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- Title
- Creator
Cunningham, Ryan, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recent research at the University of Central Florida involving crashes on Interstate-4 in Orlando, Florida has led to the creation of new statistical models capable of determining the crash risk on the freeway (Abdel-Aty et al., 2004; 2005, Pande and Abdel-Aty, 2006). These models are able to calculate the rear-end and lane-change crash risks along the freeway in real-time through the use of static information at various locations along the freeway as well as the real-time traffic data...
Show moreRecent research at the University of Central Florida involving crashes on Interstate-4 in Orlando, Florida has led to the creation of new statistical models capable of determining the crash risk on the freeway (Abdel-Aty et al., 2004; 2005, Pande and Abdel-Aty, 2006). These models are able to calculate the rear-end and lane-change crash risks along the freeway in real-time through the use of static information at various locations along the freeway as well as the real-time traffic data obtained by loop detectors. Since these models use real-time traffic data, they are capable of calculating rear-end and lane-change crash risk values as the traffic flow conditions are changing on the freeway. The objective of this study is to examine the potential benefits of variable speed limit implementation techniques for reducing the crash risk along the freeway. Variable speed limits is an ITS strategy that is typically used upstream of a queue in order to reduce the effects of congestion. By lowering the speeds of the vehicles approaching a queue, more time is given for the queue to dissipate from the front before it continues to grow from the back. This study uses variable speed limit strategies in a corridor-wide attempt to reduce rear-end and lane-change crash risks where speed differences between upstream and downstream vehicles are high. The idea of homogeneous speed zones was also introduced in this study to determine the distance over which variable speed limits should be implemented from a station of interest. This is unique since it is the first time a dynamic distance has been considered for variable speed limit implementation. Several VSL strategies were found to successfully reduce the rear-end and lane-change crash risks at low-volume traffic conditions (60% and 80% loading conditions). In every case, the most successful treatments involved the lowering of upstream speed limits by 5 mph and the raising of downstream speed limits by 5 mph. In the free-flow condition (60% loading), the best treatments involved the more liberal threshold for defining homogeneous speed zones (5 mph) and the more liberal implementation distance (entire speed zone), as well as a minimum time period of 10 minutes. This treatment was actually shown to significantly reduce the network travel time by 0.8%. It was also shown that this particular implementation strategy (lowering upstream, raising downstream) is wholly resistant to the effects of crash migration in the 60% loading scenario. In the condition approaching congestion (80% loading), the best treatment again involved the more liberal threshold for homogeneous speed zones (5 mph), yet the more conservative implementation distance (half the speed zone), along with a minimum time period of 5 minutes. This particular treatment arose as the best due to its unique capability to resist the increasing effects of crash migration in the 80% loading scenario. It was shown that the treatments implementing over half the speed zone were more robust against crash migration than other treatments. The best treatment exemplified the greatest benefit in reduced sections and the greatest resistance to crash migration in other sections. In the 80% loading scenario, the best treatment increased the network travel time by less than 0.4%, which is deemed acceptable. No treatment was found to successfully reduce the rear-end and lane-change crash risks in the congested traffic condition (90% loading). This is attributed to the fact that, in the congested state, the speed of vehicles is subject to the surrounding traffic conditions and not to the posted speed limit. Therefore, changing the posted speed limit does not affect the speed of vehicles in a desirable manner. These conclusions agree with Dilmore (2005).
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001723, ucf:47309
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
pande, anurag, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Relevance of reactive traffic management strategies such as freeway incident detection has been diminishing with advancements in mobile phone usage and video surveillance technology. On the other hand, capacity to collect, store, and analyze traffic data from underground loop detectors has witnessed enormous growth in the recent past. These two facts together provide us with motivation as well as the means to shift the focus of freeway traffic management toward proactive strategies that would...
Show moreRelevance of reactive traffic management strategies such as freeway incident detection has been diminishing with advancements in mobile phone usage and video surveillance technology. On the other hand, capacity to collect, store, and analyze traffic data from underground loop detectors has witnessed enormous growth in the recent past. These two facts together provide us with motivation as well as the means to shift the focus of freeway traffic management toward proactive strategies that would involve anticipating incidents such as crashes. The primary element of proactive traffic management strategy would be model(s) that can separate 'crash prone' conditions from 'normal' traffic conditions in real-time. The aim in this research is to establish relationship(s) between historical crashes of specific types and corresponding loop detector data, which may be used as the basis for classifying real-time traffic conditions into 'normal' or 'crash prone' in the future. In this regard traffic data in this study were also collected for cases which did not lead to crashes (non-crash cases) so that the problem may be set up as a binary classification. A thorough review of the literature suggested that existing real-time crash 'prediction' models (classification or otherwise) are generic in nature, i.e., a single model has been used to identify all crashes (such as rear-end, sideswipe, or angle), even though traffic conditions preceding crashes are known to differ by type of crash. Moreover, a generic model would yield no information about the collision most likely to occur. To be able to analyze different groups of crashes independently, a large database of crashes reported during the 5-year period from 1999 through 2003 on Interstate-4 corridor in Orlando were collected. The 36.25-mile instrumented corridor is equipped with 69 dual loop detector stations in each direction (eastbound and westbound) located approximately every ½ mile. These stations report speed, volume, and occupancy data every 30-seconds from the three through lanes of the corridor. Geometric design parameters for the freeway were also collected and collated with historical crash and corresponding loop detector data. The first group of crashes to be analyzed were the rear-end crashes, which account to about 51% of the total crashes. Based on preliminary explorations of average traffic speeds; rear-end crashes were grouped into two mutually exclusive groups. First, those occurring under extended congestion (referred to as regime 1 traffic conditions) and the other which occurred with relatively free-flow conditions (referred to as regime 2 traffic conditions) prevailing 5-10 minutes before the crash. Simple rules to separate these two groups of rear-end crashes were formulated based on the classification tree methodology. It was found that the first group of rear-end crashes can be attributed to parameters measurable through loop detectors such as the coefficient of variation in speed and average occupancy at stations in the vicinity of crash location. For the second group of rear-end crashes (referred to as regime 2) traffic parameters such as average speed and occupancy at stations downstream of the crash location were significant along with off-line factors such as the time of day and presence of an on-ramp in the downstream direction. It was found that regime 1 traffic conditions make up only about 6% of the traffic conditions on the freeway. Almost half of rear-end crashes occurred under regime 1 traffic regime even with such little exposure. This observation led to the conclusion that freeway locations operating under regime 1 traffic may be flagged for (rear-end) crashes without any further investigation. MLP (multilayer perceptron) and NRBF (normalized radial basis function) neural network architecture were explored to identify regime 2 rear-end crashes. The performance of individual neural network models was improved by hybridizing their outputs. Individual and hybrid PNN (probabilistic neural network) models were also explored along with matched case control logistic regression. The stepwise selection procedure yielded the matched logistic regression model indicating the difference between average speeds upstream and downstream as significant. Even though the model provided good interpretation, its classification accuracy over the validation dataset was far inferior to the hybrid MLP/NRBF and PNN models. Hybrid neural network models along with classification tree model (developed to identify the traffic regimes) were able to identify about 60% of the regime 2 rear-end crashes in addition to all regime 1 rear-end crashes with a reasonable number of positive decisions (warnings). It translates into identification of more than ¾ (77%) of all rear-end crashes. Classification models were then developed for the next most frequent type, i.e., lane change related crashes. Based on preliminary analysis, it was concluded that the location specific characteristics, such as presence of ramps, mile-post location, etc. were not significantly associated with these crashes. Average difference between occupancies of adjacent lanes and average speeds upstream and downstream of the crash location were found significant. The significant variables were then subjected as inputs to MLP and NRBF based classifiers. The best models in each category were hybridized by averaging their respective outputs. The hybrid model significantly improved on the crash identification achieved through individual models and 57% of the crashes in the validation dataset could be identified with 30% warnings. Although the hybrid models in this research were developed with corresponding data for rear-end and lane-change related crashes only, it was observed that about 60% of the historical single vehicle crashes (other than rollovers) could also be identified using these models. The majority of the identified single vehicle crashes, according to the crash reports, were caused due to evasive actions by the drivers in order to avoid another vehicle in front or in the other lane. Vehicle rollover crashes were found to be associated with speeding and curvature of the freeway section; the established relationship, however, was not sufficient to identify occurrence of these crashes in real-time. Based on the results from modeling procedure, a framework for parallel real-time application of these two sets of models (rear-end and lane-change) in the form of a system was proposed. To identify rear-end crashes, the data are first subjected to classification tree based rules to identify traffic regimes. If traffic patterns belong to regime 1, a rear-end crash warning is issued for the location. If the patterns are identified to be regime 2, then they are subjected to hybrid MLP/NRBF model employing traffic data from five surrounding traffic stations. If the model identifies the patterns as crash prone then the location may be flagged for rear-end crash, otherwise final check for a regime 2 rear-end crash is applied on the data through the hybrid PNN model. If data from five stations are not available due to intermittent loop failures, the system is provided with the flexibility to switch to models with more tolerant data requirements (i.e., model using traffic data from only one station or three stations). To assess the risk of a lane-change related crash, if all three lanes at the immediate upstream station are functioning, the hybrid of the two of the best individual neural network models (NRBF with three hidden neurons and MLP with four hidden neurons) is applied to the input data. A warning for a lane-change related crash may be issued based on its output. The proposed strategy is demonstrated over a complete day of loop data in a virtual real-time application. It was shown that the system of models may be used to continuously assess and update the risk for rear-end and lane-change related crashes. The system developed in this research should be perceived as the primary component of proactive traffic management strategy. Output of the system along with the knowledge of variables critically associated with specific types of crashes identified in this research can be used to formulate ways for avoiding impending crashes. However, specific crash prevention strategies e.g., variable speed limit and warnings to the commuters demand separate attention and should be addressed through thorough future research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000842, ucf:46659
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Gayah, Vikash, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recent research at the University of Central Florida addressing crashes on Interstate-4 in Orlando, Florida has led to the creation of new statistical models capable of calculating the crash risk on the freeway (Abdel-Aty et al., 2004; 2005, Pande and Abdel-Aty, 2006). These models yield the rear-end and lane-change crash risk along the freeway in real-time by using static information at various locations along the freeway as well as real-time traffic data that is obtained from the roadway....
Show moreRecent research at the University of Central Florida addressing crashes on Interstate-4 in Orlando, Florida has led to the creation of new statistical models capable of calculating the crash risk on the freeway (Abdel-Aty et al., 2004; 2005, Pande and Abdel-Aty, 2006). These models yield the rear-end and lane-change crash risk along the freeway in real-time by using static information at various locations along the freeway as well as real-time traffic data that is obtained from the roadway. Because these models use the real-time traffic data, they are capable of calculating the respective crash risk values as the traffic flow changes along the freeway. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential of two Intelligent Transportation System strategies for reducing the crash risk along the freeway by changing the traffic flow parameters. The two ITS measures that are examined in this research are route diversion and ramp metering. Route diversion serves to change the traffic flow by keeping some vehicles from entering the freeway at one location and diverting them to another location where they may be more efficiently inserted into the freeway traffic stream. Ramp metering alters the traffic flow by delaying vehicles at the freeway on-ramps and only allowing a certain number of vehicles to enter at a time. The two strategies were tested by simulating a 36.25 mile section of the Interstate-4 network in the PARAMICS micro-simulation software. Various implementations of route diversion and ramp metering were then tested to determine not only the effects of each strategy but also how to best apply them to an urban freeway. Route diversion was found to decrease the overall rear-end and lane-change crash risk along the network at free-flow conditions to low levels of congestion. On average, the two crash risk measures were found to be reduced between the location where vehicles were diverted and the location where they were reinserted back into the network. However, a crash migration phenomenon was observed at higher levels of congestion as the crash risk would be greatly increased at the location where vehicles were reinserted back onto the network. Ramp metering in the downtown area was found to be beneficial during heavy congestion. Both coordinated and uncoordinated metering algorithms showed the potential to significantly decrease the crash risk at a network wide level. When the network is loaded with 100 percent of the vehicles the uncoordinated strategy performed the best at reducing the rear-end and lane-change crash risk values. The coordinated strategy was found to perform the best from a safety and operational perspective at moderate levels of congestion. Ramp metering also showed the potential for crash migration so care must be taken when implementing this strategy to ensure that drivers at certain locations are not put at unnecessary risk. When ramp metering is applied to the entire freeway network both the rear-end and lane-change crash risk is decreased further. ALINEA is found to be the best network-wide strategy at the 100 percent loading case while a combination of Zone and ALINEA provides the best safety results at the 90 percent loading case. It should also be noted that both route diversion and ramp metering were found to increase the overall network travel time. However, the best route diversion and ramp metering strategies were selected to ensure that the operational capabilities of the network were not sacrificed in order to increase the safety along the freeway. This was done by setting the maximum allowable travel time increase at 5% for any of the ITS strategies considered.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001437, ucf:47054
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Chilakapati, Praveen, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In recent years the use of advanced driving simulators has increased in the transportation engineering field especially in evaluating safety countermeasures. The driving simulator at UCF is a high fidelity simulator with six degrees of freedom. This research aims at validating the simulator in terms of speed and safety with the intention of using it as a test bed for high risk locations and to use it in developing traffic safety countermeasures. The Simulator replicates a real world...
Show moreIn recent years the use of advanced driving simulators has increased in the transportation engineering field especially in evaluating safety countermeasures. The driving simulator at UCF is a high fidelity simulator with six degrees of freedom. This research aims at validating the simulator in terms of speed and safety with the intention of using it as a test bed for high risk locations and to use it in developing traffic safety countermeasures. The Simulator replicates a real world signalized intersection (Alafaya trail (SR-434) and Colonial Drive (SR-50)). A total of sixty one subjects of age ranging from sixteen to sixty years were recruited to drive the simulator for the experiment, which consists of eight scenarios. This research validates the driving simulator for speed, safety and visual aspects. Based on the overall comparisons of speed between the simulated results and the real world, it was concluded that the UCF driving simulator is a valid tool for traffic studies related to driving speed behavior. Based on statistical analysis conducted on the experiment results, it is concluded that SR-434 northbound right turn lane and SR-50 eastbound through lanes have a higher rear-end crash risk than that at SR-50 westbound right turn lane and SR-434 northbound through lanes, respectively. This conforms to the risk of rear-end crashes observed at the actual intersection. Therefore, the simulator is validated for using it as an effective tool for traffic safety studies to test high-risk intersection locations. The driving simulator is also validated for physical and visual aspects of the intersection as 87.10% of the subjects recognized the intersection and were of the opinion that the replicated intersection was good enough or realistic. A binary logistic regression model was estimated and was used to quantify the relative rear-end crash risk at through lanes. It was found that in terms of rear-end crash risk SR50 east- bound approach is 23.67% riskier than the SR434 north-bound approach.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001391, ucf:46964
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A comparative analysis of different Dilemma Zone countermeasures at signalized intersections based on Cellular Automaton Model.
- Creator
Wu, Yina, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Lee, JaeYoung, Eluru, Naveen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the United States, intersections are among the most frequent locations for crashes. One of the major problems at signalized intersection is the dilemma zone, which is caused by false driver behavior during the yellow interval. This research evaluated driver behavior during the yellow interval at signalized intersections and compared different dilemma zone countermeasures. The study was conducted through four stages.First, the driver behavior during the yellow interval were collected and...
Show moreIn the United States, intersections are among the most frequent locations for crashes. One of the major problems at signalized intersection is the dilemma zone, which is caused by false driver behavior during the yellow interval. This research evaluated driver behavior during the yellow interval at signalized intersections and compared different dilemma zone countermeasures. The study was conducted through four stages.First, the driver behavior during the yellow interval were collected and analyzed. Eight variables, which are related to risky situations, are considered. The impact factors of drivers' stop/go decisions and the presence of the red-light running (RLR) violations were also analyzed. Second, based on the field data, a logistic model, which is a function of speed, distance to the stop line and the lead/follow position of the vehicle, was developed to predict drivers' stop/go decisions. Meanwhile, Cellular Automata (CA) models for the movement at the signalized intersection were developed. In this study, four different simulation scenarios were established, including the typical intersection signal, signal with flashing green phases, the intersection with pavement marking upstream of the approach, and the intersection with a new countermeasure: adding an auxiliary flashing indication next to the pavement marking. When vehicles are approaching the intersection with a speed lower than the speed limit of the intersection approach, the auxiliary flashing yellow indication will begin flashing before the yellow phase. If the vehicle that has not passed the pavement marking before the onset of the auxiliary flashing yellow indication and can see the flashing indication, the driver should choose to stop during the yellow interval. Otherwise, the driver should choose to go at the yellow duration. The CA model was employed to simulate the traffic flow, and the logistic model was applied as the stop/go decision rule. Dilemma situations that lead to rear-end crash risks and potential RLR risks were used to evaluate the different scenarios. According to the simulation results, the mean and standard deviation of the speed of the traffic flow play a significant role in rear-end crash risk situations, where a lower speed and standard deviation could lead to less rear-end risk situations at the same intersection. High difference in speed are more prone to cause rear-end crashes. With Respect to the RLR violations, the RLR risk analysis showed that the mean speed of the leading vehicle has important influence on the RLR risk in the typical intersection simulation scenarios as well as intersections with the flashing green phases' simulation scenario.Moreover, the findings indicated that the flashing green could not effectively reduce the risk probabilities. The pavement marking countermeasure had positive effects on reducing the risk probabilities if a platoon's mean speed was not under the speed used for designing the pavement marking. Otherwise, the risk probabilities for the intersection would not be reduced because of the increase in the RLR rate. The simulation results showed that the scenario with the pavement marking and an auxiliary indication countermeasure, which adds a flashing indication next to the pavement marking, had less risky situations than the other scenarios with the same speed distribution. These findings suggested the effectiveness of the pavement marking and an auxiliary indication countermeasure to reduce both rear-end collisions and RLR violations than other countermeasures.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005562, ucf:50291
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Arterial-level real-time safety evaluation in the context of proactive traffic management.
- Creator
Yuan, Jinghui, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Hasan, Samiul, Cai, Qing, Wang, Liqiang, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the context of pro-active traffic management, real-time safety evaluation is one of the most important components. Previous studies on real-time safety analysis mainly focused on freeways, seldom on arterials. With the advancement of sensing technologies and smart city initiative, more and more real-time traffic data sources are available on arterials, which enables us to evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials. However, there exist substantial differences between arterials and...
Show moreIn the context of pro-active traffic management, real-time safety evaluation is one of the most important components. Previous studies on real-time safety analysis mainly focused on freeways, seldom on arterials. With the advancement of sensing technologies and smart city initiative, more and more real-time traffic data sources are available on arterials, which enables us to evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials. However, there exist substantial differences between arterials and freeways in terms of traffic flow characteristics, data availability, and even crash mechanism. Therefore, this study aims to deeply evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials from multiple aspects by integrating all kinds of available data sources. First, Bayesian conditional logistic models (BCL) were developed to examine the relationship between crash occurrence on arterial segments and real-time traffic and signal timing characteristics by incorporating the Bluetooth, adaptive signal control, and weather data, which were extracted from four urban arterials in Central Florida. Second, real-time intersection-approach-level crash risk was investigated by considering the effects of real-time traffic, signal timing, and weather characteristics based on 23 signalized intersections in Orange County. Third, a deep learning algorithm for real-time crash risk prediction at signalized intersections was proposed based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE). Moreover, in-depth cycle-level real-time crash risk at signalized intersections was explored based on high-resolution event-based data (i.e., Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM)). All the possible real-time cycle-level factors were considered, including traffic volume, signal timing, headway and occupancy, traffic variation between upstream and downstream detectors, shockwave characteristics, and weather conditions. Above all, comprehensive real-time safety evaluation algorithms were developed for arterials, which would be key components for future real-time safety applications (e.g., real-time crash risk prediction and visualization system) in the context of pro-active traffic management.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007743, ucf:52398
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Pedestrian Safety Analysis through Effective Exposure Measures and Examination of Injury Severity.
- Creator
Shah, Md Imran, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Pedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also...
Show morePedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also it is very important to clearly understand the relationship between pedestrian injury severity and the factors contributing to higher injury severity. Accurate safety analysis can play a vital role in the development of appropriate safety countermeasures and policies for pedestrians.Since pedestrian volume data is the most important information in safety analysis but rarely available, the first part of the study aims at identifying surrogate measures for pedestrian exposure at intersections. A two-step process is implemented: the first step is the development of Tobit and Generalized Linear Models for predicting pedestrian trips (i.e., exposure models). In the second step, Negative Binomial and Zero Inflated Negative Binomial crash models were developed using the predicted pedestrian trips. The results indicate that among various exposure models the Tobit model performs the best in describing pedestrian exposure. The identified exposure relevant factors are the presence of schools, car-ownership, pavement condition, sidewalk width, bus ridership, intersection control type and presence of sidewalk barrier. The t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test results show that there is no significant difference between the observed and the predicted pedestrian trips. The process implemented can help in estimating reliable safety performance functions even when pedestrian trip data is unavailable.The second part of the study focuses on analyzing pedestrian injury severity for the nine counties in Central Florida. The study region covers the Orlando area which has the second-worst pedestrian death rate in the country. Since the dependent variable 'Injury' is ordinal, an 'Ordered Logit' model was developed to identify the factors of pedestrian injury severity. The explanatory variables can be classified as pedestrian/driver characteristics (e.g., age, gender, etc.), roadway traffic and geometric conditions (e.g.: shoulder presence, roadway speed etc.) and crash environment (e.g., light, road surface, work zone, etc.) characteristics. The results show that drug/alcohol involvement, pedestrians in a hurry, roadway speed limit 40 mph or more, dark condition (lighted and unlighted) and presence of elder pedestrians are the primary contributing factors of severe pedestrian crashes in Central Florida. Crashes within the presence of intersections and local roads result in lower injury severity. The area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve has a value of 0.75 that indicates the model performs reasonably well. Finally the study validated the model using k-fold cross validation method. The results could be useful for transportation officials for further pedestrian safety analysis and taking the appropriate safety interventions.Walking is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and possesses significant health benefits. In order to get these benefits from walking, the most important task is to ensure safer roads for pedestrians.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006656, ucf:51224
- Format
- Document (PDF)