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Pedestrian Safety Analysis through Effective Exposure Measures and Examination of Injury Severity.
Shah, Md Imran, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Pedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also...
Show morePedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also it is very important to clearly understand the relationship between pedestrian injury severity and the factors contributing to higher injury severity. Accurate safety analysis can play a vital role in the development of appropriate safety countermeasures and policies for pedestrians.Since pedestrian volume data is the most important information in safety analysis but rarely available, the first part of the study aims at identifying surrogate measures for pedestrian exposure at intersections. A two-step process is implemented: the first step is the development of Tobit and Generalized Linear Models for predicting pedestrian trips (i.e., exposure models). In the second step, Negative Binomial and Zero Inflated Negative Binomial crash models were developed using the predicted pedestrian trips. The results indicate that among various exposure models the Tobit model performs the best in describing pedestrian exposure. The identified exposure relevant factors are the presence of schools, car-ownership, pavement condition, sidewalk width, bus ridership, intersection control type and presence of sidewalk barrier. The t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test results show that there is no significant difference between the observed and the predicted pedestrian trips. The process implemented can help in estimating reliable safety performance functions even when pedestrian trip data is unavailable.The second part of the study focuses on analyzing pedestrian injury severity for the nine counties in Central Florida. The study region covers the Orlando area which has the second-worst pedestrian death rate in the country. Since the dependent variable 'Injury' is ordinal, an 'Ordered Logit' model was developed to identify the factors of pedestrian injury severity. The explanatory variables can be classified as pedestrian/driver characteristics (e.g., age, gender, etc.), roadway traffic and geometric conditions (e.g.: shoulder presence, roadway speed etc.) and crash environment (e.g., light, road surface, work zone, etc.) characteristics. The results show that drug/alcohol involvement, pedestrians in a hurry, roadway speed limit 40 mph or more, dark condition (lighted and unlighted) and presence of elder pedestrians are the primary contributing factors of severe pedestrian crashes in Central Florida. Crashes within the presence of intersections and local roads result in lower injury severity. The area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve has a value of 0.75 that indicates the model performs reasonably well. Finally the study validated the model using k-fold cross validation method. The results could be useful for transportation officials for further pedestrian safety analysis and taking the appropriate safety interventions.Walking is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and possesses significant health benefits. In order to get these benefits from walking, the most important task is to ensure safer roads for pedestrians.
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Date Issued
CFE0006656, ucf:51224
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The effectiveness of Child Restraint and Bicycle Helmet Policies to Improve Road Safety.
Bustamante, Claudia, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Analyzing the effect of legislation in children's safety when they travel as motor-vehicle passengers and bicycle riders can allow us to evaluate the effectiveness in transportation policies. The Child Restraint Laws (CRL) and Bicycle Helmet Laws (BHL) were studied by analyzing the nationwide Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) to estimate the fatality reduction as well as drivers' decisions to use Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and bicycle helmets respectively. Differences in...
Show moreAnalyzing the effect of legislation in children's safety when they travel as motor-vehicle passengers and bicycle riders can allow us to evaluate the effectiveness in transportation policies. The Child Restraint Laws (CRL) and Bicycle Helmet Laws (BHL) were studied by analyzing the nationwide Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) to estimate the fatality reduction as well as drivers' decisions to use Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and bicycle helmets respectively. Differences in legislation could have different effects on traffic fatalities. Therefore, this study presents multiple methodologies to study these effects. In the evaluation of traffic safety issues, several proven statistical models have shown to be effective at estimating risky factors that might influence crash prevention. These proven models and predictive data analysis guided the process to attempt different models, leading to the development of three specific models used in this study to best estimate the effectiveness of these laws. Then, it was found that legislation in Child Safety Policy has consequences in traffic fatalities. A negative binomial model was created to analyze the CRL influence at the state-level in fatal crashes involving children, and showed that legislating on CRS can reduce the number of fatalities by 29% for children aged 5 to 9. Additionally, at the drivers-level a logistic regression model with random effects was used to determine the significant variables that influence the driver's decision to restrain his/her child. Such variables include: driver's restraint use, road classification, weather condition, number of occupants in the vehicle, traffic violations and driver's and child's age. It was also shown that drivers from communities with deprived socio-economic status are less likely to use CRS. In the same way, a binary logistic regression model was developed to evaluate the effect of BHL in bicycle helmet-use. Findings from this model show that bicyclists from states with the BHL are 236 times more likely to wear a helmet compared to those from states without the BHL. Moreover, the bicyclist's age, gender, education, and income level also influences bicycle helmet use. Both studies suggest that enacting CRL and BHL at the state-level for the studied age groups can be combined with education, safety promotion, enforcement, and program evaluation as proven countermeasures to increase children's traffic safety. This study evidenced that there is a lack of research in this field, especially when policy making requires having enough evidence to support the laws in order to not become an arbitrary legislation procedure affecting child's protection in the transportation system.
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Date Issued
CFE0006571, ucf:51315
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Examining Multiple Approaches for the Transferability of Safety Performance Functions.
Farid, Ahmed Tarek Ahmed, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Lee, JaeYoung, Eluru, Naveen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Safety performance functions (SPFs) are essential in road safety since they are used to predict crash frequencies. They are commonly applied for detecting hot spots in network screening and assessing whether road safety countermeasures are effective. In the Highway Safety Manual (HSM), SPFs are provided for several crash classifications for several types of roadway facilities. The SPFs of the HSM are developed using data from multiple states. In regions where jurisdiction specific SPFs are...
Show moreSafety performance functions (SPFs) are essential in road safety since they are used to predict crash frequencies. They are commonly applied for detecting hot spots in network screening and assessing whether road safety countermeasures are effective. In the Highway Safety Manual (HSM), SPFs are provided for several crash classifications for several types of roadway facilities. The SPFs of the HSM are developed using data from multiple states. In regions where jurisdiction specific SPFs are not available, it is custom to adopt nationwide SPFs for crash predictions then apply a calibration factor. Yet, the research is limited regarding the application of national SPFs for local jurisdictions. In this study, the topic of transferability is explored by examining rural multilane highway SPFs from Florida, Ohio, and California. That is for both divided segments and intersections. Traffic, road geometrics and crash data from the three states are collected to develop one-state, two-state and three-state SPFs. The SPFs are negative binomial models taking the form of those of the HSM. Evaluation of the transferability of models is undertaken by calculating a measure known as the transfer index. It is used to explain which SPFs may be transferred tolerably to other jurisdictions. According to the results, the transferability of rural divided segments' SPFs of Florida to California and vice versa is superior to that of Ohio's SPFs. For four-leg signalized intersections, neither state's models are transferable to any state. Also, the transfer index indicates improved transferability when using pooled data from multiple states. Furthermore, a modified version of the Empirical Bayes method that is responsible for segment specific adjustment factors is proposed as an alternative to the HSM calibration method. It is used to adjust crash frequencies predicted by the SPFs being transferred to the jurisdiction of interest. The modified method, proposed, outperforms the HSM calibration method as per the analysis results.
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Date Issued
CFE0006298, ucf:51604
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High-efficiency Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Displays.
Li, Yan, Wu, Shintson, Saleh, Bahaa, Zeldovich, Boris, Wu, Xinzhang, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Blue phase liquid crystals (BPLCs) have a delicate lattice structure existing between chiral nematic and isotropic phases, with a stable temperature range of about 2 K. But due to short coherent length, these self-assembled nano-structured BPLCs have a fast response time. In the past three decades, the application of BPLC has been rather limited because of its narrow temperature range. In 2002, Kikuchi et al. developed a polymer stabilization method to extend the blue-phase temperature range...
Show moreBlue phase liquid crystals (BPLCs) have a delicate lattice structure existing between chiral nematic and isotropic phases, with a stable temperature range of about 2 K. But due to short coherent length, these self-assembled nano-structured BPLCs have a fast response time. In the past three decades, the application of BPLC has been rather limited because of its narrow temperature range. In 2002, Kikuchi et al. developed a polymer stabilization method to extend the blue-phase temperature range to more than 60 K. This opens a new gateway for display and photonic applications.In this dissertation, I investigate the material properties of polymer-stabilized BPLCs. According the Gerber's model, the Kerr constant of a BPLC is linearly proportional to the dielectric anisotropy of the LC host. Therefore, in the frequency domain, the relaxation of the Kerr constant follows the same trend as the dielectric relaxation of the host LC. I have carried out experiments to validate the theoretical predictions, and proposed a model called extended Cole-Cole model to describe the relaxation of the Kerr constant. On the other hand, because of the linear relationship, the Kerr constant should have the same sign as the dielectric anisotropy of the LC host; that is, a positive or negative Kerr constant results from positive or negative host LCs, respectively. BPLCs with a positive Kerr constant have been studied extensively, but there has been no study on negative polymer-stabilized BPLCs. Therefore, I have prepared a BPLC mixture using a negative dielectric anisotropy LC host and investigated its electro-optic properties. I have demonstrated that indeed the induced birefringence and Kerr constant are of negative sign. Due to the fast response time of BPLCs, color sequential display is made possible without color breakup. By removing the spatial color filters, the optical efficiency and resolution density are both tripled. With other advantages such as alignment free and wide viewing angle, polymer-stabilized BPLC is emerging as a promising candidate for next-generation displays.However, the optical efficiency of the BPLC cell is relatively low and the operating voltage is quite high using conventional in-plane-switching electrodes. I have proposed several device structures for improving the optical efficiency of transmissive BPLC cells. Significant improvement in transmittance is achieved by using enhanced protrusion electrodes, and a 100% transmittance is achievable using complementary enhanced protrusion electrode structure.For a conventional transmissive blue phase LCD, although it has superb performances indoor, when exposed to strong sunlight the displayed images could be washed out, leading to a degraded contrast ratio and readability. To overcome the sunlight readability problem, a common approach is to adaptively boost the backlight intensity, but the tradeoff is in the increased power consumption. Here, I have proposed a transflective blue phase LCD where the backlight is turned on in dark surroundings while ambient light is used to illuminate the displayed images in bright surroundings. Therefore, a good contrast ratio is preserved even for a strong ambient. I have proposed two transflective blue phase LCD structures, both of which have single cell gap, single gamma driving, reasonably wide view angle, low power consumption, and high optical efficiency. Among all the 3D technologies, integral imaging is an attractive approach due to its high efficiency and real image depth. However, the optimum observation distance should be adjusted as the displayed image depth changes. This requires a fast focal length change of an adaptive lens array. BPLC adaptive lenses are a good candidate because of their intrinsic fast response time. I have proposed several BPLC lens structures which are polarization independent and exhibit a parabolic phase profile in addition to fast response time.To meet the low power consumption requirement set by Energy Star, high optical efficiency is among the top lists of next-generation LCDs. In this dissertation, I have demonstrated some new device structures for improving the optical efficiency of a polymer-stabilized BPLC transmissive display and proposed sunlight readable transflective blue-phase LCDs by utilizing ambient light to reduce the power consumption. Moreover, we have proposed several blue-phase LC adaptive lenses for high efficiency 3D displays.
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Date Issued
CFE0004787, ucf:49725
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Light-Matter Interactions of Plasmonic Nanostructures.
Reed, Jennifer, Zou, Shengli, Belfield, Kevin, Zhai, Lei, Hernandez, Eloy, Vanstryland, Eric, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Light interaction with matter has long been an area of interest throughout history, spanning many fields of study. In recent decades, the investigation of light-matter interactions with nanostructures has become an intense area of research in the field of photonics. Metallic nanostructures, in particular, are of interest due to the interesting properties that arise when interacting with light. The properties are a result of the excitation of surface plasmons which are the collective...
Show moreLight interaction with matter has long been an area of interest throughout history, spanning many fields of study. In recent decades, the investigation of light-matter interactions with nanostructures has become an intense area of research in the field of photonics. Metallic nanostructures, in particular, are of interest due to the interesting properties that arise when interacting with light. The properties are a result of the excitation of surface plasmons which are the collective oscillation of the conduction electrons in the metal. Since the conduction electrons can be thought of as harmonic oscillators, they are quantized in a similar fashion. Just as a photon is a quantum of oscillations of an electromagnetic field, the plasmon is a quantum of electron oscillations of a metal. There are three types of plasmons:1. Bulk plasmons, also called volume plasmons, are longitudinal density fluctuations which propagate through a bulk metal with an eigenfrequency of ?_p called the plasma frequency.2. Localized surface plasmons are non-propagating excitations of the conduction electrons of a metallic nanoparticle coupled to an electromagnetic field. 3. Surface plasmon polaritons are evanescent, dispersive propagating electromagnetic waves formed by a coupled state between a photon and the excitation of the surface plasmons. They propagate along the surface of a metal-dielectric interface with a broad spectrum of eigenfrequencies from ?=0 to ?= ?_p??2. Plasmonics is a subfield of photonics which focuses on the study of surface plasmons and the optical properties that result from light interacting with metal films and nanostructures on the deep subwavelength scale. In this thesis, plasmonic nanostructures are investigated for optical waveguides and other nanophotonic applications through computational simulations primarily base on electrodynamic theory. The theory was formulated by several key figures and established by James Clerk Maxwell after he published a set of relations which describe all classical electromagnetic phenomena, known as Maxwell's equations. Using methods based on Maxwell's equations, the optical properties of metallic nanostructures utilizing surface plasmons is explored. In Chapter 3, light propagation of bright and dark modes of a partially and fully illuminated silver nanorod is investigated for waveguide applications. Then, the origin of the Fano resonance line shape in the scattering spectra of a silver nanorod is investigated. Next, in Chapter 4, the reflection and transmission of a multilayer silver film is simulated to observe the effects of varying the dielectric media between the layers on light propagation. Building on the multilayer film work, metal-insulator-metal waveguides are explored by perforating holes in the bottom layer of a two layer a silver film to investigate the limits of subwavelength light trapping, confinement, and propagation. Lastly, in Chapter 5, the effect of surface plasmons on the propagation direction of electromagnetic wave around a spherical silver nanoparticle which shows an effective negative index of refraction is examined. In addition, light manipulation using a film of silver prisms with an effective negative index of refraction is also investigated. The silver prisms demonstrate polarization selective propagation for waveguide and optical filter applications. These studies provide insight into plasmonic mechanisms utilized to overcome the diffraction limit of light. Through better understanding of how to manipulating light with plasmonic nanostructures, further advancements in nanophotonic technologies for applications such as extremely subwavelength waveguides, sensitive optical detection, optical filters, polarizers, beam splitters, optical data storage devices, high speed data transmission, and integrated subwavelength photonic circuits can be achieved.
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Date Issued
CFE0005049, ucf:49964
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Transferability and Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Performance Functions and Development of New Models for Urban four-lane Divided Roads.
Al Kaaf, Khalid, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Oloufa, Amr, Tatari, Omer, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many developing countries have witnessed fast and rapid growth in the last two decades due to the high development rate of economic activity in these countries. Many transportation projects have been constructed. In the same time both population growth and vehicle ownership rate increased; resulting in increasing levels of road crashes. Road traffic crashes in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is considered a serious problem that has deep effects on GCC's population as well as on the national...
Show moreMany developing countries have witnessed fast and rapid growth in the last two decades due to the high development rate of economic activity in these countries. Many transportation projects have been constructed. In the same time both population growth and vehicle ownership rate increased; resulting in increasing levels of road crashes. Road traffic crashes in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is considered a serious problem that has deep effects on GCC's population as well as on the national productivity through the loss of lives, injuries, property damage and the loss of valuable resources. From a recent statistical study of traffic crashes in Oman, it was found that in 2013 there were 7,829 crashes occurred for a total of 1,082,996 registered vehicles. These crashes have resulted in 913, 5591, and 1481 fatal, injury and property damage only crashes, respectively (Directorate General of Traffic, 2014), which is considered high rates of fatalities and injuries compared to other more developed countries. This illustrates the seriousness and dangerousness of the safety situation in GCC countries and Oman particularly. Thus, there is an urgent need to alleviate the Severity of the traffic safety problem in GCC which in turn will set a prime example for other developing countries that face similar problems. Two main data sources from Riyadh, the capital city of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Muscat, the capital city of Sultanate of Oman have been obtained, processed, and utilized in this study. The Riyadh collision and traffic data for this study were obtained in the form of crash database and GIS maps from two main sources: the Higher Commission for the Development of Riyadh (HCDR) and Riyadh Traffic Department (RTD). The Muscat collision and traffic data were obtained from two main sources: the Muscat Municipality (MM) and Royal Oman Police, Directorate General of Traffic (DGC). Since the ARC GIS is still not used for traffic crash geocoding in Oman, the crash data used in the analysis were extracted manually from the filing system in the DGC.Due to the fact that not all developing countries highway agencies possess sufficient crash data that enable the development of robust models, this problem gives rise to the interest of transferability of many of the models and tools developed in the US and other developed nations. The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is a prime and comprehensive resource recently developed in the US that would have substantial impact if researchers are able to transfer its models to other similar environment in GCC. It would save time, effort, and money. The first edition of the HSM provides a number of safety performance functions (SPFs), which can be used to predict collisions on a roadway network. This dissertation examined the Transferability of HSM SPFs and developing new local models for Riyadh and Muscat.In this study, first, calibration of the HSM SPFs for Urban Four-lane divided roadway segments (U4D) with angle parking in Riyadh and the development of new SPFs were examined. The study calibrates the HSM SPFs using HSM default Crash Modification Factors (CMFs), then new local CMFs is proposed using cross-sectional method, which treats the estimation of calibration factors using fatal and injury data. In addition, new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated to identify the best model using the Poisson-Gamma regression technique. To investigate how well the safety performance model fits the data set, several performance measures were examined. The performance measures summarize the differences between the observed and predicted values from related SPFs. Results indicate that the jurisdiction-specific SPFs provided the best fit of the data used in this study, and would be the best SPFs for predicting severe collisions in the City of Riyadh. The study finds that the HSM calibration using Riyadh local CMFs outperforms the calibration method using the HSM default values. The HSM calibration application for Riyadh crash conditions highlights the importance to address variability in reporting thresholds. One of the findings of this research is that, while the medians in this study have oversize widths ranging from 16ft-70ft, median width has insignificant effect on fatal and injury crashes. At the same time the frequent angle parking in Riyadh urban road networks seems to increase the fatal and injury collisions by 52 percent. On the other hand, this dissertation examined the calibration of the HSM SPFs for Urban intersections in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the development of new set of models using three year of collision data (2004-2006) from the city of Riyadh. Three intersection categories were investigated: 3-leg signalized, 4-leg signalized, and 3-leg unsignalized. In addition, new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated to identify the best model using the Poisson-Gamma regression technique. Results indicate that the new local developed SPFs provided the best fit of the data used in this study, and would be the best SPFs for predicting severe crashes at urban intersections in the City of RiyadhMoreover, this study examined the calibration of the HSM SPFs for Fatal and Injury (FI), Property Damage Only (PDO) and total crashes for Urban Four-lane divided roadway segments (U4D) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman and the development of new SPFs. This study first calibrates the HSM SPFs using the HSM methodology, and then new forms for specific SPFs are further evaluated for Muscat's urban roads to identify the best model. Finally, Riyadh fatal and injury model were validated using Muscat FI dataset.Comparisons across the models indicate that HSM calibrated models are superior with a better model fit and would be the best SPFs for predicting collisions in the City of Muscat. The best developed collision model describes the mean crash frequency as a function of natural logarithm of the annual average daily traffic, segment length, and speed limit. The study finds that the differences in road geometric design features and FI collision characteristics between Riyadh and Muscat resulted in an un-transferable Riyadh crash prediction model.Overall, this study lays an important foundation towards the implementation of HSM methods in multiple cities (Riyadh and Muscat), and could help their transportation officials to make informed decisions regarding road safety programs. The implications of the results are extendible to other cities and countries and the region, and perhaps other developing countries as well.
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Date Issued
CFE0005452, ucf:50378
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Clesca, Princelee, Dolan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The intent of this thesis is to research the anti-terror legislation of 15 countries and the history of terrorist incidents within those countries. Both the anti-terror legislation and the history of terrorist incidents will be researched within the time period of 1980 to 2009, a 30 year span. This thesis will seek to establish a relationship between the occurrence of terrorist events and when states change their anti-terror legislation. Legislation enacted can vary greatly. Common changes in...
Show moreThe intent of this thesis is to research the anti-terror legislation of 15 countries and the history of terrorist incidents within those countries. Both the anti-terror legislation and the history of terrorist incidents will be researched within the time period of 1980 to 2009, a 30 year span. This thesis will seek to establish a relationship between the occurrence of terrorist events and when states change their anti-terror legislation. Legislation enacted can vary greatly. Common changes in legislation seek to undercut the financing of terrorist organizations, criminalize behaviors, or empower state surveillance capabilities. A quantitative analysis will be performed to establish a relationship between terrorist attacks and legislative changes. A qualitative discussion will follow to analyze specific anti-terror legislation passed by states in response to terrorist events.
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Date Issued
CFH0004851, ucf:45451
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Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Justice, and Affect: A Meta-Analysis.
Cochran, Megan, Joseph, Dana, Fritzsche, Barbara, Jentsch, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) are an expensive phenomenon for organizations, costing billions of dollars collectively each year. Recent research has focused on justice perceptions as predictors of CWBs, but little research has been conducted on the specific types of counterproductive work behaviors (i.e., sabotage, withdrawal, production deviance, abuse, and theft) that result from specific organizational justice perceptions (i.e., distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and...
Show moreCounterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) are an expensive phenomenon for organizations, costing billions of dollars collectively each year. Recent research has focused on justice perceptions as predictors of CWBs, but little research has been conducted on the specific types of counterproductive work behaviors (i.e., sabotage, withdrawal, production deviance, abuse, and theft) that result from specific organizational justice perceptions (i.e., distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational) and the mediating effect of state affect. The current paper meta-analyzed the relationships between justice, CWB, and state affect and found that justice was negatively related to dimensions of CWB and state positive/negative affect were negatively/positively related to CWB dimensions, respectively. However, mediation of the relationship between justice and CWB by state affect was inconsistent across justice types and CWB dimensions. These findings suggests that, while managers should maintain an awareness of justice and state affect as individual predictors of CWBs, the current study does not necessarily support the claim that state affect explains the relationship between justice and counterproductive work behavior dimensions.
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Date Issued
CFE0005151, ucf:50689
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Deposition and characterization studies of boron carbon nitride (BCN) thin films prepared by dual target sputtering.
Prakash, Adithya, Sundaram, Kalpathy, Kapoor, Vikram, Yuan, Jiann-Shiun, Jin, Yier, Chow, Louis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices shrink to smaller size, the problems related to circuit performance such as critical path signal delay are becoming a pressing issue. These delays are a result of resistance and capacitance product (RC time constant) of the interconnect circuit. A novel material with reduced dielectric constants may compromise both the thermal and mechanical properties that can lead to die cracking during package and other reliability issues. Boron...
Show moreAs complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices shrink to smaller size, the problems related to circuit performance such as critical path signal delay are becoming a pressing issue. These delays are a result of resistance and capacitance product (RC time constant) of the interconnect circuit. A novel material with reduced dielectric constants may compromise both the thermal and mechanical properties that can lead to die cracking during package and other reliability issues. Boron carbon nitride (BCN) compounds have been expected to combine the excellent properties of boron carbide (B4C), boron nitride (BN) and carbon nitride (C3N4), with their properties adjustable, depending on composition and structure. BCN thin film is a good candidate for being hard, dense, pore-free, low-k dielectric with values in the range of 1.9 to 2.1. Excellent mechanical properties such as adhesion, high hardness and good wear resistance have been reported in the case of sputtered BCN thin films. Problems posed by high hardness materials such as diamonds in high cutting applications and the comparatively lower hardness of c-BN gave rise to the idea of a mixed phase that can overcome these problems with a minimum compromise in its properties. A hybrid between semi-metallic graphite and insulating h-BN may show adjusted semiconductor properties. BCN exhibits the potential to control optical bandgap (band gap engineering) by atomic composition, hence making it a good candidate for electronic and photonic devices. Due to tremendous bandgap engineering capability and refractive index variability in BCN thin film, it is feasible to develop filters and mirrors for use in ultra violet (UV) wavelength region. It is of prime importance to understand process integration challenges like deposition rates, curing, and etching, cleaning and polishing during characterization of low-k films. The sputtering technique provides unique advantages over other techniques such as freedom to choose the substrate material and a uniform deposition over relatively large area. BCN films are prepared by dual target reactive magnetron sputtering from a B4C and BN targets using DC and RF powers respectively. In this work, an investigation of mechanical, optical, chemical, surface and device characterizations is undertaken. These holistic and thorough studies, will provide the insight into the capability of BCN being a hard, chemically inert, low-k, wideband gap material, as a potential leader in semiconductor and optics industry.
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Date Issued
CFE0006378, ucf:51496
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Abuzwidah, Muamer, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Uddin, Nizam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Traffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. Crashes have caused extensive human and economic losses. With the objective of reducing crash occurrence and alleviating crash injury severity, major efforts have been dedicated to reveal the hazardous factors that affect crash occurrence. With these consistent efforts, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in many countries have been steadily declining over the last ten...
Show moreTraffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. Crashes have caused extensive human and economic losses. With the objective of reducing crash occurrence and alleviating crash injury severity, major efforts have been dedicated to reveal the hazardous factors that affect crash occurrence. With these consistent efforts, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in many countries have been steadily declining over the last ten years. Nevertheless, according to the World Health Organization, the world still lost 1.24 million lives from road traffic crashes in the year of 2013. And without action, traffic crashes on the roads network are predicted to result in deaths of around 1.9 million people, and up to 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries annually, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury by the year 2020. To meet the transportation needs, the use of expressways (toll roads) has risen dramatically in many countries in the past decade. In fact, freeways and expressways are considered an important part of any successful transportation system. These facilities carry the majority of daily trips on the transportation network. Although expressways offer high level of service, and are considered the safest among other types of roads, traditional toll collection systems may have both safety and operational challenges. The traditional toll plazas still experience many crashes, many of which are severe. Therefore, it becomes more important to evaluate the traffic safety impacts of using different tolling systems. The main focus of the research in this dissertation is to provide an up-to-date safety impact of using different toll collection systems, as well as providing safety guidelines for these facilities to promote safety and enhance mobility on expressways. In this study, an extensive data collection was conducted that included one hundred mainline toll plazas located on approximately 750 miles of expressways in Florida. Multiple sources of data available online maintained by Florida Department of Transportation were utilized to identify traffic, geometric and geographic characteristics of the locations as well as investigating and determination of the most complete and accurate data. Different methods of observational before-after and Cross-Sectional techniques were used to evaluate the safety effectiveness of applying different treatments on expressways. The Before-After method includes Na(&)#239;ve Before-After, Before-After with Comparison Group, and Before-After with Empirical Bayesian. A set of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) which predict crash frequency as a function of explanatory variables were developed at the aggregate level using crash data and the corresponding exposure and risk factors. Results of the aggregate traffic safety analysis can be used to identify the hazardous locations (hot spots) such as traditional toll plazas, and also to predict crash frequency for untreated sites in the after period in the Before-After with EB method or derive Crash Modification Factors (CMF) for the treatment using the Cross-Sectional method. This type of analysis is usually used to improve geometric characteristics and mainly focus on discovering the risk factors that are related to the total crash frequency, specific crash type, and/or different crash severity levels. Both simple SPFs (with traffic volume only as an explanatory variable) and full SPFs (with traffic volume and additional explanatory variable(s)) were used to estimate the CMFs and only CMFs with lower standard error were recommended.The results of this study proved that safety effectiveness was significantly improved across all locations that were upgraded from Traditional Mainline Toll Plazas (TMTP) to the Hybrid Mainline Toll Plazas (HMTP) system. This treatment significantly reduced total, Fatal-and-Injury (F+I), and Rear-End crashes by 47, 46 and 65 percent, respectively. Moreover, this study examined the traffic safety impact of using different designs, and diverge-and-merge areas of the HMTP. This design combines either express Open Road Tolling (ORT) lanes on the mainline and separate traditional toll collection to the side (design-1), or traditional toll collection on the mainline and separate ORT lanes to the side (design-2). It was also proven that there is a significant difference between these designs, and there is an indication that design-1 is safer and the majority of crashes occurred at diverge-and-merge areas before and after these facilities. However, design-2 could be a good temporary design at locations that have low prepaid transponder (Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)) users. In other words, it is dependent upon the percentage of the ETC users. As this percentage increases, more traffic will need to diverge and merge; thus, this design becomes riskier. In addition, the results indicated significant relationships between the crash frequency and toll plaza types, annual average daily traffic, and drivers' age. The analysis showed that the conversion from TMTP to the All-Electronic Toll Collection (AETC) system resulted in an average reduction of 77, 76, and 67 percent for total, F+I, and Property Damage Only (PDO) crashes, respectively; for rear end and Lane Change Related (LCR) crashes the average reductions were 81 and 75 percent, respectively. The conversion from HMTP to AETC system enhanced traffic safety by reducing crashes by an average of 23, 29 and 19 percent for total, F+I, and PDO crashes; also, for rear end and LCR crashes, the average reductions were 15 and 21 percent, respectively. Based on these results, the use of AETC system changed toll plazas from the highest risk sections on Expressways to be similar to regular segments. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of AETC system was proven to be an excellent solution to several traffic operations as well as environmental and economic problems. For those agencies that cannot adopt the HMTP and the AETC systems, improving traffic safety at traditional toll plazas should take a priority.This study also evaluates the safety effectiveness of the implementation of High-Occupancy Toll lanes (HOT Lanes) as well as adding roadway lighting to expressways. The results showed that there were no significant impact of the implementation of HOT lanes on the roadway segment as a whole (HOT and Regular Lanes combined). But there was a significant difference between the regular lanes and the HOT lanes at the same roadway segment; the crash count increased at the regular lanes and decreased at the HOT lanes. It was found that the total and F+I crashes were reduced at the HOT lanes by an average of 25 and 45 percent, respectively. This may be attributable to the fact that the HOT lanes became a highway within a highway. Moreover adding roadway lighting has significantly improved traffic safety on the expressways by reducing the night crashes by approximately 35 percent.Overall, the proposed analyses of the safety effectiveness of using different toll collection systems are useful in providing expressway authorities with detailed information on where countermeasures must be implemented. This study provided for the first time an up-to-date safety impact of using different toll collection systems, also developed safety guidelines for these systems which would be useful for practitioners and roadway users.
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Date Issued
CFE0005751, ucf:50100
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Theoretical Study of Negative Molecular Ions Relevant to the Interstellar and Laboratory Plasma.
Khamesian, Marjan, Kokoouline, Viatcheslav, Argenti, Luca, Saha, Haripada, Masunov, Artem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recently, several negative molecular ions, CnN? (n = 1, 3, 5) and CnH? (n = 4, 6, 8), were observed in the interstellar medium (ISM). It was suggested that the anions are formed in the ISM by the process of radiative electron attachment (REA). A simple statistical model was developed in 1980's to estimate rate coefficients of the REA reactions. Some of the rate coefficients obtained in the model are consistent with the observations, the others are not. More importantly, some of the...
Show moreRecently, several negative molecular ions, CnN? (n = 1, 3, 5) and CnH? (n = 4, 6, 8), were observed in the interstellar medium (ISM). It was suggested that the anions are formed in the ISM by the process of radiative electron attachment (REA). A simple statistical model was developed in 1980's to estimate rate coefficients of the REA reactions. Some of the rate coefficients obtained in the model are consistent with the observations, the others are not. More importantly, some of the approximations employed in the model are not physically justified.The aim of this thesis is a development of a quantum-mechanical approach to study the process of radiative electron attachment to linear molecules of astrophysical interest. The approach is based on accurate ab initio calculations of electronic bound and continuum states of the negative ion. Cross sections and rate coefficients for formation of the following molecular negative ions by REA were determined: CN?, C2H?, C3N?, C4H?, C5N?, C6H?, and C8H?. All the calculations presented in the thesis were carried out using the MOLPRO and UK R-matrix (Quantemol)suites of programs. Uncertainty quantification of the results, obtained for each studied system, was performed. A second process, closely related to the radiative electron attachment, photodetachment (PD), was also studied in the thesis. Photodetachment cross sections for the CnN? (n = 1, 3, 5), CnH? (n = 4, 6, 8) and C2? molecules were determined using an approach similar to the one employed for REA from the same transition dipole moment matrix elements. The obtained REA cross sections and rate coefficients were validated by comparing the present theoretical results with the experimental data from recent photodetachment experiments.The present results suggest that the observed abundance of these ions in the ISM can hardly be explained by the REA process. In other words, these anions are formed in the interstellar medium by a process different than radiative electron attachment.Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) is another process of anion formation, which could possibly explain formation of certain molecular anions in the ISM. The ClF attachment was studied using a first principle approach.A good agreement with experimental data was demonstrated.A theoretical approach to evaluate cross sections for rotational excitation of linear neutral molecules by an electron impact was developed and applied to acetylene, HCCH. The differential cross sections for e-HCCH scattering were calculated between energies 0.1 eV and 10 eV. The momentum transfer cross section and eigenphases for e-HCCH scattering were also calculated.
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Date Issued
CFE0006612, ucf:51295
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Chlamydia trachomatis Transformants Show a Significant Reduction in Rates of Invasion upon Removal of Key Tarp Domains.
Parrett, Christopher, Jewett, Travis, Roy, Herve, Moore, Sean, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Chlamydia trachomatis is an obligate, intracellular bacterium which is known to cause multiple human infections including nongonococcal urethritis (serovars D-K), lymphogranuloma venereum (serovars L1, L2, L3) and trachoma (serovars A-C). The infectious form of the bacterium, called the elementary body (EB), harbors a type III secreted effector known as Tarp (translocated actin recruiting phosphoprotein) which is a candidate virulence factor and is hypothesized to play a role in C....
Show moreChlamydia trachomatis is an obligate, intracellular bacterium which is known to cause multiple human infections including nongonococcal urethritis (serovars D-K), lymphogranuloma venereum (serovars L1, L2, L3) and trachoma (serovars A-C). The infectious form of the bacterium, called the elementary body (EB), harbors a type III secreted effector known as Tarp (translocated actin recruiting phosphoprotein) which is a candidate virulence factor and is hypothesized to play a role in C. trachomatis' ability to invade and grow within epithelial cells in a human host. C. trachomatis L2 Tarp harbors five unique protein domains which include the Phosphorylation Domain, the Proline Rich Domain, the Actin Binding Domain, and two F-Actin Binding Domains. Tarp has been biochemically characterized in vitro, but it has yet to be characterized in vivo due to a lack of genetic tools in C. trachomatis. Through the recent generation of a chlamydial transformation system, we have created transformants which express epitope tagged wild type or mutant Tarp effectors. In this thesis, C. trachomatis transformants expressing Tarp lacking one of the five biochemically defined protein domains were used to examine both bacterial invasion and bacterial development within mammalian host cells. Our results demonstrate that those EBs which harbor mutant Tarp missing either its Phosphorylation Domain or its Actin Binding Domain were less capable of host cell invasion. However, these transformants, once internalized, were capable of normal development when compared to wild type C. trachomatis or C. trachomatis harboring an epitope tagged wild type Tarp effector. These results suggest that transformant expressed Tarp lacking the Phosphorylation Domain or Actin Binding Domain may be acting as a dominant-negative effector protein. Ultimately, these results support the hypothesis that Tarp is a virulence factor for Chlamydia trachomatis. Furthermore, this data indicates that through the manipulation of the Tarp effector, C. trachomatis pathogenesis may be attenuated.
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Date Issued
CFE0006159, ucf:51142
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Hippler, Christine, Whitten, Shannon, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT Extensive research has documented the relationship between listening to certain genres of music and negative effects on social behavior such as aggressive and antisocial behavior. The present study explored whether there are genres of music associated with altruism. Altruistic behavior is defined as behavior that is consistently more caring, helpful, considerate of other's feelings, and self- sacrificing. These behaviors promote our ability to thrive as a community. Yet, few studies...
Show moreABSTRACT Extensive research has documented the relationship between listening to certain genres of music and negative effects on social behavior such as aggressive and antisocial behavior. The present study explored whether there are genres of music associated with altruism. Altruistic behavior is defined as behavior that is consistently more caring, helpful, considerate of other's feelings, and self- sacrificing. These behaviors promote our ability to thrive as a community. Yet, few studies have addressed the relationship between music and altruism. Data was collected from 608 college students who completed a self-report altruism scale, music preference measure, the Marlowe Crowne social desirability scale, and a demographic information form in order to see if there is a relationship between choice of music and altruism. A multiple hierarchal regression analysis found music genre choice accounted for 15.9 percent of variance in self-reported altruism. Significant, positive correlations emerged also between altruism and several music genres including alternative, country, classical, and emo.
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Date Issued
CFH0003820, ucf:44753
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Adaptive Architectural Strategies for Resilient Energy-Aware Computing.
Ashraf, Rizwan, DeMara, Ronald, Lin, Mingjie, Wang, Jun, Jha, Sumit, Johnson, Mark, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Reconfigurable logic or Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices have the ability to dynamically adapt the computational circuit based on user-specified or operating-condition requirements. Such hardware platforms are utilized in this dissertation to develop adaptive techniques for achieving reliable and sustainable operation while autonomously meeting these requirements. In particular, the properties of resource uniformity and in-field reconfiguration via on-chip processors are exploited...
Show moreReconfigurable logic or Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices have the ability to dynamically adapt the computational circuit based on user-specified or operating-condition requirements. Such hardware platforms are utilized in this dissertation to develop adaptive techniques for achieving reliable and sustainable operation while autonomously meeting these requirements. In particular, the properties of resource uniformity and in-field reconfiguration via on-chip processors are exploited to implement Evolvable Hardware (EHW). EHW utilize genetic algorithms to realize logic circuits at runtime, as directed by the objective function. However, the size of problems solved using EHW as compared with traditional approaches has been limited to relatively compact circuits. This is due to the increase in complexity of the genetic algorithm with increase in circuit size. To address this research challenge of scalability, the Netlist-Driven Evolutionary Refurbishment (NDER) technique was designed and implemented herein to enable on-the-fly permanent fault mitigation in FPGA circuits. NDER has been shown to achieve refurbishment of relatively large sized benchmark circuits as compared to related works. Additionally, Design Diversity (DD) techniques which are used to aid such evolutionary refurbishment techniques are also proposed and the efficacy of various DD techniques is quantified and evaluated.Similarly, there exists a growing need for adaptable logic datapaths in custom-designed nanometer-scale ICs, for ensuring operational reliability in the presence of Process, Voltage, and Temperature (PVT) and, transistor-aging variations owing to decreased feature sizes for electronic devices. Without such adaptability, excessive design guardbands are required to maintain the desired integration and performance levels. To address these challenges, the circuit-level technique of Self-Recovery Enabled Logic (SREL) was designed herein. At design-time, vulnerable portions of the circuit identified using conventional Electronic Design Automation tools are replicated to provide post-fabrication adaptability via intelligent techniques. In-situ timing sensors are utilized in a feedback loop to activate suitable datapaths based on current conditions that optimize performance and energy consumption. Primarily, SREL is able to mitigate the timing degradations caused due to transistor aging effects in sub-micron devices by reducing the stress induced on active elements by utilizing power-gating. As a result, fewer guardbands need to be included to achieve comparable performance levels which leads to considerable energy savings over the operational lifetime.The need for energy-efficient operation in current computing systems has given rise to Near-Threshold Computing as opposed to the conventional approach of operating devices at nominal voltage. In particular, the goal of exascale computing initiative in High Performance Computing (HPC) is to achieve 1 EFLOPS under the power budget of 20MW. However, it comes at the cost of increased reliability concerns, such as the increase in performance variations and soft errors. This has given rise to increased resiliency requirements for HPC applications in terms of ensuring functionality within given error thresholds while operating at lower voltages. My dissertation research devised techniques and tools to quantify the effects of radiation-induced transient faults in distributed applications on large-scale systems. A combination of compiler-level code transformation and instrumentation are employed for runtime monitoring to assess the speed and depth of application state corruption as a result of fault injection. Finally, fault propagation models are derived for each HPC application that can be used to estimate the number of corrupted memory locations at runtime. Additionally, the tradeoffs between performance and vulnerability and the causal relations between compiler optimization and application vulnerability are investigated.
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Date Issued
CFE0006206, ucf:52889
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