Current Search: Mobility (x)
Design and Verification of a Multi-Terawatt Ti-Sapphire Femtosecond Laser System.
Roumayah, Patrick, Shah, Lawrence, Richardson, Martin, Amezcua Correa, Rodrigo, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Ultrashort pulse lasers are well-established in the scientific community due to the wide range of applications facilitated by their extreme intensities and broad bandwidth capabilities. This thesis will primarily present the design for the Mobile Ultrafast High Energy Laser Facility (MU-HELF) for use in outdoor atmospheric propagation experiments under development at the Laser Plasma Laboratory at UCF. The system is a 100fs 500 mJ Ti-Sapphire Chirped-Pulse Amplification (CPA) laser, operating...
Show moreUltrashort pulse lasers are well-established in the scientific community due to the wide range of applications facilitated by their extreme intensities and broad bandwidth capabilities. This thesis will primarily present the design for the Mobile Ultrafast High Energy Laser Facility (MU-HELF) for use in outdoor atmospheric propagation experiments under development at the Laser Plasma Laboratory at UCF. The system is a 100fs 500 mJ Ti-Sapphire Chirped-Pulse Amplification (CPA) laser, operating at 10 Hz. Some background on the generation of very high intensity optical pulses is also presented, alongside an overview of the physics of filamentation. As part of the design of MU-HELF, this thesis focuses on a novel approach to manage the large amount of dispersion required to stretch the pulse for CPA utilizing a custom nonlinear chirped Volume Bragg Grating (VBG) as a pulse stretcher matched to a traditional Treacy compressor. As part of this thesis, the dispersion of the CPA system was thoroughly modeled to properly design the chirped VBG and fabricated VBGs were characterized using a scanning spectral interferometry technique. The work demonstrates the feasibility of using a compact monolithic pulse stretcher in terawatt class CPA lasers.
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Date Issued
CFE0006651, ucf:51241
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A Quasi-Experiment Examining Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge of Preschool Head Start Children Using Mobile Media Apps.
Vatalaro, Angela, Culp, Anne, Szente, Judit, Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie, Levin, Judith, Goodman, Jill, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The American Academy of Pediatrics (1999, 2011) recommends no screen time for children under two years and limited screen time for three- and four-year-olds. Despite these recommendations, most young children have easy access to various types of screens. In particular, children's use of mobile media, including tablets and other touch screen devices, is increasing (Common Sense Media, 2013). Even though scholars have highlighted positive uses for mobile media (Christakis, 2014; Radesky,...
Show moreThe American Academy of Pediatrics (1999, 2011) recommends no screen time for children under two years and limited screen time for three- and four-year-olds. Despite these recommendations, most young children have easy access to various types of screens. In particular, children's use of mobile media, including tablets and other touch screen devices, is increasing (Common Sense Media, 2013). Even though scholars have highlighted positive uses for mobile media (Christakis, 2014; Radesky, Schumacher, (&) Zuckerman, 2015) and there are recommendations in place for using mobile media with young children in active, open-ended ways (NAEYC (&) Fred Rogers Center, 2012), there has been very limited research conducted on the impact of mobile media on young children's development. What is more, as early childhood professionals are beginning to incorporate mobile media into their classrooms, they are struggling with the ability to use these devices in developmentally appropriate ways (Marklund, 2015; Nuttall, Edwards, Mantilla, Grieshaber, (&) Wood, 2015). The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the efficacy of using different types of mobile media apps to increase the receptive and expressive vocabulary development of preschool children living in economically disadvantaged communities. Children and teachers in four Head Start classrooms participated in the quasi-experimental study, which included an eight-week intervention in which the children interacted with one of two types of apps: one classroom used direct instruction vocabulary apps (n = 16) and one classroom used open-ended vocabulary apps (n = 15). Two classrooms served as control groups (n = 18; n = 14) which used apps that were chosen by the Head Start program with no specific instructional method. Children's vocabulary was assessed pre- and post-intervention. To assess receptive vocabulary, the PPVT-4 (Dunn (&) Dunn, 2007) and an iPad Receptive Vocabulary Assessment (Vatalaro, 2015a) were used. To assess expressive vocabulary, the EVT-2 (Williams, 2007) and an iPad Expressive Vocabulary Assessment (Vatalaro, 2015b) were used. Using a repeated measures analysis of variance with split plot analysis, children who used direct instruction apps performed statistically significantly higher on the PPVT-4 than children who used open-ended apps. Children in the direct instruction app group also performed statistically significantly higher than both control groups on the iPad Receptive Vocabulary Assessment. There were no statistically significant differences between groups for receptive vocabulary as measured by the EVT-2. However, when children were credited for describing a function instead of the iPad vocabulary word, the analysis of the iPad Expressive Vocabulary Assessment revealed that the children using direct instruction apps performed statistically significantly higher than children using open-ended apps and the children in one of the control groups. A secondary purpose of the present study was to examine the use of apps in mobile media by Head Start teachers. The teachers in the two intervention classrooms participated in weekly meetings with the primary researcher for support in using mobile media in their classrooms in order to ensure that the child intervention was carried out with fidelity. After analyzing data from teachers' self-report daily logs across the eight-week intervention, it was determined that the children received instruction on the assigned apps in both intervention classrooms. Although caution is given to the findings due to some limitations such as the quasi-experimental choice of a research design and the number of participants, the present study contributed to the early childhood research literature with the findings that interactive, animated apps which provide the meanings of vocabulary words in a direct instruction manner may have the ability to increase a child's receptive vocabulary, and to increase a child's descriptive definitions of iPad functions. This information increases the chance that teachers in Head Start will begin using direct instruction apps, in the hope of increasing a child's vocabulary knowledge.
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Date Issued
CFE0005896, ucf:50859
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An Applied Organizational Analysis of School Factors Affecting Technology Integration within the Context of Literacy Instruction.
Rawlinson, D'Ann, Boote, David, Zygouris-Coe, Vassiliki, Little, Mary, Pawlas, George, Behrens, Cherie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this Dissertation in Practice was to analyze the organizational factors affecting technology integration within the context of literacy instruction at a single school site that was preparing to implement a 1:1 mobile device initiative in all K-5 classrooms the following academic year. This was achieved through conducting an organizational analysis using a multi-frame model developed by Bolman and Deal (2008). This study used a convergent parallel mixed methods research design...
Show moreThe purpose of this Dissertation in Practice was to analyze the organizational factors affecting technology integration within the context of literacy instruction at a single school site that was preparing to implement a 1:1 mobile device initiative in all K-5 classrooms the following academic year. This was achieved through conducting an organizational analysis using a multi-frame model developed by Bolman and Deal (2008). This study used a convergent parallel mixed methods research design consisting of teacher and administrator interviews, a quantitative and qualitative survey, and classroom observational data. One main evaluation question was designed to frame this organizational analysis: What organizational factors support and impede technology integration within the context of literacy instruction? To answer the main evaluation question, the evaluator collected data to answer six evaluation sub-questions. The evaluation sub-questions were developed to ensure that data was being collected among Bolman and Deal's (2008) four frames. In the context of integrating technology into literacy instruction, the data collected in this study suggest that the organizational strategies and issues within the human resource frame are impacting, and are impacted by, the organization's political, structural, and symbolic practices. The teachers' lack of opportunities to develop the requisite knowledge, experience, and skills needed to integrate technology into literacy instruction seem to have impacted the teachers' level of technology integration as well as their levels of concern. Data from this organizational analysis indicated that the lack of time was a major obstacle in learning how to integrate mobile devices into literacy instruction. The school's current team-based organizational model, while supporting other aspects of their education practices, may create structural and political barriers to effectively implement the 1:1 mobile device initiative. Observations and interviews suggested that the school values technology to support basic literacy skills, but not the transformative role of technology on literacy in today's society. Using all four frames of the Bolman and Deal's (2008) model allows an organization to look beyond one frame, such as developing human resources through professional development, when working towards implementing a school-wide initiative effectively. Although tailored professional development is necessary for teachers to learn how to integrate technology into literacy instruction, the professional development will not be effective without greater stability in the instructional staff, and focused political and structural solutions that will support the instructional staff's professional learning and implementation.
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Date Issued
CFE0005989, ucf:50768
Document (PDF)
Approximated Control Affine Dynamics Mode For an Agricultural Field Robot Considering Wheel Terrain Interaction.
Menendez-Aponte, Pablo, Xu, Yunjun, Lin, Kuo-Chi, Moslehy, Faissal, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As populations and the demand for higher crop yields grow, so to does the need forefficient agricultural wheeled mobile robots. To achieve precise navigation through a fieldit is desirable that the control system is designed based on an accurate dynamic model. Inthis paper a control affine model for a custom designed skid-steer differential drive wheeledmobile robot is found. The Terramechanic wheel terrain interaction is adopted and modifiedto consider wheels with a torus geometry. Varying...
Show moreAs populations and the demand for higher crop yields grow, so to does the need forefficient agricultural wheeled mobile robots. To achieve precise navigation through a fieldit is desirable that the control system is designed based on an accurate dynamic model. Inthis paper a control affine model for a custom designed skid-steer differential drive wheeledmobile robot is found. The Terramechanic wheel terrain interaction is adopted and modifiedto consider wheels with a torus geometry. Varying slip ratios and slip angles are consideredin the terrain reaction forces, which is curve-fitted using a nonlinear least squares approachsuch that the achieved model is control affine. The parameters in the proposed model isidentified through an extended Kalman filter so that the state variables in the model arematched. Both simulation and experiments in a commercial farm validated the proposedmodel and the identification approach.
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Date Issued
CFE0006480, ucf:51410
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Near-road Dispersion Modeling of Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) in Florida.
Westerlund, Kurt, Cooper, Charles, Radwan, Ahmed, Randall, Andrew, Hall, Steven, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
There is a growing public concern that emissions of mobile source air toxics (MSATs) from motor vehicles may pose a threat to human health. At present, no state or federal agencies require dispersion modeling of these compounds, but many agencies are concerned about potential future requirements. Current air pollution professionals are familiar with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for dispersion modeling to produce predicted...
Show moreThere is a growing public concern that emissions of mobile source air toxics (MSATs) from motor vehicles may pose a threat to human health. At present, no state or federal agencies require dispersion modeling of these compounds, but many agencies are concerned about potential future requirements. Current air pollution professionals are familiar with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for dispersion modeling to produce predicted concentrations for comparison with appropriate standards. This research examined a method in which the potential near-road concentrations of MSATs were calculated. It was believed that by assessing MSATs in much the same way that are used for other pollutants, the model and methods developed in this research could become a standard for those quantifying MSAT concentrations near-roadways.This dissertation reports on the results from short-term (1-hour) and long-term (annual average) MSATs dispersion modeling that has been conducted on seven intersections and seven freeway segments in the state of Florida. To accomplish the modeling, the CAL3QHC model was modified to handle individual MSAT emissions input data and to predict the concentrations of several MSATs around these roadway facilities. Additionally, since the CAL3MSAT model is DOS based and not user-friendly, time was invested to develop a Windows(&)#174; graphical user interface (GUI). Real-world data (traffic volumes and site geometry) were gathered, worst-case meteorology was selected, mobile source emission factors (EFs) were obtained from MOVES2010a, and worst-case modeling was conducted. Based on a literature search, maximum acceptable concentrations (MACs) were proposed for comparison with the modeled results, for both a short-term (1-hour) averaging time and a long-term (1-year) averaging time.Results from this CAL3MSAT modeling study indicate that for all of the intersections and freeway segments, the worst-case 1-hour modeled concentrations of the MSATs were several orders of magnitude below the proposed short-term MACs. The worst-case 1-year modeled concentrations were of the same order of magnitude as the proposed long-term MACs.The 1-year concentrations were first developed by applying a persistence factor to the worst-case 1-hour concentrations. In the interest of comparing the predicted concentrations from the CAL3MSAT persistence factor approach to other dispersion models, two EPA regulatory models (CAL3QHCR and AERMOD) with the ability to account for yearly meteorology, traffic, and signal timing were used. Both hourly and annual MSAT concentrations were predicted at one large urban intersection and compared for the three different dispersion models. The short-term 1-hour results from CAL3MSAT were higher than those predicted by the two other models due to the worst-case assumptions. Similarly, results indicate that the CAL3MSAT persistence factor approach predicted a worst-case annual average concentration on the same order of magnitude as the two other more refined models. This indicated that the CAL3MSAT model might be useful as a worst-case screening approach.
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Date Issued
CFE0004772, ucf:49804
Document (PDF)
Modeling User Transportation Patterns Using Mobile Devices.
Davami, Erfan, Sukthankar, Gita, Gonzalez, Avelino, Foroosh, Hassan, Sukthankar, Rahul, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Participatory sensing frameworks use humans and their computing devices as a large mobile sensing network. Dramatic accessibility and affordability have turned mobile devices (smartphone and tablet computers) into the most popular computational machines in the world, exceeding laptops. By the end of 2013, more than 1.5 billion people on earth will have a smartphone. Increased coverage and higher speeds of cellular networks have given these devices the power to constantly stream large amounts...
Show moreParticipatory sensing frameworks use humans and their computing devices as a large mobile sensing network. Dramatic accessibility and affordability have turned mobile devices (smartphone and tablet computers) into the most popular computational machines in the world, exceeding laptops. By the end of 2013, more than 1.5 billion people on earth will have a smartphone. Increased coverage and higher speeds of cellular networks have given these devices the power to constantly stream large amounts of data.Most mobile devices are equipped with advanced sensors such as GPS, cameras, and microphones. This expansion of smartphone numbers and power has created a sensing system capable of achieving tasks practically impossible for conventional sensing platforms. One of the advantages of participatory sensing platforms is their mobility, since human users are often in motion. This dissertation presents a set of techniques for modeling and predicting user transportation patterns from cell-phone and social media check-ins. To study large-scale transportation patterns, I created a mobile phone app, Kpark, for estimating parking lot occupancy on the UCF campus. Kpark aggregates individual user reports on parking space availability to produce a global picture across all the campus lots using crowdsourcing. An issue with crowdsourcing is the possibility of receiving inaccurate information from users, either through error or malicious motivations. One method of combating this problem is to model the trustworthiness of individual participants to use that information to selectively include or discard data.This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of the performance of different worker quality and data fusion models with plausible simulated user populations, as well as an evaluation of their performance on the real data obtained from a full release of the Kpark app on the UCF Orlando campus. To evaluate individual trust prediction methods, an algorithm selection portfolio was introduced to take advantage of the strengths of each method and maximize the overall prediction performance.Like many other crowdsourced applications, user incentivization is an important aspect of creating a successful crowdsourcing workflow. For this project a form of non-monetized incentivization called gamification was used in order to create competition among users with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality of data submitted to the project. This dissertation reports on the performance of Kpark at predicting parking occupancy, increasing user app usage, and predicting worker quality.
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Date Issued
CFE0005597, ucf:50258
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The Effect of Habitat for Humanity Homeownership on Student Attendance and Standardized Test Scores in Orange County Florida School District.
Harris, Charles, Kincaid, John, Uddin, Nizam, Rivers, Kenyatta, Wiegand, Rudolf, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The mobility of low-income students who do not have access to stable housing creates numerous challenges both at home and in school. Among these challenges, academic performance certainly is one of the most important. The lack of a more permanent, familiar, and safe environment is presumed to impact home life as well as students' performance in the classroom. This research compares two groups of current and former students of Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) in Florida (1) children of...
Show moreThe mobility of low-income students who do not have access to stable housing creates numerous challenges both at home and in school. Among these challenges, academic performance certainly is one of the most important. The lack of a more permanent, familiar, and safe environment is presumed to impact home life as well as students' performance in the classroom. This research compares two groups of current and former students of Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) in Florida (1) children of families who are Habitat for Humanity (HFH) homeowners, and (2) a matched socioeconomic control group. The HFH program is designed to provide a stable, affordable housing for families who cannot acquire it through standard means. The research question is: Does stability in housing make an impact on academic performance in the particular area of FCAT scores and attendance? Data were gathered from OCPS and the HFH homeowners themselves. This data were used to evaluate the impact of HFH homeownership on students' academic environment. Results showed better attendance at school, but HFH students fared worse in FCAT performance when compared to control group especially in reading.
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Date Issued
CFE0005504, ucf:50360
Document (PDF)
Message Prioritization in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Study of Mobile Device Use in the Classroom.
Wills, Paul, Malala, John, Hastings, Sally, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
College students are using their mobile devices during class and this research investigates different aspects of why college students feel so inclined to use these devices during class as well as by what means are students using to participate in computer-mediated communication while simultaneously engaging in classes. This research surveyed 146 students on their perceived use of their own mobile device use during class. The study compared how often different types of devices, such as mobile...
Show moreCollege students are using their mobile devices during class and this research investigates different aspects of why college students feel so inclined to use these devices during class as well as by what means are students using to participate in computer-mediated communication while simultaneously engaging in classes. This research surveyed 146 students on their perceived use of their own mobile device use during class. The study compared how often different types of devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, and different types of social media outlets, like Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites, were used during class. The study compares these devices and media outlets to students' perception of the levels of incivility of using these various means of communication during class and their perceptions of how they impact their ability to focus on the class. Mobile phones, Facebook, and Twitter use were negatively associated with the perception of the incivility of use in the classroom. This research found phone use was viewed as more uncivil than tablets and tablet use was viewed as more uncivil than laptop use. In addition, students' perceptions of instructors' tolerance of mobile phone and laptop use was negatively associated with their perception of the incivility of using those devices during class. All three tested mobile devices and all three tested social media outlets were positively associated with students' perception that its use affects their ability to focus on the class. This research found mobile phones use as more distracting than laptops and laptops use as more distracting than tablets. ?
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Date Issued
CFE0005073, ucf:49958
Document (PDF)
Perceptions of Education as an Avenue to Life Course Success: A Study of Millennials.
Smith, Patrick, Gay, David, Lynxwiler, John, Wright, James, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
For more than a half a century the role of education and its influence on social mobility and status attainment has been a subject of research. Further more, education has been shown to be an important contributor for success over the life course. Much of the research surrounding status attainment and higher education has dealt with the Baby Boomer cohort. The purpose of the study is to examine education from a perspective that is less talked about to this point. This study uses data gathered...
Show moreFor more than a half a century the role of education and its influence on social mobility and status attainment has been a subject of research. Further more, education has been shown to be an important contributor for success over the life course. Much of the research surrounding status attainment and higher education has dealt with the Baby Boomer cohort. The purpose of the study is to examine education from a perspective that is less talked about to this point. This study uses data gathered by the Pew Research Center and examines a specific age group, current 18-30 year olds (Millennials), to gather a better understanding of their attitudes towards the value of higher education within the current era of the economy, education, and job opportunity. According to the analysis, females report higher odds of feeling that a college degree is important to success later in life. Equally important, results indicate that Blacks have greater odds of perceiving education to be important for success in life. Results also demonstrated that in this particular study, other factors such as income and employment status did not significantly affect respondent's perceptions on the importance of education.
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Date Issued
CFE0005263, ucf:50572
Document (PDF)
Hutchens, Jason, Taylor, Rosemarye, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Formal features of video such as shot composition and graphic design can weigh heavily on the success or failure of educational videos. Many studies have assessed the proper use of these techniques given the psychological expectations that viewers have for video programming (Hawkins et al., 2002; Kenny, 2002; Lang, Zhou, Schwardtz, Bolls, & Potter, 2000; McCain, Chilberg, & Wakshlag, 1977; McCain & Repensky, 1972; Miller, 2005; Morris, 1984; Roe, 1998; Schmitt, Anderson, & Collins, 1999;...
Show moreFormal features of video such as shot composition and graphic design can weigh heavily on the success or failure of educational videos. Many studies have assessed the proper use of these techniques given the psychological expectations that viewers have for video programming (Hawkins et al., 2002; Kenny, 2002; Lang, Zhou, Schwardtz, Bolls, & Potter, 2000; McCain, Chilberg, & Wakshlag, 1977; McCain & Repensky, 1972; Miller, 2005; Morris, 1984; Roe, 1998; Schmitt, Anderson, & Collins, 1999; Sherman & Etling, 1991; Tannenbaum & Fosdick, 1960; Wagner, 1953). This study examined formal features within the context of the newly emerging distribution method of viewing video productions on mobile handheld devices. Shot composition and graphic design were examined in the context of an educational video to measure whether or not they had any influence on user perceptions of learning and learning outcomes. The two formal features were modified for display on 24 inch screens and on 3.5 inch or smaller screens. Participants were shown one of the four modified treatments, then presented with a test to measure whether or not the modified formal features had any impact or influence on learning outcomes from a sample of 132 undergraduate college students. No significant differences were found to occur as a result of manipulation of formal features between the treatment groups.
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Date Issued
CFE0002371, ucf:47797
Document (PDF)
Understanding Crisis Communication and Mobility Resilience during Disasters from Social Media.
Roy, Kamol, Hasan, Samiul, Eluru, Naveen, Wu, Yina, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Rapid communication during extreme events is one of the critical aspects of successful disaster management strategies. Due to their ubiquitous nature, social media platforms offer a unique opportunity for crisis communication. Moreover, social media usage on GPS enabled devices such as smartphones allow us to collect human movement data which can help understanding mobility during a disaster. This study leverages social media (Twitter) data to understand the effectiveness of social media...
Show moreRapid communication during extreme events is one of the critical aspects of successful disaster management strategies. Due to their ubiquitous nature, social media platforms offer a unique opportunity for crisis communication. Moreover, social media usage on GPS enabled devices such as smartphones allow us to collect human movement data which can help understanding mobility during a disaster. This study leverages social media (Twitter) data to understand the effectiveness of social media-based communication and the resilience of human mobility during a disaster. This thesis has two major contributions. First, about 52.5 million tweets related to hurricane Sandy are analyzed to assess the effectiveness of social media communication during disasters and identify the contributing factors leading to effective crisis communication strategies. Effectiveness of a social media user is defined as the ratio of attention gained over the number of tweets posted. A model is developed to explain more effective users based on several relevant features. Results indicate that during a disaster event, only few social media users become highly effective in gaining attention. In addition, effectiveness does not depend on the frequency of tweeting activity only; instead it depends on the number of followers and friends, user category, bot score (controlled by a human or a machine), and activity patterns (predictability of activity frequency). Second, to quantify the impacts of an extreme event to human movements, we introduce the concept of mobility resilience which is defined as the ability of a mobility infrastructure system to manage shocks and return to a steady state in response to an extreme event. We present a method to detect extreme events from geo-located movement data and to measure mobility resilience and loss of resilience due to those events. Applying this method, we measure resilience metrics from geo-located social media data for multiple types of disasters occurred all over the world. Quantifying mobility resilience may help us to assess the higher-order socio-economic impacts of extreme events and guide policies towards developing resilient infrastructures as well as a nation's overall disaster resilience.
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Date Issued
CFE0007362, ucf:52090
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Autonomous Discovery and Maintenance of Mobile Frees-Space-Optical Links.
Khan, Mahmudur, Yuksel, Murat, Pourmohammadi Fallah, Yaser, Ewetz, Rickard, Turgut, Damla, Nam, Boo Hyun, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Free-Space-Optical (FSO) communication has the potential to play a significant role in future generation wireless networks. It is advantageous in terms of improved spectrum utilization, higher data transfer rate, and lower probability of interception from unwanted sources. FSO communication can provide optical-level wireless communication speeds and can also help solve the wireless capacity problem experienced by the traditional RF-based technologies. Despite these advantages, communications...
Show moreFree-Space-Optical (FSO) communication has the potential to play a significant role in future generation wireless networks. It is advantageous in terms of improved spectrum utilization, higher data transfer rate, and lower probability of interception from unwanted sources. FSO communication can provide optical-level wireless communication speeds and can also help solve the wireless capacity problem experienced by the traditional RF-based technologies. Despite these advantages, communications using FSO transceivers require establishment and maintenance of line-of-sight (LOS). We consider autonomous mobile nodes (Unmanned Ground Vehicles or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), each with one FSO transceiver mounted on a movable head capable of scanning in the horizontal and vertical planes. We propose novel schemes that deal with the problems of automatic discovery, establishment, and maintenance of LOS alignment between these nodes with mechanical steering of the directional FSO transceivers in 2-D and 3-D scenarios. We perform extensive simulations to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods for both neighbor discovery and LOS maintenance. We also present a prototype implementation of such mobile nodes with FSO transceivers. The potency of the neighbor discovery and LOS alignment protocols is evaluated by analyzing the results obtained from both simulations and experiments conducted using the prototype. The results show that, by using such mechanically steerable directional transceivers and the proposed methods, it is possible to establish optical wireless links within practical discovery times and maintain the links in a mobile setting with minimal disruption.
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Date Issued
CFE0007575, ucf:52573
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The Impact of Homelessness and Remaining in School of Origin on the Academic Achievement of Fourth Through Eighth Grade Students in Brevard County Public Schools.
Dunkel, Richard, Murray, Barbara, Murray, Kenneth, Doherty, Walter, Thedy, Elizabeth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examined the impact of homelessness and the ability of homeless students to remain in their school of origin on the academic achievement of fourth through eighth grade students in Brevard County, Florida. To determine effects of homelessness, homeless students were compared to non-homeless students who qualified for free lunch utilizing developmental scale scores and learning gains from 2011 FCAT Reading and Mathematics. To determine effects of remaining in school of origin,...
Show moreThis study examined the impact of homelessness and the ability of homeless students to remain in their school of origin on the academic achievement of fourth through eighth grade students in Brevard County, Florida. To determine effects of homelessness, homeless students were compared to non-homeless students who qualified for free lunch utilizing developmental scale scores and learning gains from 2011 FCAT Reading and Mathematics. To determine effects of remaining in school of origin, homeless students who changed schools were compared to homeless students who did not change schools utilizing the same assessment data. Independent t-tests and chi-square tests of association were used with .05 significance levels.Findings showed that homeless and non-homeless students had no significant differences in reading scores, and homeless students had significantly higher mathematics scores. However, significantly fewer homeless students made an annual learning gain in reading and math learning gains were statistically equal. Remaining in school of origin also had no significant impact on reading and math developmental scale scores, but a significantly lower percentage of homeless students who changed schools made annual learning gains in reading and mathematics.These results led the researcher to develop a theory called the Weighted Saddle Effect, caused by homeless mobility, to describe the difficulty homeless students had in making annual learning gains commensurate with their developmental scale scores.Recommendations for policy included school districts ensuring transportation to school of origin was available for all homeless students as mandated by the McKinney-Vento Act.
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Date Issued
CFE0004531, ucf:49232
Document (PDF)
Ho, Yao, Hua, Kien, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
According to a Gartner Group ( report in September 2008, the worldwide telecommunications market is on pace to reach $2 trillion in 2008. Gartner predicts that by 2012, the ratio of mobile to fixed connections will exceed 4-to-1. The North American mobile data market grew to 141.1 million connections in 2007, with a compound annual growth rate of 41.7 percent. It is believed that a large portion will be ad hoc and multi-hop connections, which will open many opportunities for...
Show moreAccording to a Gartner Group ( report in September 2008, the worldwide telecommunications market is on pace to reach $2 trillion in 2008. Gartner predicts that by 2012, the ratio of mobile to fixed connections will exceed 4-to-1. The North American mobile data market grew to 141.1 million connections in 2007, with a compound annual growth rate of 41.7 percent. It is believed that a large portion will be ad hoc and multi-hop connections, which will open many opportunities for Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) applications and Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) applications. A MANET is a self-organizing multi-hop wireless network where all nodes participate in the routing and data forwarding process. Such a network can be easily deployed in situations where no base station is available, and a network must be build spontaneously. In applications such as battlefield communications, national crises, disaster recovery, and sensor deployment, a wired network is not available and ad hoc networks provide the only feasible means of communications and information access. Ad hoc networks have also become commonplace for gaming, conferencing, electronic classrooms, and particularly vehicle-to-vehicle communications. A Wireless mash network (WMN) is collection of mesh clients and mesh nodes (routers), with mesh nodes forming the backbone of the network and providing connection to the Internet and other network. Their rapid deployment and ease of maintenance are suitable for on-demand network such as disaster recovery, homeland security, convention centers, hard-to-wire buildings and unfriendly terrains. One important problem with MANET is the routing protocol that needs to work well not just with a small network, but also sustain efficiency and scalability as the network gets expanded and the application transmits data in greater volume. In such an environment, mobility, channel error, and congestion are the main causes for packet loss. Due to mobility of mobile hosts, addressing frequent and unpredictable topology changes is fundamental to MANET research. Two general approaches have been considered: connection-oriented approach and connectionless-oriented approach. In the former, the emphasis is on how to reconnect quickly with low overhead when a broken link occurs. Examples of this approach includes , , , , , , , , , and . In contrast, connectionless-oriented approach focuses on minimizing the occurrence of broken links. We proposed one such scheme called Connectionless Approach (CLA) and . In CLA, the network area is divided into non-overlapping grid cells, each serving as a virtual router. Any physical router (i.e., mobile host), currently inside a virtual router, can help forward the data packet to the next virtual router along the virtual link. This process is repeated until the packet reaches its final destination. Since a virtual link is based on virtual routers which do not move, it is much more robust than physical links used in the connection-oriented techniques. Simulation results in our previous works and , based on GloMoSim , indicate that CLA performs significantly better than connection-oriented techniques (i.e., AODV, DSR, LAR, GRID, TMNR, and GPSR). The contribution of this work consists of investigating and developing new Connectionless-Oriented Approach for Mobile Ad Hoc Network. Two of the greatest impacts of this research are as follows. First, the new approach is targeted towards robustly support high mobility and large scale environment which has been adapted for vehicle-to-vehicle environment in . Second, the detailed simulations which compare eight representative routing protocols, namely AODV, DSR, LAR, GRID, TMNR, GPSR, CBF, and CLA, under high-mobility environments. As many important emergent applications of the technology involved high-mobility nodes, very little is known about the existing routing methods perform relative to each other in high-mobility environments. The simulation results provide insight into ad hoc routing protocols and offer guidelines for mobile ad hoc network applications. Next, we enhanced and extend the connectionless-oriented approach. The current connectionless-oriented approach, however, may suffer from packet drops since traffic congestion is not considered in the packet forwarding policy. We address this weakness by considering the connectionless-oriented approach with a collision avoidance routing technique. After that, we investigate techniques to enforce collaboration among mobile devices in supporting the virtual router functionality. Many works have been published to combat such problem - misbehaving nodes are detected and a routing algorithm is employed to avoid and penalize misbehaving nodes. These techniques, however, cannot be applied to the connectionless-oriented approach since any node in the general direction towards the destination node can potentially help forward the data packets. To address the security and cooperation issues for connectionless-oriented approach, we introduce a cooperation enforcement technique called 3CE (3-Counter Enforcement). In addition, wireless mesh networks have become increasingly popular in recent years. Wireless mash network (WMNs) are collection of mesh clients and mesh nodes (routers), with mesh nodes forming the backbone of the network and providing connection to the Internet and other network. We propose a paradigm that combines virtual routers and mesh nodes to create a hybrid network call VR-Mesh Network. This hybrid network can reduce number of mesh node needed without decrease the performance of the network.
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Date Issued
CFE0002742, ucf:48146
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Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS) to Improve Malaria Pharmacoadherence in Zambia.
Steury, Elinda, Sole, Mary Lou, Bushy, Angeline, Conner, Norma, Haiduven, Donna, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTMalaria significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality rates in Zambia. The currently accepted malaria treatment is artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT); it is more than 97% effective when the regimen is strictly adhered to. However, the mean ACT adherence rate in sub-Saharan Africa is only approximately 38-48%. Poor pharmacoadherence remains a significant barrier to malaria control and elimination.The purpose of this study was to determine if adherence rates to a six...
Show moreABSTRACTMalaria significantly contributes to morbidity and mortality rates in Zambia. The currently accepted malaria treatment is artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT); it is more than 97% effective when the regimen is strictly adhered to. However, the mean ACT adherence rate in sub-Saharan Africa is only approximately 38-48%. Poor pharmacoadherence remains a significant barrier to malaria control and elimination.The purpose of this study was to determine if adherence rates to a six-dose ACT antimalarial treatment differ between patients in Zambia who received short message service (SMS) reminders and those who did not. An experimental, randomized, controlled trial was conducted to collect data from a sample of 96 adult patients with malaria who presented to Fisenge Clinic in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. Participants were randomly assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention group received SMS messages to remind them to take their medication according to the regimen. An electronic pillbox was used to measure pharmacoadherence for both groups, and patients were classified as probably adherent or probably non-adherent.Data were analyzed using Chi-square for association between the SMS intervention and pharmacoadherence, and logistic regression used for predictors of adherence. No significant association was found between SMS reminders and pharmacoadherence among malaria patients being treated with ACT when evaluated with respect to those who received the SMS reminders and those who did not (?2=0.19, df=1, p=0.67). Binary logistic regression indicated that there were no variables associated with adherence (p(>)0.05).Findings from this study contribute to the research regarding the use of mobile phones to promote adherence. This is the first study of its kind using SMS directly to the patient for ACT adherence in sub-Saharan Africa known to the author. It is possible that the use of the electronic pillbox and/or the novelty of participating in a research study contributed to higher levels of adherence than previously found in this geographical area. While data suggested that there was no association between SMS and adherence, further research is needed to explore the value of this intervention.
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Date Issued
CFE0005421, ucf:50430
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An Investigation of Boaters' Attitudes toward and Usage of Targeted Mobile Apps.
Bowerman, Kamra, Delorme, Denise, Brown, Timothy, Neuberger, Lindsay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to understand boaters' adoption and usage of smartphones and mobile apps as well as to obtain their opinion on potential features of a targeted mobile app being developed as part of a broader interdisciplinary Florida Sea Grant outreach project. Data were gathered from an online survey of a sample of 164 boaters from the surrounding Central Florida area. In contrast with previous empirical mobile app studies, many respondents reported using mobile apps for...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to understand boaters' adoption and usage of smartphones and mobile apps as well as to obtain their opinion on potential features of a targeted mobile app being developed as part of a broader interdisciplinary Florida Sea Grant outreach project. Data were gathered from an online survey of a sample of 164 boaters from the surrounding Central Florida area. In contrast with previous empirical mobile app studies, many respondents reported using mobile apps for information-seeking versus escape gratifications. Further more than half of the respondents' age sixty-five and over indicated using smartphones and mobile apps. These findings reflected recent national trend data showing shifting gratifications and an increase in technology use among older American adults. In regards to the planned mobile app, the study's respondents had favorable reactions to its potential features and indicated an above average intent toward downloading the app.
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Date Issued
CFE0004655, ucf:49902
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Childhood diet and mobility at medieval (1240s AD) Solt-T(&)#233;telhegy, Hungary as reconstructed from stable carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen isotope analysis.
Gugora, Ariana, Dupras, Tosha, Williams, Lana, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Between 2005 and 2009, archaeologists excavated more than 100 skeletons from the medieval (1240s AD) Hungarian site of Solt-T(&)#233;telhegy. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on dental enamel and dentin from 24 individuals to examine their childhood diet. Although previous stable isotopic research has described the diet of medieval European peoples, this is the first such study on a medieval Hungarian population. The enamel ?13C values range from -14.4‰ to -8.6‰,...
Show moreBetween 2005 and 2009, archaeologists excavated more than 100 skeletons from the medieval (1240s AD) Hungarian site of Solt-T(&)#233;telhegy. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on dental enamel and dentin from 24 individuals to examine their childhood diet. Although previous stable isotopic research has described the diet of medieval European peoples, this is the first such study on a medieval Hungarian population. The enamel ?13C values range from -14.4‰ to -8.6‰, with a mean of -11.1‰, while the dentin ?13C values range from -19.4‰ to -14.9‰, with an average of -17.4‰. These data indicate that C3 plants were the main plant type consumed by the majority of this population, with the exception of a few individuals, who appear to have included C4 plants in their diet. These results are to be expected, given the dominance of C3 over C4 plants in medieval Central Europe. Thus, based on historical and isotopic evidence, the outliers may have spent their childhoods elsewhere and later migrated into the Solt-T(&)#233;telhegy area. The ?15N values range from 9.5‰ to 11.6‰, with a mean of 10.6‰, indicating that animal protein was prevalent in the diets of the sample population. Despite clear signs of status differences indicated by burial location, stable nitrogen values also point to relatively egalitarian access to animal protein amongst the individuals. The enamel ?18Op values range from 23.6‰ to 27.2‰, with an average of 25.1‰, suggesting that multiple migrations occurred into the study site. The results of this study show that the dietary and mobility information gleaned from stable isotope analysis can be used to interpret the lifeways of archaeological peoples. ?
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Date Issued
CFE0005623, ucf:50213
Document (PDF)
Kachirski, Oleg, Guha, Ratan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, we describe the portable, open-source distributed simulation framework (WINDS) targeting simulations of wireless network infrastructures that we have developed. We present the simulation framework which uses modular architecture and apply the framework to studies of mobility pattern effects, routing and intrusion detection mechanisms in simulations of large-scale wireless ad hoc, infrastructure, and totally mobile networks. The distributed simulations within the...
Show moreIn this dissertation, we describe the portable, open-source distributed simulation framework (WINDS) targeting simulations of wireless network infrastructures that we have developed. We present the simulation framework which uses modular architecture and apply the framework to studies of mobility pattern effects, routing and intrusion detection mechanisms in simulations of large-scale wireless ad hoc, infrastructure, and totally mobile networks. The distributed simulations within the framework execute seamlessly and transparently to the user on a symmetric multiprocessor cluster computer or a network of computers with no modifications to the code or user objects. A visual graphical interface precisely depicts simulation object states and interactions throughout the simulation execution, giving the user full control over the simulation in real time. The network configuration is detected by the framework, and communication latency is taken into consideration when dynamically adjusting the simulation clock, allowing the simulation to run on a heterogeneous computing system. The simulation framework is easily extensible to multi-cluster systems and computing grids. An entire simulation system can be constructed in a short time, utilizing user-created and supplied simulation components, including mobile nodes, base stations, routing algorithms, traffic patterns and other objects. These objects are automatically compiled and loaded by the simulation system, and are available for dynamic simulation injection at runtime. Using our distributed simulation framework, we have studied modern intrusion detection systems (IDS) and assessed applicability of existing intrusion detection techniques to wireless networks. We have developed a mobile agent-based IDS targeting mobile wireless networks, and introduced load-balancing optimizations aimed at limited-resource systems to improve intrusion detection performance. Packet-based monitoring agents of our IDS employ a CASE-based reasoner engine that performs fast lookups of network packets in the existing SNORT-based intrusion rule-set. Experiments were performed using the intrusion data from MIT Lincoln Laboratories studies, and executed on a cluster computer utilizing our distributed simulation system.
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Date Issued
CFE0000642, ucf:46545
Document (PDF)
DiPietro, Jessica, Norris, Anne, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Overweight and obese children have increased risks for multiple preventable diseases and conditions which can impair their physiological health and significantly increases the overall cost of their healthcare. Free mobile applications and technology for weight loss, dietary tracking, and physical activity may be quite useful for monitoring nutritional intake and exercise to facilitate weight loss. If so, nurses are well positioned to recommend such tools as part of their efforts to prevent...
Show moreOverweight and obese children have increased risks for multiple preventable diseases and conditions which can impair their physiological health and significantly increases the overall cost of their healthcare. Free mobile applications and technology for weight loss, dietary tracking, and physical activity may be quite useful for monitoring nutritional intake and exercise to facilitate weight loss. If so, nurses are well positioned to recommend such tools as part of their efforts to prevent childhood obesity and help children and parents better manage childhood obesity when it is present. However, there are no guidelines that nurses can use to determine what applications or technologies are most beneficial to children and their parents. The purpose of this project is to develop such guidelines based on a review of the scientific literature published in the last 5 years. Articles regarding healthy-lifestyle promoting mobile applications and technological approaches to health and fitness interventions were identified by searching articles indexed by CINAHL, Psychinfo, Medline, ERIC, IEEE Xplore, and Academic Search Premier. Identified articles were assessed using Melnyk's hierarchy of evidence and organized into tables so that implications for research and suggestions for practice could be made.
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Date Issued
CFH0004616, ucf:45255
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Efficient and Scalable Evaluation of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries in Mobile Computing Environments.
Cazalas, Jonathan, Guha, Ratan, Bassiouni, Mostafa, Orooji, Ali, Al-Deek, Haitham, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a...
Show moreA variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a naive CPU-based solution for continuous range-monitoring queries, and we then extend this system using the GPU. Additionally, with mobile communication devices becoming commodity, location-based services will become ubiquitous. To cope with the very high intensity of location-based queries, we propose a view oriented approach of the location database, thereby reducing computation costs by exploiting computation sharing amongst queries requiring the same view. Our studies show that by exploiting the parallel processing power of the GPU, we are able to significantly scale the number of mobile objects, while maintaining an acceptable level of performance.Our second approach was to view this research problem as one belonging to the domain of data streams. Several works have convincingly argued that the two research fields of spatio-temporal data streams and the management of moving objects can naturally come together. [IlMI10, ChFr03, MoXA04] For example, the output of a GPS receiver, monitoring the position of a mobile object, is viewed as a data stream of location updates. This data stream of location updates, along with those from the plausibly many other mobile objects, is received at a centralized server, which processes the streams upon arrival, effectively updating the answers to the currently active queries in real time.For this second approach, we present GEDS, a scalable, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based framework for the evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries over spatio-temporal data streams. Specifically, GEDS employs the computation sharing and parallel processing paradigms to deliver scalability in the evaluation of continuous, spatio-temporal range queries and continuous, spatio-temporal kNN queries. The GEDS framework utilizes the parallel processing capability of the GPU, a stream processor by trade, to handle the computation required in this application. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance and shows the scalability and efficacy of GEDS in spatio-temporal data streaming environments. Additional performance studies demonstrate that, even in light of the costs associated with memory transfers, the parallel processing power provided by GEDS clearly counters and outweighs any associated costs.Finally, in an effort to move beyond the analysis of specific algorithms over the GEDS framework, we take a broader approach in our analysis of GPU computing. What algorithms are appropriate for the GPU? What types of applications can benefit from the parallel and stream processing power of the GPU? And can we identify a class of algorithms that are best suited for GPU computing? To answer these questions, we develop an abstract performance model, detailing the relationship between the CPU and the GPU. From this model, we are able to extrapolate a list of attributes common to successful GPU-based applications, thereby providing insight into which algorithms and applications are best suited for the GPU and also providing an estimated theoretical speedup for said GPU-based applications.
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Date Issued
CFE0004222, ucf:49012
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