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The Natural Exile: A Study Of Twenty-First Century Cuban-American Narratives Focusing On The Elderly's Plight.
Parson, Jasmine, Milanes, Cecilia, Nwakanma, Obi, Logan, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Developed from the similarity between exile theory and age studies, the term (")exile(") is expanded to a natural form of exile because of the shocking temporal shift that reconstructs social interaction, familial dynamics, and the aging body. Using Heidegger's theoretical work Being in Time, Simon de Beauvoir's The Coming of Age, and Jean Am(&)#233;ry's On Aging as insight, this literary analysis captures how the elderly protagonists Goyo from Cristina Garc(&)#237;a's King of Cuba, M(&)#225...
Show moreDeveloped from the similarity between exile theory and age studies, the term (")exile(") is expanded to a natural form of exile because of the shocking temporal shift that reconstructs social interaction, familial dynamics, and the aging body. Using Heidegger's theoretical work Being in Time, Simon de Beauvoir's The Coming of Age, and Jean Am(&)#233;ry's On Aging as insight, this literary analysis captures how the elderly protagonists Goyo from Cristina Garc(&)#237;a's King of Cuba, M(&)#225;ximo from Ana Men(&)#233;ndez's (")In Cuba I was a German Shepherd,(") and Soledad from Cecilia Rodr(&)#237;guez Milan(&)#233;s's (")Abuela Marielita(") experience a natural exile among society, their family and within their own body. These areas express how the elderly's sense of displacement equates that of a political/geographical exile.
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Date Issued
CFE0007701, ucf:52432
Document (PDF)
Pioneering in the southwest.
Holt, A. J. (Adoniram Judson), PALMM (Project)
Abstract / Description
Autobiography of the author and his adventures in Florida, Texas, and Tennessee during the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries.
Date Issued
AAB6339QF00001/18/200508/04/200516257BfamI D0QF, FHP C CF 2005-01-19, FCLA url 20050302xOCLC, 60545028, CF00001694, 2580797, ucf:17346
Florida under four flags: Indian legends : Ormond.
Boyd, Marie E. Mann, PALMM (Project)
Abstract / Description
A brief history of Florida under Spain, England, and France and a collection of anecdotes regarding Florida Indians, plus short histories of Ormond and Daytona Beach. Includes six pages of advertising by Ormond businesses from the period.
Date Issued
AAC3716QF00001/26/200703/28/200716420BnamI D0QF, FHP C CF 2007-01-29, FIPS12127, FCLA url 20070314xOCLC, 99663298, CF00001736, 2701885, ucf:20702
Almanac for 1893.
PALMM (Project)
Date Issued
AAA3451QF00001/11/200208/04/200515705BfamIa D0QF, FHP C CF 2002-01-11, FCLA url 20020206xOCLC, 49296196, CF00001563, 2559750, ucf:8091
National Anti-Slavery Standard. Vol. XXI. No. 51, Saturday, May 4, 1861.
Date Created
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Speech of Hon. William A. Howard of Michigan.
Howard, William Alanson
Date Created
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Choudhury, Athia, Park, Shelley, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
We all have stories to share, to build, to pass around, to inherit, and to create. This story - the one I piece together now - is about a Thai-/Bengali-/Muslim-/American-/Feminist looking for home, looking to manage the tension and conflict of wanting to belong to her family and to her feminist community. This thesis focuses on the seemingly conflicting obligations to kinship on the one hand and to feminist practice on the other, a conflict where being a good scholar or activist is directly...
Show moreWe all have stories to share, to build, to pass around, to inherit, and to create. This story - the one I piece together now - is about a Thai-/Bengali-/Muslim-/American-/Feminist looking for home, looking to manage the tension and conflict of wanting to belong to her family and to her feminist community. This thesis focuses on the seemingly conflicting obligations to kinship on the one hand and to feminist practice on the other, a conflict where being a good scholar or activist is directly in opposition to being a good Asian daughter. In order to understand how and why these communities appear at odds with one another, I examine how the material spaces and psychological realities inhabited by specific hyphenated, fragmented subjects are represented (and misrepresented) in both popular culture and practical politics, arguing against images of the hybrid body that bracket its lived tensions. I argue that fantasies of home as an unconditional site of belonging and comfort distract us from the multiple communities to which hyphenated subjects must move between. Hyphenated Asian-/American bodies often find ourselves torn between nativism and assimilationism - having to neutralize, forsake, or discard parts of our identities. Thus, I reduce complicated, difficult ideas of being to the size of a thimble, to a question of loyalty between my Asian-/American history and my American-/feminist future, between my familial background and the issues that have become foregrounded for me during college, between the home from which I originate and the new home to which I wish to belong. To move with fluidity, I must - in collaboration with others - invent new stories of identity and belonging.
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Date Issued
CFH0004200, ucf:44974
Document (PDF)
The Legacy of Civil Rights Protest Music: Sweet Honey in the Rock's "The Ballad of Harry T. Moore".
Hyder, Thomas, Warfield, Scott, Koons, Keith, Hunt, Jeremy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates the role music played in the Civil Rights Movement as a form of political protest. The first part of the studies analyzed how political protest music was used in the early part of the twentieth-century leading up to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. An analysis of the role of music in African-American culture also provides a historical background to the music-making of the Civil Rights Movement. Specific musical forms such as topical ballads, freedom songs, and...
Show moreThis study investigates the role music played in the Civil Rights Movement as a form of political protest. The first part of the studies analyzed how political protest music was used in the early part of the twentieth-century leading up to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. An analysis of the role of music in African-American culture also provides a historical background to the music-making of the Civil Rights Movement. Specific musical forms such as topical ballads, freedom songs, and spirituals are examined. In addition, musical influences of African culture as well as religious influences on music-making during the Civil Rights Movement are also examined.The second section of the paper investigates the life and murder of NAACP organizer Harry T. Moore of Mims, Florida. Moore's life and death became the subject of a topical ballad, (")The Ballad of Harry T. Moore("), composed in 2001 by musical group Sweet Honey In The Rock. An analysis of the song's, literary, political, and musical connections to the ideology and music of the Civil Rights Movement, as well as subject matter, gives evidence that places the song within the tradition of the musical protest activities of the Civil Rights Movement.
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Date Issued
CFE0004550, ucf:49226
Document (PDF)
Identification of Areas of Patient Need Using the Cancer Support Source Program.
Ross, Emily, Cassisi, Jeffrey, Jensen, Bernard, Robinson, Diane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Understanding, screening, and providing resources for quality of life factors and psychosocial distress have become an important area of focus in cancer care. Negative consequences of poor quality of life and psychosocial distress have been widely studied in oncological research. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network, or NCCN, defines (")psychosocial distress(") as extending on a continuum, (")ranging from common normal feelings of vulnerability, sadness, and fears to problems that can...
Show moreUnderstanding, screening, and providing resources for quality of life factors and psychosocial distress have become an important area of focus in cancer care. Negative consequences of poor quality of life and psychosocial distress have been widely studied in oncological research. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network, or NCCN, defines (")psychosocial distress(") as extending on a continuum, (")ranging from common normal feelings of vulnerability, sadness, and fears to problems that can become disabling, such as depression, anxiety, panic, social isolation, and existential and spiritual crisis(") ((")National Comprehensive Cancer Network,(") n.d.). Findings have indicated the significant impact of poor quality of life and psychosocial distress in the cancer patient population. Elevated levels of psychosocial distress increases the risk of developing depression, anxiety, immune suppression, and may lead to high levels of stress. Studies have also revealed associations between increased psychosocial distress levels, relapse, treatment and healing outcomes, and survival rates (Anderson, Kiecolt-Glaser, (&) Glaser, 1994; Spiegel (&) Nemeroff, 1997). Evidence also shows that heightened psychosocial distress negatively influences a patient's capability to adhere to their medical plan and treatment (Allison et al., 1995; Pirl et al., 2007; Zabora, Brintzenhofeszoc, Curbow, Hooker, (&) Piantadosi, 2001). Attending to these negative outcomes of psychosocial distress and providing supportive care is a crucial action of oncology practice today. The American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer responded to the imperative of addressing psychosocial needs in cancer care by mandating national cancer centers for accreditation purposes to screen for psychosocial distress and provide appropriate referral and resources (Standard 3.2). UF Health Cancer Center (-) Orlando Health began psychosocial distress screening on January 1st, 2015 with the utilization of the Web-based, HIPPA compliant, and action based Cancer Support Source Program. Patient data responses collected with the Cancer Support Source Program over the first calendar year of the implementation of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer standards were analyzed for this research study. A sample of 317 patient data responses was included to conduct an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on the Cancer Support Source Program test items. Specifically, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with an oblique rotational procedure (Promax) was conducted on the resulting data set for interpretation. Factorial interpretation was made to ascertain latent dimensions in the Cancer Support Source Program. A five factor structure model was found with adequate discriminant and face validity. Factors were grouped by conceptual basis and item-loading composition: Distress, Treatment Management and Decisions, Lifestyle, Relationship, and Substance Use. These factors were collectively termed the Concern Subscales. The Distress, Treatment Management and Decisions, and Lifestyle Factors were found to present the most psychometrically sound and internally consistent model. Further analysis was conducted to examine the resulting factorial structure model on four cancer location groups: breast, head and neck, lung, and gynecological cancer. Results displayed that no significant differences were found between cancer location groups and the five extracted factors. However, an ad hoc test (Tukey's HSD) revealed two significant differences between the Lifestyle Factor and cancer location groups at the p (<) 0.05 level. The Breast Cancer group's Lifestyle scores were higher than the Gynecologic Cancer group, and the Breast Cancer group scores were lower than the Lung Cancer group. Additionally, the action scores were summed to examine correlation between the five extracted Concern Subscales. A high correlation was found, indicating that the action items in the Cancer Support Source questionnaire correspond with the extracted Concern Subscales and do not need to undergo dimension reduction. Furthermore, a high correlation was also found with the extracted Distress Concern Subscale and the existing depression subscale in the Cancer Support Source Program.Results indicated that the Cancer Support Source Program could indeed benefit from dimension reduction to ascertain more parsimonious areas of need presented by the cancer patient population. The 25 single-items in the Cancer Support Source questionnaire may inhibit the ability to indicate other concerns that may be expressed by the patient. By identifying the latent dimensions in this exploratory endeavor, we were able to demonstrate how the Cancer Support Source questionnaire could be refined to include easily scored Concern subscales to better identify areas of need for each individual patient that is screened for psychosocial distress. These findings provide an opportunity to impact patient care, opportunities for referral, and resources for cancer care in a hospital setting using this psychosocial distress screening instrument.
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Date Issued
CFE0006650, ucf:51254
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Rhetoric of Imagery: Gendering Identity and Consumption Throughout Interwar American Advertisment.
Delgado, Natalie, Dandrow, Edward, Crepeau, Richard, French, Scot, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Interwar American advertising rose alongside new levels of hygiene, personal appearance, and technology in order to sell their products to target audiences. Despite the abundance of scholarship on media and gender, few studies have examined the gendered techniques through which interwar advertisers communicated with consumers in response to changing social norms and economic stability. The question this thesis explores is how these changes and communication shifted in response to consumer...
Show moreInterwar American advertising rose alongside new levels of hygiene, personal appearance, and technology in order to sell their products to target audiences. Despite the abundance of scholarship on media and gender, few studies have examined the gendered techniques through which interwar advertisers communicated with consumers in response to changing social norms and economic stability. The question this thesis explores is how these changes and communication shifted in response to consumer culture and how advertisers utilized early market research and persuasion techniques to target their audiences. Building on the studies of gender, consumption, and identity, this thesis examines the relationship between American advertisers and their targeted male and female consumers between 1920 and 1940. By exploring how admen and women within Madison Avenue's top advertising agencies utilized psychology and consumer feedback to develop a two-way communication with middle-classed consumers, this thesis draws from social, cultural, and gendered studies to understand how advertisers communicated with and tried to appeal to their target audiences. Utilizing both copy and imagery as sources of communication, this study examines every issue of the top circulating American magazines between 1920 and 1940 to explain how advertisers rose with early consumer behavioral psychology and new standards of sanitation and hygiene, how a growing consumer culture and American notion of identity and gender affected the selling of selfhood and personal beauty products, and how gendered media representations and persuasion techniques helped advertisers sell modernity and individuality to readers. This analysis surveys specific advertising campaigns before, during, and after the Stock Market Crash to follow shifts in appeals to masculinity and femininity in response to changing social norms. By delving into this intersection of gender, media, and identity, this study finds various nuances through which advertisers and their audiences communicated in and alongside a growing consumer culture.
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Date Issued
CFE0006870, ucf:51740
Document (PDF)
White and Black Womanhoods and Their Representations in 1920s American Advertising.
Turnbull, Lindsey, Lester, Connie, Sacher, John, Dandrow, Edward, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The 1920s represented a time of tension in America. Throughout the decade, marginalized groups created competing versions of a proper citizen. African-Americans sought to be included in the national fabric. Racism encouraged solidarity, but black Americans did not agree upon one method for coping with, and hopefully ending, antiblack racism. White women enjoyed new privileges and took on more roles in the public sphere. Reactionary groups like the Ku Klux Klan found these new voices...
Show moreThe 1920s represented a time of tension in America. Throughout the decade, marginalized groups created competing versions of a proper citizen. African-Americans sought to be included in the national fabric. Racism encouraged solidarity, but black Americans did not agree upon one method for coping with, and hopefully ending, antiblack racism. White women enjoyed new privileges and took on more roles in the public sphere. Reactionary groups like the Ku Klux Klan found these new voices unsettling and worrisome and celebrated a white, native-born, Protestant and male vision of the American citizen. Simultaneously, technological innovations allowed for advertising to flourish and spread homogenizing information regarding race, gender, values and consumption across the nation. These advertisements selectively represented these changes by channeling them into pre-existing prescriptive ideology. Mainstream ads, which were created by whites for white audiences, reinforced traditional ideas regarding black men and women and white women's roles. Even if white women were featured using technology or wearing cosmetics, they were still featured in prescribed roles as housekeepers, wives and mothers who deferred to and relied on their husbands. Black women were featured in secondary roles, as servants or mammies, if at all. Concurrently, the black press created its own representations of women. Although these representations were complex and sometimes contradictory and had to reach multiple audiences, black-created ads featured women in a variety of roles, such as entertainers, mothers and business women, but never as mammies. Then, in a decade of increased tensions, white-created ads relied on traditional portrayals of women and African-Americans while black-designed ads offered more positive, although complicated, visions of womanhood.
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Date Issued
CFE0004612, ucf:49939
Document (PDF)
Hmong Americans in Higher Education: Exploring their Sense of Belongingness and the Concept of the American Dream.
Daugherty, Janet, Cintron Delgado, Rosa, Owens, J. Thomas, Cox, Thomas, Molina, Olga, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
I conducted this study to examine Hmong American college students' perspectives on sense of belongingness and their idea on the American Dream. The college experience can serve as a precursor to improving the social and economic situation of the Hmong students when aligned with the personal desire to gain upward mobility and motivation to circumvent social and academic inconsistencies.The methodology of the study was designed for one-on-one phenomenological informal interviews with Hmong...
Show moreI conducted this study to examine Hmong American college students' perspectives on sense of belongingness and their idea on the American Dream. The college experience can serve as a precursor to improving the social and economic situation of the Hmong students when aligned with the personal desire to gain upward mobility and motivation to circumvent social and academic inconsistencies.The methodology of the study was designed for one-on-one phenomenological informal interviews with Hmong American college upper-classmen using a two-part interview protocol to elicit demographic and experiential information. Moustakas' approach to the analysis of data provided guidelines to review individual transcripts and to group, remove, cluster, and thematize lived experiences.The findings of this study indicated that Hmong college students: (a) enrolled out of obedience to the parents, especially their fathers, regardless of the educational level of the parents and (b) thrived when authority figures on campus reached out to help their humble situation. . . it not only made them belong to the campus family but it strengthened their self-esteem.
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Date Issued
CFE0005596, ucf:50250
Document (PDF)
Wild sports in the South; or, The camp-fires of the Everglades.
Whitehead, Charles E. (Charles Edward), PALMM (Project)
Abstract / Description
A collection of tales about hunting and interactions with indians in Florida during the middle of the Nineteenth Century.
Date Issued
AAB6340QF00001/18/200508/04/200516448BfamIa D0QF, FHP C CF 2005-01-19, huc3090202, FCLA url 20050420xOCLC, 60544644, CF00001695, 2581474, ucf:24945
Judas vile betrayed his master, I betrayed fair liberty (Pictorial envelope).
Date Created
Set of related objects
Dossie, Porsha, Lester, Connie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
My objective with this thesis is to understand how racist stereotypes and myths compounded the sale of fair-skinned black women during and after the slave trade in New Orleans, Louisiana. This commodification of black women's bodies continued well into the twentieth century, notably in New Orleans' vice district of Storyville. Called "quadroons" (a person with 1/4 African ancestry) and "octoroons" (1/8 African ancestry), these women were known for their "sexual prowess" and drew in a large...
Show moreMy objective with this thesis is to understand how racist stereotypes and myths compounded the sale of fair-skinned black women during and after the slave trade in New Orleans, Louisiana. This commodification of black women's bodies continued well into the twentieth century, notably in New Orleans' vice district of Storyville. Called "quadroons" (a person with 1/4 African ancestry) and "octoroons" (1/8 African ancestry), these women were known for their "sexual prowess" and drew in a large number of patrons. The existence of "white passing" black women complicated ideas about race and racial purity in the South. Race as a myth and social construct, or as Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham explains in her essay, African-American Women's History and the Metalanguage of Race, a "metalanguage" exposes race not as a genetic fact, but rather a physical appearance through which power relations and status were to be conferred. My methodology uses race and gender theory to analyze primary and secondary sources to understand and contextualize how population demographics, myths, and liberal 18th century colonial laws contributed to the sale of black women's bodies. The works of Emily Clark, Walter Johnson, Gwendolyn Midlo Hall and other historians who utilize Atlantic history have been paramount in my research. Emily Clark has transformed the "white-black" women from a tragic, sexualized trope into a fully actualized human being, while Hall has tackled the racist underpinnings inherent in the neglect of black women's history. The writings of bell hooks, particularly her essay Eating the Other, establishes the modern day commodification of black women vis-a-vis their representation in media, as well as through the fetishism of their bodies by a white patriarchal system. During slavery plantation owners could do virtually anything they wanted with their property, including engaging in sexual intercourse. By depicting black women as hypersexual jezebels, they could justify their rape, while establishing their dominance and place in the white male hegemony of that time period. For the right price a white male of a lesser class could achieve the same thing at a brothel down in Storyville at the turn of the twentieth century, for as Emily Clark argues in her book, The Strange History of the American Quadroon, these brothels were a great equalizer, allowing all white men to experience "sexual mastery enjoyed only by elite planters before the Civil War." By democratizing white supremacy, the quadroon and others like her forged solidarity that bridge across all classes, while upholding whiteness and oppressing people of color at the same time.
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Date Issued
CFH0004652, ucf:45310
Document (PDF)
Nieves, Adriana, Warfield, Scott, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As a popular historic work with constant and worldwide performances, the sexist and racist narratives disseminated by Giacomo Puccini's opera Madama Butterfly causes harmful social and political ramifications. Many scholars point to this opera specifically when discussing the fetishization of Asian females, and mention the title character as the quintessential example of damaging stereotypes. Thus, I conduct a postcolonial and feminist reading of Madama Butterfly, through analysis of the...
Show moreAs a popular historic work with constant and worldwide performances, the sexist and racist narratives disseminated by Giacomo Puccini's opera Madama Butterfly causes harmful social and political ramifications. Many scholars point to this opera specifically when discussing the fetishization of Asian females, and mention the title character as the quintessential example of damaging stereotypes. Thus, I conduct a postcolonial and feminist reading of Madama Butterfly, through analysis of the opera's libretto, the libretto sources, and the opera's score. I unravel the Orientalist assumptions that make up the foundation of the Butterfly narrative, and trace them as they make their way into Puccini's opera. I re-read Madama Butterfly as a metaphor for imperialism, and its effects on the colonized psyche. I examine Lieutenant Pinkerton and Butterfly's characters with specific attention to the power dynamics of their relationship in the context of colonization. I emphasize gender, race, and class tensions evident within the white male and white female gazes on the bodies of third world women of color. I present Puccini's musical choices in the operatic score as supplementary to my postcolonial-feminist reading. Puccini's use of pentatonic scales to evoke "Oriental" sounds, as well as his appropriation of Japanese folk tunes and "The Star Spangled Banner" into the score serve to supplement my basic contentions that Madama Butterfly is a product of Oriental discourse and a metaphor for imperialism and its effect on the colonized psyche.
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Date Issued
CFH0004716, ucf:45400
Document (PDF)
Reexamining the Relationship Between Divided Government and Voter Turnout.
Beck, Heidi, Knuckey, Jonathan, Jewett, Aubrey, Lanier, Drew, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis reexamines the effect of divided government on voter turnout originally posited byFranklin and Hirczy de Mi(&)#241;o (1998), which suggested that each year of exposure to dividedgovernment resulted in a cumulative negative effect on voters leading to alienation and lowerturnout. It reconsiders this argument using more recent data, given that voter turnout in U.S.presidential elections (as measured by the Voting Eligible Population) has increased since 2000,even though divided...
Show moreThis thesis reexamines the effect of divided government on voter turnout originally posited byFranklin and Hirczy de Mi(&)#241;o (1998), which suggested that each year of exposure to dividedgovernment resulted in a cumulative negative effect on voters leading to alienation and lowerturnout. It reconsiders this argument using more recent data, given that voter turnout in U.S.presidential elections (as measured by the Voting Eligible Population) has increased since 2000,even though divided government has occurred during this period.This thesis also uses new data and methods to address concerns about the original aggregatelevelresearch design. The research question is tested at the individual-level of analysis todetermine if divided government does interact with political trust to lower turnout. Previousresearch assumed this relationship since there is no aggregate-level proxy for political trust. Byusing survey data from the American National Election Studies it is now possible to test the fulltheory.The aggregate-level models show that misspecifications in the research design of Franklinand Hirczy de Mi(&)#241;o resulting in multicollinearity, and in two instances autocorrelation, whichresulted in a failure to reject the null hypothesis. The individual-level models show that dividedgovernment interacts with low levels of political trust to increase voter turnout, falsifying theargument about the effect of divided government on turnout. Overall, the thesis suggests that theimplications of an aspect of the American political system that renders it distinguishable frommost other advanced-industrial democracies(-)divided party control of the executive andlegislative branches(-)should be reassessed. More generally, the thesis demonstrates theimportance of reevaluating hypotheses in political science with the most recent data and morerobust methods in order to establish whether those original hypotheses are still supported
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Date Issued
CFE0007783, ucf:52363
Document (PDF)
Feinman, David, Houghton, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of American federal government, during periods within which these two branches are led by different political parties, to discover whether the legislative branch attempts to independently legislate and enact foreign policy by using "the power of the purse" to either appropriate in support of or refuse to appropriate in opposition to military engagement abroad. The methodology for this...
Show moreThe purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of American federal government, during periods within which these two branches are led by different political parties, to discover whether the legislative branch attempts to independently legislate and enact foreign policy by using "the power of the purse" to either appropriate in support of or refuse to appropriate in opposition to military engagement abroad. The methodology for this research includes the analysis and comparison of certain variables, including public opinion, budgetary constraints, and the relative majority of the party that holds power in one or both chambers, and the ways these variables may impact the behavior of the legislative branch in this regard. It also includes the analysis of appropriations requests made by the legislative branch for funding military engagement in rejection of requests from the executive branch for all military engagements that occurred during periods of divided government from 1946 through 2009.
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Date Issued
CFE0003657, ucf:48840
Document (PDF)
Hess, Taryn, Gunter, Glenda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The use of online courses continues to increase despite the small amount of research that exists on the effectiveness of online educational environments. The little research that has been conducted has focused on evaluating factors taken into consideration during the adoption of online learning environments. One notable benefit often cited is the ability to incorporate multimedia such as video games. Although game researchers and developers are pushing for the use of video games for...
Show moreThe use of online courses continues to increase despite the small amount of research that exists on the effectiveness of online educational environments. The little research that has been conducted has focused on evaluating factors taken into consideration during the adoption of online learning environments. One notable benefit often cited is the ability to incorporate multimedia such as video games. Although game researchers and developers are pushing for the use of video games for educational purposes, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of serious video games. When paring the increasing use of online educational environments, the push to use serious video games, and the lack of research on the effectiveness of online learning environments and video games, there is a clear need for further investigation into the use of serious video games in an online format. Based on current literature, no other known study has conducted an analysis comparing a serious game-based and non-game based online course; making this a unique study. The purpose of this study was to compare student learning experiences and outcomes between a serious game-based and non-game based online American History course. The data sources were data provided from Florida Virtual School (FLVS) and student and teacher interviews. Random samples of 92 students were statistically analyzed. A group of 8 students and 4 teachers were interviewed. FLVS data provided were analyzed using an independent t-test and the Mann-Whitney test and the student and teacher interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results of an independent t-test revealed that there was a significant (p < .01) difference in the mean number of days necessary to complete the course (MGB = 145.80, SDGB = 50.64, MNGB = 112.63, SDNGB = 49.60). The Mann-Whitney results indicated a significant difference between course performance and the type of American history course (Z = -5.066, p < .01); students in the serious game-based online course had an A average whereas students in the non-game-based online course had a B average. The thematic analysis of the relationship between student performance and motivation in both courses indicated that students and teachers of the game-based online course provided more reasons for student motivation than the students and teachers in the non-game-based online course. The thematic analysis of what aspects do students perceive as helpful and/or hindering to their learning indicated that students and teachers of the game-based online course provided more desirable, more helpful, less undesirable, and less hindering aspects for their course than the students and teachers in the non-game-based online course. As a result of the unique nature of this study, the findings provide new information for the fields of research on online learning, serious video gaming, and instructional design as well as inform instructional-designers, teachers, education stakeholders, serious video game designers, and education researchers.
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Date Issued
CFE0003221, ucf:48566
Document (PDF)
Shepherd, Keegan, Crepeau, Richard, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis analyzes the origins, growth, and legitimization of the standardized test preparation ("test-prep") industry from the late 1940s to the end of the 1980s. In particular, this thesis focuses on the development of Stanley H. Kaplan Education Centers, Ltd. ("Kaplan") and The Princeton Review ("TPR"), and how these companies were most conducive in making the test-prep industry and standardized test-preparation itself socially acceptable. The standardized test most frequently discussed...
Show moreThis thesis analyzes the origins, growth, and legitimization of the standardized test preparation ("test-prep") industry from the late 1940s to the end of the 1980s. In particular, this thesis focuses on the development of Stanley H. Kaplan Education Centers, Ltd. ("Kaplan") and The Princeton Review ("TPR"), and how these companies were most conducive in making the test-prep industry and standardized test-preparation itself socially acceptable. The standardized test most frequently discussed in this thesis is the Scholastic Aptitude Test ("SAT"), especially after its development came under the control of Educational Testing Service ("ETS"), but due attention is also given to the American College Testing Program ("ACT"). This thesis argues that certain test-prep companies gained legitimacy by successfully manipulating the interstices of American business and education, and brokered legitimacy through the rhetorical devices in their advertising. However, the legitimacy for the industry at-large was gained by default as neither the American government nor the American public could conclusively demonstrate that the industry conducted wholesale fraud. The thesis also argues that standardized test manufacturers were forced to engage in a cat-and-mouse game of pseudo-antagonism and adaptation with the test-prep industry once truth-in-testing laws prescribed transparent operations in standardized testing. These developments affect the current state of American standardized testing, its fluctuating but ubiquitous presence in the college admissions process, and the perpetuation of the test-prep industry decades after its origins.
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Date Issued
CFE0003746, ucf:48792
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