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- Creator
LeDew, Christopher, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the installations of traffic signals affect crash experience at intersections, to identify those factors which help predict crashes after a signal is installed, and to develop a crash prediction model. It is the intent of this thesis to supplement the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Signal Warrant procedure and aid the traffic engineer in the signal installation decision making process. Crash data, as well as operational and geometric...
Show moreThe purpose of this thesis is to explore how the installations of traffic signals affect crash experience at intersections, to identify those factors which help predict crashes after a signal is installed, and to develop a crash prediction model. It is the intent of this thesis to supplement the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Signal Warrant procedure and aid the traffic engineer in the signal installation decision making process. Crash data, as well as operational and geometric factors were examined for 32 state road intersections in the northeast Florida area before and after signal installation. Signal warrant studies were used as sources for traffic volumes, geometric information and crash history, before signal installation. The Florida Department of Transportation's Crash Analysis Reporting System (CARS) was used to gather crash data for the time period after signal installation. On average, the 32 intersections experienced a 12% increase in the total number of crashes and a 26% reduction in crash rate after signals were installed. The change in the number of crashes was not significant, but the rate change was significant with 90% confidence. Angle crash frequency dropped by 60% and the angle crash rate dropped by 66%, both are significant. Left-turn crashes dropped by 8% and their rate by 16%, although neither was significant. Rear-end crashes increased by 86% and the rear-end crash rate decreased by 5%. Neither of these changes was statistically significant. When crash severity was examined, it was found that the number of injury crashes increased by 64.8% and the rate by only 0.02%. Neither change was significant. Both the number of fatal crashes and the rate decreased by 100% and were significant. Property Damage Only (PDO) crashes increased by 96%, after signalization, but this change was not significant. The PDO rate, however, decreased by 46.5% and is significant. Operational factors such as AADT, turning movement counts, and speed limits; and geometric factors such as medians, turn lanes and numbers of lanes were considered to determine their effect on crashes at signalized intersections. Smaller roads, with low AADT, fewer lanes, and a rural character were found to benefit from signalization more than busier urbanized roads, in terms of crash rate reduction. The AADT, roadway cross section, number of lanes, medians, speed limit and left turn volume were all found to be important factors influencing crash rates. This thesis recommends: 1) the use of crash prediction models to supplement the MUTCD Crash Warrant, 2) the addition of a left-turn warrant to the MUTCD signal warranting procedure, and 3) development of an intersection database containing crash data as well as operational and geometric information to aid in future research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001335, ucf:46972
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Safety Effectiveness of Conversion of Two-Way-Left-Turn Lanes into Raised Medians.
- Creator
Alarifi, Saif, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Tatari, Mehmet, Kuo, Pei-Fen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Two way left turn lanes (TWLTL) and raised medians are common median treatments on roadways. This research focused on evaluating the safety effectiveness of conversion of TWLTLs into raised medians using Before-After and Cross Sectional Studies. In the Before-After Studies, we evaluated the effect of this treatment using the Na(&)#239;ve, Before-After with Comparison Group (CG), and Before-After with Empirical Bayes (EB) Methods. In order to apply these methods, a total of 33 segments of a...
Show moreTwo way left turn lanes (TWLTL) and raised medians are common median treatments on roadways. This research focused on evaluating the safety effectiveness of conversion of TWLTLs into raised medians using Before-After and Cross Sectional Studies. In the Before-After Studies, we evaluated the effect of this treatment using the Na(&)#239;ve, Before-After with Comparison Group (CG), and Before-After with Empirical Bayes (EB) Methods. In order to apply these methods, a total of 33 segments of a treated group and 109 segments of a comparison group have been collected. Also, safety performance functions (SPFs) have been developed using the negative binomial model in order to calibrate crash modification factors (CMF) using the Before-After with Empirical Bayes Method. This research also evaluated the safety effectiveness of this treatment on four and six lane roads using Before-After with CG and Before-After with EB. The type of raised medians was further evaluated using Before-After with CG and EB.In sum, the results from this study show that applying the before-After and Cross Sectional studies have proved that the conversion from a TWLTL to a raised median helped to reduce total, fatal and injury, head on, angle, and left turn crashes. It significantly reduces crashes for head-on and left turn crashes, by restricting turning maneuvers. Also, this study has proved that the treatment is more effective on four rather than six lane roads. Furthermore, two types of raised medians, concrete and lawn curb, were evaluated after the conversion from TWLTLs. It was found that both medians have similar effects due to the conversion, and both median types helped in reducing the number of crashes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005122, ucf:50698
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Evaluation of crash modification factors and functions including time trends at intersections.
- Creator
Wang, Jung-Han, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, Wang, Chung-Ching, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic demand has increased as population increased. The US population reached 313,914,040 in 2012 (US Census Bureau, 2015). Increased travel demand may have potential impact on roadway safety and the operational characteristics of roadways. Total crashes and injury crashes at intersections accounted for 40% and 44% of traffic crashes, respectively, on US roadways in 2007 according to the Intersection Safety Issue Brief (FHWA, 2009). Traffic researchers and engineers have developed a...
Show moreTraffic demand has increased as population increased. The US population reached 313,914,040 in 2012 (US Census Bureau, 2015). Increased travel demand may have potential impact on roadway safety and the operational characteristics of roadways. Total crashes and injury crashes at intersections accounted for 40% and 44% of traffic crashes, respectively, on US roadways in 2007 according to the Intersection Safety Issue Brief (FHWA, 2009). Traffic researchers and engineers have developed a quantitative measure of the safety effectiveness of treatments in the form of crash modification factors (CMF). Based on CMFs from multiple studies, the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Part D (AASHTO, 2010) provides CMFs which can be used to determine the expected number of crash reduction or increase after treatments were installed. Even though CMFs have been introduced in the HSM, there are still limitations that require to be investigated. One important potential limitation is that the HSM provides various CMFs as fixed values, rather than CMFs under different configurations. In this dissertation, the CMFs were estimated using the observational before-after study to show that the CMFs vary across different traffic volume levels when signalizing intersections. Besides screening the effect of traffic volume, previous studies showed that CMFs could vary over time after the treatment was implemented. Thus, in this dissertation, the trends of CMFs for the signalization and adding red light running cameras (RLCs) were evaluated. CMFs for these treatments were measured in each month and 90- day moving windows using the time series ARMA model. The results of the signalization show that the CMFs for rear-end crashes were lower at the early phase after the signalization but gradually increased from the 9th month. Besides, it was also found that the safety effectiveness is significantly worse 18 months after installing RLCs.Although efforts have been made to seek reliable CMFs, the best estimate of CMFs is still widely debated. Since CMFs are non-zero estimates, the population of all CMFs does not follow normal distributions and even if it did, the true mean of CMFs at some intersections may be different than that at others. Therefore, a bootstrap method was proposed to estimate CMFs that makes no distributional assumptions. Through examining the distribution of CMFs estimated by bootstrapped resamples, a CMF precision rating method is suggested to evaluate the reliability of the estimated CMFs. The result shows that the estimated CMF for angle+left-turn crashes after signalization has the highest precision, while estimates of the CMF for rear-end crashes are extremely unreliable. The CMFs for KABCO, KABC, and KAB crashes proved to be reliable for the majority of intersections, but the estimated effect of signalization may not be accurate at some sites.In addition, the bootstrap method provides a quantitative measure to identify the reliability of CMFs, however, the CMF transferability is questionable. Since the development of CMFs requires safety performance functions (SPFs), could CMFs be developed using the SPFs from other states in the United States? This research applies the empirical Bayes method to develop CMFs using several SPFs from different jurisdictions and adjusted by calibration factors. After examination, it is found that applying SPFs from other jurisdictions is not desired when developing CMFs.The process of estimating CMFs using before-after studies requires the understanding of multiple statistical principles. In order to simplify the process of CMF estimation and make the CMFs research reproducible. This dissertation includes an open source statistics package built in R (R, 2013) to make the estimation accessible and reproducible. With this package, authorities are able to estimate reliable CMFs following the procedure suggested by FHWA. In addition, this software package equips a graphical interface which integrates the algorithm of calculating CMFs so that users can perform CMF calculation with minimum programming prerequisite. Expected contributions of this study are to 1) propose methodologies for CMFs to assess the variation of CMFs with different characteristics among treated sites, 2) suggest new objective criteria to judge the reliability of safety estimation, 3) examine the transferability of SPFs when developing CMF using before-after studies, and 4) develop a statistics software to calculate CMFs. Finally, potential relevant applications beyond the scope of this research, but worth investigation in the future are discussed in this dissertation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006413, ucf:51454
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Abuzwidah, Muamer, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Uddin, Nizam, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. Crashes have caused extensive human and economic losses. With the objective of reducing crash occurrence and alleviating crash injury severity, major efforts have been dedicated to reveal the hazardous factors that affect crash occurrence. With these consistent efforts, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in many countries have been steadily declining over the last ten...
Show moreTraffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. Crashes have caused extensive human and economic losses. With the objective of reducing crash occurrence and alleviating crash injury severity, major efforts have been dedicated to reveal the hazardous factors that affect crash occurrence. With these consistent efforts, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in many countries have been steadily declining over the last ten years. Nevertheless, according to the World Health Organization, the world still lost 1.24 million lives from road traffic crashes in the year of 2013. And without action, traffic crashes on the roads network are predicted to result in deaths of around 1.9 million people, and up to 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries annually, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury by the year 2020. To meet the transportation needs, the use of expressways (toll roads) has risen dramatically in many countries in the past decade. In fact, freeways and expressways are considered an important part of any successful transportation system. These facilities carry the majority of daily trips on the transportation network. Although expressways offer high level of service, and are considered the safest among other types of roads, traditional toll collection systems may have both safety and operational challenges. The traditional toll plazas still experience many crashes, many of which are severe. Therefore, it becomes more important to evaluate the traffic safety impacts of using different tolling systems. The main focus of the research in this dissertation is to provide an up-to-date safety impact of using different toll collection systems, as well as providing safety guidelines for these facilities to promote safety and enhance mobility on expressways. In this study, an extensive data collection was conducted that included one hundred mainline toll plazas located on approximately 750 miles of expressways in Florida. Multiple sources of data available online maintained by Florida Department of Transportation were utilized to identify traffic, geometric and geographic characteristics of the locations as well as investigating and determination of the most complete and accurate data. Different methods of observational before-after and Cross-Sectional techniques were used to evaluate the safety effectiveness of applying different treatments on expressways. The Before-After method includes Na(&)#239;ve Before-After, Before-After with Comparison Group, and Before-After with Empirical Bayesian. A set of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) which predict crash frequency as a function of explanatory variables were developed at the aggregate level using crash data and the corresponding exposure and risk factors. Results of the aggregate traffic safety analysis can be used to identify the hazardous locations (hot spots) such as traditional toll plazas, and also to predict crash frequency for untreated sites in the after period in the Before-After with EB method or derive Crash Modification Factors (CMF) for the treatment using the Cross-Sectional method. This type of analysis is usually used to improve geometric characteristics and mainly focus on discovering the risk factors that are related to the total crash frequency, specific crash type, and/or different crash severity levels. Both simple SPFs (with traffic volume only as an explanatory variable) and full SPFs (with traffic volume and additional explanatory variable(s)) were used to estimate the CMFs and only CMFs with lower standard error were recommended.The results of this study proved that safety effectiveness was significantly improved across all locations that were upgraded from Traditional Mainline Toll Plazas (TMTP) to the Hybrid Mainline Toll Plazas (HMTP) system. This treatment significantly reduced total, Fatal-and-Injury (F+I), and Rear-End crashes by 47, 46 and 65 percent, respectively. Moreover, this study examined the traffic safety impact of using different designs, and diverge-and-merge areas of the HMTP. This design combines either express Open Road Tolling (ORT) lanes on the mainline and separate traditional toll collection to the side (design-1), or traditional toll collection on the mainline and separate ORT lanes to the side (design-2). It was also proven that there is a significant difference between these designs, and there is an indication that design-1 is safer and the majority of crashes occurred at diverge-and-merge areas before and after these facilities. However, design-2 could be a good temporary design at locations that have low prepaid transponder (Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)) users. In other words, it is dependent upon the percentage of the ETC users. As this percentage increases, more traffic will need to diverge and merge; thus, this design becomes riskier. In addition, the results indicated significant relationships between the crash frequency and toll plaza types, annual average daily traffic, and drivers' age. The analysis showed that the conversion from TMTP to the All-Electronic Toll Collection (AETC) system resulted in an average reduction of 77, 76, and 67 percent for total, F+I, and Property Damage Only (PDO) crashes, respectively; for rear end and Lane Change Related (LCR) crashes the average reductions were 81 and 75 percent, respectively. The conversion from HMTP to AETC system enhanced traffic safety by reducing crashes by an average of 23, 29 and 19 percent for total, F+I, and PDO crashes; also, for rear end and LCR crashes, the average reductions were 15 and 21 percent, respectively. Based on these results, the use of AETC system changed toll plazas from the highest risk sections on Expressways to be similar to regular segments. Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of AETC system was proven to be an excellent solution to several traffic operations as well as environmental and economic problems. For those agencies that cannot adopt the HMTP and the AETC systems, improving traffic safety at traditional toll plazas should take a priority.This study also evaluates the safety effectiveness of the implementation of High-Occupancy Toll lanes (HOT Lanes) as well as adding roadway lighting to expressways. The results showed that there were no significant impact of the implementation of HOT lanes on the roadway segment as a whole (HOT and Regular Lanes combined). But there was a significant difference between the regular lanes and the HOT lanes at the same roadway segment; the crash count increased at the regular lanes and decreased at the HOT lanes. It was found that the total and F+I crashes were reduced at the HOT lanes by an average of 25 and 45 percent, respectively. This may be attributable to the fact that the HOT lanes became a highway within a highway. Moreover adding roadway lighting has significantly improved traffic safety on the expressways by reducing the night crashes by approximately 35 percent.Overall, the proposed analyses of the safety effectiveness of using different toll collection systems are useful in providing expressway authorities with detailed information on where countermeasures must be implemented. This study provided for the first time an up-to-date safety impact of using different toll collection systems, also developed safety guidelines for these systems which would be useful for practitioners and roadway users.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005751, ucf:50100
- Format
- Document (PDF)