Current Search: Bisexual (x)
Hernandez, Caleb, Mishtal, Joanna, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Latinx lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) queer community members have unique health needs compared to non-Latinx heterosexual patients, including sexual and mental health issues, and challenges in ability to access healthcare. But research is unclear whether LGB Latinx patients may also face double stigma related to their sexual orientation and race. This study examined this issue in experiences of queer and Latinx adults with healthcare providers. I conducted semistructured in-depth...
Show moreLatinx lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) queer community members have unique health needs compared to non-Latinx heterosexual patients, including sexual and mental health issues, and challenges in ability to access healthcare. But research is unclear whether LGB Latinx patients may also face double stigma related to their sexual orientation and race. This study examined this issue in experiences of queer and Latinx adults with healthcare providers. I conducted semistructured in-depth interviews with 13 LGB Latinx adults between November 2018 and February 2019. Interviews were audio-recorded, and transcribed. Transcripts were coded, and data analyzed for themes using the Grounded Theory approach. My findings indicate that the quality of individual experience depends on key factors of the provider, in particular the provider's sexuality, gender, age, race, and ability to empathize. When LGB Latinx patients interact with like-identified providers, their experience is significantly more satisfactory, however, differently-identified providers who create open and non-judgmental communication with patients have the ability to provide this level of satisfactory service. More diverse staff in clinics also contributes to a better experience for LGB Latinx patients. This study calls attention to the need for greater diversity of healthcare providers as well as new non-judgmental approaches in care delivery to address LGB Latinx patients' needs.
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Date Issued
CFH2000472, ucf:45889
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Bisexuality and Identity Formation.
Fuoss, Jessica, Berman, Steven, Fouty, Homer, Upchurch, Rosaria, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explores the identity development and psychological adjustment of bisexual individuals (n = 122) as compared to homosexual (n = 38) and heterosexual participants (n = 490). Undergraduate students recruited from psychology classes at a large metropolitan university in Florida (67% female, 64% Caucasian) took an online survey for course extra credit. Bisexual and homosexual participants scored higher in identity exploration than the heterosexual participants. Bisexual participants...
Show moreThis study explores the identity development and psychological adjustment of bisexual individuals (n = 122) as compared to homosexual (n = 38) and heterosexual participants (n = 490). Undergraduate students recruited from psychology classes at a large metropolitan university in Florida (67% female, 64% Caucasian) took an online survey for course extra credit. Bisexual and homosexual participants scored higher in identity exploration than the heterosexual participants. Bisexual participants scored significantly higher in psychological symptom severity than heterosexual participants. The three groups were not significantly different in identity commitment nor in identity distress. Female bisexual participants scored more similar to the homosexual participants in identity exploration, while the male bisexual participants were more similar to the heterosexual participants. Among males, bisexual and homosexual participants reported greater psychological symptom severity than heterosexual participants. There were no differences between groups for female participants in regard to symptom severity. This study highlights the need for more research into the psychological correlates of bisexuality as a distinct group from homosexuality, as well as the need to focus on gender as a significant moderator of these relationships.
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Date Issued
CFE0004844, ucf:49703
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Isner, Michael, Blackwell, Christopher, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Gay and bisexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) comprise a sizable, medically vulnerable population. Depression is the most commonly experienced mental health disorder affecting this group of people, lending itself to a host of risks associated with depression. As screening of depression in this population can be challenging, it is vital that clinicians have the best available tools and guidelines to detect depressive symptomology. This focused, comprehensive review of...
Show moreGay and bisexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) comprise a sizable, medically vulnerable population. Depression is the most commonly experienced mental health disorder affecting this group of people, lending itself to a host of risks associated with depression. As screening of depression in this population can be challenging, it is vital that clinicians have the best available tools and guidelines to detect depressive symptomology. This focused, comprehensive review of the literature examined current data describing the clinical instruments used to detect depressive symptoms in HIV-infected gay and bisexual men. The aim of this analysis was to seek out which instruments were the most widely and successfully employed for this population. An initial search using EBSCOhost and associated databases CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Health and Psychosocial Instruments alongside inclusion and exclusion criteria found 1,899 articles. Results were narrowed using additional inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevancy, yielding a total of 13 articles for review. The findings of this review suggest screening of depressive symptoms in HIV-infected gay and bisexual men was most successful using the CES-D, the BSI-18, and the BDI. Health care providers should have an understanding of the importance in assessing this population for depression and have access to the best possible tools to do so.
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Date Issued
CFH2000205, ucf:45928
Document (PDF)
Damned to Hell: The Black Church Experience for College Educated Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals.
Andrews, Edwanna, Gay, David, Grauerholz, Liz, Donley, Amy, Matejowsky, Ty, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Despite increased acceptance nationally towards same-sex sexuality, intolerance within the Black Church against those who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) continues to persist. As one of the most important institutions in the African American community, the significance of the Black Church makes the religious experience particularly influential. LGBs frequently experience homonegativity in the Black Church in the form of homophobic laced sermons, Microaggressions, and church...
Show moreDespite increased acceptance nationally towards same-sex sexuality, intolerance within the Black Church against those who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) continues to persist. As one of the most important institutions in the African American community, the significance of the Black Church makes the religious experience particularly influential. LGBs frequently experience homonegativity in the Black Church in the form of homophobic laced sermons, Microaggressions, and church gossip. The stigma LGBs encounter around homosexuality in the Black Church has created a dissonance between their religious beliefs, faith, and sexual identity. This study explores the multifaceted experience of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals in Black Church. Drawing from the theoretical frameworks of Patricia Hill Collins' Intersectionality and Erving Goffman's stigma, this research focuses on how the intersections of one's religious and sexual identities is impacted and influenced by stigma experienced within the Black Church. This study is based on 14 in-depth interviews with lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals who attended the Black Church and reveals the complex relationship LGBs experience trying to integrate their religious and sexual identities. Additionally, participant narratives provides insight into the impact of homonegative stigma sexual minorities experience in the Black Church.
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Date Issued
CFE0006714, ucf:51890
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The Knitting Witch.
Ervin, Katherine, Hicks, Micah, Peynado, Brenda, Pugh, William, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Dangerous, magical women live in a world which explores queerness and antagonistic female relationships against the backdrop of Midwestern crafting culture. Craft magic is beauty and cruelty entwined, a perfect tool for witches to use against each other.After her mother is murdered, the eponymous knitting witch inherits a kidnapping and extortion ring, the victims sewn into enchanted quilts and hidden. With her mother dead, political squabbles consume the knitting witch's coven and rival...
Show moreDangerous, magical women live in a world which explores queerness and antagonistic female relationships against the backdrop of Midwestern crafting culture. Craft magic is beauty and cruelty entwined, a perfect tool for witches to use against each other.After her mother is murdered, the eponymous knitting witch inherits a kidnapping and extortion ring, the victims sewn into enchanted quilts and hidden. With her mother dead, political squabbles consume the knitting witch's coven and rival magical families put pressure on her to give up the quilts, including the dangerous Ma family, whose daughter the knitting witch loves. The knitting witch must navigate a forbidden romance, master her magical craft, and fend off her mother's many enemies, all while searching for the hidden quilts. Once she finds the quilts, will she use them as her mother did to take power in the magical city of witches? Or will she find another way to survive, choosing love over power?The stories of queer women are unusual in the fantasy genre, bisexual stories even more so. This work hopes to amplify queer female narratives and draw attention specifically to the issues that bisexual women face in their family and romantic relationships. This thesis explores the question of how and why we love people who hurt us.
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Date Issued
CFE0007453, ucf:52692
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Rivera, LaShawn, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
There is minimal research on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GBTQ) dating violence on college campuses. This qualitative study was facilitated using focus groups that included students that identified as being GBTQ at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The focus group questions were open ended in a discussion format. Participants were recruited from student organizations like the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Student Union (GLBSU) and Knight Allies on campus. There were a total...
Show moreThere is minimal research on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (GBTQ) dating violence on college campuses. This qualitative study was facilitated using focus groups that included students that identified as being GBTQ at the University of Central Florida (UCF). The focus group questions were open ended in a discussion format. Participants were recruited from student organizations like the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Student Union (GLBSU) and Knight Allies on campus. There were a total of 10 students that participated in 2 different focus group sessions. Student's attitudes, thoughts and opinions about dating violence on college campuses in GBTQ relationships were collected. Additionally, participants provided their own definitions of the term dating violence. The students were most comfortable discussing dating violence among heterosexual couples, but did provide their thoughts about this issue in the GBTQ community. The results show that students had differing ideas on what constitutes a dating relationship, and behaviors that are positive and acceptable in GBTQ relationships, but are not considered socially acceptable. One example of this was public displays of affection. In addition, students identified negative behaviors in violent relationships that seem to follow some of the common themes that were found in the current literature. Participants were not aware of current efforts at UCF to address college campus dating violence from a prevention standpoint, but were familiar with intervention services offered on campus. They provided ideas on social messages that would be effective on campus to raise awareness about dating violence in the GBTQ community.
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Date Issued
CFE0002937, ucf:47974
Document (PDF)
Reeves, Karli, Mishtal, Joanna, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Though much research exists on LGBT+ exclusion from school-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education, the strategies used by LGBT+ individuals during their search for knowledge regarding the subject are not as widely documented. Using the ethnographic research method of semi-structured interviews, this research explores the experiences of young LGBT+ adults with formal sexual and reproductive health education and examines the self-education methods employed by this population in...
Show moreThough much research exists on LGBT+ exclusion from school-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education, the strategies used by LGBT+ individuals during their search for knowledge regarding the subject are not as widely documented. Using the ethnographic research method of semi-structured interviews, this research explores the experiences of young LGBT+ adults with formal sexual and reproductive health education and examines the self-education methods employed by this population in the context of exclusionary and cisheteronormative curricula. This project also functions to contribute to existing literature in the field of anthropology and other social sciences regarding the subject of SRH education, particularly LGBT+ SRH education. Furthermore, this study supports the need for additional research through the use of applied anthropology concerning interactions between institutions, policy and individual experiences of health.
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Date Issued
CFH2000500, ucf:45692
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Guittar, Nicholas, Grauerholz, Liz, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study uses a constructivist grounded theory approach to investigate the meaning of "coming out" for LGBQ individuals. Analysis of open-ended interviews with 30 LGBQ persons revealed three main themes. First, coming out does not have a universal meaning among LGBQ persons; rather, it varies on the basis of an individual's experiences, social environment, and personal beliefs and values. Coming out is a transformative process, and an important element in identity formation and maintenance....
Show moreThis study uses a constructivist grounded theory approach to investigate the meaning of "coming out" for LGBQ individuals. Analysis of open-ended interviews with 30 LGBQ persons revealed three main themes. First, coming out does not have a universal meaning among LGBQ persons; rather, it varies on the basis of an individual's experiences, social environment, and personal beliefs and values. Coming out is a transformative process, and an important element in identity formation and maintenance. Second, despite being attracted only to members of the same sex, ten interviewees engaged in a queer apologetic, a kind of identity compromise whereby individuals disclose a bisexual identity that they believe satisfies their personal attractions for only members of the same sex and society's expectation that they be attracted to members of the opposite sex. Third, both gender conformity (e.g., female=feminine) and gender non-conformity (e.g., female=masculine) present unique challenges to coming out. Because they are assumed to be straight, gender conformists must make a more concerted effort to come out. Gender non-conformists may experience greater ease coming out broadly because they are "assumed gay," but they also experience greater opposition from family and friends who resist gender non-conformity. This study provides important insight into the meaning of coming out as well the influences of heteronormativity and gender presentation on coming out. Implication and recommendations for future research are included.
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Date Issued
CFE0003911, ucf:48754
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Nickell, Kyra, Dillon, Mary, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Domestic violence shelters can vary greatly in the services available to victims and their families. The funding shelters receive can impact the shelter's ability to provide specialized services. Since the availability of services might vary from shelter to shelter, victims can have different experiences based on their location. This cross-sectional study contacted representatives from nine shelters in the State of Florida and asked the representatives nine questions about the services which...
Show moreDomestic violence shelters can vary greatly in the services available to victims and their families. The funding shelters receive can impact the shelter's ability to provide specialized services. Since the availability of services might vary from shelter to shelter, victims can have different experiences based on their location. This cross-sectional study contacted representatives from nine shelters in the State of Florida and asked the representatives nine questions about the services which are available at their respective shelter. The findings from this research show that these nine shelters offer a greater number of services than the study expected. However, there is still a need to better fund domestic violence shelters so that these services can be available to every victim, no matter where the victim resides.
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Date Issued
CFH0004826, ucf:45488
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