Current Search: Skeletal (x)
McCollough, Kendall, Dupras, Tosha, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Sex determination in human skeletal remains is difficult under the most ideal circumstances; however, in juvenile skeletal remains it is nearly impossible. Currently no accepted techniques exist to identify the biological sex of the juvenile skeleton, other than, when possible, DNA. Thus, developing an accessible and non-destructive technique would benefit both the field of Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology. The ability to provide a quick and accurate determination of sex would greatly...
Show moreSex determination in human skeletal remains is difficult under the most ideal circumstances; however, in juvenile skeletal remains it is nearly impossible. Currently no accepted techniques exist to identify the biological sex of the juvenile skeleton, other than, when possible, DNA. Thus, developing an accessible and non-destructive technique would benefit both the field of Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology. The ability to provide a quick and accurate determination of sex would greatly expedite the identification process in any case where juvenile skeletal remains are involved. This project aims to establish an accessible and non-destructive method for determining the sex of juvenile skeletal remains using deciduous (primary/baby) dentition. This research is focused on the deciduous dentition as they form early during growth and development, and previous research has demonstrated that secondary (adult) dentition exhibit sexual dimorphism. Samples of known sex individuals (n= 12: 7 female, 5 male, 45 total teeth) have been collected by donation. Using a novel approach, physical and radiograph, measurements of overall tooth and internal structure dimensions were completed on all samples. Comparative statistical analyses are used to determine if significant sexual dimorphism exists. Results indicate that marked (4-10%) sexual dimorphism does exist in the overall size of deciduous dentition; however, it cannot be assumed that males are larger in all tooth structures. Results suggest that while males do have larger central incisors and canines, their lateral incisors have smaller measurements than females. The variance in tooth structure dimensions will allow the creation of methodology to determine the sex when the majority of dentition is present.
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Date Issued
CFH0004231, ucf:44911
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Bioarchaeological Investigations of The Red House Archaeological Site, Port of Spain, Trinidad: A Pre-Columbian, Mid-Late Ceramic Age Caribbean Population.
Meyers, Patrisha, Schultz, John, Williams, Lana, Toyne, J. Marla, Reid, Basil, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In 2013 structural assessments associated with ongoing renovations of the Red House, Trinidad and Tobago's Parliament building, revealed human remains buried beneath the foundation. Excavations and radiocarbon dating indicate the remains are pre-Columbian with 14C dates ranging between approximately AD 125 and AD 1395. Due to the small overall sample size and the inability to attribute all individuals to a specific Amerindian period, the skeletal sample was considered as an aggregate. A...
Show moreIn 2013 structural assessments associated with ongoing renovations of the Red House, Trinidad and Tobago's Parliament building, revealed human remains buried beneath the foundation. Excavations and radiocarbon dating indicate the remains are pre-Columbian with 14C dates ranging between approximately AD 125 and AD 1395. Due to the small overall sample size and the inability to attribute all individuals to a specific Amerindian period, the skeletal sample was considered as an aggregate. A bioarchaeological assessment of excavated graves and associated human skeletal material was conducted to determine the demographic profile and the pathological conditions exhibited by the collective skeletal 'population.' Osteological analyses included determining the minimum number of individuals (MNI), assessing the biological profile (e.g. sex, age, ancestry and stature), evaluating pathological conditions, antemortem and perimortem trauma and describing the overall taphonomic modifications. In addition, dental wear patterns, artificial cranial modifications and musculoskeletal stress markers were noted. Finally, the mortuary treatment and context was compared to the limited information published on contemporary skeletal samples from islands in the Lesser Antilles and nearby coastal regions of South America. The sample consisted of an MNI of 60 individuals including 47 adults and 13 juveniles. The skeletal completeness of these individuals ranged from a single skeletal element to more than 90% complete. Sex assessment was possible for 23 individuals with 11 females (23%) and 17 males (35%). Multiple antemortem conditions indicate a total of 35 individuals (58%) who exhibited one or more pathological condition including dental pathology (e.g. LEHs, carious lesions, antemortem tooth loss, dental wear, abscesses and a possible apical cyst), healed antemortem trauma, non-specific generalized infections, osteoarthritis, spinal osteophystosis and Schmorl's nodes. Additional antemortem conditions include examples of artificial cranial modification in both sexes, and activity related humeral bilateral asymmetry. While not a representative population, the reconstruction of health, lifestyle and disease for these ancient peoples makes a significant contribution to the limited osteological research published on the Caribbean's pre-contact period.
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Date Issued
CFE0006144, ucf:52863
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Developing Methods for the Estimation of Stature and their Use as a Proxy for Health among the Ancient Chachapoya of Peru.
Anzellini, Armando, Toyne, J. Marla, Schultz, John, Starbuck, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Population mean stature and patterns of health are often linked in anthropological studies, yet few studies control for the multifactorial nature of achieving adult standing height. This thesis explores the intersection of health and stature by analyzing the skeletal remains of 161 adult individuals from the archaeological site of Kuelap, in the eastern slopes of the northern Peruvian Andes, and also tests current biometric methods for estimating stature from skeletal remains. This Chachapoya...
Show morePopulation mean stature and patterns of health are often linked in anthropological studies, yet few studies control for the multifactorial nature of achieving adult standing height. This thesis explores the intersection of health and stature by analyzing the skeletal remains of 161 adult individuals from the archaeological site of Kuelap, in the eastern slopes of the northern Peruvian Andes, and also tests current biometric methods for estimating stature from skeletal remains. This Chachapoya site dates to the Late Intermediate Period (AD 900 (-) 1470) and Late Horizon (AD 1470 (-) 1536) and resides in the high altitude sub-tropical forests of the Andes. An anatomical method of stature estimation was applied to a subsample of 36 individuals and linear regression formulae were created, proving especially effective for the tibia and calcaneus in this sample. These new formulae produced more accurate results, regardless of sex, when compared to traditional estimates and suggest that sexually specific formulae are not necessary in studies of stature. However, sexual dimorphism in skeletal elements did produce an effective method of sex determination from individual appendicular elements and was tested successfully on commingled remains. This investigation produced valuable formulae for estimating both sex and stature from isolated remains in the Chachapoyas region. The results established that interregional variance in stature is consistent, but mean stature is strongly affected by environmental pressures. This study highlights the ineffectiveness of using stature to assess the relative health of geographically distinct populations, but demonstrates the possibility of culturally specific health interpretations. The formulae for sex and stature estimation created in this study have provided a glimpse of the intersection between culture, environment, and health in human biological diversity.
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Date Issued
CFE0006069, ucf:50958
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Intramuscular TNF-alpha signaling in response to resistance exercise and recovery in untrained males.
Townsend, Jeremy, Stout, Jeffrey, Hoffman, Jay, Fukuda, David, Roberts, Michael, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
INTRODUCTION: The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-??) signaling cascade is responsible for mediating stress-activated catabolic effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-?) downstream of the TNF receptor (TNFR1). NF-?? transcription factor remains inhibited in the cytosol of the muscle and can be stimulated for translocation and transcription by a variety of external stimuli, most notably by pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress. Nevertheless, currently there is a gap in the literature...
Show moreINTRODUCTION: The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-??) signaling cascade is responsible for mediating stress-activated catabolic effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-?) downstream of the TNF receptor (TNFR1). NF-?? transcription factor remains inhibited in the cytosol of the muscle and can be stimulated for translocation and transcription by a variety of external stimuli, most notably by pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress. Nevertheless, currently there is a gap in the literature with regard to the time course effect of NF-?? signaling following acute resistance exercise in humans. PURPOSE: To observe the effects of an acute lower-body resistance exercise protocol and subsequent recovery on intramuscular NF- ?? signaling. METHODS: Twenty-eight untrained males were assigned to either a control (CON; n=11) or exercise group (EX; n=17) and completed a lower-body resistance exercise protocol consisting of the back squat, leg press, and leg extension exercises. Skeletal muscle microbiopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis pre-exercise (PRE), 1-hour (1HR), 5-hour (5HR), and 48-hours (48HR) post-resistance exercise. Multiplex signaling assay kits (EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) were used to quantify the total protein (TNFR1, c-Myc) or phosphorylation status of proteins (IKKa/b, NF- ??, IkB) specific to apoptotic signaling pathways using MAGPIX(&)#174; (Luminex, Austin, TX, USA). Repeated measures ANOVA analysis was used to determine the effects of the exercise bout on intramuscular signaling at each timepoint. Additionally, change scores were analyzed by magnitude based inferences to determine a mechanistic interpretation. RESULTS: Repeated measures ANOVA indicated a trend for a two way interaction between the EX and CON Group (p=0.064). Magnitude based inferences revealed a (")Very Likely(") increase in total c-Myc from PRE-5H and a (")Likely(") increase in IkB phosphorylation from PRE-5H. CONCLUSION: Results indicate that c-Myc transcription factor and phosphorylation of IkB are elevated following acute intense resistance exercise in untrained males. These data suggest that NF- ?? signaling plays a role in ribosome biogenesis and skeletal muscle regeneration following resistance exercise in young untrained males.
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Date Issued
CFE0006191, ucf:51089
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Cope, Darcy, Dupras, Tosha, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The present study evaluates two fetal individuals (B532 and B625) from the Kellis 2 cemetery (Roman period circa A.D. 50 A.D. 450), Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, that display skeletal anomalies that may explain their death. Both individuals exhibit bowing of the long bones in addition to other skeletal deformities unique to each individual. To assess these pathologies a differential diagnosis based on the congenital occurrence of long bone bowing is developed. Long bone bowing is selected...
Show moreThe present study evaluates two fetal individuals (B532 and B625) from the Kellis 2 cemetery (Roman period circa A.D. 50 A.D. 450), Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, that display skeletal anomalies that may explain their death. Both individuals exhibit bowing of the long bones in addition to other skeletal deformities unique to each individual. To assess these pathologies a differential diagnosis based on the congenital occurrence of long bone bowing is developed. Long bone bowing is selected because it is the more prevalent abnormality in the paleopathological literature and the other abnormalities are not as easily identifiable in the literature. For the purposes of this study, the differential diagnosis is defined as a process of comparing the characteristics of known diseases with those shared by an archaeological specimen, in the anticipation of diagnosing the possible condition. It is expected that the differential diagnosis will assist in providing a thorough assessment of each skeleton and yield a possible diagnosis for the condition(s). Macroscopic and radiographic analyses are used to document and examine the bone abnormalities for each individual and compare the results with the developed differential diagnosis. Results suggest that the bent long bones of B532 were caused by osteogenesis imperfecta whereas the cause of the bent long bones of B625 is not clear. Further analyses of B625, including the pathologic abnormalities of its skull, suggest that the neural tube defect iniencephaly with associated encephalocele was the likely cause of the observed skeletal abnormalities. The abnormalities of the long bones complicate estimations of the age-at-death of these two individuals, thus the pars basilaris bone was used to assess age estimation. A population sample of 37 Kellis 2 fetal individuals allowed for the development of linear regression formulae of the pars basilaris measurements for long bone length estimates and a comparison of which would provide the most accurate age estimate. Finally, the diagnoses of the fetal specimens are considered in relation to the cultural aspects and disease pattern of the Kellis 2 cemetery
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Date Issued
CFE0002443, ucf:47697
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Resistance Exercise Elicits Selective Mobilization and Adhesion Characteristics of Granulocytes and Monocyte Subsets.
Jajtner, Adam, Hoffman, Jay, Stout, Jeffrey, Fukuda, David, Radom-Aizik, Shlomit, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Resistance exercise eliciting muscle damage results in an immune response, leading to increases in circulating cytokines, and immune cell mobilization. Classical monocytes respond to muscle damage, however, little is known about the intermediate or nonclassical monocyte response to resistance exercise. Moreover, the impact of polyphenol supplementation in conjunction with resistance exercise on the innate immune response is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the immune response...
Show moreResistance exercise eliciting muscle damage results in an immune response, leading to increases in circulating cytokines, and immune cell mobilization. Classical monocytes respond to muscle damage, however, little is known about the intermediate or nonclassical monocyte response to resistance exercise. Moreover, the impact of polyphenol supplementation in conjunction with resistance exercise on the innate immune response is unknown. The purpose of this study was to examine the immune response following resistance exercise with (PPB) and without (PL) polyphenol supplementation. Thirty-nine untrained men were randomized into three groups: PPB (n=13, 21.8(&)#177;2.5yrs, 171.2(&)#177;5.5cm, 71.2(&)#177;8.2kg), PL (n=15, 21.6(&)#177;2.5yrs, 176.5(&)#177;4.9cm, 84.0(&)#177;15.7kg) or a control group (CON) (23.3(&)#177;4.1yrs, 173.6(&)#177;12.0cm, 77.8(&)#177;15.6kg). Blood samples were obtained pre- (PRE), immediately- (IP), 1- (1H), 5- (5H), 24- (24H), 48- (48H) and 96- (96H) hours post-exercise (PPB/PL). CON rested for one hour between PRE and IP blood draws. Changes in granulocyte and monocyte subset proportions and adhesion characteristics (CD11b) were assessed via flow cytometry, while plasma cytokine concentrations and markers of muscle damage were analyzed via multiplex and spectrophotometric assays, respectively. Creatine Kinase and myoglobin were elevated at each time point for PPB and PL (p (<) 0.050). Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 was significantly elevated at IP in PPB (p = 0.005) and PL (p = 0.006) and significantly greater than CON at 5H (PPB: p (<) 0.001; PL: p = 0.006). Granulocyte proportions were elevated at 1H (p (<) 0.001), 5H (p (<) 0.001) and 24H (p = 0.005; p = 0.006) in PPB and PL, respectively. Classical monocyte proportions were lower in PPB (p = 0.008) and PL (p = 0.003) than CON at IP, and significantly greater than CON at 1H (PPB: p = 0.002; PL: p = 0.006). Nonclassical monocyte proportions were significantly greater in PPB (p = 0.020) and PL (p = 0.028) than CON at IP. Intermediate monocyte proportions were significantly greater in PPB (p = 0.034) and PL (p = 0.001) than CON at IP, and significantly lower than CON at 1H (PPB: p = 0.003; PL: p = 0.008). Intermediate monocyte proportions were also significantly greater in PPB than CON at 24H (p = 0.016) and 48H (p = 0.007). At PRE, CD11b expression was significantly lower in the PPB group than CON and PL for intermediate (p = 0.017; p = 0.045) and nonclassical (p (<) 0.001, p = 0.019) monocytes, respectively. When groups were combined, CD11b expression was significantly elevated from PRE at IP (p (<) 0.001) and 1H (p = 0.015) on granulocytes. CD11b expression on classical monocytes was significantly elevated compared to PRE at 1H (p (<) 0.001), 5H (p = 0.033) and 24H (p = 0.004) when groups were combined. CD11b expression on intermediate monocytes was significantly elevated compared to PRE at 1H (p (<) 0.001) when groups were combined. Intermediate and nonclassical monocyte proportions also showed significant positive correlations with markers of muscle damage (r = 0.361 to 0.775, p(<)0.05). Results indicated that resistance exercise in novice lifters may elicit a selective mobilization of intermediate monocytes at 24h and 48H, and that muscle damage may be related to increases in intermediate and nonclassical monocytes. In addition, polyphenol supplementation appeared to suppress CD11b expression on monocytes to resistance exercise.
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Date Issued
CFE0006119, ucf:51177
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Physiological Muscle Qualitative Changes in Response to Resistance Training in Older Adults.
Scanlon, Tyler, Fragala, Maren, Hoffman, Jay, Stout, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Muscle function is determined by structure and morphology at the architectural level. In response to resistance training, older adults have demonstrated that the neuromuscular system has a substantial adaptability, which may compensate for muscle size and quality and lead to improved functional capacities and higher quality of life. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of six weeks of progressive resistance exercise on muscle morphology and architecture in healthy...
Show moreMuscle function is determined by structure and morphology at the architectural level. In response to resistance training, older adults have demonstrated that the neuromuscular system has a substantial adaptability, which may compensate for muscle size and quality and lead to improved functional capacities and higher quality of life. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of six weeks of progressive resistance exercise on muscle morphology and architecture in healthy older adults. METHODS: Twenty- five healthy men and women were randomly assigned to either six weeks of progressive resistance training (RT) (n=13; age = 71.08 (&)#177; 6.75, BMI = 28.5 (&)#177; 5.22) or to serve as a control (CON) (n = 12; age = 70.17 (&)#177; 5.58, BMI = 27.52 (&)#177; 5.6). Fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), and lean thigh mass (LTM) were evaluated using dual x-ray absorptiometry. Lower body strength was estimated by predicting maximal knee extensor strength (1RM). Muscle quality (MQ) was evaluated as strength per unit mass (kg/kg). Cross-sectional area (CSA), muscle thickness (MT), fascicle length (Lf), pennation angle (cos?), and echo intensity (EI) of the rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) were collected using B-mode ultrasound and extended field of view (FOV) ultrasound. EI was quantified using grayscale analysis software. Strength per unit of echo intensity (REI) was determined by dividing 1RM by EI of the thigh. Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) was calculated as the ratio of (CSA x cos?) / (EI x Lf). A 2x2 (group [exercise vs. control] x time [pre vs. post]) repeated measures ANOVA was used to identify group differences and group x time interactions and stepwise regression was performed to assess variables related to strength. RESULTS: 1RM increased by 31.9% (p ? 0.01) in the RT group and was significantly correlated to PCSA of the thigh (r = .579; p = .003) at baseline. MQ increased 31.4% (p ? 0.01) in the RT group consistent with an REI increase of 33.3% (p ? 0.01). There were no significant changes in LTM in either group. VL CSA increased 7.4%, (p ? 0.05) and demonstrated a significant interaction (p ? 0.05) in the RT group. There were no significant changes in the CON group for 1RM, MQ, REI or VL CSA. PCSA demonstrated a significant (p ? 0.05) group x time interaction but did not significantly change in either group. EI did not significantly change in the RT or CON groups. CONCLUSION: Calculated PCSA of the thigh assessed by ultrasound was related to the force producing capacity of muscle and demonstrated a significant interaction following resistance training. Short term resistance exercise training was effective in increasing 1RM, muscle quality as relative strength, muscle quality as relative echo intensity, and muscle morphology, but not EI. In addition, ultrasonography appears to be a safe, feasible, informative and sensitive clinical technique to aid in our understanding of muscle strength, function, and quality.
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Date Issued
CFE0004748, ucf:49782
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A high-content multiplexed screening platform for the evaluation and manipulation of force and fatigue of adult derived skeletal muscle myotubes in defined serum-free medium.
McAleer, Christopher, Hickman, James, Ebert, Steven, Perez Figueroa, J. Manuel, Lambert, Stephen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The overall focus of this project has two parts: First, was to develop a protocol utilizing serum-free media formulations and defined plating and culture techniques to create functional in vitro myotubes derived from adult skeletal muscle satellite cells. The second was to manipulate the inherent muscle parameters such as force output and fatigue of these myotubes by employing exercise regimes or by small molecule application. The importance of serum-free medium use for in vitro cultures is...
Show moreThe overall focus of this project has two parts: First, was to develop a protocol utilizing serum-free media formulations and defined plating and culture techniques to create functional in vitro myotubes derived from adult skeletal muscle satellite cells. The second was to manipulate the inherent muscle parameters such as force output and fatigue of these myotubes by employing exercise regimes or by small molecule application. The importance of serum-free medium use for in vitro cultures is becoming increasingly important in creating functional systems that can be validated for drug testing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Also, the study of age related diseases as well as the potential for (")personalized medicine(") relies on the proliferation and maturation of satellite cells from adult derived tissue. For that purpose, a serum-free medium and culture system was designed to create mature striated myotubes in culture on a defined non-biological substrate N-1[3-trimethoxysilyl propyl] diethylenetriamine (DETA). These myotubes were evaluated by morphology, muscle specific protein expression, and by muscle functionality. After the thorough characterization of the resultant myotubes the functional output of the muscle was altered utilizing chemical means (creatine supplementation and PGC-1? agonists), chronic long term stimulation, and the use of PGC-1? deficient tissue. In this thesis presentation the utility of the newly developed medium formulation to create myotubes from a variety of adult derived muscle sources will be shown. A protocol in which to exercise skeletal muscle in vitro to alter endurance was developed and employed to manipulate skeletal muscle. Finally, small molecules were tested to validate this system for drug study use. This engineered system has the potential for high-throughput screening of drugs for efficacy and drug toxicity studies as well as general biological studies on muscle fatigue.
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Date Issued
CFE0005660, ucf:50162
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Integrating Differential Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems for Analysis and Mapping of Skeletal Dispersals.
Walter, Brittany, Schultz, John, Dupras, Tosha, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Scene mapping is an integral part of processing a forensic scene with scattered human remains. By utilizing the appropriate mapping technique, investigators can accurately document the location of human remains and maintain a precise geospatial record of this evidence at a scene. Global positioning system (GPS) units have been used for years to survey the spatial distribution of large-scale archaeological sites. However, differential global positioning (DGPS) unit now provide decreased...
Show moreScene mapping is an integral part of processing a forensic scene with scattered human remains. By utilizing the appropriate mapping technique, investigators can accurately document the location of human remains and maintain a precise geospatial record of this evidence at a scene. Global positioning system (GPS) units have been used for years to survey the spatial distribution of large-scale archaeological sites. However, differential global positioning (DGPS) unit now provide decreased positional error suitable for small-scale surveys, such as forensic scenes. Because of the lack of knowledge concerning this utility in mapping a scene, controlled research is necessary to determine the practicality of using DGPS in mapping scattered human remains in different environments. The purpose of this research is to quantify the accuracy of a DGPS unit for mapping skeletal dispersals and to determine the applicability of this utility in mapping dispersed remains. First, the accuracy of the DGPS unit was determined using known survey markers in different environments. Secondly, several simulated scenes were constructed and mapped in open, tree-covered, and structure-obstructed environments using the DGPS. Factors considered included the extent of the dispersal, data collection time, and the use of offsets. Data were differentially postprocessed and compared in a geographic information system (GIS) to evaluate the most efficient recordation methods. Results of this study show that the DGPS is a viable option for mapping human remains in open areas. Furthermore, guidelines for accurate scene mapping using a DGPS unit will be provided, along with a discussion concerning the integration of DGPS into GIS for scene analysis and presentation.
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Date Issued
CFE0004632, ucf:49919
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Do, Andrew, Masternak, Michal, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Ames dwarf (df/df) mice are deficient in anterior pituitary hormones: growth hormone (GH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin (PRL) due to a spontaneous, homozygous mutation of prop1df gene. These dwarf mice exhibit characteristics such as delayed growth and development coupled with delayed aging, increased lifespan, overall increased insulin sensitivity, as well as resistance to certain diseases and cancers. The mutant mice possess low blood glucose, low serum insulin, and...
Show moreAmes dwarf (df/df) mice are deficient in anterior pituitary hormones: growth hormone (GH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin (PRL) due to a spontaneous, homozygous mutation of prop1df gene. These dwarf mice exhibit characteristics such as delayed growth and development coupled with delayed aging, increased lifespan, overall increased insulin sensitivity, as well as resistance to certain diseases and cancers. The mutant mice possess low blood glucose, low serum insulin, and lower body temperature. Their enhanced longevity (about 40-60% longer lifespan than normal mice) is associated with their GH deficiency and disruption in the somatotropic axis (GH/IGF-1 hormonal pathway) as well as increased insulin sensitivity, which is supported by other mutant mouse models for longevity like Snell dwarfs and growth hormone receptor knock-out (GHRKO) mice. When young male Ames dwarf mice were treated with GH replacement therapy, they showed increased body growth to nearly match the normal mouse phenotype. In conjunction to an increase in physical growth, however, GH treatment also decreases the longevity and insulin sensitivity that are characteristic of these mice to levels seen in normal mice. Because of the lack of TSH, they also have undetectable levels of Thyroxine (T4). While T4 treatment didn't increase bodyweight of dwarfs to the same extent as GH treatment, the T4 treated mice retained their enhanced lifespan. Although df/df mice have enhanced whole-body insulin sensitivity, the male skeletal muscle was previously shown to be less responsive to insulin than their liver. In our study we analyzed the insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle from female mice after treatment with GH or GH combined with T4. Gene expression and protein expression were investigated in the skeletal muscle of female Ames dwarf mice that were treated with GH or GH and T4 therapy. Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) was used to analyze the expression of mRNA involved with insulin and GH signaling, while western blots were used to analyze protein expression. This project found that female Ames skeletal muscle didn't respond to GH treatment to the same extent as males, and that GH and T4 treatment tends to neutralize the effects seen in GH-only treatment.
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Date Issued
CFH0004483, ucf:45074
Document (PDF)
Filiault, Matthew, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation...
Show moreIn medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation of individual bones using a laser-scanner, it would be possible to overcome this limitation. Now that laser scanners have become increasingly affordable, this technology should be incorporated in the documentation methodologies of forensic anthropology laboratories. Unfortunately, this equipment is rarely used in forensic anthropology casework. The goal of this project is to investigate the possible visualization applications that can be created from digitized surface models of bone for use in medico-legal investigations. This research will be achieved in two phases. First, examples of human bone as well as replicas of bone will be scanned using a NextEngineâ„¢ laser scanner. In conjunction with this will be the exploration and documentation of protocols for scanning different bone types and processing the scan data for creating a 3D model. The second phase will investigate how the resulting 3D model can be used in lieu of the actual remains to achieve improved documentation methodologies through the use of several commercial computer graphics programs. The results demonstrate that an array of visual applications can be easily created from a 3D file of bone, including virtual curation, measurement, illustration and the virtual reconstruction of fragmented bone. Based on the findings of this project, the implementation of laser scanning technology is recommended for forensic anthropology labs to enhance documentation, analysis and presentation of human bone.
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Date Issued
CFH0004287, ucf:44907
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