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- Title
- Creator
Rodriguez, Maria, Hancock, Peter, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This work examines the effect of participants' gender and handedness on the perception of short intervals of time. The time estimation task consisted of an empty production procedure with forty trials at each of four intervals of one, three, seven, and twenty seconds. The four target intervals represent a natural logarithmic progression and a series that bracket important temporal thresholds. The order of presentation of those intervals was randomized across participants but yoked across the...
Show moreThis work examines the effect of participants' gender and handedness on the perception of short intervals of time. The time estimation task consisted of an empty production procedure with forty trials at each of four intervals of one, three, seven, and twenty seconds. The four target intervals represent a natural logarithmic progression and a series that bracket important temporal thresholds. The order of presentation of those intervals was randomized across participants but yoked across the sexes in each of the respective dominant hand groups. The two between-subject factors, with two levels each, were sex and handedness. Participants produced forty estimates at each of the required intervals, which was the first within-subject factor, estimated interval being the other. T-tests were conducted on the dependent measures, the time estimates in terms of their variability and their central tendency with respect to the target duration. If handedness plays a significant role in timing, this may indicate differences between hemispheric functioning as a possible causal mechanism. If there is cerebral asymmetry in time perception, namely if one hemisphere is more competent regarding time perception, accuracy in judging duration should be higher for the contralateral hand. The results of the present study indicated that there are no significant differences in performance between right-handed and left-handed participants, or between male and female participants, in the estimation of short intervals of time.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000768, ucf:46572
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hosack, Lindsey, Gresham, Gina, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study summarizes research conducted in a fourth grade classroom in a suburban elementary school in the fall of 2005. This study investigated the practice of using hands-on instructional strategies, enhanced with technology, to improve students' attitudes and performance in mathematics. The classroom teacher supplemented conventional mathematics instruction with hands-on activities. Attitudinal data were collected using a pre- and post anxiety survey as well as journal writing assignments...
Show moreThis study summarizes research conducted in a fourth grade classroom in a suburban elementary school in the fall of 2005. This study investigated the practice of using hands-on instructional strategies, enhanced with technology, to improve students' attitudes and performance in mathematics. The classroom teacher supplemented conventional mathematics instruction with hands-on activities. Attitudinal data were collected using a pre- and post anxiety survey as well as journal writing assignments and student interviews. Performance data was collected using evaluative assessments. Results of this study showed a positive change in students' attitude towards mathematics. Student performance gains were recorded and analyzed throughout the 12-week study. Twenty of the 26 students who participated in the study scored satisfactorily on all evaluative assessments. Data indicated little change was evident in student performance on assessments due to the high performing students who participated in the study.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001025, ucf:46815
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Vellakkinar Balasubramaniam, Satish, Wu, Thomas X, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this work, waveguides with simultaneous negative dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability, otherwise known as left-handed waveguides, are investigated. An approach of formulating and solving an eigenvalue problem with finite element method resulting in the dispersion relation of the waveguides is adopted in the analysis. Detailed methodology of one-dimensional scalar and two-dimensional vector finite element formulation for the analysis of grounded slab and arbitrary shaped...
Show moreIn this work, waveguides with simultaneous negative dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability, otherwise known as left-handed waveguides, are investigated. An approach of formulating and solving an eigenvalue problem with finite element method resulting in the dispersion relation of the waveguides is adopted in the analysis. Detailed methodology of one-dimensional scalar and two-dimensional vector finite element formulation for the analysis of grounded slab and arbitrary shaped waveguides is presented. Based on the analysis, for waveguides with conventional media, excellent agreement of results is observed between the finite element approach and the traditional approach. The method is then applied to analyze left-handed waveguides and anomalous dispersion of modes is found. The discontinuity structure of a left-handed waveguide sandwiched between two conventional dielectric slab waveguides is analyzed using mode matching technique and the results are discussed based on the inherent nature of the materials. The scattering characteristics of a parallel plate waveguide partially filled with left-handed and conventional media are also analyzed using finite element method with eigenfunction expansion technique.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2004
- Identifier
- CFE0000296, ucf:46208
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Infection Control and Health Care Associated Infection (HCAI) in the Nursing Home: A Study to Determine the Impact of an Educational Video and Pamphlet About Infection Control on Knowledge and Perception of Hand Hygiene in Certified Nurse Assistants.
- Creator
Hypes, Kathe, Blackwell, Christopher, Covelli, Maureen, Winton, Mark, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The impact of an education program on perception, knowledge, and infection rate was evaluated in this study. The educational intervention consisted of a video on infection control and a World Health Organization (WHO) pamphlet for hand hygiene. The study was conducted in one nursing home in the Southeastern United States. The survey sample consisted of 66 certified nurse assistants (CNAs). A pre- and post-intervention design was employed using the WHO's Hand Hygiene Knowledge Questionnaire...
Show moreThe impact of an education program on perception, knowledge, and infection rate was evaluated in this study. The educational intervention consisted of a video on infection control and a World Health Organization (WHO) pamphlet for hand hygiene. The study was conducted in one nursing home in the Southeastern United States. The survey sample consisted of 66 certified nurse assistants (CNAs). A pre- and post-intervention design was employed using the WHO's Hand Hygiene Knowledge Questionnaire and the WHO Perception Survey. Friedman's test and central tendencies showed no statistical relationship between the educational intervention and the overall knowledge scores of the sample. There also were no statistical differences in perception of hand hygiene in the CNA sample. Infection frequency was reduced with a percent change of -42%. While results of knowledge and perception surveys were not statistically significant, multiple conclusions were derived to suggest that educational opportunities may impact hand hygiene practice in CNAs and lead to a decrease in infection.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004551, ucf:49239
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jeelani, Mohammad, McCauley-Bush, Pamela, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Communication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held...
Show moreCommunication has been identified as a critical component in the outcome of emergency response. Post-mortems of "what went wrong" in disaster responses often point toward breakdown in communication between first responders, those directing rescue efforts, and the general population as one of the primary impediments to rendering timely aid and communicating adequate safety and weather information. Due to the high resilience, relatively low costs, and advanced features of modern hand-held communication devices, these devices are in a position to drastically improve communication flow during emergency management situations. Due to the lack of official implementation of these devices and the lack of the establishment of standard guidelines for device selection, the use of hand-held communication devices in emergency management is yet to be optimized. Island nations such as the Bahamas, which face unique challenges in regard to emergency management due to geographical, infrastructural, political, and cultural hurdles which are found in the region, can especially benefit from the optimized implementation of hand-held communication devices in emergency management. This study examined current emergency response procedures in The Bahamas, created a baseline for the current use of hand-held communication devices by Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, identified the communication needs of Bahamian emergency management officials and civilians, and proposed a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices based upon human factors principals and focusing on user priorities. This study began with a focus group interview which included 14 Bahamian emergency management officials in order to gain an understanding of current Bahamian emergency response procedures and the communication challenges faced by emergency management officials during high consequence emergencies. A paper based survey was conducted, in which 31 Bahamian emergency management officials answered demographic, skill level, and functionality questions related to the use of hand-held communication devices to support emergency related activities including those directed toward preparation, mitigation, and response. These emergency management officials provided invaluable input based upon their practical experience in high consequence emergency situations. 155 Bahamian civilians participated in a similar survey which was a reduced version of the survey used for emergency management officials. Both surveys included questions in regard to the background information of the participants, previous handheld communication experience, device performance, and what other communication devices were being utilized. The surveys were analyzed using statistical methods of categorical data analysis and correlations were identified. Several communication needs which were categorized as infrastructure, organizational, and equipment needs as well as a hierarchy of device selection factors in regard to the use of hand-held communication devices during emergency management situations were identified. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used in order to determine the priorities of each of the identified device selection factors and a model for the selection of hand-held communication devices used to support communication flow in high consequence emergency management was proposed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003762, ucf:48765
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning Using Digital Storytelling Technology on Improving Second-Grade Students' Performance of Science Standards.
- Creator
Dorr, Mariella, Everett, Robert, Gresham, Gina, Ortiz, Enrique, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to find the effectiveness of digital storytelling technology integration through a project-based learning approach using digital stories combined with hands-on guided inquiry science lessons. As a teacher researcher, the focus was on the effectiveness in the performance of second-grade students using higher-order thinking science standards. For a period of ten weeks, the researcher through comparative action research investigated how emergent technology...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to find the effectiveness of digital storytelling technology integration through a project-based learning approach using digital stories combined with hands-on guided inquiry science lessons. As a teacher researcher, the focus was on the effectiveness in the performance of second-grade students using higher-order thinking science standards. For a period of ten weeks, the researcher through comparative action research investigated how emergent technology integration improved the performance of two second-grade classrooms implementing three higher-order thinking life science standards. A total of 27 students from two second-grade classrooms volunteered for this research. For the study, a pretest and posttest from Classroom A and Classroom B were utilized for the quantitative data analysis. A web-based rubric was created to assess the science digital story and student journals. The students also completed a self-assessment progression scale at the end of the study. The data collected showed an improvement in the performance of second-grade students using higher-order thinking science standards with technology integration.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006871, ucf:51753
- Format
- Document (PDF)