Current Search: SeaWinds (x)
Rastogi, Mayank, Jones, Linwood, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The NASA SeaWinds scatterometer is a radar remote sensor which operates on two satellites; NASA's QuikSCAT launched in June 1999 and on Japan's ADEOS-II satellite launched in December 2002. The purpose of SeaWinds is to provide global measurements of the ocean surface wind vector. On QuikSCAT, a ground data processing algorithm was developed, which allowed the instrument to function as a QuikSCAT Radiometer (QRad) and measure the ocean microwave emissions (brightness temperature, Tb)...
Show moreThe NASA SeaWinds scatterometer is a radar remote sensor which operates on two satellites; NASA's QuikSCAT launched in June 1999 and on Japan's ADEOS-II satellite launched in December 2002. The purpose of SeaWinds is to provide global measurements of the ocean surface wind vector. On QuikSCAT, a ground data processing algorithm was developed, which allowed the instrument to function as a QuikSCAT Radiometer (QRad) and measure the ocean microwave emissions (brightness temperature, Tb) simultaneously with the backscattered power. When SeaWinds on ADEOS was launched, this same algorithm was applied, but the results were anomalous. The initial SRad brightness temperatures exhibited significant, unexpected, ascending/descending orbit Tb biases. This thesis presents an empirical correction algorithm to correct the anomalous SeaWinds Radiometer (SRad) ocean brightness temperature measurements. I use the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) as a brightness temperature standard to calibrate and then, with independent measurements, validate the corrected SRad Tb measurements. AMSR is a well-calibrated multi-frequency, dual-polarized microwave radiometer that also operates on ADEOS-II. These results demonstrate that, after tuning the Tb algorithm, good quality SRad brightness temperature measurements are obtained over the oceans.
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Date Issued
CFE0000689, ucf:46490
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Hanna, Rafik, Jones, W.Linwood, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
After the launch of NASA's SeaWinds scatterometer in 1999, a radiometer function was implemented in the Science Ground Data Processing Systems to allow the measurement of the earth's microwave brightness temperature. This dissertation presents results of a comprehensive validation to assess the quality of QRad brightness temperature measurements using near-simultaneous ocean Tb comparisons between the SeaWinds on QuikSCAT (QRad) and WindSat polarimetric radiometer on Coriolis. WindSat...
Show moreAfter the launch of NASA's SeaWinds scatterometer in 1999, a radiometer function was implemented in the Science Ground Data Processing Systems to allow the measurement of the earth's microwave brightness temperature. This dissertation presents results of a comprehensive validation to assess the quality of QRad brightness temperature measurements using near-simultaneous ocean Tb comparisons between the SeaWinds on QuikSCAT (QRad) and WindSat polarimetric radiometer on Coriolis. WindSat was selected because it is a well calibrated radiometer that has many suitable collocations with QuikSCAT; and it has a 10.7 GHz channel, which is close to QRad frequency of 13.4 GHz. Brightness temperature normalizations were made for WindSat before comparison to account for expected differences in Tb with QRad because of incidence angle and channel frequency differences. Brightness temperatures for nine months during 2005 and 2006 were spatially collocated for rain-free homogeneous ocean scenes (match-ups) within 1° latitude x longitude boxes and within a ± 60 minute window. To ensure high quality comparison, these collocations were quality controlled and edited to remove non-homogenous ocean scenes and/or transient environmental conditions, including rain contamination. WindSat and QRad Tb's were averaged within 1° boxes and these were used for the radiometric inter-calibration analysis on a monthly basis. Results show that QRad calibrations are stable in the mean within ± 2K over the yearly seasonal cycle.
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Date Issued
CFE0002820, ucf:48068
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Laupattarakasem, Peth, Jones, Linwood, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Over the last three decades, microwave remote sensing has played a significant role in ocean surface wind measurement, and several scatterometer missions have flown in space since early 1990's. Although they have been extremely successful for measuring ocean surface winds with high accuracy for the vast majority of marine weather conditions, unfortunately, the conventional scatterometer cannot measure extreme winds condition such as hurricane. The SeaWinds scatterometer, onboard the QuikSCAT...
Show moreOver the last three decades, microwave remote sensing has played a significant role in ocean surface wind measurement, and several scatterometer missions have flown in space since early 1990's. Although they have been extremely successful for measuring ocean surface winds with high accuracy for the vast majority of marine weather conditions, unfortunately, the conventional scatterometer cannot measure extreme winds condition such as hurricane. The SeaWinds scatterometer, onboard the QuikSCAT satellite is NASA's only operating scatterometer at present. Like its predecessors, it measures global ocean vector winds; however, for a number of reasons, the quality of the measurements in hurricanes are significantly degraded. The most pressing issues are associated with the presence of precipitation and Ku-band saturation effects, especially in extreme wind speed regime such as tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons). Under this dissertation, an improved hurricane ocean vector wind retrieval approach, named as Q-Winds, was developed using existing SeaWinds scatterometer data. This unique data processing algorithm uses combined SeaWinds active and passive measurements to extend the use of SeaWinds for tropical cyclones up to approximately 50 m/s (Hurricane Category-3). Results show that Q-Winds wind speeds are consistently superior to the standard SeaWinds Project Level 2B wind speeds for hurricane wind speed measurement, and also Q-Winds provides more reliable rain flagging algorithm for quality assurance purposes. By comparing to H*Wind, Q-Winds achieves ~9% of error, while L2B-12.5km exhibits wind speed saturation at ~30 m/s with error of ~31% for high wind speed (> 40 m/s).
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Date Issued
CFE0002654, ucf:48242
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Ahmad, Khalil, Jones, Linwood, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The Ku band microwave remote sensor, SeaWinds, was developed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Two identical SeaWinds instruments were launched into space. The first was flown onboard NASA QuikSCAT satellite which has been orbiting the Earth since June 1999, and the second instrument flew onboard the Japanese Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II (ADEOS-II) from December 2002 till October 2003 when an irrecoverable solar panel failure...
Show moreThe Ku band microwave remote sensor, SeaWinds, was developed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Two identical SeaWinds instruments were launched into space. The first was flown onboard NASA QuikSCAT satellite which has been orbiting the Earth since June 1999, and the second instrument flew onboard the Japanese Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II (ADEOS-II) from December 2002 till October 2003 when an irrecoverable solar panel failure caused a premature end to the ADEOS-II satellite mission. SeaWinds operates at a frequency of 13.4 GHz, and was originally designed to measure the speed and direction of the ocean surface wind vector by relating the normalized radar backscatter measurements to the near surface wind vector through a geophysical model function (GMF). In addition to the backscatter measurement capability, SeaWinds simultaneously measures the polarized radiometric emission from the surface and atmosphere, utilizing a ground signal processing algorithm known as the QuikSCAT / SeaWinds Radiometer (QRad / SRad). This dissertation presents the development and validation of a mathematical inversion algorithm that combines the simultaneous active radar backscatter and the passive microwave brightness temperatures observed by the SeaWinds sensor to retrieve the oceanic rainfall. The retrieval algorithm is statistically based, and has been developed using collocated measurements from SeaWinds, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) rain rates, and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) wind fields from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The oceanic rain is retrieved on a spacecraft wind vector cell (WVC) measurement grid that has a spatial resolution of 25 km. To evaluate the accuracy of the retrievals, examples of the passive-only, as well as the combined active / passive rain estimates from SeaWinds are presented, and comparisons are made with the standard TRMM rain data products. Results demonstrate that SeaWinds rain measurements are in good agreement with the independent microwave rain observations obtained from TMI. Further, by applying a threshold on the retrieved rain rates, SeaWinds rain estimates can be utilized as a rain flag. In order to evaluate the performance of the SeaWinds flag, comparisons are made with the Impact based Multidimensional Histogram (IMUDH) rain flag developed by JPL. Results emphasize the powerful rain detection capabilities of the SeaWinds retrieval algorithm. Due to its broad swath coverage, SeaWinds affords additional independent sampling of the oceanic rainfall, which may contribute to the future NASA's Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) objectives of improving the global sampling of oceanic rain within 3 hour windows. Also, since SeaWinds is the only sensor onboard QuikSCAT, the SeaWinds rain estimates can be used to improve the flagging of rain-contaminated oceanic wind vector retrievals. The passive-only rainfall retrieval algorithm (QRad / SRad) has been implemented by JPL as part of the level 2B (L2B) science data product, and can be obtained from the Physical Oceanography Distributed Data Archive (PO.DAAC).
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Date Issued
CFE0001969, ucf:47441
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