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Between Words: Popular Culture and the Rise of Print in Seventeenth Century England.
Schneck, Christie, Larson, Peter, Ozoglu, Adem, Walker, Ezekiel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Seventeenth century England was forced to come to terms with events such as the Civil War and the regicide of King Charles I, in the midst of contending with the cultural changes brought upon by print culture, the effects of which appeared throughout all aspects of English society. These changes helped form a relationship between print and oral culture, one of negotiation among the producers and regulators of work and the society consuming the works. The discussion of this negotiation has led...
Show moreSeventeenth century England was forced to come to terms with events such as the Civil War and the regicide of King Charles I, in the midst of contending with the cultural changes brought upon by print culture, the effects of which appeared throughout all aspects of English society. These changes helped form a relationship between print and oral culture, one of negotiation among the producers and regulators of work and the society consuming the works. The discussion of this negotiation has led to varying conclusions concerning the true impact of printed materials on English society and culture, all of which tend to see the relationship in one of two ways: print's undeniable and unprecedented influence on culture, or its function as supplement to oral and visual communication. The latter conclusion helped form the foundation of this study, which aims to further understand the negotiation between print and English society. The close analysis of recurring themes of the supernatural, specifically prophecy, witchcraft, regicide, and the natural world, will show unmistakable similarities between popular entertainment and written works. Through the examination of these themes, this thesis will illustrate the extent to which common imagery and wording appeared in newsbooks and what this says about oral communication and culture in early modern England.
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Date Issued
CFE0004217, ucf:49006
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Teaching English in Iraq:An Analysis of an EFL textbook.
Al-Akraa, Sarab, Purmensky, Kerry, Folse, Keith, Vitanova-Haralampiev, Gergana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study evaluates the fifth- grade beginning English textbook, Iraq Opportunities 3, which was introduced in elementary schools by the Iraqi Ministry of Education in 2012. This mixed methods research aims to analyze the content of a new textbook that is considered to be the foundation of the English language program in Iraq. This is a valuable research project since its findings reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Iraq Opportunities 3 based on three critical components: grammar,...
Show moreThis study evaluates the fifth- grade beginning English textbook, Iraq Opportunities 3, which was introduced in elementary schools by the Iraqi Ministry of Education in 2012. This mixed methods research aims to analyze the content of a new textbook that is considered to be the foundation of the English language program in Iraq. This is a valuable research project since its findings reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Iraq Opportunities 3 based on three critical components: grammar, vocabulary, and culture. A survey questionnaire was used in this study to elicit the perspectives of English language teachers who are using this textbook in their classrooms along with the personal evaluation by the researcher. Three research questions were addressed in this study: 1) How are grammar and vocabulary addressed in Iraq Opportunities 3? 2) How are English-speaking and Iraqi cultures represented in Iraq Opportunities 3? and 3) Is the L2 culture represented in this textbook in a way that exposes students to the English-speaking culture? The findings are generally in favor of the textbook in terms of grammar and vocabulary and their appropriateness for the age and level of students. However, the study criticizes the limited role and the poor representation of culture in this curriculum.
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Date Issued
CFE0004970, ucf:49582
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Parental Beliefs and Attitudes on Enrollment in a Dual Language Program at an Elementary School.
Delorenzo, Leah, Purmensky, Kerry, Folse, Keith, Vitanova-Haralampiev, Gergana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the 2010-2011 school year, there were almost a quarter of a million English language learners (ELLs) enrolled in Florida public schools (Florida Department of Education, 2011), most of whom were placed in mainstream schools with segregated language remediation. Dual language education (DLE) programs offer developmental opportunities in two languages that mainstream schools cannot. The purpose of this research was to identify parental attitudes toward immersion programs and define the...
Show moreIn the 2010-2011 school year, there were almost a quarter of a million English language learners (ELLs) enrolled in Florida public schools (Florida Department of Education, 2011), most of whom were placed in mainstream schools with segregated language remediation. Dual language education (DLE) programs offer developmental opportunities in two languages that mainstream schools cannot. The purpose of this research was to identify parental attitudes toward immersion programs and define the reasons that parents enroll their children in DLEs. Sixty participants completed a questionnaire sent home from their student's DLE. The study data included biographical information, statements depicting the reasons for enrollment rated by a Likert scale, and an area for comments. Overall, the study found that survey participants rated their child's comfort communicating with Spanish speakers (4.75 out of 5) to be the most important reason for enrollment. A difference was found in responses depending on the ethnic/language group of surveyed participants. Primarily, Spanish speakers responded more positively to the statements regarding bilingual education than any other ethnic/language group. All parents conclusively believe the dual immersion program has been a success for their children.
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Date Issued
CFE0004989, ucf:49553
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A Comparison of the Academic Achievement of English Learners and Non-English Learners in Digital and Non-Digital Learning Environments.
Vela, Enrique, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Lee, Doherty, Walter, Nutta, Joyce, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which learning in a digital school environment impacts the reading and mathematics achievement of English learners (ELs) in elementary and secondary school settings. In addition, this study intended to determine the extent, if any, that learning in a digital school environment narrows the achievement gap in reading and mathematics between ELs and their non-EL counterparts in elementary and secondary schools. Based on data collected from...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which learning in a digital school environment impacts the reading and mathematics achievement of English learners (ELs) in elementary and secondary school settings. In addition, this study intended to determine the extent, if any, that learning in a digital school environment narrows the achievement gap in reading and mathematics between ELs and their non-EL counterparts in elementary and secondary schools. Based on data collected from the first year of a 1:1 digital pilot implementation in a large urban school district in Florida, the results of this study identified grade levels and school levels where the 2014 Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT) 2.0 Reading and Mathematics Developmental Scale Scores (DSS) of ELs in digital school settings were significantly higher than in non-digital school settings. In addition, the study yielded some statistically significant differences in the learning gains in DSS of the 2014 FCAT 2.0 Reading and Mathematics of ELs and non-ELs in digital school settings. These findings may be used to inform the planning of technology integration, academic interventions, and teacher preparation that focuses on the academic improvement of ELs.
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Date Issued
CFE0006410, ucf:51455
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Consequences of Skipping First Year Composition: Mapping Student Writing from High School to the Academic Disciplines.
Bell, Craig, Roozen, Kevin, Bryan, Matthew, Rounsaville, Angela, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Research in writing studies has focused on students who make the traditional transition from high school to first year composition, to the entry level discipline specific courses in their chosen majors (Wardle, 2007, 2009; Sommers and Saltz, 2004; Beaufort, 2007; Carroll, 2002). Very little scholarship addresses those students who (")skip(") first year composition and find themselves in entry level discipline specific courses classrooms. With three former students, I conduct a case study over...
Show moreResearch in writing studies has focused on students who make the traditional transition from high school to first year composition, to the entry level discipline specific courses in their chosen majors (Wardle, 2007, 2009; Sommers and Saltz, 2004; Beaufort, 2007; Carroll, 2002). Very little scholarship addresses those students who (")skip(") first year composition and find themselves in entry level discipline specific courses classrooms. With three former students, I conduct a case study over the course of eight months via a series of face to face, facetime, skype and email interviews. Each of these students, through earning high test scores in high school, forego first year composition and move directly to entry level discipline specific courses. Using third generation activity theory as a lens (Engestr(&)#246;m, 1996, 1999, 2001; Roth and Lee, 2007; Russell, 1995, 1997; Kain and Wardle, 2002), I examine these students' understanding of what they have experienced in high school writing(-)specifically high school English class(-)what they think college writing will demand, and finally what, in fact, they find the college writing demands to be. Not only do I find that each of the students felt very prepared for the demands they will encounter, but they remained confident. The study does, however, illuminate unforeseen challenges for both students and those who teach them: student literate lives are incredibly complex, and there is a real potential for a writing gap between formal writing instruction and when students will engage in intensive discipline writing tasks.
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Date Issued
CFE0006933, ucf:51636
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Expressing Future Time in Spoken Conversational English: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Sitcom Friends.
Harris, Brandon, Folse, Keith, Mihai, Florin, Vitanova-Haralampiev, Gergana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Far from being simply will, a survey of English grammar textbooks revealed that a multitude of expressions exists in the English language to express the future time. These expressions include, but are not limited to, will, be going to, the simple present tense, modals, the future perfect tense, and the present progressive tense. With so many choices and with a lack of direct relationship between tense and time, a language learner may certainly have difficulties in choosing which expression to...
Show moreFar from being simply will, a survey of English grammar textbooks revealed that a multitude of expressions exists in the English language to express the future time. These expressions include, but are not limited to, will, be going to, the simple present tense, modals, the future perfect tense, and the present progressive tense. With so many choices and with a lack of direct relationship between tense and time, a language learner may certainly have difficulties in choosing which expression to use when attempting to produce a future utterance. A corpus-based approach to analyzing real language has been demonstrated to be quite useful for the field of TESOL (Biber, Conrad, (&) Reppen, 1996; Biber (&) Conrad, 2001; Biber (&) Reppen, 2002) and numerous studies on the frequency of lexical and grammatical items of language have revealed salient features that otherwise would have remained unknown. Adding to this body of knowledge, the current study was an analysis of future expressions in spoken conversational English using the television sitcom Friends as a corpus. A careful analysis of 349,106 words from transcripts of 117 randomly selected episodes revealed that the most common expression of the future in the English language is the contracted form of be going to (-) gonna. The results of the study also revealed that only six future expressions emerged in this spoken conversational English from this corpus: will, be going to, the simple present tense, the present progressive tense, modals, and be about to.
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Date Issued
CFE0004860, ucf:49695
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Date Created
DP0012741, E448.C65 1863
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School Psychologist Perceptions Regarding Implementation of Response to Intervention with English Language Learners.
Puyana, Olivia, Sivo, Stephen, Edwards, Oliver, Hewitt, Randall, Thomson, Arlene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This research was an investigation of three domains identified through a thorough review of the literature as fundamental to the equitable implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) with English language learners (ELLs): (1) degree of intercultural sensitivity of educators involved in the RtI process, (2) training of educators in implementation of RtI with ELLs, and (3) educator familiarity with empirically-based interventions for use with ELLs. The validity of using RtI with ELLs has...
Show moreThis research was an investigation of three domains identified through a thorough review of the literature as fundamental to the equitable implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) with English language learners (ELLs): (1) degree of intercultural sensitivity of educators involved in the RtI process, (2) training of educators in implementation of RtI with ELLs, and (3) educator familiarity with empirically-based interventions for use with ELLs. The validity of using RtI with ELLs has been questioned by both supporters and detractors of the model (Linan-Thompson (&) Ortiz, 2009). The most fundamental tenets of RtI are predicated upon the use of empirically validated interventions and the application of culturally responsive educational practices that provide equitable learning opportunities for all students. Due to the critical role of school psychologists in the development and implementation of RtI models, a questionnaire was designed for use with this population to explore the three domains delineated above. The Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS; Chen (&) Starosta, 2000) was used to document participants' degree of intercultural sensitivity. Additional questions addressing domains two and three strategically juxtaposed participants' experiences with and perceptions regarding RtI with native English speakers versus RtI with ELLs. Through a series of eight research questions and the associated analyses, the following conclusions were reached: (1) Statistically significantly higher mean scores on the ISS were present among those respondents who identified themselves as Hispanic/Latino/Spanish and/or fluent in more than one language; (2) Statistically significant differences were documented in participants' responses to items focused on perceptions of training for implementing RtI with native English speakers versus training for implementing RtI with ELLs; and (3) Statistically significant differences were found in participants' responses to items inquiring about perceptions of familiarity with empirically-based interventions for use within an RtI framework with native English speakers in comparison to ELLs. Taken together, and in conjunction with a qualitative analysis of two open-ended questions, these results suggest the presence of considerable delays in school psychologists' training and perceptions of preparedness to implement RtI with a linguistically diverse population as compared to native English speakers. This outcome is disconcerting, given the emphasis throughout the literature on the importance of unique considerations required to implement RtI equitably with ELLs. Recommendations for practice and future research are provided that emphasize the need for additional research and training in implementing RtI with a linguistically diverse population.
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Date Issued
CFE0004225, ucf:49017
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Adams, Emily, Kaplan, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As educators and administrators continue to struggle with the low literacy proficiency rates in this country, a new genre of literature is making its way into the classroom. Young Adult Literature, such as the works of John Green, are becoming a more familiar sight inside the classroom. However, some parents, educators, and members of the school districts are not happy with this new trend. In the last year, alone, young adult books have been challenged hundreds of times in hopes of getting...
Show moreAs educators and administrators continue to struggle with the low literacy proficiency rates in this country, a new genre of literature is making its way into the classroom. Young Adult Literature, such as the works of John Green, are becoming a more familiar sight inside the classroom. However, some parents, educators, and members of the school districts are not happy with this new trend. In the last year, alone, young adult books have been challenged hundreds of times in hopes of getting them removed from the classroom and library. I believe that these books need to stay in the schools, though. Through this thesis, I explore the possibility of Young Adult Literature having more of a presence in the secondary English Language Arts classroom in order to increase motivation, engagement, social awareness, and literacy rates. In this research project, only 13% of 11th and 12th grade English Language Arts students reported enjoying the reading they were currently assigned, despite their statement that they enjoy reading, in general. These books do not lead to motivated and engaged readers. By incorporating Young Adult Literature into the standard curriculum of an English Language Arts classroom, teachers can enhance motivation, engagement, and productivity. Students can continue to learn the same literary concepts and techniques, in addition to being exposed to current social problems. When Young Adult Literature is brought into a classroom, an environment is created in which students can learn what they think, why they think it, and how to respect the differing opinions of others.
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Date Issued
CFH0004583, ucf:45169
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A hermeneutic study of secondary English Language Arts teacher candidates' writing instruction experiences in ESOL methods courses.
Bello, Paula, Olan, Elsie, Nutta, Joyce, Hopp, Carolyn, Mihai, Florin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this hermeneutic study was to understand, describe and interpret secondary English Language Arts (ELA) teacher candidates'(TC) experiences with writing instruction while attending English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) methods courses. The study included a purposeful convenience sample of 15 (fifteen) secondary ELA teacher candidates' (TC) attending 4 (four) different sections in 2 (two) ESOL methods courses. TCs were invited to participate in inquiry driven activities...
Show moreThe purpose of this hermeneutic study was to understand, describe and interpret secondary English Language Arts (ELA) teacher candidates'(TC) experiences with writing instruction while attending English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) methods courses. The study included a purposeful convenience sample of 15 (fifteen) secondary ELA teacher candidates' (TC) attending 4 (four) different sections in 2 (two) ESOL methods courses. TCs were invited to participate in inquiry driven activities including written reflections in response to a literacy questionnaire, oral interviews responding to open-ended questions and focus/work groups' discussions, which allowed them to reflect about their past and present literacy and learning experiences and become reflexive about the application of knowledge and practices in their future classrooms. The phenomenological hermeneutic qualitative design granted the researcher insight into participants' literacy and learning experiences as lived in relationship with their contexts, in a specific place and time.Colaizzi's (1978) seven-stages data analysis procedure, enabled the analysis and thorough description of TCs' experiences with writing instruction along their schooling and teacher education career. The following thematic categorization of participants' experiences was outlined: a)- TCs' experiences with instruction received and knowledge developed in teacher education programs, b)- TCs' recognition of good and bad practices in educational settings, including planning accommodations in general education classrooms, c)- TCs' experiences with ELs in authentic settings, d)- TCs' awareness process of ELs in schools, and e)- TCs' experiences with and about writing instruction to teach ELs.Further in depth data analysis guided the researcher into the interpretation of the fundamental structure of the phenomenon of teacher education experiences with writing instruction. TCs' experiences, drawn from different learning settings (including methods and content courses and field practicum), were articulated thanks to their participation in inquiry based learning activities. This breath of experiences specifically informed TCs' writing instruction experiences while attending ESOL methods courses. TCs' reflective and reflexive stances position them at the center of the educational phenomenon, in which TCs develop from facilitators of classroom communication to facilitators of learning processes and intercultural mediators.The phenomenon of TCs' lived experiences with writing instruction while attending ESOL methods courses, and by extension, content area courses and field practicum, needs to be analyzed, described and interpreted in order to develop practices conducive to inform the curricular development of teacher education programs and courses, to better prepare TCs to teach every learner develop knowledge and literacy, paying special attention to ELs'proficiency in English as a second language (ESL).?
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Date Issued
CFE0006681, ucf:51904
Document (PDF)
Boitawl: Soil, Lost and Left.
Chowdhuri, Bishnupriya, Milanes, Cecilia, Thaxton, Terry, Roney, Lisa, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Boitawl ???? ((")Boi(")- lack, devoid of, (")Tawl(")- bottom/ ground/ foundation), the word in one of the Bengali dialects refers to one without a ground beneath her feet. The thesis, a hybrid collection of prose and verse including narratives and graphic vignettes, flash, fabulist and short stories, prose poems and free verse imagines the inside worlds of such un-settled existences. In the process, the pieces connect migration, memory, childhood and lost towns with fractured humans caught in...
Show moreBoitawl ???? ((")Boi(")- lack, devoid of, (")Tawl(")- bottom/ ground/ foundation), the word in one of the Bengali dialects refers to one without a ground beneath her feet. The thesis, a hybrid collection of prose and verse including narratives and graphic vignettes, flash, fabulist and short stories, prose poems and free verse imagines the inside worlds of such un-settled existences. In the process, the pieces connect migration, memory, childhood and lost towns with fractured humans caught in between(-)to reveal what lies under pillars of desires, the shapes of unsaid longings and recurrent images in their dreams.?
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Date Issued
CFE0007320, ucf:52122
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Hoeschen, Jessica, Larson, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the sixteenth century, Martin LutherÃÂ's Protestant Reformation generated multiple reform movements and political transformations in Europe. Within this general period of reform, political and cultural changes from the Tudor era (1485-1603) created a separate English Reformation. The English Reformation evolved from the different agendas of the early Tudor monarchs and occurred in two distinct waves: an initial, more moderate Henrician Reformation and a later, more...
Show moreIn the sixteenth century, Martin LutherÃÂ's Protestant Reformation generated multiple reform movements and political transformations in Europe. Within this general period of reform, political and cultural changes from the Tudor era (1485-1603) created a separate English Reformation. The English Reformation evolved from the different agendas of the early Tudor monarchs and occurred in two distinct waves: an initial, more moderate Henrician Reformation and a later, more complete Edwardian Reformation. Henry VIII and Edward VIÃÂ's attempts to redefine monarchy through a new State and Church identity drove English church reform during this period, giving these religious shifts distinct political roots. Cultural artifacts were prominent indicators of these differing political goals, and Henry VIII and Edward VI adjusted and removed images and texts according to their propaganda methods. These royal manipulations of culture are well-documented, but historians have overlooked important components in the communication process. Lay responses to imagery changes ranging from compliance to rebellion demonstrate the complex relationship of images, monarchy, and reform. Examining imagesÃÂ' function as propaganda with questions of intent, reception, and comprehension in royal communication is imperative for assessing the impact of royal messages on Tudor culture. Analyzing Tudor art as a form of political communication that disseminated idealized political representation reveals a strong visual discourse between the King and the English people. Images held key powers within royal discourse to create and disseminate propaganda of a kingship.
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Date Issued
CFE0003116, ucf:48622
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Using a Mixed-Reality Classroom Environment Including English Learners: The Perceptions of Teacher Candidates.
Ashtari, Nooshan, Nutta, Joyce, Hutchinson, Cynthia, Mihai, Florin, Jahani, Shiva, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Technological modernization has impacted various fields such as the field of education, teaching, and learning. The traditional classroom and teaching methodologies no longer meet the needs of the new tech-savvy generation. Thus, recently there have been changes in teacher preparation programs in order to prepare teacher candidates to have the skills to respond to such high technological demands. Additionally, the demographics of students attending schools in countries with exceptionally high...
Show moreTechnological modernization has impacted various fields such as the field of education, teaching, and learning. The traditional classroom and teaching methodologies no longer meet the needs of the new tech-savvy generation. Thus, recently there have been changes in teacher preparation programs in order to prepare teacher candidates to have the skills to respond to such high technological demands. Additionally, the demographics of students attending schools in countries with exceptionally high numbers of immigrants such as the United States is another reason to seek novel ways to prepare teachers who have had adequate practice and developed teaching skills needed to reach the English learners (ELs) in their classrooms. Using Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) has been one solution in order to bridge this gap. EL TLE TeachLivE(TM), which was the focus of this study, is a computer simulated environment that combines real-life participants and digital personas or avatars. The participants of this study were teacher candidates who experienced using EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) to practice the teaching strategies and skills they had been learning about during their teacher preparation program (n=20). This research investigated the perceptions of these teacher candidates about using this mixed-reality classroom environment through observations, questionnaires, focus groups, and individual interviews. A qualitative transcendental phenomenological approach was taken to have a more in-depth understanding of the participants' perceptions about the phenomenon of EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) as a mixed-reality classroom environment in teacher preparation and the meaning they made of their experiences. Through the data analysis three main categories emerged: TCs' general perceptions about the avatars and EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) as a mixed-reality classroom environment, TCs' perceptions of the current use of the EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) in their teacher preparation program, and TCs' perceptions about the future use of EL TLE TeachLivE(TM). The Teacher Candidates' General Perceptions of EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) consisted of the following sub-themes: (a) Video game dissimilarities, (b) Avatar believability and real-life features, (c) Personification of the EL cases, (d) Fear of the unknown, (e) Avatar movement restrictions, and (f) Suspension of disbelief. The Teacher Candidates' Perceptions about the Current Use of EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) included: (a) Importance of prerequisites, (b) Advantages over role-playing, (c) Teaching in front of peers, (d) Group teaching and random selection, (e) Importance of feedback, and (f) Teaching strategies and aha moments.Finally, the Teacher Candidates' Perceptions about the Future Use of EL TLE TeachLivE(TM) incorporated: (a) Changes in the implementation, (b) Elementary vs secondary classrooms, and (c) Gradual practice.
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Date Issued
CFE0006255, ucf:51048
Document (PDF)
Roy, Courtney, Ezell, Dan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner's (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspectives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions concerning enjoyment...
Show moreThis study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner's (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspectives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions concerning enjoyment and contentment of academic topics. Three ELLs from two learning environments participated with the eight day intervention, comprising of 45 minute instructive sessions to become proficient with demonstrating an arrangement of invigorating yet harmless scientific experiments. After the Peer Presentation, analysis of pre- and post-sociometric results demonstrated an overall increase of more intimate friendships. Examination of the ELLs' oral interview responses indicated growth of enjoyment regarding their institution and public discourse. Overall recommendations and suggestions of utilizing Peer Presentations are discussed for those involved with educating students.
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Date Issued
CFH0004665, ucf:45266
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Middleton, Marissa, Wegmann, Susan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Online schooling is the newest form of education and it is quickly gaining popularity. However, this educational format also comes with one of the challenges that has always been present in schools, which is academic dishonesty. In the English Language Arts content area, academic dishonesty is most often manifested as plagiarism, however, cheating on online quizzes or exams still exists. Although this issue has always been present in English classes, it is becoming more of a concern because...
Show moreOnline schooling is the newest form of education and it is quickly gaining popularity. However, this educational format also comes with one of the challenges that has always been present in schools, which is academic dishonesty. In the English Language Arts content area, academic dishonesty is most often manifested as plagiarism, however, cheating on online quizzes or exams still exists. Although this issue has always been present in English classes, it is becoming more of a concern because of the vast number of technological resources available to students including websites with pre-written papers and the various methods students can now use to instantly communicate with each other. This study combines and synthesizes a literature review and a survey of secondary online English educators at Florida Virtual School to give their perspective on aspects of cheating and plagiarism in online English education including a comparison between online and face to face academic dishonesty, reasons students cheat or plagiarize in online education and attitudes toward academic dishonesty, how students cheat and plagiarize in online classes, how teachers detect academic dishonesty in their online classes, consequences and policies of academic dishonesty in online education, and preventing academic dishonesty in online education. The overall new finding, from comparing both the literature review and the FLVS survey results, was that academic dishonesty in online education is not vastly different from academic dishonesty in face to face classrooms; therefore, academic dishonesty in the online environment is not as much of a mystery as commonly perceived. The survey did, however, expand the knowledge about online academic dishonesty at the secondary level, and specifically in the English Language Arts content area.
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Date Issued
CFH0004158, ucf:44859
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The working relationship of international teaching assistants and undergraduate students.
Farina, Marcella, Stebbins, Consuelo, Arts and Sciences
Abstract / Description
The present study was conducted to ascertain undergraduate views about the effectiveness of International Teaching Assistants (ITAs) in the American classroom. The study was administered to a stratified cluster sampling by college of the target population, undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando, Florida. The instrument used, Questionnaire of Undergraduates about International Teaching Assistants (QUITA) as developed by Wanda Fox (1990), is composed of a total...
Show moreThe present study was conducted to ascertain undergraduate views about the effectiveness of International Teaching Assistants (ITAs) in the American classroom. The study was administered to a stratified cluster sampling by college of the target population, undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida, in Orlando, Florida. The instrument used, Questionnaire of Undergraduates about International Teaching Assistants (QUITA) as developed by Wanda Fox (1990), is composed of a total of 40 items regarding personal and academic background, cultural exposure to and views about non-native speakers of English, and ITA-classroom effectiveness and problem-solving strategies. On the basis of data from the Fall 1998 semester, approximately 15% of the total number of ITA-taught course sections per college were surveyed. The subjects responded anonymously using computerized answer sheets. Upon completion of the data collection phase, all surveys were analyzed for response frequencies. In addition, background and demographic information regarding the participants and information regarding undergraduate exposure to IT As and IT A instruction were also summarized. The Likert-type items were combined to reveal an overall ATITA (Attitude toward International Teaching Assistants) score. The results of the ATITA portion of the study indicate that undergraduate student views toward IT As and IT A instruction are between neutral and mildly positive. Furthermore, survey responses indicated that undergraduates resolve conflicts involving IT As through personal means. The closing recommendations suggest maintaining open lines of communication between undergraduates, ITAs, and administrators alike.
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Date Issued
CFR0003046, ucf:52915
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A comparison of sixth-grade English language arts and mathematics achievement between middle schools and K-8 schools.
Asplen, Brennan, Johnson, Jerry, Doherty, Walter, Ortiz, Enrique, Shope, Shane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement of sixth grade students enrolled in a traditional middle school model versus those enrolled in a K-8 school model by analyzing English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics scores. Developmental Scale Score (DSS) data from the 2017 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) were collected from three K-8 schools and three middle schools in one high-performing Florida school district. Results from an independent samples t-test revealed...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement of sixth grade students enrolled in a traditional middle school model versus those enrolled in a K-8 school model by analyzing English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics scores. Developmental Scale Score (DSS) data from the 2017 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) were collected from three K-8 schools and three middle schools in one high-performing Florida school district. Results from an independent samples t-test revealed that middle school student scores were slightly higher in overall ELA and mathematics proficiency, but the differences were not substantive. Cross-tabulation was utilized to compute the proportion of students making learning gains in ELA and mathematics. The results were nearly identical among the middle school students and the K-8 students relative to ELA; however, the proportion of students making learning gains in mathematics was substantially higher among the K-8 students. To investigate equity in the distribution of achievement, a comparison was made between Middle School and K-8 bi-serial correlation coefficients measuring the strength and direction of the relationship between student achievement and socioeconomic status (SES). Results suggested that the negative influence of low-SES on academic achievement in ELA and mathematics was notably stronger among students enrolled in the middle school model. While making school construction decisions, policy makers will be informed through these findings as to which type of grade span configuration is most likely to positively impact student achievement.
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Date Issued
CFE0007599, ucf:52550
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A Mixed-Method Examination of the Impact of Academic, Social, and Personal-Emotional Adjustment on the English Performance of Arabian Gulf Students Studying in American Intensive English Programs.
Al Jabbawi, Mais Flaieh Hasan, Sivo, Stephen, Nutta, Joyce, Vitanova-Haralampiev, Gergana, Folse, Keith, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The current study identifies and discusses the adjustment challenges facing Arabian Gulf Students (AGSs) that may affect their English performance (EP) in intensive English programs (IEPs) in the United States. The current study uses student departure theory to lead the theoretical framework and incorporates Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and Social Integration Questionnaire (SIQ) to lead the methodology of this study. The mixed-method investigation with multi-location...
Show moreThe current study identifies and discusses the adjustment challenges facing Arabian Gulf Students (AGSs) that may affect their English performance (EP) in intensive English programs (IEPs) in the United States. The current study uses student departure theory to lead the theoretical framework and incorporates Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and Social Integration Questionnaire (SIQ) to lead the methodology of this study. The mixed-method investigation with multi-location sampling examined 160 AGSs, enrolled full-time in different IEPs in the U.S. during the spring semester of 2019. The AGSs participants were from Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman. A pilot study preceded the final study to obtain AGSs' insight on the questionnaire items and time consumption. In the final study, the participating students completed a demographic information questionnaire as well as the SACQ and SIQ for the quantitative segment of this study. Face-to-face and Skype interviews followed as the qualitative segment of the proposed study. Data analyses included several methods. The questionnaire results were analyzed by inputting data into IBM Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics. The interview responses were analyzed within a phenomenological approach by finding common themes within the interview responses. The findings shed light on the needs and means of helping AGSs succeed in achieving high levels of English proficiency in IEPs in the U.S.
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Date Issued
CFE0007595, ucf:52520
Document (PDF)
Freiberger, Scott, Mihai, Florin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Anxiety has been identified as a plausible factor affecting second language (L2) acquisition. However, more research is needed on how anxiety may influence Spanish-speaking adult English as a Second Language (ESL) populations. Determining precisely what causes anxiety in Spanish-speaking adult ESL populations should be of interest not only to L2 researchers but also to ESL instructors who may have adult Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) in their classes. This study researched...
Show moreAnxiety has been identified as a plausible factor affecting second language (L2) acquisition. However, more research is needed on how anxiety may influence Spanish-speaking adult English as a Second Language (ESL) populations. Determining precisely what causes anxiety in Spanish-speaking adult ESL populations should be of interest not only to L2 researchers but also to ESL instructors who may have adult Spanish-speaking English language learners (ELLs) in their classes. This study researched L2 anxiety in Spanish-speaking adult ESL learners. Specifically, it considered possible causes and cultural influences of L2 anxiety in 10 Spanish-speaking adult ESL students at a university English language institute (ELI). Participants were given a choice of completing an English or Spanish version of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and then participated in follow-up interviews. Results were documented and evaluated. A total of 14 causes of L2 anxiety were identified, including incompatible goals, using English in professional contexts, the native country, and the need for error correction. Finally, contrary to the literature, collaborative group work was found to cause L2 anxiety in Spanish-speaking adult ESL students enrolled at a language institute.
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Date Issued
CFE0003050, ucf:48364
Document (PDF)
Bullying Victimization, Feared Second Language Self, and Second Language Identity: Reconceptualizing The Second Language Motivational Self System.
Peker, Hilal, Hoffman, Bobby, Regalla, Michele, Nutta, Joyce, Witta, Eleanor, Vitanova-Haralampiev, Gergana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Factors affecting English learners' (ELs) motivation and identity have been explored in second language (L2) learning contexts; however, research examining L2 motivation and identity under the effect of bullying victimization is rare although ELs are one of the populations that are physically and psychologically affected from bullying. Using a unique perspective by merging L2 motivation, L2 identity, and bullying concepts under social ecological framework, this dissertation study is the first...
Show moreFactors affecting English learners' (ELs) motivation and identity have been explored in second language (L2) learning contexts; however, research examining L2 motivation and identity under the effect of bullying victimization is rare although ELs are one of the populations that are physically and psychologically affected from bullying. Using a unique perspective by merging L2 motivation, L2 identity, and bullying concepts under social ecological framework, this dissertation study is the first study investigating the relationship between bullying victimization, L2 Motivational Self System, and L2 identity.The data were derived from 1022 ELs through a self-report survey that was adapted and tested for measurement model validity and reliability. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) results indicated that there was a strong relationship between bullying victimization, including traditional bullying and cyberbullying, L2 Motivational Self System, and L2 identity. Traditional bullying victimization and cyberbullying victimization affect ELs' feared L2 selves. This suggests that the feared L2 self may be added as a component to D(&)#246;rnyei's L2 Motivational Self System, especially when bullying victimization becomes a factor in language learning process. In addition, cyberbullying victimization positively correlated with ELs' oriented identity, which may indicate that ELs as agents were more motivated to learn English to overcome the negative effects of bullying victimization and to orient to the target culture. Based on the results, potential implications were provided for teachers and curriculum developers to help ELs cope with bullying in class and outside the classroom environment.
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Date Issued
CFE0006373, ucf:51537
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