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- Title
- Creator
Hoke, Darlene, Dixon, Juli, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Student performance on measurement concepts in mathematics was the basis for this action research study. This study summarizes research conducted in a seventh grade classroom at an urban middle school during fall of 2005. The study investigated the practice of using hands-on activities in addition to the standard mathematics curriculum to improve student performance in measurement tasks. Students were asked to respond to questions posed by both teacher and other students in the classroom....
Show moreStudent performance on measurement concepts in mathematics was the basis for this action research study. This study summarizes research conducted in a seventh grade classroom at an urban middle school during fall of 2005. The study investigated the practice of using hands-on activities in addition to the standard mathematics curriculum to improve student performance in measurement tasks. Students were asked to respond to questions posed by both teacher and other students in the classroom. Data were collected using measurement survey, focus group discussions, math journals, and teacher observations. Results of this study showed that student performance on measurement tasks increased throughout the course of the study. Student gains were recorded and analyzed throughout the eight-week study period. Twenty-one out of 26 students that participated in the study showed performance growth in measurement concepts.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002228, ucf:47890
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Clanton, Barbara, Dixon, Juli, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study is an examination of whether a project-based mathematics curriculum would influence students' intended career paths related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) endeavors; perceived usefulness of mathematics; and perceived competence in doing mathematics. A review of the literature revealed that there are many shortages of professionals in STEM fields. United States women and men are not pursuing STEM endeavors in great numbers and the U.S. relies heavily on...
Show moreThis study is an examination of whether a project-based mathematics curriculum would influence students' intended career paths related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) endeavors; perceived usefulness of mathematics; and perceived competence in doing mathematics. A review of the literature revealed that there are many shortages of professionals in STEM fields. United States women and men are not pursuing STEM endeavors in great numbers and the U.S. relies heavily on international students to fill this gap. The literature revealed that the girls who do not pursue STEM endeavors in great numbers do not perceive mathematics as a useful endeavor and do not think they are competent in doing mathematics. Boys who do not pursue STEM endeavors in great numbers also do not perceive mathematics as a useful endeavor. The study involved 7th and 8th grade school students enrolled in algebra classes in a private college-preparatory school. The students in the experimental group participated in a problem-based curriculum that integrated lecture-based methods with four major projects designed to have students apply mathematics out of the context through hands-on real-life problems. This particular quasi-experimental design was a nonequivalent pre-test/post-test control group design. Statistical analyses were done using a general linear model repeated measures. The results of the statistical analyses indicated that the students in the project-based group showed a statistically significant positive change in their perceived usefulness of mathematics when compared to the control group. A t-test revealed no statistically significant differences in academic achievement. Qualitative data analysis uncovered three emergent themes. Students indicated that they saw the usefulness of mathematics more clearly; students' independence from the teacher while doing the projects was unsettling; and students enjoyed the change of pace in class. The results of the study indicated that a project-based mathematics curriculum can help students see the usefulness of mathematics and can help students enjoy the pursuit of mathematics by this particular change of routine.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000907, ucf:46765
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Student Engagement and Ethical Care in a Title I Middle School Program.
- Creator
Anderson, Marguerite, Hopp, Carolyn, Vitale, Thomas, Kaplan, Jeffrey, Robinson, Edward, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this dissertation was to determine if the foundational constructs (student engagement and ethical care) were experienced by the 8th grade students that participated in a morning tutoring program: Future Problem Solvers. A mixed methods design was adopted for the purpose of this study including raw data, survey data, informal observations, and face-to-face interviews. The goal was to determine if the 28 participants (male and female) demonstrated academic success on the...
Show moreABSTRACTThe purpose of this dissertation was to determine if the foundational constructs (student engagement and ethical care) were experienced by the 8th grade students that participated in a morning tutoring program: Future Problem Solvers. A mixed methods design was adopted for the purpose of this study including raw data, survey data, informal observations, and face-to-face interviews. The goal was to determine if the 28 participants (male and female) demonstrated academic success on the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (Science). The study was also conducted in order to explore the level of student engagement and the development of reciprocating relationships based ethical care between the teacher and the students.The findings from the quantitative analysis using the Mann Whitney U indicated that the FSP participants did make academic gains on the FCAT (Science) test to a higher degree than non-participants: Non-Participants (Mean Rank = 182.37) and Participants (Mean Rank = 332.96). The significance was established where p = .00. The quantitative analysis using frequency data also revealed that the majority of the participants reported that they were engaged in learning and made strong efforts when doing and completing their schoolwork. They also participated in class, as well as school based activities. Furthermore, they reported that they felt a sense of belonging and were supported by the staff.The findings from the qualitative analysis indicated that the teacher did model care to the students. He engaged them in dialogue about caring relationships and confirmed and encouraged the best in them. The responses on the interviews completed by the teacher and the principal, as well as the students give evidence that strong relationships developed between the students and the teacher. Moreover, that these reciprocating relationships were built on trust and care.The discussion and interpretations emphasizes the need for professional development, and the need for policy that strives to support student engagement and ethical care above high stakes testing.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005456, ucf:50379
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Swan, Bonnie, Hynes, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the backgrounds and experiences of middle school mathematics teachers that often distinguish "quality" teachers, including certification, experience, degree type, and degree level and how those demographics and others vary for different types of schools. The emphasis was on profiling teachers in a large urban district by describing their basic features and distributions, as well as how middle school mathematics teachers, according to those differences,...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the backgrounds and experiences of middle school mathematics teachers that often distinguish "quality" teachers, including certification, experience, degree type, and degree level and how those demographics and others vary for different types of schools. The emphasis was on profiling teachers in a large urban district by describing their basic features and distributions, as well as how middle school mathematics teachers, according to those differences, relate to student mathematics achievement, teacher attrition and teacher mobility. Student achievement was measured by test results from the Norm Reference Test-Normal Curve Equivalent (NRT-NCE) mathematics portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for two school years (2003-04 and 2004-05). A variety of analytic approaches and methods were used to examine how different teacher characteristics relate to teacher employment patterns and student achievement, including chi-square, Kruskal-Wallace, Mann-Whitney U, ANOVA, and t tests, together with simple descriptives and graphical analysis. Standard multiple regression was used to evaluate whether students' previous test scores and teacher- and school-level predictors could affect the results of students' mathematics achievement. A short survey was administered, which provided some insight to ascertain whether and why teachers choose among schools when seeking employment. A total of 282 teachers and 24,766 students were included for the final analysis. This research revealed high rates of teacher turnover and deficient numbers of well qualified mathematics teachers for this particular demographic. For example, one in three middle school mathematics teachers was in their first year, and over half (55%) had less than three years seniority. It was also apparent that, because of a shortage of well-qualified mathematics teachers, many new teachers were being hired out-of-field--of those first-year teachers, only about half had certification in their content area and most (67%) did not have a degree in mathematics or mathematics education. Middle schools in this district had lost 29% of the mathematics teacher workforce employed the previous year due to mathematics teacher attrition. Of those many resigned, some came back to teach another subject at the same or different middle school, and others transferred to high schools. An additional 5% transferred to other middle schools within the same district bringing the total turnover to 34%. Findings revealed no significant differences in turnover rates in high-poverty versus low-poverty schools, but there were significant differences in the proportions of movers, leavers, and stayers in schools according to whether or not a school was achieving high-standards in mathematics. Although inequities did exist in favor of schools with less at-risk students, in this district--for the most part--teachers were fairly distributed according to the "quality" of their backgrounds and experiences. The only significant gap was in that students in wealthier schools were more likely to have a mathematics teacher with a higher degree. This study also offers results that further understanding on the debate about which attributes of teachers are most likely to translate into effective-classroom performance. When analysis was performed at the student level, the findings revealed that students of middle school mathematics teachers with higher seniority, advanced degrees, or certification in the content area that they taught, performed significantly higher than students in other classrooms. Yet the magnitude of those differences was either modest or very small. When controlling for students' socio-economics status at the classroom level, differences were not significant for seniority or advanced degrees but the results were significant for certification.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001210, ucf:46948
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Mathematic Strategies for Teaching Problem Solving: The Influence of Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies on Students' Attitudes in Middle School.
- Creator
Klingler, Kelly, Ortiz, Enrique, Gresham, Regina, Andreasen, Janet, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this action research study was to observe the influence of teaching mathematical problem solving strategies on students' attitudes in middle school. The goal was to teach five problem solving strategies: Drawing Pictures, Making a Chart or Table, Looking for a Pattern, Working Backwards, and Guess and Check, and have students reflect upon the process. I believed that my students would use these problem solving strategies as supportive tools for solving mathematical word...
Show moreThe purpose of this action research study was to observe the influence of teaching mathematical problem solving strategies on students' attitudes in middle school. The goal was to teach five problem solving strategies: Drawing Pictures, Making a Chart or Table, Looking for a Pattern, Working Backwards, and Guess and Check, and have students reflect upon the process. I believed that my students would use these problem solving strategies as supportive tools for solving mathematical word problems. A relationship from the Mathematics Attitudes survey scores on students' attitudes towards problem solving in mathematics was found. Students took the Mathematics Attitudes survey before and after the study was conducted. In-class observations of the students applying problem solving strategies and students' response journals were made. Students had small group interviews after the research study was conducted. Therefore, I concluded that with the relationship between the Mathematics Attitudes survey scores and journal responses that teaching the problem solving strategies to middle school students was an influential tool for improving students' mathematics attitude.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004309, ucf:49490
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Impact of Video Modeling Combined with Skillstreaming Teaching Procedures on the Social Interaction Skills of Middle School Aged Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Creator
Kocaoz, Onur, Little, Mary, Dieker, Lisa, Pearl, Cynthia, Wienke, Wilfred, Cerasale, Mark, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention package that combined Skillstreaming procedures for the development of social skills with the use of video modeling for middle school students identified with ASD. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine if the video modeling intervention package has an impact on social skill performance of three middle school-aged students with ASD. A multiple probe design across participants was employed to...
Show moreThis purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention package that combined Skillstreaming procedures for the development of social skills with the use of video modeling for middle school students identified with ASD. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine if the video modeling intervention package has an impact on social skill performance of three middle school-aged students with ASD. A multiple probe design across participants was employed to assess the effects of the video modeling intervention package on two beginning social skills (i.e., initiate greetings and initiate a conversation). The participants were three middle school-aged students with ASD enrolled in a self-contained classroom. The dependent variable was the percentage of correct social skills components performed when greeting the teacher and initiating a conversation within in the first 10 minutes of class each morning. The independent variable was an intervention package that included video modeling and direct instruction for each social skill component with Skillstreaming procedures (i.e., modeling, role playing, feedback). The results of this research indicated that all three students improved their social skills performance following the implementation of the video modeling intervention package. Furthermore, during the maintenance phase, the social skills performance of each student was maintained. Recommendations for further study and for teachers of students with ASD are presented
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005820, ucf:50026
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The relationship between participation in tutoring and accountability outcomes in three urban middle schools.
- Creator
Rajadhyax, Pamela, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Lee, Fritz, Ronald, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This quantitative study was conducted to determine the relationship between participation in a school based tutoring and change in accountability measures on the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) in the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. The research was designed to determine the impact of participation in tutoring for urban middle school students. All students who attended one of the three urban middle schools and participated in the...
Show moreThis quantitative study was conducted to determine the relationship between participation in a school based tutoring and change in accountability measures on the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA) in the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. The research was designed to determine the impact of participation in tutoring for urban middle school students. All students who attended one of the three urban middle schools and participated in the administration of FSA for mathematics or ELA in both the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years were divided into two groups: students who participated in school based tutoring and students who did not participate in school based tutoring. The results from this study unveiled the relationship between participating in school based tutoring and change in accountability measures on state assessments. The relationship of participation in tutoring and change in accountability measures was identified for all students, English learners, and students with disabilities who participated in school based tutoring and those who did not participate in school based tutoring. Lastly, the difference in mean change of accountability measures and participation by delivery model of school based tutoring: computer-based tutoring, small group tutoring, and a mixed mode of computer-based and small group tutoring was assessed. Findings from Pearson Correlations, independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA did not indicate a statistical significance between change on accountability measures and participation in tutoring based on subgroups, delivery model, or grade level assessed. Though this study found no statistical significance, several of the mean changes on accountability measures based on subgroups, tutoring delivery models, or grade level was higher for students who participated in tutoring than for students who did not participate in tutoring. There is still much to be understood about the impacts of tutoring on student achievement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006782, ucf:51823
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Probing Space: Formative Assessment in a Middle School Inquiry-Based Science Classroom.
- Creator
Anderson, Clinton, Jeanpierre, Bobby, Gresham, Regina, Everett, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This action research thesis was performed to explore the research questions: How did the use of formative assessment affect student performance data in understanding the concepts of the Sun-Earth-Moon system?, How did the use of learning scales as formative techniques impact student self-assessment of their knowledge of the Sun-Earth-Moon system?, How did the implementation of formative assessment techniques affect student discourse on the topic of the Sun-Earth-Moon system? Formative...
Show moreThis action research thesis was performed to explore the research questions: How did the use of formative assessment affect student performance data in understanding the concepts of the Sun-Earth-Moon system?, How did the use of learning scales as formative techniques impact student self-assessment of their knowledge of the Sun-Earth-Moon system?, How did the implementation of formative assessment techniques affect student discourse on the topic of the Sun-Earth-Moon system? Formative assessment techniques including (")talk-friendly(") probes, sticky bars, and agree-disagree statements were used in the classroom to expose gaps in knowledge, to facilitate discourse, and promote self-assessment. A triangulation of data included a district-provided pre/post-test, teacher observation, written and oral student responses of formative assessment, self-assessment, discourse, and student self-assessment on a learning goal tracker. Data gathered from student responses to formative assessment techniques given during discourse, lab experiences, in written responses, and from the student learning scale tracker were analyzed to expose misconceptions and gaps in knowledge and guide classroom instruction. Data showed that student performance data improved overall and students narrowed gaps in knowledge of the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Improvement in student participation and skill of discourse was evident; however students needed more practice developing written explanations for phenomenon within the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Through the use of self-assessments students showed improvement in ability to self-assess and realized gained knowledge toward their learning goal.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004285, ucf:49527
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Examining the Effect of the Universal Design for Learning Expression Principle on Students with learning Disabilities in Science.
- Creator
Finnegan, Lisa, Dieker, Lisa, Wienke, Wilfred, Hines, Rebecca, Everett, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The significance of students being able to express and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in all content areas has always been important especially in the sciences. Students under the Next Generation Science Standards will be required to participate in science discourse through a variety of approaches. This study examined student engagement and student demonstration of content knowledge in inclusive science classrooms through a quasi-experimental research design which...
Show moreABSTRACT The significance of students being able to express and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in all content areas has always been important especially in the sciences. Students under the Next Generation Science Standards will be required to participate in science discourse through a variety of approaches. This study examined student engagement and student demonstration of content knowledge in inclusive science classrooms through a quasi-experimental research design which included four case study participants with a learning disability. The researcher also evaluated student content knowledge through the implementation of Universal Design for Learning-Expression (UDL-E) through a non-replicated control group design. Data were collected through a variety of sources including: researcher observations, review of student academic records, interviews, surveys, UDL-E products, and pre-test and posttest scores. Researcher observations spanned over a 10 week period and were coded and analyzed quantitatively. Findings from a Repeated ANOVA demonstrated no statistical significance, however based on interviews with students; findings show that the students did enjoy exploring the opportunity to express their knowledge using the Expression principle of Universal Design for Learning. Student time-on-task did remain equally as high during UDL-E and students' inattentive behaviors decreased.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004840, ucf:49709
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Socioeconomic Status, Instrumental Music Participation, and Middle School Student Achievement.
- Creator
Antmann, Michael, Murray, Kenneth, Doherty, Walter, Murray, Barbara, Hutchinson, Cynthia, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in growth on the reading and mathematics FCAT 2.0 across varying levels of instrumental music participation by both low- and high-socioeconomic status (SES) middle school students, and to determine whether or not there is a relationship between instrumental music participation and socioeconomic status. The differences between instrumental music participation groups were not found to be statistically significant for both the reading...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine the differences in growth on the reading and mathematics FCAT 2.0 across varying levels of instrumental music participation by both low- and high-socioeconomic status (SES) middle school students, and to determine whether or not there is a relationship between instrumental music participation and socioeconomic status. The differences between instrumental music participation groups were not found to be statistically significant for both the reading and mathematics FCAT 2.0 growth by high-SES status students, and for reading FCAT 2.0 growth by low-SES status students. The differences between groups were found to be significant for mathematics FCAT 2.0 growth by low-SES students, but a Tukey HSD post-hoc test found no significant differences between the individual groups. The study also found that high-SES students had a higher rate of instrumental music participation in sixth grade, and a lower attrition rate between sixth and seventh grade than the low-SES students.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005755, ucf:50073
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A comparison of sixth-grade English language arts and mathematics achievement between middle schools and K-8 schools.
- Creator
Asplen, Brennan, Johnson, Jerry, Doherty, Walter, Ortiz, Enrique, Shope, Shane, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement of sixth grade students enrolled in a traditional middle school model versus those enrolled in a K-8 school model by analyzing English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics scores. Developmental Scale Score (DSS) data from the 2017 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) were collected from three K-8 schools and three middle schools in one high-performing Florida school district. Results from an independent samples t-test revealed...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement of sixth grade students enrolled in a traditional middle school model versus those enrolled in a K-8 school model by analyzing English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics scores. Developmental Scale Score (DSS) data from the 2017 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) were collected from three K-8 schools and three middle schools in one high-performing Florida school district. Results from an independent samples t-test revealed that middle school student scores were slightly higher in overall ELA and mathematics proficiency, but the differences were not substantive. Cross-tabulation was utilized to compute the proportion of students making learning gains in ELA and mathematics. The results were nearly identical among the middle school students and the K-8 students relative to ELA; however, the proportion of students making learning gains in mathematics was substantially higher among the K-8 students. To investigate equity in the distribution of achievement, a comparison was made between Middle School and K-8 bi-serial correlation coefficients measuring the strength and direction of the relationship between student achievement and socioeconomic status (SES). Results suggested that the negative influence of low-SES on academic achievement in ELA and mathematics was notably stronger among students enrolled in the middle school model. While making school construction decisions, policy makers will be informed through these findings as to which type of grade span configuration is most likely to positively impact student achievement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007599, ucf:52550
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Relationship Between Reading Coaches' Utilization of Data Technology and Teacher Development.
- Creator
Behrens, Cherie, Blair, Timothy, Taylor, Rosemarye, Kelley, Michelle, Cartwright, Vickie, Flanigan, Jacquelyn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence...
Show moreThe use of technology in assisting educators to use student data in well-devised ways to enhance the instruction received by students is gaining headway and the support of federal dollars across the nation. Since research has not provided insight as to whether or not reading coaches are using data technology tools with teachers, this mixed methods study sought to examine what behavioral intentions reading coaches have in using data technology tools with teachers, what variables may influence their behavioral intentions, and what trends may emerge in their views about using technology data tools with teachers. A mixed methods approach was deployed via a survey embedded in an email, and data from 61 Florida reading coaches from elementary, middle, and high schools in a large urban school district were examined using an adaptation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The results showed that collectively all reading coaches have a high level of behavioral intentions towards using a data technology tool with teachers. The study also showed that elementary, middle, and high school reading coaches vary in their degree of behavioral intentions in using a data technology tool based on different variables. Trends in data showed that reading coaches think data technology tools are helpful, but that trainings are needed and that technology tools should be user-friendly. Discussion is provided regarding the implications of the study results for all stakeholders.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004357, ucf:49425
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Middle Grades Science in Florida: A Comparison of Student Achievement in Comprehensive and Subject-specific Science Courses 2013-2017.
- Creator
Moore, Kenneth, Taylor, Rosemarye, Baldwin, Lee, Storey, Valerie A., Gao, Su, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As with U.S. student achievement on national and international science assessments, Florida's 8th grade student achievement on the 2013(-)2017 8th grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) 2.0 Science/Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) was stagnant. To break this stagnation, many Florida school districts have changed middle grades science course offerings from traditional, subject-specific, discipline-based, layered, or field-specific science courses to comprehensive, integrated,...
Show moreAs with U.S. student achievement on national and international science assessments, Florida's 8th grade student achievement on the 2013(-)2017 8th grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) 2.0 Science/Statewide Science Assessment (SSA) was stagnant. To break this stagnation, many Florida school districts have changed middle grades science course offerings from traditional, subject-specific, discipline-based, layered, or field-specific science courses to comprehensive, integrated, spiraled, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, thematic, or general science courses. There was a lack of research showing if either type of science course improved student achievement on standardized science assessments. Controlling for school district student population, low socio-economic status (SES) student percentage, and English learner (EL) percentage, this study compared the 2013(-)2017 8th grade FCAT 2.0 Science/SSA school district mean scale scores of two groups of school districts: those that offered comprehensive science courses and those that offered subject-specific science courses. Scores for three student groups were analyzed: all students, low SES students, and ELs. No statistically significant differences were found in school district mean scale scores or pass rates between the two school district groups. The comprehensive group mean scale scores were numerically higher, while the subject-specific group mean pass rates were numerically higher. The subject-specific group had statistically significantly higher raw scores for life science and physical science. The comprehensive group had wider dispersions of mean scale scores and pass rates, suggesting inconsistencies in implementation of comprehensive science courses. The primary implication of this study is that educational leaders should not expect to improve student science achievement simply by changing the type of science course offering. Changes should be made with consideration to student needs, school district demographics, teacher professional development and support, course structure and coherence with standards, and the need for flexibility in teacher assignments.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007410, ucf:52710
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Comparison of Sixth Grade Student Achievement in Reading and Mathematics at School Transition Year.
- Creator
Roseboom, Julie, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Bai, Haiyan, Beattie, Karen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study contributed information for consideration as school districts determine grade span configuration as part of school design. The problem addressed was the extent to which student achievement may be impacted by the transition from one school to another from fifth to sixth grade in Florida public schools in order to provide data to school policy makers and school district administrators and add to the body of knowledge on the grade level configuration that contributed the most to...
Show moreThis study contributed information for consideration as school districts determine grade span configuration as part of school design. The problem addressed was the extent to which student achievement may be impacted by the transition from one school to another from fifth to sixth grade in Florida public schools in order to provide data to school policy makers and school district administrators and add to the body of knowledge on the grade level configuration that contributed the most to student achievement in sixth grade. This was a causal-comparative study using quantitative data to analyze student scores at the school level for reading and mathematics on the 2014 Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT) 2.0 assessment to explore the difference in achievement for sixth grade students with no school transition compared to those who had school transitions during middle school. A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to examine if a difference existed in the dependent variables of sixth-grade reading and mathematics achievement as measured by school mean developmental scale scores and the school percentage of students making learning gains on the FCAT 2.0 between schools with sixth grade as the transition year and without sixth grade as the transition year. The analyses were controlled for the covariates of the school percentages of socio-economic status as determined by free and reduced lunch rate, English Learner status, and exceptional student education status. Findings signified that schools with no school transition between fifth and sixth grade in Florida public schools had higher sixth-grade mean scores in reading and mathematics as measured by school mean developmental scale scores and in reading as measured by the percentage of school learning gains. This study offers insight into what grade configuration is more likely to positively impact student achievement during the middle grades and supports students remaining in an elementary setting with fewer transitions during the middle grades to most benefit reading and mathematics achievement. Findings are useful to school boards, superintendents, and school district administrators interested in educational policy development and research on transition especially when restructuring school grade configurations and building new school sites.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006545, ucf:51347
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Case Study Exploring the Relationship between Culturally Responsive Teaching and a Mathematical Practice of the Common Core State Standards.
- Creator
Howse, Tashana, Dixon, Juli, Haciomeroglu, Erhan, Andreasen, Janet, Adams, Thomasenia, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This collective case study explores the nature of the relationship between teachers' use of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) practices and students' engagement in constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others (SMP3). This study was informed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative related to developing mathematically proficient students through the use of student engagement practices consistent with the standards for mathematical practice. As a means to support...
Show moreThis collective case study explores the nature of the relationship between teachers' use of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) practices and students' engagement in constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others (SMP3). This study was informed by the Common Core State Standards Initiative related to developing mathematically proficient students through the use of student engagement practices consistent with the standards for mathematical practice. As a means to support teachers' facilitating specific student engagement practices, professional development was provided. This study is situated in the growing body of research associated with student engagement and cultural identity. The case of two teachers was defined from interviews, classroom observations, journal prompts, and student artifacts. Data was collected before, during, and after professional development following a cross-case analysis. Four themes emerged: (a) shift in teacher practice; (b) depth and breadth of the knowledge of culturally responsive teaching and standard for mathematical practice three; (c) teacher reflection and reception; and (d) classroom management. The findings suggest that the shift in teacher practice can be supported by professional development focused on reflective practice. This shift is impacted by classroom management and teachers' depth and breadth of their knowledge of CRT and SMP3.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0005005, ucf:50009
- Format
- Document (PDF)