Current Search: Mapping (x)
Myers, Michael, Gleyzon, Francois-Xavier, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In geography, maps are a tool of placement which locate both the cartographer and the territory made cartographic. In order to place objects in space, the cartographer inserts his own judgment into the scheme of his design. During the Early Modern period, maps were no longer suspicious icons as they were in the Middle Ages and not yet products of science, but subjects of discourse and works of art. The image of a cartographer's territory depended on his vision�both the nature and placement of...
Show moreIn geography, maps are a tool of placement which locate both the cartographer and the territory made cartographic. In order to place objects in space, the cartographer inserts his own judgment into the scheme of his design. During the Early Modern period, maps were no longer suspicious icons as they were in the Middle Ages and not yet products of science, but subjects of discourse and works of art. The image of a cartographer's territory depended on his vision�both the nature and placement of his gaze�and the product reflected that author's judgment. This is not a study of maps as such but of Early Modern literature, cartographic by nature�the observations of the author were the motif of its design. However, rather than concretize observational judgment through art, the Early Modern literature discussed asserts a reverse relation�the generation of the material which may be observed, the reality, by the views of authors. Spatiality is now an emerging philosophical field of study, taking root in the philosophy of Deleuze & Guattari. Using the notion prevalent in both Postmodern and Early Modern spatiality, which makes of perception a collective delusion with its roots in the critique of Kant, this thesis draws a through-line across time, as texts such as Robert Burton's An Anatomy of Melancholy, Thomas More's Utopia, and selections from William Shakespeare display a tendency to remove value from the standard of representation, to replace meaning with cognition and prioritize a view of views over an observable world. Only John Milton approaches perception as possibly referential to objective reality, by re-inserting his ability to observe and exist in that reality, in a corpus which becomes less generative simulations of material than concrete signposts to his judgment in the world.
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Date Issued
CFH0004899, ucf:53148
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'A Room of Their Own': Heritage Tourism and the Challenging of Heteropatriarchal Masculinity in Scottish National Narratives.
O'Neill, Carys, Lyons, Amelia, Beiler, Rosalind, Cheong, Caroline, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis explores the visibility of women in traditionally masculine Scottish national narratives as evidenced by their physical representation, or lack thereof, in the cultural heritage landscape. Beginning with the 1707 Act of Union between Scotland and England, a moment cemented in history, literature, and popular memory as the beginning of a Scottish rebirth, this thesis traces the evolution of Scottish national identity and the tropes employed for its assertion to paint a clearer...
Show moreThis thesis explores the visibility of women in traditionally masculine Scottish national narratives as evidenced by their physical representation, or lack thereof, in the cultural heritage landscape. Beginning with the 1707 Act of Union between Scotland and England, a moment cemented in history, literature, and popular memory as the beginning of a Scottish rebirth, this thesis traces the evolution of Scottish national identity and the tropes employed for its assertion to paint a clearer picture of the power of strategic selectivity and the effects of sacrifice in the process of community definition. Following the transformation of the rugged Celtic Highlander from his pre-Union relegation as an outer barbarian to his post-Union embrace as the epitome of distinction and the embodiment of anti-English, anti-aristocratic sentiment so crucial to the negotiation of a Scottish place in union and empire, this thesis hones in on notions of gender and peformative identity to form the basis for an analysis of twentieth and twenty-first century national heritage dynamics. An innovative spatial study of monuments and memorials in the Scottish capital city of Edinburgh highlights the gendered inequity of memorialization efforts and the impact of limited female visibility on the storytelling potential of the cityscape. Such a perspective not only adds a distinct visual component but also brings my study full circle by exemplifying contemporary discussions on the role of gender in narrative-setting, the sociocultural relevance of monuments and memorials, and the nature of representation in public spaces.
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Date Issued
CFE0007846, ucf:52811
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A framework for interoperability on the United States electric grid infrastructure.
Laval, Stuart, Rabelo, Luis, Zheng, Qipeng, Xanthopoulos, Petros, Ajayi, Richard, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Historically, the United States (US) electric grid has been a stable one-way power delivery infrastructure that supplies centrally-generated electricity to its predictably consuming demand. However, the US electric grid is now undergoing a huge transformation from a simple and static system to a complex and dynamic network, which is starting to interconnect intermittent distributed energy resources (DERs), portable electric vehicles (EVs), and load-altering home automation devices, that...
Show moreHistorically, the United States (US) electric grid has been a stable one-way power delivery infrastructure that supplies centrally-generated electricity to its predictably consuming demand. However, the US electric grid is now undergoing a huge transformation from a simple and static system to a complex and dynamic network, which is starting to interconnect intermittent distributed energy resources (DERs), portable electric vehicles (EVs), and load-altering home automation devices, that create bidirectional power flow or stochastic load behavior. In order for this grid of the future to effectively embrace the high penetration of these disruptive and fast-responding digital technologies without compromising its safety, reliability, and affordability, plug-and-play interoperability within the field area network must be enabled between operational technology (OT), information technology (IT), and telecommunication assets in order to seamlessly and securely integrate into the electric utility's operations and planning systems in a modular, flexible, and scalable fashion. This research proposes a potential approach to simplifying the translation and contextualization of operational data on the electric grid without being routed to the utility datacenter for a control decision. This methodology integrates modern software technology from other industries, along with utility industry-standard semantic models, to overcome information siloes and enable interoperability. By leveraging industrial engineering tools, a framework is also developed to help devise a reference architecture and use-case application process that is applied and validated at a US electric utility.
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Date Issued
CFE0005647, ucf:50193
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Inquiry as Practice for Continuous Improvement: A Framework for the Curricular Redesign of the Education Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction Research Continuum at the University of Central Florida.
Clark, Paola, Boote, David, Vitale, Thomas, Hopp, Carolyn, Swan, Bonnie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This design-based research study was conducted at the University of Central Florida with the aim of informing the Education Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction research course sequence within the College of Education and Human Performance. The main purpose of this dissertation was to enhance and enrich the Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction research continuum courses to ensure that they support the use of applied research and practical theory as central to the development of scholarly...
Show moreThis design-based research study was conducted at the University of Central Florida with the aim of informing the Education Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction research course sequence within the College of Education and Human Performance. The main purpose of this dissertation was to enhance and enrich the Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction research continuum courses to ensure that they support the use of applied research and practical theory as central to the development of scholarly practitioners. In order to fulfill its purpose, this study addressed three main goals: clarifying the Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction program goals, objectives, and research continuum learning outcomes; developing research course sequence curriculum maps; and redesigning sample curriculum units for individual research courses.The curriculum mapping and redesign process was supported by research-based design choices in alignment with the practice-oriented nature of the program. These design choices included the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Working Principles and Design Concepts, in particular the use of Inquiry as Practice as the main redesign framework in combination with improvement science principles. These frameworks were first used as foundations to clarify the Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction program goal and overall objectives. Later, user-centered design principles were applied to create faculty and student personas in order to inform the redefinition of individual research course learning outcomes. In addition, the frameworks were used to create alignment matrices and demonstrate where they supported each of the program objectives. This iterative process was carried out simultaneously with the course curriculum map redesign for each of the research continuum courses using backward design principles, the spiral curriculum model, and taking into consideration the most suitable instructional modality for learning outcomes, including the best suited education technology choices. Further, some proposed sample course units were developed in greater detail utilizing Universal Design for Learning principles and the prioritization of learning outcomes. Course contents were selected based on cognitive and reasoning learning theories pertaining to mixed method courses for professional practitioners.The developed prototypes support the continuous Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction curriculum redesign efforts of the program and College of Education and Human Performance at the University of Central Florida and clearly distinguish the Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction program from traditional, research-based doctorates. Similarly, at the national level, this study also sought to benefit other CPED-influenced professional practice programs, as they also consider the careful redesign of their research or inquiry sequences to define their programs as ones that fully address the needs of advanced professional educators. Acknowledging the limitations of this study, further studies should identifying the motivational, cognitive, and organizational causes affecting student learning outcomes. Implementing and evaluating the prototypes developed to ensure their effectiveness in preparing scholarly practitioners to act as agents of change in their professional practices.
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Date Issued
CFE0006285, ucf:51585
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Field Theoretic Lagrangian Stencils from Off-Shell Supermultiplet Gauge Quotients.
Katona, Gregory, Klemm, Richard, Hubsch, Tristan, Peale, Robert, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recent efforts to classify off-shell representations of supersymmetry without a central charge have focused upon directed, supermultiplet graphs of hypercubic topology known as Adinkras. These encodings of Super Poincare algebras, depict every generator of a chosen supersymmetry as a node-pair transformtion between fermionic / bosonic componentfields. This research thesis is a culmination of investigating novel diagrammatic sums of gauge quotients by supersymmetric images of other Adinkras,...
Show moreRecent efforts to classify off-shell representations of supersymmetry without a central charge have focused upon directed, supermultiplet graphs of hypercubic topology known as Adinkras. These encodings of Super Poincare algebras, depict every generator of a chosen supersymmetry as a node-pair transformtion between fermionic / bosonic componentfields. This research thesis is a culmination of investigating novel diagrammatic sums of gauge quotients by supersymmetric images of other Adinkras, and the correlated building of field theoretic worldline Lagrangians to accommodate both classical and quantum venues. We find Ref [40], that such gauge quotients do not yield other stand alone or (")proper(") Adinkras as afore sighted, nor can they be decomposed into supermultiplet sums, but are rather a connected (")Adinkraic network("). Their iteration, analogous to Weyl's construction for producing all finite-dimensional unitary representations in Lie algebras, sets off chains of algebraic paradigms in discrete-graph and continuous-field variables, the links of which feature distinct, supersymmetric Lagrangian templates. Collectively, these Adiankraic series air new symbolic genera for equation to phase moments in Feynman path integrals. Guided in this light, we proceed by constructing Lagrangians actions for the N = 3 supermultiplet YI /(iDI X) for I = 1, 2, 3, where YI and X are standard, Salam-Strathdee superfields: YI fermionic and X bosonic. The system, bilinear in the component fields exhibits a total of thirteen free parameters, seven of which specify Zeeman-like coupling to external background (magnetic) fluxes. All but special subsets of this parameter space describe aperiodic oscillatory responses, some of which are found to be surprisingly controlled by the golden ratio, ? ? 1.61803, Ref [52]. It is further determined that these Lagrangians allow an N = 3 ? 4 supersymmetric extension to the Chiral-Chiral and Chiral-twisted-Chiral multiplet, while a subset admits two inequivalent such extensions. In a natural progression, a continuum of observably and usefully inequivalent, finite-dimensional off-shellrepresentations of worldline N = 4 extended supersymmetry are explored, that are variatefrom one another but in the value of a tuning parameter, Ref [53]. Their dynamics turnsout to be nontrivial already when restricting to just bilinear Lagrangians. In particular, wefind a 34-parameter family of bilinear Lagrangians that couple two differently tuned supermultiplets to each other and to external magnetic fluxes, where the explicit parameter dependence is unremovable by any field redefinition and is therefore observable. This offers the evaluation of X-phase sensitive, off-shell path integrals with promising correlationsto group product decompositions and to deriving source emergences of higher-order background flux-forms on 2-dimensional manifolds, the stacks of which comprise space-time volumes. Application to nonlinear sigma models would naturally follow, having potential use in M- and F- string theories.
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Date Issued
CFE0005011, ucf:50004
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Lattice-Valued T-Filters and Induced Structures.
Reid, Frederick, Richardson, Gary, Brennan, Joseph, Han, Deguang, Lang, Sheau-Dong, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A complete lattice is called a frame provided meets distribute over arbitrary joins. The implication operation in this context plays a central role. Intuitively, it measures the degree to which one element is less than or equal to another. In this setting, a category is defined by equipping each set with a T-convergence structure which is defined in terms of T-filters. This category is shown to be topological, strongly Cartesian closed, and extensional. It is well known that the category of...
Show moreA complete lattice is called a frame provided meets distribute over arbitrary joins. The implication operation in this context plays a central role. Intuitively, it measures the degree to which one element is less than or equal to another. In this setting, a category is defined by equipping each set with a T-convergence structure which is defined in terms of T-filters. This category is shown to be topological, strongly Cartesian closed, and extensional. It is well known that the category of topological spaces and continuous maps is neither Cartesian closed nor extensional.Subcategories of compact and of complete spaces are investigated. It is shown that each T-convergence space has a compactification with the extension property provided the frame is a Boolean algebra. T-Cauchy spaces are defined and sufficient conditions for the existence of a completion are given. T-uniform limit spaces are also defined and their completions are given in terms of the T-Cauchy spaces they induce. Categorical properties of these subcategories are also investigated. Further, for a fixed T-convergence space, under suitable conditions, it is shown that there exists an order preserving bijection between the set of all strict, regular, Hausdorff compactifications and the set of all totally bounded T-Cauchy spaces which induce the fixed space.
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Date Issued
CFE0007520, ucf:52586
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