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Customer Relationship Marketing by Destination Marketing Organizations: Does it lead to favorable behavioral intentions to meeting planners?.
Lee, Jumyong, Breiter, Deborah, Wang, Youcheng, Kwun, David, Boote, David, Ro, Hee Jung, Love, Curtis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In convention market, one of the fastest growing sectors in hospitality industry, meeting planners play an important role to select a destination for their event. Therefore, a good relationship with them can be a competitive advantage for a convention destination considering a fierce competition among the destinations. The objective of this study is to develop an empirically valid relationship marketing (RM) model that would verify the antecedents, mediators, and consequence of the...
Show moreIn convention market, one of the fastest growing sectors in hospitality industry, meeting planners play an important role to select a destination for their event. Therefore, a good relationship with them can be a competitive advantage for a convention destination considering a fierce competition among the destinations. The objective of this study is to develop an empirically valid relationship marketing (RM) model that would verify the antecedents, mediators, and consequence of the relationship between the destination marketing organization (DMO) and meeting planners. This study found three antecedents (i.e., customer orientation, familiarity, and reputation) of the RM mediating constructs that consist of satisfaction, trust, and commitment as well as consequence (i.e. behavioral intention) led by the RM mediators based on review of the literature. Therefore, the hypothesized relationships 1) between the antecedents and the mediators, 2) between the mediators, 3) and 3) between the mediators and the consequence in the model were tested by using structural equation modeling (SEM) with LISREL results. Eight out of eleven hypotheses were supported by the examination of path coefficients while 33 observed indicators were confirmed in the measurement model through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The SEM results showed the significant relationships that lead to meaningful implications in both industry and academia while this study is not immune to limitations that can be the starting points of recommendations for future studies.
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Date Issued
CFE0004126, ucf:49122
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Management Support and Faculty's Adoption of Learning Management System: Applying Technology Acceptance Model 3.
Li, Zhigang, Sivo, Stephen, Gunter, Glenda, Boote, David, Pan, Cheng-Chang, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research study was to understand and identify the key factors that affect faculty's behavioral intention of using a learning management system. This research study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) as the theoretical foundation and extended it by adding management support as an exogenous variable based on the recommendations from previous research studies. Technology Acceptance Model 3 is the latest iteration of Technology Acceptance Model (-) a widely...
Show moreThe purpose of this research study was to understand and identify the key factors that affect faculty's behavioral intention of using a learning management system. This research study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3) as the theoretical foundation and extended it by adding management support as an exogenous variable based on the recommendations from previous research studies. Technology Acceptance Model 3 is the latest iteration of Technology Acceptance Model (-) a widely adopted research framework for studying users' acceptance of technology. It provides a comprehensive network of determinants of technology adoption and use. A survey questionnaire with 54 measurement items was used to measure the 15 construct variables proposed in the research model. Path analysis was performed on the data collected from 105 faculty members, who were teaching at a metropolitan university located in Taipei City, Taiwan. The goodness of fit indices indicated that the initial research model did not fit the data, and adjustments were made based on the suggestions from the modification indices. The revised research model had a much improved and more acceptable model fit than the initial research model.The final results of this research study revealed a much more complex map of relationships among the construct variables than what was proposed in the initial research model. First, as evidenced by other researchers, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, subjective norm, and the interaction between subjective norm and voluntariness were significant determinants of behavioral intention. Second, subjective norm, image, job relevance, the interaction between job relevance and output quality, and computer playfulness were the significant determinants of perceived usefulness. Third, computer playfulness, perceived enjoyment, and image were the only three significant determinants of perceived ease of use. Lastly, management support along with a list of other variables jointly determined perceptions of external control, subjective norm, image, job relevance, result demonstrability, and the interaction between job relevance and output quality.
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Date Issued
CFE0004478, ucf:49305
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Provider Recommendation of HPV Vaccination: Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap.
Landis, Erica, Neuberger, Lindsay, Sandoval, Jennifer, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The present study, guided by preproduction formative research principles, employed in-depth interviews and a brief survey with pediatric healthcare providers (N=15) to investigate the consistency between behavioral intention to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine, and implementation of the actual behavior. Specifically, the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (IMBP) was used as a framework to examine the impact of skills and environmental constraints on that behavioral intention...
Show moreThe present study, guided by preproduction formative research principles, employed in-depth interviews and a brief survey with pediatric healthcare providers (N=15) to investigate the consistency between behavioral intention to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine, and implementation of the actual behavior. Specifically, the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (IMBP) was used as a framework to examine the impact of skills and environmental constraints on that behavioral intention-behavioral performance relationship. Results suggest providers intend to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine at a high level, but actually recommend the vaccine with a slightly lesser frequency. A thematic analysis of interview transcripts yielded a list of skills (e.g., tact, cultural competence) and environmental constraints (e.g., a lack of policy or school entry requirement, limited time designated for each patient) that contribute to that consistency gap. Additionally, healthcare providers indicated several preferences on training design (e.g., Continuing Medical Education course, delivered by medical and communication professionals) that could be used to inform future message construction. Suggestions for overcoming the environmental constraints reported by providers are presented, and implications for incorporating the emergent skills and preferences into training as a novel strategy for improving provider communication about the HPV vaccine outlined.
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Date Issued
CFE0006132, ucf:51162
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(Tele)presence in Mediated Worship: The Influence of Antecedent Traits and the Effect on Memory, Enjoyment and Behavior.
Klebig, Brian, Rubenking, Bridget, Katt, James, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines the phenomena of (tele)presence in the distinct mediated environment of an online Christian worship service. A quantitative field experiment involving 48 participants who had just viewed a religious Internet broadcast was undertaken. Individual differences in personality and religiosity are examined in tandem with (tele)presence as predictors of a number of outcome variables, including memory, enjoyment of the online worship service and behavioral intention to be more...
Show moreThis study examines the phenomena of (tele)presence in the distinct mediated environment of an online Christian worship service. A quantitative field experiment involving 48 participants who had just viewed a religious Internet broadcast was undertaken. Individual differences in personality and religiosity are examined in tandem with (tele)presence as predictors of a number of outcome variables, including memory, enjoyment of the online worship service and behavioral intention to be more active with the church. The results showed no significant relationship between religiosity and the experience of (tele)presence, but that users who experienced greater (tele)presence enjoyed the service more, had a greater ability to recognize information from the service, and had a greater intention to attend in the future. The implications for online worship services, along with the limitations of this study, are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0005362, ucf:50487
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A Comparison of Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) in the U.S. Restaurant Industry: An Evaluation of Consumer Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions.
Zaitouni, Motaz, Murphy, Kevin, Zhang, Tingting, Wei, Wei, Severt, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Innovation in technology has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many restaurants have been utilizing different types of self-service technologies (SSTs) to enhance their operations and customer satisfaction. Despite, the rapid spread of SSTs in the restaurant industry, very limited empirical research has been conducted to evaluate the influence of SSTs type on customer dining experience.Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was to examine the SSTs values that influence restaurant...
Show moreInnovation in technology has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many restaurants have been utilizing different types of self-service technologies (SSTs) to enhance their operations and customer satisfaction. Despite, the rapid spread of SSTs in the restaurant industry, very limited empirical research has been conducted to evaluate the influence of SSTs type on customer dining experience.Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation was to examine the SSTs values that influence restaurant customers' satisfaction and their decision to continue to reuse SSTs. More specifically, this study utilized the Theory of Consumption Values (TCV) to examine consumers' perception of the SST values across different types of restaurant proprietary SSTs (kiosk, tabletop, restaurant mobile app, and web-based SSTs).In order to examine the hypothesized relationships, a quantitative research approach was utilized with the survey research method. An online self-administered questionnaire was developed in Qualtrics for each type of SSTs. The questionnaires were distributed utilizing Amazon mechanical Turk (MTurk). Data was collected in May 2019 from restaurant customers who previously used/experienced one of four SSTs. A total of 619 questionnaires were usable and retained for the data analysis procedures. PLS-SEM and PLS-MGA were utilized to evaluate the conceptual model.The results revealed that emotional values were the most significant SST values that influence customer satisfaction with the restaurant SST experience and continuance intention. SSTs customization features were positively related to customer satisfaction across all the SSTs included in this study. The theoretical and practical implications of the results were discussed as well as the limitations of the study and future research directions.
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Date Issued
CFE0007744, ucf:52406
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The influence of an annual meeting on the sense of community of association members, their satisfaction, and future intentions.
Hahm, Jee Yeon, Breiter, Deborah, Wang, Youcheng, Fjelstul, Jill, Boote, David, Severt, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Over the past decade, many studies have provided some understanding on what influences association members' decision to attend a meeting; however, more systematic and theoretical research is necessary. The decision making process of attendees is a complicated human behavior practice. The major contribution of this study is adopting the sense of community (SOC) model from psychology to gain a better understanding of the attendee behavior. By doing so, this study will add a theoretical...
Show moreOver the past decade, many studies have provided some understanding on what influences association members' decision to attend a meeting; however, more systematic and theoretical research is necessary. The decision making process of attendees is a complicated human behavior practice. The major contribution of this study is adopting the sense of community (SOC) model from psychology to gain a better understanding of the attendee behavior. By doing so, this study will add a theoretical foundation to the existing research in the meeting industry. Also, this study will contribute to the SOC research in psychology by applying the concept to a different setting. This study investigates whether annual conferences build a SOC among association members. First, the SOC of association members at the conference will be analyzed. Second, the influence of SOC on members' satisfaction with the conference will be studied. Lastly, the direct and indirect relationship between SOC and future intentions (i.e., return to next meeting, membership renewal, and membership recommendation) will be examined. Data was collected through an intercept survey approach at three annual conferences of national/international associations. The questionnaire consisted of four sections: sense of community, satisfaction with the conference, future intentions, and member profile. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test the factor structure and structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationships, and Spearman's rank order correlation was used to see the strength of the relationship between respondent characteristics and sense of community. The results showed that sense of community was a strong predictor of future intentions. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed in the final chapter.
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Date Issued
CFE0004543, ucf:49247
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Laviers, Kennard, Sukthankar, Gita, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
An issue with learning effective policies in multi-agent adversarial games is that the size of the search space can be prohibitively large when the actions of both teammates and opponents are considered simultaneously. Opponent modeling, predicting an opponent's actions in advance of execution, is one approach for selecting actions in adversarial settings, but it is often performed in an ad hoc way. In this dissertation, we introduce several methods for using opponent modeling, in the form of...
Show moreAn issue with learning effective policies in multi-agent adversarial games is that the size of the search space can be prohibitively large when the actions of both teammates and opponents are considered simultaneously. Opponent modeling, predicting an opponent's actions in advance of execution, is one approach for selecting actions in adversarial settings, but it is often performed in an ad hoc way. In this dissertation, we introduce several methods for using opponent modeling, in the form of predictions about the players' physical movements, to learn team policies. To explore the problem of decision-making in multi-agent adversarial scenarios, we use our approach for both offline play generation and real-time team response in the Rush 2008 American football simulator. Simultaneously predicting the movement trajectories, future reward, and play strategies of multiple players in real-time is a daunting task but we illustrate how it is possible to divide and conquer this problem with an assortment of data-driven models. By leveraging spatio-temporal traces of player movements, we learn discriminative models of defensive play for opponent modeling. With the reward information from previous play matchups, we use a modified version of UCT (Upper Conference Bounds applied to Trees) to create new offensive plays and to learn play repairs to counter predicted opponent actions. In team games, players must coordinate effectively to accomplish tasks while foiling their opponents either in a preplanned or emergent manner. An effective team policy must generate the necessary coordination, yet considering all possibilities for creating coordinating subgroups is computationally infeasible. Automatically identifying and preserving the coordination between key subgroups of teammates can make search more productive by pruning policies that disrupt these relationships. We demonstrate that combining opponent modeling with automatic subgroup identification can be used to create team policies with a higher average yardage than either the baseline game or domain-specific heuristics.
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Date Issued
CFE0003914, ucf:48720
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Crockett, William, Massiah, Carolyn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Advertisements affect our daily lives and as technology and the practice of marketing has developed over the course of history, we have become exposed to greater amounts of product and service campaigns. The purpose of advertisements is to educate the consumer with the goal of ultimately selling the product, and many companies and organizations would not be able to survive without the use of advertisements. Ultimately, it is a necessity for a business to prosper in a competitive market, but...
Show moreAdvertisements affect our daily lives and as technology and the practice of marketing has developed over the course of history, we have become exposed to greater amounts of product and service campaigns. The purpose of advertisements is to educate the consumer with the goal of ultimately selling the product, and many companies and organizations would not be able to survive without the use of advertisements. Ultimately, it is a necessity for a business to prosper in a competitive market, but there are possible side-effects for the consumer that are beyond the intentions to buy. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effects advertisements play on the college student in particular. Different static/multi media advertisements have been shown to various college students ranging in gender and background to discover the comprehensive ramifications of specific promotions to study the moral and ethical impact that advertisements play on students' moral intent. An analysis and conclusion will be given, along with ideas for possible future studies. Recommendations will also be stated for marketers to be morally responsible for the advertisements they portray so the audience is not effected in a way that can lead to unwanted consequences. Ultimately, the results did not support the original hypotheses, leading to thought- provoking questions concerning our current marketing practices and the effectiveness of static and multimedia advertisements on college students. Future studies need to take place to reveal the accuracy of the study and to ultimately answer the question, "Are current advertisements influencing the audience at hand?"
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Date Issued
CFH0004250, ucf:44899
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Mercer, Kevin, Lester, Connie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Counterculture history is often divided, with a focus on either the turbulent 1960s or the "back to the land" exodus of the 1970s. A study of Stephen Gaskin and his followers' founding of The Farm, a rural commune near Summertown, Tennessee, provides a unique insight into the commonalities and connections of these two periods. It will be the aim of this thesis to weave the separate narratives of this demographic into one complete idea. The idea that the hippies constituted a counterculture...
Show moreCounterculture history is often divided, with a focus on either the turbulent 1960s or the "back to the land" exodus of the 1970s. A study of Stephen Gaskin and his followers' founding of The Farm, a rural commune near Summertown, Tennessee, provides a unique insight into the commonalities and connections of these two periods. It will be the aim of this thesis to weave the separate narratives of this demographic into one complete idea. The idea that the hippies constituted a counterculture suggests that once that culture went into exile, onto numerous communes, they existed as a diaspora. The Farm's existence as a spiritual commune, with their roots in Haight-Ashbury's short-lived utopian dream, and their continuation and evolution of that dream in Tennessee, make this particular group a model for the diaspora. The Farm, with its larger profile, publishing, and outreach programs, became the preeminent post-Haight-Ashbury commune. The commune was able to preserve the counterculture in exile, while it became a leader in dictating the direction of its progress. The Farm's efforts in midwifery, sustainable living, promotion of vegetarian diets, and outreach in America's inner cities and the Third World all point to a proactive counterculture and the commune's leadership role for the remnants of the counterculture. While the profile of the counterculture has diminished, a shift in American attitudes toward natural childbirth, ecology, and a more earth-friendly diet containing a greater variety of organic and vegetarian options reveal a significant success for their agenda.
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Date Issued
CFH0004195, ucf:44828
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Modeling social norms in real-world agent-based simulations.
Beheshti, Rahmatollah, Sukthankar, Gita, Boloni, Ladislau, Wu, Annie, Swarup, Samarth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Studying and simulating social systems including human groups and societies can be a complex problem. In order to build a model that simulates humans' actions, it is necessary to consider the major factors that affect human behavior. Norms are one of these factors: social norms are the customary rules that govern behavior in groups and societies. Norms are everywhere around us, from the way people handshake or bow to the clothes they wear. They play a large role in determining our behaviors....
Show moreStudying and simulating social systems including human groups and societies can be a complex problem. In order to build a model that simulates humans' actions, it is necessary to consider the major factors that affect human behavior. Norms are one of these factors: social norms are the customary rules that govern behavior in groups and societies. Norms are everywhere around us, from the way people handshake or bow to the clothes they wear. They play a large role in determining our behaviors. Studies on norms are much older than the age of computer science, since normative studies have been a classic topic in sociology, psychology, philosophy and law. Various theories have been put forth about the functioning of social norms. Although an extensive amount of research on norms has been performed during the recent years, there remains a significant gap between current models and models that can explain real-world normative behaviors. Most of the existing work on norms focuses on abstract applications, and very few realistic normative simulations of human societies can be found. The contributions of this dissertation include the following: 1) a new hybrid technique based on agent-based modeling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo is introduced. This method is used to prepare a smoking case study for applying normative models. 2) This hybrid technique is described using category theory, which is a mathematical theory focusing on relations rather than objects. 3) The relationship between norm emergence in social networks and the theory of tipping points is studied. 4) A new lightweight normative architecture for studying smoking cessation trends is introduced. This architecture is then extended to a more general normative framework that can be used to model real-world normative behaviors. The final normative architecture considers cognitive and social aspects of norm formation in human societies. Normative architectures based on only one of these two aspects exist in the literature, but a normative architecture that effectively includes both of these two is missing.
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Date Issued
CFE0005577, ucf:50244
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Pollard, Leonard, Malone, Linda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study created a model using factor analysis and structural equation modeling to investigate the relationship of service quality, word-of-mouth recommendation and price sensitivity of individuals who experienced a timeshare mini vacation at a branded timeshare resort. The constructs of service quality were developed by creating a survey tool. A total of 4,797 surveys were electronically sent resulting in a total of 1,275 of the individuals surveyed who met the criteria of staying at a...
Show moreThis study created a model using factor analysis and structural equation modeling to investigate the relationship of service quality, word-of-mouth recommendation and price sensitivity of individuals who experienced a timeshare mini vacation at a branded timeshare resort. The constructs of service quality were developed by creating a survey tool. A total of 4,797 surveys were electronically sent resulting in a total of 1,275 of the individuals surveyed who met the criteria of staying at a branded hotel or resort during their mini vacation. Six different variables were created from the ordinal level questions on the survey: Resort Accommodations, Sales Gallery, Sales Presentation, Resort Activities, Resort Staff and Brand Value. These were then used in an exploratory factor analysis to identify latent factors after which structural equation modeling was used to define the relationship between the factors and the independent variables. A total of 44 models were explored and evaluated based on goodness-of-fit metrics. The model that had the best level of fit was a first-order two-factor model. This model was created with an 80% subset and confirmed with a 20% subset of the sample. The factors found represent the Vacation Experience Promise (VEP) and the Vacation Experience Delivery (VED). There was a positive correlation for both VEP and VED with word-of-mouth recommendation and price sensitivity. The research also posited 24 hypotheses of the relationship between the service quality constructs, word-of-mouth recommendation and price sensitivity with the demographic characteristics of guest type, gender, stay type, age, marital status, gross income, timeshare ownership and the number of presentations attended. There was not enough information to support a relationship between the service quality constructs, word-of-mouth recommendation and price sensitivity with regards to gender, gross income and marital status. There was a difference in the scores for the service quality constructs and the varying categories within the age, stay type, and timeshare ownership demographic variables. There was a difference only in the VED scores and the varying categories within the guest type and presentations attended demographic variables. There was also a difference in the scores for the word-of-mouth recommendation construct and the varying categories within the age, guest type, timeshare ownership and number of presentations attended demographic variables. Lastly, there was also a difference in the scores for the price sensitivity construct and the varying categories within the guest type, timeshare ownership and presentation attended demographic variables. The research discusses the business implications associated with these findings and proposes next steps for future research.
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Date Issued
CFE0003475, ucf:48942
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The Relationship Between Reading Coaches' Utilization of Data Technology and Teacher Development.
Behrens, Cherie, Blair, Timothy, Taylor, Rosemarye, Kelley, Michelle, Cartwright, Vickie, Flanigan, Jacquelyn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence...
Show moreThe use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence their behavioral intentions, and what trends may emerge in their views about using technology data tools with teachers. A mixed methods approach was deployed via a survey embedded in an email, and data from 61 Florida reading coaches from elementary, middle, and high schools in a large urban school district were examined using an adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results showed that collectively all reading coaches have a high level of behavioral intentions towards using a data technology tool with teachers. The study also showed that elementary, middle, and high school reading coaches vary in their degree of behavioral intentions in using a data technology tool based on different variables. Trends in data showed that reading coaches think data technology tools are helpful, but that trainings are needed and that technology tools should be user-friendly. Discussion is provided regarding the implications of the study results for all stakeholders.
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Date Issued
CFE0004357, ucf:49425
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Gonzalez, Ariel, Rodgers, Travis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many contemporary naturalistic philosophers have taken it for granted that a robust theory of free will, one which would afford us with an agency substantial enough to render us morally responsible for our actions, is itself not conceptually compatible with the philosophical theory of naturalism. I attempt to account for why it is that free will (in its most substantial form) cannot be plausibly located within a naturalistic understanding of the world. I consider the issues surrounding an...
Show moreMany contemporary naturalistic philosophers have taken it for granted that a robust theory of free will, one which would afford us with an agency substantial enough to render us morally responsible for our actions, is itself not conceptually compatible with the philosophical theory of naturalism. I attempt to account for why it is that free will (in its most substantial form) cannot be plausibly located within a naturalistic understanding of the world. I consider the issues surrounding an acceptance of a robust theory of free will within a naturalistic framework. Timothy O'Connor's reconciliatory effort in maintaining both a scientifically naturalist understanding of the human person and a full-blooded theory of agent-causal libertarian free will is considered. I conclude that Timothy O'Connor's reconciliatory model cannot be maintained and I reference several conceptual difficulties surrounding the reconciliation of agent-causal libertarian properties with physical properties that haunt the naturalistic libertarian.
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Date Issued
CFH0004628, ucf:45292
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