Current Search: Fidel (x)
Revolutionary Manifestos and Fidel Castro's Road to Power.
Plazas, Luis, Martinez Fernandez, Luis, Pineda, Yovanna, Walker, Ezekiel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The historiography of the Cuban Revolution includes numerous accounts which detail the responses to Batista's coup. The fact that anti-Batista sentiments were very popular in Cuba, and that several revolutionary groups existed has also been highly documented. Nonetheless, the most highly recognized insurrectional organization remains Castro's M-26-7. The goal of my thesis is to explain the steps which Castro took in order to remove all competition, allowing him to remain the only figure left...
Show moreThe historiography of the Cuban Revolution includes numerous accounts which detail the responses to Batista's coup. The fact that anti-Batista sentiments were very popular in Cuba, and that several revolutionary groups existed has also been highly documented. Nonetheless, the most highly recognized insurrectional organization remains Castro's M-26-7. The goal of my thesis is to explain the steps which Castro took in order to remove all competition, allowing him to remain the only figure left in power. The process in which Castro came to power will be analyzed in order to gain a better understanding of how he orchestrated the removal of other revolutionary groups. My thesis will show that Castro purposely aided some groups, when it was to his benefit, but also denied aid to these same groups when he knew that he could gain an advantage over them. An analysis of the manifestos will reveal that most anti-Batista groups had their own agendas and that often times they were attempting to work together in order to coordinate Cuba's future. I will focus on primary source materials such as eye witness accounts, historical publications, diaries and newspapers. I intend on analyzing Castro's M-26-7, from the time of his attack of the Moncada Barracks, through the course of the insurrection itself, and his final actions as Batista fled Cuba in 1959.By investigating the actions that were taken by Castro and his followers, in light of how those actions affected the other revolutionaries groups, will shed light on why certain decisions were made by the M-26-7. The outcome of this research will show that the M-26-7 orchestrated their actions with the sole purpose of bringing Castro to power when the insurrection war was over.
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Date Issued
CFE0005538, ucf:50320
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Castro, Sarah, Naccarato-Fromang, Gina, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Cuba is a communist country an estimated population of 11,075,244(2013), Cuba is located about ninety-three miles south of Key West, Florida. Cuba has been ruled by the communist regime of Fidel Castro, and now his younger brother Raul Castro. For over fifty years this regime has forced a major increase in the amount of people migrating to the United States. The regime has been disregarding basic human rights for decades and oppressing Cuba's citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have...
Show moreCuba is a communist country an estimated population of 11,075,244(2013), Cuba is located about ninety-three miles south of Key West, Florida. Cuba has been ruled by the communist regime of Fidel Castro, and now his younger brother Raul Castro. For over fifty years this regime has forced a major increase in the amount of people migrating to the United States. The regime has been disregarding basic human rights for decades and oppressing Cuba's citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans have come to the United States using boats, rafts, or any means available. The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 (amended in 1994 to contain the Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy) states that if Cubans trying to reach the United States are intercepted at sea, they will be sent back to Cuba, or a third country. If they make it to United States soil, they will have the chance to start the journey to becoming citizens of the United States. Many Cubans die at sea trying to reach the United States for this chance at citizenship. There have been attempts to implement immigration policy in the past. President Obama is now trying to reform current immigration laws. What effects could a new immigration policy have on Cuban immigration versus the legislation put forth in the past? This study will be an examination and analysis of past and Cuban immigration policy and issues. This research paper utilizes government websites, news articles, presidential addresses, books and various sources to address this question. My hope is that this study will help to explain the impact past policies and reform had on Cuban immigration, and the impact proposed policy and current issues may have in the future.
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Date Issued
CFH0004517, ucf:45215
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Simulating Human Pleura Performance in Medical Training Using Measured Tissue Mechanical Properties.
Norfleet, Jack, Bai, Yuanli, Kassab, Alain, Metcalf, David, Cendan, Juan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Medical simulations provide hands-on training at various levels of medical expertise. Yet these simulators fail to accurately mimic the look, feel and behavior of human tissue. Applying measured mechanical properties from human cadaver tissues promises to improve the fidelity of simulated tissue behaviors when subjected to medical procedures. Samples of human parietal pleura were tested under uniaxial tension to failure and measured characteristics were replicated in synthetic pleura. Context...
Show moreMedical simulations provide hands-on training at various levels of medical expertise. Yet these simulators fail to accurately mimic the look, feel and behavior of human tissue. Applying measured mechanical properties from human cadaver tissues promises to improve the fidelity of simulated tissue behaviors when subjected to medical procedures. Samples of human parietal pleura were tested under uniaxial tension to failure and measured characteristics were replicated in synthetic pleura. Context specific parameters were then collected and compared between human pleura and the new synthetics. These comparisons tested the hypothesis; H1 Gaps exist between synthetic and human pleura performance, H2: Human tissue fracture mechanics define desired performance of synthetic tissues, H3: Synthetic and human tissues with similar stress/strain parameters will behave similarly when blunt punctured. The results promote the future development of high fidelity tissue simulants for medical training.The studied tissue is parietal pleura which contributes the critical haptic (")pop(") indicating access to the proper anatomic space during the tube thoracostomy procedure. Once accessed through blunt puncture, tube is then inserted to drain air and fluid from around the lungs.Stress/strain based hyper-elastic and fracture properties calibrated from fresh human cadaver pleura were used to define performance requirements. Synthetic pleura were then prototyped and their mechanical properties were characterized. Commercial pleura simulants were puncture tested and compared to compliant custom and off-the-shelf formulations. A non-compliant but commonly used pleura substitute was also tested. Blunt puncture force and displacement were compared for each of the materials to test the stated hypotheses.
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Date Issued
CFE0007065, ucf:52023
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The Effects of Scoring Technique on Situational Judgment Test Validity.
Miller, Daniel, Jentsch, Kimberly, Jentsch, Florian, Fritzsche, Barbara, Burke, Shawn, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs) are frequently used by organizations as a face-valid selection measure with low adverse impact and a relatively strong relationship with relevant criteria. Despite their common use, there remain several research questions regarding the theoretical foundations and characteristics of SJTs. Additionally, developments in SJT scoring provide fertile ground for research to validate new scoring techniques to better predict criteria of interest. Motowidlo and his...
Show moreSituational Judgment Tests (SJTs) are frequently used by organizations as a face-valid selection measure with low adverse impact and a relatively strong relationship with relevant criteria. Despite their common use, there remain several research questions regarding the theoretical foundations and characteristics of SJTs. Additionally, developments in SJT scoring provide fertile ground for research to validate new scoring techniques to better predict criteria of interest. Motowidlo and his colleagues (2006) recently developed a scoring technique for SJTs based on the principle of Implicit Trait Policies (ITPs) which are implicit beliefs concerning the effectiveness of different behavioral choices that demonstrate varying levels of targeted traits. Individuals high in these targeted traits will rate item responses that demonstrate high levels of that particular trait as more effective. Taking into consideration this new method, and also considering the multitude of scoring methods already available to test developers, it logically follows that these different scoring methods will have different correlations with constructs of interest, and that by using this new method it may be possible to achieve a much higher correlation with personality. The effects of scoring technique on relationships between SJT scores and constructs of interest such as personality will in turn have effects on the criterion validity of the SJT. This research explored how scoring methods affected the relationship SJT scores have with general mental ability, personality traits, typical performance, and maximum performance. Results indicated significant differential validity as a function of the respondents' race. For minority participants, SJT scores predicted (")maximum performance ratings(") in a simulation exercise but not (")typical performance ratings(") provided by familiar peers. However, the reverse was true for Caucasian participants. The two scoring methods demonstrated differential validity. However, the nature of these differences varied as a function of the performance dimension in question (i.e., agreeableness, extraversion). Implications for future research will be discussed as well as the practical implications of these findings.
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Date Issued
CFE0004484, ucf:49314
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Understanding the Capabilities and Limitations of Advanced Interactive M(&)S: A Cricothyroidotomy Simulation Case Study.
Campbell-Wynn, Lillian, Proctor, Michael, Kincaid, John, Crumpton-Young, Lesia, Liu, Alan, Burgess, Deborah, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Simulation for surgical education and training is increasingly perceived as a valuable contribution to traditional teaching methods providing a structured learning experience. Surgical simulations allow surgeons to practice tactics, techniques and procedures numerous times without the cost, limitations and ethical problems of using cadaver-based models. The goal of this research is to advance the use of modeling and simulation in support of emergency medical training. This research explores...
Show moreSimulation for surgical education and training is increasingly perceived as a valuable contribution to traditional teaching methods providing a structured learning experience. Surgical simulations allow surgeons to practice tactics, techniques and procedures numerous times without the cost, limitations and ethical problems of using cadaver-based models. The goal of this research is to advance the use of modeling and simulation in support of emergency medical training. This research explores questions identified through a case study of two different modeling and simulation techniques (-) virtual reality and mannequins - in the support of combat emergency medical education and training. To reduce the scope to a manageable dissertation, the research focuses on CricSim as representative form of virtual reality simulation and HapMed as a form of mannequin simulation both with haptic-enabled capabilities. To further narrow the scope, the research focuses on training of a medical technique common to both simulation systems, which for this research was the cricothyroidotomy airway management technique. The U.S. Army expressed interest in training of combat medics in the cricothyroidotomy airway management technique and offered to support experimentation with both facilities and trained combat medics as the sample population. An experiment supporting this research took place at Fort Indiantown Gap, a National Guard Training Center located in Annville, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania and is the home of the Medical Battalion Training Site. An advanced airway management course is augmented with combat medics receiving training and evaluation on performing the cricothyroidotomy procedure using CricSim and HapMed with system experts provided by each respective developer. The NASA Task Load survey is used to collect participants' assessment of workload in terms of Mental Demand, Physical Demand, Temporal Demand, Level of Effort, Performance and Level of Frustration based on four primary tasks of the cricothyroidotomy. Additionally, the Technology Acceptance Model survey is used to provide insight into participant's assessment of usability. Professional trainers also provide their assessment of the virtual simulators suitability in support of the combat medics in performing their tasks based on their standards. The results of the participants' assessment of each virtual simulator take the form of a comparison study. To improve the advancement of medical simulation in the training of cricothyroidotomy procedure, a summary of findings, generalized conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations for future research are illuminated. The dissertation team is comprised of medical experts within the U.S. Air Force Education and Training Command, U.S. Army Research and Medical Command, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences as well as simulation subject matter experts from the University of Central Florida.
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Date Issued
CFE0005142, ucf:50705
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Physiological Constraints on Warm-Water Habitat Site Selection and Utilization by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in East Central Florida.
Spellman, Ann, Worthy, Graham, Noss, Reed, Hinkle, Ross, DeFreese, Duane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Living at the northern limits of its geographic range, the Florida manatee is particularly susceptible to cold stress-related mortality during the winter months, with most deaths occurring in the lower two-thirds of the state. Contributing to this cold stress susceptibility is the manatee's limited physiological and behavioral responses available when thermally stressed. While capable of migrating south in response to falling water temperatures, manatees must still find warm water when...
Show moreLiving at the northern limits of its geographic range, the Florida manatee is particularly susceptible to cold stress-related mortality during the winter months, with most deaths occurring in the lower two-thirds of the state. Contributing to this cold stress susceptibility is the manatee's limited physiological and behavioral responses available when thermally stressed. While capable of migrating south in response to falling water temperatures, manatees must still find warm water when ambient river temperature drops below 20(&)deg;C for more than a few days. This is in part due to the species low metabolic rate, limited capacity for thermogenesis, and limited ability to raise its metabolic rate. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures may result in cold stress syndrome, which involves a number of potentially life-threatening, if not fatal physiological changes. Survival during the winter months is therefore, dependent upon the manatee's ability to balance basic physiological needs, primarily the need to forage and to obtain fresh water with the need to stay warm.When identifying which animals are most susceptible and where, analyses of statewide manatee mortality records from 1996 through 2011 (n = 823) indicated that, size and location matter. Medium to large-sized calves accounted for the majority of documented death from cold stress (46.6%), while subadults and small calves were the least represented size classes (14.3 % and 9.5%, respectively). Adults slightly outnumbered subadults (15.8%). Males outnumbered females in all size classes but gender differences were not statistically significant. With regards to location, two areas of the state, the southwest and central east coasts showed the highest incidents of cold stress-related mortality. Both are regions with no primary, natural warm-water springs and whose principal warm-water refugia are power plant effluents. Brevard County on the central east coast is the area most at risk during cold weather events accounting for more than 25% of all cold stress deaths statewide. Warm-water sites within this region are few and relatively underrepresented in the literature in an area well-studied in terms of manatee abundance and distribution relative to the operational power plant. Results from cold stress data analyses emphasize the importance of identifying and characterizing the physical attributes of both known and suspected secondary warm-sites used by manatees in this region for both long and short term protection of the species, and its critical habitat.Three locations within Brevard County identified as passive thermal basins (PTBs), and classified as secondary warm-water sites, have been documented supporting in excess of 100 manatees on numerous occasions, and during winters of varying severity. Unique in physical appearance, distance to forage, hydrology including thermal profiles, and when it was used by manatees, each site challenged the accepted definitions and criteria of what constitutes an acceptable and appropriate warm-water site.Through analyses of photo-identification records, site fidelity at two of these warm-water sites, the Berkeley Canal and the Desoto Canal, was established for a minimum of 20 highly identifiable animals, 15 of which used adjacent sites within the same year, and 6 that used both sites but during different years. Observations of daily use patterns within the sites supported optimization of thermoregulation through adjustments in both vertical and horizontal movement, the latter of which seemed to follow the path of the sun. Manatees using the sites also made use of bottom sediment presumably to stay warm at all three locations. Temperature data indicated that water temperatures monitored in the sediment at secondary sites were some of the highest in the county. The predictable movements during all but the coldest weather fronts indicated that manatees utilized these sites during the early morning and afternoon hours when ambient river temperatures were coldest, gradually returning to the river to feed as ambient temperatures began to rise later in the afternoon.The availability of PTBs in proximity to primary warm-water sites within the region may provide an important component needed for manatees to successfully balance the need to forage with the need to stay warm by providing a network that allows for more efficient foraging while reducing exposure to sub-critical ambient river temperatures. The challenge of balancing the need to forage and to maintain homeostasis in the face of thermal stress is complex. This complexity was best approached and better understood through use of a manatee energetics model. The model was designed to facilitate simulation of an unlimited number of different case scenarios involving the exposure of virtually created manatees to a variety of winter conditions as might be experienced by real manatees in a natural system. Sixty-four different simulations were run using six virtual manatees of differing ages, gender, physical parameters, and knowledge of warm-water sites. Simulations were conducted using actual winter water temperature data from Brevard secondary sites and the ambient river from both a mild and a severe winter season. Outcomes, measured as changes in physical parameters indicative of body condition (i.e. mass, percent body fat, blubber depth, girths, etc.), showed that all else being equal, calves in the 2 year-old range fared poorly in all scenarios when compared to individuals of larger size. Subadults fared better than larger adults. This outcome illustrates the complex relationship between size, energy requirements and the synergistic effects of body mass, body fat and blubber thickness on SA:V ratio. Model outcomes agree closely with manatee cold stress mortality analyses predicting that medium to large-sized calves are most susceptible to CS, followed by adults, then subadults.Because all models are simplifications of complex systems, the manatee energetics model is not without its flaws and limitations. The current version of the model could not predict the point at which cold stress mortality would occur. However, a cold stress warning system incorporated into the design alerts the user if potential CSS is likely based on changing physical parameters. Another limitation was the inability of the model to account for the behavioral plasticity of individual subjects since virtual manatees respond to water temperatures based on the user defined rules. A number of additional limitations related to gaps in existing manatee data the gaps were identified and defined. Despite these gaps, the model is designed to allow for incorporation of additional interactions, feedback loops and relevant data as it becomes available and as additional physiological interactions and energy requirements are more clearly defined. Sensitivity analyses, a feature of the model that allowed for modifications in a number of physical as well as environmental parameters, provided an otherwise unlikely opportunity to see how incremental changes in input values, specifically the starting values for mass, percent body fat and blubber depth affected the model's outcome. Ultimately the goal of the model was to facilitate a better understanding of complex relationships by challenging our preconceived understanding of the manatee and its environment
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Date Issued
CFE0005419, ucf:50428
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Windes, Kathryn, Fauth, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As urban areas expand, agricultural lands become increasingly important habitat for many species. Compared to some types of agricultural land-use, ranchlands provide vast expanses of minimally modified habitat that support many threatened and endangered species. Conservation biologists can promote ecologically sound management approaches by quantifying the effects of agricultural practices on resident species. I examined the effects of pasture management, cattle grazing, and landscape...
Show moreAs urban areas expand, agricultural lands become increasingly important habitat for many species. Compared to some types of agricultural land-use, ranchlands provide vast expanses of minimally modified habitat that support many threatened and endangered species. Conservation biologists can promote ecologically sound management approaches by quantifying the effects of agricultural practices on resident species. I examined the effects of pasture management, cattle grazing, and landscape characteristics on both adult and larval treefrogs in a ranchland in south-central Florida. I experimentally determined optimal deployment of artificial treefrog shelters constructed of polyvinylchloride (PVC) pipe to efficiently sample adult treefrogs (Chapter 1). Seventy-two shelters were hung on oak trees (Quercus virginiana) and cabbage palm trees (Sabal palmetto) with smooth trunks or boots (residual palm fronds), at all possible combinations of three heights (2, 3, and 4 m), four compass directions (N, S, E, and W) and two water levels (with or without 10 cm). Shelter residence was completely dominated by the Squirrel Treefrog, Hyla squirella (N = 65). Significantly fewer H. squirella were found in shelters on palms with boots than on smooth palms or oak trees (0.29 ñ 0.21 [mean ñ 1 SE hereinafter] versus 1.3 ñ 0.21 and 1.1 ñ 0.21, respectively), and shelters with water had slightly more H. squirella than those without (1.5 ñ 0.19 versus 0.88 ñ 0.19, respectively). Orientation and height did not affect the number of treefrogs encountered; thus, the optimal protocol is to deploy shelters on either smooth palms or oak trees, with water, at 2 m height for easy sampling, and in random compass orientations. I used this protocol to sample H. squirella in woodlots surrounding twelve wetlands and examined how time, frog stage and sex, and landscape features influenced treefrog survival, recapture and site fidelity (Chapter 2). I deployed 15 shelters/ha of woodlot within a 100 m buffer around each wetland. I sampled shelters three times during the fall breeding season, removed all shelters to force frogs to overwinter in natural refugia, and replaced shelters for the final spring sampling. During sampling periods, I sexed, measured, and individually marked each frog using visual implant elastomer (VIE) tags. I used Program MARK to build linear models that included either gender group (female, male or juvenile) or life history stage (adult, juvenile) and either time (sampling interval 1, 2, or 3) or season (fall, spring). I used the most informative model as a null model to assess effects of landscape covariates on survival and recapture. Females had higher survival than either males or juveniles, for which estimates were similar (0.867 vs 0.741 and 0.783, respectively). Survival did not vary over time, although there was some support for an effect of season, with lower survival during the final over-wintering period than in the fall intervals (relative variable importance: group = 0.730; stage = 0.134; time = 0.200; season = 0.310). Adults had higher recapture rates than juveniles (average recapture 0.214 vs 0.102), and recapture for both stages varied over time, with highest recapture in sampling interval two (relative variable importance: group = 0.262; stage = 0.514; time = 0.513; season = 0.229). Hyla squirella was extremely site loyal; no individuals moved between sampling sites, and 95% of recaptured individuals were in their original shelter. Strong terrestrial site fidelity calls into question the traditional ÃÂ"ponds as patchesÃÂ" metapopulation view of treefrog population dynamics. Area of woodlot within 250 m was the most important landscape variable in explaining additional variation in both survival and recapture. Frogs had higher survival and lower recapture in larger woodlots, indicating that intact, contiguous woodlots are higher quality habitat than more fragmented woodlots. Neither survival nor recapture varied with wetland grazing treatments or between pasture types. Finally, I experimentally assessed the effects of cattle grazing and pasture management on larval H. squirella. I selected four wetlands: two in semi-natural pastures (SN) and two in intensively managed pastures (IM). One wetland in each pasture type was fenced so that it was released from cattle grazing (R). I collected three clutches of H. squirella eggs (Clutches A, B, and C) and reared tadpoles in the laboratory until Gosner stage 25. In each wetland, I deployed a total of 50 tadpoles from each clutch into 105 L pens constructed of plastic laundry baskets and mesh window screening. Clutch significantly affected tadpole survival, with Clutch A having the highest percent survival, followed by Clutch B and finally Clutch C (41.66, 32.11 à53.95 [mean, 95% confidence limits hereinafter]; 9.00, 6.76 à11.88; 2.89, 2.02 à4.01, respectively). Wetland type also affected survival, with SN wetlands supporting significantly higher survival than IM wetlands (SN-R: 53.95, 32.88 à88.13; SN-G: 18.95, 11.30 à31.36 vs IM-R: 7.32, 4.13 à12.49; IM-G: 1.09, 0.29 à2.39). Genetic variation in survival confirms the potential for H. squirella to adapt to rangeland management, but extremely low survival of some clutches indicates that few clutches may be able to survive in low quality wetlands, such as IM-G wetlands. Higher survival in SN pasture wetlands suggest this is a superior habitat and future management objectives should conserve semi-natural pastures and limit further modification of intensively managed pastures, including removing woodlots near wetlands.
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Date Issued
CFE0003178, ucf:48592
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An Analysis of Sustained Positive Behavior Intervention Support in Florida and Related Disciplinary Outcomes.
Sweeney, Kristin, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Baldwin, Lee, LaFrance, Jason, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the outcomes associated with sustained school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) programs in the State of Florida and the impact the length of time of implementation of these programs had on those outcomes. The link between discipline outcomes, as measured by the number of office discipline referrals (ODRs) written over the course of a school year per 100 students and sustained implementation of PBIS systems with documented fidelity, as...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the outcomes associated with sustained school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) programs in the State of Florida and the impact the length of time of implementation of these programs had on those outcomes. The link between discipline outcomes, as measured by the number of office discipline referrals (ODRs) written over the course of a school year per 100 students and sustained implementation of PBIS systems with documented fidelity, as well as the connection between discipline outcomes for subgroups of students and sustained PBIS programs were examined for schools in the initial implementation phase (one to three years of implementation) compared to schools in the sustaining phase of implementation (four or more years of implementation). As more schools move to implement school-wide PBIS programs, little research is available to educational leaders focusing on sustainability of school-wide PBIS programs (Coffey (&) Horner, 2012, McIntosh, Kim, Mercer, Strickland-Cohen, (&) Horner, 2015). This study aimed to address this lack of research by analyzing the link between sustained school-wide PBIS programs and discipline outcomes. Schools in the State of Florida (987 schools - 654 elementary, 210 middle, and 123 high schools), representing 842,430 students were analyzed in a series of five research questions. The discipline outcomes, as measured by the rate of office discipline referrals per 100 students, from schools in the initial phase of implementation were compared to those of schools with sustained implementation of their school-wide PBIS programs. Research questions focused on whole school data as well as specific subgroups to determine if there was a difference in discipline outcomes. Overall, the analysis of this data found limited significant differences when examining the impact length of implementation has on discipline outcomes. While not statistically significant, several educationally important trends emerged that can help inform educational leaders as they make decisions about the allocation of time and resources for the future of school-wide PBIS programs in their schools and districts.
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Date Issued
CFE0006957, ucf:51652
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Physical-Virtual Patient Simulators: Bringing Tangible Humanity to Simulated Patients.
Daher, Salam, Welch, Gregory, Gonzalez, Laura, Cendan, Juan, Proctor, Michael, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In lieu of real patients, healthcare educators frequently use simulated patients. Simulated patients can be realized in physical form, such as mannequins and trained human actors, or virtual form, such as via computer graphics presented on two-dimensional screens or head-mounted displays. Each of these alone has its strengths and weaknesses. I introduce a new class of physical-virtual patient (PVP) simulators that combine strengths of both forms by combining the flexibility and richness of...
Show moreIn lieu of real patients, healthcare educators frequently use simulated patients. Simulated patients can be realized in physical form, such as mannequins and trained human actors, or virtual form, such as via computer graphics presented on two-dimensional screens or head-mounted displays. Each of these alone has its strengths and weaknesses. I introduce a new class of physical-virtual patient (PVP) simulators that combine strengths of both forms by combining the flexibility and richness of virtual patients with tangible characteristics of a human-shaped physical form that can also exhibit a range of multi-sensory cues, including visual cues (e.g., capillary refill and facial expressions), auditory cues (e.g., verbal responses and heart sounds), and tactile cues (e.g., localized temperature and pulse). This novel combination of integrated capabilities can improve patient simulation outcomes. In my Ph.D. work I focus on three primary areas of related research. First, I describe the realization of the technology for PVPs and results from two user-studies to evaluate the importance of dynamic visuals and human-shaped physical form in terms of perception, behavior, cognition, emotions, and learning.Second, I present a general method to numerically evaluate the compatibility of any simulator-scenario pair in terms of importance and fidelity of cues. This method has the potential to make logistical, economic, and educational impacts on the choices of utilizing existing simulators.Finally, I describe a method for increasing human perception of simulated humans by exposing participants to the simulated human taking part in a short, engaging conversation prior to the simulation.
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Date Issued
CFE0007750, ucf:52402
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