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Automated Synthesis of Memristor Crossbar Networks.
Chakraborty, Dwaipayan, Jha, Sumit Kumar, Leavens, Gary, Ewetz, Rickard, Valliyil Thankachan, Sharma, Xu, Mengyu, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The advancement of semiconductor device technology over the past decades has enabled the design of increasingly complex electrical and computational machines. Electronic design automation (EDA) has played a significant role in the design and implementation of transistor-based machines. However, as transistors move closer toward their physical limits, the speed-up provided by Moore's law will grind to a halt. Once again, we find ourselves on the verge of a paradigm shift in the computational...
Show moreThe advancement of semiconductor device technology over the past decades has enabled the design of increasingly complex electrical and computational machines. Electronic design automation (EDA) has played a significant role in the design and implementation of transistor-based machines. However, as transistors move closer toward their physical limits, the speed-up provided by Moore's law will grind to a halt. Once again, we find ourselves on the verge of a paradigm shift in the computational sciences as newer devices pave the way for novel approaches to computing. One of such devices is the memristor -- a resistor with non-volatile memory.Memristors can be used as junctional switches in crossbar circuits, which comprise of intersecting sets of vertical and horizontal nanowires. The major contribution of this dissertation lies in automating the design of such crossbar circuits -- doing a new kind of EDA for a new kind of computational machinery. In general, this dissertation attempts to answer the following questions:a. How can we synthesize crossbars for computing large Boolean formulas, up to 128-bit?b. How can we synthesize more compact crossbars for small Boolean formulas, up to 8-bit?c. For a given loop-free C program doing integer arithmetic, is it possible to synthesize an equivalent crossbar circuit?We have presented novel solutions to each of the above problems. Our new, proposed solutions resolve a number of significant bottlenecks in existing research, via the usage of innovative logic representation and artificial intelligence techniques. For large Boolean formulas (up to 128-bit), we have utilized Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) to automatically synthesize linearly growing crossbar circuits that compute them. This cutting edge approach towards flow-based computing has yielded state-of-the-art results. It is worth noting that this approach is scalable to n-bit Boolean formulas. We have made significant original contributions by leveraging artificial intelligence for automatic synthesis of compact crossbar circuits. This inventive method has been expanded to encompass crossbar networks with 1D1M (1-diode-1-memristor) switches, as well. The resultant circuits satisfy the tight constraints of the Feynman Grand Prize challenge and are able to perform 8-bit binary addition. A leading edge development for end-to-end computation with flow-based crossbars has been implemented, which involves methodical translation of loop-free C programs into crossbar circuits via automated synthesis. The original contributions described in this dissertation reflect the substantial progress we have made in the area of electronic design automation for synthesis of memristor crossbar networks.
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Date Issued
CFE0007609, ucf:52528
Document (PDF)
Saleh, Amani, Geiger, Christopher, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In recent years, natural, man-made and technological disasters have been increasing in magnitude and frequency of occurrence. Terrorist attacks have increased after the September 11, 2001. Some authorities suggest that global warming is partly the blame for the increase in frequency of natural disasters, such as the series of hurricanes in the early-2000's. Furthermore, there has been noticeable growth in population within many metropolitan areas not only in the US but also worldwide....
Show moreIn recent years, natural, man-made and technological disasters have been increasing in magnitude and frequency of occurrence. Terrorist attacks have increased after the September 11, 2001. Some authorities suggest that global warming is partly the blame for the increase in frequency of natural disasters, such as the series of hurricanes in the early-2000's. Furthermore, there has been noticeable growth in population within many metropolitan areas not only in the US but also worldwide. These and other facts motivate the need for better emergency evacuation route planning (EERP) approaches in order to minimize the loss of human lives and property. This research considers aspects of evacuation routing never before considered in research and, more importantly, in practice. Previous EERP models only either consider unidirectional evacuee flow from the source of a hazard to destinations of safety or unidirectional emergency first responder flow to the hazard source. However, in real-life emergency situations, these heterogeneous, incompatible flows occur simultaneously over a bi-directional capacitated lane-based travel network, especially in unanticipated emergencies. By incompatible, it is meant that the two different flows cannot occupy a given lane and merge or crossing point in the travel network at the same time. In addition, in large-scale evacuations, travel lane normal flow directions can be reversed dynamically to their contraflow directions depending upon the degree of the emergency. These characteristics provide the basis for this investigation. This research considers the multiple flow EERP problem where the network travel lanes can be reconfigured using contraflow lane reversals. The first flow is vehicular flow of evacuees from the source of a hazard to destinations of safety, and the second flow is the emergency first responders to the hazard source. After presenting a review of the work related to the multiple flow EERP problem, mathematical formulations are proposed for three variations of the EERP problem where the objective for each problem is to identify an evacuation plan (i.e., a flow schedule and network contraflow lane configuration) that minimizes network clearance time. Before the proposed formulations, the evacuation problem that considers only the flow of evacuees out of the network, which is viewed as a maximum flow problem, is formulated as an integer linear program. Then, the first proposed model formulation, which addresses the problem that considers the flow of evacuees under contraflow conditions, is presented. Next, the proposed formulation is expanded to consider the flow of evacuees and responders through the network but under normal flow conditions. Lastly, the two-flow problem of evacuees and responders under contraflow conditions is formulated. Using real-world population and travel network data, the EERP problems are each solved to optimality; however, the time required to solve the problems increases exponentially as the problem grows in size and complexity. Due to the intractable nature of the problems as the size of the network increases, a genetic-based heuristic solution procedure that generates evacuation network configurations of reasonable quality is proposed. The proposed heuristic solution approach generates evacuation plans in the order of minutes, which is desirable in emergency situations and needed to allow for immediate evacuation routing plan dissemination and implementation in the targeted areas.
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Date Issued
CFE0002168, ucf:47512
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Where's the Boss? The Influences of Emergent Team Leadership Structures on Team Outcomes in Virtual and Distributed Environments.
Porter, Marissa, Salas, Eduardo, Jentsch, Florian, Joseph, Dana, Burke, Shawn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The influence of leadership on team success has been noted extensively in research and practice. However, as organizations move to flatter team based structures with workers communicating virtually across space and time, our conceptualization of team leadership must change to meet these new workplace demands. Given this need, the current study aims to begin untangling the effects of distribution and virtuality on team leadership structure and subsequent team outcomes that may be affected by...
Show moreThe influence of leadership on team success has been noted extensively in research and practice. However, as organizations move to flatter team based structures with workers communicating virtually across space and time, our conceptualization of team leadership must change to meet these new workplace demands. Given this need, the current study aims to begin untangling the effects of distribution and virtuality on team leadership structure and subsequent team outcomes that may be affected by differences in conceptualizing such structures. Specifically, the goals of this study were threefold. First, this study investigated how the physical distribution of members may impact perceptions of team leadership structure, depending on virtual tool type utilized for communicating. Second, this study explored how different indices of team leadership structure may have different influences on team outcomes, specifically in terms of conceptualizing the degree to which multiple members are perceived as collectively enacting particular leadership behaviors via a network density metric, and conceptualizing team leadership in regards to the specialization of members into particular behavioral roles, as captured via role distance and role variety indices. Finally, this study expanded on current research regarding team leadership structure by examining how the collective enactment of particular leadership (i.e., structuring/planning, problem solving, supporting social climate) behaviors may facilitate specific teamwork processes (i.e., transition, action, interpersonal), leading to enhanced team performance, as well as how leadership role specialization may impact overall teamwork and team performance.Findings from a laboratory study of 188 teams participating in a simulated decision making task reveal a significant interaction for the influences of physical distribution and virtuality on perceptions of leadership structure, such that less distributed teams (i.e., those with fewer isolated members) were more likely to perceive their distributed members as participating in the collective enactment of necessary leadership responsibilities when communicating via richer media (i.e., videoconferencing, teleconferencing) than less rich media (i.e., instant messaging). However, virtuality and distribution did not impact the degree to which members were perceived as specializing in a particular leadership role, or the overall variety of leadership roles being performed. In terms of team outcomes, the perceived collective enactment of leadership emanating from distributed team members significantly predicted teamwork, while the perceived collective leadership of collocated members did not have a significant impact. Specifically, greater distributed team member involvement in the collective enactment of structuring/planning leadership positively impacted team transition processes, while the collective enactment of supporting the social climate positively predicted team interpersonal processes. Although the relationship between perceived leadership role specialization, in terms of role distance and role variety, and team performance was mediated by overall teamwork processes as expected, leadership role specialization had a negative impact on overall teamwork. Finally, while team action processes did not serve to mediate the relationship between perceived problem solving network density and team performance, team transition processes mediated the relationships between the collective enactment of structuring/planning for distributed members and team performance. The collective enactment of supporting the social climate by distributed team members and its relationship to team performance was also mediated by interpersonal teamwork processes. Together, these results reveal the importance in considering context, specifically virtuality and physical distribution, when designing, developing and maintaining effective team leadership, teamwork, and team performance. Furthermore, they provide unique insight regarding how different configurations of leadership may be possible in teams. Study limitations, practical implications, and recommendations for future research and practice are further discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004911, ucf:49603
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Jeelani, Mohammad, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Communication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held...
Show moreCommunication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held communication devices, these devices are in a position to drastically improve communication flow during emergency management situations. Due to the lack of official implementation of these devices and the lack of the establishment of standard guidelines for device selection, the use of hand-held communication devices in emergency management is yet to be optimized. Island nations such as the Bahamas, which face unique challenges in regard to emergency management due to geographical, infrastructural, political, and cultural hurdles which are found in the region, can especially benefit from the optimized implementation of hand-held communication devices in emergency management. This study examined current emergency response procedures in The Bahamas, created a baseline for the current use of hand-held communication devices by Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, identified the communication needs of Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, and proposed a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices based upon human factors principals and focusing on user priorities. This study began with a focus group interview which included 14 Bahamian emergency management officials in order to gain an understanding of current Bahamian emergency response procedures and the communication challenges faced by emergency management officials during high consequence emergencies. A paper based survey was conducted, in which 31 Bahamian emergency management officials answered demographic, skill level, and functionality questions related to the use of hand-held communication devices to support emergency related activities including those directed toward preparation, mitigation, and response. These emergency management officials provided invaluable input based upon their practical experience in high consequence emergency situations. 155 Bahamian civilians participated in a similar survey which was a reduced version of the survey used for emergency management officials. Both surveys included questions in regard to the background information of the participants, previous handheld communication experience, device performance, and what other communication devices were being utilized. The surveys were analyzed using statistical methods of categorical data analysis and correlations were identified. Several communication needs which were categorized as infrastructure, organizational, and equipment needs as well as a hierarchy of device selection factors in regard to the use of hand-held communication devices during emergency management situations were identified. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used in order to determine the priorities of each of the identified device selection factors and a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices used to support communication flow in high consequence emergency management was proposed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003762, ucf:48765
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Garayev, Vener, Kapucu, Naim, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
With the increase of severity and scope of disasters, collaborative networks have become the main tool to tackle with complex emergencies. Networks, however, are mostly effective to the extent they are maintained over time. This study analyzes whether organizational goal convergence, information-communication technology utilization, and inter-organizational trust impacts network sustainability. The main research questions of the study are: (1) How are organizational goals, technical...
Show moreWith the increase of severity and scope of disasters, collaborative networks have become the main tool to tackle with complex emergencies. Networks, however, are mostly effective to the extent they are maintained over time. This study analyzes whether organizational goal convergence, information-communication technology utilization, and inter-organizational trust impacts network sustainability. The main research questions of the study are: (1) How are organizational goals, technical/technological capacity of organizations, and trust among organizations of a network are related to the sustainability of collaborative network relationships? (2) Which of the above-mentioned factors plays the most significant role in affecting network sustainability? Covering the context of emergency management system in the United States, this study utilized a self-administered survey that was electronically distributed to county emergency managers across the country. The data consisting of 534 complete responses was analyzed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Inc. software's PASW (Predictive Analytics SoftWare) Statistics version 18.0 and transferred to Amos 18.0 software for structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The findings suggest that organizational goal convergence, information-communication technology utilization, and inter-organizational trust have positive and statistically significant relationships with network sustainability; and, inter-organizational trust is the strongest factor followed by information-communication technology utilization and organizational goal convergence. The study contributes to the literature on network sustainability with specific suggestions for emergency management practitioners.
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Date Issued
CFE0003920, ucf:48738
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Les Temps Roulent: An Analysis of Emergency Medical and Police Response Times to Shootings and Lethality in New Orleans.
Sacra, Sarah, Corzine, Harold, Huff-Corzine, Lin, Gay, David, McCutcheon, James, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Lethality of aggravated assaults has long been discussed in terms of weapons used, location of assault, demographics of victims, and regions of the US in which the assault occurred. However, dating back to the 1950s, medical response times have been discussed as a mediating factor, but minimally explored in analyses. The current study assesses the lethality of shootings with a primary focus on emergency medical and police response times in New Orleans, LA. Along with routine activities and...
Show moreLethality of aggravated assaults has long been discussed in terms of weapons used, location of assault, demographics of victims, and regions of the US in which the assault occurred. However, dating back to the 1950s, medical response times have been discussed as a mediating factor, but minimally explored in analyses. The current study assesses the lethality of shootings with a primary focus on emergency medical and police response times in New Orleans, LA. Along with routine activities and social disorganization indicators, 102 shootings that occurred in 3 months are analyzed to establish response time patterns of lethality. Results indicate that neither medical nor police response times impact the odds of a victim surviving a shooting, but instead, it is the days on which the violent encounters occur and the socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhood that have a stronger influence on life or death, although not statistically significant. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0005881, ucf:50877
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Systems Geometry: A Methodology for Analyzing Emergent System of Systems Behaviors.
Bouwens, Christina, Sepulveda, Jose, Karwowski, Waldemar, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Kapucu, Naim, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recent advancements in technology have led to the increased use of integrated 'systems of systems' (SoS) which link together independently developed and usable capabilities into an integrated system that exhibits new, emergent capabilities. However, the resulting SoS is often not well understood, where secondary and tertiary effects of tying systems together are often unpredictable and present severe consequences. The complexities of the composed system stem not only from system integration,...
Show moreRecent advancements in technology have led to the increased use of integrated 'systems of systems' (SoS) which link together independently developed and usable capabilities into an integrated system that exhibits new, emergent capabilities. However, the resulting SoS is often not well understood, where secondary and tertiary effects of tying systems together are often unpredictable and present severe consequences. The complexities of the composed system stem not only from system integration, but from a broad range of areas such as the competing objectives of different constituent system stakeholders, mismatched requirements from multiple process models, and architectures and interface approaches that are incompatible on multiple levels. While successful SoS development has proven to be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, there are significant problems that remain with the development of such systems that need to be addressed during the early stages of engineering development within such environments. The purpose of this research is to define and demonstrate a methodology called Systems Geometry (SG) for analyzing SoS in the early stages of development to identify areas of potential unintended emergent behaviors as candidates for the employment of risk management strategies. SG focuses on three dimensions of interest when planning the development of a SoS: operational, functional, and technical. For Department of Defense (DoD) SoS, the operational dimension addresses the warfighter environment and includes characteristics such as mission threads and related command and control or simulation activities required to support the mission. The functional dimension highlights different roles associated with the development and use of the SoS, which could include a participant warfighter using the system, an analyst collecting data for system evaluation, or an infrastructure engineer working to keep the SoS infrastructure operational to support the users. Each dimension can be analyzed to understand roles, interfaces and activities. Cross-dimensional effects are of particular interest since such effects are less detectable and generally not addressed with conventional systems engineering (SE) methods. The literature review and the results of this study have identified key characteristics or dimensions that should be examined during SoS analysis and design. Although many methods exist for exploring system dimensions, there is a gap in techniques to explore cross-dimensional interactions and their effect on emergent SoS behaviors. The study has resulted in a methodology for capturing dimensional information and recommended analytical methods for intra-dimensional as well as cross-dimensional analysis. A problem-based approach to the system analysis is recommended combined with the application of matrix methods, network analysis and modeling techniques to provide intra- and cross-dimensional insight. The results of this research are applicable to a variety of socio-technical SoS analyses with applications in analysis, experimentation, test and evaluation and training.
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Date Issued
CFE0005135, ucf:50696
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Re-Conceptualizing Compassion Fatigue: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
Marks, Madeline, Bowers, Clint, Beidel, Deborah, Jentsch, Florian, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Those who are not directly in danger themselves can and do experience negative effects, sometimes at higher rates than those directly exposed. These individuals who experience indirect exposure are often those who work in (")helping(") professions. Helping professionals include psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and first responders, among others. Joinson (1992) described a phenomenon unique to helping professionals, which was termed compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue...
Show moreThose who are not directly in danger themselves can and do experience negative effects, sometimes at higher rates than those directly exposed. These individuals who experience indirect exposure are often those who work in (")helping(") professions. Helping professionals include psychologists, physicians, nurses, social workers, and first responders, among others. Joinson (1992) described a phenomenon unique to helping professionals, which was termed compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue describes these negative affects experienced by helping professionals as a cumulative process. These negative changes can be related to mood and/or a transformation in cognitions. Further, these changes are the result of the empathy and emotionally intense contact with people who experienced a traumatic event, which results in maladaptive psychological consequences that influence the ability to perform the role of a (")helper(") (Bride, Robinson, Yegidis, (&) Figley, 2004; Figley, 1995; McCann (&) Pearlman, 1990; McHolm, 2006; Pearlman (&) Saakvitne, 1995; Stamm, 1995). To measure compassion fatigue, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (Stamm, 2005, 2010) has emerged as the most widely used assessment of compassion fatigue. However, not enough theoretical information and psychometric data on the ProQOL exist to support compassion fatigue as the construct to explain the experiences of those in helping professions. The present study examines the most widely used measure of compassion fatigue, the Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL-5; Stamm, 2010). Specifically, the current study examines the factor validity of the ProQOL-5 using confirmatory factor analysis. In light of the lack of model fit, the construct of compassion fatigue offers a unique and worthy view of the negative consequences of helping others. As a result, the current study proposes a novel approach to clarify a method for measurement and clear-up conceptual overlaps between related constructs. This novel method uses the framework of the information processing model of Whiting (1969).
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Date Issued
CFE0006475, ucf:51434
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Fire safety and emergency evacuation training for occupants of building using 3D virtual simulation.
Bhide, Sayli, Rabelo, Luis, Lee, Gene, McCauley, Pamela, Ahmad, Ali, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
With advancement in technology, building structures are becoming bigger and more complex. Incidences of horrifying fires that occur in such complex structures resulting in loss of property as well as lives are recorded worldwide. Emergency evacuation training can play a crucial role in mitigating damage not only in cases of fire, explosion or chemical spill but also in cases of natural calamities like floods and hurricanes. Conventional safety training provided in industries mostly comprises...
Show moreWith advancement in technology, building structures are becoming bigger and more complex. Incidences of horrifying fires that occur in such complex structures resulting in loss of property as well as lives are recorded worldwide. Emergency evacuation training can play a crucial role in mitigating damage not only in cases of fire, explosion or chemical spill but also in cases of natural calamities like floods and hurricanes. Conventional safety training provided in industries mostly comprises of unidirectional flow of information. Due to this passive learning style, response of employees in real life emergency situations is known to be ineffective. The proposed research focuses on the development of virtual emergency evacuation safety training for residents, workers and employees. This research developed a 3 dimensional (3D) virtual fire safety and emergency evacuation training for building occupants. A 3D model of a real engineering college building in the University of Central Florida (UCF) was developed in a virtual world and participants could interact with various objects and scenarios in this virtual building on a standard desktop computer using keyboard and mouse. Expert interviews and literature review were utilized to develop contents of fire safety and emergency evacuation training. Also, a slide based fire safety and emergency evacuation training was developed based on same contents and made available through a website. An effort was made to develop both trainings- virtual and slide based to be comparable in terms of contents. A case study with two sets of experiments comprising of 143 participants from UCF community was conducted to understand factors such as fidelity, simulation sickness, engagement and effectiveness of 3D virtual and slide based fire safety and emergency evacuation training. Results of fidelity and simulation sickness validated use of 3D virtual training for training building residents on fire safety and emergency evacuation. Data analysis of knowledge tests allowed to compare short terms and long term effectiveness of 3D virtual training and slide based training. To further understand engagement, physiological measure- electroencephalograph (EEG) of 40 healthy participants was recorded in second set of experiments. Ratio of Beta and Alpha frequency bands was studied to understand attention paid by trainees in 3D virtual and slide based training.
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Date Issued
CFE0006935, ucf:51647
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Emergency Room Utilization Disparities among Older Adults Treated by Rural Health Clinics.
Bagwell, Matt, Wan, Thomas, Zhang, Ning, Ortiz, Judith, Hofler, Richard, Bushy, Angeline, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Examining the persistence of disparities over time is an important obligation in terms of rectifying, maintaining, and improving community health and social well-being for all. This study analyzed the individual factors of (a) race/ ethnicity and (b) dual eligibility, as a proxy measure of socioeconomic status, as well as the environmental factor of (c) place of residence, and the organizational factor of (d) Rural Health Clinic (RHC) type on emergency room (ER) utilization of older adult...
Show moreExamining the persistence of disparities over time is an important obligation in terms of rectifying, maintaining, and improving community health and social well-being for all. This study analyzed the individual factors of (a) race/ ethnicity and (b) dual eligibility, as a proxy measure of socioeconomic status, as well as the environmental factor of (c) place of residence, and the organizational factor of (d) Rural Health Clinic (RHC) type on emergency room (ER) utilization of older adult Medicare patients treated by RHCs within the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) Region 4. A prospective, multi-level, longitudinal design was employed to analyze potential health disparities or gaps that may exist among RHC Medicare beneficiary patients (+65) using longitudinal, mixed multilevel modeling in SPSS. The years of investigation were 2010 through 2012. R4 has continually lagged behind other Regions in the Nation in having higher Health Disparities and ER Utilization rates related to Race, Poverty, and Rural Isolation. A key question is: Do these disparities persist? This study's findings support that dual eligible RHC patients utilized ER services at higher rates than non-dual eligible, Medicare only RHC patients at: 77%, 80%, and 66%, in 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively; and above the White reference group, Black RHC Medicare patients utilized ER services at higher rates of: 18%, 20%, and 34%, in 2010, 2011, and 2012, respectively. These findings support that dual Medicare and Medicaid eligibility, as a proxy measure of socioeconomic status, and race continue to influence higher rates of ER utilization in Region 4. In terms of health and utilization disparities, strikingly and persistently, as recent as 2012, Black, dual eligible RHC Medicare beneficiary patients age 65 and over are twice as likely to utilize ER services for health care than their more advantaged counterparts. Health care leaders and policymakers are seeking evidence-based performance measures as tools for detecting gaps in health care and using those subsequent findings as leverage to implement policy change for the purpose of increasing health care delivery performance system-wide while lowering health disparities across various patient populations. Toward that goal, communicating and disseminating the findings of this study contributes to the body of knowledge and enables policy leaders to better make decisions based on empirical evidence in order to strengthen the health care delivery system for older adults in diverse rural contexts. From a health and public affairs policy perspective, crafting in tandem targeted, top-down, population health and bottom-up, community interventions to curb poor health outcomes and high health care utilization would be in the public interest at-large within this region of the Southeastern United States.
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Date Issued
CFE0006259, ucf:51051
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An SoS Conceptual Model, LVC Simulation Framework, and a Prototypical Implementation of Unmanned System Interventions for Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Mitigation.
Davis, Matthew, Proctor, Michael, O'Neal, Thomas, Reilly, Charles, Sulfredge, C., Smith, Roger, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Nuclear power plant disasters can have severe and far-reaching consequences, thus emergency managers and first responders from utility owners to the DoD must be prepared to respond to and mitigate effects protecting the public and environment from further damage. Rapidly emerging unmanned systems promise significant improvement in response and mitigation of nuclear disasters. Models and simulations (M(&)S) may play a significant role in improving readiness and reducing risks through its use...
Show moreNuclear power plant disasters can have severe and far-reaching consequences, thus emergency managers and first responders from utility owners to the DoD must be prepared to respond to and mitigate effects protecting the public and environment from further damage. Rapidly emerging unmanned systems promise significant improvement in response and mitigation of nuclear disasters. Models and simulations (M(&)S) may play a significant role in improving readiness and reducing risks through its use in planning, analysis, preparation training, and mitigation rehearsal for a wide spectrum of derivate scenarios. Legacy nuclear reactor M(&)S lack interoperability between themselves and avatar or agent-based simulations of emergent unmanned systems. Bridging the gap between past and the evolving future, we propose a conceptual model (CM) using a System of System (SoS) approach, a simulation federation framework capable of supporting concurrent and interoperating live, virtual and constructive simulation (LVC), and demonstrate a prototypical implementation of an unmanned system intervention for nuclear power plant disaster using the constructive simulation component. The SoS CM, LVC simulation framework, and prototypical implementation are generalizable to other preparedness, response, and mitigation scenarios. The SoS CM broadens the current stovepipe reactor-based simulations to a system-of-system perspective. The framework enables distributed interoperating simulations with a network of legacy and emergent avatar and agent simulations. The unmanned system implementation demonstrates feasibility of the SoS CM and LVC framework through replication of selective Fukushima events. Further, the system-of-systems approach advances life cycle stages including concept exploration, system design, engineering, training, and mission rehearsal. Live, virtual, and constructive component subsystems of the CM are described along with an explanation of input/output requirements. Finally, applications to analysis and training, an evaluation of the SoS CM based on recently proposed criteria found in the literature, and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0006732, ucf:51879
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Oliveros, Arazais, Renk, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The impact of parents' marital conflict and parent-child conflict on the adjustment of children is well documented. Given the theoretical and empirical data to support a relationship between experiencing interparental and parent-child conflict during childhood and later conflict in romantic relationships, it is important to investigate the potential mechanisms that operate in this relationship. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the extent to which attributions of conflict...
Show moreThe impact of parents' marital conflict and parent-child conflict on the adjustment of children is well documented. Given the theoretical and empirical data to support a relationship between experiencing interparental and parent-child conflict during childhood and later conflict in romantic relationships, it is important to investigate the potential mechanisms that operate in this relationship. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the extent to which attributions of conflict mediate the relationship between experiencing interparental and parent-child conflict and later conflict in a romantic relationship. Results were based on the responses of emerging adults (190 males and 473 females) enrolled in psychology courses at a large southeastern university. Compared to males, females reported experiencing lower levels of permissive parenting, as well as higher levels of interparental psychological aggression, maternal emotional availability, attachment with mothers and peers, and overt violence in their current romantic relationships. Consistent with extant research, significant correlations were found among interparental conflict, parent-child conflict, attributions of conflict, parenting style, emotional availability of parents, attachment, and conflict with current romantic partners. Regression analyses (for males and females separately) suggested that different types of interparental and parent-child conflict predict greater hostile attributions and greater levels of conflict with current romantic partners. Although attributions of conflict predicted conflict with current romantic partners, conflict attributions did not mediate the relationship between family conflict and conflict with current romantic partners. These findings emphasized the importance of research investigating the long-term cognitive and emotional effects of family conflict and violence in order to provide a context for understanding the development of risk and resilience factors for relationship violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0002353, ucf:47819
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Emergent Narrative: Stories of Play, Playing with Stories.
Murnane, Eric, Salter, Anastasia, McDaniel, Rudy, Fanfarelli, Joseph, Costello, Rita, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Emergent narrative, a phenomenon of unexpected contextual stories arising through play, has been researched in the field of game studies since 1999. However, that discussion largely lies in the realm of theoretical stories which are generated by either the system or the player. The purpose of this dissertation is to deepen our understanding of emergent narrative by examining real-world examples of the phenomenon. Four hundred player posts were gathered from forums relating to the video game...
Show moreEmergent narrative, a phenomenon of unexpected contextual stories arising through play, has been researched in the field of game studies since 1999. However, that discussion largely lies in the realm of theoretical stories which are generated by either the system or the player. The purpose of this dissertation is to deepen our understanding of emergent narrative by examining real-world examples of the phenomenon. Four hundred player posts were gathered from forums relating to the video game Skyrim (a large, open world fantasy roleplaying game) and analyzed using a mixed-method framework which is informed by digital ethnography, fan studies, and game studies. Using a cluster sampling method, the posts were divided into categories based on theme. This work outlines the historical trajectory of the term emergent narrative and proposes that player created emergent narratives are novel as they capitalize on random events during play in order to create stories which are both contextual and surprising. Each chapter explores a different kind of storytelling in one hundred of the posts, showcasing the diverse subjects that players explore. This work demonstrates that upon reflection, players are not passive recipients of information from games. By participating in these online activities, players become cocreators of their own stories. This work expands our understanding of players, interactive systems, and narrative by arguing that the act of play is collaborative rather than receptive.
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Date Issued
CFE0007061, ucf:52011
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Sahin, Bahadir, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Crisis management has become one of the most important public policy areas in recent decades with greater numbers of manmade and natural disasters. History showed that well-implemented crisis management policies can save lives and reduce costs in a disaster. Literature offered various suggestions for more effective crisis management policies with different techniques utilizing different theoretical frameworks. Informal relationships among crisis management employees were suggested to have a...
Show moreCrisis management has become one of the most important public policy areas in recent decades with greater numbers of manmade and natural disasters. History showed that well-implemented crisis management policies can save lives and reduce costs in a disaster. Literature offered various suggestions for more effective crisis management policies with different techniques utilizing different theoretical frameworks. Informal relationships among crisis management employees were suggested to have a positive impact on crisis management effectiveness. Yet it was not demonstrated with advanced statistical tools if there is such a relationship. This study considers crisis management effort as a network effort and employs complex adaptive systems theory in order to understand factors influencing effectiveness of crisis management networks. Complex adaptive systems theory presents that more open communication lines in a given network or an organization would increase effectiveness of it since inner processes of the network or organization would obtain more information from the chaotic environment. Quality of informal relationships (casual relationships, social capital etc.) was hypothesized as a tool to open more communication lines within an agency which would eventually increase effectiveness of the network constructed by the organization. Based on the theoretical framework, adaptiveness capacity of the agencies was also tested in order to understand a correlation between adaptation and effectiveness of crisis management networks. Multiple case-study method was employed to identify incidents that can represent crisis management in full perspective. Terrorist attacks carried upon by the same terrorist network hit New York in 2001, Istanbul in 2003, Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005 were selected. First response phase of crisis management and policy changes after and before the attacks were discussed. Public administration processes and other social-economical conditions of countries were examined in terms of crisis management structure. Names of key agencies of selected crisis management systems were suggested by a social network analysis tool-UCINET. Six key agencies per incident were targeted for surveys. Surveys included a nine-item-quality of informal relationships, four-item-adaptiveness capability, and ten-item-perceived effectiveness of crisis management networks-scales. Respondents were asked to fill in online surveys where they could refer to their colleagues in the same incidents. 230 respondents were aimed and 246 survey responses were obtained as a result. Surveys formed a structural equation model representing 23 observed factors and 2 latent constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to validate hypothesis-driven conceptual models. Quality of informal relationships was found to have a significant positive impact on perceived crisis management network effectiveness (Standardized regression coefficient = .39). Two of the adaptiveness variables, openness to change and intra-organizational training were also positively correlated with the dependent variable of the study (Standardized regression coefficient = .40 and .26 respectively). Turkish and American groups' differences suggested a social-economical difference in societies. Majority of the respondents were some type of managers which made it possible to generalize the results for all phases of crisis management. Discussions suggested improved informal relationships among crisis management employees to provide a better crisis management during an extreme event. Collaborative social events were offered to improve crisis management effectiveness. An agency's openness to change proposed that a crisis management organization should be flexible in rules and structureto gain more efficacy. The other adaptiveness variable, intra-organizational training efforts were proposed to have certain influence on effectiveness of crisis management network. Factors built latent construct of perceived crisis management effectiveness were also found out to be important on crisis management, which of some are ability to carry out generic crisis management functions, mobilize personnel and resources efficiently, process information adequately, blend emergent and established entities, provide appropriate reports for news media etc. Study contributed to the complex adaptive system theory since the fundamentals of the theory were tested with an advanced quantitative method. Non-linear relationships within a system were tested in order to reveal a correlation as the theory suggested, where the results were convincingly positive. Crisis management networks' effectiveness was demonstrated to be validated by a ten-item-scale successfully. Future research might utilize more disaster cases both natural and manmade, search for impact of different communication tools within a system, and look at the relationships among members of crisis management networks instead looking within an organization.
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Date Issued
CFE0002709, ucf:48173
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Exploring a Three-Dimensional Narrative Medium: The Theme Park as "De Sprookjessprokkelaar," The Gatherer and Teller of Stories.
Baker, Carissa, McDaniel, Rudy, Salter, Anastasia, Underberg-Goode, Natalie, Hover, Moniek, Dickson, Duncan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation examines the pervasiveness of storytelling in theme parks and establishes the theme park as a distinct narrative medium. It traces the characteristics of theme park storytelling, how it has changed over time, and what makes the medium unique. This was accomplished using a mixed methods approach drawing data from interviews with creative professionals, archival research, fieldwork, and an analysis of more than eight hundred narrative attractions.The survey of narrative...
Show moreThis dissertation examines the pervasiveness of storytelling in theme parks and establishes the theme park as a distinct narrative medium. It traces the characteristics of theme park storytelling, how it has changed over time, and what makes the medium unique. This was accomplished using a mixed methods approach drawing data from interviews with creative professionals, archival research, fieldwork, and an analysis of more than eight hundred narrative attractions.The survey of narrative attractions revealed the most common narrative expressions to be dark rides and stage shows. Source material tends to be cultural tales (legends, fairy tales) or intellectual properties (generally films). Throughout major periods and world regions, setting, scenes, and visual storytelling are the most ubiquitous narrative devices. Three dozen techniques and technologies are detailed in this project. Significant impetuses for narrative change over time are the advent of technologies, formalization of the industry, explicit discourse on storytelling, formation of design philosophies, and general convergence of media. There are at least a half dozen key distinctions in theme park narratives compared with other mediums: dimensionality, scale, communality, brevity, a combinatory aspect, and a reiterative nature. Also significant is that creative professionals view themselves as storytellers, purposefully design with narrative systems, embed them in spaces, and participate in public dialogue surrounding narrative and design principles.This study was initiated to expand the literature on emerging media and narratives within the Texts and Technology approach and to fill a gap in the scholarship, as designer standpoint is rarely considered in analysis. This is the first large-scale study of storytelling in the global theme park industry. It uses underrepresented creative voices as participants and recognizes their contributions as storytellers. Finally, the project lays the groundwork for future inquiries into theme parks as storytellers and spatial narrative mediums.
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Date Issued
CFE0006973, ucf:51626
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The AfterMath: A Culturally Responsive Mathematical Intervention to Aid Students Affected by Natural Disasters.
Kurtz, Brianna, Haciomeroglu, Erhan, Bush, Sarah, Safi, Farshid, Biraimah, Karen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria struck the island of Puerto Rico. The damage was extensive, and many people found themselves to be natural disaster refugees. As a result, schools in Central Florida saw an influx of new students who had their educations interrupted by the disaster and now were resuming school in a new language of instruction. These students not only faced linguistic challenges but also academic differences due to the high prevalence of poverty and the effects of...
Show moreOn September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria struck the island of Puerto Rico. The damage was extensive, and many people found themselves to be natural disaster refugees. As a result, schools in Central Florida saw an influx of new students who had their educations interrupted by the disaster and now were resuming school in a new language of instruction. These students not only faced linguistic challenges but also academic differences due to the high prevalence of poverty and the effects of neocolonialism in their previous schooling. This mixed methods study implemented an intensive intervention in probability to aid students in developing mathematical understanding and forming meaningful connections. Student participants, who had been affected by Hurricane Maria, were now attending a public high school and were paired one-on-one with a bilingual, mathematically high performing student mentor to complete culturally responsive, bilingual probability tasks. Data collection occurred over the course of six weeks in fall 2019. Both mentor and mentee students participated in focus group interviews, and the mentees completed a probability pre-test and post-test. Student participants were found to have statistically significant increases in the understanding of probability concepts when comparing pre-intervention and post-intervention results, with the understanding and usage of the multiplication rule showing the most significant improvement. Both mentors and mentees reported feeling a stronger sense of unity and belonging post-intervention as well as improvement in bilingual academic vocabulary. With the impact of natural disasters on the rise, implications of this study include its adaption to respond to future displaced students as they resume schooling post-interruption in Central Florida and beyond.
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Date Issued
CFE0007828, ucf:52820
Document (PDF)
Mutable Means: An Exploration of Communication and Identity Through Visual and Verbal Deconstruction.
Castellanos, Reina, Price, Mark, Adams, JoAnne, Harris, Christopher, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Increasingly defined by my status as a Nonimmigrant Alien, I have lived longer in the United States than in my native Venezuela. Knowing my stay in this country will be temporary, I examine feelings of uncertainty about my future by deconstructing communication(-)both visual and verbal. Through ambiguity I express anxieties on my personal circumstances and retain objectivity in regard to my process through intellectual inquiry. I layer words, images, and sound to mirror my frustrations, and...
Show moreIncreasingly defined by my status as a Nonimmigrant Alien, I have lived longer in the United States than in my native Venezuela. Knowing my stay in this country will be temporary, I examine feelings of uncertainty about my future by deconstructing communication(-)both visual and verbal. Through ambiguity I express anxieties on my personal circumstances and retain objectivity in regard to my process through intellectual inquiry. I layer words, images, and sound to mirror my frustrations, and project the conflict of my internal dialogue.
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Date Issued
CFE0006086, ucf:50949
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The influence of perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support (&) debriefing on work-related compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress in Florida public safety personnel.
Miller, Anastasia, Unruh, Lynn, Zhang, Ning, Wharton, Tracy, Liu, Albert Xinliang, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, and debriefing on the one hand, and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress on the other hand in Florida law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and dispatch public safety workers. In order to explore the relationships between these constructs, the research questions examined the relationships of the work environment of Florida...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, and debriefing on the one hand, and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress on the other hand in Florida law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and dispatch public safety workers. In order to explore the relationships between these constructs, the research questions examined the relationships of the work environment of Florida public safety by administering surveys gauging perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, psychological resilience, and debriefing activities that the personnel participate in. The Professional Quality of Life: Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Version 5 was also sent out to establish the self-reported levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. The study found that there were differences in the levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress between the public safety fields. It also found that there was a positive relationship between the presence of perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, psychological resilience, and debriefing activities on at least one of the constructs of compassion satisfaction, burnout, or secondary traumatic stress within the different public safety fields. This study furthers the literature by being the first study to compare the four different public safety fields in the state of Florida and with regards to those constructs.
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Date Issued
CFE0006357, ucf:51533
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Gonzalez, Ariel, Rodgers, Travis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many contemporary naturalistic philosophers have taken it for granted that a robust theory of free will, one which would afford us with an agency substantial enough to render us morally responsible for our actions, is itself not conceptually compatible with the philosophical theory of naturalism. I attempt to account for why it is that free will (in its most substantial form) cannot be plausibly located within a naturalistic understanding of the world. I consider the issues surrounding an...
Show moreMany contemporary naturalistic philosophers have taken it for granted that a robust theory of free will, one which would afford us with an agency substantial enough to render us morally responsible for our actions, is itself not conceptually compatible with the philosophical theory of naturalism. I attempt to account for why it is that free will (in its most substantial form) cannot be plausibly located within a naturalistic understanding of the world. I consider the issues surrounding an acceptance of a robust theory of free will within a naturalistic framework. Timothy O'Connor's reconciliatory effort in maintaining both a scientifically naturalist understanding of the human person and a full-blooded theory of agent-causal libertarian free will is considered. I conclude that Timothy O'Connor's reconciliatory model cannot be maintained and I reference several conceptual difficulties surrounding the reconciliation of agent-causal libertarian properties with physical properties that haunt the naturalistic libertarian.
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Date Issued
CFH0004628, ucf:45292
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