Current Search: laser (x)
Mode-locked Laser Based on Large Core Yb3+-Doped Fiber.
Jia, Fei, Amezcua Correa, Rodrigo, Schulzgen, Axel, Fathpour, Sasan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The thesis reviews principle of laser cavity and gives a general introduction to mode-locked laser (MLL). By using Yb3+-doped fiber as gain medium, passive MLL cavity is developed in experiment, aiming to obtain femtosecond pulses with high pump power from 25W to 35W. The gain medium fiber with 65(&)#181;m core diameter is cleaved with one flat end and another angled. Pump laser with 976nm wavelength is coupled into Yb3+-doped fiber to excite signal from 1020nm to 1040nm in the core. 9W is...
Show moreThe thesis reviews principle of laser cavity and gives a general introduction to mode-locked laser (MLL). By using Yb3+-doped fiber as gain medium, passive MLL cavity is developed in experiment, aiming to obtain femtosecond pulses with high pump power from 25W to 35W. The gain medium fiber with 65(&)#181;m core diameter is cleaved with one flat end and another angled. Pump laser with 976nm wavelength is coupled into Yb3+-doped fiber to excite signal from 1020nm to 1040nm in the core. 9W is threshold for laser setup. After locking all modes, picosecond pulses are output from laser cavity and coupled into dispersion delay fiber. By compressing pulse width, pulses are in soliton mode and then femtosecond laser pulses are obtained pulses are obtained. To measure ultrafast pulse width effectively, an auto-correlator based on Mach(-)Zehnder interferometer is developed. In the receiver terminal, a photodiode with range 320 nm to 1000 nm is used to detect signal and two photon absorption (TPA) method is applied.
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Date Issued
CFE0007199, ucf:52249
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Applications of Volume Holographic Elements in High Power Fiber Lasers.
Jain, Apurva, Glebov, Leonid, Zeldovich, Boris, Schulzgen, Axel, Likamwa, Patrick, Rahman, Talat, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The main objective of this thesis is to explore the use of volume holographic elements recorded in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass for power scaling of narrow linewidth diffraction-limited fiber lasers to harness high average power and high brightness beams. Single fiber lasers enable kW level output powers limited by optical damage, thermal effects and non-linear effects. Output powers can be further scaled using large mode area fibers, however, at the cost of beam quality and...
Show moreThe main objective of this thesis is to explore the use of volume holographic elements recorded in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass for power scaling of narrow linewidth diffraction-limited fiber lasers to harness high average power and high brightness beams. Single fiber lasers enable kW level output powers limited by optical damage, thermal effects and non-linear effects. Output powers can be further scaled using large mode area fibers, however, at the cost of beam quality and instabilities due to the presence of higher order modes. The mechanisms limiting the performance of narrow-linewidth large mode area fiber lasers are investigated and solutions using intra-cavity volume Bragg gratings (VBG) proposed. Self-pulsations-free, completely continuous-wave operation of a VBG-stabilized unidirectional fiber ring laser is demonstrated with quasi single-frequency ((<) 7.5 MHz) output. A method for transverse mode selection in multimode fiber lasers to reduce higher order mode content and stabilize the output beam profile is developed using angular selectivity of reflecting VBGs. By placing the VBG output coupler in a convergent beam, stabilization of the far-field beam profile of a 20 ?m core large mode area fiber laser is demonstrated.Beam combining techniques are essential to power scale beyond the limitations of single laser sources. Several beam combining techniques relevant to fiber lasers were compared in this study and found to be lacking in one or more of the following aspects: the coherence of the individual sources is compromised, the far-field beam quality is highly degraded with significant power in side lobes, spectrally broad and unstable, and uncertainty over scaling to larger arrays and higher power. Keeping in mind the key requirements of coherence, good far-field beam quality, narrow and stable spectra, and scalability in both array size and power, a new passive coherent beam combining technique using multiplexed volume Bragg gratings (M-VBGs) is proposed.In order to understand the mechanism of radiation exchange between multiple beams via these complex holographic optical elements, the spectral and beam splitting properties a 2nd order reflecting M-VBG recorded in PTR glass is experimentally investigated using a tunable single frequency seed laser. Two single-mode Yb-doped fiber lasers are then coherently combined using reflecting M-VBGs in both linear and unidirectional-ring resonators with (>)90% combining efficiency and diffraction-limited beam quality. It is demonstrated that the combining bandwidth can be controlled in the range of 100s of pm to a few pm by angular detuning of the M-VBG. Very narrow-linewidth ((<) 210 MHz) operation in a linear cavity and possibility of single-frequency operation in a unidirectional ring cavity of the coherently combined system is demonstrated using this technique. It is theoretically derived and experimentally demonstrated that high combining efficiency can be achieved even by multiplexing low-efficiency VBGs, with the required diffraction efficiency of individual VBGs decreasing as array size increases. Scaling of passive coherent beam combining to four fiber lasers is demonstrated using a 4th order transmitting M-VBG. Power scaling of this technique to 10 W level combined powers with 88% combining efficiency is demonstrated by passively combining two large mode area fiber lasers using a 2nd order reflecting M-VBG in a unidirectional ring resonator. High energy compact single-frequency sources are highly desired for several applications (-) one of which is as a seed for high power fiber amplifiers. Towards achieving the goal of a monolithic solid-state laser, a new gain medium having both photosensitive and luminescence properties is investigated (-) rare-earth doped PTR glass. First lasing is demonstrated in this new gain element in a VBG-stabilized external cavity.
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Date Issued
CFE0004553, ucf:49230
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Ozdur, Ibrahim, Delfyett, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recently optical frequency combs and low noise RF tones are drawing increased attention due to applications in spectroscopy, metrology, arbitrary waveform generation, optical signal processing etc. This thesis focuses on the generation of low noise RF tones and stabilized optical frequency combs. The optical frequency combs are generated by a semiconductor based external cavity mode-locked laser with a high finesse intracavity etalon. In order to get the lowest noise and broadest bandwidth...
Show moreRecently optical frequency combs and low noise RF tones are drawing increased attention due to applications in spectroscopy, metrology, arbitrary waveform generation, optical signal processing etc. This thesis focuses on the generation of low noise RF tones and stabilized optical frequency combs. The optical frequency combs are generated by a semiconductor based external cavity mode-locked laser with a high finesse intracavity etalon. In order to get the lowest noise and broadest bandwidth from the mode-locked laser, it is critical to know the free spectral range (FSR) of the etalon precisely. First the etalon FSR is measured by using the modified Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) based method and obtained a resolution of 1 part in 106, which is 2 order of magnitude better than the standard PDH based method. After optimizing the cavity length, RF driving frequency and PDH cavity locking point, the mode-locked laser had an integrated timing jitter of 3 fs (1 Hz- 100 MHz) which is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest jitter ever reported from a semiconductor based multigigahertz comb source. The mode-locked laser produces ~ 100 comb lines with 10 GHz spacing, a linewidth of ~500 Hz and 75 dB optical signal-to-noise ratio. The same system can also be driven as a regeneratively mode-locked laser with greatly improved noise performance. Another way of generating a low noise RF tone is using an opto-electronic oscillator which uses an optical cavity as a high Q element. Due to the harmonic nature of OEOs, a mode selection element is necessary. Standard OEOs use an RF filter having drawbacks such as broad pass band, high loss, and high thermal noise. In our work, a novel optoelectronic scheme which uses an optical filter (Fabry-Perot etalon) as the mode filter instead of an RF filter is demonstrated. This method has the advantage of having ultra-narrow filtering bandwidths ( ~ 10 kHz for a 10 GHz FSR and 106 finesse) and an extremely low noise RF signal. Experimental demonstration of the proposed method resulted in a 5-10 dB decrease of the OEO noise compared to the conventional OEO setup. Also, by modifying the etalon-based OEO, and using single side band modulation, an optically tunable optoelectronic oscillator is achieved with 10-20 dB lower noise than dual side band modulation. Noise properties of the OEO as a function of optical frequency detuning is also analyzed theoretically and the results are in agreement with experimental results.
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Date Issued
CFE0003573, ucf:48917
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Lambe, Derek, Basu, Saptarshi, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A novel method has been implemented for measuring the concentration of gas species, water vapor and carbon dioxide, within a narrow channel flow field non-invasively using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) in conjunction with a laser modulated at a high frequency [Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy (WMS)] tuned to the ro-vibrational transition of the species. This technique measures the absorption profile which is a strong function of the species concentration across short...
Show moreA novel method has been implemented for measuring the concentration of gas species, water vapor and carbon dioxide, within a narrow channel flow field non-invasively using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) in conjunction with a laser modulated at a high frequency [Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy (WMS)] tuned to the ro-vibrational transition of the species. This technique measures the absorption profile which is a strong function of the species concentration across short path lengths and small time spans, as in PEM fuel cells during high load cycles. This method has been verified in a transparent circular flow 12 cm path length and a 12 mm rectangular flow channel. Distinct absorption peaks for water vapor and carbon dioxide have been identified, and concentrations of water vapor and carbon dioxide within the test cells have been measured in situ with high temporal resolutions. A comparison of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the absorption lineshapes to the partial pressure of water vapor and carbon dioxide showed a predominantly linear relationship, except in the lower partial pressure regions. Test section temperature was observed to have very minimal impact on these curves at low partial pressure values. A porous media like a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) similar to those used in PEM fuel cells sandwiched between two rectangular flow channels was also tested. Some of the scattered radiation off the MEA was observed using a photodiode at high gain, allowing for more localized species detection. The technique was used to monitor the humidity on either side of the MEA during both temperature controlled and super-saturated conditions. The measurements were observed to be repeatable to within 10 %.
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Date Issued
CFE0002805, ucf:48096
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Royon, Arnaud, Richardson, Martin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Three-dimensional femtosecond laser structuring has a growing interest because of its ease of implementation and the numerous possible applications in the domain of photonic components. Structures such as waveguides, diffraction gratings, optical memories or photonic crystals can be fabricated thanks to this technique. Its use with oxide glasses is promising because of several advantages; they are resistant to flux and ageing, their chemical composition can easily be changed to fit the well...
Show moreThree-dimensional femtosecond laser structuring has a growing interest because of its ease of implementation and the numerous possible applications in the domain of photonic components. Structures such as waveguides, diffraction gratings, optical memories or photonic crystals can be fabricated thanks to this technique. Its use with oxide glasses is promising because of several advantages; they are resistant to flux and ageing, their chemical composition can easily be changed to fit the well-defined requirements of an application. They can already be found in Raman amplifiers, optical fibers, fiber lasers, and other devices. This thesis is based on two axes. The first axis consists in characterizing the linear and nonlinear optical properties of bulk vitreous materials in order to optimize their composition with a particular application in view. Within this context, the nonlinear optical properties, their physical origins (electronic and nuclear) as well as their characteristic response times (from a few femtoseconds to a few hundreds of picoseconds) are described within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Fused silica and several sodium-borophosphate glasses containing different concentrations in niobium oxide have been studied. Results show that the nonlinear optical properties of fused silica are mainly from electronic origin, whereas in the sodium-borophosphate glasses, the contribution from nuclear origin becomes predominant when the concentration of niobium oxide exceeds 30%. The second axis is based on the structuring of materials. Three commercially available fused silica samples presenting different fabrication conditions (therefore distinct impurity levels) and irradiated with a near infrared femtosecond laser have been studied. The laser induced defects have been identified by means of several spectroscopic techniques. They show the formation of color centers as well as a densification inside the irradiated area. Their linear refractive index and nonlinear third-order susceptibility properties have been measured. Moreover, the structuring of fused silica at the subwavelength scale into "nanogratings" is observed and the form of birefringence induced by these structures is discussed. In addition to the fused silica samples, several oxide glasses presenting very distinct chemical compositions have been studied. A sodium-borophosphate glass containing niobium oxide exhibits micro-cracks and nano-crystallites following irradiation. A silicate glass with or without a silver component reveals fluorescent rings or "nanograting" structures. A zinc phosphate glass containing silver also presents fluorescent ring structures, with a size of the order of 80 nm, well below the diffraction limit. Pump-probe microscope techniques have been performed on this glass to investigate the laser-glass interaction. The absorption mechanism is determined to be four-photon absorption. The generated free electron density is ~ 1017 cm-3, which suggests the conclusion that an electron gas rather than a plasma is formed during the laser irradiation.
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Date Issued
CFE0002666, ucf:48200
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Kim, Jimyung, Delfyett, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, self-assembled InAs/InGaAs quantum dot Fabry-PÃÂÃÂÃÂérot lasers and mode-locked lasers are investigated. The mode-locked lasers investigated include monolithic and curved two-section devices, and colliding pulse mode-locked diode lasers. Ridge waveguide semiconductor lasers have been designed and fabricated by wet etching processes. Electroluminescence of the quantum dot...
Show moreIn this dissertation, self-assembled InAs/InGaAs quantum dot Fabry-PÃÂÃÂÃÂérot lasers and mode-locked lasers are investigated. The mode-locked lasers investigated include monolithic and curved two-section devices, and colliding pulse mode-locked diode lasers. Ridge waveguide semiconductor lasers have been designed and fabricated by wet etching processes. Electroluminescence of the quantum dot lasers is studied. Cavity length dependent lasing via ground state and/or excited state transitions is observed from quantum dot lasers and the optical gain from both transitions is measured. Stable optical pulse trains via ground and excited state transitions are generated using a grating coupled external cavity with a curved two-section device. Large differences in the applied reverse bias voltage on the saturable absorber are observed for stable mode-locking from the excited and ground state mode-locking regimes. The optical pulses from quantum dot mode-locked lasers are investigated in terms of chirp sign and linear chirp magnitude. Upchirped pulses with large linear chirp magnitude are observed from both ground and excited states. Externally compressed pulse widths from the ground and excited states are 1.2 ps and 970 fs, respectively. Ground state optical pulses from monolithic mode-locked lasers e.g., two-section devices and colliding pulse mode-locked lasers, are also studied. Transformed limited optical pulses (~4.5 ps) are generated from a colliding pulse mode-locked semiconductor laser. The above threshold linewidth enhancement factor of quantum dot Fabry-PÃÂÃÂÃÂérot lasers is measured using the continuous wave injection locking method. A strong spectral dependence of the linewidth enhancement factor is observed around the gain peak. The measured linewidth enhancement factor is highest at the gain peak, but becomes lower 10 nm away from the gain peak. The lowest linewidth enhancement factor is observed on the anti-Stokes side. The spectral dependence of the pulse duration from quantum dot based mode-locked lasers is also observed. Shorter pulses and reduced linear chirp are observed on the anti-Stokes side and externally compressed 660 fs pulses are achieved in this spectral regime. A novel clock recovery technique using passively mode-locked quantum dot lasers is investigated. The clock signal (~4 GHz) is recovered by injecting an interband optical pulse train to the saturable absorber section. The excited state clock signal is recovered through the ground state transition and vice-versa. Asymmetry in the locking bandwidth is observed. The measured locking bandwidth is 10 times wider when the excited state clock signal is recovered from the ground state injection, as compared to recovering a ground state clock signal from excited state injection.
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Date Issued
CFE0003295, ucf:48493
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Kamtaprasad, Reuvani, Richardson, Martin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The advancement of laboratory based Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation has escalated with the desire to use EUV as a source for semiconductor device printing. Laser plasmas based on a mass-limited target concept, developed within the Laser Plasma Laboratory demonstrate a much needed versatility for satisfying rigorous source requirements. This concept produces minimal debris concerns and allows for the attainment of high repetition rates as well as the accommodation of various laser and...
Show moreThe advancement of laboratory based Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation has escalated with the desire to use EUV as a source for semiconductor device printing. Laser plasmas based on a mass-limited target concept, developed within the Laser Plasma Laboratory demonstrate a much needed versatility for satisfying rigorous source requirements. This concept produces minimal debris concerns and allows for the attainment of high repetition rates as well as the accommodation of various laser and target configurations. This work demonstrates the generation of EUV radiation by creating laser plasmas from mass-limited targets with indium, tin, and antimony doped droplets. Spectral emission from the laser plasmas is quantified using a flat-field spectrometer. COWAN code oscillator strength predications for each of the dopants were convolved with narrow Gaussian functions creating synthetic spectra for the EUV region between 10 nm - 20 nm. A preliminary comparison was made between the theoretical spectra and experimental results. From this comparison, ion stage transitions for each of the hot dense plasmas generated were assessed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003168, ucf:48597
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Towards High-Flux Isolated Attosecond Pulses with a 200 TW CPA.
Cunningham, Eric, Chang, Zenghu, Saleh, Bahaa, Soileau, MJ, Saha, Haripada, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Attosecond pulses have been developed as a means for investigating phenomena that proceed on the order of the atomic unit of time (24 as). Unfortunately, these extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses by themselves contain too few photons to initiate nonlinear dynamics or dress states in an attosecond pump--attosecond probe scheme. As a result, most attosecond experiments thus far have featured complementary near infrared (NIR) femtosecond lasers for instigating electron dynamics. In order to access...
Show moreAttosecond pulses have been developed as a means for investigating phenomena that proceed on the order of the atomic unit of time (24 as). Unfortunately, these extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses by themselves contain too few photons to initiate nonlinear dynamics or dress states in an attosecond pump--attosecond probe scheme. As a result, most attosecond experiments thus far have featured complementary near infrared (NIR) femtosecond lasers for instigating electron dynamics. In order to access the benefits of all-attosecond measurements and open attosecond physics to new fields of exploration, the photon flux of these pulses must be increased.One way to boost the attosecond pulse energy is to scale up the energy of the NIR pulse responsible for driving high-harmonic generation (HHG). With generalized double optical gating (GDOG), isolated attosecond pulses can be generated with multi-cycle laser systems, wherein the pulse energy can be boosted more easily than in the few-cycle laser systems required by other gating methods. At the Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond Science and Technology (IFAST), this scalability was demonstrated using a 350 mJ, 15 fs (10 TW) Ti:sapphire laser, which was used to generate a 100 nJ XUV continuum. This represented an order-of-magnitude improvement over typical attosecond pulse energies achievable by millijoule-level few-cycle lasers.To obtain the microjoule-level attosecond pulse energy required for performing all-attosecond experiments, the attosecond flux generated by the IFAST 10 TW system was still deficient by an order of magnitude. To this end, the laser system was upgraded to provide joule-level output energies while maintaining pulse compression to 15 fs, with a targeted peak power of 200 TW. This was accomplished by adding an additional Ti:sapphire amplifier to the existing 10 TW system and implementing a new pulse compression system to accommodate the higher pulse energy.Because this system operated at a 10 Hz repetition rate, stabilization of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) -- important for controlling attosecond pulse production -- could not be achieved using traditional methods. Therefore, a new scheme was developed, demonstrating the first-ever control of CEP in a chirped-pulse amplifier (CPA) at low repetition rates.Finally, a new variation of optical gating was proposed as a way to improve the efficiency of the attosecond pulse generation process. This method was also predicted to allow for the generation of isolated attosecond pulses with longer driving laser pulses, as well as the extension of the high-energy photon cut-off of the XUV continuum.
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Date Issued
CFE0005938, ucf:50804
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Intrinsic Modulation Response Modeling and Analysis for Lithographic Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers.
Li, Mingxin, Deppe, Dennis, Fathpour, Sasan, Wu, Shintson, Malocha, Donald, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have been greatly improved and successfully commercialized over the past few decades owing to their ability to provide both mode and current confinement that enables low energy consumption, high efficiency and high modulation speed. However, further improvement of oxide VCSELs is limited by the nature of the oxide aperture because of self-heating, internal strain and difficulties in precise size control. In this dissertation, VCSELs using...
Show moreVertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) have been greatly improved and successfully commercialized over the past few decades owing to their ability to provide both mode and current confinement that enables low energy consumption, high efficiency and high modulation speed. However, further improvement of oxide VCSELs is limited by the nature of the oxide aperture because of self-heating, internal strain and difficulties in precise size control. In this dissertation, VCSELs using lithographic approach are demonstrated to overcome the limitations of oxide VCSELs, in which an intra-cavity phase shifting mesa is applied to define the device size and provide optical mode and electrical current confinement instead of an oxide aperture. A newly developed model of intrinsic modulation response is proposed and analyzed to focus on the thermal limit of the modulation speed of VCSELs. The results show that both the temperature dependent differential gain and stimulated emission rate impact laser speed and the stimulated emission rate dominates the speed limit. Thermal limits of modulation response are compared for oxide and lithographic VCSELs for various sizes. The results predict that the intrinsic modulation response can be significantly increased by using lithographic VCSELs due to low thermal resistance and reduced mode volume while maintaining high efficiency. The intrinsic bandwidth could exceed 100 GHz for a 2-?m-diameter lithographic VCSEL. Combined with low electrical parasitics, it is expected to produce over 100 Gb/s data rate from a single directly modulated laser. VCSELs designed for high speed are discussed and their characteristics are demonstrated.
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Date Issued
CFE0006346, ucf:51556
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Fiber Optimization for Operation Beyond Transverse Mode Instability Limitations.
Bradford, Joshua, Richardson, Martin, Gaume, Romain, Amezcua Correa, Rodrigo, Shah, Lawrence, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Transverse Mode Instabilities (TMIs) stand as a fundamental limitation to power and brightness scaling in laser systems based upon optical fiber technologies. This work comprises experimental and theoretical investigations into fiber laser design that should minimize the effects of Stimulated Thermal Rayleigh Scattering. Theoretical discussions and simulations focus on how fiber parameters affect transverse mode coupling. These include core geometry optimization, pump geometry optimization,...
Show moreTransverse Mode Instabilities (TMIs) stand as a fundamental limitation to power and brightness scaling in laser systems based upon optical fiber technologies. This work comprises experimental and theoretical investigations into fiber laser design that should minimize the effects of Stimulated Thermal Rayleigh Scattering. Theoretical discussions and simulations focus on how fiber parameters affect transverse mode coupling. These include core geometry optimization, pump geometry optimization, in addition to the effects of HOM content and losses on the TMI threshold. Experimentally, a high-power laser facility is commissioned with beam quality diagnostics to quantify the thresholds of the onset of modal interferences and their impacts on beam quality. These diagnostics include high-resolution Fourier Transform Interferometry (FTI) and in-situ power-in-the-bucket measurements. The design and characterization capabilities developed here are crucial to the development of next-generation high-power fiber laser capabilities.
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Date Issued
CFE0006980, ucf:51646
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High Temperature Shock Tube Ignition Studies of CO2 Diluted Mixtures.
Pryor, Owen, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Kapat, Jayanta, Kassab, Alain, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Energy demand is expected to grow by 20% over the next 10 years. In order to account for this increase in energy consumption new and novel combustion techniques are required to mitigate the effects of pollution and fossil fuel dependency. Oxy-fuel combustion in supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) cycles can increase plant efficiencies up to 52% and reduce pollutants such as NOX and CO2 by 99%. Supercritical engine cycles have demonstrated electricity costs of $121/MWh, which is competitive in...
Show moreEnergy demand is expected to grow by 20% over the next 10 years. In order to account for this increase in energy consumption new and novel combustion techniques are required to mitigate the effects of pollution and fossil fuel dependency. Oxy-fuel combustion in supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) cycles can increase plant efficiencies up to 52% and reduce pollutants such as NOX and CO2 by 99%. Supercritical engine cycles have demonstrated electricity costs of $121/MWh, which is competitive in comparison to conventional coal ($95.60/MWh) and natural gas power plants ($128.4/MWe). This increase in efficiency is mainly driven by the near-liquid density of the working fluid (sCO2), in the super critical regime, before entering the turbine for energy extraction of the high pressure and high density sCO2 gas. In addition, supercritical CO2 engine cycles produce near-zero air emissions since CO2, a product of combustion, is the working fluid of the system which can be regenerated to the combustor. The predictive accuracy and lack of combustion models in highly CO2 diluted mixtures and at high pressures is one the major limitations to achieving optimum design of super critical engine combustors. Also, most natural gas mechanisms and validation experiments have been conducted at low pressures (typically less than 40 atm) and not in CO2 diluted environment. Thus experimental data is important for the development of modern combustion systems from work focusing on supercritical carbon dioxide cycles to rotational detonation engines. This thesis presents the design of the shock tube and two optical diagnostic techniques for measuring ignition delay times and species time histories using a shock tube in CO2 diluted mixtures.Experimental data for ignition delay times and species time-histories (CH4) were obtained in mixtures diluted with CO2. Experiments were performed behind reflected shockwaves from temperatures of 1200 to 2000 K for pressures ranging from 1 to 11 atm. Ignition times were obtained from emission and laser absorption measurements. Current experimental data were compared with the predictions of detailed chemical kinetic models (available from literature) that will allow for accurate design and modeling of combustion systems.
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Date Issued
CFE0006165, ucf:51141
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Photothermal Lensing in Mid-Infrared Materials.
Cook, Justin, Richardson, Martin, Shah, Lawrence, Gaume, Romain, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A thorough understanding of laser-materials interactions is crucial when designing and building optical systems. An ideal test method would probe both the thermal and optical properties simultaneously for materials under large optical loads where detrimental thermal effects emerge. An interesting class of materials are those used for infrared wavelengths due to their wide spectral transmission windows and large optical nonlinearities. Since coherent sources spanning the mid-wave and long-wave...
Show moreA thorough understanding of laser-materials interactions is crucial when designing and building optical systems. An ideal test method would probe both the thermal and optical properties simultaneously for materials under large optical loads where detrimental thermal effects emerge. An interesting class of materials are those used for infrared wavelengths due to their wide spectral transmission windows and large optical nonlinearities. Since coherent sources spanning the mid-wave and long-wave infrared wavelength regions have only become widely available in the past decade, data regarding their thermal and optical responses is lacking in literature.Photothermal Lensing (PTL) technique is an attractive method for characterizing the optical and thermal properties of mid-infrared materials as it is nondestructive and can be implemented using both continuous wave and pulsed irradiation. Analogous to the well-known Z-scan, the PTL technique involves creating a thermal lens within a material and subsequently measuring this distortion with a probe beam. By translating the sample through the focus of the pump laser, information can be obtained regarding the nonlinear absorption, thermal diffusivity and thermo-optic coefficient. This thesis evaluates the effectiveness and scope of the PTL method using numerical simulations of low loss infrared materials. Specifically, the response of silicon, germanium, and As2Se3 glass is explored. The 2 ?m pump and 4.55 ?m probe beam geometries are optimized in order to minimize experimental error. Methodologies for estimating the thermal diffusivity, nonlinear absorption coefficient and thermo-optic coefficient directly from the experimentally measured PTL signal are presented. Finally, the ability to measure the nonlinear absorption coefficient without the need for high-energy or ultrashort optical pulses is demonstrated.
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Date Issued
CFE0006730, ucf:51885
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Characterization and Application of Isolated Attosecond Pulses.
Chini, Michael, Chang, Zenghu, Saha, Haripada, Chow, Lee, Schulzgen, Axel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Tracking and controlling the dynamic evolution of matter under the influence of external fields is among the most fundamental goals of physics. In the microcosm, the motion of electrons follows the laws of quantum mechanics and evolves on the timescale set by the atomic unit of time, 24 attoseconds. While only a few time-dependent quantum mechanical systems can be solved theoretically, recent advances in the generation, characterization, and application of isolated attosecond pulses and few...
Show moreTracking and controlling the dynamic evolution of matter under the influence of external fields is among the most fundamental goals of physics. In the microcosm, the motion of electrons follows the laws of quantum mechanics and evolves on the timescale set by the atomic unit of time, 24 attoseconds. While only a few time-dependent quantum mechanical systems can be solved theoretically, recent advances in the generation, characterization, and application of isolated attosecond pulses and few-cycle femtosecond lasers have given experimentalists the necessary tools for dynamic measurements on these systems. However, pioneering studies in attosecond science have so far been limited to the measurement of free electron dynamics, which can in most cases be described approximately using classical mechanics. Novel tools and techniques for studying bound states of matter are therefore desired to test the available theoretical models and to enrich our understanding of the quantum world on as-yet unprecedented timescales.In this work, attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy with ultrabroadband attosecond pulses is presented as a technique for direct measurement of electron dynamics in quantum systems, demonstrating for the first time that the attosecond transient absorption technique allows for state-resolved and simultaneous measurement of bound and continuum state dynamics. The helium atom is the primary target of the presented studies, owing to its accessibility to theoretical modeling with both ab initio simulations and to model systems with reduced dimensionality. In these studies, ultrafast dynamics (-) on timescales shorter than the laser cycle (-) are observed in prototypical quantum mechanical processes such as the AC Stark and ponderomotive energy level shifts, Rabi oscillations and electromagnetically-induced absorption and transparency, and two-color multi-photon absorption to (")dark(") states of the atom. These features are observed in both bound states and quasi-bound autoionizing states of the atom. Furthermore, dynamic interference oscillations, corresponding to quantum path interferences involving bound and free electronic states of the atom, are observed for the first time in an optical measurement. These first experiments demonstrate the applicability of attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy with ultrabroadband attosecond pulses to the study and control of electron dynamics in quantum mechanical systems with high fidelity and state selectivity. The technique is therefore ideally suited for the study of charge transfer and collective electron motion in more complex systems.The transient absorption studies on atomic bound states require ultrabroadband attosecond pulses ? attosecond pulses with large spectral bandwidth compared to their central frequency. This is due to the fact that the bound states in which we are interested lie only 15-25 eV above the ground state, so the central frequency of the pulse should lie in this range. On the other hand, the bandwidth needed to generate an isolated 100 as pulse exceeds 18 eV (-) comparable to or even larger than the central frequency. However, current methods for characterizing attosecond pulses require that the attosecond pulse spectrum bandwidth is small compared to its central frequency, known as the central momentum approximation. We therefore explore the limits of attosecond pulse characterization using the current technology and propose a novel method for characterizing ultrabroadband attosecond pules, which we term PROOF (phase retrieval by omega oscillation filtering). We demonstrate the PROOF technique with both simulated and experimental data, culminating in the characterization of a world-record-breaking 67 as pulse.
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Date Issued
CFE0004781, ucf:49802
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Development of Thulium Fiber Lasers for High Average Power and High Peak Power Operation.
Sims, Robert, Richardson, Martin, Schulzgen, Axel, Delfyett, Peter, Chow, Louis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
High power thulium fiber lasers are useful for a number of applications in both continuous-wave and pulsed operating regimes. The use of thulium as a dopant has recently gained interest due to its large bandwidth, possibility of high efficiency, possibility of high power and long wavelength ~1.8 (-) 2.1 ?m. The longer emission wavelength of Tm-doped fiber lasers compared to Yb- and/or Er-doped fiber lasers creates the possibility for higher peak power operation due to the larger nonlinear...
Show moreHigh power thulium fiber lasers are useful for a number of applications in both continuous-wave and pulsed operating regimes. The use of thulium as a dopant has recently gained interest due to its large bandwidth, possibility of high efficiency, possibility of high power and long wavelength ~1.8 (-) 2.1 ?m. The longer emission wavelength of Tm-doped fiber lasers compared to Yb- and/or Er-doped fiber lasers creates the possibility for higher peak power operation due to the larger nonlinear thresholds and reduced nonlinear phase accumulation. One primary interest in Tm-doped fiber lasers has been to scale to high average powers; however, the thermal and mechanical constraints of the fiber limit the average power out of a single-fiber aperture. One method to overcome the constraints of a single laser aperture is to spectrally combine the output from multiple lasers operating with different wavelengths into a single beam. In this thesis, results will be presented on the development of three polarized 100 W level laser systems that were wavelength stabilized for SBC. In addition to the development of the laser channels, the beams were combined using bandpass filters to achieve a single near diffraction-limited output.Concurrently, with the development of high average power systems there is an increasing interest in femotosecond pulse generation and amplification using Tm- doped fiber lasers. High peak power sources operating near 2 (&)#181;m have the potential to be efficient pump sources to generate mid-infrared light through supercontinuum generation or optical parametric oscillators. This thesis focuses on the development of a laser system utilizing chirped pulse amplification (CPA) to achieve record level energies and peak powers for ultrashort pulses in Tm-doped fiber. A mode-locked oscillator was built to generate femtosecond pulses operating with pJ energy. Pulses generated in the mode-locked oscillator were limited to low energies and contained spectral modulation due to the mode-locking mechanism, therefore, a Raman-soliton self-frequency shift (Raman-SSFS) amplifier was built to amplify pulses, decrease the pulse duration, and spectrally clean pulses. These pulses were amplified using chirped pulse amplification (CPA) in which, limiting factors for amplification were examined and a high peak power system was built. The primary limiting factors of CPA in fibers include the nonlinear phase accumulation, primarily through self-phase modulation (SPM), and gain narrowing. Gain narrowing was examined by temporally stretching pulses in a highly nonlinear fiber that both stretched the pulse duration and broadened the spectrum. A high peak power CPA system amplified pulses to 1 (&)#181;J energy with 300 fs compressed pulses, corresponding to a peak power (>)3 MW. High peak power pulses were coupled into highly nonlinear fibers to generate supercontinuum.
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Date Issued
CFE0004752, ucf:49768
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Ultrafast Laser Material Processing For Photonic Applications.
Ramme, Mark, Richardson, Martin, Fathpour, Sasan, Sundaram, Kalpathy, Kar, Aravinda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing (FLDW) is a viable technique for producing photonic devices in bulk materials. This novel manufacturing technique is versatile due to its full 3D fabrication capability. Typically, the only requirement for this process is that the base material must be transparent to the laser wavelength. The modification process itself is based on non-linear energy absorption of laser light within the focal volume of the incident beam.This thesis addresses the feasibility of...
Show moreFemtosecond Laser Direct Writing (FLDW) is a viable technique for producing photonic devices in bulk materials. This novel manufacturing technique is versatile due to its full 3D fabrication capability. Typically, the only requirement for this process is that the base material must be transparent to the laser wavelength. The modification process itself is based on non-linear energy absorption of laser light within the focal volume of the incident beam.This thesis addresses the feasibility of this technique for introducing photonic structures into novel dielectric materials. Additionally, this work provides a deeper understanding of the light-matter interaction mechanism occurring at high pulse repetition rates. A novel structure on the sample surface in the form of nano-fibers was observed when the bulk material was irradiated with high repetition rate pulse trains.To utilize the advantages of the FLDW technique even further, a transfer of the technology from dielectric to semiconductor materials is investigated. However, this demands detailed insight of the absorption and modification processes themselves. Experiments and the results suggested that non-linear absorption, specifically avalanche ionization, is the limiting factor inhibiting the application of FLDW to bulk semiconductors with today's laser sources.
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Date Issued
CFE0004914, ucf:49626
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Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness of a Transpiration-Cooled Leading Edge Fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing.
Calderon, Luisana, Kapat, Jayanta, Raghavan, Seetha, Mingareev, Ilya, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Laser additive manufacturing (LAM) is an emerging technology capable of fabricating complex geometries not possibly made by investment casting methods for gas turbine applications. LAM techniques consist of building parts in a layer-by-layer process by selectively melting metal powders. In the present study, a mock leading edge segment of a turbine blade fabricated by LAM of Inconel 718 powders is investigated. For this particular design, the traditional showerhead film cooling holes have...
Show moreLaser additive manufacturing (LAM) is an emerging technology capable of fabricating complex geometries not possibly made by investment casting methods for gas turbine applications. LAM techniques consist of building parts in a layer-by-layer process by selectively melting metal powders. In the present study, a mock leading edge segment of a turbine blade fabricated by LAM of Inconel 718 powders is investigated. For this particular design, the traditional showerhead film cooling holes have been replaced by two strips containing engineered-porous regions with the purpose of simulating the effect of transpiration cooling. Transpiration cooling has been considered a promising external convective cooling method capable of providing a more uniform film and higher adiabatic film cooling effectiveness than conventional discrete film cooling. In addition, many studies have shown that this technique can yield high firing temperatures with much less coolant consumption than discrete film cooling. In this current study, adiabatic film cooling effectiveness is investigated by means of mass transfer using pressure sensitive paint (PSP). The experiments are conducted for blowing ratios ranging between M = 0.03 and M = 0.28 for a nominal density ratio of 1.5. The density ratio is obtained by using air as the mainstream flow and CO2 as the secondary flow (or coolant source). Results indicate higher coverage and film cooling effectiveness when increasing blowing ratio at the expense of higher pressure drop. In addition, the experimental results are compared to numerical analyses performed using steady state Reynolds Average Navier Stokes (RANS) simulations.
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Date Issued
CFE0007315, ucf:52117
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A laser radar employing linearly chirped pulses from a mode-locked laser for long range, unambiguous, sub-millimeter resolution ranging and velocimetry.
Piracha, Mohammad Umar, ,, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Light detection and ranging (lidar) is used for various applications such as remote sensing, altimetry and imaging. In this talk, a linearly chirped pulse source is introduced that generates wavelength-swept pulses exhibiting ~6 nm optical bandwidth with (>) 20 km coherence length. The chirped pulses are used in an interferometric lidar setup to perform distance measurements with sub-millimeter resolution (using pulses that are a few meters long), at target distances (>) 10 km, with at least...
Show moreLight detection and ranging (lidar) is used for various applications such as remote sensing, altimetry and imaging. In this talk, a linearly chirped pulse source is introduced that generates wavelength-swept pulses exhibiting ~6 nm optical bandwidth with (>) 20 km coherence length. The chirped pulses are used in an interferometric lidar setup to perform distance measurements with sub-millimeter resolution (using pulses that are a few meters long), at target distances (>) 10 km, with at least 25 dB signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver. A pulse repetition rate of 20 MHz provides fast update rates, while chirped pulse amplification allows easy amplification of optical signals to high power levels that are required for long range operation. A pulse tagging scheme based on phase modulation is used to demonstrate unambiguous, long range measurements. In addition to this, simultaneous measurement of target range and Doppler velocity is performed using a target moving at a speed of over 330 km/h (205 mph) inside the laboratory. In addition to this, spectral phase modulation of the chirped pulses is demonstrated to compensate for the undesirable ripple in the group delay of the chirped pulses. Moreover, spectral amplitude modulation is used to generate pulses with Gaussian temporal intensity profiles and a two-fold increase in the lidar range resolution (284 um) is observed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004423, ucf:49409
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Properties of High Energy Laser Light Transmission through Large Core Optical Cables.
Kennedy, Christopher, Schulzgen, Axel, Bass, Michael, Soileau, Marion, Gordon, Ali, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Laser induced damage is of interest in studying the transmission of large amounts of optical energy through step-index, large core multimode fibers. Optical fibers often have to be routed around objects when laser light is being transmitted between two locations which require the fiber to bend into a curve. Depending on how tight the bend is, this can result in transmission losses or even catastrophic damage when the energy density of the laser pulse exceeds the damage threshold of silica...
Show moreLaser induced damage is of interest in studying the transmission of large amounts of optical energy through step-index, large core multimode fibers. Optical fibers often have to be routed around objects when laser light is being transmitted between two locations which require the fiber to bend into a curve. Depending on how tight the bend is, this can result in transmission losses or even catastrophic damage when the energy density of the laser pulse exceeds the damage threshold of silica glass. Waveguide theory predicts that light traveling through a bend will form whispering-gallery modes that propagate through total internal reflection bounces along the inside of the outer edge of the bend. This is critical since in these locations the energy density of the light will increase significantly, raising the potential of laser damage, nonlinear effects, and transmission losses. This loss is especially problematic when two 90(&)deg; bends going in opposite directions are in close proximity to each other, forming an 'S-bend'. Light that is grouped along the outer edge going through the first bend will enter the second bend at a sharper angle which causes much high transmission losses and raises the possibility of failure.Models using R-Soft BeamProp and Zemax were developed to study transmission losses, investigate light interactions at critical areas, and predict under which conditions laser damage would occur. BeamProp presents a clearer view of the modal distribution of light within the core of the fiber and is used to analyze how a plane wave with a Gaussian intensity distribution excites the fiber modes. Zemax provides a tool to perform non-sequential ray tracing through the fiber cable and stray light analysis within the core and once the light exits the fiber. Intensity distributions of the cross sectional area of the fiber shows the whispering gallery modes forming as the light propagates around bends and disburses as it propagates afterwards. It was discovered using R-Soft that if the separation distance between bends in an S-bend is approximately 3 mm there exists a condition where maximum transmission occurs. For 365 (&)#181;m diameter core fiber it was calculated that the difference in output power could be as high as 150%. This was initially completely unexpected; however ray tracing using Zemax was able to verify that this distance allows the light to transition so that it enters the 2nd bend at the optimal angle to enter the whispering gallery mode. Experiments were performed that validated the models' predictions and images were captured clearly showing the spatial distribution shift of the light within the core of the fiber.Experiments were performed to verify light grouping together to form whispering gallery modes as predicted by Zemax. Microscope images were taken as a function of distance from various bends to observe the periodic nature in which the laser light fills up the fiber. Additionally, a configuration was setup to examine stimulated Brillioun scattering and determine the onset of laser damage in the fiber. Fibers were tested as a function of bend radius and number of shots and recommendations for future systems were made. Lastly, mechanical failure tests were performed to determine the relationship between stress placed on the fiber through bending and fiber lifetime in a static environment. This allowed a minimum safe bend radius to be calculated for a 30 year lifetime that agreed with previous calculated values.
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Date Issued
CFE0004871, ucf:49668
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Andrusyak, Oleksiy, Zeldovich, Boris, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Beam combining techniques have become an important tool in the design of high-power high-brightness laser systems. Spectral beam combining (SBC) is an incoherent combining technique that does not require phase control of sources, allowing for a stable and robust system. Using SBC, beams from an array of lasers with each element operated at a different wavelength are combined into a single near-diffraction-limited beam with the same aperture using dispersive optical elements. SBC by means of...
Show moreBeam combining techniques have become an important tool in the design of high-power high-brightness laser systems. Spectral beam combining (SBC) is an incoherent combining technique that does not require phase control of sources, allowing for a stable and robust system. Using SBC, beams from an array of lasers with each element operated at a different wavelength are combined into a single near-diffraction-limited beam with the same aperture using dispersive optical elements. SBC by means of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) utilizes unique spectral response of VBGs: diffraction efficiency is close to unity when the Bragg condition is satisfied and is close to zero at multiple points corresponding to particular wavelength offsets from Bragg condition. High-efficiency VBGs can be recorded in UV-sensitive photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass. Narrow-band reflecting VBGs allow multi-channel SBC with high spectral density of channels. In this dissertation, experimental results of SBC with high spectral density of combined channels in two spectral regions of interest (1064 and 1550 nm) are reported. The behavior of narrow-band VBGs under high-power laser radiation is investigated. A laser system with kW-level output power and near-diffraction-limited divergence of spectrally-combined output beam is demonstrated. The system combines five randomly-polarized Yb-doped fiber lasers with 0.5 nm spectral separation in central wavelengths using narrow-band reflecting VBGs with absolute efficiency of combining > 90%. A novel design of a multi-channel high-power SBC system is suggested. In this approach, a common-cavity is created for all channels such that wavelengths of the sources are passively controlled by the combination of a common output coupler and intra-cavity VBGs which also act as combining elements. Laser wavelengths are automatically selected to match resonant wavelengths of respective VBGs. We report successful demonstration of a passively-controlled SBC system consisting of two amplifiers in a common cavity configuration. A compact and rugged monolithic SBC module based on multiplexed VBGs is introduced. Experimental results of a four-channel implementation of such module are discussed. Modular design of high-power laser systems is suggested with multiple modules arranged in a series. We show that with basic combining parameters achieved up to date, laser systems with 10 kW output power can be constructed using this arrangement. Further scaling to 100 kW power level is discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0002662, ucf:48189
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Filiault, Matthew, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation...
Show moreIn medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation of individual bones using a laser-scanner, it would be possible to overcome this limitation. Now that laser scanners have become increasingly affordable, this technology should be incorporated in the documentation methodologies of forensic anthropology laboratories. Unfortunately, this equipment is rarely used in forensic anthropology casework. The goal of this project is to investigate the possible visualization applications that can be created from digitized surface models of bone for use in medico-legal investigations. This research will be achieved in two phases. First, examples of human bone as well as replicas of bone will be scanned using a NextEngine™ laser scanner. In conjunction with this will be the exploration and documentation of protocols for scanning different bone types and processing the scan data for creating a 3D model. The second phase will investigate how the resulting 3D model can be used in lieu of the actual remains to achieve improved documentation methodologies through the use of several commercial computer graphics programs. The results demonstrate that an array of visual applications can be easily created from a 3D file of bone, including virtual curation, measurement, illustration and the virtual reconstruction of fragmented bone. Based on the findings of this project, the implementation of laser scanning technology is recommended for forensic anthropology labs to enhance documentation, analysis and presentation of human bone.
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Date Issued
CFH0004287, ucf:44907
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