Current Search: Landscape (x)
Stiles, Shanna, Poindexter, Carla, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This body of work explores the emotional aspects of my life through the metaphor of landscape. It is a contemplation of the genre of landscape in the contemporary art dialog. By exploring the materiality of paint and the physicality of working large I discovered the question of contemporary relevancy is no longer my primary reason for this investigation. My growth as an artist has come from exploring historical and contemporary influences and how they have affected my processes and visual...
Show moreThis body of work explores the emotional aspects of my life through the metaphor of landscape. It is a contemplation of the genre of landscape in the contemporary art dialog. By exploring the materiality of paint and the physicality of working large I discovered the question of contemporary relevancy is no longer my primary reason for this investigation. My growth as an artist has come from exploring historical and contemporary influences and how they have affected my processes and visual aesthetic. Thus, a large series of work has emerged from an unexplainable desire to connect and share the crucial moments of my life through paint.
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Date Issued
CFH0004774, ucf:45373
Document (PDF)
Browne, Deborah, Congdon, Kristin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
My thesis is one artist's response to the question of the relevance of landscape painting today, focusing on the communication of the idea of environmental stewardship. The process of studying nature and transferring that vision to canvas promotes greater understanding of the beauty and complexity of elements that comprise ecosystems. The artist possesses a creative impulse finding satisfaction in making artwork that expresses a love of nature as part of a larger worldview. If done well,...
Show moreMy thesis is one artist's response to the question of the relevance of landscape painting today, focusing on the communication of the idea of environmental stewardship. The process of studying nature and transferring that vision to canvas promotes greater understanding of the beauty and complexity of elements that comprise ecosystems. The artist possesses a creative impulse finding satisfaction in making artwork that expresses a love of nature as part of a larger worldview. If done well, the persuasive power of such art may be enormous. Comprised of oil paintings and written work, this thesis establishes a way of approaching both landscape painting and the natural environment. Literature pertaining to the contributions of landscape artist Frederic Church, varying aesthetic theories, nature writings, and selected contemporary artists are discussed. The focus then turns to particular landscape elements, introducing the artwork created for the thesis. The thesis concludes with the artist's purpose statement.
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Date Issued
CFE0002020, ucf:47620
Document (PDF)
Gladding, Kevin, Murphy, Patrick, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In Murakami's Norwegian Wood, romance and coming-of-age confront the growing trend of postmodernity that leads to a discontinuity of life becoming more and more common in post-war Japan. As the narrator struggles through a monotonous daily existence, the text gives the reader access to the narrator's struggle for self- and societal identity. In the end, he finds his means of self-acceptance through escape, and his escape is a product of his attempts at negotiating the multiple settings or ...
Show moreIn Murakami's Norwegian Wood, romance and coming-of-age confront the growing trend of postmodernity that leads to a discontinuity of life becoming more and more common in post-war Japan. As the narrator struggles through a monotonous daily existence, the text gives the reader access to the narrator's struggle for self- and societal identity. In the end, he finds his means of self-acceptance through escape, and his escape is a product of his attempts at negotiating the multiple settings or "scapes" in which he finds himself. The thesis follows the narrator through his navigation of these scapes and seeks to examine the different way that each of these scapes enables him to attempt to negotiate his role in an indifferent and increasingly consumerist society. The Introduction discusses my overview of the project, gives specifics about Murakami's life and critical reception and outlines my particular methodology. In the overview section, I address the cultural and societal tensions and changes that have occurred since the Second World War. Following this section, I provide a brief critical history of Murakami's texts, displaying not only his popularity, but also the multiple disagreements that arise over the Japanese-ness of his work. In my methodology section, I plot my eco-critical, eco-feminist, eco-psychological and deconstructive procedure for dissecting Murakami's text. The subsequent chapters perform a close reading of Murakami's text, outlining the different scapes and their attempts at establishing identity. Within these chapters, I have utilized subheadings as I felt they were needed to mark a change not on theme, but on character and emphasis. My conclusion reasserts my initial argument and further establishes the multiscapes as crucial negotiations, the price and product of which is self-identity.
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Date Issued
CFE0000440, ucf:46386
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Landscaping Perceptions and Behaviors: Socio-ecological Drivers of Nitrogen in the Residential Landscape.
Souto, Leesa, Hinkle, Charles, Canan, Penelope, Noss, Reed, Weishampel, John, Pals, Heili, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Driven by individual influences such as beliefs, attitudes, personal norms, and abilities, as well as by social influences like community norms, mandates, and the market, suburban homeowners are motivated to select and maintain a turf grass landscape. In many areas of Florida, effective suburban lawn maintenance requires regular inputs of nitrogenous fertilizer, some of which is lost to the environment, contributing to water quality degradation and ecosystem dysfunction. Reducing nitrogen...
Show moreDriven by individual influences such as beliefs, attitudes, personal norms, and abilities, as well as by social influences like community norms, mandates, and the market, suburban homeowners are motivated to select and maintain a turf grass landscape. In many areas of Florida, effective suburban lawn maintenance requires regular inputs of nitrogenous fertilizer, some of which is lost to the environment, contributing to water quality degradation and ecosystem dysfunction. Reducing nitrogen inputs to aquatic systems requires a better understanding of the links between residential landscape management and the potential for fertilizer loss. This dissertation examines the linkages between the human behaviors contributing nitrogen to the suburban landscape and the resulting environmental impacts. Framed in socio-psychological theory and social marketing research, the outcomes of this dissertation contribute much needed information to the growing realm of interdisciplinary science that expands integrative theory, develops mixed methods, utilizes spatial and temporal analyses, and conducts actionable research.
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Date Issued
CFE0004604, ucf:49931
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Dispersal, Gene Flow, and Adaptive Evolution During Invasion: Testing Range-Limit Theory with the Asian Tiger Mosquito.
Medley, Kimberly, Jenkins, David, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, Hoffman, Eric, Lounibos, Phil, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Understanding the factors that make non-native species successful invaders is an important step towards mitigating spread. At the same time, species invasions can serve as natural experiments to test range-limit theory. Range-limit theory postulates declines in local abundance (abundant center model) and genetic diversity (central-peripheral hypothesis) towards range edges because of underlying environmental gradients. Such declines constrain adaptation to marginal habitats via gene swamping....
Show moreUnderstanding the factors that make non-native species successful invaders is an important step towards mitigating spread. At the same time, species invasions can serve as natural experiments to test range-limit theory. Range-limit theory postulates declines in local abundance (abundant center model) and genetic diversity (central-peripheral hypothesis) towards range edges because of underlying environmental gradients. Such declines constrain adaptation to marginal habitats via gene swamping. However, broader evolutionary theory predicts intermediate rates of immigration into range-edge populations can relieve genetic drift and improve adaptive potential. I tested hypotheses generated from theory while illuminating aspects affecting of the invasion of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus Skuse) into the US. Using reciprocal distribution modeling, I found US populations occupied significantly different climate and habitat than in their native range (SE Asia). Most inconsistencies were found in the northern US range, where Ae. albopictus has recently crept northward, providing an opportunity to test range-limit theory as the range reaches its limit. Because of its limited natural dispersal ability, rapid spread after the 1985 US introduction pointed to human-aided dispersal. I tested the current role of human-aided versus natural dispersal using a landscape genetics framework, and found that natural dispersal dominated current patterns. Some distant localities were highly genetically similar, indicating potential human-aided transport in limited cases. Asymmetric gene flow from core to edge localities supported the abundant center model, but uniformly high genetic diversity contrasted with the central-marginal hypothesis. I detected a significant signature of local adaptation by overwintering diapause-induced eggs in multiple field sites using reciprocal transplants. Surprisingly, most genotypes from throughout the range produced large offspring when overwintered at the range edge. Relative offspring mass between home and away winters peaked at an intermediate immigration rate. These results show that rapid adaptation has occurred in US populations of Ae. albopictus and highlight the potential for further spread. Genetic admixture from multiple introductions may explain high genetic diversity throughout the US range and contribute to high offspring size for all genotypes overwintered at the range edge. Finally, my work highlights the need for a better understanding of contemporary ecological and evolutionary processes leading to range-limits (or expansion) to more accurately reflect processes occurring in a human-dominated world.
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Date Issued
CFE0004635, ucf:49891
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Legends of the Fabricated Wild: An Experimental Representation of Natural Landscapes through the Utilization of Analog Film Techniques.
Twardus, Nicholas, Danker, Elizabeth, Shults, Katherine, Mills, Lisa, Peterson, Lisa, Watson, Keri, Dierdorff, Brooks, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Legends of the Fabricated Wild is a feature-length body of work of landscape films. Voice-Destroy, Self-Portrait: Impermanence and the titular Legends of the Fabricated Wild are the experimental films that comprise my body of work. Keep your Distance, a single-channel installation, is a supplemental piece.Legends of the Fabricated Wild frames the complex interaction between a filmmaker and the collective unconsciousness of the natural environment, a theory outlined by Carl Jung, considering...
Show moreLegends of the Fabricated Wild is a feature-length body of work of landscape films. Voice-Destroy, Self-Portrait: Impermanence and the titular Legends of the Fabricated Wild are the experimental films that comprise my body of work. Keep your Distance, a single-channel installation, is a supplemental piece.Legends of the Fabricated Wild frames the complex interaction between a filmmaker and the collective unconsciousness of the natural environment, a theory outlined by Carl Jung, considering the implications and discoveries along the way. Subtle movement and precise compositions provide a transcendental perspective on the natural Florida landscape. Images of landscapes devoid of human figures are structured together in my work to meditate on the environment and the way humanity has shaped the landscape. Super 8mm and 16mm analog film frames expansive landscapes in a square image and challenges modern cinematic representations by applying the texture of celluloid. High definition digital video contrasts analog film. I foreground artificiality and the ways humanity has utilized the landscape through this medium.While searching for places to document (")pure(") or untouched landscapes, I discovered that modern landscapes are always influenced by the exchange between humanity and the natural environment. I wanted to foreground my own interaction with the natural Florida environment and challenge my interests and dominant ways of viewing landscapes. Through the assembly of a cinematic essay of landscape images with subtle motion, I foster an appreciation for the natural environment in an age of hyper-activity and exploitation of the landscape.
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Date Issued
CFE0007546, ucf:52617
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Finding Consensus Energy Folding Landscapes Between RNA Sequences.
Burbridge, Joshua, Zhang, Shaojie, Hu, Haiyan, Jha, Sumit, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In molecular biology, the secondary structure of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is closely related to its biological function. One problem in structural bioinformatics is to determine the two- and three-dimensional structure of RNA using only sequencing information, which can be obtained at low cost. This entails designing sophisticated algorithms to simulate the process of RNA folding using detailed sets of thermodynamic parameters. The set of all chemically feasible structures an RNA...
Show moreIn molecular biology, the secondary structure of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule is closely related to its biological function. One problem in structural bioinformatics is to determine the two- and three-dimensional structure of RNA using only sequencing information, which can be obtained at low cost. This entails designing sophisticated algorithms to simulate the process of RNA folding using detailed sets of thermodynamic parameters. The set of all chemically feasible structures an RNA molecule can assume, as well as the energy associated with each structure, is called its energy folding landscape. This research focuses on defining and solving the problem of finding the consensus landscape between multiple RNA molecules. Specifically, we discuss how this problem is equivalent to the problem of Balanced Global Network Alignment, and what effect a solution to this problem would have on our understanding of RNA.Because this problem is known to be NP-hard, we instead define an approximate consensus on a landscape of reduced size, which dramatically reduces the searching space associated with the problem. We use the program RNASLOpt to enumerate all stable local optimal secondary structures in multiple landscapes within a certain energy and stability range of the minimum free energy (MFE) structure. We then encode these using an extended structural alphabet and perform sequence alignment using a structural substitution matrix to find and rank the best matches between the sets based on stability, energy, and structural distance. We apply this method to twenty landscapes from four sets of riboswitches from Bacillus subtillis in order to predict their native (")on(") and (")off(") structures. We find that this method significantly reduces the size of the list of candidate structures, as well as increasing the ranking of previously obscure secondary structures, resulting in more accurate predictions overall. Advances in the field of structural bioinformatics can help elucidate the underlying mechanisms of many genetic diseases.
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Date Issued
CFE0006210, ucf:51109
Document (PDF)
Rodenbeck, Brian, Weishampel, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Metacommunity connectivity, i.e., multi-species dispersal events, is vital to metapopulation persistence in patchy landscapes. Assessments of metacommunity connectivity are not trivial. However, a relationship between trophic rank and the species-area relationship has been found in previous studies, allowing for the use of the predator species-area relationship to act as a surrogate measure of actual metacommunity connectivity of prey species in some systems. For this study, avian species...
Show moreMetacommunity connectivity, i.e., multi-species dispersal events, is vital to metapopulation persistence in patchy landscapes. Assessments of metacommunity connectivity are not trivial. However, a relationship between trophic rank and the species-area relationship has been found in previous studies, allowing for the use of the predator species-area relationship to act as a surrogate measure of actual metacommunity connectivity of prey species in some systems. For this study, avian species were selected as they are generalist top predators within the study system. Predator species richness within geographically isolated freshwater marshes is influenced by a number of factors. I explore the relative roles of patch area, seasonality, hydroperiod, isolation, and vegetation structure on habitat use in the isolated freshwater marshes embedded within the dry prairie ecosystem of Central Florida. Predator species richness was surveyed in 50 sites for three seasons: fall 2005, winter 2005/06, and spring 2006 and the observed avian assemblage measures were subdivided into foraging guilds for analysis. Wading guild (e.g., egrets, herons, bitterns) species richness was correlated with hydroperiod and vegetation structural variables while perching guild (e.g., blackbirds, sparrows, meadowlarks) species richness was correlated with isolation, hydroperiod, and area annually. Overall predator and all guild species richness measures were also correlated with patch area for all seasons. These results suggest that while a complex mixture of patch area, hydroperiod and isolation influence habitat utilization that varies by season and at the community, guild and individual species level, the underlying predictors that define habitat use in wetlands annually includes hydroperiod, and is not exclusively patch area. Additionally, seasonal differences in predator species richness were found to be significant in some cases indicating that future avian population studies may benefit by sampling outside of the normally studied spring breeding season. Results of this study support the use of predator species richness as a suitable assay of metacommunity connectivity of prey species. Applications and implications of this approach toward future conservation efforts are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0001766, ucf:47253
Document (PDF)
Birnbaum, David, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The archaeological record of the Iroquois supports that settlements were regularly relocated during the protohistoric period (1500-1650 A.D.). With the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) computer software, archaeologists may analyze variables potentially resulting in or influencing the movement of settlements. Through the use of spatial analysis, I argue that Cayuga Iroquois settlement locations were influenced by the environmental characteristics of their surrounding landscape....
Show moreThe archaeological record of the Iroquois supports that settlements were regularly relocated during the protohistoric period (1500-1650 A.D.). With the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) computer software, archaeologists may analyze variables potentially resulting in or influencing the movement of settlements. Through the use of spatial analysis, I argue that Cayuga Iroquois settlement locations were influenced by the environmental characteristics of their surrounding landscape. Specifically, wetlands are believed to have influenced settlement location choices in central New York state. This study examines the spatial relationships between wetland habitats and protohistoric period Cayuga Iroquois settlements where swidden maize agriculture comprised most of the diet. Considering previous research that has linked the movement of settlements to Iroquois agricultural practices, I hypothesize that wetlands played a significant role in the Iroquois subsistence system by providing supplementary plant and animal resources to a diet primarily characterized by maize consumption, and thereby influenced the strategy behind settlement relocation. Nine Cayuga Iroquois settlements dating to the protohistoric period were selected for analysis using GIS. Two control groups, each consisting of nine random points, were generated for comparison. Distance buffers show the amount of wetlands that are situated within 1-, 2.5-, and 5-kilometers from Cayuga settlements and random points. The total number of wetlands within proximity of these distances to the settlements and random points are recorded and analyzed. The results indicate a statistical significance regarding the prominence of wetlands within the landscape which pertains to the Cayuga Iroquois settlement strategy.
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Date Issued
CFH0004118, ucf:44873
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Fear and Loathing in the Super Organism: Foraging Strategy Doesn't Change Forager Response in a Landscape of Fear.
Schadegg, Philip, King, Joshua, De Bekker, Charissa, Fedorka, Kenneth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Understanding how predators impact keystone species, like ants, is very important for our understanding of ecology because of ants' importance in shaping community dynamics and ecosystem functions. In this thesis I present research investigating the role of the ant-specialized spider Anasaitis canosa in influencing the foraging behavior of four ant species (Formica pallidefulva, Odontomachus ruginodis, Pheidole obscurithorax (&) Solenopsis invicta). Collectively, these four species use...
Show moreUnderstanding how predators impact keystone species, like ants, is very important for our understanding of ecology because of ants' importance in shaping community dynamics and ecosystem functions. In this thesis I present research investigating the role of the ant-specialized spider Anasaitis canosa in influencing the foraging behavior of four ant species (Formica pallidefulva, Odontomachus ruginodis, Pheidole obscurithorax (&) Solenopsis invicta). Collectively, these four species use foraging strategies exhibited by most ants. I conducted two experiments to quantify the impacts of spider predation on ant prey. The first used forty colonies of four ant species to investigate how A. canosa changed foraging behavior at both the individual and colony level. The second used 27 lab-reared S. invicta colonies to see if there was any evidence for innate predatory avoidance in foragers and if predatory avoidance was influenced by learning. A field study observed the density and prey choices of A. canosa in 3 sites within the UCF arboretum. In sum, no consistent change in foraging occurred in the presence of A. canosa, over time scales sufficient to detect colony-level impacts and thus colonies as a whole appear to be risk insensitive. Na(&)#239;ve colonies had more ants beginning foraging before a single ant would return in their first trial compared to the second trial. This suggests forager learning occurs as foragers respond to the perception of a predator, and that S. invicta can reduce individual risk through increasing forager numbers. A. canosa predation rates and density were calculated and based on these estimates an approximate impact upon a colony was made. Most importantly, 13 foragers/m2 inside each foraging cohort can be expected to have prior experience with the spider.
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Date Issued
CFE0007859, ucf:52792
Document (PDF)
Knickerbocker, Courtney, Quigley, Martin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The integrity of wetland ecosystems is largely determined by hydrological functionality, degree of connectivity to like ecosystems, and permeability to external influence. Land use changes in upland areas adjacent to wetland ecosystems may influence hydrology and connectivity while introducing novel biotic and abiotic materials. There is an increasing trend toward the use of remote assessment techniques to determine the degree of impact of external influences on adjacent wetlands. Remote...
Show moreThe integrity of wetland ecosystems is largely determined by hydrological functionality, degree of connectivity to like ecosystems, and permeability to external influence. Land use changes in upland areas adjacent to wetland ecosystems may influence hydrology and connectivity while introducing novel biotic and abiotic materials. There is an increasing trend toward the use of remote assessment techniques to determine the degree of impact of external influences on adjacent wetlands. Remote assessment and predictive capabilities are provided by indices such as the Landscape Development Intensity Index (LDI) (Brown and Vivas 2005) which may be beneficial in determining site condition, and which have the added benefit of providing a quantitative gradient of human impact. This study assessed the predictive ability of the LDI in cypress ecosystems, by testing its correlations with plant community metrics including an index of floral quality calculated using coefficients of conservatism (CC)(Cohen et al. 2004), plant species diversity, and fluctuation in community composition assessed by changes in the wetland status and native status of component plant species. LDI was also compared against an independent measure of disturbance which was used to construct an a priori disturbance gradient. Overall, diversity measures showed little correlation with any of the disturbance indices, while CC scores were significantly correlated. Models were constructed in an attempt to explain each of the variables of plant community response to development in the surrounding landscape. The length of time since the development of the land adjacent to the cypress domes was a predictor of plant community response only when included in models with other variables. LDI was the strongest predictor in all models except where increases in land use associated with hydrological changes helped predict or better predicted proportions of exotic and upland species.
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Date Issued
CFE0002576, ucf:48280
Document (PDF)
Hether, Tyler, Hoffman, Eric, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Understanding the nature of genetic variation in natural populations is an underlying theme of population genetics. In recent years population genetics has benefited from the incorporation of landscape and environmental data into pre-existing models of isolation by distance (IBD) to elucidate features influencing spatial genetic variation. Many of these landscape genetics studies have focused on populations separated by discrete barriers (e.g., mountain ridges) or species with specific...
Show moreUnderstanding the nature of genetic variation in natural populations is an underlying theme of population genetics. In recent years population genetics has benefited from the incorporation of landscape and environmental data into pre-existing models of isolation by distance (IBD) to elucidate features influencing spatial genetic variation. Many of these landscape genetics studies have focused on populations separated by discrete barriers (e.g., mountain ridges) or species with specific habitat requirements (i.e., habitat specialists). One difficulty in using a landscape genetics approach for taxa with less stringent habitat requirements (i.e., generalists) is the lack of obvious barriers to gene flow and preference for specific habitats. My study attempts to fill this information gap to understand mechanisms underlying population subdivision in generalists, using the squirrel treefrog (Hyla squirella) and a system for classifying 'terrestrial ecological systems' (i.e. habitat types). I evaluate this dataset with microsatellite markers and a recently introduced method based on ensemble learning (Random Forest) to identify whether spatial distance, habitat types, or both have influenced genetic connectivity among 20 H. squirella populations. Next, I hierarchically subset the populations included in the analysis based on (1) genetic assignment tests and (2) Mantel correlograms to determine the relative role of spatial distance in shaping landscape genetic patterns. Assignment tests show evidence of two genetic clusters that separate populations in Florida's panhandle (Western cluster) from those in peninsular Florida and southern Georgia (Eastern cluster). Mantel correlograms suggest a patch size of approximately 150 km. Landscape genetic analyses at all three spatial scales yielded improved model fit relative to isolation by distance when including habitat types. A hierarchical effect was identified whereby the importance of spatial distance (km) was the strongest predictor of patterns of genetic differentiation above the scale of the genetic patch. Below the genetic patch, spatial distance was still an explanatory variable but was only approximately 30% as relevant as mesic flatwoods or upland oak hammocks. Thus, it appears that habitat types largely influence patterns of population genetic connectivity at local scales but the signal of IBD becomes the dominant driver of regional connectivity. My results highlight some habitats as highly relevant to increased genetic connectivity at all spatial scales (e.g., upland oak hammocks) while others show no association (e.g., silviculture) or scale specific associations (e.g., pastures only at global scales). Given these results it appears that treating habitat as a binary metric (suitable/non-suitable) may be overly simplistic for generalist species in which gene flow probably occurs in a spectrum of habitat suitability. The overall pattern of spatial genetic and landscape genetic structure identified here provides insight into the evolutionary history and patterns of population connectivity for H. squirella and improves our understanding of the role of matrix composition for habitat generalists.
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Date Issued
CFE0003204, ucf:48580
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The Suburban Nightmare: A Study of Atmosphere, Mood and Emotion.
Sobrack, Ericka, Poindexter, Carla, Lotz, Theo, Kovach, Keith, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this thesis body of work, I focus on the implied human presence through the lack of actual human figures. I believe there is more to say in a landscape with the absence of the figure, allowing the dialogue to be read and interpreted by a larger audience. I am particularly satisfied with White Knuckles, shown in figure 3, because I collide reason with imagination, thus contradicting the context and interpretation of the subject matter. In White Knuckles, I deal with formal elements such as...
Show moreIn this thesis body of work, I focus on the implied human presence through the lack of actual human figures. I believe there is more to say in a landscape with the absence of the figure, allowing the dialogue to be read and interpreted by a larger audience. I am particularly satisfied with White Knuckles, shown in figure 3, because I collide reason with imagination, thus contradicting the context and interpretation of the subject matter. In White Knuckles, I deal with formal elements such as composition, atmosphere, lightness and darkness as well as nuances of color. I have also considered the emotive impact the painting could reflect to the viewer, specifically feelings of tension and unease. The placement of the viewer outside the picture plane was carefully considered to suggest the audience is a participant in the suggested narrative. I often strive to create an ambiguous moment, reflecting feelings of uncertainty and apprehension. Like White Knuckles, my body of work employs unexpected narratives to reveal some of the uncomfortable truths of our human experience. I am interested in exploring the relationship between the mundane and the abnormal in the paintings, a feeling that could be described as a (")suburban nightmare.(")
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Date Issued
CFE0007532, ucf:52587
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A Landscape of Death: A Comparison of Non-adult to Adult Burials at the Late Bronze Age Site of Tell el-Far'ah (South).
Reeves, Rebecca, Branting, Scott, Walker, John, Williams, Lana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study aims to determine whether there are any differences in the burial practices for non-adults and adults at the Late Bronze Age site of Tell el-Far'ah (South) in modern day Israel. The archaeology of childhood together with various methods of analyses, including geospatial and statistical techniques, were utilized to address the main research question focused on the spatial differences and relationships between non-adult and adult burials. There are missing children in the...
Show moreThis study aims to determine whether there are any differences in the burial practices for non-adults and adults at the Late Bronze Age site of Tell el-Far'ah (South) in modern day Israel. The archaeology of childhood together with various methods of analyses, including geospatial and statistical techniques, were utilized to address the main research question focused on the spatial differences and relationships between non-adult and adult burials. There are missing children in the archeological record. Tell el-Far'ah (South) is an example of this phenomenon. Reasons vary from taphonomy to potential infanticide. Based on the currently available data, it seems that the people of Tell el-Far'ah (South) understood non-adults as both similar to and dissimilar from adults. In sum, this is not a comprehensive or conclusive study, but rather serves to shed light on the lack of attention in the archaeology of childhood and more generally on the need for greater integration of the anthropological subfields.
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Date Issued
CFE0007359, ucf:52095
Document (PDF)
Kosik, Jonathan, Neal, Darlin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Distance is a collection of short fiction that explores the spaces between us. Sometimes it's emotional, sometimes it's physical; it lies before us like a cross-country journey, dragging us through emotional terrain fraught with countless dangers and rare rewards. A convict returns to his childhood home. A lonely man documents the unexpected damage of an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A teenager learns that some boots are not made for walking. These stories are the long and short of it....
Show moreDistance is a collection of short fiction that explores the spaces between us. Sometimes it's emotional, sometimes it's physical; it lies before us like a cross-country journey, dragging us through emotional terrain fraught with countless dangers and rare rewards. A convict returns to his childhood home. A lonely man documents the unexpected damage of an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A teenager learns that some boots are not made for walking. These stories are the long and short of it. They examine the way we struggle to understand love, lust, disappointment and the kind of detachment that can develop where we least expect it. We all know the distance between two people differs by degree, but in the end, where that space exists, an inescapable question awaits: Should we sever the tie or bridge the gap?
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Date Issued
CFE0003715, ucf:48783
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Habitat selection in transformed landscapes and the role of novel ecosystems for native species persistence.
Sanchez Clavijo, Lina, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, Noss, Reed, Weishampel, John, Rodewald, Amanda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
To understand native species persistence in transformed landscapes we must evaluate how individual behaviors interact with landscape structure through ecological processes such as habitat selection. Rapid, widespread landscape transformation may lead to a mismatch between habitat preference and quality, a phenomenon known as ecological traps that can have negative outcomes for populations. I applied this framework to the study of birds inhabiting landscapes dominated by forest remnants and...
Show moreTo understand native species persistence in transformed landscapes we must evaluate how individual behaviors interact with landscape structure through ecological processes such as habitat selection. Rapid, widespread landscape transformation may lead to a mismatch between habitat preference and quality, a phenomenon known as ecological traps that can have negative outcomes for populations. I applied this framework to the study of birds inhabiting landscapes dominated by forest remnants and shade coffee plantations, a tropical agroforestry system that retains important portions of native biodiversity. I used two different approaches to answer the question: What is the role of habitat selection in the adaptation of native species to transformed landscapes? First, I present the results of a simulation model used to evaluate the effects of landscape structure on population dynamics of a hypothetical species under two mechanisms of habitat selection. Then I present the analyses of seven years of capture-mark-recapture and resight data collected to compare habitat preference and quality between shade coffee and forest for twelve resident bird species in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). I provide evidence for the importance of including the landscape context in the evaluation of ecological traps and for using long-term demographic data when evaluating the potential of novel ecosystems and intermediately-modified habitats for biodiversity conservation. Beyond suggestions to improve bird conservation in shade coffee, my findings contribute to theory about ecological traps and can be applied to understand population processes in a wide variety of heterogeneous landscapes.
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Date Issued
CFE0006494, ucf:51392
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