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(181 - 200 of 264)


African American Head Football Coaches at Division I FBS Schools: A Qualitative Study on Turning Points
In Double Exile: A Memoir
The Normalization Process of Multimodal Composition: "Unseeing" People of Color in Multimodal Composition Scholarship
The Afro-American Slave Music Project: Building a Case for Digital History
From Skeptical Disinterest to Ideological Crusade: The Road to American Participation in the Greek Civil War, 1943-1949
A Systematic Review of Research on Successful African American Students in Mathematics: Implications for Seminole High School
Immortal Stalemate: U.S.-Iranian Relations (&) the Diversionary Theory of War
Max Stadler & Co., Leading Clothiers
"Picking Cotton," - Down in Sunny Dixie
Topsy's matchbook
temptation of St. Anthony
Seal of North Carolina
Club Plantation Souvenir Menu
When Oppressed Women Attack: Female-Enacted Violence Through Minority American Female Playwrights' Works
war and slavery, and their relations to each other : a discourse, delivered in the Old South Church, Reading, Mass., December 28, 1862
In the cotton field
Mammy in the cotton patch
Old plantation coffee
