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A Study of the Effects of Voluntary Prekindergarten Providers on Kindergarten Readiness.
Drummond, Toni, Murray, Kenneth, Murray, Barbara, Doherty, Walter, Bai, Haiyan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
American parents have a myriad of choices when it comes to educating their children, and these choices begin in the very beginning stages of children's educational journey. Where parents decide to have their child spend their early formative years can have far-reaching implications for that child's future. The focus of this research was to examine if a difference exists in kindergarten readiness preparation offered by Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) providers in the state of Florida. The VPK...
Show moreAmerican parents have a myriad of choices when it comes to educating their children, and these choices begin in the very beginning stages of children's educational journey. Where parents decide to have their child spend their early formative years can have far-reaching implications for that child's future. The focus of this research was to examine if a difference exists in kindergarten readiness preparation offered by Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) providers in the state of Florida. The VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rates of public schools were compared to the VPK Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rates of private learning centers and, more specifically, of Seventh-day Adventist private learning centers. Furthermore, this study was conducted to examine whether a difference exists in the kindergarten readiness between VPK providers in urban and rural counties. This quantitative, non-experimental, causal comparative study explored the Kindergarten Readiness Rates of each of the 5,636 public and private VPK providers in the state of Florida. The Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener was used to assess the kindergarten readiness level of each student. Individual student scores were tracked to the VPK provider that the students attended in order to assign a Readiness Rate for each provider. This screener consisted of the Early Childhood Observation SystemTM (ECHOSTM) and the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR).A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was utilized to examine significant differences between public school, private, and Seventh-day Adventist providers. The ANOVA was followed by a Scheffe post-hoc test to determine where differences occurred. The findings revealed that there existed a statistically significant difference in the means of public school and private VPK providers. Public school providers were found to have achieved higher Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rates than private providers. It was also found that though Seventh-day Adventist providers had a slightly lower average Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate than public school providers and a slightly higher average than other private providers, this difference was not statistically significant. A two-way factorial ANOVA was performed to examine if significant differences existed in the average Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate when considering both the type of community (urban or rural) where the provider was located and the type of provider (public or private). The findings indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in Provider Readiness Rate when examining the interaction between the provider type and community type.
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Date Issued
CFE0004833, ucf:49694
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Sethi , Nidhi, Gibson-Young , Linda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
For the healthcare provider, disclosing a pediatric patient's difficult diagnosis in the form of an acute or chronic condition to the parents is a challenging task. Healthcare providers often feel unprepared when relaying the news of such diagnosis, and the parents feel equally unprepared upon receiving it (Pririe, 2012). This systematic literature review examined the various communication techniques used in the past, and the techniques' effectiveness in increasing parental satisfaction when...
Show moreFor the healthcare provider, disclosing a pediatric patient's difficult diagnosis in the form of an acute or chronic condition to the parents is a challenging task. Healthcare providers often feel unprepared when relaying the news of such diagnosis, and the parents feel equally unprepared upon receiving it (Pririe, 2012). This systematic literature review examined the various communication techniques used in the past, and the techniques' effectiveness in increasing parental satisfaction when first learning of the child's diagnosis. A scarce number of studies related to the most effective techniques were found in the literature, and even fewer were found that evaluated the techniques presented. Overall, three of the most commonly occurring communication themes identified from the studies were: 1) Parents desired privacy during the disclosure and wanted a support system present (mostly a spouse); 2) The diagnosis must be given as soon as the healthcare provider suspected it, and; 3) The healthcare provider must emphasize the positive characteristics of the pediatric patient, as well as the patient's future with the diagnosis. Both parents and providers agreed that further research is needed to identify effective communication techniques used during disclosure. The aim of the research should be to identify the most effective means of communication to increase parental satisfaction. Furthermore, all healthcare providers need collaborative and interdisciplinary training in delivering a difficult diagnosis to increase parental satisfaction.
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Date Issued
CFH0004655, ucf:45273
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Carter, Daniel A, Blackwell, Christopher, Decker, Jonathan, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The development of anesthesia has greatly contributed to the safety of surgeries, reduced the level of invasiveness of many procedures, and provided increased comfort for patients. The delivery of anesthetics has been primarily provided by one of two unique health care providers: a trained physician who has specialized in anesthesia, or an advanced practice nurse—the certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). Both providers have a similar scope of practice, are nationally certified, and...
Show moreThe development of anesthesia has greatly contributed to the safety of surgeries, reduced the level of invasiveness of many procedures, and provided increased comfort for patients. The delivery of anesthetics has been primarily provided by one of two unique health care providers: a trained physician who has specialized in anesthesia, or an advanced practice nurse—the certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). Both providers have a similar scope of practice, are nationally certified, and often work side-by-side. However, in recent years there has been some controversy between the two providers regarding autonomy, safety, and quality of services. The purpose of this study was to utilize current research comparing the two professions to determine if there is a difference in the quality of care and cost effectiveness between these two providers. This research was focused on studies performed in the United States after 1985. Results indicated no significant differences in quality of care between providers; however, a cost difference does exist. CRNA's provide a high quality of care equivalent to their physician counterparts, but at a reduced price. They additionally offer access to care in rural areas that lack anesthesiologists. Limitations include an inability to assess the impact of doctoral level programs for nurse anesthetists (required for entry into practice beginning in 2025) and how this may affect the main components of patient care assessed in this study (quality of care and cost). Future studies should look at ways to improve the relationship between the two providers and to remove barriers to nurse anesthetists' scope of practice in order to increase overall access to care.
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Date Issued
CFH2000389, ucf:45859
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Milanes, Lilian, Mishtal, Joanna, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Young men are at the greatest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) within the U.S. male populations, yet are the least likely to make a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care visit. Clinical approaches in these areas that include the outreach to and the involvement of male partners of female patients can prove particularly useful in expanding SRH care to men and can also improve health outcomes for women who have sex with men. In this study I examined UCF's healthcare...
Show moreYoung men are at the greatest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) within the U.S. male populations, yet are the least likely to make a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care visit. Clinical approaches in these areas that include the outreach to and the involvement of male partners of female patients can prove particularly useful in expanding SRH care to men and can also improve health outcomes for women who have sex with men. In this study I examined UCF's healthcare provider's approaches to educate and involve men (between the ages of 18 and 30) and male partners of female patients in their SRH needs. I conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with 18 health care providers at the Student Health Center; including physicians, physician assistants, and registered nurses. This study found that there were significant differences in perception of men's SRH risk behaviors among the providers. In addition, this study revealed issues that might deter male students from accessing care, specifically how patients are required to state to the operator (who is also an undergraduate student) their name, PID and exactly why they are scheduling a visit to the clinic, thus many men say they have cold symptoms instead of issues with SRH. This study is significant because it can contribute to improvements in the delivery of SRH care to male students on campus.
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Date Issued
CFH0004225, ucf:44954
Document (PDF)
Blair, Kristin, Killingsworth Roberts, Sherron, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
On January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. This sweeping legislation brought reform to every area of public education by establishing seven performance-based provisions. Supplemental Educational Services is a core aspect of NCLB, designed to meet two of the seven goals: improving academic performance of disadvantaged students and promoting innovative programs. SES tutoring is provided free of charge to parents for students who are eligible for...
Show moreOn January 8, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. This sweeping legislation brought reform to every area of public education by establishing seven performance-based provisions. Supplemental Educational Services is a core aspect of NCLB, designed to meet two of the seven goals: improving academic performance of disadvantaged students and promoting innovative programs. SES tutoring is provided free of charge to parents for students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch and that attend a Title I school that has not made Adequate Yearly Progress, or AYP, for three or more years. The aim of this tutoring is to ensure that all students, regardless of socioeconomic status, have access to tutoring to help improve their academic scores. The purpose of this research was to examine the practices of SES providers in a large metropolitan school district to examine the pedagogical practices, the qualifications of SES providers, and the accountability measures in place to ensure maximum student academic gains. Through an anonymous online survey taken by SES providers, as well as interviewing the SES coordinator in the target district, I was able to gain a clearer understanding of the SES system. My findings are consistent with other key studies across the nation (Munoz, Potter, & Ross, 2008; Rickles & White, 2006); that is, that little accountability among SES providers to districts could result in questionable student academic gains. Because of research such as this, new federal legislation is currently being drafted to issue states waivers from the restrictions of mandatory NCLB Title I budgets, wherein 5 to 15% were allocated to SES tutoring (McNeil, 2011).
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Date Issued
CFH0004109, ucf:44884
Document (PDF)
SENGUPTA, SHAMIK, Chatterjee, Mainak, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A paradigm shift from static spectrum allocation to dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is becoming a reality due to the recent advances in cognitive radio, wide band spectrum sensing, and network aware real--time spectrum access. It is believed that DSA will allow wireless service providers (WSPs) the opportunity to dynamically access spectrum bands as and when they need it. Moreover, due to the presence of multiple WSPs in a region, it is anticipated that dynamic service pricing would be offered...
Show moreA paradigm shift from static spectrum allocation to dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is becoming a reality due to the recent advances in cognitive radio, wide band spectrum sensing, and network aware real--time spectrum access. It is believed that DSA will allow wireless service providers (WSPs) the opportunity to dynamically access spectrum bands as and when they need it. Moreover, due to the presence of multiple WSPs in a region, it is anticipated that dynamic service pricing would be offered that will allow the end-users to move from long-term service contracts to more flexible short-term service models. In this research, we develop a unified economic framework to analyze the trading system comprising two components: i) spectrum owner--WSPs interactions with regard to dynamic spectrum allocation, and ii) WSP--end-users interactions with regard to dynamic service pricing. For spectrum owner--WSPs interaction, we investigate various auction mechanisms for finding bidding strategies of WSPs and revenue generated by the spectrum owner. We show that sequential bidding provides better result than the concurrent bidding when WSPs are constrained to at most single unit allocation. On the other hand, when the bidders request for multiple units, (i.e., they are not restricted by allocation constraints) synchronous auction mechanism proves to be beneficial than asynchronous auctions. In this regard, we propose a winner determination sealed-bid knapsack auction mechanism that dynamically allocates spectrum to the WSPs based on their bids. As far as dynamic service pricing is concerned, we use game theory to capture the conflict of interest between WSPs and end--users, both of whom try to maximize their respective net utilities. We deviate from the traditional per--service static pricing towards a more dynamic model where the WSPs might change the price of a service almost on a session by session basis. Users, on the other hand, have the freedom to choose their WSP based on the price offered. It is found that in such a greedy and non-cooperative behavioral game model, it is in the best interest of the WSPs to adhere to a price threshold which is a consequence of a price (Nash) equilibrium. We conducted extensive simulation experiments, the results of which show that the proposed auction model entices WSPs to participate in the auction, makes optimal use of the common spectrum pool, and avoids collusion among WSPs. We also demonstrate how pricing can be used as an effective tool for providing incentives to the WSPs to upgrade their network resources and offer better services.
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Date Issued
CFE0001848, ucf:47364
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This is just temporary: A study of extended-stay motel residents in Central Florida.
Gonzalez Guittar, Stephanie, Wright, James, Carter, Shannon, Jasinski, Jana, Frumkin, Michael, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Motel life has existed in the United States for over 100 years. However, it was not until the HEARTH Act in 2009 changed the federal definition of homelessness that those who live in motels more or less permanently were considered homeless persons. This project utilizes qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 18 families with children who are living in motels to explore their experiences with motel life and social service providers, their housing identity, and identity management...
Show moreMotel life has existed in the United States for over 100 years. However, it was not until the HEARTH Act in 2009 changed the federal definition of homelessness that those who live in motels more or less permanently were considered homeless persons. This project utilizes qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 18 families with children who are living in motels to explore their experiences with motel life and social service providers, their housing identity, and identity management strategies. Interviews with social service providers were also conducted for context and to gain their perspective on families living in motels. Findings show that most of the motel residents did not identify with the conventional definition or image of homelessness and instead negotiated the term to fit their situation. Although they did not initially self-identify as homeless, when discussing policy recommendations all participants adopted a homeless social-identity (i.e., they identified as members of the homeless social category). As members of the homeless community, the participants agreed that homeless families in the area needed more attention and assistance. The identity management strategies employed by the participants were meant to show how they were good people who were just stuck in a motel because of circumstances outside of their control and how they were deserving of assistance to help their families move out of the motel and obtain adequate, permanent housing. Interviews with the social service providers showed that they often do exercise their power over clients by classifying them into a "deserving" group or a "not willing to work for it" group based on their own experiences and prejudices.
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Date Issued
CFE0004540, ucf:49241
Document (PDF)
Baker, Herma, Rash, Elizabeth, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Research shows that healthcare providers (HCPs) are not adequately prepared to provide comfort care for patients who are at the end of life. Since the 1990s, numerous legislative, research, and clinical initiatives have addressed concerns about improving care at the end of life. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of HCPs providing comfort for patients in the nursing home who are at the end of life. This study focused on physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and nurses...
Show moreResearch shows that healthcare providers (HCPs) are not adequately prepared to provide comfort care for patients who are at the end of life. Since the 1990s, numerous legislative, research, and clinical initiatives have addressed concerns about improving care at the end of life. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of HCPs providing comfort for patients in the nursing home who are at the end of life. This study focused on physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and nursesÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ' aides at a central Florida nursing home. A descriptive qualitative design was done utilizing a focus group discussion, individual interviews, and a self-administered questionnaire. The findings indicated that a lack of facility support, inadequate staffing, inadequate end of life care education, family and patient denial of prognosis, as well as decreased primary care physician involvement affect the delivery of comfort care for patients at the end of life in the nursing home. This study supports the need for end of life education to HCPs and the need for adjustments in staffing to meet the complex needs of patients in the nursing home who are at the end of life. A new finding of this study reflects the use of an angel cart to aid in the provision of comfort care for patients at the end of life. Recommendations for future research were made based on study results
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Date Issued
CFE0003305, ucf:48505
Document (PDF)
Sherman, Myra, Wink, Diane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A qualitative design was used to explore the use of spirituality and prayer by older adults who have chronic illness and reside in a rural community. Thirteen individuals responded to a flyer soliciting participation in a study of the use of spirituality as part of health care. Participants were at least 60 years of age, had at least one chronic illness and resided in North Central Florida. Twelve participants then responded to six open-ended questions based on an adaption of an instrument...
Show moreA qualitative design was used to explore the use of spirituality and prayer by older adults who have chronic illness and reside in a rural community. Thirteen individuals responded to a flyer soliciting participation in a study of the use of spirituality as part of health care. Participants were at least 60 years of age, had at least one chronic illness and resided in North Central Florida. Twelve participants then responded to six open-ended questions based on an adaption of an instrument used by Dr. Shevon Harvey in her doctoral dissertation. The data was analyzed to identify themes and answer four research questions. The four research questions were 1) how do older adults living with chronic illness describe spirituality? 2) how do older adults use spirituality while living with chronic illness? 3) how can health care providers assist older individuals with chronic illness to meet their spiritual needs?, and 4) do patients feel that their spiritual needs are being addressed during their outpatient health care? The interview responses demonstrated that several different practices, including prayer and scripture readings as well as adherence to medication, diet, and exercise recommendations were used as coping mechanisms by study participants. The majority of participants want their health care providers to address spirituality and/or refer them to spiritual advisors for counseling. The study showed that some participants stated that their spiritual needs were met, but there were some who did not want spirituality addressed in the outpatient setting. Four themes were identified, which suggest that 1) spiritual practices were frequently used coping measure for these individual with chronic illness, 2) health care providers are supportive of their patients' spirituality, 3) participants with chronic illness consider adherence to medication, diet, and exercise a coping measure, and 4) participants with chronic illness want their health care providers to recognize their spiritual needs. The findings indicated that individuals who self identify as individuals from whom spiritual life is important and who have chronic illnesses and have spiritual needs that can be addressed in the outpatient setting. The findings also demonstrated use of non spiritual coping measures and the importance of health care provider's acceptance of spirituality in this specific population. Recommendations for further research are made.
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Date Issued
CFE0003740, ucf:48794
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Provider Recommendation of HPV Vaccination: Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap.
Landis, Erica, Neuberger, Lindsay, Sandoval, Jennifer, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The present study, guided by preproduction formative research principles, employed in-depth interviews and a brief survey with pediatric healthcare providers (N=15) to investigate the consistency between behavioral intention to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine, and implementation of the actual behavior. Specifically, the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (IMBP) was used as a framework to examine the impact of skills and environmental constraints on that behavioral intention...
Show moreThe present study, guided by preproduction formative research principles, employed in-depth interviews and a brief survey with pediatric healthcare providers (N=15) to investigate the consistency between behavioral intention to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine, and implementation of the actual behavior. Specifically, the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (IMBP) was used as a framework to examine the impact of skills and environmental constraints on that behavioral intention-behavioral performance relationship. Results suggest providers intend to strongly recommend the HPV vaccine at a high level, but actually recommend the vaccine with a slightly lesser frequency. A thematic analysis of interview transcripts yielded a list of skills (e.g., tact, cultural competence) and environmental constraints (e.g., a lack of policy or school entry requirement, limited time designated for each patient) that contribute to that consistency gap. Additionally, healthcare providers indicated several preferences on training design (e.g., Continuing Medical Education course, delivered by medical and communication professionals) that could be used to inform future message construction. Suggestions for overcoming the environmental constraints reported by providers are presented, and implications for incorporating the emergent skills and preferences into training as a novel strategy for improving provider communication about the HPV vaccine outlined.
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Date Issued
CFE0006132, ucf:51162
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Constructing and Validating an Integrative Economic Model of Health Care Systems and Health Care Markets: A Comparative Analysis of OECD Countries.
Helligso, Jesse, Wan, Thomas, Liu, Albert Xinliang, King, Christian, Hamann, Kerstin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation argues that there are three basic types of health care systems used in industrial nations: free market (private insurance and provision), universal (public insurance and private provision), and socialized (public insurance and provision). It examines the role of market forces (supply and demand) within the health care systems and their effects on health outcomes by constructing an integrative model of health care markets and policies that is lacking within the scientific and...
Show moreThis dissertation argues that there are three basic types of health care systems used in industrial nations: free market (private insurance and provision), universal (public insurance and private provision), and socialized (public insurance and provision). It examines the role of market forces (supply and demand) within the health care systems and their effects on health outcomes by constructing an integrative model of health care markets and policies that is lacking within the scientific and academic literature. The results show that, free market systems have decreased access to care, good quality of care, and are economically inefficient resulting in 2.7 years of life expectancy lost and wasted expenditures (expenditures that do not increase life expectancy) of $3474 per capita ($1.12 trillion per year in the U.S.). Socialized systems are the most economically efficient systems but have decreased access to care compared to universal systems, increased access to care compared to free market systems and have the lowest quality of care of all three systems resulting in 3 months of life expectancy lost per capita and a saving of $335 per capita. Universal systems perform better than either of the other 2 systems based on quality and access to care. The models show that health insurance is a Giffen Good; a good that defies the law of demand. This study is the first fully demonstrated case of a Giffen good. This investigation shows how the theoretically informed integrative model behaves as predicted and influences health outcomes contingent upon the system type. To test and substantiate this integrative model, regression analysis, Time-Series-Cross-Section analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed using longitudinal data provided and standardized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The results demonstrate that universal health care systems are superior to the other two systems.
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Date Issued
CFE0007335, ucf:52114
Document (PDF)
Akpinar, Kutalmis, Hua, Kien, Zou, Changchun, Turgut, Damla, Wang, Jun, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
There is a large increase in the surge of data over Internet due to the increasing demand on multimedia content. It is estimated that 80% of Internet traffic will be video by 2022, according to a recent study. At the same time, IoT devices on Internet will double the human population. While infrastructure standards on IoT are still nonexistent, enterprise solutions tend to encourage cloud-based solutions, causing an additional surge of data over the Internet. This study proposes solutions to...
Show moreThere is a large increase in the surge of data over Internet due to the increasing demand on multimedia content. It is estimated that 80% of Internet traffic will be video by 2022, according to a recent study. At the same time, IoT devices on Internet will double the human population. While infrastructure standards on IoT are still nonexistent, enterprise solutions tend to encourage cloud-based solutions, causing an additional surge of data over the Internet. This study proposes solutions to bring video traffic and IoT computation back to the edges of the network, so that costly Internet infrastructure upgrades are not necessary. An efficient way to prevent the Internet surge over the network for IoT is to push the application specific computation to the edge of the network, close to where the data is generated, so that large data can be eliminated before being delivered to the cloud. In this study, an event query language and processing environment is provided to process events from various devices. The query processing environment brings the application developers, sensor infrastructure providers and end users together. It uses boolean events as the streaming and processing units. This addresses the device heterogeneity and pushes the data-intense tasks to the edge of network.The second focus of the study is Video-on-Demand applications. A characteristic of VoD traffic is its high redundancy. Due to the demand on popular content, the same video traffic flows through Internet Service Provider's network as overlapping but separate streams. In previous studies on redundancy elimination, overlapping streams are merged into each other in link-level by receiving the packet only for the first stream, and re-using it for the subsequent duplicated streams. In this study, we significantly improve these techniques by introducing a merger-aware routing method.Our final focus is increasing utilization of Content Delivery Network (CDN) servers on the edge of network to reduce the long-distance traffic. The proposed system uses Software Defined Networks (SDN) to route adaptive video streaming clients to the best available CDN servers in terms of network availability. While performing the network assistance, the system does not reveal the video request information to the network provider, thus enabling privacy protection for encrypted streams. The request routing is performed in segment level for adaptive streaming. This enables to re-route the client to the best available CDN without an interruption if network conditions change during the stream.
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Date Issued
CFE0007882, ucf:52774
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