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- Title
- Creator
Ross, Mary Jo, Kaplan, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research was to examine special event management as a temporary business model and how it is impacted by problem solving capabilities in its utilization of temporary systems. The phenomenon of special events management and how event leaders must continuously make decisions based upon knowledge, skill, and intuition are the constructs of why events operations are as unique as the events themselves. A paradigm of temporary operational organizations that depend on...
Show moreThe purpose of this research was to examine special event management as a temporary business model and how it is impacted by problem solving capabilities in its utilization of temporary systems. The phenomenon of special events management and how event leaders must continuously make decisions based upon knowledge, skill, and intuition are the constructs of why events operations are as unique as the events themselves. A paradigm of temporary operational organizations that depend on communication, information, and implementation of operational strategies within unusual and unique environments and on a continuous basis must rely on appropriate instructional systems. The instructional methods that are selected should support event leadership's problem solving methods in accomplishing the goals and mission of the special event.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001330, ucf:47011
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Senosiain, Melanie, Sweo, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As the Brazilian economy is growing, more and more companies are looking to open businesses in Brazil. This may require some managers to hire Brazilian employees. By using the Hofstede and GLOBE studies, as well as other cultural traits, I have gathered a significant amount of knowledge on the Brazilian culture. I compared these traits to the American culture to find what American managers should focus on changing to best manage Brazilian employees. This guide determined techniques that...
Show moreAs the Brazilian economy is growing, more and more companies are looking to open businesses in Brazil. This may require some managers to hire Brazilian employees. By using the Hofstede and GLOBE studies, as well as other cultural traits, I have gathered a significant amount of knowledge on the Brazilian culture. I compared these traits to the American culture to find what American managers should focus on changing to best manage Brazilian employees. This guide determined techniques that American managers should follow when traveling to Brazil. In addition I have added other traits that American managers should look into before choosing to work with Brazilian companies. After reading this Thesis, managers should be able to manage Brazilian employees more effectively.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004178, ucf:44832
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Lujambio, Julio Agustin, Kulonda, Dennis, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Incubators are organizations that have become a key factor to the success of new ventures. One study jointly sponsored by the University of Michigan, Ohio University, the National Business Incubation Association, and the Southern Technology Council found that 87% of the firms that went through an incubator program remain in business and 84% remain in their community. Clearly properly run incubators can provide much benefit. However there is littleconsensus on goals and best practices for...
Show moreIncubators are organizations that have become a key factor to the success of new ventures. One study jointly sponsored by the University of Michigan, Ohio University, the National Business Incubation Association, and the Southern Technology Council found that 87% of the firms that went through an incubator program remain in business and 84% remain in their community. Clearly properly run incubators can provide much benefit. However there is littleconsensus on goals and best practices for managing the incubators themselves. Recently an approach to integrating strategy and practice called the balanced scorecard (BSC) has emerged asa popular tool in many public and private organizations.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the BSC as a potential performance andmanagement tool for Incubators in Florida. While the list of major corporations and public institutions that has adopted some form of a balanced scorecard continues to grow, there has been no research into its adaptability to incubators. This thesis found potential benefits associated with applying the BSC model to incubators, such as maintaining incubator's competitiveness and improving communication and employee's performance.Because a full-scale balanced scorecard system entails a fairly intensive implementation effort, it cannot be prescribed randomly across the variety of incubator enterprises. Accordingly, a stage of development framework is employed to help categorize incubators, assess their respective planning needs and identify how the balanced scorecard approach can be applied beneficially. Under these parameters, it is proposed that for incubators where both the degree of managerial complexity and the prospects for extensive change are high, the balanced scorecard can be a useful mechanism for effective management. A number of important implementation issues are also explored and some directions for future research are identified.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000136, ucf:46203
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Day, Samantha E, Decker, Jonathan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review that examined parental coping mechanisms and stress relief techniques for parents of infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). A search was conducted using multiples databases using key terms such as stress AND coping, parent* OR caregiver, ped* OR child*, support* or aid, NICU OR neonatal intensive care unit, and nurs*. The results were limited to scholarly, peer reviewed journals in the English language....
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review that examined parental coping mechanisms and stress relief techniques for parents of infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). A search was conducted using multiples databases using key terms such as stress AND coping, parent* OR caregiver, ped* OR child*, support* or aid, NICU OR neonatal intensive care unit, and nurs*. The results were limited to scholarly, peer reviewed journals in the English language. Exclusion criteria included not relating to parents or caregivers and mechanisms of coping with stress or if they pertain to palliative or end-of-life care. Each article meeting the inclusion criteria were critiqued and analyzed for information pertaining to the topic of this review. The thirteen articles yielded from the search revolved around the common themes of Visitation/Participation, Communication, and Comfort Measures. The literature revealed an overall positive association in reducing the amount of stress experienced when an intervention was provided. Implications for further research involve directly comparing the efficacy of interventions to determine which could be most useful in practice.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFH2000467, ucf:45863
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Coaching and Performance on a Simulation Exercise.
- Creator
Michaels, Charles Edward, Jaffee, Cabot L., Social Sciences
- Abstract / Description
Florida Technological University College of Social Sciences Thesis; Selection of management personnel in industry is a difficult task, and one with important consequences. The job of the manager is composed of a multitude of skills and this tends to make evaluation or prediction of job performance more difficult (Odiorne and Miller. 1966). The consequences of poor selection decisions in management positions roay be costly for a company in increased turnover, reduced productivity or...
Show moreFlorida Technological University College of Social Sciences Thesis; Selection of management personnel in industry is a difficult task, and one with important consequences. The job of the manager is composed of a multitude of skills and this tends to make evaluation or prediction of job performance more difficult (Odiorne and Miller. 1966). The consequences of poor selection decisions in management positions roay be costly for a company in increased turnover, reduced productivity or effectiveness, or in poor management decisions. One approach to the problem of management selection is the use of simulations of on-the-job situations. Exercises can be developed to provide a sample of typical work situations and candidates for selection can demonstrate the skills that they possess by attempting to deal with the problems presented by the simulated work situations. Simulations allow us to look at an individual's performance in a lifelike situation without placing the individual on the job and the resultant consequences for the company if the man fails to perform well. It is the purpose of this study to look at one type of simulation exercise, the in-basket technique (Frederiksen, 1962), and how performance on this type of exercise is affected if individuals. Prior to taking the exercise, are coached on its content by other individuals that have already completed the exercise.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1975
- Identifier
- CFR0003524, ucf:52994
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Optimization of storm water management practices and processes.
- Creator
Calabrese, Mark Michael, Wanielista, Martin P., Engineering
- Abstract / Description
University of Central Florida College of Engineering Thesis; In recent years, stormwater has been found to be a major source of pollution to receiving waters. Major research efforts have been directed in this area, primarily as a result of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and Public law 92-500, the 1972 Amendments to the act. Yet, a need remains for more data in the field of stormwater management. Such needs include cost-performance data and planning methodologies to optimally select...
Show moreUniversity of Central Florida College of Engineering Thesis; In recent years, stormwater has been found to be a major source of pollution to receiving waters. Major research efforts have been directed in this area, primarily as a result of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and Public law 92-500, the 1972 Amendments to the act. Yet, a need remains for more data in the field of stormwater management. Such needs include cost-performance data and planning methodologies to optimally select best management practices (BMP's). The research culminating in this report addresses these needs. A computer program, "MANAGE", has been written to generate cost/efficiency curves, and uses these curves to optimally select a combination of management practices. The program was written in FORTRAN language and was run on the IBM 360/370 computer system. It can analyze up to 3 management practices per subwatershed and up to 20 subwatersheds in a given watershed. The optimization routine of the program utilizes a piece-wise linear approximation method in its analysis.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1979
- Identifier
- CFR0003496, ucf:53020
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Feedback Intervention Perceptions: Development and Validation of a Measure.
- Creator
Young, Brandon, Fritzsche, Barbara, Joseph, Dana, Jentsch, Kimberly, Roth, Colin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Reactions toward performance feedback have critical implications for organizations and are of great interest to practitioners. Unfortunately, the measurement of employee experiences with feedback intervention varies widely and the literature is flooded with atheoretical, untested measures. Measurement is also commonly done at a global reaction level, largely neglecting the complexity of feedback intervention. The current study presents and tests a new multidimensional measure of feedback...
Show moreReactions toward performance feedback have critical implications for organizations and are of great interest to practitioners. Unfortunately, the measurement of employee experiences with feedback intervention varies widely and the literature is flooded with atheoretical, untested measures. Measurement is also commonly done at a global reaction level, largely neglecting the complexity of feedback intervention. The current study presents and tests a new multidimensional measure of feedback intervention perceptions. The measure is intended to capture facet level perceptions regarding the characteristics of five feedback intervention components (i.e., Performance Measurement, Feedback Content, Feedback Delivery, Organizational System Support, and Feedback Source). Items were generated deductively based on influential works in the feedback and performance management literatures. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a five-factor structure. Correlational analyses demonstrated strong but differential relationships between the measure and several global feedback reaction measures and job satisfaction. Finally, regression analyses demonstrated significant direct effects of feedback intervention perceptions on motivation and intent to use feedback. Organizational (procedural and distributive) justice served to mediate the relationship between the Feedback Intervention Perceptions Scale and motivation. Overall, results support the validity and potential utility of the Feedback Perceptions Scale for both research and practice. Implications for theory and practice and directions for future research are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006237, ucf:51068
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Examining the Impact of Error Encouragement on Training Outcomes.
- Creator
Lyons, Rebecca, Salas, Eduardo, Jentsch, Florian, Joseph, Dana, Cendan, Juan, Burke, Shawn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Error management training has been praised as an effective strategy for facilitating adaptive transfer. However, potential variations have not yet been examined to determine if an alternative format may be equally or more effective. As standard practice, error-related instructions in error management training encourage learners to make errors and to view these errors as learning opportunities. Also, an overwhelming majority of research on this topic has focused learner development of...
Show moreError management training has been praised as an effective strategy for facilitating adaptive transfer. However, potential variations have not yet been examined to determine if an alternative format may be equally or more effective. As standard practice, error-related instructions in error management training encourage learners to make errors and to view these errors as learning opportunities. Also, an overwhelming majority of research on this topic has focused learner development of procedural computer software skills. The empirical literature provides little guidance in terms of the boundaries within which error management training is an effective training approach. The purpose of this research was to examine the relative effectiveness of a modified error management training approach for influencing adaptive transfer in contrast to both standard error management training and error avoidant training. The modified error management approach encouraged learners to do their best to avoid errors, but maintained traditional instructions to learn from errors. The effectiveness of these three training conditions for promoting adaptive transfer was examined in two studies. The first study applied the error strategies to a complex decision-making task, and the second study compared the strategies relative effectiveness for a fine motor skills task. Study 1 results indicated that both error management training approaches were associated with higher adaptive learning compared to an error avoidant training approach. Error management and the modified error management did not significantly differ. In Study 2, error management training and error avoidant training both demonstrated greater adaptive transfer than did the modified approach. The mediating roles of metacognition and emotion regulation were examined, but unsupported, in both studies. Implications for future research and organizational practice are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005372, ucf:50444
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ricci, Peter, Tubbs, LeVester, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT This study compared lodging managers' job competency expectations for newly hired employees in possession of four-year (baccalaureate) degrees from a college or university. Lodging managers mentally separated new hires into two distinct categories when rating the importance of specific job competencies: 1) new hires in possession of a hospitality management baccalaureate degree, and 2) new hires in possession of a non-hospitality management baccalaureate degree. Lodging managers who...
Show moreABSTRACT This study compared lodging managers' job competency expectations for newly hired employees in possession of four-year (baccalaureate) degrees from a college or university. Lodging managers mentally separated new hires into two distinct categories when rating the importance of specific job competencies: 1) new hires in possession of a hospitality management baccalaureate degree, and 2) new hires in possession of a non-hospitality management baccalaureate degree. Lodging managers who were current members of the Central Florida Hotel & Lodging Association (CFHLA) at the time of the survey participated and all were employed in the central Florida area at the time of the study. In the fall of 2004, lodging managers (N=156) were sent an electronic mail correspondence requesting participation. Usable responses were received from 137 lodging managers for a response rate of 87.82%. The survey instrument was developed from a literature review of hospitality job competencies and was refined to 3 content areas: knowledge, ability, and attitude. Research questions were designed to identify differences, if any, in lodging manager new hire expectations based upon several criteria: a) type of baccalaureate degree held by the new hire (hospitality management versus other field), b) gender of the manager, c) number of years the manager had worked in the lodging industry, d) whether or not the manager possessed a baccalaureate degree at the time of the survey, e) if the manager possessed a baccalaureate degree, whether the degree was hospitality or non-hospitality specific, and, f) the type of lodging facility employing the manager at the time of questionnaire completion. These comparisons were made between the two groups of new-hires with baccalaureate hospitality degrees and new-hires with non-hospitality baccalaureate degrees. Consistently, lodging managers rated higher expectations for new-hires when the newly hired employees possessed a baccalaureate degree in hospitality or lodging management versus a non-hospitality discipline. Ramifications of these findings are discussed pursuant to higher education hospitality programs, the lodging industry, and human resource professionals recruiting future lodging managers. Future research is suggested utilizing a wider regional, national, and/or international sample.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000343, ucf:46304
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Moore, Karla, Rabelo, Luis, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Successful Supply Chain Management (SCM) depends on how well an organization performs internal and external communications with trading partners, executes the logistics component, and understands/monitors related costs of conducting its business. The use of information technology (IT) is considered a prerequisite for the effective control of today's complex supply chains. Increased communication technology has redefined how businesses work together, raised customer expectations, and...
Show moreSuccessful Supply Chain Management (SCM) depends on how well an organization performs internal and external communications with trading partners, executes the logistics component, and understands/monitors related costs of conducting its business. The use of information technology (IT) is considered a prerequisite for the effective control of today's complex supply chains. Increased communication technology has redefined how businesses work together, raised customer expectations, and placed new demands on supply chain performance. IT components with proven and rapid return-on-investment are favored to support critical supply chain processes such as leaner manufacturing processes, consumer-driven supply chains, and customer responsiveness. The use of IT in the digital era has become critical and it is treated as a major competitive tool for success. Complex and comprehensive IT infrastructures support the firm's communications network, databases, and operating systems. Information technology facilitates the creation of value. However, the creation of value is defined by the different groups of stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholders must be integrated into this process of change management that uses IT as the enabler. Supply chains are due to change when higher levels of performance and/or adaptation are required as mandated by changes in the business structure and/or benchmarking and/or regulations. One of the major problems for any supply chain executive is to understand and manage these changes. These changes usually require the implementation of an IT project. Therefore, the successful design, execution, and completion of these IT projects are important for the supply chain. SCM is now a strategic function addressed at the highest levels of the organization in concert with multiple stakeholders on both the supplier and customer side of the table. The aim of this dissertation is to develop a value mapping framework involving stakeholders to improve supply chain performance when implementing IT projects. The framework has components that help define the supply chain, measure the size of the issues, identify necessary changes in the metrics to improve performance, measure the organizational consequences of these changes, and develop and follow a plan to implement IT projects to achieve the new goals of performance. Through this new framework, these IT projects will be able to bring the supply chain from a current state "As is" to a future state "To be"; capturing the existing and desired states of the proposed changes which are aligned with the objectives and goals of the organization. Therefore, the IT project can be designed, executed, and completed. One unique component of this framework is the inclusion of the stakeholders at different stages. This framework identifies the group of stakeholders to be taken into consideration in order to define the future "To be" state. In addition, the framework identifies the value creation of the "To be" system as seen by the stakeholders.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002108, ucf:47541
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Suazo, Alexis, Stout, I. Jack, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Proper habitat management is essential for the survival and reproduction of species, especially those listed under state or federal laws as endangered, threatened or of special concern, and those with small local populations. Land managers use a combination of mechanical cutting and prescribed burning to manage and restore degraded scrub habitat in east central Florida. This approach improves habitat for the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), but little is known about its...
Show moreProper habitat management is essential for the survival and reproduction of species, especially those listed under state or federal laws as endangered, threatened or of special concern, and those with small local populations. Land managers use a combination of mechanical cutting and prescribed burning to manage and restore degraded scrub habitat in east central Florida. This approach improves habitat for the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), but little is known about its effects on other taxa, especially the threatened southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris). This single species approach may not be beneficial to other taxa, and mechanical cutting and prescribed burning may have detrimental effects on P. p. niveiventris. To evaluate the effects of land management techniques on P. p. niveiventris, I live trapped populations at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station near Titusville, Florida during 2004-2005. I evaluated the relative abundance and related demographic parameters of small mammal populations trapped in compartments under different land management treatments, and investigated the relationship between Florida scrub-jay breeding groups using these compartments and abundance of southeastern beach mice. My results suggest that P. p. niveiventris responded positively to prescribed burning, while the cotton mouse (P. gossypinus) responded positively to the mechanical cutting. Reproduction and body mass of southeastern beach mice were similar across land management compartments. Abundance of Florida scrub-jay breeding groups and southeastern beach mice were positively correlated suggesting that both listed species benefited from the same land management activities. A mosaic of burned and cut patches should be maintained to support small mammal diversity. In addition, adaptive management should be used at CCAFS to understand how small mammals, particularly the southeastern beach mouse, respond to land management activities.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001521, ucf:47124
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Dennis, Lynda, Wang, XiaoHu, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
How well a local government is able to provide for the needs and preferences of its citizens generally depends on the financial resources available; and, how such resources are allocated, distributed, and managed. Demographics, size of local government, supply and age of infrastructure, financial position of the government, and the local economy represent a few of the factors affecting what public goods and services citizens prefer. Internal systems of accounting and control affect the...
Show moreHow well a local government is able to provide for the needs and preferences of its citizens generally depends on the financial resources available; and, how such resources are allocated, distributed, and managed. Demographics, size of local government, supply and age of infrastructure, financial position of the government, and the local economy represent a few of the factors affecting what public goods and services citizens prefer. Internal systems of accounting and control affect the allocation, distribution, and management of financial resources. As such, these internal systems significantly affect the provision of public goods and services. The research outlined in this study examined the relationship between a government's financial management capacity (independent variable) and its financial condition (dependent variable), while controlling for environmental factors related to governance and demographics. Financial condition was quantitatively measured using financial ratios calculated from a database of over 1,600 U.S. cities compiled by the Government Finance Officers Association. Financial management capacity and its relationship to financial condition were measured with a survey of the chief financial officers of almost 500 of the sample cities. This research was exploratory in nature as there is little empirical evidence with respect to financial management capacity or its relationship to overall financial condition. In this study certain statistically significant moderate correlations were found with respect to financial condition and financial management capacity. However, multiple regression analysis of financial condition and financial management capacity (controlling for governance and socio-economic factors), indicated no statistically significant relationship between them as conceptualized and operationalized for this study. When controlling for certain governance and socio-economic factors, annual limits on increases in assessed property valuations and population were found to be statistically significant with respect to financial condition. Additionally, these control variables increased and decreased financial condition, respectively. A major contribution made to the literature by this study lies in its attempt to establish an empirical relationship between financial management capacity and government performance as measured by financial condition. Based on existing literature as reviewed by this researcher, the testing of this relationship had not been done previously. This study defined and measured both financial management capacity and financial condition in dimensions and indicators that can be used in future research. Additionally, efforts were made to test the internal reliability of both measures. The results of this research indicated there are a number of other financial management capacity and environmental factors influencing financial condition beyond those identified in this study. This research also provided insight regarding the extent financial management capacity affects financial condition even though such relationships were not found to be statistically significant. Because no statistically significant relationships between financial condition and financial management capacity were found in this study, additional research is necessary to further explore this relationship as well as the correlation between the various indicators of these concepts.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000187, ucf:46162
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Parolia, Neeraj, Jiang, James, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
IS vendor organizations are increasingly using program management practices to manage complex projects (Gierra 2004). The move to program teams is due to the realization that the management of many client projects and their underlying dependencies requires teamwork among project managers from different projects (Cooke-Davies 2002; Ferratt et al. 2006; Sanghera 2007). With two separate studies, first we extend the team competence framework and utilize organizational learning theory to...
Show moreIS vendor organizations are increasingly using program management practices to manage complex projects (Gierra 2004). The move to program teams is due to the realization that the management of many client projects and their underlying dependencies requires teamwork among project managers from different projects (Cooke-Davies 2002; Ferratt et al. 2006; Sanghera 2007). With two separate studies, first we extend the team competence framework and utilize organizational learning theory to understand the antecedents and outcomes of teamwork behaviors. Empirical results from the first study indicated that teamwork behaviors within the program team were significantly related to an increase in team competencies of personnel development, methodology development and dissemination and customer focus. Further, the three program team competencies were a significant predictor of program outcomes. In the second study, we investigate the outcomes of conflict resolution and their impact on program performance. The results indicated that conflict resolution can enhance the level of communication, mutual support and effort among IS program members Directions for practitioners and implications for future research are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002344, ucf:47794
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Schlather, Taryn N, Decker, Jonathan, Loerzel, Victoria, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With advancements in healthcare, we continue to find new needs that must be addressed. Hospitals generate a substantial amount of medical waste, and proper disposal is important for patient and staff safety, environmental protection, and cost efficiency. A series of studies show there is a need for further education on hospital waste management policies. This thesis aims to evaluate education interventions to improve knowledge and healthcare waste disposal practices. This literature review...
Show moreWith advancements in healthcare, we continue to find new needs that must be addressed. Hospitals generate a substantial amount of medical waste, and proper disposal is important for patient and staff safety, environmental protection, and cost efficiency. A series of studies show there is a need for further education on hospital waste management policies. This thesis aims to evaluate education interventions to improve knowledge and healthcare waste disposal practices. This literature review was conducted using multiple databases, including MedLINE, CINAHL, GreenFILE, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, and NCBI, to find qualifying research articles in the English language from 2005-2018. Key terms for the searches were: education, training, waste, disposal, healthcare, medical, reduction, hospital, pound, and kilogram. Results demonstrate that further education on hospital waste management has the potential to reduce waste, improve disposal and segregation, and reduce costs. However, the lack of consistency in the research, literature, and educational interventions all pose as limitations. Hospitals have the potential to benefit from improved waste management practices by enhancing patient care, reducing waste, saving costs on waste disposal, and protecting the environment.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFH2000377, ucf:45822
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Allred, Kelly, Byers, Jacqueline, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Objective: The objective of this study was to add to the body of knowledge about the impact of music on postoperative pain and anxiety. The specific purpose of this research study was to determine if listening to music and/or having a quiet rest period just prior to and just after the first ambulation on postoperative day 1 can reduce pain and/or anxiety, or impact mean arterial pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and/or oxygen saturation in patients following a total knee arthroplasty....
Show moreObjective: The objective of this study was to add to the body of knowledge about the impact of music on postoperative pain and anxiety. The specific purpose of this research study was to determine if listening to music and/or having a quiet rest period just prior to and just after the first ambulation on postoperative day 1 can reduce pain and/or anxiety, or impact mean arterial pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and/or oxygen saturation in patients following a total knee arthroplasty. Methods: An experimental repeated measures design was used. Setting: A postoperative orthopedic unit in a 300-bed community hospital in the southeastern United States. Sample: Fifty-six patients having a total knee arthroplasty, randomly assigned to either a music intervention group or a quiet rest group. Measures: A visual analog scale was used to measure pain and anxiety. Physiological measures, including blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate, were also obtained. Results: A repeated measures analysis of variance between and within groups was conducted for pain and anxiety. Statistical findings between groups indicated the music group's decrease in pain or anxiety was not significantly different from the comparison rest group's decrease in pain (F = 1.120, p = .337) or anxiety (F = 1.566, p = .206) at any measurement point. However, statistical findings within groups indicated that when the groups were combined, the sample had a statistically significant decrease in pain (F = 6.699, p = .001) and anxiety (F = 4.08, p = .013) over time. Post hoc analyses showed the significant decrease in pain was from time 1 (just prior to the initiation of music or rest) to time 2 (just after 20 minutes of music or rest) (t(55) = 4.751, p = .000). Post hoc analyses showed the significant decrease in anxiety was from time 1 (just prior to the initiation of music or rest) to time 2 (just after 20 minutes of music or rest) (t(55) = 2.86, p = .006). Additionally, anxiety decreased significantly from time 3 (just after physical therapy) and time 4 (after second period of 20 minutes of music or rest period) (t(55) = 2.222, p = .030). Implications: Results of this research provides evidence to support the use of music and/or a quiet rest period to decrease pain and anxiety when initiated just before and just after ambulation on postoperative day 1 following a total joint arthroplasty of the knee. The interventions pose no risks, and have the benefits of improved pain reports and decreased anxiety. It potentially could be opioid sparing in some individuals, limiting the negative effects from opioids. Nurses can offer music as an intervention to decrease pain and anxiety in this patient population with confidence, knowing there is evidence to support its efficacy.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001634, ucf:47228
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Li, Yuzhu, Jiang, James, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Multiple related software development projects are often managed concurrently and systematically to deliver a complex software system. This approach of managing multiple interdependent projects together to achieve a common goal is called program management (Pellegrinelli, 1997). A software development program can generate the benefits that cannot be achieved by managing projects individually. The software product development program has the special characteristics such as complexity,...
Show moreMultiple related software development projects are often managed concurrently and systematically to deliver a complex software system. This approach of managing multiple interdependent projects together to achieve a common goal is called program management (Pellegrinelli, 1997). A software development program can generate the benefits that cannot be achieved by managing projects individually. The software product development program has the special characteristics such as complexity, uncertainty and interdependence (1995). A software product development program can play an active role in managing the uncertainty and interdependence in the software development process. This dissertation is designed to examine the external communication effectiveness of the program team on the interdependence between the program and the larger organizational context. In addition, this dissertation studies the inter-project coordination effectiveness on uncertainty within a program. Based upon organizational Information Processing Theory (IPT) and Resource Dependence Theory (RDT), theoretical frameworks are developed. The proposed research models are tested by surveying software product development programs across a range of industries. The results will contribute to the understanding of multiple-project communication in a program's context. The specific interactions between coordination/communication and the product development characteristics will provide a guideline for the industrial practices.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002305, ucf:47866
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Stormwater Management for Urban Areas.
- Creator
Chancellor, Gerald L., Wanielista, Martin P., Engineering
- Abstract / Description
Florida Technological University College of Engineering Thesis; Stormwater management in urban areas is a major concern today. The problem of disposing of this stormwater runoff in a satisfactory manner is very difficult indeed. Both the quantity and quality aspects of the runoff must be dealt with to obtain a solution of this problem. The water quality of the runoff can vary depending upon the different land uses of the drainage basin. The quantity of the stormwater runoff also depends upon...
Show moreFlorida Technological University College of Engineering Thesis; Stormwater management in urban areas is a major concern today. The problem of disposing of this stormwater runoff in a satisfactory manner is very difficult indeed. Both the quantity and quality aspects of the runoff must be dealt with to obtain a solution of this problem. The water quality of the runoff can vary depending upon the different land uses of the drainage basin. The quantity of the stormwater runoff also depends upon the land uses, the rainfall intensity and duration of the storm. The traditional methods available for determining the quantity of the stormwater runoff are numerous. These traditional methods and recently developed mathematical simulation models are discussed in this paper. Prediction of the water quality of stormwater runoff is in its infancy. Several of the mathematical models have the capabilities of quality simulation, however, the simulation results are usually inconsistent with actual quality data. Of the simulation models currently in use, the EPA Storm Water Management Model is one of the most comprehensive models. Application and verification of these newly developed models is limited. The EPA Model was chosen to simulate the quantity and quality of a small urban drainage area. The study area chosen was an urban commercial section of the Lake Eola drainage basin. Physical data of the study area, such as ground slopes, storm swere sizes and locations and slopes were determined. This data was then utilized for simulations of actual rainfall events. Verification of the quantity and quality simulation results was performed with actual quantity and quality data obtained for these rainfall events. Quantity simulation was considered successful with good correlation between the simulated and actual runoff. Quality simulation was successful to a lesser degree, the conclusion being that further quality calibration of the Model was required. Correlation between actual and simulated stormwater quality was achieved to some extent. The lack of correlation was felt to be due to calibration of the Model.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1975
- Identifier
- CFR0008137, ucf:52951
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sahin, Bahadir, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Crisis management has become one of the most important public policy areas in recent decades with greater numbers of manmade and natural disasters. History showed that well-implemented crisis management policies can save lives and reduce costs in a disaster. Literature offered various suggestions for more effective crisis management policies with different techniques utilizing different theoretical frameworks. Informal relationships among crisis management employees were suggested to have a...
Show moreCrisis management has become one of the most important public policy areas in recent decades with greater numbers of manmade and natural disasters. History showed that well-implemented crisis management policies can save lives and reduce costs in a disaster. Literature offered various suggestions for more effective crisis management policies with different techniques utilizing different theoretical frameworks. Informal relationships among crisis management employees were suggested to have a positive impact on crisis management effectiveness. Yet it was not demonstrated with advanced statistical tools if there is such a relationship. This study considers crisis management effort as a network effort and employs complex adaptive systems theory in order to understand factors influencing effectiveness of crisis management networks. Complex adaptive systems theory presents that more open communication lines in a given network or an organization would increase effectiveness of it since inner processes of the network or organization would obtain more information from the chaotic environment. Quality of informal relationships (casual relationships, social capital etc.) was hypothesized as a tool to open more communication lines within an agency which would eventually increase effectiveness of the network constructed by the organization. Based on the theoretical framework, adaptiveness capacity of the agencies was also tested in order to understand a correlation between adaptation and effectiveness of crisis management networks. Multiple case-study method was employed to identify incidents that can represent crisis management in full perspective. Terrorist attacks carried upon by the same terrorist network hit New York in 2001, Istanbul in 2003, Madrid in 2004, and London in 2005 were selected. First response phase of crisis management and policy changes after and before the attacks were discussed. Public administration processes and other social-economical conditions of countries were examined in terms of crisis management structure. Names of key agencies of selected crisis management systems were suggested by a social network analysis tool-UCINET. Six key agencies per incident were targeted for surveys. Surveys included a nine-item-quality of informal relationships, four-item-adaptiveness capability, and ten-item-perceived effectiveness of crisis management networks-scales. Respondents were asked to fill in online surveys where they could refer to their colleagues in the same incidents. 230 respondents were aimed and 246 survey responses were obtained as a result. Surveys formed a structural equation model representing 23 observed factors and 2 latent constructs. Confirmatory factor analysis was utilized to validate hypothesis-driven conceptual models. Quality of informal relationships was found to have a significant positive impact on perceived crisis management network effectiveness (Standardized regression coefficient = .39). Two of the adaptiveness variables, openness to change and intra-organizational training were also positively correlated with the dependent variable of the study (Standardized regression coefficient = .40 and .26 respectively). Turkish and American groups' differences suggested a social-economical difference in societies. Majority of the respondents were some type of managers which made it possible to generalize the results for all phases of crisis management. Discussions suggested improved informal relationships among crisis management employees to provide a better crisis management during an extreme event. Collaborative social events were offered to improve crisis management effectiveness. An agency's openness to change proposed that a crisis management organization should be flexible in rules and structureto gain more efficacy. The other adaptiveness variable, intra-organizational training efforts were proposed to have certain influence on effectiveness of crisis management network. Factors built latent construct of perceived crisis management effectiveness were also found out to be important on crisis management, which of some are ability to carry out generic crisis management functions, mobilize personnel and resources efficiently, process information adequately, blend emergent and established entities, provide appropriate reports for news media etc. Study contributed to the complex adaptive system theory since the fundamentals of the theory were tested with an advanced quantitative method. Non-linear relationships within a system were tested in order to reveal a correlation as the theory suggested, where the results were convincingly positive. Crisis management networks' effectiveness was demonstrated to be validated by a ten-item-scale successfully. Future research might utilize more disaster cases both natural and manmade, search for impact of different communication tools within a system, and look at the relationships among members of crisis management networks instead looking within an organization.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002709, ucf:48173
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Crandall, James, Chase, Arlen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Water management techniques in the Southern Maya Lowlands are both regionally diverse and site specific. This thesis examines the water management strategies of the Classic Period Maya at the site of Caracol, Belize. While it is likely that elites at Caracol controlled the redistribution of resources, i.e. craft and agricultural products, it is probable that the production of agricultural resources and the maintenance of water resource acquisition took place on a more local level. In order to...
Show moreWater management techniques in the Southern Maya Lowlands are both regionally diverse and site specific. This thesis examines the water management strategies of the Classic Period Maya at the site of Caracol, Belize. While it is likely that elites at Caracol controlled the redistribution of resources, i.e. craft and agricultural products, it is probable that the production of agricultural resources and the maintenance of water resource acquisition took place on a more local level. In order to test this hypothesis, a sample of five reservoirs were examined through original research and situated in conjunction with past settlement studies - to determine the water storage capacity and likely function of different water management features throughout the built environment of Caracol. As a result, this thesis argues that the placement and construction of water management features - i.e., reservoirs - at the site of Caracol, Belize are indicative of specific landscape patterns which are expressed by a distinct vernacular construction style and are also a reflection of the socio-political organization present within the site during the Late Classic Period.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002652, ucf:48246
- Format
- Document (PDF)