Current Search: reform (x)
Ceriale, Matthew A., Paoline, Eugene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
It is the intention of this thesis to effectively describe what is known about EI systems to date. Many sources of information are used, beginning with peer reviewed journals such as Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Police and Society and The American Journal of Criminal Justice. Also reports from criminal justice research affiliates will be used like the National Institute of Justice and the National Criminal Justice...
Show moreIt is the intention of this thesis to effectively describe what is known about EI systems to date. Many sources of information are used, beginning with peer reviewed journals such as Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Police and Society and The American Journal of Criminal Justice. Also reports from criminal justice research affiliates will be used like the National Institute of Justice and the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. This thesis will work towards creating a comprehensive outline of the history of EI and future possibilities. With the aid of extant research, inquiries into the effectiveness of various EI systems, their shortcomings, or even best practices will be addressed. The aim is to review the existing discussion essentially paving the way for future researchers to conduct primary research studies on EI effectiveness. By accumulating, and subsequently compiling available research, the hope is to identify key arguments and perspectives on these systems and their implementation.
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Date Issued
CFH2000032, ucf:45605
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Bakiev, Erlan, Kapucu, Naim, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Improving organizational performance is an essential goal for any type of organization. This process involves varieties of methods, polices and strategies. One of the important elements of organizational performance is trust-building process which deeply depends on leadership efforts of ranked employees and managers. Literature has enough empirical evidence on influence of trust and trusted work environment on organizational performance. Aftermath of recent riots and clashes in Kyrgyzstan...
Show moreImproving organizational performance is an essential goal for any type of organization. This process involves varieties of methods, polices and strategies. One of the important elements of organizational performance is trust-building process which deeply depends on leadership efforts of ranked employees and managers. Literature has enough empirical evidence on influence of trust and trusted work environment on organizational performance. Aftermath of recent riots and clashes in Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz National Police (KNP) officers are demoralized by the actions of both previous and current governments which bear corruption, bribery and clan type of ruling. These facts led to untrustworthy environments and relationships among officers with concentration of power on the top. In order to provide trusted environments and trust among officers, there is need for more linear type of management, especially in terms of supervisor-subordinate relationships. There is urgent need for reforms at KNP which would focus more on governance and collaborative management style administration. Organizational social capital and organizational citizenship behavior develop strong foundation for trusted relationships and committed actions in communities and organizations. These two concepts were examined in public organization setting in this study. Organizational social capital is a source for trust building process where participative decision-making, feedback on performance, empowerment and interpersonal trust among employees are important elements of this phenomenon. On the other hand, organizational citizenship behavior is a source for entrepreneurship and organizational commitment. iv The measurement models of four dimensions of organizational social capital (participation, feedback on performance, empowerment and interpersonal trust) and organizational citizenship behavior represented by organizational commitment were examined in this study. The influence of organizational social capital and organizational citizenship behavior on perceived organizational performance of KNP is observed by utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. Moreover, all possible correlations among all dimensions of organizational social capital with each other and with organizational commitment were tested. This study utilizes the data accomplished in 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan and a capital of Bishkek. The total number of respondents participated in the survey were 267 KNP officers from different KNP departments. This study tested eleven hypotheses where nine of them were statically supported. The results of this study indicate that the dimensions of organizational social capital (participation, feedback and empowerment) have statistically significant relationships with perceived organizational performance through mediating variable of interpersonal trust. However, the relationship of participation and feedback with perceived organizational performance through mediating variable of organizational commitment was insignificant. On the other hand, results indicated positive correlations among the three dimensions organizational social capital with high factor loadings. Overall, the results suggest that organizational social capital with its dimensions is the main source of trust-building process which enormously influences perceived organizational performance. Moreover, by practicing empowerment it is possible to increase number of committed officers which is also an important factor in improving organizational performance.
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Date Issued
CFE0003951, ucf:48696
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Schickler, Bonnie, Houghton, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates the current bureaucratic struggles that exist within the U.S. intelligence community as a result of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004. The first part of this research examines the history of intelligence reform in the United States beginning with the National Security Act of 1947. The second part provides an in-depth discussion of the 2004 legislation as well as an examination of the main bureaucratic conflicts that have arisen...
Show moreThis study investigates the current bureaucratic struggles that exist within the U.S. intelligence community as a result of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004. The first part of this research examines the history of intelligence reform in the United States beginning with the National Security Act of 1947. The second part provides an in-depth discussion of the 2004 legislation as well as an examination of the main bureaucratic conflicts that have arisen between the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community. This study used the bureaucratic politics model to explain the development of the current disagreements, the reasons behind the DNIÃÂ's struggle for power, and the intelligence communityÃÂ's inability to adapt to the reform. This research determined that the current conflicts have occurred as a result of the unclear authorities issued to the DNI by IRTPA and have been further exacerbated by interest-driven intelligence agencies and a well-developed culture that has proven difficult to abandon. This research also provides insight into several alternative approaches that can be used to explain the current U.S. intelligence reform process. Additionally, recommendations were made for reducing the bureaucratic friction that currently exists within the intelligence community and to strengthen the overall authority of the Director of National Intelligence.
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Date Issued
CFE0003422, ucf:48376
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Miller, Donna, Lue Stewart, Martha, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
President Barack Obama committed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF), yet a few fundamental questions remain unansweredÃÂ--was the federal program effective? Did student test scores improve? Since the late 19th century, teachers have been paid for their classroom services regardless of how wellÃÂ--or poorlyÃÂ--their students performed. Nearly a century later, advocates of education reform continue to...
Show morePresident Barack Obama committed hundreds of millions of dollars to the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF), yet a few fundamental questions remain unansweredÃÂ--was the federal program effective? Did student test scores improve? Since the late 19th century, teachers have been paid for their classroom services regardless of how wellÃÂ--or poorlyÃÂ--their students performed. Nearly a century later, advocates of education reform continue to champion teacher compensation policies that link salary to student achievement. Researchers have identified two motivation theories that must be present in order to have a successful incentive pay program: goal theory and expectancy theory. The presence or absence of these theories, have produced mixed results at both the federal and state levels. Although the Florida Department of Education crafted its own statewide incentive pay plan, three public school districts have received multimillion dollar awards via competitive TIF grants. The purpose of this dissertation was to determine if any differences in learning gains existed between the 2008 and 2009 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Testî (FCATî) Math scores among the students of math teachers at one urban Central Florida Title I middle school who participated in TIF when compared to the students of math teachers who did not participate in TIF. The dissertation also analyzed FCATî Math scores from 2005 through 2009 in one Central Florida school district to determine if any trends existed among the Title I middle schools participating in TIF; if any trends existed among the Title I middle schools that did not participate in TIF; and if any trends existed between the two groups when compared to each other. The literature review and results of this study found that learning gains existed among students whose teachers participated in TIF. In fact, at one urban Central Florida middle school, students of math teachers who did not participate in TIF also demonstrated learning gains. In addition, seven of the ten Title I middle schools from the same Central Florida district had increased FCATî Math scores with the implementation of the TIF grant along with the three Title I middle school that were not eligible to participate. This research suggested that the teacher incentive program implemented in a Central Florida district had a positive impact on learning gains of low-performing students. The results of the independent-samples tests revealed that there was no statistical difference in the math scores based on participation in TIF. Students of the math teachers who participated in TIF demonstrated at least one yearÃÂ's academic growth. Likewise, the findings were similar for students of teachers who opted not to participate as learning gains increased in this group as well. As a result of these findings, recommendations for further study include end-of-the-year interviews with TIF-eligible teachers whose students had learning gains, but chose not to participate. Suggestions for additional research include surveying teachers whose students had higher scores in the absence of an incentive program, analyzing the test scores of other subject areas, and researching other school districts in Florida that were awarded the TIF grant.
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Date Issued
CFE0003146, ucf:48632
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Minnie and Ivy: Minnie Moore-Willson, Ivy Stranahan, and Seminole Reform in Early Twentieth Century Florida.
Joshi, Sarika, Murphree, Daniel, Gannon, Barbara, Walker, Ezekiel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
During an era when the Seminoles were little regarded in Florida, despite mass Indian reform nationwide, Minnie Moore-Willson of Kissimmee and Ivy Stranahan of Fort Lauderdale attempted to bring reform to the state. Living amongst members of the tribe, both women used their familiarity with Seminole life and practices, as well as their political and social connections, to enact change for the tribe. This was done, respectively, through the creation of reservations and attempting to increase...
Show moreDuring an era when the Seminoles were little regarded in Florida, despite mass Indian reform nationwide, Minnie Moore-Willson of Kissimmee and Ivy Stranahan of Fort Lauderdale attempted to bring reform to the state. Living amongst members of the tribe, both women used their familiarity with Seminole life and practices, as well as their political and social connections, to enact change for the tribe. This was done, respectively, through the creation of reservations and attempting to increase educational and vocational opportunities for tribe members. This thesis examines the lives and activism of Minnie Moore-Willson and Ivy Stranahan over the first two decades of the twentieth century and details their attempts to reform federal and state policies towards Seminoles in Florida. It illustrates the relationships of the women with each other, the Seminoles, and political power brokers in early twentieth century Florida, and attempts to determine their motivations. In doing so, the thesis argues that, though often ignored in the historiography of Seminoles in Florida, these women served as key figures in enacting Seminole-related reforms during the era. Examining Moore-Willson and Stranahan's lives and works affords a greater understanding of how non-Seminole women conceptualized and carried out Florida reform efforts and provides a new perspective for evaluating the early stages of Florida Seminole reform and comparable efforts in other areas of the United States.
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Date Issued
CFE0005355, ucf:50498
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Hoeschen, Jessica, Larson, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In the sixteenth century, Martin LutherÃÂ's Protestant Reformation generated multiple reform movements and political transformations in Europe. Within this general period of reform, political and cultural changes from the Tudor era (1485-1603) created a separate English Reformation. The English Reformation evolved from the different agendas of the early Tudor monarchs and occurred in two distinct waves: an initial, more moderate Henrician Reformation and a later, more...
Show moreIn the sixteenth century, Martin LutherÃÂ's Protestant Reformation generated multiple reform movements and political transformations in Europe. Within this general period of reform, political and cultural changes from the Tudor era (1485-1603) created a separate English Reformation. The English Reformation evolved from the different agendas of the early Tudor monarchs and occurred in two distinct waves: an initial, more moderate Henrician Reformation and a later, more complete Edwardian Reformation. Henry VIII and Edward VIÃÂ's attempts to redefine monarchy through a new State and Church identity drove English church reform during this period, giving these religious shifts distinct political roots. Cultural artifacts were prominent indicators of these differing political goals, and Henry VIII and Edward VI adjusted and removed images and texts according to their propaganda methods. These royal manipulations of culture are well-documented, but historians have overlooked important components in the communication process. Lay responses to imagery changes ranging from compliance to rebellion demonstrate the complex relationship of images, monarchy, and reform. Examining imagesÃÂ' function as propaganda with questions of intent, reception, and comprehension in royal communication is imperative for assessing the impact of royal messages on Tudor culture. Analyzing Tudor art as a form of political communication that disseminated idealized political representation reveals a strong visual discourse between the King and the English people. Images held key powers within royal discourse to create and disseminate propaganda of a kingship.
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Date Issued
CFE0003116, ucf:48622
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Robert Owen: Social reformer.
Hutchins, B. L.
Date Issued
331854, CFDT331854, ucf:5168
Document (PDF)
Resmann, Brittany, Kiel , Dwight, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigated how education policy influences student success, and if there are linkages between K-12 education policy and higher education. Historically, education has primarily been a function of state and local governments. The role of the federal government drastically changed with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. This thesis focused on the influence of No Child Behind on several indicators of student success in K-12 and postsecondary education. All fifty...
Show moreThis study investigated how education policy influences student success, and if there are linkages between K-12 education policy and higher education. Historically, education has primarily been a function of state and local governments. The role of the federal government drastically changed with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. This thesis focused on the influence of No Child Behind on several indicators of student success in K-12 and postsecondary education. All fifty states were examined in this study. This approach is rather unusual since it is typical to focus on one state or a small group of states. In addition to the state level analyses, macro analyses were also conducted to generate sounder policy prescriptions. This study tested three primary research questions. The first research question tested possible changes in several measures of student success since the implementation of No Child Left Behind. The second research question analyzed the relationship between K-12 education policy and higher education. The third research question addressed the possibility that state education reforms have had an impact on test scores, graduation rates, and college enrollment. Findings showed that K-12 test scores have improved on the national level since the implementation of No Child Left Behind, but there are several states that have witnessed a decline in test scores since legislation was enacted. There was no relationship between the state reforms and the variables that measured student success. Based on the findings, policy prescriptions were generated for both leaders within education and policymakers.
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Date Issued
CFE0002607, ucf:48249
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Central Florida Educational Leaders' Professional Opinions of the Race to the Top Grant Components Concerning Teacher Evaluation and Compensation Prior to Implementation.
Windish, Daniel, Taylor, Rosemarye, Pawlas, George, Doherty, Walter, Vitale, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A...
Show moreThis mixed-methods study was conducted to explore the professional opinions of educational leaders regarding selected components in the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant concerning teacher evaluation and compensation and the potential impact on student achievement. A target university was selected that had students who were professionals in the field of education in either instructional or administrative jobs and were pursuing their doctorates in both Education and Educational Leadership. A researcher created survey and follow-up interview were utilized to gather both quantitative and qualitative data for analysis. Quantitative findings revealed that statistically significant differences in the opinions of educational leaders about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement existed between two types of professional classification (instructional or administrative). No statistically significant relationship was found between self-reported knowledge of the RTTT and opinions of the fairness of the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components. Also, no statistically significant difference was found in the professional opinions about the potential impact of the RTTT grant teacher evaluation and compensation components on student achievement when self-reported school poverty percentage was considered.From qualitative findings, themes emerged surrounding the uncertainty and lack of understanding about the RTTT grant's implementation. Though this study provided baseline data on the opinions of educational leaders on the RTTT teacher evaluation and compensation components, there is still much to be learned about the RTTT grant.
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Date Issued
CFE0004633, ucf:49929
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Cooper, Casey, Bledsoe, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Before the reformation and the schism of the Catholic Church, it had always been the duty of the Church and not of the state, to undertake the seven corporal works of mercy; feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, and bury the dead. By dissolving these institutions, Henry had unwittingly created what would become a social disaster of biblical proportions. In essence, this act was rendering thousands of the poor...
Show moreBefore the reformation and the schism of the Catholic Church, it had always been the duty of the Church and not of the state, to undertake the seven corporal works of mercy; feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, and bury the dead. By dissolving these institutions, Henry had unwittingly created what would become a social disaster of biblical proportions. In essence, this act was rendering thousands of the poor and elderly without a home or shelter, it denied the country of much of the medical aid that has been offered by the church, it denied future generations of thousands of volumes of books and scriptures from the monastic libraries, as well as denied many an education who would have otherwise never received one without the help of the Church. The ultimate goal of my thesis is to prove my hypothesis that the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII was not merely a contributory factor in the need for the creation of poor laws, but the deciding factor (in a myriad of societal issues) for their creation.
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Date Issued
CFH0003834, ucf:44770
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The Impact of using a Computer Algebra System in High School Calculus on High Performing Students' Conceptual and Procedural Understanding.
Bawatneh, Zyad, Haciomeroglu, Erhan, Dixon, Juli, Ortiz, Enrique, Saleh, Suha, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in high school mathematics education, especially in the teaching and learning of calculus. For example, studies conducted by Bressoud (2010); Judson and Nishimori (2005); Koh and Divaharan (2011); and St. Jarre (2008) all looked at how to improve the understanding of calculus students and what roles the educator must take to ensure that their students are successful. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant...
Show moreRecently, there has been an increasing interest in high school mathematics education, especially in the teaching and learning of calculus. For example, studies conducted by Bressoud (2010); Judson and Nishimori (2005); Koh and Divaharan (2011); and St. Jarre (2008) all looked at how to improve the understanding of calculus students and what roles the educator must take to ensure that their students are successful. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant difference between instruction using computer algebra system (CAS) compared to instruction using the graphing calculator in high school calculus on students' conceptual and procedural understanding. This study explored and compared two different types of instruction based on the use of two different types of technology, CAS and graphing calculator. The total population for this study consisted of 333 students. There were 187 students classified as using the graphing calculator and 146 students classified as using CAS. The data for this study were collected from four Advanced Placement (AP) calculus AB courses from high schools in Florida. The study used observations and two sets of calculus tasks in order to gather data. The research questions for this study looked at comparing the grades of students categorized based on the type of instruction received during the learning of calculus. The statistical procedure that was used was a simple one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two types of instruction on the students' procedural knowledge, however, there was statistical significance on the students' conceptual understanding in favor of the CAS students. The study introduces a framework on how to obtain information about the effects of different types of instruction on students' understanding of calculus. The results of this study contribute in assisting teachers and future researchers on how to analyze student work in order to obtain information about the students' conceptual and procedural understanding of first semester calculus.
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Date Issued
CFE0004514, ucf:49278
Document (PDF)
Klug, Amelia, Bryer, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Regardless of culture, socio-economic background, and quality of life, all students deserve the highest quality of education. But the reality is, many education systems around the world do not offer it. Investing in structural reforms in education has the potential to boost economic growth in countries around the world. By learning from different education systems strengths and weaknesses, policy decisions can be made that ensure students are given the opportunity for higher educational...
Show moreRegardless of culture, socio-economic background, and quality of life, all students deserve the highest quality of education. But the reality is, many education systems around the world do not offer it. Investing in structural reforms in education has the potential to boost economic growth in countries around the world. By learning from different education systems strengths and weaknesses, policy decisions can be made that ensure students are given the opportunity for higher educational outcomes. This study analyzes high, middle, and low quality education systems around the world and the infrastructures that lead to educational success or failure. Fifteen education systems are chosen for this study which includes Shanghai-China, Singapore, Japan, Finland, Canada, Portugal, United States, Luxembourg, Spain, Hungary, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, Qatar, and Peru. Each system is analyzed in terms of its teacher quality, curriculum, school system structure, and educational equity. From this study, it appears that there is a high-correlation between four indicators and top-educational success. These four indicators include having a highly selective model for hiring teachers, recruiting teachers from a top-pool of graduates, having a high-level of prestige held for teachers in society, and insuring students of low socio-economic status are given equal educational opportunities for success. Recommendations for a new teacher training and selection model are discussed based on the top four indicators. These recommendations could cause educational gains for both the United States and other systems around the world.
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Date Issued
CFH0004691, ucf:45247
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Gordon II, William, Taylor, Rosemarye, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study provided information for policymakers and practitioners by comparing performance of eighth grade students in 2007 on state standardized reading assessments and by the four census-defined regions identified by NAEP. NCLB required states to set their own performance standards and to create their own data collection instruments resulting in increased transparency of student performance data and a lack of uniform accountability systems. The inability of educators, policy-makers, and...
Show moreThis study provided information for policymakers and practitioners by comparing performance of eighth grade students in 2007 on state standardized reading assessments and by the four census-defined regions identified by NAEP. NCLB required states to set their own performance standards and to create their own data collection instruments resulting in increased transparency of student performance data and a lack of uniform accountability systems. The inability of educators, policy-makers, and the general public to make state-by-state comparisons in the area of reading was the catalyst for the study. NAEP data were collected from NCES and state performance data were collected from the USDOE SY 2006-2007 CSPR to determine if a relationship existed between eighth grade students' state scores and NAEP scores in the four census-defined regions. Data were further disaggregated by low socioeconomic students and by nonwhite students. A regression analysis was statistically significant in predicting: a) the state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores, b) the low socioeconomic state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores in the West census-defined region, and c) the nonwhite state proficient and above scores from the NAEP proficient and above scores in all regions. A regression analysis was not statistically significant in predicting low socioeconomic state proficient and above scores from the low socioeconomic NAEP proficient and above scores in the Midwest, South and Northeast regions.
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Date Issued
CFE0002536, ucf:52846
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The Continuing Anglican Metamorphosis: Introducing the Adapted Integrated Model.
L'Hommedieu, John, Gay, David, Grauerholz, Elizabeth, Carter, Shannon, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this thesis is to develop and test the Advanced Integrated Model, a typological model in the tradition of Weber's interpretive sociology, as an asset in explaining recent transformations in American Episcopal-Anglican organizations. The study includes an assessment of the church-sect tradition in the sociology of religion and a summary overview of Weber's interpretive sociology with special emphasis on the nature and construction of ideal-types and their use in analysis. To...
Show moreThe purpose of this thesis is to develop and test the Advanced Integrated Model, a typological model in the tradition of Weber's interpretive sociology, as an asset in explaining recent transformations in American Episcopal-Anglican organizations. The study includes an assessment of the church-sect tradition in the sociology of religion and a summary overview of Weber's interpretive sociology with special emphasis on the nature and construction of ideal-types and their use in analysis. To illustrate the effectiveness of the model a number of institutional rivalries confronting contemporary Episcopal-Anglican organizations are identified and shown to be explainable only from a sociological perspective and not simply as (")in house(") institutional problems. The present work sheds light on parent-child conflicts in religious organizations and reopens discussion about the theoretical value of ideal-types in general, and church-sect typologies in particular, when utilized from a comparative-historical perspective.
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Date Issued
CFE0004565, ucf:49209
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