Current Search: paradigms (x)
Altif, Jessica, Jacques, Peter, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As society begins to recognize its impact on ecological systems, the belief that modern political institutions can offer a sense of control and certainty, as well as protect the health of its citizens, is increasingly questioned. In an era of uncertainty, faith in science and technology to alleviate industrial impacts on the environment is often embraced by policymakers yet questioned by the public who see the authoritative role of the sciences in the political sphere as contributing to...
Show moreAs society begins to recognize its impact on ecological systems, the belief that modern political institutions can offer a sense of control and certainty, as well as protect the health of its citizens, is increasingly questioned. In an era of uncertainty, faith in science and technology to alleviate industrial impacts on the environment is often embraced by policymakers yet questioned by the public who see the authoritative role of the sciences in the political sphere as contributing to global risk. The development of biotechnology, specifically genetically modified food, places an anthropocentric focus on resolving and/or adapting to environmental degradation, further reflecting an adherence to the dominant social paradigm to address the consequences of modernization. In order to explicate the dualism of human/nature relations inherent in biotechnology, the focus of this research provides an exploration into two competing paradigms of genetically modified organism (GMO) regulatory policy: scientific rationality and social rationality. Through a careful examination of the evolution of GMO regulation in the United States and the European Union, the precarious relationships between science and politics and progress and precaution reveal an actual convergence instead of divergence between these two actors in the international system. Although existing literature proclaims a division between the values and ethics of U.S. and EU environmental policy, the end result of this comparison in GMO regulation illustrates that in both the risk assessment and precautionary approaches, nature is still viewed as an instrument for advancing enclosure of the commons.
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Date Issued
CFE0003021, ucf:48371
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Camci, Alper, Kotnour, Timothy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The main drivers for this research are the complexities associated with the project management and an organization's project management style in dealing with these complexities. This research aims to demonstrate that alignment between project complexity and project management style increases project performance and decreases project issues, and also, with increased project issues, project performance deteriorates. In order to test these claims, this research developed measures for...
Show moreThe main drivers for this research are the complexities associated with the project management and an organization's project management style in dealing with these complexities. This research aims to demonstrate that alignment between project complexity and project management style increases project performance and decreases project issues, and also, with increased project issues, project performance deteriorates. In order to test these claims, this research developed measures for assessing project complexity, project management styles and project issues by employing a survey of project management professionals. The measure for project complexity is based on a taxonomy with four categories: organizational complexity, product complexity, methods (process) complexity and goal complexity. Project management style is defined as the management paradigm that guides the managers of an organization in perceiving and dealing with management problems. The measure for project nagement style is based on the plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle and the Newtonian and complexity paradigms. Also the measures for project issues are developed after an extensive content analysis on the literature on project issues, risks and success factors. A self-administered survey instrument (paper-based and on-line) with 40 questions (seven point Likert scale) was utilized. The respondents were the project management professionals from different industries in the Central Florida region. Each respondent was asked to answer questions for two different kinds of projects: a successful project and a challenged project. Based on the data collected by the survey instrument, the results of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses provide strong evidence that the final measures for project technology complexity, project management styles, project issues and project performance have adequate validity and reliability. Results of the hypothesis tests demonstrate that increased alignment of project complexity and project management style leads to increased project performance and decreased project issues, and also increased project issues leads to project decreased performance. From the perspective of project management, the results of this study have illustrated the importance of aligning a project's complexity and management style. These results suggest that project or program managers can improve the performance of their projects by any attempt to increase the alignment between project complexity and project management style. Project management professionals and theoreticians can use the methodologies provided in this dissertation to assess project complexity, project management style and alignment.
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Date Issued
CFE0001195, ucf:46853
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Hammons, Mary, Negy, Charles, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the hypocrisy paradigm as an experimental alcohol intervention to determine if participants who complete the hypocrisy paradigm will experience a significant reduction in the number of negative consequences associated with their alcohol use, quantity and frequency of alcohol use, and average and peak eBAC compared to college students in the control condition. Participants were 53 college students randomly assigned to an experimental hypocrisy paradigm...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the hypocrisy paradigm as an experimental alcohol intervention to determine if participants who complete the hypocrisy paradigm will experience a significant reduction in the number of negative consequences associated with their alcohol use, quantity and frequency of alcohol use, and average and peak eBAC compared to college students in the control condition. Participants were 53 college students randomly assigned to an experimental hypocrisy paradigm intervention or a control condition. Contrary to prediction, the hypocrisy paradigm was not found to be significantly different than the control condition. Exploratory analyses examining within-group differences were conducted. All outcome measures decreased from pre-intervention to follow-up within the hypocrisy paradigm condition. Future directions and implications are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003237, ucf:48524
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Scientific transformations: a philosophical and historical analysis of cosmology from Copernicus to Newton.
Castillo, Manuel-Albert, Jones, Donald, Dandrow, Edward, Garbayo, Luciana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this thesis is to show a transformation around the scientific revolution from the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries against a Whig approach in which it still lingers in the history of science. I find the transformations of modern science through the cosmological models of Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Since of the enormous content, I shall only pay particular attention to Copernicus and Newton in which the emerging sciences transformed...
Show moreThe purpose of this thesis is to show a transformation around the scientific revolution from the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries against a Whig approach in which it still lingers in the history of science. I find the transformations of modern science through the cosmological models of Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Since of the enormous content, I shall only pay particular attention to Copernicus and Newton in which the emerging sciences transformed the cosmos on what Alexandre Koyr(&)#233; calls from a (")closed world to infinite universe(").As an interdisciplinary approach, I used the methods and inquiries from philosophy and history to explain the cosmological transformation in the sciences. The first part deals on the philosophic content of Michel Foucault and Thomas Kuhn which help to provide insight though their systematic thoughts are incompatible. The second part deals in the historic contents from Copernicus' doctrine, De revolutionibus, to Newton's mechanics, Principia. My ultimate outcome is to demonstrate the multi-perspective dimension of knowledge in which interdisciplinary studies shows transformation of the sciences and its effects on history
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Date Issued
CFE0006862, ucf:51738
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Field Theoretic Lagrangian Stencils from Off-Shell Supermultiplet Gauge Quotients.
Katona, Gregory, Klemm, Richard, Hubsch, Tristan, Peale, Robert, Shivamoggi, Bhimsen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recent efforts to classify off-shell representations of supersymmetry without a central charge have focused upon directed, supermultiplet graphs of hypercubic topology known as Adinkras. These encodings of Super Poincare algebras, depict every generator of a chosen supersymmetry as a node-pair transformtion between fermionic / bosonic componentfields. This research thesis is a culmination of investigating novel diagrammatic sums of gauge quotients by supersymmetric images of other Adinkras,...
Show moreRecent efforts to classify off-shell representations of supersymmetry without a central charge have focused upon directed, supermultiplet graphs of hypercubic topology known as Adinkras. These encodings of Super Poincare algebras, depict every generator of a chosen supersymmetry as a node-pair transformtion between fermionic / bosonic componentfields. This research thesis is a culmination of investigating novel diagrammatic sums of gauge quotients by supersymmetric images of other Adinkras, and the correlated building of field theoretic worldline Lagrangians to accommodate both classical and quantum venues. We find Ref [40], that such gauge quotients do not yield other stand alone or (")proper(") Adinkras as afore sighted, nor can they be decomposed into supermultiplet sums, but are rather a connected (")Adinkraic network("). Their iteration, analogous to Weyl's construction for producing all finite-dimensional unitary representations in Lie algebras, sets off chains of algebraic paradigms in discrete-graph and continuous-field variables, the links of which feature distinct, supersymmetric Lagrangian templates. Collectively, these Adiankraic series air new symbolic genera for equation to phase moments in Feynman path integrals. Guided in this light, we proceed by constructing Lagrangians actions for the N = 3 supermultiplet YI /(iDI X) for I = 1, 2, 3, where YI and X are standard, Salam-Strathdee superfields: YI fermionic and X bosonic. The system, bilinear in the component fields exhibits a total of thirteen free parameters, seven of which specify Zeeman-like coupling to external background (magnetic) fluxes. All but special subsets of this parameter space describe aperiodic oscillatory responses, some of which are found to be surprisingly controlled by the golden ratio, ? ? 1.61803, Ref [52]. It is further determined that these Lagrangians allow an N = 3 ? 4 supersymmetric extension to the Chiral-Chiral and Chiral-twisted-Chiral multiplet, while a subset admits two inequivalent such extensions. In a natural progression, a continuum of observably and usefully inequivalent, finite-dimensional off-shellrepresentations of worldline N = 4 extended supersymmetry are explored, that are variatefrom one another but in the value of a tuning parameter, Ref [53]. Their dynamics turnsout to be nontrivial already when restricting to just bilinear Lagrangians. In particular, wefind a 34-parameter family of bilinear Lagrangians that couple two differently tuned supermultiplets to each other and to external magnetic fluxes, where the explicit parameter dependence is unremovable by any field redefinition and is therefore observable. This offers the evaluation of X-phase sensitive, off-shell path integrals with promising correlationsto group product decompositions and to deriving source emergences of higher-order background flux-forms on 2-dimensional manifolds, the stacks of which comprise space-time volumes. Application to nonlinear sigma models would naturally follow, having potential use in M- and F- string theories.
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Date Issued
CFE0005011, ucf:50004
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