Current Search: chlorine (x)
Arevalo, Jorge, Taylor, James, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect that water quality, pipe material, pipe size, flow conditions and the use of corrosion inhibitors would have on the rate of free chlorine and chloramine decay in distribution systems. Empirical models were developed to predict the disinfectant residual concentration with time based on the parameters that affected it. Different water treatment processes were used to treat groundwater and surface water to obtain 7 types of finished waters...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to identify the effect that water quality, pipe material, pipe size, flow conditions and the use of corrosion inhibitors would have on the rate of free chlorine and chloramine decay in distribution systems. Empirical models were developed to predict the disinfectant residual concentration with time based on the parameters that affected it. Different water treatment processes were used to treat groundwater and surface water to obtain 7 types of finished waters with a wide range of water quality characteristics. The groundwater was treated either by conventional treatment by aeration (G1) or softening (G2) or high pressure reverse osmosis (RO) and the surface water was treated either by enhanced coagulation, ozonation and GAC filtration (CSF-O3-GAC or S1) or an integrated membrane system (CSF-NF or S2). The remaining two water types were obtained by treating a blend of G1, S1 and RO by softening (S2) and nanofiltration (G4). A pilot distribution systems (PDS) consisting of eighteen (18) lines was built using old pipes obtained from existing distribution system. The pipe materials used were polyvinyl chloride (PVC), lined cast iron (LCI), unlined cast iron (UCI) and galvanized steel (G). During the first stage of the study, the 7 types of water were blended and fed to the PDS to study the effect of feed water quality changes on PDS effluent water quality, and specifically disinfectant residual. Both free chlorine and chloramines were used as disinfectant and the PDSs were operated at hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 2 and 5 days. The PDSs were periodically tested for free and combined chlorine, organic content, temperature, pH, turbidity and color. The data obtained were used to develop separate models for free chlorine and chloramines. The best fit model was a first-order kinetic model with respect to initial disinfectant concentration that is dependent on the pipe material, pipe diameter and the organic content and temperature of the water. Turbidity, color and pH were found to be not significant for the range of values observed. The models contain two decay constants, the first constant (KB) accounts for the decay due to reaction in the bulk liquid and is affected by the organics and temperature while the second constant, KW, represents the reactions at the pipe wall and is affected by the temperature of the water and the pipe material and diameter. The rate of free chlorine and chloramine decay was found to be highly affected by the pipe material, the decay was faster in unlined metallic pipes (UCI and G) and slower in the synthetic (PVC) and lined pipes (LCI). The models showed that the rate of disinfectant residual loss increases with the increase of temperature or the organics in the water irrespective of pipe material. During the second part of the study, corrosion control inhibitors were added to a blend of S1, G1 and RO that fed all the hybrid PDSs. The inhibitors used were: orthophosphate, blended ortho-polyphosphate, zinc orthophosphate and sodium silicate. Three PDSs were used for each inhibitor type, for a total of 12 PDSs, to study the effect of low, medium and high dose on water quality. Two PDSs were used as control, fed with the blend without any inhibitor addition. The control PDSs were used to observe the effect of pH control on water quality and compare to the inhibitor use. One of the control PDSs (called PDS 13) had the pH adjusted to be equal to the saturation pH in relation to calcium carbonate precipitation (pHs) while the pH of the other control PDS (PDS 14) was adjusted to be 0.3 pH units above the pHs. The disinfectant used for this part of the study was chloramine and the flow rates were set to obtain a HRT of 2 days. The chloramine demand was the same for PDS 14 and all the PDSs receiving inhibitors. PDS 13 had a chloramine demand greater than any other PDS. The lowest chloramine demand was observed in PDS 12, which received silicate inhibitor at a dose of 12 mg/L, and presented the highest pH. The elevation of pH of the water seems to reduce the rate of decay of chloramines while the use of corrosion inhibitors did not have any effect. on the rate of chloramine decay. The PDS were monitored for chloramine residual, temperature, pH, phosphate, reactive silica, and organic content. Empirical models were developed for the dissipation of chloramine in the pilot distribution systems as a function of time, pipe material, pipe diameter and water quality. Terms accounting for the effect of pH and the type and dose of corrosion inhibitor were included in the model. The use of phosphate-based or silica-based corrosion inhibitors was found to have no effect on the rate of chloramine dissipation in any of the pipe materials. Only the increase of pH was found to decrease the rate of chloramine decay. The model to best describe the decay of chloramine in the pilot distribution systems was a first-order kinetic model containing separate rate constants for the bulk reactions, pH effect and the pipe wall reactions. The rate of chloramine decay was dependent on the material and diameter of the pipe, and the temperature, pH and organic content of the water. The rate of chloramine decay was low for PVC and LCI, and more elevated in UCI and G pipes. Small diameter pipes and higher temperatures increase the rate of chlorine decay irrespective of pipe material. Additional experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of flow velocity on chloramine decay in a pilot distribution system (PDS) for different pipe materials and water qualities. The experiments were done using the single material lines and the flow velocity of the water was varied to obtain Reynolds' numbers from 50 to 8000. A subset of experiments included the addition of blended orthophosphate corrosion inhibitor (BOP) at a dose of 1.0 mg/L as P to evaluate the effect of the inhibitor on chloramine decay. The effect of Reynolds' number on the overall chloramine decay rate (K) and the wall decay rate constant (W) was assessed for PVC, LCI, UCI, and G pipes. PVC and LCI showed no change on the rate of chloramine decay at any flow velocity. UCI and G pipes showed a rapid increase on the wall decay rate under laminar conditions (Re < 500) followed by a more gradual increase under fully turbulent flow conditions (Re > 2000). The use of the BOP inhibitor did not have an effect on the rate of chloramine decay for any of the pipe materials studied. Linear correlations were developed to adjust the rate of chloramine decay at the pipe wall for UCI and G depending on the Reynolds' number.
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Date Issued
CFE0001863, ucf:47400
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Doyle, Drew, Ni, Liqiang, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Public water supplies contain disease-causing microorganisms in the water or distribution ducts. In order to kill off these pathogens, a disinfectant, such as chlorine, is added to the water. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in all U.S. water treatment facilities. Chlorine is known to be one of the most powerful disinfectants to restrict harmful pathogens from reaching the consumer. In the interest of obtaining a better understanding of what variables affect the levels of...
Show morePublic water supplies contain disease-causing microorganisms in the water or distribution ducts. In order to kill off these pathogens, a disinfectant, such as chlorine, is added to the water. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant in all U.S. water treatment facilities. Chlorine is known to be one of the most powerful disinfectants to restrict harmful pathogens from reaching the consumer. In the interest of obtaining a better understanding of what variables affect the levels of chlorine in the water, this thesis will analyze a particular set of water samples randomly collected from locations in Orange County, Florida. Thirty water samples will be collected and have their chlorine level, temperature, and pH recorded. A linear regression analysis will be performed on the data collected with several qualitative and quantitative variables. Water storage time, temperature, time of day, location, pH, and dissolved oxygen level will be the independent variables collected from each water sample. All data collected will be analyzed through various Statistical Analysis System (SAS) procedures. Partial residual plots will be used to determine possible relationships between the chlorine level and the independent variables and stepwise selection to eliminate possible insignificant predictors. From there, several possible models for the data will be selected. F tests will be conducted to determine which of the models appears to be the most useful. All tests will include hypotheses, test statistics, p values, and conclusions. There will also be an analysis of the residual plot, jackknife residuals, leverage values, Cook's D, press statistic, and normal probability plot of the residuals. Possible outliers will be investigated and the critical values for flagged observations will be stated along with what problems the flagged values indicate.
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Date Issued
CFH0004907, ucf:45497
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Mukattash, Adhem, Randall, Andrew, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The objective of the study was to compare the trihalomethanes (THMs) produced from ferrate with hypochlorite and to determine how different the THM production would be for a given degree of disinfection (3 log reduction in Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)). Different water samples were collected from Lake Claire, Atlantic Ocean, and secondary effluent from an advanced wastewater treatment plant. THM formation was determined using a standard assay over 7 days at room temperature. In addition...
Show moreThe objective of the study was to compare the trihalomethanes (THMs) produced from ferrate with hypochlorite and to determine how different the THM production would be for a given degree of disinfection (3 log reduction in Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC)). Different water samples were collected from Lake Claire, Atlantic Ocean, and secondary effluent from an advanced wastewater treatment plant. THM formation was determined using a standard assay over 7 days at room temperature. In addition samples were tested for Total Coliform Escherichia coli (TC/E.coli), and heterotrophic bacteria using HPC by spreadplating on R2A agar. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured as well. Dosages of 2, 5, and 10 ppm of hypochlorite and ferrate were used for Lake Claire and Atlantic Ocean water, while 1, 2, and 5 ppm dosages were used for wastewater treatment effluent. Ferrate resulted in 48.3% ± 11.2% less THM produced for the same level of disinfection (i.e. approximately 3 logs reduction in HPC). Oxidation of DOC was relatively small with a 6.1 to 11.6 % decrease in DOC being observed for ferrate doses from 2 to 10 mg/L. Free chlorine oxidation of DOC was negligible.
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Date Issued
CFE0001734, ucf:47324
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Mehta, Anjum, Cho, Hyoung (Joe), University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Hydrogen peroxide and chlorine detection is critical for many biological and environmental applications. Hydrogen peroxide plays important roles in a variety of fields including plant physiology, medical, environmental and biochemical applications. Its role in plant defense and signal transduction, diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzhemier's, industrial processes such as disinfection and wastewater treatment and biochemical enzymatic reactions is critical. Given the gamut of areas that...
Show moreHydrogen peroxide and chlorine detection is critical for many biological and environmental applications. Hydrogen peroxide plays important roles in a variety of fields including plant physiology, medical, environmental and biochemical applications. Its role in plant defense and signal transduction, diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzhemier's, industrial processes such as disinfection and wastewater treatment and biochemical enzymatic reactions is critical. Given the gamut of areas that hydrogen peroxide is a key component of; its detection assumes great importance. Similarly chlorine has long been used as a disinfectant for making drinking water safe, but excessive chlorination is an environmental and health hazard in itself. In this work, micromachining techniques have been used to design, fabricate and test electrochemical sensors and microneedle structure that can be integrated for detection of hydrogen peroxide and free chlorine. A novel nanomaterial has been integrated with the hydrogen peroxide microsensor, which greatly increases the sensor lifetime and robustness. Miniaturization, low detection limits, high sensitivity and selectivity, as well as ease of fabrication are some of the other advantages of this work.
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Date Issued
CFE0000895, ucf:46627
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Vasquez, Ferdinand, Taylor, James, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Total lead release in drinking water in the presence of free chlorine and chloramine residuals was investigated in field, laboratory and fundamental investigations for finished waters produced from ground (GW), surface (SW), saline (RO) and blended (B) sources. Field investigations found more total lead was released in the presence of chloramines than in the presence of free chlorine for RO and blended finished waters; however, there were no statistical differences in total lead release to...
Show moreTotal lead release in drinking water in the presence of free chlorine and chloramine residuals was investigated in field, laboratory and fundamental investigations for finished waters produced from ground (GW), surface (SW), saline (RO) and blended (B) sources. Field investigations found more total lead was released in the presence of chloramines than in the presence of free chlorine for RO and blended finished waters; however, there were no statistical differences in total lead release to finished GW and SW. Laboratory measurements of finished waters oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) were equivalent by source and were not affected by the addition of more than 100 mg/L of sulfates or chlorides, but were significantly higher in the presence of free chlorine relative to chloramines. Development of Pourbaix diagrams revealed the PbO2 was the controlling solid phase at the higher ORP in the presence of free chlorine and Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2(s) (hydrocerussite) was the controlling solid phase in the presence of chloramines at the lower ORP, which mechanistically accounted for the observed release of total lead as PbO2 is much less soluble than hydrocerussite. The lack of differences in total lead release to finished GW and SW was attributed to differences in water quality and intermittent behavior of particulate release from controlling solid films.
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Date Issued
CFE0000533, ucf:46427
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Rodriguez, Angela, Duranceau, Steven, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Chemical disinfection is the cornerstone of safe drinking water. However, the use of chemical disinfection results in the unintentional formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), an outcome of reactions between the disinfectant and natural organic matter (NOM) present in the native (raw) water. DBPs are suspected carcinogens, and as such, have been regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This document reports the results of a...
Show moreChemical disinfection is the cornerstone of safe drinking water. However, the use of chemical disinfection results in the unintentional formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), an outcome of reactions between the disinfectant and natural organic matter (NOM) present in the native (raw) water. DBPs are suspected carcinogens, and as such, have been regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). This document reports the results of a study that investigated the use of chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation for the reduction of DBP precursors, and subsequently, DBP formation potential (FP). To determine the effectiveness of the chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation process, two surface waters were studied: raw water from Lake Claire (Orlando, FL) and raw water from the East Maui Watershed (Makawao, HI). Lake Claire water contains approximately 11-12 mg/L of NOM and 35 mg/L as CaCO3 of alkalinity, while the Maui source water typically ranges between 7-8 mg/L of NOM with 2-10 mg/L as CaCO3 of alkalinity. Two chlorine dioxide doses were investigated (0.75 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L) and compared to a control to quantify the effectiveness of this advanced pre-treatment oxidation process. Water collected at each site was subject to the following treatment process: oxidation, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, ultrafiltration, and disinfection with free chlorine. Disinfection by-product formation potential (DBPFP) analysis showed that ClO2 pre-oxidation, in general, increased the 7-day DBPFP of the East Maui water, and decreased the 7-day DBPFP of the Lake Claire source water. For the Lake Claire water at the higher ClO2 dose, total trihalomethanes (TTHM) were decreased by 37 percent and the five regulated haloacetic acids (HAA5) by 23 percent. For the East Maui source water at the higher ClO2 dose, TTHM's were increased by 53 percent and HAA5's by 60 percent. Future research should determine the effect of alkalinity on DBPFP, which could be the reason why chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation caused one water source's DBPFP to decrease and the other to increase.
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Date Issued
CFH0004734, ucf:45393
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Evaluating the Integration of Chlorine Dioxide into a Coagulation, Sedimentation, and Filtration Process Treating Surface Water.
Coleman, Martin, Duranceau, Steven, Lee, Woo Hyoung, Sadmani, A H M Anwar, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Methods of optimizing the coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration (CSF) process at a conventional surface water treatment plant (WTP) were conducted to investigate opportunities for the reduction of disinfection by-product (DBP) precursor material. The research had two primary components: (1) optimize coagulant dosage and associated operating pH and (2) investigate pretreatment oxidation with chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4). To accomplish the first...
Show moreMethods of optimizing the coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and filtration (CSF) process at a conventional surface water treatment plant (WTP) were conducted to investigate opportunities for the reduction of disinfection by-product (DBP) precursor material. The research had two primary components: (1) optimize coagulant dosage and associated operating pH and (2) investigate pretreatment oxidation with chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4). To accomplish the first component, jar tests were conducted at various pH and aluminum sulfate (alum) dosages to model current and potential treatment conditions during the CSF process at a WTP. Isopleths were developed to examine the removal efficiencies of turbidity and natural organic matter (NOM). NOM is a DBP precursor material and was represented by non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) throughout the research. Isopleths indicated that at pH 6.2 and a corresponding alum dosage of 20 mg/L (control condition), turbidity and DOC were reduced by 90 and 35 percent, respectively. However, at pH 5.5 and 30 mg/L alum dosage, turbidity removal decreased to 80 percent whereas, DOC removal improved to 50 percent. Jar testing was conducted to evaluate differences in the use of KMnO4 and ClO2 as a pretreatment chemical to observe the reduction of DBP precursor material (i.e., NOM), dissolved iron, and dissolved manganese. Addition of ClO2 was able to reduce total trihalomethanes and haloacetic acid formation potentials (168-hours) up to 40 percent and 15 percent, respectively, and was dependent on chlorine dioxide generation method, dosage, and raw water characteristics. Chlorine dioxide also was shown to remove iron and manganese at levels greater than 99 percent.
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Date Issued
CFE0007396, ucf:52078
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Study of the Formation and Control of Disinfection By-Products Originating from a Surface Water Supply on the Volcanic Island of Guam.
Laberge, Erica, Duranceau, Steven, Randall, Andrew, Lee, Woo Hyoung, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Three oxidants have been evaluated for use as alternative chemical pretreatments for Fena Lake, a surface water that supplies the U.S. Navy's Public Water System (PWS) on the volcanic island of Guam. The study consisted of two investigative components. The first and primary component included a bench-scale evaluation to study the effects of different pre-oxidant chemicals on the formation of chlorinated disinfection by-products (DBPs). The second and ancillary component included a series of...
Show moreThree oxidants have been evaluated for use as alternative chemical pretreatments for Fena Lake, a surface water that supplies the U.S. Navy's Public Water System (PWS) on the volcanic island of Guam. The study consisted of two investigative components. The first and primary component included a bench-scale evaluation to study the effects of different pre-oxidant chemicals on the formation of chlorinated disinfection by-products (DBPs). The second and ancillary component included a series of water treatment and distribution system management studies that analyzed DBP formation within the treatment plant and water distribution system. The goal of this research was to reduce total trihalomethane (TTHM) and the five haloacetic acid (HAA5) formations in the PWS.In the primary component of the research, raw surface water from Fena Lake was collected by U.S. Navy personnel and shipped to University of Central Florida (UCF) laboratories for experimentation. Bench-scale tests that simulated the coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration (CSF) that comprises the Navy Water Treatment Plant (NWTP) were used to evaluate the use of two alternative pre-oxidants, potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in lieu of gaseous chlorine (Cl2). The research assessed DBP formation by comparing several pretreatment scenarios, namely: (1) no pretreatment, (2) chlorine pretreatment, and (3) alternative oxidant pretreatment. KMnO4 pretreatment resulted in the lowest percent reduction of TTHMs and HAA5 relative to chlorine pretreatment, at 5.7% and 22.7%, respectively; however, this amount was still a reduction from the results demonstrated for the chlorine pretreatment condition. Without using a pre-oxidant, TTHM and HAA5 formation were reduced by 22.8% and 37.3%, respectively, relative to chlorine pretreatment. Chlorine dioxide demonstrated the greatest TTHM and HAA5 reduction relative to chlorine pretreatment at 34.4% and 53.3%, respectively.The second component of research consisted of a series of studies that evaluated distribution system operations and management alternatives to identify opportunities that could achieve DBP reduction within the PWS. Three concerns that were addressed were the NWTP's compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products (D/DBP) Rule, variable hydraulic detention times within a small subdivision in the distribution system, and severe weather. It was determined that: (1) A decision based on in-plant studies to cease prechlorination at the NWTP resulted in a decrease in TTHMs and HAA5s throughout the distribution system by 62% and 75%, respectively; (2) A fluoride tracer study led to the discovery of a valved pipeline responsible for elevated DBPs because of excessive water age that when exercised and managed resolved intermittent DBP spikes in the PWS; and (3) when the NWTP's ballasted floc clarifier (BFC) was operated in-series prior to the conventional CSF process during severe weather conditions the TTHM and HAA5 were below 39 ug/L and 29 ug/L, respectively, proving BFC in-series is a practical option for the plant during severe weather.
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Date Issued
CFE0005515, ucf:50299
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Application and Optimization of Membrane Processes Treating Brackish and Surficial Groundwater for Potable Water Production.
Tharamapalan, Jayapregasham, Duranceau, Steven, Cooper, Charles, Randall, Andrew, Clausen, Christian, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The research presented in this dissertation provides the results of a comprehensive assessment of the water treatment requirements for the City of Sarasota. The City's drinking water supply originates from two sources: (1) brackish groundwater from the Downtown well field, and (2) Floridan surficial groundwater from the City's Verna well field. At the time the study was initiated, the City treated the brackish water supply using a reverse osmosis process that relied on sulfuric acid for pH...
Show moreThe research presented in this dissertation provides the results of a comprehensive assessment of the water treatment requirements for the City of Sarasota. The City's drinking water supply originates from two sources: (1) brackish groundwater from the Downtown well field, and (2) Floridan surficial groundwater from the City's Verna well field. At the time the study was initiated, the City treated the brackish water supply using a reverse osmosis process that relied on sulfuric acid for pH adjustment as a pretreatment method. The Verna supply was aerated at the well field before transfer to the City's water treatment facility, either for softening using an ion exchange process, or for final blending before supply.For the first phase of the study to evaluate whether the City can operate its brackish groundwater RO process without acid pretreatment, a three-step approach was undertaken that involved: (1) pilot testing the plan to reduce the dependence on acid, (2) implementing the plan on the full-scale system with conservative pH increments, and (3) continuous screening for scale formation potential by means of a (")canary(") monitoring device. Implementation of the study was successful and the annual savings in operating expenditure to the City is projected to be about $120,000.From the acid elimination study, using the relationship between electrical conductivity in water and total dissolved solids in water samples tested, a dynamic approach to evaluate the performance of the reverse osmosis plant was developed. This trending approach uses the mass transfer coefficient principles of the Homogeneous Solution Diffusion Model. Empirical models were also developed to predict mass transfer coefficients for solutes in terms of total dissolved solids and sodium. In the second phase of the study, the use of nanofiltration technology to treat aerated Verna well field water was investigated. The goal was to replace the City's existing ion exchange process for the removal of hardness and total dissolved solids. Different pretreatment options were evaluated for the nanofiltration pilot to remove colloidal sulfur formed during pre-aeration of the groundwater. Sandfilters and ultrafiltration technology were evaluated as pretreatment. The sandfilter was inadequate as a pre-screen to the nanofiltration pilot. The ultrafiltration pilot (with and without a sandfilter as a pre-screen) proved to be an adequate pretreatment to remove particulates and colloids, especially the sulfur colloids in the surficial groundwater source. The nanofiltration pilot, was shown to be an efficient softening process for the Verna well field water, but it was impacted by biofoulants like algae. The algae growth was downstream of the ultrafiltration process, and so chlorination was used in the feed stream of the ultrafiltration process with dechlorination in the nanofiltration feed stream using excess bisulfite to achieve stable operations. Non-phosphonate based scale inhibitors were also used to reduce the availability of nutrients for biofilm growth on the nanofiltration membranes.The combined ultrafiltration-nanofiltration option for treatment of the highly fouling Verna water samples is feasible with chlorination (to control biofouling) and subsequent dechlorination. Alternatively, the study has shown that the City can also more economically and more reliably use ultrafiltration technology to filter all water from its Verna well field and use its current ion exchange process for removal of excess hardness in the water that it supplies.
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Date Issued
CFE0004609, ucf:49926
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