Current Search:  Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 (x)

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Karl Marx as labor defender, 1848-1871
Karl Marx, 1883-1933
Karl Marx and Marxism: A universal genius, his discoveries, his traducers
Literature and Marxism: A controversy
Marxism in the United States
Karl Marx and Marxian science
Marxism versus social democracy: Address delivered at Plenum Executive Committee of the Young Communist International, December 1932
Marx and the East
The teachings of Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx: Forty years after (1883-1923)
The last stand of dialectic materialism: A study of Sidney Hook's Marxism
Marx and America
The history of the Communist manifesto of Marx and Engels
Marx on Mallock, or, Facts vs. fiction
The logical influence of Hegel on Marx
Marxism and Darwinism
" Who are the falsifiers?": Documentary evidence proving correctness and authenticity of the S.L.P. translation of Frederick Engels' introduction to "Class struggles in France"
Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Irish revolution
Reviling of the great