued
CFE0000706, ucf:46626
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Greuling, Jason L, Han, Deguang, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Research has shown that a frame for an n-dimensional real Hilbert space offers phase retrieval if and only if it has the complement property. There is a geometric characterization of general frames, the Han-Larson-Naimark Dilation Theorem, which gives us the necessary and suffcient conditions required to dilate a frame for an n-dimensional Hilbert space to a frame for a Hilbert space of higher dimension k. However, a frame having the complement property in an n-dimensional real Hilbert space...
Show moreResearch has shown that a frame for an n-dimensional real Hilbert space offers phase retrieval if and only if it has the complement property. There is a geometric characterization of general frames, the Han-Larson-Naimark Dilation Theorem, which gives us the necessary and suffcient conditions required to dilate a frame for an n-dimensional Hilbert space to a frame for a Hilbert space of higher dimension k. However, a frame having the complement property in an n-dimensional real Hilbert space does not ensure that its dilation will offer phase retrieval. In this thesis, we will explore and provide what necessary and suffcient conditions must be satisfed to dilate a phase retrieval frame for an n-dimensional real Hilbert space to a phase retrieval frame for a k-dimensional real Hilbert.
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Date Issued
CFH2000319, ucf:45868
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Alderson, Robert, Rapport, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The current study investigates two recently identified threats to the construct validity of behavioral inhibition as a core deficit of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on the Stop-signal task: calculation of mean reaction time from go-trials presented adjacent to intermittent stop-trials, and non-reporting of the stop-signal delay metric. Children with ADHD (n=12) and typically developing children (TD) (n=11) were administered the standard stop-signal task and three...
Show moreThe current study investigates two recently identified threats to the construct validity of behavioral inhibition as a core deficit of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) based on the Stop-signal task: calculation of mean reaction time from go-trials presented adjacent to intermittent stop-trials, and non-reporting of the stop-signal delay metric. Children with ADHD (n=12) and typically developing children (TD) (n=11) were administered the standard stop-signal task and three variant stop-signal conditions. These included a No-Tone condition administered without the presentation of an auditory tone; an Ignore-Tone condition that presented a neutral (i.e., not associated with stopping) auditory tone; and a second Ignore-Tone condition that presented a neutral auditory tone after the tone had been previously paired with stopping. Children with ADHD exhibited significantly slower and more variable reaction times to go-stimuli, and slower stop-signal reaction times (SSRT) relative to TD controls. Stop-signal delay (SSD) was not significantly different between groups, and both groups' go-trial reaction times slowed following meaningful tones. Collectively, these findings corroborate recent meta-analyses and indicate that previous findings of stop-signal performance deficits in ADHD reflect slower and more variable responding to visually presented stimuli and concurrent processing of a second stimulus, rather than deficits of motor behavioral inhibition.
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Date Issued
CFE0002218, ucf:47881
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Quinlan, Franklyn, Delfyett, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation details work on high repetition rate semiconductor mode-locked lasers. The qualities of stable pulse trains and stable optical frequency content are the focus of the work performed. First, applications of such lasers are reviewed with particular attention to applications only realizable with laser performance such as presented in this dissertation. Sources of timing jitter are also reviewed, as are techniques by which the timing jitter of a 10 GHz optical pulse train may be...
Show moreThis dissertation details work on high repetition rate semiconductor mode-locked lasers. The qualities of stable pulse trains and stable optical frequency content are the focus of the work performed. First, applications of such lasers are reviewed with particular attention to applications only realizable with laser performance such as presented in this dissertation. Sources of timing jitter are also reviewed, as are techniques by which the timing jitter of a 10 GHz optical pulse train may be measured. Experimental results begin with an exploration of the consequences on the timing and amplitude jitter of the phase noise of an RF source used for mode-locking. These results lead to an ultralow timing jitter source, with 30 fs of timing jitter (1 Hz to 5 GHz, extrapolated). The focus of the work then shifts to generating a stabilized optical frequency comb. The first technique to generating the frequency comb is through optical injection. It is shown that not only can injection locking stabilize a mode-locked laser to the injection seed, but linewidth narrowing, timing jitter reduction and suppression of superfluous optical supermodes of a harmonically mode-locked laser also result. A scheme by which optical injection locking can be maintained long term is also proposed. Results on using an intracavity etalon for supermode suppression and optical frequency stabilization then follow. An etalon-based actively mode-locked laser is shown to have a timing jitter of only 20 fs (1Hz-5 GHz, extrapolated), optical linewidths below 10 kHz and optical frequency instabilities less than 400 kHz. By adding dispersion compensating fiber, the optical spectrum was broadened to 2 THz and 800 fs duration pulses were obtained. By using the etalon-based actively mode-locked laser as a basis, a completely self-contained frequency stabilized coupled optoelectronic oscillator was built and characterized. By simultaneously stabilizing the optical frequencies and the pulse repetition rate to the etalon, a 10 GHz comb source centered at 1550 nm was realized. This system maintains the high quality performance of the actively mode-locked laser while significantly reducing the size weight and power consumption of the system. This system also has the potential for outperforming the actively mode-locked laser by increasing the finesse and stability of the intracavity etalon. The final chapter of this dissertation outlines the future work on the etalon-based coupled optoelectronic oscillator, including the incorporation of a higher finesse, more stable etalon and active phase noise suppression of the RF signal. Two appendices give details on phase noise measurements that incorporate carrier suppression and the noise model for the coupled optoelectronic oscillator.
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Date Issued
CFE0002252, ucf:47878
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Developing Warrants for Designing Continuous Flow Intersection and Diverging Diamond Interchange.
Almoshaogeh, Meshal, Radwan, Essam, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Abou-Senna, Hatem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The main goal of this dissertation is to have better understanding of design and operation of the Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) and Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) - as well as numerous factors that affect signalized intersection and interchange performance due to increased left-turn demand. The dissertation attempts to assess the need and justification to redesign intersections and interchanges to improve their efficiency. And to that end, an extensive literature review of existing...
Show moreThe main goal of this dissertation is to have better understanding of design and operation of the Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) and Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) - as well as numerous factors that affect signalized intersection and interchange performance due to increased left-turn demand. The dissertation attempts to assess the need and justification to redesign intersections and interchanges to improve their efficiency. And to that end, an extensive literature review of existing studies was done with the prime aim of perceiving the principles of these innovative designs and determining the methodology to-be-followed, in order to reach the study's core. Accordingly, several DDI and CFI locations were selected as candidate locations, where the designs have already been implemented and the required data - to model calibration and validation - was collected. The micro-simulation software (VISSIM 8.0) was used for simulation, calibration and validation of the existing conditions - through several steps - including signal optimization and driving behavior parameter sensitivity analysis. Subsequently, an experiment was conceived for each design, aiming at examining several factors that affect each design's efficiency. The experiment comprised 180 and 90 different CFI (&) DDI scenarios and their conventional designs, respectively. Two measures of effectiveness were identified for result analysis: the average delay and capacity. Result analyses were performed to detect switching thresholds (from conventional to innovative designs. In addition, performance comparison studies of the CFI and DDI with their conventional designs were performed. The results and findings will serve as guidelines for decision-makers as to when they should consider switching from conventional to innovative design. Finally, decision support systems were developed to speed up the search for the superior design, in comparison with others.
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Date Issued
CFE0007276, ucf:52187
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Do multiple conditions elicit the visual redundant signals effect in simple response times?.
Mishler, Ada, Neider, Mark, Lighthall, Nichole, Szalma, James, Joseph, Dana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The redundant signals effect, or redundancy gain, is an increase in human processing efficiency when target redundancy is introduced into a display. An advantage for two visual signals over one has been found in a wide variety of speeded response time tasks, but does not always occur and may be weakened by some task parameters. These disparate results suggest that visual redundancy gain is not a unitary effect, but is instead based on different underlying mechanisms in different tasks. The...
Show moreThe redundant signals effect, or redundancy gain, is an increase in human processing efficiency when target redundancy is introduced into a display. An advantage for two visual signals over one has been found in a wide variety of speeded response time tasks, but does not always occur and may be weakened by some task parameters. These disparate results suggest that visual redundancy gain is not a unitary effect, but is instead based on different underlying mechanisms in different tasks. The current study synthesizes previous theories applied to redundancy gain into the three-conditions hypothesis, which states that visual redundancy gain depends on the presence of at least one of three factors: visual identicalness between multiple targets, familiarity with multiple similar targets, or prepotentiation for multiple different targets. In a series of four simple response time experiments, participants responded to single targets presented to one side of the visual field, or to bilateral targets presented to both sides of the visual field. The first three experiments each explored one condition, the first experiment by comparing identical to non-identical random shapes to examine visual identicalness, the second by comparing familiar to unfamiliar letters to examine familiarity, and the third by comparing previewed with non-previewed random shapes to examine prepotentiation. Finally, the fourth experiment employed letters that varied in familiarity, identicalness, and preview, to examine whether or not the three hypothesized causes have multiplicative effects on redundancy. Results indicated that participants were able to benefit equally from redundancy regardless of identicalness, familiarity, or prepotentiation, but that they did so by ignoring one target in the redundant-target trials. These results suggest that redundancy gain may need to be even further divided into more than three underlying mechanisms, with a serial processing mechanism that can be used for stimuli that are not familiar, prepotentiated, or identical.
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Date Issued
CFE0006899, ucf:52890
Document (PDF)
Keller, Joanne Marie, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to traffic crashes at such locations. One approach is to model crash occurrences based on configuration, geometric characteristics and traffic. Instead of combining all variables and crash types to create a single statistical model, this analysis created several models that address the different factors that affect crashes...
Show moreMany studies have shown that intersections are among the most dangerous locations of a roadway network. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to traffic crashes at such locations. One approach is to model crash occurrences based on configuration, geometric characteristics and traffic. Instead of combining all variables and crash types to create a single statistical model, this analysis created several models that address the different factors that affect crashes, by type of collision as well as injury level, at signalized intersections. The first objective was to determine if there is a difference between important variables for models based on individual crash types or severity levels and aggregated models. The second objective of this research was to investigate the quality and completeness of the crash data and the effect that incomplete data has on the final results. A detailed and thorough data collection effort was necessary for this research to ensure the quality and completeness of this data. Multiple agencies were contacted and databases were crosschecked (i.e. state and local jurisdictions/agencies). Information (including geometry, configuration and traffic characteristics) was collected for a total of 832 intersections and over 33,500 crashes from Brevard, Hillsborough and Seminole Counties and the City of Orlando. Due to the abundance of data collected, a portion was used as a validation set for the tree-based regression.Hierarchical tree-based regression (HTBR) and ordered probit models were used in the analyses. HTBR was used to create models for the expected number of crashes for collision type as well as injury level. Ordered probit models were only used to predict crash severity levels due to the ordinal nature of this dependent variable. Finally, both types of models were used to predict the expected number of crashes.More specifically, tree-based regression was used to consider the difference in the relative importance of each variable between the different types of collisions. First, regressions were only based on crashes available from state agencies to make the results more comparable to other studies. The main finding was that the models created for angle and left turn crashes change the most compared to the model created from the total number of crashes reported on long forms (restricted data usually available at state agencies). This result shows that aggregating the different crash types by only estimating models based on the total number of crashes will not predict the number of expected crashes as accurately as models based on each type of crash separately. Then, complete datasets (full dataset based on crash reports collected from multiple sources) were used to calibrate the models. There was consistently a difference between models based on the restricted and complete datasets. The results in this section show that it is important to include minor crashes (usually reported on short forms and ignored) in the dataset when modeling the number of angle or head-on crashes and less important to include minor crashes when modeling rear-end, right turn or sideswipe crashes. This research presents in detail the significant geometric and traffic characteristics that affect each type of collision.Ordered probit models were used to estimate crash injury severity levels for three different types of models; the first one based on collision type, the second one based on intersection characteristics and the last one based on a significant combination of factors in both models. Both the restricted and complete datasets were used to create the first two model types and the output was compared. It was determined that the models based on the complete dataset were more accurate. However, when compared to the tree-based regression results, the ordered probit model did not predict as well for the restricted dataset based on intersection characteristics. The final order
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Date Issued
CFE0000074, ucf:52857
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Impact of the longer change and clearance intervals on signalized intersections and corridors.
Alfawzan, Mohammed, Radwan, Essam, Eluru, Naveen, Abou-Senna, Hatem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Evaluating the impact of longer change and clearance intervals on signalized intersections and corridors is the main goal of this study. In fact, the Florida department of Transportation (FDOT) has adopted a new signal retiming effort in a number of signalized intersections along several corridors. The Orange County started implementing the new signal timing from December, 2013 and completed it in June, 2015. The other objective of this new signal timing is to minimize the red light running...
Show moreEvaluating the impact of longer change and clearance intervals on signalized intersections and corridors is the main goal of this study. In fact, the Florida department of Transportation (FDOT) has adopted a new signal retiming effort in a number of signalized intersections along several corridors. The Orange County started implementing the new signal timing from December, 2013 and completed it in June, 2015. The other objective of this new signal timing is to minimize the red light running rate. This study is dedicated to investigate the signal retiming effort adopted by the FDOT and how the new signal timing might impact the studied signalized intersections' performance and safety. To address this issue, a number of signalized intersections along three corridors in Orange County were investigated during different three time of the day periods AM, MD, and PM. Additionally, three categories of signal timings were adopted to better understand the performance and safety of old (pattern 1), current (pattern 2), and proposed (pattern 3) signal timings. The analysis was based on the Simtraffic simulation which is a part of Synchro 8 software. The research results provide that the signalized intersection's performance along the three corridors during the three plans of the day were found significantly affected by lengthening the change and clearance intervals. Signal timing 2 and 3 were observed significantly different than signal timing 1 which have greater intersection delay, queue length, intersection overall volume to capacity v/c ratio, and Intersection capacity utilization ICU. Furthermore, the results show that the signal timing 2 and signal timing 3 significantly increase the total delay and travel time along the studied arterials during the three plans of the day.
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Date Issued
CFE0006064, ucf:50970
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Detecting Threats from Constituent Parts: A Fuzzy Signal Detection Theory Analysis of Individual Differences.
Van De Car, Ida, Szalma, James, Hancock, Peter, Mouloua, Mustapha, Kennedy, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Signal detection theory (SDT) provides a theoretical framework for describing performance on decision making tasks, and fuzzy signal detection theory (FSDT) extends this description to include tasks in which there are levels of uncertainty regarding the categorization of stimulus events. Specifically, FSDT can be used to quantify the degree to which an event is 'signal-like', i.e., the degree to which a stimulus event can be characterized by both signal and non-signal properties. For instance...
Show moreSignal detection theory (SDT) provides a theoretical framework for describing performance on decision making tasks, and fuzzy signal detection theory (FSDT) extends this description to include tasks in which there are levels of uncertainty regarding the categorization of stimulus events. Specifically, FSDT can be used to quantify the degree to which an event is 'signal-like', i.e., the degree to which a stimulus event can be characterized by both signal and non-signal properties. For instance, an improvised explosive device (IED) poses little threat when missing key elements of its assembly (a stimulus of low, but not zero, signal strength) whereas the threat is greater when all elements necessary to ignite the device are present (a stimulus of high signal strength). This research develops a link between key individual cognitive (i.e., spatial orientation and visualization) and personality (i.e., extroversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism) differences among observers to performance on a fuzzy signal detection task, in which the items to be detected (IEDs) are presented in various states of assembly. That is, this research relates individual difference measures to task performance, uses FSDT in target detection, and provides application of the theory to vigilance tasks. In two experiments, participants viewed pictures of IEDs, not all of which are assembled or include key components, and categorize them using a fuzzy rating scale (no threat, low threat potential, moderate threat potential, or definite threat). In both experiments, there were significant interactions between the stimulus threat level category and the variability of images within each category. The results of the first experiment indicated that spatial and mechanical ability were stronger predictors of performance when the signal was ambiguous than when individuals viewed stimuli in which the signal was fully absent or fully present (and, thus, less ambiguous). The second study showed that the length of time a stimulus is viewed is greatest when the signal strength is low and there is ambiguity regarding the threat level of the stimulus. In addition, response times were substantially longer in study 2 than in study 1, although patterns of performance accuracy, as measured by the sensitivity index d', were similar across the two experiments. Together, the experiments indicate that individuals take longer to evaluate a potential threat as less critical, than to identify either an absence of threat or a high degree of threat and that spatial and mechanical ability assist decision making when the threat level is unclear. These results can be used to increase the efficiency of employees working in threat-detection positions, such as luggage screeners, provides an exemplar of use of FSDT, and contributes to the understanding of human decision making.
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Date Issued
CFE0006016, ucf:51015
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Signal processing with Fourier analysis, novel algorithms and applications.
Syed, Alam, Foroosh, Hassan, Sun, Qiyu, Bagci, Ulas, Rahnavard, Nazanin, Atia, George, Katsevich, Alexander, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Fourier analysis is the study of the way general functions may be represented or approximatedby sums of simpler trigonometric functions, also analogously known as sinusoidal modeling. Theoriginal idea of Fourier had a profound impact on mathematical analysis, physics, and engineeringbecause it diagonalizes time-invariant convolution operators. In the past signal processing was atopic that stayed almost exclusively in electrical engineering, where only the experts could cancelnoise, compress...
Show moreFourier analysis is the study of the way general functions may be represented or approximatedby sums of simpler trigonometric functions, also analogously known as sinusoidal modeling. Theoriginal idea of Fourier had a profound impact on mathematical analysis, physics, and engineeringbecause it diagonalizes time-invariant convolution operators. In the past signal processing was atopic that stayed almost exclusively in electrical engineering, where only the experts could cancelnoise, compress and reconstruct signals. Nowadays it is almost ubiquitous, as everyone now dealswith modern digital signals.Medical imaging, wireless communications and power systems of the future will experience moredata processing conditions and wider range of applications requirements than the systems of today.Such systems will require more powerful, efficient and flexible signal processing algorithms thatare well designed to handle such needs. No matter how advanced our hardware technology becomeswe will still need intelligent and efficient algorithms to address the growing demands in signalprocessing. In this thesis, we investigate novel techniques to solve a suite of four fundamentalproblems in signal processing that have a wide range of applications. The relevant equations, literatureof signal processing applications, analysis and final numerical algorithms/methods to solvethem using Fourier analysis are discussed for different applications in the electrical engineering /computer science. The first four chapters cover the following topics of central importance in thefield of signal processing: Fast Phasor Estimation using Adaptive Signal Processing (Chapter 2) Frequency Estimation from Nonuniform Samples (Chapter 3) 2D Polar and 3D Spherical Polar Nonuniform Discrete Fourier Transform (Chapter 4)iv Robust 3D registration using Spherical Polar Discrete Fourier Transform and Spherical Harmonics(Chapter 5)Even though each of these four methods discussed may seem completely disparate, the underlyingmotivation for more efficient processing by exploiting the Fourier domain signal structureremains the same. The main contribution of this thesis is the innovation in the analysis, synthesis, discretization of certain well-known problems like phasor estimation, frequency estimation, computations of a particular non-uniform Fourier transform and signal registration on the transformed domain. We conduct propositions and evaluations of certain applications relevant algorithms suchas, frequency estimation algorithm using non-uniform sampling, polar and spherical polar Fourier transform. The techniques proposed are also useful in the field of computer vision and medical imaging. From a practical perspective, the proposed algorithms are shown to improve the existing solutions in the respective fields where they are applied/evaluated. The formulation and final proposition is shown to have a variety of benefits. Future work with potentials in medical imaging, directional wavelets, volume rendering, video/3D object classifications, high dimensional registration are also discussed in the final chapter. Finally, in the spirit of reproducible research, we release the implementation of these algorithms to the public using Github.
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Date Issued
CFE0006803, ucf:51775
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