Current Search: Emerging (x)
Dawson, Daniel, Abdel-Aty, Dr. Mohamed, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Emergency preparedness typically involves the preparation of detailed plans that can be implemented in response to a variety of possible emergencies or disruptions to the transportation system. One shortcoming of past response plans was that they were based on only rudimentary traffic analysis or in many cases none at all. With the advances in traffic simulation during the last decade, it is now possible to model many traffic problems, such as emergency management, signal control and testing...
Show moreEmergency preparedness typically involves the preparation of detailed plans that can be implemented in response to a variety of possible emergencies or disruptions to the transportation system. One shortcoming of past response plans was that they were based on only rudimentary traffic analysis or in many cases none at all. With the advances in traffic simulation during the last decade, it is now possible to model many traffic problems, such as emergency management, signal control and testing of Intelligent Transportation System technologies. These problems are difficult to solve using the traditional tools, which are based on analytical methods. Therefore, emergency preparedness planning can greatly benefit from the use of micro-simulation models to evaluate the impacts of natural and man-made incidents and assess the effectiveness of various responses. This simulation based study assessed hypothetical emergency preparedness plans and what geometric and/or operational improvements need to be done in response to emergency incidents. A detailed framework outlining the model building, calibration and validation of the model using microscopic traffic simulation model WATSim (academic version) is provided. The Roadway network data consists of geometric layout of the network, number of lanes, intersection description which include the turning bays, signal timings, phasing sequence, turning movement information etc. The network in and around the OIA region is coded into WATSim with 3 main signalized intersections, 180 nodes and 235 links. The travel demand data includes the vehicle counts in each link of the network and was modeled as percentage turning count movements. After the OIA network was coded into WATSim, the road network was calibrated and validated for the peak hour mostly obtained from ADT with 8% K factor by comparing the simulated and actual link counts at 15 different key locations in the network and visual verification done. Ranges of scenarios were tested that includes security checkpoint, route diversion incase of incident in or near the airport and increasing demand on the network. Travel time, maximum queue length and delay were used as measures of effectiveness and the results tabulated. This research demonstrates the potential benefits of using microscopic simulation models when developing emergency preparedness strategies. In all 4 main Events were modeled and analyzed. In Event 1, occurrence of 15 minutes traffic incident on a section of South Access road was simulated and its impact on the network operations was studied. The averaged travel time under the incident duration to Side A was more than doubled (29 minutes, more than a 100% increase) compared to the base case and similarly that of Side B two and a half times more (23 minutes, also more than a 100% increase). The overall network performance in terms of delay was found to be 231.09 sec/veh. and baseline 198.9 sec/veh. In Event 2, two cases with and without traffic diversions were assumed and evaluated under 15 minutes traffic incident modeled at the same link and spot as in Event 1. It was assumed that information about the traffic incident was disseminated upstream of the incident 2 minutes after the incident had occurred. This scenario study demonstrated that on the average, 17% (4 minutes) to 41% (12 minutes) per vehicle of travel time savings are achieved when real-time traffic information was provided to 26% percent of the drivers diverted. The overall network performance in delay for this event was also found to improve significantly (166.92 sec/veh). These findings led to the conclusion that investment in ITS technologies that support dissemination of traffic information (such as Changeable Message Signs, Highway Advisory Radio, etc) would provide a great advantage in traffic management under emergency situations and road diversion strategies. Event 3 simulated a Security Check point. It was observed that on the average, travel times to Sides A and B was 3 and 5 minutes more respectively compared to its baseline. Averaged queue length of 650 feet and 890 feet worst case was observed. Event 4 determined when and where the network breaks down when loaded. Among 10 sets of demand created, the network appeared to be breaking down at 30% increase based on the network-wide delay and at 15% based on Level of Service (LOS). The 90% increase appeared to have the most effect on the network with a total network-wide delay close to 620 seconds per vehicle which is 3 and a half times compared to the baseline. Conclusions and future scope were provided to ensure continued safe and efficient traffic operations inside and outside the Orlando International Airport region and to support efficient and informed decision making in the face of emergency situations.
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Date Issued
CFE0000984, ucf:46705
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Enhanced Hardware Security Using Charge-Based Emerging Device Technology.
Bi, Yu, Yuan, Jiann-Shiun, Jin, Yier, DeMara, Ronald, Lin, Mingjie, Chow, Lee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The emergence of hardware Trojans has largely reshaped the traditional view that the hardware layer can be blindly trusted. Hardware Trojans, which are often in the form of maliciously inserted circuitry, may impact the original design by data leakage or circuit malfunction. Hardware counterfeiting and IP piracy are another two serious issues costing the US economy more than $200 billion annually. A large amount of research and experimentation has been carried out on the design of these...
Show moreThe emergence of hardware Trojans has largely reshaped the traditional view that the hardware layer can be blindly trusted. Hardware Trojans, which are often in the form of maliciously inserted circuitry, may impact the original design by data leakage or circuit malfunction. Hardware counterfeiting and IP piracy are another two serious issues costing the US economy more than $200 billion annually. A large amount of research and experimentation has been carried out on the design of these primitives based on the currently prevailing CMOS technology.However, the security provided by these primitives comes at the cost of large overheads mostly in terms of area and power consumption. The development of emerging technologies provides hardware security researchers with opportunities to utilize some of the otherwise unusable properties of emerging technologies in security applications. In this dissertation, we will include the security consideration in the overall performance measurements to fully compare the emerging devices with CMOS technology.The first approach is to leverage two emerging devices (Silicon NanoWire and Graphene SymFET) for hardware security applications. Experimental results indicate that emerging device based solutions can provide high level circuit protection with relatively lower performance overhead compared to conventional CMOS counterpart. The second topic is to construct an energy-efficient DPA-resilient block cipher with ultra low-power Tunnel FET. Current-mode logic is adopted as a circuit-level solution to countermeasure differential power analysis attack, which is mostly used in the cryptographic system. The third investigation targets on potential security vulnerability of foundry insider's attack. Split manufacturing is adopted for the protection on radio-frequency (RF) circuit design.
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Date Issued
CFE0006264, ucf:51041
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Pre and Post Implementation Evaluation of an Emergency Department Severe Sepsis Alert and Practice Protocol.
Williams, Darleen, Andrews, Diane, Sole, Mary Lou, Parrish, Gary, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTSevere sepsis kills an estimated 1,400 people worldwide every day. This often fatal infectious process accounts for an estimated 215,000 deaths in the United States (US) annually. The main goal of this project was to evaluate the impact of the Emergency Department Severe Sepsis Alert and Practice Protocol (EDSSAPP) post implementation, on time to first antibiotic administration, length of stay, and mortality in patients admitted via the ORMC ED with severe sepsis.This study evaluated...
Show moreABSTRACTSevere sepsis kills an estimated 1,400 people worldwide every day. This often fatal infectious process accounts for an estimated 215,000 deaths in the United States (US) annually. The main goal of this project was to evaluate the impact of the Emergency Department Severe Sepsis Alert and Practice Protocol (EDSSAPP) post implementation, on time to first antibiotic administration, length of stay, and mortality in patients admitted via the ORMC ED with severe sepsis.This study evaluated the time to first antibiotic administration, total ED and hospital length of stay (LOS) and mortality of severe sepsis patients either with a severe sepsis alert (SSA) activated or no alert activated that were admitted to the hospital through the ED. A retrospective review of the electronic medical record (EMR) was conducted to gather the required data across three time cohorts: base line/time zero (T0), six months prior to the implementation of EDSSAPP; Time one (T1) the first six months following initial EDSSAPP implementation; and Time two (T2), six months following reinstatement of the corporate sepsis committee. The most significant finding of this study was the increased number of Severe Sepsis Alerts activated in time cohort T2 (n=113) compared to T1 (n=19). Another important finding was the decreased mortality in T2 (16.4%) compared to T0 (22.7%) and T1 (33%). Overall, the number of ED patients with severe sepsis who received antibiotics within the EDSSAPP required 60 minutes did not consistently improve across the three time cohorts, T0 (81.8%), T1 (71.7%) and T2 (80.6%).The hospital LOS of stay was increased by almost 1.5 days between those patients with a severe sepsis alert activated in T1 (9.00 days) compared to time T2 (10.48 days). There was no significant decrease in the ED LOS across time cohorts and between groups of patients who had a SSA activated versus no alert activated. However, there was a 1 hour and 28 minute decrease in ED LOS in patients who had a severe sepsis alert activated in T1 compared to T0. In addition, there was a 1 hour and 52 minutes decrease in ED LOS between patients who had a SSA activated compared to those who had no alert activated in T2.While EDSSAPP data does not demonstrate the statistically significant results that was expected, the challenges related to adherence by providers to EDSSAPP is as it is seen in the literature. Increased awareness via consistent communication of on-going audit results to ED personnel will heighten their awareness for severe sepsis and EDSSAPP. Improved collaborative efforts with the interdisciplinary team are needed to refocus everyone's efforts to increase early recognition that is followed by appropriate treatment interventions and documentation is essential. Lastly, the development of a formal process to follow up with individual providers as close to real time as possible following a SSA that includes accountability for care provided and related documentation would also contribute to both awareness and adherence.
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Date Issued
CFE0005739, ucf:50075
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Egri, Erica, Malone, Linda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
With healthcare organizations struggling to remain competitive and financially stable in a market where minimizing costs is a priority, hospital administrators feel the sense of urgency when it comes to keeping patients satisfied with services in order to expand volume and market share. The Emergency Department is considered the front door of a healthcare organization, and keeping its visitors satisfied in order to guarantee a future visit or a referral to a friend or family member is a must....
Show moreWith healthcare organizations struggling to remain competitive and financially stable in a market where minimizing costs is a priority, hospital administrators feel the sense of urgency when it comes to keeping patients satisfied with services in order to expand volume and market share. The Emergency Department is considered the front door of a healthcare organization, and keeping its visitors satisfied in order to guarantee a future visit or a referral to a friend or family member is a must. While patient input on the services received in a healthcare facility is essential to improving quality of care, the costs associated with measuring, collecting and analyzing their feedback are remarkable. This research focuses on developing a linear regression model to predict patient satisfaction in the ED using surrogate measures related to patient's socio-demographic characteristics and visit characteristics. With a model of this kind, healthcare administrators can potentially eliminate survey costs while still being able to determine where the hospital stands in the eyes of the patient. Three modeling approaches were used to develop a multiple regression equation. Modeling approach 1 used monthly patient satisfaction scores as the dependent variable collected by a third-party survey organization. The goal of this model was to predict monthly patient satisfaction scores. Modeling approach 2 used patient satisfaction scores collected by the discharge registrar prior to the patient leaving the ED. The goal of this model was to predict patient satisfaction scores on a patient-by-patient basis. Modeling approach 3 used patient satisfaction scores collected by a third-party survey organization. The goal of this modeling approach was to predict patient satisfaction scores on a patient-by-patient basis. Each modeling approach developed in this study used its own survey tool. Though this study had limitations when it came to developing the models and validating the findings, results are very promising. Analysis shows that predicting average patient satisfaction scores on a monthly basis gives the most accurate results, with socio-demographic characteristics and visit characteristics explaining 96% of variation in monthly average patient satisfaction scores. Other model indicators, such as normality of residuals, predicted error, mean square error, and predicted R-square show that the model fits the data very well and has strong predictive ability. Models that attempted to predict patient satisfaction on a patient-by-patient basis appeared to be ineffective, with very large predicted errors and prediction intervals and low predictive ability.
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Date Issued
CFE0001657, ucf:47241
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Bartel, Kendra, Wright, Chrysalis, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of the current study was to observe how music affects the mood of those who suffer from anxiety and depression and those who do not. While previous research has examined this many of the previous studies have induced either physical pain or mood in participants in order to measure the impact of music. The current study, however, intends to examine how music affects mood without attempting to induce mood in participants. Six-hundred and seventy college students were given a...
Show moreThe purpose of the current study was to observe how music affects the mood of those who suffer from anxiety and depression and those who do not. While previous research has examined this many of the previous studies have induced either physical pain or mood in participants in order to measure the impact of music. The current study, however, intends to examine how music affects mood without attempting to induce mood in participants. Six-hundred and seventy college students were given a questionnaire containing an anxiety questionnaire, depression scale, demographic questionnaire, and music listening questionnaire. Intercorrelations, ANOVAS, as well as linear regressions were performed on the data and results for the study were significant in that music was found to impact participant's anxiety and depression. Results of the current study indicate that participants' preference for alternative music and soundtracks/showtunes impacted their level of depression and anxiety.
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Date Issued
CFH0004328, ucf:45048
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Catalano, Ivory, Heglund, Stephen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Background Each Emergency Room (ER) across the USA provides every patient with paperwork upon discharge, which commonly includes information about the patient�s diagnosis. This information will briefly describe the condition, provide information on treatment outside the ER, and possibly more, depending on the document and source. These documents are not made by hospital staff, but are generally purchased from outside providers who mass market such documents as resources for hospitals to use...
Show moreBackground Each Emergency Room (ER) across the USA provides every patient with paperwork upon discharge, which commonly includes information about the patient�s diagnosis. This information will briefly describe the condition, provide information on treatment outside the ER, and possibly more, depending on the document and source. These documents are not made by hospital staff, but are generally purchased from outside providers who mass market such documents as resources for hospitals to use to educate patients. One issue with these documents lies in their mass usage, which is not necessarily designed to target the general population�s reading and educational levels. Purpose The purpose of this research was to investigate currently used discharge education materials and evaluate them for their readability and content. From this investigation, recommendations were made and adjustments to the documents were applied in order to increase understanding for the general population. Results The documents ranged in Flesch-Kincaid grade level rankings from 7.8 to 3.6, and with Flesch Reading Ease scores of 54.7 to 85.3. The entirety of the standard documents were ranked at a minimum of 7th grade equivalents, and are, at the hardest rank, ranked at a 54.7 by the Reading Ease score. In comparison, the �easy to read� documents were ranked all below 5th grade level, and at the hardest rank, ranked at a 69.0 with the Flesch Reading Ease calculation. At a minimum, all documents included condition information and home care guidelines. The major obvious difference between the documents considered �easy to read� and the standard documents are that those considered easy to read typically had sections found on the standard document removed, and have the same overall content as the standard version remaining, only in a simpler vocabulary. Conclusions In order to provide the best educational materials to the general public, it would be in the best interest of companies manufacturing these documents to produce only one version, which would be at a level around the 6th grade or below. A document slightly below the 6th grade level would be more ideal, as the simpler the document is, the more patients it will be accessible for overall, accounting for those who are below the national standards. It is not truly necessary to separate the documents into two forms, and it helps to prevent confusion or offense by doing so.
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Date Issued
CFH2000016, ucf:45585
Document (PDF)
Mitchell, Steven, Radwan, Essam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A region's evacuation strategy encompasses a variety of areas and needs. Primary among these is the minimization of total evacuation time, represented in models as the clearance time estimate (CTE). A generic testbed simulation network model was developed. An input/output (I/O) analysis was performed to establish a theoretical baseline CTE. Results were compared with simulations; analysis showed that the I/O method underestimated simulated CTE as a function of network size, with a correction...
Show moreA region's evacuation strategy encompasses a variety of areas and needs. Primary among these is the minimization of total evacuation time, represented in models as the clearance time estimate (CTE). A generic testbed simulation network model was developed. An input/output (I/O) analysis was performed to establish a theoretical baseline CTE. Results were compared with simulations; analysis showed that the I/O method underestimated simulated CTE as a function of network size, with a correction factor range of 1.09 to 1.19. A regression model was developed for the generic network. Predictors were total trips, and network size defined as a function of origin-destination distance. Total Trips ranged between 40,000 and 60,000. Holding size constant, R-squared values ranged from 97.1 to 99.3, indicating a high goodness of fit. Holding Total Trips constant, R-squared values ranged from 74.5 to 89.2. Finally, both Total Trips and size were used as predictors; the resulting regression model had an R-squared value of 97.3. This overall model is more useful, since real world situations are not fixed in nature. The overall regression model was compared to a case network. The generic network regression model provided a close CTE approximation; deltas ranged from -4.7% to 8.6%. It was concluded that a generic network can serve as a surrogate for a case network over these ranges. This study developed and evaluated heuristic strategies for evacuation using the generic network. Strategies were compared with a simultaneous departure loading scenario. Six different grouping strategies were evaluated. An initial evaluation was conducted using the generic network, and strategies that showed potential CTE reduction were implemented on the case study network. Analysis indicated that the HF-10 (half-far) grouping for 60k total trips showed potential reduction. A complete simulation was conducted on the case network for all HF scenarios; an ANOVA was run using Dunnett's comparison. Results indicated that the HF grouping with 20% and 30% departure shifts showed potential for CTE reduction. From this it was concluded that the generic network could be used as a testbed for strategies that would show success on a case network.
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Date Issued
CFE0001098, ucf:46777
Document (PDF)
Elmitiny, Noor, Radwan, Essam, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The evacuation planning has become an important issue addressed by many research studies and publications aiming to improve the security of the daily life for our public inside the United States of America. The main objective of this research was to address the growing need for evacuation planning using traffic simulation. With increased interests and awareness in emergency evacuation and first responder access to emergencies in public locations (airports, transit stations, ports or stadiums)...
Show moreThe evacuation planning has become an important issue addressed by many research studies and publications aiming to improve the security of the daily life for our public inside the United States of America. The main objective of this research was to address the growing need for evacuation planning using traffic simulation. With increased interests and awareness in emergency evacuation and first responder access to emergencies in public locations (airports, transit stations, ports or stadiums), the traffic simulation can be helpful in orchestrating the traffic flow during emergencies. Related to this issue, Federal Transit Administration has issued a large number of publications and guidelines concerning emergency preparedness and incident management. These guidelines are used to develop a simulation-based activity to evaluate the current plan and alternative plans for the deployment of transit during an emergency situation. A major task for this project is to study the effect of evacuation on the surrounding traffic network and help the local transit company (LYNX) to evaluate their evacuation plan and consider different possibilities without the risk and cost of actual evacuation drills. A set of different scenarios and alternatives for each scenario were simulated and studied to reach the best possible evacuation strategy. The main findings were evacuation as pedestrians have less impact on traffic network and rerouting decreases the congestion resulting from the evacuation process.
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Date Issued
CFE0001188, ucf:46870
Document (PDF)
Lorch, Margaret K, Bourgault, Annette, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in U.S. hospitals, resulting from organ dysfunction caused by an inappropriate inflammatory reaction to an infection. Timely treatment with empiric antibiotics in the emergency department is crucial to facilitate positive patient outcomes. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) recommends initiating empiric antibiotic therapy within one hour of presentation to the emergency department. Some emergency departments have implemented sepsis management...
Show moreSepsis is one of the leading causes of death in U.S. hospitals, resulting from organ dysfunction caused by an inappropriate inflammatory reaction to an infection. Timely treatment with empiric antibiotics in the emergency department is crucial to facilitate positive patient outcomes. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) recommends initiating empiric antibiotic therapy within one hour of presentation to the emergency department. Some emergency departments have implemented sepsis management protocols to guide care and ensure timely treatment. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of a formal sepsis protocol in the emergency department on the time to antibiotic administration. A literature review was conducted using CINAHL, Cochrane Database, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, and MEDLINE. Results from one systematic review, eight quasi-experimental studies, and four quality improvement projects suggested that implementation of a sepsis management protocol in an emergency department may decrease the time to antibiotic administration. ([less than] 10 = spell out) Eleven of the 13 articles reported decreased time to antibiotic administration by as much as 8-193 minutes compared to pre-protocol. One study met the SSC goal of 1 hour and reported a median administration time of 17 minutes. Time to antibiotics was influenced by protocols based on published sepsis guidelines, inclusion of antibiotic guidelines, nurse-initiated treatment, and education for emergency clinicians regarding sepsis management. Emergency departments should implement sepsis protocols adapted to their local institution to decrease time to antibiotic administration and reduce mortality of sepsis patients. Further research on how sepsis protocols affect antibiotic administration time is needed.
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Date Issued
CFH2000341, ucf:45734
Document (PDF)
Bush-Burman, Randi, Talbert, Steven, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Pain is the leading cause of Emergency Department (ED) visits making it one of the primary concerns of the emergency medical field. The experience of pain is subjective and unique to every individual making it difficult to effectively manage. As a result, the subjective nature of pain is also commonly associated with drug-seekers often claiming to have pain simply to receive narcotics to support their addiction. There have been numerous studies completed to determine how to effectively...
Show morePain is the leading cause of Emergency Department (ED) visits making it one of the primary concerns of the emergency medical field. The experience of pain is subjective and unique to every individual making it difficult to effectively manage. As a result, the subjective nature of pain is also commonly associated with drug-seekers often claiming to have pain simply to receive narcotics to support their addiction. There have been numerous studies completed to determine how to effectively recognize drug-seeking. This integrative literature review will identify the common behaviors that have been seen as indicators of drug-seeking in the ED. The evidence collected from articles published between 2001 and 2011 examined the use of assessment tools, drug screening, and prescription monitoring programs for distinguishing drug-seekers. The evidence did not identify a specific evaluation tool used to recognize drug-seekers; however, the research did suggested that using these techniques can help to identify drug-seeking behavior allowing emergency medical staff to effectively manage pain in the ED.
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Date Issued
CFH0004070, ucf:44802
Document (PDF)
Velasquez, Alvaro, Jha, Sumit, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Memristor-based nano-crossbar computing is a revolutionary computing paradigm that does away with the traditional Von Neumann architectural separation of memory and computation units. The computation of Boolean formulas using memristor circuits has been a subject of several recent investigations. Crossbar computing, in general, has also been a topic of active interest, but sneak paths have posed a hurdle in the design of pervasive general-purpose crossbar computing paradigms. In this paper,...
Show moreMemristor-based nano-crossbar computing is a revolutionary computing paradigm that does away with the traditional Von Neumann architectural separation of memory and computation units. The computation of Boolean formulas using memristor circuits has been a subject of several recent investigations. Crossbar computing, in general, has also been a topic of active interest, but sneak paths have posed a hurdle in the design of pervasive general-purpose crossbar computing paradigms. In this paper, we demonstrate that sneak paths in nano-crossbar computing can be exploited to design a Boolean-formula evaluation strategy. We demonstrate our approach on a simple Boolean formula and a 1-bit addition circuit. We also conjecture that our nano-crossbar design will be an effective approach for synthesizing high-performance customized arithmetic and logic circuits.
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Date Issued
CFH0004571, ucf:45163
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Batchelder, Heather, Cross, Lee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT Using a single subject Multiple Baseline design, this study examined the efficacy of the Text Talk vocabulary acquisition strategy with regard to the use of new vocabulary by pre-kindergarten students in an inclusive classroom within a public charter school. Five pre-school students participated in the study. Students with varying exceptionalities as well as students with typical development were included in the study. Three classroom teachers implemented the Text Talk strategy...
Show moreABSTRACT Using a single subject Multiple Baseline design, this study examined the efficacy of the Text Talk vocabulary acquisition strategy with regard to the use of new vocabulary by pre-kindergarten students in an inclusive classroom within a public charter school. Five pre-school students participated in the study. Students with varying exceptionalities as well as students with typical development were included in the study. Three classroom teachers implemented the Text Talk strategy utilizing eight books and vocabulary scenario models during an interactive story time that included the direct instruction of vocabulary in the study. During the baseline and intervention phases data collection occurred during story time and during a word chart activity. Data were collected as to whether the participants used the new vocabulary when prompted and demonstrated the meaning of new vocabulary during activities embedded in the direct instruction of vocabulary within the context of story time. A pre and post assessment was utilized during baseline and following the intervention. The data suggest that all participants exhibited an increase in the use of new vocabulary and demonstration of meaning of new words during story time. The increase in scores from the pre assessment to the post assessment may indicate that immersion in activities with new vocabulary and opportunities to represent the new words phonologically may have led to the acquisition of new vocabulary by all student participants. The teachers perceived the implementation to be effective and manageable within the classroom setting.
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Date Issued
CFE0002345, ucf:47780
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Stochastic-Based Computing with Emerging Spin-Based Device Technologies.
Bai, Yu, Lin, Mingjie, DeMara, Ronald, Wang, Jun, Jin, Yier, Dong, Yajie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, analog and emerging device physics is explored to provide a technology plat- form to design new bio-inspired system and novel architecture. With CMOS approaching the nano-scaling, their physics limits in feature size. Therefore, their physical device characteristics will pose severe challenges to constructing robust digital circuitry. Unlike transistor defects due to fabrication imperfection, quantum-related switching uncertainties will seriously increase their sus-...
Show moreIn this dissertation, analog and emerging device physics is explored to provide a technology plat- form to design new bio-inspired system and novel architecture. With CMOS approaching the nano-scaling, their physics limits in feature size. Therefore, their physical device characteristics will pose severe challenges to constructing robust digital circuitry. Unlike transistor defects due to fabrication imperfection, quantum-related switching uncertainties will seriously increase their sus- ceptibility to noise, thus rendering the traditional thinking and logic design techniques inadequate. Therefore, the trend of current research objectives is to create a non-Boolean high-level compu- tational model and map it directly to the unique operational properties of new, power efficient, nanoscale devices.The focus of this research is based on two-fold: 1) Investigation of the physical hysteresis switching behaviors of domain wall device. We analyze phenomenon of domain wall device and identify hys- teresis behavior with current range. We proposed the Domain-Wall-Motion-based (DWM) NCL circuit that achieves approximately 30x and 8x improvements in energy efficiency and chip layout area, respectively, over its equivalent CMOS design, while maintaining similar delay performance for a one bit full adder. 2) Investigation of the physical stochastic switching behaviors of Mag- netic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) device. With analyzing of stochastic switching behaviors of MTJ, we proposed an innovative stochastic-based architecture for implementing artificial neural network (S-ANN) with both magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) and domain wall motion (DWM) devices, which enables efficient computing at an ultra-low voltage. For a well-known pattern recognition task, our mixed-model HSPICE simulation results have shown that a 34-neuron S-ANN imple- mentation, when compared with its deterministic-based ANN counterparts implemented with dig- ital and analog CMOS circuits, achieves more than 1.5 ? 2 orders of magnitude lower energy consumption and 2 ? 2.5 orders of magnitude less hidden layer chip area.
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Date Issued
CFE0006680, ucf:51921
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Aliterate College Students: A Neglect of Reading or a New Type of Literacy?.
Wells, Crystal, Marinara, Martha, Bowdon, Melody, Young, Beth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines the literacy practices of college students in order to determine whether their reading habits are likely to detract from their future professions. Based on reports that many college students and individuals in general do not read regularly, this study examines numerous studies that focus on the reading habits of students and their attitudes toward reading. Findings show that a considerable number of students do not practice what many educators consider to be (")good(")...
Show moreThis study examines the literacy practices of college students in order to determine whether their reading habits are likely to detract from their future professions. Based on reports that many college students and individuals in general do not read regularly, this study examines numerous studies that focus on the reading habits of students and their attitudes toward reading. Findings show that a considerable number of students do not practice what many educators consider to be (")good(") reading habits; that is, they do not read approved print literature and texts regularly. This study also introduces the idea that perhaps students are supplementing traditional reading with engagement in new types of literacy, including digital literacy, which might still yield positive benefits that are commonly associated with reading in its traditional sense. Educators are called to adopt an expanded notion of literacy that would recognize the validity of new literacies in the lives of students. Viewing literacy in this way would promote literacy amongst students, providing them with valuable tools for their futures. Moreover, adopting an expanded definition of literacy would alter how aliteracy reports such as the ones discussed in this study would be assessed.
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Date Issued
CFE0004310, ucf:49485
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The Influence of Online Dating on Emerging Adults' Levels of Empathy, Objectification of Others, and Quality of Romantic Relationships.
Bloom, Zachary, Lambie, Glenn, Taylor, Dalena, Barden, Sejal, Gutierrez, Daniel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the directional relationship between emerging adults' intensity of online dating and their levels of empathy, objectification of others, and quality of romantic relationships. This investigation tested the theoretical model that emerging adults' (N = 1,613) intensity of online dating (as measured by the Online Dating Intensity Scale [ODI]) contributed to their levels of empathy (as measured by the Adolescent Measure of Empathy and Sympathy...
Show moreThe purpose of this research study was to investigate the directional relationship between emerging adults' intensity of online dating and their levels of empathy, objectification of others, and quality of romantic relationships. This investigation tested the theoretical model that emerging adults' (N = 1,613) intensity of online dating (as measured by the Online Dating Intensity Scale [ODI]) contributed to their levels of empathy (as measured by the Adolescent Measure of Empathy and Sympathy [AMES]; Vossen, Piotrowski, (&) Valkenburg, 2015), objectification of others (as measured by the Sexual-Other Objectification Scale [SOOS]), and quality of relationships with romantic partners (as measured by the Relationships Structure Questionnaire [ECR-RS; Fraley, Heffernan, Vicary, (&) Brumbaugh, 2011] and Relationship Assessment Scale [RAS; Hendrick, 1988]). Specifically, the researcher tested the hypothesized directional relationship that emerging adults with greater intensity of using online dating services (e.g., websites and applications) would have (a) decreased levels of empathy, (b) increased levels of objectification of others, and (c) decreased quality of relationships with romantic partners. In addition, the researcher investigated the relationship between emerging adults' demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) and the intensity of their use of online dating services, levels of empathy, objectification of others, and relationship quality with romantic partners.The researcher conducted a thorough review of the literature regarding the constructs of interest in this investigation, providing conceptual evidence and empirical support for the research hypotheses and exploratory research questions. A convenience sample of emerging adult undergraduate or master's level students enrolled in various colleges and universities throughout the United States were invited to participate in this study. The researcher collected data through web-based survey and face-to-face administration. The researcher employed structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses to test the research hypothesis. In order to utilize SEM, the researcher also conducted confirmatory factor analyses and exploratory factor analyses to evaluate the validity and reliability of the assessment data used in the investigation. Additionally, the researcher conducted multiple linear regression, Pearson Product-Moment correlations, Spearman Rank Order correlations, and analysis of variance to analyze the data for the exploratory questions.The results of the structural equation model (SEM) analyses identified that emerging adults' intensity of online dating contributed to their levels of empathy (5.3% of the variance explained) and objectification of others (9% of the variance explained). Furthermore, the results of the analyses indicated a dynamic relationship between emerging adults' levels of empathy and objectification of others. Specifically, emerging adults' level of empathy shared a strong negative relationship with their level of objectification of others (98% of the variance explained). In contrast, emerging adults' level of objectification of others positively related to empathy (59.3% of the variance explained). Lastly, emerging adults' levels of empathy and objectification of others contributed to emerging adults' quality of romantic relationships (64% of the variance explained; 37% of the variance explained respectfully). The researcher compared the findings from the current investigation to previous research and assessed the limitations of this study. The findings from the study have implications for future research, clinical practice, counselor education, and instrument development. Specifically, findings from this investigation provide support for (a) increased clinical awareness of emerging adults' widespread use of online dating services; (b) the incorporation of social communication technology and online dating subjects into CACREP accredited counseling courses; and (c) and insight into the instrument development of the ODI, AMES, and SOOS.
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Date Issued
CFE0006075, ucf:50943
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Playing Back Spirituality: Using Applied Theatre Practice for Spiritual Exploration an Meaningful Community Building in College.
Kinnebrew, Ann, Wood, Vandy, Listengarten, Julia, StClaire, Sybil, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACTHigher Education in the U.S. today is experiencing a theoretical and practical shift toward educating the (")whole person(") and to that end, is investigating ways to include spirituality in all facets of the academy. This requires focusing on the concept that (")in addition to material knowledge, spiritual, emotional, and ethical knowledge is imparted to students(") (Khan 2009). Many colleges and universities are searching for avenues to answer this call and better prepare students...
Show moreABSTRACTHigher Education in the U.S. today is experiencing a theoretical and practical shift toward educating the (")whole person(") and to that end, is investigating ways to include spirituality in all facets of the academy. This requires focusing on the concept that (")in addition to material knowledge, spiritual, emotional, and ethical knowledge is imparted to students(") (Khan 2009). Many colleges and universities are searching for avenues to answer this call and better prepare students as business, political and social leaders in a new millennia that defines religion very differently than it did twenty years ago. Today, students are exposed to a much wider array of organized religions from all over the globe. Additionally, the very definitions of religion and spirituality have undergone a seismic shift making it difficult for colleges to incorporate a religious or spiritual focus into curriculum.More and more people are cobbling together their own unique combinations of religious ideas, practices, experiences and core values from a variety of religious and non-religious sources. The term 'spirituality' is sometimes used to describe this new do-it-yourself faith...To be 'spiritual' understood in this sense, is to have deeply held convictions, and anyone can have those kinds of heartfelt allegiances. This new ambiguity about what counts as religion or spirituality makes it virtually impossible to keep religion out of higher education. (Jacobsen and Jacobsen 2012)Research on the subject of religion and spirituality indicates that this is a point of major concern for many young American college students who are searching for personal and social significance. (Arnett 2000a; Astin, et al. 2011; Jacobsen and Jacobsen 2012)iiiThis study asserts that college students enter a unique stage of development known as emerging adulthood (Arnett 2000a) that calls for increased focus on meaning making and identity formation. In an effort to meet the individual and institutional need for spiritual exploration, this study will offer specific applied theatre practices that connect theories in theatre, psychology, student development and leadership designed to serve the emerging adult population as part of a holistic educational vision. This study confirms the feasibility of such a program by a detailed examination of specific theatre techniques and, in particular, the adaptation of Playback Theatre as the most viable form for inner life exploration and campus community building. A formal investigation into the efficacy of theatrical methods is called for as validation of theories and practices offered here. It is my hope that this research will encourage campus-wide awareness of theatre's utility and application to a wider range of students. By recognizing the need to educate the (")whole person("), institutions of Higher Education can give students the best possible preparation for a full and meaningful adult life through theatre practices uniquely designed for the purpose of inner life exploration and awareness.Key Implications: new areas of application for Applied Theatre Studies; collaborative opportunities for college theatre departments and student services, expansion of campus wide-visibility and understanding of theatre arts, feasibility for attending to student inner life needs and student community building through theatre.
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Date Issued
CFE0006128, ucf:51161
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Computer Simulation of 911 Emergency Telephone System for Orange County, Florida.
Veillette, Ronald J., null, null, Engineering
Abstract / Description
Florida Technological University College of Engineering Thesis; The State of Florida has mandated that a statewide 911 system be implemented, and the Department of General Services, Division of Communications, has performed a study of possible 911 system configurations for Orange County based on the findings of a study performed by the Stanford Research Institute for the whole of the State of Florida. The Orange County study determined operator manning levels of the primary law enforcement...
Show moreFlorida Technological University College of Engineering Thesis; The State of Florida has mandated that a statewide 911 system be implemented, and the Department of General Services, Division of Communications, has performed a study of possible 911 system configurations for Orange County based on the findings of a study performed by the Stanford Research Institute for the whole of the State of Florida. The Orange County study determined operator manning levels of the primary law enforcement agencies involved in the system and response times to citizen calls for each of the configurations proposed. This research generated computer simulation models of the two most likely to be implemented configurations for handling citizen calls. The models were run sing the input parameters defined in the Orange County study, and the results compared favorably. Additional runs were made with varying resource assignments to evaluate call service with respect to the level of performance and response time. The models were designed in modular form, such that they can easily be structured to conform to other operational configurations. This will allow evaluation of prosed systems prior to actual start up and analysis of resource requirements based on population predictions.
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Date Issued
CFR0004777, ucf:52962
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Pavelko, Stacey, Lieberman, R. Jane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Much research demonstrates that alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and emergent writing are all significant predictors of later reading and writing outcomes, and that children with language impairments (LI) are particularly at risk for later literacy difficulties. Further, children with LI consistently demonstrate depressed emergent literacy skills in the areas of phonological awareness, print concepts, and alphabet knowledge; however, little is known about their emergent writing...
Show moreMuch research demonstrates that alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and emergent writing are all significant predictors of later reading and writing outcomes, and that children with language impairments (LI) are particularly at risk for later literacy difficulties. Further, children with LI consistently demonstrate depressed emergent literacy skills in the areas of phonological awareness, print concepts, and alphabet knowledge; however, little is known about their emergent writing skills. Therefore, the purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to compare the emergent writing skills of preschool children with language impairment to their typically developing peers using a range of writing tasks and a detailed, consistent scoring rubric for each task; and, (2) to explore the relationships among emergent writing skills and alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, and oral language. The participants included four groups of preschool children: 11 4-year-old children with LI; 11 4-year-old language typical (LT) children, age-matched to children with LI; 20 4-year-old children with typical language; and, 21 5-year-old children with typical language. Children with language impairment scored between 70 and 84 on the Language Index of Assessment of Literacy and Language (ALL) (Lombardino, Lieberman, & Brown, 2005), and children with typical language scored between 85 and 115. All children passed a bilateral hearing screen, scored within the normal range on a non-verbal intelligence screen, demonstrated an unremarkable developmental history relative to sensory, neurological, and motor performance, spoke English as their primary language, and had mothers with at least a high school education or equivalent. During two sessions, children were administered the ALL and five emergent writing tasks: Write Letters, Write Name, Write CVC Words, Picture Description, and Sentence Retell. The writing tasks and accompanying scoring rubrics were adopted from a previous study by Puranik and Lonigan (2009). Results indicated that children with LI demonstrated significantly less advanced letter and word writing skills than their language typical, age-matched peers. In addition, significant relationships between all emergent writing tasks and alphabet knowledge were observed for all children as well as significant relationships between oral language and phonological awareness for children with typical language. No significant relationships between any of the emergent writing tasks and phonological awareness or between oral language and alphabet knowledge were found. Further, results indicated the same developmental patterns exist in written as well as oral language for children with LI. This study has therapeutic implications for speech-language pathologists. In particular, emergent writing tasks need to be included in comprehensive assessment and intervention approaches for children with LI. Assessments need to yield accurate descriptions of emergent writing skills relevant to later literacy outcomes. Finally, integrated intervention approaches that combine initial sound awareness tasks with alphabet knowledge and emergent writing tasks may achieve the best learning outcomes.
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Date Issued
CFE0004067, ucf:49138
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Pavlish-Carpenter, Skyler J, D'Amato-Kubiet, Leslee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Background: Disruptive technology describes technology that is significantly more advanced than previous iterations, such as: 3D printing, genetic manipulation, stem cell research, innovative surgical procedures, and computer-based charting software. These technologies often require extensive overhauls to implement into older systems and must overcome many difficult financial and societal complications before they can be widely used. In a field like healthcare that makes frequent advancements...
Show moreBackground: Disruptive technology describes technology that is significantly more advanced than previous iterations, such as: 3D printing, genetic manipulation, stem cell research, innovative surgical procedures, and computer-based charting software. These technologies often require extensive overhauls to implement into older systems and must overcome many difficult financial and societal complications before they can be widely used. In a field like healthcare that makes frequent advancements, these difficulties can mean that the technology will not be utilized to its full potential or implemented at all. Objective: To determine the inhibiting factors that prevent disruptive technology from being implemented in conventional healthcare. Methods: Peer reviewed articles were gathered from Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), Elton B. Stephens Co. Host (Ebsco Host), Medical Literature On-line (Medline), and Psychological Information Database (PsychINFO). Articles were included if written in English and focusing on technology that was or is difficult to implement. Results: Research suggests that the primary reason disruptive technology is not implemented sooner is the cost versus benefit ratio. Those technologies with extremely high benefits that greatly improve efficiency, safety, or expense are integrated relatively quickly, especially if their cost is reasonable. Secondary reasons for difficulty with integration include ethical dilemmas, extreme complexity, technical limitations, maintenance, security, and fallibility. Conclusion: Research indicates that a decrease in production cost and selling price along with removing any issues that may depreciate the technology will provide better incentives for healthcare systems to integrate disruptive technologies on a wider scale.
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Date Issued
CFH2000374, ucf:45799
Document (PDF)
Moser, Isaiah, Talbert, Steven, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Sepsis is a complicated disorder in which an infection has reached the bloodstream and caused a cascade of events that in time will lead to death. Interventions aimed at identifying sepsis early in its progression are imperative to stopping the process. The purpose of this study is to examine the current state of the literature regarding sepsis screening tools utilized by emergency medical services. A literature review exploring the various tools in place was conducted to see their value in...
Show moreSepsis is a complicated disorder in which an infection has reached the bloodstream and caused a cascade of events that in time will lead to death. Interventions aimed at identifying sepsis early in its progression are imperative to stopping the process. The purpose of this study is to examine the current state of the literature regarding sepsis screening tools utilized by emergency medical services. A literature review exploring the various tools in place was conducted to see their value in predicting sepsis and secondary what the initiation of a sepsis alert has on the patients' outcome. Results found included that sepsis screening tools when in place decrease time to identification, decrease time to antibiotics, increase amount of fluid administration, and overall reduce hospital stay and mortality rate. With these findings educational training for EMS providers and the introduction of generalized protocols are of the upmost importance. Further research is needed to be done to create a consistent tool to be used by all EMS agencies that has a validated predictive value of sepsis.
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Date Issued
CFH2000155, ucf:46061
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