Current Search: laser (x)
Non-Hermitian and Space-Time Mode Management.
Nye, Nicholas, Christodoulides, Demetrios, Khajavikhan, Mercedeh, Abouraddy, Ayman, Kaup, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the last few years, optics has witnessed the emergence of two fields namely metasurfaces and parity-time (PT) symmetry. Optical metasurfaces are engineered structures that provide unique responses to electromagnetic waves, absent in natural materials. On the other hand, PT symmetry has emerged from quantum mechanics, when a new class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian quantum systems was shown to have real eigenvalues. In this work, we demonstrate how PT-symmetric diffractive structures are...
Show moreIn the last few years, optics has witnessed the emergence of two fields namely metasurfaces and parity-time (PT) symmetry. Optical metasurfaces are engineered structures that provide unique responses to electromagnetic waves, absent in natural materials. On the other hand, PT symmetry has emerged from quantum mechanics, when a new class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonian quantum systems was shown to have real eigenvalues. In this work, we demonstrate how PT-symmetric diffractive structures are capable of eliminating diffraction orders in specific directions, while maintaining/enhancing the remaining orders. In the second part of this work, we emphasize on supersymmetry (SUSY) and its applications in optics. Even though the full ramification of SUSY in high-energy physics is still a matter of debate that awaits experimental validation, supersymmetric techniques have already found their way into low-energy physics. In this work, we apply certain isospectral techniques in order to achieve single mode lasing in multi-element waveguide systems, where multimode chaotic emission is expected. In the third part of this dissertation, we emphasize on dynamically reconfigurable nanoparticle platforms. By exploiting the dielectrophoresis effect, we demonstrate how controllable lasing can be achieved in random photonic arrangements. Although this work focuses on the case of controlling random lasers, we expect that the proposed nanoparticle architecture can incorporate heterogeneous materials of a wide range of optical functionalities, including gain, scattering, plasmonic resonance, and nonlinearity. In the last part of the dissertation, we demonstrate the capability of synthesizing space-time (ST) wave packets, based on new propagation-invariant elementary solutions of the wave equation identified through a complexification of the spatial and temporal degrees of freedom. By establishing the connection between ST propagation-invariant pulses and tilted-pulse-front pulses, a path is opened to exploiting the unique attributes of such wave packets both in nonlinear and quantum optics.
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Date Issued
CFE0007896, ucf:52780
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Laser Spark Ignition of Counter-flow Diffusion Flames: Effects of diluents and diffusive-thermal properties.
Sime Segura, Fidelio, Deng, Weiwei, Chen, Ruey-Hung, Kapat, Jayanta, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to study laser spark ignition of methane counter-flow diffusion flames with the use of helium and argon as diluents to achieve a wide range of variations in transport properties. The global strain rate and Damk(&)#246;hler number on successful ignition were investigated for the effects of Lewis number and transport properties, which are dependent on the diluent type and dilution level. A high-speed camera is used to record the ignition events and a software is...
Show moreA pulsed Nd:YAG laser is used to study laser spark ignition of methane counter-flow diffusion flames with the use of helium and argon as diluents to achieve a wide range of variations in transport properties. The global strain rate and Damk(&)#246;hler number on successful ignition were investigated for the effects of Lewis number and transport properties, which are dependent on the diluent type and dilution level. A high-speed camera is used to record the ignition events and a software is used for pre-ignition flow field and mixing calculations. It is found that the role of effective Lewis number on the critical global strain rate, beyond which ignition is not possible, is qualitatively similar that on the extinction strain rate. With the same level of dilution, the inert diluent with smaller Lewis number yields larger critical global strain rate. The critical Damk(&)#246;hler number below which no ignition is possible is found to be within approximately 20% for all the fuel-inert gas mixtures studied. When successful ignition takes place, the ignition time increases as the level of dilution of argon is increased. The ignition time decreases with increasing level of helium dilution due to decreases in thermal diffusion time, which causes rapid cooling of the flammable layer during the ignition process. However, the critical strain for ignition with helium dilution rapidly decreases as the dilution level is increased. The experimental results show that with the increase of strain rate the time to steady flame decreases, and that with the increase of dilution level time for the flame to become steady increases. For the same level of dilution, the time for steady flame is observed to be longer for He-diluted flames than for Ar-diluted flames due to its thermal diffusivity being larger than that of Ar.
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Date Issued
CFE0004295, ucf:49467
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Shorter, Nicholas, Kasparis, Takis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As more data sources containing 3-D information are becoming available, an increased interest in 3-D imaging has emerged. Among these is the 3-D reconstruction of buildings and other man-made structures. A necessary preprocessing step is the detection and isolation of individual buildings that subsequently can be reconstructed in 3-D using various methodologies. Applications for both building detection and reconstruction have commercial use for urban planning, network planning for mobile...
Show moreAs more data sources containing 3-D information are becoming available, an increased interest in 3-D imaging has emerged. Among these is the 3-D reconstruction of buildings and other man-made structures. A necessary preprocessing step is the detection and isolation of individual buildings that subsequently can be reconstructed in 3-D using various methodologies. Applications for both building detection and reconstruction have commercial use for urban planning, network planning for mobile communication (cell phone tower placement), spatial analysis of air pollution and noise nuisances, microclimate investigations, geographical information systems, security services and change detection from areas affected by natural disasters. Building detection and reconstruction are also used in the military for automatic target recognition and in entertainment for virtual tourism. Previously proposed building detection and reconstruction algorithms solely utilized aerial imagery. With the advent of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) systems providing elevation data, current algorithms explore using captured LiDAR data as an additional feasible source of information. Additional sources of information can lead to automating techniques (alleviating their need for manual user intervention) as well as increasing their capabilities and accuracy. Several building detection approaches surveyed in the open literature have fundamental weaknesses that hinder their use; such as requiring multiple data sets from different sensors, mandating certain operations to be carried out manually, and limited functionality to only being able to detect certain types of buildings. In this work, a building detection system is proposed and implemented which strives to overcome the limitations seen in existing techniques. The developed framework is flexible in that it can perform building detection from just LiDAR data (first or last return), or just nadir, color aerial imagery. If data from both LiDAR and aerial imagery are available, then the algorithm will use them both for improved accuracy. Additionally, the proposed approach does not employ severely limiting assumptions thus enabling the end user to apply the approach to a wider variety of different building types. The proposed approach is extensively tested using real data sets and it is also compared with other existing techniques. Experimental results are presented.
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Date Issued
CFE0002783, ucf:48125
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Shavitranuruk, K, Deppe, Dennis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Advantage of the single QD active layer is its potential for very low threshold current density, which in turn can produce low internal optical loss. The low threshold current density and low internal loss thus enable a significant increase in laser diode cavity length. Because of the importance of the threshold current density in heatsinking, future technology of broad-area monolithic laser diodes can be implemented. The dissertation describes the development and the unique characteristics...
Show moreAdvantage of the single QD active layer is its potential for very low threshold current density, which in turn can produce low internal optical loss. The low threshold current density and low internal loss thus enable a significant increase in laser diode cavity length. Because of the importance of the threshold current density in heatsinking, future technology of broad-area monolithic laser diodes can be implemented. The dissertation describes the development and the unique characteristics of single QD active layer laser with long cavity. The data are presented on single layer QD laser diodes that reach threshold current densities values of 11.7 A/cm2 in a p-up mounted 2 cm long cavity and as low as 10 A/cm2, with CW output power of 2 W in a p-down mounted 1.6 cm long cavity. The 8.8 A/cm2 in a p-down mounted 2 cm long cavity is reported. To our knowledge the value 8.8 A/cm2 is the lowest threshold current density ever reported for a room temperature laser diode. These single layer QD laser diodes reach an internal loss of ~0.25 cm-1, which is also the lowest ever reported for a room temperature laser diode. These unique characteristics of single layer QD and laser diode size are potentially promising for the monolithic mode-locked laser because of relatively high peak power with a low repetition rate that is on the order of a few GHz, which can be the novel device for external clocking in the optical interconnect applications. In this dissertation, the stable optical pulse train in a 40 ÃÂÃÂÃÂõm wide stripe with a repetition rate of 3.75 GHz with 1.1 cm cavity length through the passive mode-locked onto the monolithic two-section device fabricated from this single layer QD laser is observed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003145, ucf:48646
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Precision Metrology of Laser Plasmas in the XUV Band.
Szilagyi, John, Richardson, Martin, Sundaram, Kalpathy, Abdolvand, Reza, Baudelet, Matthieu, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The XUV band, a region of light spanning the wavelength range of 5 - 200 nm, is located between the Ultraviolet and X-ray regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is further divided into a 100 - 200 nm region called the Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV), and a 5 (-) 100 nm region called the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV). Applications of this light have been slow to develop due to the lack of suitable sources, efficient optics, and sensitive detectors. Recently, many industries such as the semiconductor...
Show moreThe XUV band, a region of light spanning the wavelength range of 5 - 200 nm, is located between the Ultraviolet and X-ray regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is further divided into a 100 - 200 nm region called the Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV), and a 5 (-) 100 nm region called the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV). Applications of this light have been slow to develop due to the lack of suitable sources, efficient optics, and sensitive detectors. Recently, many industries such as the semiconductor manufacturing industry, medical surgery, micromachining, microscopy, and spectroscopy have begun to benefit from the short wavelengths and the high photon energies of this light. At present, the semiconductor chip industry is the primary reason for the investment in, and development of, XUV sources, optics, and detectors. The demand for high power EUV light sources at 13.5 nm wavelength is driven by the development of the next generation of semiconductor lithography tools. The development of these tools enables the continued reduction in size, and the increase in transistor density of semiconductor devices on a single chip. Further development and investigation of laser produced plasma EUV light sources is necessary to increase the average optical power and reliability. This will lead to an increase in the speed of EUV lithographic processes, which are necessary for future generations of advanced chip design, and high volume semiconductor manufacturing. Micromachining, lithography, and microscopy benefit from improvements in resolution due to the shorter wavelengths of light in the VUV band. In order to provide adequate illumination for these applications, sources are required which are brighter and have higher average power. Laser produced plasma (LPP) VUV light sources are used extensively for lithography and defect detection in semiconductor manufacturing. Reductions in the wavelength and increases in the average power will increase the rate and yield of chip manufacture, as well as reduce the costs of semiconductor manufacture.The work presented in this thesis, describes the development of two laser plasma source facilities in the Laser Plasma Laboratory at UCF, which were designed to investigate EUV and VUV laser plasma sources. The HP-EUV-Facility was developed to optimize and demonstrate a high power 13.5 nm EUV LPP source. This facility provides high resolution spectroscopy across 10.5 - 20 nm, and absolute energy measurement of 13.5 nm +/- 2% in 2? sr. The VUV-MS-Facility was developed to investigate VUV emission characteristics of laser plasmas of various target geometries and chemistries. This facility provides absolute calibrated emission spectra for the 124 - 250 nm wavelength range, in addition to, at wavelength plasma imaging. Calibrated emission spectra, in-band power, and conversion efficiency are presented in this work for gas targets of Argon, Krypton, and Xenon and solid targets of Silicon, Copper, Molybdenum, Indium, Tantalum, Tin, and Zinc, across the laser intensity range of 8.0x10^6 (-) 3.2x10^12 W/cm2.
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Date Issued
CFE0006805, ucf:51793
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Dolguikh, Maxim, Peale, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Monte Carlo method for the simulation of hole dynamics in degenerate valence subbands of cubic semiconductors is developed. All possible intra- and inter-subband scattering rates are theoretically calculated for Ge, Si, and GaAs. A far-infrared laser concept based on intersubband transitions of holes in p-type periodically delta-doped semiconductor films is studied using numerical Monte-Carlo simulation of hot hole dynamics. The considered device consists of monocrystalline pure Ge layers...
Show moreMonte Carlo method for the simulation of hole dynamics in degenerate valence subbands of cubic semiconductors is developed. All possible intra- and inter-subband scattering rates are theoretically calculated for Ge, Si, and GaAs. A far-infrared laser concept based on intersubband transitions of holes in p-type periodically delta-doped semiconductor films is studied using numerical Monte-Carlo simulation of hot hole dynamics. The considered device consists of monocrystalline pure Ge layers periodically interleaved with delta-doped layers and operates with vertical or in-plane hole transport in the presence of a perpendicular in-plane magnetic field. Inversion population on intersubband transitions arises due to light hole accumulation in E B fields, as in the bulk p-Ge laser. However, the considered structure achieves spatial separation of hole accumulation regions from the doped layers, which reduces ionized-impurity and carrier-carrier scattering for the majority of light holes. This allows remarkable increase of the gain in comparison with bulk p-Ge lasers. Population inversion and gain sufficient for laser operation are expected up to 77 K. Test structures grown by chemical vapor deposition demonstrate feasibility of producing the device with sufficient active thickness to allow quasioptical electrodynamic cavity solutions. The same device structure is considered in GaAs. The case of Si is much more complicated due to strong anisotropy of the valence band. The primary new result for Si is the first consideration of the anisotropy of optical phonon scattering for hot holes.
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Date Issued
CFE0000863, ucf:46672
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Experimental Investigation of Advanced Ignition Systems for High Efficiency Combustion.
Almansour, Bader, Vasu Sumathi, Subith, Kapat, Jayanta, Kassab, Alain, Sarathy, S.Mani, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Consumption of fossil and bio-derived fuels is growing due to energy demands associated with increase in population and standard of living across the globe. Power generation and transportation sectors are the primary two sources of fuel consumption, which have raised the demand for crude oil and led to serious environmental pollution issues. This demand for energy forced various government agencies to strengthen the allowable exhaust pollutant concentration limits. Recently, CO, CO2,...
Show moreConsumption of fossil and bio-derived fuels is growing due to energy demands associated with increase in population and standard of living across the globe. Power generation and transportation sectors are the primary two sources of fuel consumption, which have raised the demand for crude oil and led to serious environmental pollution issues. This demand for energy forced various government agencies to strengthen the allowable exhaust pollutant concentration limits. Recently, CO, CO2, particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission restrictions have become more stringent to the extent that engines must operate at higher energy densities and efficiencies. Towards this goal, this doctoral study focused on evaluating advanced ignition systems and testing new biofuels for automotive combustion applications. First, a natural gas lean combustion mode was assessed by using advance ignition systems to provide higher brake power while maintaining the exhaust limits. A rigorous combustion data analysis was performed to identify the main reasons leading to improved performance in the case of prechamber equipped laser ignition. An overall efficiency improvement of 2.1% points was observed, compared to spark ignition, which in turn leads to save 633 PJ per year. In the second part of this dissertation, a spherical chamber was designed and validated to measure the laminar burning velocity (LBV) of a promising biofuel: 2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanone, (DIPK), for homogenous charge compression ignition engines. LBV measurements were carried out with various diluent species (N2, Ar, and He) in order to provide several data points for development and validation of DIPK chemical kinetic mechanisms. It has been found that DIPK does not only have higher temperature and pressure sensitivities (compared to iso-octane), but additionally enabled a faster laminar burning velocity which leads to higher rate of heat release in reciprocating engines.
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Date Issued
CFE0007387, ucf:52062
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Effect of Nonclassical Optical Turbulence on a Propagating Laser Beam.
Beason, Melissa, Phillips, Ronald, Atia, George, Richardson, Martin, Andrews, Larry, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Theory developed for the propagation of a laser beam through optical turbulence generally assumes that the turbulence is both homogeneous and isotropic and that the associated spectrum follows the classical Kolmogorov spectral power law of . If the atmosphere deviates from these assumptions, beam statistics such as mean intensity, correlation, and scintillation index could vary significantly from mathematical predictions. This work considers the effect of nonclassical turbulence on a...
Show moreTheory developed for the propagation of a laser beam through optical turbulence generally assumes that the turbulence is both homogeneous and isotropic and that the associated spectrum follows the classical Kolmogorov spectral power law of . If the atmosphere deviates from these assumptions, beam statistics such as mean intensity, correlation, and scintillation index could vary significantly from mathematical predictions. This work considers the effect of nonclassical turbulence on a propagated beam. Namely, anisotropy of the turbulence and a power law that deviates from . A mathematical model is developed for the scintillation index of a Gaussian beam propagated through nonclassical turbulence and theory is extended for the covariance function of intensity of a plane wave propagated through nonclassical turbulence. Multiple experiments over a concrete runway and a grass range verify the presence of turbulence which varies between isotropy and anisotropy. Data is taken throughout the day and the evolution of optical turbulence is considered. Also, irradiance fluctuation data taken in May 2018 over a concrete runway and July 2018 over a grass range indicate an additional beam shaping effect. A simplistic mathematical model was formulated which reproduced the measured behavior of contours of equal mean intensity and scintillation index.?
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Date Issued
CFE0007310, ucf:52646
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Novel Developments on the Extraction and Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Samples.
Wilson, Walter, Campiglia, Andres, Belfield, Kevin, Rex, Matthew, Harper, James, Hoffman, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation focuses on the development of analytical methodology for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water samples. Chemical analysis of PAHs is of great environmental and toxicological importance. Many of them are highly suspect as etiological agents in human cancer. Among the hundreds of PAHs present in the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists sixteen as "Consent Decree" priority pollutants. Their routine monitoring in...
Show moreThis dissertation focuses on the development of analytical methodology for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water samples. Chemical analysis of PAHs is of great environmental and toxicological importance. Many of them are highly suspect as etiological agents in human cancer. Among the hundreds of PAHs present in the environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists sixteen as "Consent Decree" priority pollutants. Their routine monitoring in environmental samples is recommended to prevent human contamination risks.A primary route of human exposure to PAHs is the ingestion of contaminated water. The rather low PAH concentrations in water samples make the analysis of the sixteen priority pollutants particularly challenging. Current EPA methodology follows the classical pattern of sample extraction and chromatographic analysis. The method of choice for PAHs extraction and pre-concentration is solid-phase extraction (SPE). PAHs determination is carried out via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). When HPLC is applied to highly complex samples, EPA recommends the use of GC/MS to verify compound identification and to check peak-purity of HPLC fractions. Although EPA methodology provides reliable data, the routine monitoring of numerous samples via fast, cost effective and environmentally friendly methods remains an analytical challenge. Typically, 1 L of water is processed through the SPE device in approximately 1 h. The rather large water volume and long sample processing time are recommended to reach detectable concentrations and quantitative removal of PAHs from water samples. Chromatographic elution times of 30 (-) 60 min are typical and standards must be run periodically to verify retention times. If concentrations of targeted PAHs are found to lie outside the detector's response range, the sample must be diluted (or concentrated), and the process repeated. In order to prevent environmental risks and human contamination, the routine monitoring of the sixteen EPA-PAHs is not sufficient anymore. Recent toxicological studies attribute a significant portion of the biological activity of PAH contaminated samples to the presence of high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs, i.e. PAHs with MW ? 300. Because the carcinogenic properties of HMW-PAHs differ significantly from isomer to isomer, it is of paramount importance to determine the most toxic isomers even if they are present at much lower concentrations than their less toxic isomers. Unfortunately, established methodology cannot always meet the challenge of specifically analyzing HMW-PAHs at the low concentration levels of environmental samples. The main problems that confront classic methodology arise from the relatively low concentration levels and the large number of structural isomers with very similar elution times and similar, possibly even virtually identical, fragmentation patterns. This dissertation summarizes significant improvements on various fronts. Its first original component deals with the unambiguous determination of four HMW-PAHs via laser-excited time-resolved Shpol'skii spectroscopy (LETRSS) without previous chromatographic separation. The second original component is the improvement of a relatively new PAH extraction method - solid-phase nanoextraction (SPNE) - which uses gold nanoparticles as extracting material for PAHs. The advantages of the improved SPNE procedure are demonstrated for the analysis of EPA-PAHs and HMW-PAHs in water samples via GC/MS and LETRSS, respectively.
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Date Issued
CFE0005443, ucf:50384
Document (PDF)
Simmons, Jed, Bass, Michael, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Historically ceramic crystal laser material has had disadvantages compared to single crystal laser material. However, progress has been made in the last decade and a half to overcome the disadvantages associated with ceramic crystal. Today, because of the promise of ceramic crystal as a high power laser material, investigation into its properties, both physical and optical, is warranted and important. Thermal expansion was measured in this thesis for Nd:YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) ceramic...
Show moreHistorically ceramic crystal laser material has had disadvantages compared to single crystal laser material. However, progress has been made in the last decade and a half to overcome the disadvantages associated with ceramic crystal. Today, because of the promise of ceramic crystal as a high power laser material, investigation into its properties, both physical and optical, is warranted and important. Thermal expansion was measured in this thesis for Nd:YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) ceramic crystal using an interferometric method. The interferometer employed a spatially filtered HeNe at 633 nm wavelength. Thermal expansion coefficients measured for the ceramic crystal samples were near the reported values for single crystal Nd:YAG. With a similar experimental setup as that for the thermal expansion measurements, dn/dT for ceramic crystal Nd:YAG was measured and found to be slightly higher than the reported value for single crystal. Depolarization loss due to thermal gradient induced stresses can limit laser performance. As a result this phenomenon was modeled for ceramic crystal materials and compared to single crystals for slab and rod shaped gain media. This was accomplished using COMSOL Multiphysics, and MATLAB. Results indicate a dependence of the depolarization loss on the grain size where the loss decreases with decreased grain size even to the point where lower loss may be expected in ceramic crystals than in single crystal samples when the grain sizes in the ceramic crystal are sufficiently small. Deformation-induced thermal lensing was modeled for a single crystal slab and its relevance to ceramic crystal is discussed. Data indicates the most notable cause of deformation-induced thermal lensing is a consequence of the deformation of the top and bottom surfaces. Also, the strength of the lensing along the thickness is greater than the width and greater than that due to other causes of lensing along the thickness of the slab. Emission spectra, absorption spectra, and fluorescence lifetime were measured for Nd:YAG ceramic crystal and Yb:Lu2O3 ceramic crystal. No apparent inhomogeneous broadening appears to exist in the Nd:YAG ceramic at low concentrations. Concentration and temperature dependence effects on emission spectra were measured and are presented. Laser action in a thin disk of Yb:Y2O3 ceramic crystal was achieved. Pumping was accomplished with a fiber coupled diode laser stack at 938 nm. A slope efficiency of 34% was achieved with maximum output energy of 28.8 mJ/pulse.
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Date Issued
CFE0001764, ucf:47273
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Analysis of Benzopyrenes and Benzopyrene Metabolites by Fluorescence Spectroscopy Techniques.
Al-Farhani, Bassam, Campiglia, Andres, Harper, James, Zou, Shengli, Frazer, Andrew, Lee, Woo Hyoung, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are some of the most common and toxic pollutants encountered worldwide. Presently, monitoring is restricted to sixteen PAHs, but it is well understood that this list omits many toxic PAHs. Among the (")forgotten(") PAHs, isomers with molecular weight 302 are of particular concern due to their high toxicological properties. The chromatographic analysis of PAHs with MW 302 is challenged by similar retention times and virtually identical mass fragmentation...
Show morePolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are some of the most common and toxic pollutants encountered worldwide. Presently, monitoring is restricted to sixteen PAHs, but it is well understood that this list omits many toxic PAHs. Among the (")forgotten(") PAHs, isomers with molecular weight 302 are of particular concern due to their high toxicological properties. The chromatographic analysis of PAHs with MW 302 is challenged by similar retention times and virtually identical mass fragmentation patterns.The first original component of this dissertation evolves from a high-resolution spectroscopic approach specifically developed to fulfil this gap. Herein, 4.2 K Laser-Excited Time-Resolved Shpol'skii Spectroscopy (4.2K LETRSS) is applied to the analysis of HMW-PAHs in a complex coal tar standard reference material (SRM 1597a). The spectral and lifetime information obtained with LETRSS provide the required selectivity for the unambiguous determination of PAH isomers in the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractions. Complete LETRSS analysis is possible with microliters of HPLC fractions and organic solvent. The excellent analytical figures of merit associated to its non-destructive nature, which provides ample opportunity for further analysis with other instrumental methods, makes this approach a unique alternative for the analysis of isomers of HMW-PAHs in complex environmental samples.The second original component of this dissertation focuses on the development of screening methodology for the routine analysis of PAH metabolites in urine samples. It explores the room-temperature fluorescence (RTF) properties of 3-hydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]pyrene-trans-9,10-dihydrodiol, benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9-tetrahydrotriol and benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol previously extracted with octadecyl-silica membranes. RTF measurements from extraction membranes are carried out with the aid of fiber optic probe that eliminates the need for manual optimization of signal intensities. Relative standard deviations varying from 2.07% (benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9-tetrahydrotriol) to 8.55% (3-hydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene) were obtained with a straightforward procedure. Analytical recoveries from human urine samples varied from 87.54 (&)#177; 3.11% (3-hydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene) to 99.77 (&)#177; 2.48% (benzo[a]pyrene-r-7,t-8,c-9,c-10-tetrahydrotetrol). The excellent analytical figures of merit and the simplicity of the experimental procedure demonstrate the potential of Solid phase extraction-RTF for screening biomarkers of PAH exposure in numerous urine samples.
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Date Issued
CFE0006520, ucf:51363
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Broad Bandwidth, All-fiber, Thulium-doped Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifier for Potential Use in Scaling Ultrashort Pulse Peak Powers.
Sincore, Alex, Richardson, Martin, Shah, Lawrence, Amezcua Correa, Rodrigo, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Fiber based ultrashort pulse laser sources are desirable for many applications; however generating high peak powers in fiber lasers is primarily limited by the onset of nonlinear effects such as self-phase modulation, stimulated Raman scattering, and self-focusing. Increasing the fiber core diameter mitigates the onset of these nonlinear effects, but also allows unwanted higher-order transverse spatial modes to propagate. Both large core diameters and single-mode propagation can be...
Show moreFiber based ultrashort pulse laser sources are desirable for many applications; however generating high peak powers in fiber lasers is primarily limited by the onset of nonlinear effects such as self-phase modulation, stimulated Raman scattering, and self-focusing. Increasing the fiber core diameter mitigates the onset of these nonlinear effects, but also allows unwanted higher-order transverse spatial modes to propagate. Both large core diameters and single-mode propagation can be simultaneously attained using photonic crystal fibers.Thulium-doped fiber lasers are attractive for high peak power ultrashort pulse systems. They offer a broad gain bandwidth, capable of amplifying sub-100 femtosecond pulses. The longer center wavelength at 2 ?m theoretically enables higher peak powers relative to 1 ?m systems since nonlinear effects inversely scale with wavelength. Also, the 2 ?m emission is desirable to support applications reaching further into the mid-IR.This work evaluates the performance of a novel all-fiber pump combiner that incorporates a thulium-doped photonic crystal fiber. This fully integrated amplifier is characterized and possesses a large gain bandwidth, essentially single-mode propagation, and high degree of polarization. This innovative all-fiber, thulium-doped photonic crystal fiber amplifier has great potential for enabling high peak powers in 2 ?m fiber systems; however the current optical-to-optical efficiency is low relative to similar free-space amplifiers. Further development and device optimization will lead to higher efficiencies and improved performance.
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Date Issued
CFE0005260, ucf:50611
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Characterization of Anisotropic Mechanical Performance of As-Built Additively Manufactured Metals.
Siddiqui, Sanna, Gordon, Ali, Raghavan, Seetha, Bai, Yuanli, Sohn, Yongho, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies use a 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model to develop a component through a deposition and fusion layer process, allowing for rapid design and geometric flexibility of metal components, for use in the aerospace, energy and biomedical industries. Challenges exist with additive manufacturing that limits its replacement of conventional manufacturing techniques, most especially a comprehensive understanding of the anisotropic behavior of these materials...
Show moreAdditive manufacturing (AM) technologies use a 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model to develop a component through a deposition and fusion layer process, allowing for rapid design and geometric flexibility of metal components, for use in the aerospace, energy and biomedical industries. Challenges exist with additive manufacturing that limits its replacement of conventional manufacturing techniques, most especially a comprehensive understanding of the anisotropic behavior of these materials and how it is reflected in observed tensile, torsional and fatigue mechanical responses. As such, there is a need to understand how the build orientation of as-built additively manufactured metals, affects mechanical performance (e.g. monotonic and cyclic behavior, cyclically hardening/softening behavior, plasticity effects on fatigue life etc.); and to use constitutive modeling to both support experimental findings, and provide approximations of expected behavior (e.g. failure surfaces, monotonic and cyclic response, correlations between tensile and fatigue properties), for orientations and experiments not tested, due to the expensive cost associated with AM. A comprehensive framework has been developed to characterize the anisotropic behavior of as-built additively manufactured metals (i.e. Stainless Steel GP1 (SS GP1), similar in chemical composition to Stainless Steel 17-4PH), through a series of mechanical testing, microscopic evaluation and constitutive modeling, which were used to identify a reduced specimen size for characterizing these materials. An analysis of the torsional response of additively manufactured Inconel 718 has been performed to assess the impact of build orientation and as-built conditions on the shearing behavior of this material. Experimental results from DMLS SS GP1 and AM Inconel 718 from literature were used to constitutively model the material responses of these additively manufactured metals. Overall, this framework has been designed to serve as standard, from which build orientation selection can be used to meet specific desired industry requirements.
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Date Issued
CFE0007097, ucf:52883
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Khan, Sajjad, Riza, Nabeel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation proposes, studies and experimentally demonstrates novel liquid crystal (LC) optics to solve challenging problems in RF and photonic signal processing, freespace and fiber optic communications and microscopic imaging. These include free-space optical scanners for military and optical wireless applications, variable fiber-optic attenuators for optical communications, photonic control techniques for phased array antennas and radar, and 3-D microscopic imaging. At the heart of...
Show moreThis dissertation proposes, studies and experimentally demonstrates novel liquid crystal (LC) optics to solve challenging problems in RF and photonic signal processing, freespace and fiber optic communications and microscopic imaging. These include free-space optical scanners for military and optical wireless applications, variable fiber-optic attenuators for optical communications, photonic control techniques for phased array antennas and radar, and 3-D microscopic imaging. At the heart of the applications demonstrated in this thesis are LC devices that are non-pixelated and can be controlled either electrically or optically. Instead of the typical pixel-by-pixel control as is custom in LC devices, the phase profile across the aperture of these novel LC devices is varied through the use of high impedance layers. Due to the presence of the high impedance layer, there forms a voltage gradient across the aperture of such a device which results in a phase gradient across the LC layer which in turn is accumulated by the optical beam traversing through this LC device. The geometry of the electrical contacts that are used to apply the external voltage will define the nature of the phase gradient present across the optical beam. In order to steer a laser beam in one angular dimension, straight line electrical contacts are used to form a one dimensional phase gradient while an annular electrical contact results in a circularly symmetric phase profile across the optical beam making it suitable for focusing the optical beam. The geometry of the electrical contacts alone is not sufficient to form the linear and the quadratic phase profiles that are required to either deflect or focus an optical beam. Clever use of the phase response of a typical nematic liquid crystal (NLC) is made such that the linear response region is used for the angular beam deflection while the high voltage quadratic response region is used for focusing the beam. Employing an NLC deflector, a device that uses the linear angular deflection, laser beam steering is demonstrated in two orthogonal dimensions whereas an NLC lens is used to address the third dimension to complete a three dimensional (3-D) scanner. Such an NLC deflector was then used in a variable optical attenuator (VOA), whereby a laser beam coupled between two identical single mode fibers (SMF) was mis-aligned away from the output fiber causing the intensity of the output coupled light to decrease as a function of the angular deflection. Since the angular deflection is electrically controlled, hence the VOA operation is fairly simple and repeatable. An extension of this VOA for wavelength tunable operation is also shown in this dissertation. A LC spatial light modulator (SLM) that uses a photo-sensitive high impedance electrode whose impedance can be varied by controlling the light intensity incident on it, is used in a control system for a phased array antenna. Phase is controlled on the Write side of the SLM by controlling the intensity of the Write laser beam which then is accessed by the Read beam from the opposite side of this reflective SLM. Thus the phase of the Read beam is varied by controlling the intensity of the Write beam. A variable fiber-optic delay line is demonstrated in the thesis which uses wavelength sensitive and wavelength insensitive optics to get both analog as well as digital delays. It uses a chirped fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and a 1xN optical switch to achieve multiple time delays. The switch can be implemented using the 3-D optical scanner mentioned earlier. A technique is presented for ultra-low loss laser communication that uses a combination of strong and weak thin lens optics. As opposed to conventional laser communication systems, the Gaussian laser beam is prevented from diverging at the receiving station by using a weak thin lens that places the transmitted beam waist mid-way between a symmetrical transmitter-receiver link design thus saving prime optical power. LC device technology forms an excellent basis to realize such a large aperture weak lens. Using a 1-D array of LC deflectors, a broadband optical add-drop filter (OADF) is proposed for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) applications. By binary control of the drive signal to the individual LC deflectors in the array, any optical channel can be selectively dropped and added. For demonstration purposes, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) digital micromirrors have been used to implement the OADF. Several key systems issues such as insertion loss, polarization dependent loss, wavelength resolution and response time are analyzed in detail for comparison with the LC deflector approach. A no-moving-parts axial scanning confocal microscope (ASCM) system is designed and demonstrated using a combination of a large diameter LC lens and a classical microscope objective lens. By electrically controlling the 5 mm diameter LC lens, the 633 nm wavelength focal spot is moved continuously over a 48 Ým range with measured 3-dB axial resolution of 3.1 Ým using a 0.65 numerical aperture (NA) micro-objective lens. The ASCM is successfully used to image an Indium Phosphide twin square optical waveguide sample with a 10.2 Ým waveguide pitch and 2.3 Ým height and width. Using fine analog electrical control of the LC lens, a super-fine sub-wavelength axial resolution of 270 nm is demonstrated. The proposed ASCM can be useful in various precision three dimensional imaging and profiling applications.
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Date Issued
CFE0000750, ucf:46596
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Theoretical Study of Laser Beam Quality and Pulse Shaping by Volume Bragg Gratings.
Kaim, Sergiy, Zeldovich, Boris, Flitsiyan, Elena, Leuenberger, Michael, Likamwa, Patrick, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The theory of stretching and compressing of short light pulses by the chirped volume Bragg gratings (CBG) is reviewed based on spectral decomposition of short pulses and on the wavelength-dependent coupled wave equations. The analytic theory of diffraction efficiency of a CBG with constant chirp and approximate theory of time delay dispersion are presented. Based on those, we performed comparison of the approximate analytic results with the exact numeric coupled-wave modeling. We also study...
Show moreThe theory of stretching and compressing of short light pulses by the chirped volume Bragg gratings (CBG) is reviewed based on spectral decomposition of short pulses and on the wavelength-dependent coupled wave equations. The analytic theory of diffraction efficiency of a CBG with constant chirp and approximate theory of time delay dispersion are presented. Based on those, we performed comparison of the approximate analytic results with the exact numeric coupled-wave modeling. We also study theoretically various definitions of laser beam width in a given cross-section. Quality of the beam is characterized by the dimensionless beam propagation products (?x???_x)?? , which are different for each of the 21 definitions. We study six particular beams and introduce an axially-symmetric self-MFT (mathematical Fourier transform) function, which may be useful for the description of diffraction-quality beams. Furthermore, we discuss various saturation curves and their influence on the amplitudes of recorded gratings. Special attention is given to multiplexed volume Bragg gratings (VBG) aimed at recording of several gratings in the same volume. The best shape of a saturation curve for production of the strongest gratings is found to be the threshold-type curve. Both one-photon and two-photon absorption mechanism of recording are investigated. Finally, by means of the simulation software we investigate forced airflow cooling of a VBG heated by a laser beam. Two combinations of a setup are considered, and a number of temperature distributions and thermal deformations are obtained for different rates of airflows. Simulation results are compared to the experimental data, and show good mutual agreement.
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Date Issued
CFE0005638, ucf:50210
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