Current Search: Police (x)
Kucukuysal, Bahadir, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of police organizational culture on officers' perception of integrity in the Turkish National Police (TNP). Adopting an organizational rather than an individualistic perspective, this study focused on police organizational culture to investigate the causes of integrity problems in the TNP. While focusing on police organizational culture, this study also aimed to determine to what extent officers' perceptions of integrity are...
Show moreThe purpose of this research was to examine the influence of police organizational culture on officers' perception of integrity in the Turkish National Police (TNP). Adopting an organizational rather than an individualistic perspective, this study focused on police organizational culture to investigate the causes of integrity problems in the TNP. While focusing on police organizational culture, this study also aimed to determine to what extent officers' perceptions of integrity are influenced by personal and occupational attributes such as age, gender, rank, income, educational level, years of employment, and assignment type. The research was conducted in Turkey's two largest cities, Istanbul and Ankara, as well as the largest city of southeastern Turkey, Diyarbakir. Three hundred officers, consisting of 200 regular police officers and 100 ranked officers, were selected from each city, making a sample size of 900 in total. With a total of 507 respondents, after eliminating cases with missing values, the study achieved a 57% response rate. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized relationships, since it is the most appropriate statistical method for testing hypotheses based on relations among latent and observed variables. This method enabled the researcher to measure the perception of police integrity and the perception of police organizational culture with their multiple indicators, providing rigorous measurements for both constructs. The results of the statistical analysis supported the research hypothesis. The findings showed that officers' perception of police organizational culture negatively influenced their perception of integrity. It was also found that officers' age and educational level also had a statistically significant influence on their perception of integrity.
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Date Issued
CFE0002242, ucf:47898
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A Management Training Game for Police Command Control Officer Training.
Custer, Charles R., Bauer, Christian, Engineering
Abstract / Description
Florida Technological University College of Engineering Thesis
Date Issued
CFR0012142, ucf:53127
Document (PDF)
Putchinski, Laurence, Lawther, Wendell, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The continued steady growth of public sector unions compels public administrators to understand the influence labor organizations exert upon local governments. The following study demonstrates the extent of union influence upon police expenditures in Florida. Union influence not only increases total police expenditures and personal services expenditures, it also causes operating expenses to rise. Union influence is less pronounced, and possibly even non-existent in capital outlays...
Show moreThe continued steady growth of public sector unions compels public administrators to understand the influence labor organizations exert upon local governments. The following study demonstrates the extent of union influence upon police expenditures in Florida. Union influence not only increases total police expenditures and personal services expenditures, it also causes operating expenses to rise. Union influence is less pronounced, and possibly even non-existent in capital outlays expenditures because of possible lack of interest on the part of the union in this area and also because of the existence of economically predetermined policies regarding capital outlays such as vehicle purchases. Public sector unions, by formalizing and enhancing the exit-voice phenomenon within government systems, influence the expenditures of local government. This influence manifests its presence specifically in local government expenditures. By examining the association between unionization and the level of expenditures in local government, this study attempts to illustrate the influence of unions upon local governments. Specifically, this study assesses the impact of police unionization has upon local government police department expenditures for municipalities in the state of Florida. A qualitative inquiry combines with a quantitative study to examine the extent of union influence on police expenditures in Florida.
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Date Issued
CFE0000409, ucf:46402
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The agent provocateur in the labour movement.
Büchner, Johannes
Date Issued
368024, CFDT368024, ucf:5368
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The spy at your counter.
Date Issued
369230, CFDT369230, ucf:5399
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Covington, Michele, Corzine, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Violence against police officers is a major problem in America. Previous studies on violence and police officers have usually focused on violence by police officers, not violence against police officers. This study is the first of its kind as it examines violence against police officers from a comprehensive, criminal events perspective with detailed use of force/officer violence data collected by the Orlando Police Department. Individual officer characteristics, individual offender...
Show moreViolence against police officers is a major problem in America. Previous studies on violence and police officers have usually focused on violence by police officers, not violence against police officers. This study is the first of its kind as it examines violence against police officers from a comprehensive, criminal events perspective with detailed use of force/officer violence data collected by the Orlando Police Department. Individual officer characteristics, individual offender characteristics, situational variables, and geographical factors are considered. Logistic regression results indicate that use of force incidents are more likely to involve battery against one or more police officers when multiple officers are involved, when offenders are female, when offenders are of larger size (measured by weight), and when offenders are known to have recently consumed alcohol before the incident. Spatial analysis results indicate that there is significant clustering of batteries against police officers within the City of Orlando, and that the areas where police battery is predominant are very similar to areas where alcohol-related businesses are prevalent, and theoretically, more alcohol is consumed. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0003200, ucf:48581
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Tetzlaff, Melissa, Mustaine, Elizabeth E., University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines law enforcement personnel who work undercover chatting investigations in order to catch online sexual predators. This topic is quite timely, and law enforcement efforts in this area are new. As such, there is a dearth of research concerning the use of the internet as a location for law enforcement investigations, particularly as a setting for undercover work. This research addresses such questions as who are these law enforcement personnel who try to snag online sexual...
Show moreThis study examines law enforcement personnel who work undercover chatting investigations in order to catch online sexual predators. This topic is quite timely, and law enforcement efforts in this area are new. As such, there is a dearth of research concerning the use of the internet as a location for law enforcement investigations, particularly as a setting for undercover work. This research addresses such questions as who are these law enforcement personnel who try to snag online sexual predators, how do they feel about working in the virtual world, what do they think about doing this type of work, how did they get selected for this particular position, how their jobs affect their personal lives outside of work, and what specifically their jobs entail. Twenty law enforcement personnel were interviewed from different parts of the United States. The interview schedule covered six areas: respondentsÃÂ' careers, their home lives, any training they have received that is relevant for their current positions, details about their jobs, the undercover aspects of their jobs, and their demographics. Findings are discussed. This study is important because it offers a closer look at the individuals who put their time and efforts into neutralizing online sexual predators before they can harm additional children. This knowledge will add to the current literature in this area as well as aid policy developers on issues concerning law enforcement organization and personnel.
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Date Issued
CFE0003356, ucf:48462
Document (PDF)
Ceriale, Matthew A., Paoline, Eugene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
It is the intention of this thesis to effectively describe what is known about EI systems to date. Many sources of information are used, beginning with peer reviewed journals such as Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Police and Society and The American Journal of Criminal Justice. Also reports from criminal justice research affiliates will be used like the National Institute of Justice and the National Criminal Justice...
Show moreIt is the intention of this thesis to effectively describe what is known about EI systems to date. Many sources of information are used, beginning with peer reviewed journals such as Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, Police and Society and The American Journal of Criminal Justice. Also reports from criminal justice research affiliates will be used like the National Institute of Justice and the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. This thesis will work towards creating a comprehensive outline of the history of EI and future possibilities. With the aid of extant research, inquiries into the effectiveness of various EI systems, their shortcomings, or even best practices will be addressed. The aim is to review the existing discussion essentially paving the way for future researchers to conduct primary research studies on EI effectiveness. By accumulating, and subsequently compiling available research, the hope is to identify key arguments and perspectives on these systems and their implementation.
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Date Issued
CFH2000032, ucf:45605
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Coelho, Thiago, Bast, Carol, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The focus of this thesis is to explore the legality, the issues, and the remedy to a controversial statute in the State of Illinois. This thesis will explain how the First Amendment relates to the Illinois statute and its desire of a citizen is right to report information that is not being granted. Moreover, this paper will further go into a recent legislative bill to amend the Illinois statute, its failure, the media surrounding the issue, and the consequences of amending or not amending the...
Show moreThe focus of this thesis is to explore the legality, the issues, and the remedy to a controversial statute in the State of Illinois. This thesis will explain how the First Amendment relates to the Illinois statute and its desire of a citizen is right to report information that is not being granted. Moreover, this paper will further go into a recent legislative bill to amend the Illinois statute, its failure, the media surrounding the issue, and the consequences of amending or not amending the statute. It will further review state law in regard to citizens recording police officers, and explain how some states deal with the statute.
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Date Issued
CFH0004435, ucf:45127
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Falling Behind in Pay: A Longitudinal Test of Equity Theory Among Florida Municipal Police Agencies' Salaries.
Lord, Robert, Gau, Jacinta, Wolf, Ross, Paoline, Eugene, Folger, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Prior research has found equity theory explains employee responses to falling wages in relation to other comparable workers. The present research attempts to contribute to the criminal justice literature by directly testing equity theory within the policing context, something no study has done to date. Applied to policing, equity theory predicts sworn officers employed by departments with falling or inequitable salaries (i.e., their salaries fail to keep up with those at other regional...
Show morePrior research has found equity theory explains employee responses to falling wages in relation to other comparable workers. The present research attempts to contribute to the criminal justice literature by directly testing equity theory within the policing context, something no study has done to date. Applied to policing, equity theory predicts sworn officers employed by departments with falling or inequitable salaries (i.e., their salaries fail to keep up with those at other regional agencies) will reduce their work input (i.e., discretionary arrests) and/or quit in higher numbers than before (i.e., increase attrition). The present study also attempts to quantify how far officer salaries can fall behind the mean regional police pay before a municipal agency experiences negative outcomes. The research questions are examined using data from Criminal Justice Agency Profile (CJAP) Reports from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), with historical salary and attrition data for 122 municipal law enforcement agencies in Florida from 2001-2011, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Part II Arrest Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the same time period. A time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) analysis is conducted over 11 annual data points. This study attempts to bring an additional theory into the fold of the policing literature by testing it against a large, law enforcement specific data set. This is in part an effort to answer the call for what has been described as a need for more theory in the criminal justice and policing literature (Cooper (&) Worrall, 2012; Mears, 2010). It should also enable police administrators to gauge, relative to regional competitor salaries, at what point to anticipate negative consequences from the underpaid condition of police officers working at their municipal police agencies. The findings suggest Florida municipal police officers do not reduce their work inputs, as measured by UCR Part II arrests, but do quit their jobs in larger numbers in response to stagnant or falling salaries as predicted by equity theory. Policy implications include a better understanding by police administrators as to what they can expect and prepare for when municipal police officers' salaries become stagnant or fall as compared to pay at other regional law enforcement agencies.
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Date Issued
CFE0006136, ucf:51170
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Gonzalez Cruz, Kiara L, Huff-Corzine, Lin, Reckdenwald, Amy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Society's views about mental illness can influence their views regarding police-response strategies used with the mentally ill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the question: does mental illness impact perceptions of delinquent behavior and police responses? It is important to understand the effects of these interactions to better assist those affected by mental illness and avoid uncertain risks/injuries to the police and citizens involved in an incident. Labeling theory suggests that...
Show moreSociety's views about mental illness can influence their views regarding police-response strategies used with the mentally ill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the question: does mental illness impact perceptions of delinquent behavior and police responses? It is important to understand the effects of these interactions to better assist those affected by mental illness and avoid uncertain risks/injuries to the police and citizens involved in an incident. Labeling theory suggests that people may come to identify and act in ways that reflect how others label them as well as come to define mentally ill individuals in accordance with the label. My interest in understanding how police label mentally ill individuals as either deviant (out-of-the-norm) or criminal because of their condition motivated me to explore what other people thought about this. This study used survey analysis to collect data from 349 Facebook participants. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 scenarios (excerpt A and excerpt B). The only difference between these two scenarios is that excerpt B directly relates to mental illness while excerpt A does not mention mental illness. In relation to labeling theory, I predict mental illness will impact the perception people have about how police may respond to situations involving the mentally ill. Further studies should expand this research to examine this connection more thoroughly. The broader implications of this research is that it could create awareness as to ways in which to improve police training tactics that could in turn result in better support between mental health services and law enforcement.
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Date Issued
CFH2000180, ucf:45958
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BEYHAN, ERHAN, Martin, Lawrence, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The Turkish National Police converted its 9-month Police Training Schools to 2-year college degree programs in 2001 in their pursuit to improve the quality of police officers' job performance, police job preparedness levels, and the police service as a whole. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual benefits of this higher education policy by empirically measuring and comparing the job preparedness and job performance of police officers with higher education and police...
Show moreThe Turkish National Police converted its 9-month Police Training Schools to 2-year college degree programs in 2001 in their pursuit to improve the quality of police officers' job performance, police job preparedness levels, and the police service as a whole. The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual benefits of this higher education policy by empirically measuring and comparing the job preparedness and job performance of police officers with higher education and police officers without higher education. This study consists of two quantitative parts. The first part measured the job performance construct with multiple indicators, including performance evaluation scores, numbers of received official awards, and appreciation letters. The second part of the study measured the perception of officer's job preparedness levels through a self-report survey. The structural equation modeling technique was utilized to evaluate the latent constructs. A response rate of 55.5% was attained--500 out of 900. The study found that there were statistically significant positive relationships between police officers' level of education and job preparedness, as well as between police officers' level of education and job performance. Statistically significant relationships between jurisdiction sizes, assignment type, and perception of job performance with job performance and preparedness were also found. However, no significant relationships between gender, age, and marital status were identified with job performance and preparedness. Among the variables, education had the strongest influence on officers' job performance and preparedness. In addition, a negative relationship exists between officers' perception of self-performance ratings and observed job performance ratings, suggesting that officers that rated their job performance levels higher were actually the ones with lower observed job performance ratings. This study contributes to the body of knowledge on criminal justice and public policy not only in Turkey, but also internationally.
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Date Issued
CFE0002237, ucf:47892
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Keeping Their Distance: A Comparison of 2009 and 2013 Domestic Violence cases in Seminole County that utilized GPS Technology to Determine Effectiveness of Program.
Rados, Rachel, Corzine, Harold, Huff-Corzine, Lin, Mustaine, Elizabeth, Taylor, Rae, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines the implementation and effectiveness of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office Global Positioning System (GPS) when ordered by the court for (")no contact(") in Domestic Violence cases, specifically Intimate Partner Violence. The research evaluates violations, which occurred while arrestees were assigned to GPS in 2009 and 2013; the programs first year and the most recent with complete data available. The results found limited factors that could be identified as predicting...
Show moreThis study examines the implementation and effectiveness of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office Global Positioning System (GPS) when ordered by the court for (")no contact(") in Domestic Violence cases, specifically Intimate Partner Violence. The research evaluates violations, which occurred while arrestees were assigned to GPS in 2009 and 2013; the programs first year and the most recent with complete data available. The results found limited factors that could be identified as predicting violations for those who violated the GPS, but the qualitative interviews shed much more light on the value of the program. The qualitative interviews were conducted with various stakeholders ranging from law enforcement to victim's advocates, and from state attorneys to public defenders. The overwhelming response rang loud, GPS allowed victims to feel safer and required more accountability on the part of the offender.
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Date Issued
CFE0006488, ucf:51402
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Attitudinal Trends in Support for Police Use of Force Before and After Ferguson.
Dennison, TaShanda, Donley, Amy, Reckdenwald, Amy, Gay, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Since the 2014 death of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown by a white Fergusonpolice officer, there has been a string of similar incidents that have occurred in a relatively shortperiod of time. These high profile incidents of police officers using questionable amounts offorce have shaken public trust in law enforcement. Studies have shown that public confidence inlaw enforcement often erodes drastically following heavily publicized, controversial mediareports of police misconduct (Tuch...
Show moreSince the 2014 death of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown by a white Fergusonpolice officer, there has been a string of similar incidents that have occurred in a relatively shortperiod of time. These high profile incidents of police officers using questionable amounts offorce have shaken public trust in law enforcement. Studies have shown that public confidence inlaw enforcement often erodes drastically following heavily publicized, controversial mediareports of police misconduct (Tuch and Weitzer 1997; Weitzer 2002). The current levels ofpublic outrage in response to allegations of police brutality have surpassed the levels of outragethat followed similar, highly publicized incidents in previous decades (Lawrence 2000; Weitzer2015). Scholar suggest that recent events, may have a longer-term impact than those in previousdecades (Lawrence 2000; Weitzer 2002). This study seeks to extend the current literature oncitizens' interpretations of police violence and how, if at all it is impacted by highly-publicizedincident of police misconduct. Specifically, the current research uses a national sample tocompare citizens' endorsement of police use of force before and after the 2014 death of MichaelBrown. Overall, the results from a series of logistic regression analyses found that publicattitudes toward police use of force are multifaceted and are shaped by a variety of individualand contextual level variables. Race/ethnicity was determined to be the strongest predictor ofcitizens' endorsement for police violence. It was also revealed that attitudinal support variesdepending on the situational-context surrounding police/citizen interactions.
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Date Issued
CFE0006992, ucf:51616
Document (PDF)
Goltz, Jeffrey, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
To date, police organizations have not been rigorously analyzed by organizational scholars and most analysis of these organizations has been captured through a single construct. The purpose of this study is to develop confirmatory police organizational analysis by validating a multi-dimensional conceptual framework that explains the relationships among three constructs: environmental constraints, the design structures of police organizations, and organizational performance indicators. The...
Show moreTo date, police organizations have not been rigorously analyzed by organizational scholars and most analysis of these organizations has been captured through a single construct. The purpose of this study is to develop confirmatory police organizational analysis by validating a multi-dimensional conceptual framework that explains the relationships among three constructs: environmental constraints, the design structures of police organizations, and organizational performance indicators. The modeling is deeply rooted in contingency theory, and the influence of isomorphism and institutional theory on the covariance structure model are investigated. One hundred and thirteen local police organizations from the State of Florida are included in this non-experimental, cross-sectional study to determine the direct effect of the environmental constraints on the performance of police organizations, the indirect effect of environmental constraints on the performance of police organizations via the organizational design structure of police organizations, and the direct affect of organizational design structure on performance of police organizations. For the first time, structural equation modeling and data envelopment analysis are used together to confirm the effects of the environment on police organization structure and performance. The results indicate that environmental social economic disparity indicators have a large positive effect on police resources and a medium effect on police efficiency. Propensity of crime indicators has a large negative effect on police resources, and population density has a small to medium negative effect on crime clearance. Structure has a much smaller effect on performance than the environment. The results of the efficiency analysis revealed unexpected findings. Three of the top five largest police organizations in the study scored maximum efficiency. The cause of this unexpected result is explained and confirmed in the covariance model. The study methodology and results enhances the understanding of the relationship among the constructs while subjecting environmental and police organizational data to two comprehensive analytical techniques. The policy implications and practical contributions of the study provide new knowledge and information to organizational management of police organizations. Furthermore, the study establishes a new approach to police organizational analysis and police services management research called Police Services Management Research (PSMR) that encompasses a variety of disciplines with a primary responsibility of theory building and the selection of theoretical framework.
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Date Issued
CFE0001363, ucf:47000
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YILDIZ, SERDAR, WAN, THOMAS, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT This research evaluates the relationships of time balance, social relations, role conflict, perception of work environment, and fourteen control variables to police officers' well-being in Turkish National Police. Well-being is identified in the management literature as having a strong relationship with performance. Therefore, by finding the factors affecting well-being, this research seeks to identify intervention strategies, which can promote a healthy workforce and police...
Show moreABSTRACT This research evaluates the relationships of time balance, social relations, role conflict, perception of work environment, and fourteen control variables to police officers' well-being in Turkish National Police. Well-being is identified in the management literature as having a strong relationship with performance. Therefore, by finding the factors affecting well-being, this research seeks to identify intervention strategies, which can promote a healthy workforce and police performance. Such interventions, in addition, may improve police performance through improved well-being. Individual police officers were analyzed to better understand the relationship between work environment on family life, social life, and the well-being of the police officers. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in the seven geographic regions of Turkey for all branches of Turkish National Police. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to validate the measurement of latent constructs and their relationships. A 45-item questionnaire collected demographic data and items associated with the latent constructs such as time balance, social relations, role conflict, perception of work environment, and the police officers' well-being. This 45-item questionnaire was based on two survey instruments that have been used by Eurofound in Europe for two decades. The response rate for the questionnaire in this dissertation was 47.14% with 495 respondents out of 1,050 subjects. The analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between following latent constructs: time balance and well-being (an indirect effect via role conflict), time balance and social relations, time balance and role conflict, social relations and role conflict, role conflict and well-being, and perception of work environment and well-being. In addition, six control variables (rank, department, optimism, isolation, income sufficiency, and working days per week) were statistically significantly related with well-being. No direct significant relationship was found between time balance and well-being, and social relations and well-being constructs. Eight control variables (gender, marital status, service time, extra work, confusion, region, work type, and working hours per day) had no significant relationship with well-being. These findings support some commonly expressed complaints of police officers. These findings also suggest that attention should be paid to the effects of time balance, income sufficiency, work environment, and workdays on the well-being of the officers.
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Date Issued
CFE0002238, ucf:47904
Document (PDF)
Bakiev, Erlan, Kapucu, Naim, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Improving organizational performance is an essential goal for any type of organization. This process involves varieties of methods, polices and strategies. One of the important elements of organizational performance is trust-building process which deeply depends on leadership efforts of ranked employees and managers. Literature has enough empirical evidence on influence of trust and trusted work environment on organizational performance. Aftermath of recent riots and clashes in Kyrgyzstan...
Show moreImproving organizational performance is an essential goal for any type of organization. This process involves varieties of methods, polices and strategies. One of the important elements of organizational performance is trust-building process which deeply depends on leadership efforts of ranked employees and managers. Literature has enough empirical evidence on influence of trust and trusted work environment on organizational performance. Aftermath of recent riots and clashes in Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz National Police (KNP) officers are demoralized by the actions of both previous and current governments which bear corruption, bribery and clan type of ruling. These facts led to untrustworthy environments and relationships among officers with concentration of power on the top. In order to provide trusted environments and trust among officers, there is need for more linear type of management, especially in terms of supervisor-subordinate relationships. There is urgent need for reforms at KNP which would focus more on governance and collaborative management style administration. Organizational social capital and organizational citizenship behavior develop strong foundation for trusted relationships and committed actions in communities and organizations. These two concepts were examined in public organization setting in this study. Organizational social capital is a source for trust building process where participative decision-making, feedback on performance, empowerment and interpersonal trust among employees are important elements of this phenomenon. On the other hand, organizational citizenship behavior is a source for entrepreneurship and organizational commitment. iv The measurement models of four dimensions of organizational social capital (participation, feedback on performance, empowerment and interpersonal trust) and organizational citizenship behavior represented by organizational commitment were examined in this study. The influence of organizational social capital and organizational citizenship behavior on perceived organizational performance of KNP is observed by utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. Moreover, all possible correlations among all dimensions of organizational social capital with each other and with organizational commitment were tested. This study utilizes the data accomplished in 7 regions of Kyrgyzstan and a capital of Bishkek. The total number of respondents participated in the survey were 267 KNP officers from different KNP departments. This study tested eleven hypotheses where nine of them were statically supported. The results of this study indicate that the dimensions of organizational social capital (participation, feedback and empowerment) have statistically significant relationships with perceived organizational performance through mediating variable of interpersonal trust. However, the relationship of participation and feedback with perceived organizational performance through mediating variable of organizational commitment was insignificant. On the other hand, results indicated positive correlations among the three dimensions organizational social capital with high factor loadings. Overall, the results suggest that organizational social capital with its dimensions is the main source of trust-building process which enormously influences perceived organizational performance. Moreover, by practicing empowerment it is possible to increase number of committed officers which is also an important factor in improving organizational performance.
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Date Issued
CFE0003951, ucf:48696
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Report Construction When Domestic Violence Surrounds or Involves Children.
Nordham, Chelsea, Pritchard, Adam, Reckdenwald, Amy, Mustaine, Elizabeth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Household violence that involves children can be complicated situations to understand and describe for police responding to calls. Police reports are important in prosecuting cases by informing and reminding criminal justice personnel of what occurred in incidents, and inconsistencies between reports and accounts by involved persons can result in credibility loss and case dismissal (Gregory et al. 2011). Little research has been conducted on the construction of police reports, particularly in...
Show moreHousehold violence that involves children can be complicated situations to understand and describe for police responding to calls. Police reports are important in prosecuting cases by informing and reminding criminal justice personnel of what occurred in incidents, and inconsistencies between reports and accounts by involved persons can result in credibility loss and case dismissal (Gregory et al. 2011). Little research has been conducted on the construction of police reports, particularly in domestic violence cases involving children. This study uses three years of domestic violence police reports from a sheriff office's database in Florida to distinguish information recorded for three types of domestic violence cases: adults only, children involved, and children present. Using a social constructionist criminologist perspective, recorded information in regards to victims, offenders, and violence mentions differ by the level of children's involvement in cases. Discrepancies in report quality and details are important to social policy, as officers' perceptions of the involved individuals and resources, such as medical attention and injury photography, are guided by social narratives and stereotypes that can be improved through awareness and training.
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Date Issued
CFE0005853, ucf:50925
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Russo, Charles, Surette, Raymond, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Automatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear...
Show moreAutomatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear regression. Interviews of ASPD personnel were conducted to understand user perceptions of AVL. Based on the ANOVA results, trends indicate that weekly response time was significantly lower during the AVL partial implementation period than during the pre or post AVL stages across all categories of data analyzed. Based on the regression results, trends indicate that the overall impact of AVL on response time for all categories analyzed is flat and show AVL as having no overall impact on response time across all calls for service analyzed. An exception to this is the findings related to Priority 3 calls for service; however this exception can be attributed to performance during the pre AVL implementation stage. These results do not suggest a capability for AVL to reduce response time to calls for service in a meaningful comprehensive way. Thus, the study's hypotheses are not supported.
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Date Issued
CFE0001417, ucf:47046
Document (PDF)
McConnell, Alexandra, Mottarella, Karen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explores the C.S.I. effect in relation to its influence on criminal activity. Expansive research exists concerning the C.S.I. Effect, but very little pertains to the influence it has on individuals' perception of crime and their ability to get away with it. The study explores whether heavy viewers of crime show dramas such as Law & Order and C.S.I. display increased confidence in their ability to commit and get away with a crime. Essentially, this study explores whether these crime...
Show moreThis study explores the C.S.I. effect in relation to its influence on criminal activity. Expansive research exists concerning the C.S.I. Effect, but very little pertains to the influence it has on individuals' perception of crime and their ability to get away with it. The study explores whether heavy viewers of crime show dramas such as Law & Order and C.S.I. display increased confidence in their ability to commit and get away with a crime. Essentially, this study explores whether these crime television shows are not only entertainment, but also may serve as guides on how to commit crimes. Participants in the study were University of Central Florida students. Participants read a description of a crime scene, and provided judgments from the criminal's point of view. They also completed the Crime Drama Viewing Questionnaire and the Levenson Psychopathy Scale in order to explore the possible correlation between reported confidence in "getting away" with criminal activity, type of television viewing, and psychopathy in participants. Using a correlational design, the relation between heavy and light crime drama viewing and criminal activity decision making was examined.The results of this study add to knowledge about how television crime drama potentially increases criminal confidence and competency in criminal behavior.
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Date Issued
CFH0004723, ucf:45341
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