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- Title
- Creator
Finn, Jr., Paul, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Adolescents today have more unsupervised and unstructured free time than ever before. Poor decisions by youth during periods of free time may lead to substance abuse, teen pregnancy and juvenile delinquency. The highest frequency of juvenile crime, a major social problem, occurs during the 2-4 hours following the end of the school day. Research has demonstrated the benefits of engaging adolecents in prosocial leisure activity. However, no research has studied the issues of free time and...
Show moreAdolescents today have more unsupervised and unstructured free time than ever before. Poor decisions by youth during periods of free time may lead to substance abuse, teen pregnancy and juvenile delinquency. The highest frequency of juvenile crime, a major social problem, occurs during the 2-4 hours following the end of the school day. Research has demonstrated the benefits of engaging adolecents in prosocial leisure activity. However, no research has studied the issues of free time and leisure education with a delinquent population. This paper documents the impact of a leisure education curriculum on a population of delinquent youth in a randomized experiment. The delinquent youths who received the leisure education reported higher intrinsic motivation and better use of free time. The delinquent youths also reported improved decision making related to their involvement in healthy, prosocial free time activities. Finally, the improvement in the delinquent youths' motivation influenced a significant decrease in the delinquent youths' proneness to boredom during their free time.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001472, ucf:47104
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Talakala, Pavan, Zalewski, Janusz, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The revolution of Internet enabled instrumentation is emerging as a revolution in Measurement and Automation. New standards are being developed for transmitting data and connecting instruments to the Internet. The main purpose of this thesis is to design and develop a system to Integrate various Real time experiments and be able to monitor and control them over Internet using LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a graphical programming package capable of data acquisition, data analysis, data...
Show moreThe revolution of Internet enabled instrumentation is emerging as a revolution in Measurement and Automation. New standards are being developed for transmitting data and connecting instruments to the Internet. The main purpose of this thesis is to design and develop a system to Integrate various Real time experiments and be able to monitor and control them over Internet using LabVIEW. LabVIEW is a graphical programming package capable of data acquisition, data analysis, data presentation and real time remote control. In this thesis a Real time system is developed which integrates several real time experiments and remote control access over Internet is provided using LabVIEW. The latest remote panel technology is used to provide the remote control access. There are four Real time instrument experiments developed in this thesis project. They are Automatic Mixing Controller, The Digital Storage Oscilloscope from Gould Instruments, Temperature Controller and an Electronic Recording Rain/Precipitation Gauge. These four instruments are connected and communicated from the main computer by external Data Acquisition Board (DAQ) for the Automatic Mixing Controller, By General Purpose Interface Board (GPIB) for the Oscilloscope, by Data Acquisition board (DAQ) for the Temperature controller and by Serial port for the Electronic Recording Rain/Precipitation Gauge. A system is developed to integrate all the applications listed above into one application and are monitored and controlled remotely over Internet using LabVIEW.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000525, ucf:46456
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Li, Yulan, Qu, Zhihua, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study investigated a tracking system to trace unknown signal in the presence oftime delay. A predictive control method is proposed in order to compensate the time delay. Root locus method is applied when designing the controller, parameter setting is carried out through error and trail technique in w-plane. State space equation is derived for the system, with special state chose of tracking error. To analyze the asymptotic stability of the proposed predictive control system, the Lyapunov...
Show moreThis study investigated a tracking system to trace unknown signal in the presence oftime delay. A predictive control method is proposed in order to compensate the time delay. Root locus method is applied when designing the controller, parameter setting is carried out through error and trail technique in w-plane. State space equation is derived for the system, with special state chose of tracking error. To analyze the asymptotic stability of the proposed predictive control system, the Lyapunov function is constructed. It is shown that the designed system is asymptotically stable when input signal is rather low frequency signal. In order to illustrate the system performance, simulations are done based on the data profile technique. Signal profiles including acceleration pro le, velocity pro le, and trajectory profile are listed. Based on these profiles, simulations can be carried out and results can be taken as a good estimation for practical performance of the designed predictive control system. Signal noise is quite a common phenomenon in practical control systems. Under the situation that the input signal is with measurement noise, low pass filter is designed to filter out the noise and keep the low frequency input signal. Two typical kinds of noise are specified, i.e Gaussian noise and Pink noise. Simulations results are displayed to show that the proposed predictive control with low-pass filter design can achieve better performance in the case of both kinds of noise.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000819, ucf:46688
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Rodriguez, Maria, Hancock, Peter, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This work examines the effect of participants' gender and handedness on the perception of short intervals of time. The time estimation task consisted of an empty production procedure with forty trials at each of four intervals of one, three, seven, and twenty seconds. The four target intervals represent a natural logarithmic progression and a series that bracket important temporal thresholds. The order of presentation of those intervals was randomized across participants but yoked across the...
Show moreThis work examines the effect of participants' gender and handedness on the perception of short intervals of time. The time estimation task consisted of an empty production procedure with forty trials at each of four intervals of one, three, seven, and twenty seconds. The four target intervals represent a natural logarithmic progression and a series that bracket important temporal thresholds. The order of presentation of those intervals was randomized across participants but yoked across the sexes in each of the respective dominant hand groups. The two between-subject factors, with two levels each, were sex and handedness. Participants produced forty estimates at each of the required intervals, which was the first within-subject factor, estimated interval being the other. T-tests were conducted on the dependent measures, the time estimates in terms of their variability and their central tendency with respect to the target duration. If handedness plays a significant role in timing, this may indicate differences between hemispheric functioning as a possible causal mechanism. If there is cerebral asymmetry in time perception, namely if one hemisphere is more competent regarding time perception, accuracy in judging duration should be higher for the contralateral hand. The results of the present study indicated that there are no significant differences in performance between right-handed and left-handed participants, or between male and female participants, in the estimation of short intervals of time.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000768, ucf:46572
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Wang, Haiying, Wu, Shin-Tson, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this dissertation, the response time issue of the liquid crystal (LC) devices is investigated in meeting the challenges for display and photonic applications. The correlation between the LC director response time and the optical response time is derived theoretically and confirmed experimentally. A major contribution of this thesis is that, based on the small angle approximation, we derive rigorous analytical solutions for correlating the LC director response time to its consequent optical...
Show moreIn this dissertation, the response time issue of the liquid crystal (LC) devices is investigated in meeting the challenges for display and photonic applications. The correlation between the LC director response time and the optical response time is derived theoretically and confirmed experimentally. A major contribution of this thesis is that, based on the small angle approximation, we derive rigorous analytical solutions for correlating the LC director response time to its consequent optical response times (both rise and decay) of a vertical-aligned nematic LC cell. This work successfully fills the gap in the literature of LCD switching dynamics. An important effect related to response time, backflow is analyzed using a homogeneous LC cell in an infrared wavelength. The Leslie viscosity coefficients can hardly be found in the literature. A new effective approach to estimate the Leslie coefficients of LC mixtures based on MBBA data is proposed in this dissertation. Using this method, the Leslie coefficients of the LC material under study can be extracted based on its order parameters. The simulation results agree with the experimental data very well. This method provides a useful tool for analyzing the dynamic response including backflow. Cell gap is an important factor affecting the LC response time. Usually a thinner cell gap is chosen to achieve faster response time, since normally both rise and decay times are known to be proportional to d2. However, they are valid only in the region. In the large voltage region where , the optical decay time is independent of d. In this thesis, we find that between these two extremes the response time is basically linearly proportional to d. Our analytical derivation is validated by experimental results. Therefore, in the whole voltage region, the physical picture of the optical response time as a function of the cell gap is completed. This analysis is useful for understanding the grayscale switching behaviors of the LC phase modulators. In conclusion, this dissertation has solved some important issues related to LC optical response time and supplied valuable tools for scientists and engineers to numerically analyze the LC dynamics.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000796, ucf:46558
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
song, qiong, Wu, Shin-Tson, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Dual frequency liquid crystal (DFLC) exhibits a positive dielectric anisotropy at low frequencies and negative dielectric anisotropy at high frequencies. The frequency where dielectric anisotropy is zero is called crossover frequency. DFLC can achieve fast rise time and fast decay time with the assistance of applied voltage. However, one drawback of DFLC is that it has dielectric heating effect when driven at a high frequency. Thus, the first part of this dissertation is to develop low...
Show moreDual frequency liquid crystal (DFLC) exhibits a positive dielectric anisotropy at low frequencies and negative dielectric anisotropy at high frequencies. The frequency where dielectric anisotropy is zero is called crossover frequency. DFLC can achieve fast rise time and fast decay time with the assistance of applied voltage. However, one drawback of DFLC is that it has dielectric heating effect when driven at a high frequency. Thus, the first part of this dissertation is to develop low crossover frequency DFLC materials. The dielectric relaxation and physical properties of some single- and double-ester compounds were investigated. Experimental results indicate that the double-ester compound exhibits a ~ 3 X lower dielectric relaxation frequencies and larger dielectric anisotropy than the single ester, but its viscosity is also higher. More generally, ten groups of dual frequency liquid crystals were compared in terms of dielectric relaxation frequency and dielectric anisotropy. The dielectric relaxation theory was discussed at last. To realize fast response time, high birefringence and low viscosity LC are required. From these two aspects, firstly four new high birefringence laterally difluoro phenyl tolane liquid crystals with a negative dielectric anisotropy were studied. These materials are used to enhance the birefringence of DFLC. They have a fairly small heat fusion enthalpy (~3000 cal/mol) which improves their solubility in a host. We dope 10 wt% of each compound into a commercial negative mixture N1 and measured their birefringence, viscoelastic constant and figure of merit. Birefringence varies very little among homologues while viscoelastic constant increases as alkyl chain length increases. Secondly, we studied the effects of six diluters for lowering the viscosity while stabilizing the vertical alignment (VA) of the laterally difluoro terphenyl host mixture at elevated temperatures. The pros and cons of each diluter are analyzed. These lateral difluoro terphenyls exhibit a high birefringence, fairly low viscosity, and modest dielectric anisotropy, but their molecular alignment in a VA cell is gradually deteriorated at elevated temperatures as their concentration increases. As a result, the device contrast ratio is decreased noticeably due to the light leakage through the crossed polarizers. Finally, liquid crystal doped with metallic nanoparticles, such as Pd, Ag, or Ag-Pd, which are protected with ligand molecules, such as nematic liquid crystal were studied. The metal nanoparticles doped LC exhibit a frequency modulation (FM) electro-optical (EO) response in the millisecond to submillisecond range together with the ordinary root-mean-square voltage response.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003152, ucf:48593
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Loftin, Kathleen, Clausen, Christian, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT Organic contamination on spaceflight hardware is an ongoing concern for spaceflight safety. In addition, for the goal of analyzing for possible evidence of extra-terrestrial life, it is necessary to consider the presence of terrestrial contamination. This paper will introduce and evaluate a new method using a direct analysis real time (DART) ionization source paired with a high resolution time of flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) for the determination of organic contamination...
Show moreABSTRACT Organic contamination on spaceflight hardware is an ongoing concern for spaceflight safety. In addition, for the goal of analyzing for possible evidence of extra-terrestrial life, it is necessary to consider the presence of terrestrial contamination. This paper will introduce and evaluate a new method using a direct analysis real time (DART) ionization source paired with a high resolution time of flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) for the determination of organic contamination involved in spaceflight hardware and ground support materials. This novel analytical technique has significant advantages over current methodologies. Materials analyzed in this study were historically considered as probable contaminants in spaceflight related substrates. A user determined library was generated due to the non-traditional mass spectra generated by the DART. Continual improvement of analytical methods for the detection of trace levels of contaminants in potential drinking water sources is of extreme importance to both regulatory communities and concerned citizens. This paper will evaluate a novel analytical method using stir bar sorbtive (SBSE) extraction techniques combined with analysis with a DARTTOFMS. Compounds of interest will include several representative pharmaceutical contaminants of emerging concern listed in EPA method 1694. Optimal SBSE and DART experimental parameters will be investigated along with accuracy, precision, limits of detection and calibration linearity.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002714, ucf:48187
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Tachon, Taylor, Heglund, Stephen, Covelli, Maureen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Within the health care, many medical professionals know about the critical time restraints for provisions of care within their discipline, but do not know the term "The Golden Hour". The Golden Hour is a term indicating the universal time restraint found within every area of health care and more specifically, every area of nursing. The term and concept represented by it should be recognized to better the outcomes of our patients. Although the Golden Hour typically indicates a 60-minute period...
Show moreWithin the health care, many medical professionals know about the critical time restraints for provisions of care within their discipline, but do not know the term "The Golden Hour". The Golden Hour is a term indicating the universal time restraint found within every area of health care and more specifically, every area of nursing. The term and concept represented by it should be recognized to better the outcomes of our patients. Although the Golden Hour typically indicates a 60-minute period of time, various settings recognize shorter and longer periods during which specific actions must be taken to assure positive patient outcomes. To meet this aim, this thesis will review studies related to outcomes as associated with time critical interventions that could be categorized by "The Golden Hour". To meet the goal, a search of CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and ScienceDirect databases was conducted. Findings of the search revealed that while the term is not widely used, the concept of time sensitive care is found in many areas of Health Care and, specifically, within multiple sub-disciplines of nursing.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFH2000314, ucf:45846
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McCluskey, Maureen, Costain, Gene, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Previous research suggested Election 2004 involved many issue regimes and wedge issues (Kaplan, 2004; Drum, 2004; Fagan & Dinan, 2004). Preceding research proposed that the American perception of presidential candidates has been somewhat based on the mass media's increasing priming and agenda setting techniques (Scheufele, 2000; Kiousis & McCombs, 2004). Hence the research addressed two questions: Is there a bias for or against either candidate in the headlines of the Los Angeles Times and...
Show morePrevious research suggested Election 2004 involved many issue regimes and wedge issues (Kaplan, 2004; Drum, 2004; Fagan & Dinan, 2004). Preceding research proposed that the American perception of presidential candidates has been somewhat based on the mass media's increasing priming and agenda setting techniques (Scheufele, 2000; Kiousis & McCombs, 2004). Hence the research addressed two questions: Is there a bias for or against either candidate in the headlines of the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Times? If there is bias, which issues tended to produce the most positive, negative and neutral results? All election headlines, from February to November 2004, pertaining to a specific candidate were recorded and analyzed. The researcher chose to study headlines because they convey the newsworthiness of the story and former research confirms that reader perceptions of a news account can depend on the headline (Pfau, 1995; Tannenbaum, 1953). This study utilized content analysis to assess the word choices and biases of the headlines of the two newspapers. The researcher created definitions for coding, trained two coders, and analyzed and discussed the results. The main findings were the Washington Times contained more headlines that were pro-Bush, while the Los Angeles Times contained more headlines that were pro-Kerry. The key issues that reflected bias included that candidate's campaign, homeland security, and values.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000442, ucf:46395
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McCluskey, Maureen, Costain, Gene, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Previous research suggested Election 2004 involved many issue regimes and wedge issues (Kaplan, 2004; Drum, 2004; Fagan & Dinan, 2004). Preceding research proposed that the American perception of presidential candidates has been somewhat based on the mass media's increasing priming and agenda setting techniques (Scheufele, 2000; Kiousis & McCombs, 2004). Hence the research addressed two questions: Is there a bias for or against either candidate in the headlines of The Washington Times and The...
Show morePrevious research suggested Election 2004 involved many issue regimes and wedge issues (Kaplan, 2004; Drum, 2004; Fagan & Dinan, 2004). Preceding research proposed that the American perception of presidential candidates has been somewhat based on the mass media's increasing priming and agenda setting techniques (Scheufele, 2000; Kiousis & McCombs, 2004). Hence the research addressed two questions: Is there a bias for or against either candidate in the headlines of The Washington Times and The Los Angeles Times? If there is bias, which issues tend to produce the most positive, negative and neutral results? All election headlines from February to November 2004 that pertained to a specific candidate were recorded and analyzed. The researcher chose to study headlines because they convey the newsworthiness of the story and former research confirms that reader perceptions of a news account can depend on the headline (Pfau, 1995; Tannenbaum, 1953). This study utilized content analysis to assess the word choices and biases of the headlines of the two newspapers. The researcher created definitions for coding, trained two coders, and analyzed and discussed the results. The main findings were The Washington Times contained more headlines that were pro-Bush, while The Los Angeles Times contained more headlines that were pro-Kerry. The key issues that reflected bias included that candidate's campaign, homeland security, and values.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000550, ucf:46445
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A New Path Planning Guidance Law For Improved Impact Time Control of Missiles and Precision Munitions.
- Creator
Snyder, Mark, Qu, Zhihua, Haralambous, Michael, Xu, Yunjun, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
A new missile guidance law is proposed for the control of impact time which provides an improved time-to-go calculation by removing error due to trajectory curvature and also provides a family of trajectories for trajectory planning purposes. Unlike conventional optimal guidance laws, the proposed law is non explicit in time-to-go and the linearization of the engagement kinematics in order to gain a closed form solution is not necessary.
- Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006398, ucf:51506
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Effect of Allocated Assessment Time and Allocated Instructional Time on Student Achievement in Small, Medium, and Large School Districts in Florida.
- Creator
Crupi, Samuel, Jeanpierre, Bobby, Gresham, Gina, Haciomeroglu, Erhan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
To date, there is little current research which explores the effect of allocated assessment time and allocated instructional time as related to student achievement (Spanjers, Burns, (&) Wagner, 2008). Current educational reform has placed accountability and assessment at the forefront of public education (Hirsh, 2007; Jennings, 2012; Kallemeyn, 2009; NCLB, 2001; Supovitz, 2009). Research of time on task has demonstrated that there may be a positive correlation between the amount of time on...
Show moreTo date, there is little current research which explores the effect of allocated assessment time and allocated instructional time as related to student achievement (Spanjers, Burns, (&) Wagner, 2008). Current educational reform has placed accountability and assessment at the forefront of public education (Hirsh, 2007; Jennings, 2012; Kallemeyn, 2009; NCLB, 2001; Supovitz, 2009). Research of time on task has demonstrated that there may be a positive correlation between the amount of time on task in learning activities and student achievement (Fredricks, McColskey, Meli, Mordica, Montrosse, (&) Mooney, (2011). There is current legislation to increase the time demands of assessment and the resulting decrease of allocated instructional time may result in lower levels of student achievement (Butler, 1926; 1936; Brophy, Rohrkemper, Rashid, (&) Goldwater, 1982; Carroll, 1963; Doppelt, Mehalik, Schunn, Silk, (&) Krysinski, 2008; Spanjers, Burns, (&) Wagner, 2008; Wyss, Dolenc, Kong, (&) Tai, 2013). The purpose of this study was to compare allocated assessment time to allocated instructional time in small, medium, and large school districts in Florida. A sample of 12 school districts was selected representing small, medium, and large school districts based on student enrollment from Florida Education Finance Plan (FEFP) data. Data related to State and school district mandated assessments were collected for each school district using school district testing calendars and State assessment calendars. These data were examined and the number of minutes spent on each assessment was calculated. The calculation was used to determine the amount of time spent on State and school district mandated assessment. Allocated instructional time was calculated using the difference in allocated time and allocated assessment time. In addition, data were analyzed to determine what, if any, relationship existed between allocated assessment time and school district size as well as student achievement. Time lost to assessment preparation was also included in the determination of allocated assessment time.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005777, ucf:50056
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Power of Quantum Walk: Insights, Implementation, and Applications.
- Creator
Chiang, Chen-Fu, Wocjan, Pawel, Marinescu, Dan, Dechev, Damian, Mucciolo, Eduardo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In this thesis, I investigate quantum walks in quantum computing from threeaspects: the insights, the implementation, and the applications. Quantum walks are the quantum analogue of classical random walks. For the insights of quantum walks, I list and explain the required components for quantizing a classical random walk into a quantum walk. The components are, for instance, Markov chains, quantum phase estimation, and quantum spectrum theorem. I then demonstrate how the product of two...
Show moreIn this thesis, I investigate quantum walks in quantum computing from threeaspects: the insights, the implementation, and the applications. Quantum walks are the quantum analogue of classical random walks. For the insights of quantum walks, I list and explain the required components for quantizing a classical random walk into a quantum walk. The components are, for instance, Markov chains, quantum phase estimation, and quantum spectrum theorem. I then demonstrate how the product of two reflections in the walk operator provides a quadratic speed-up, in comparison to the classical counterpart. For the implementation of quantum walks, I show the construction of an efficient circuit for realizing one single step of the quantum walk operator. Furthermore, I devise a more succinct circuit to approximately implement quantum phase estimation with constant precision controlled phase shift operators. From an implementation perspective, efficient circuits are always desirable because the realization of a phase shift operator with high precision would be a costly task and a critical obstacle. For the applications of quantum walks, I apply the quantum walk technique along with other fundamental quantum techniques, such as phase estimation, to solve the partition function problem. However, there might be some scenario in which the speed-up of spectral gap is insignificant. In a situation like that that,I provide an amplitude amplification-based approach to prepare the thermal Gibbs state. Such an approach is useful when the spectral gap is extremely small. Finally, I further investigate and explore the effect of noise (perturbation)on the performance of quantum walks.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004094, ucf:49148
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Reiber, Anne, Bagley, George, Brunson, Richard, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The research and statistics gathered in this thesis begin in 2000. Newspapers began experiencing change due to technology before 2000. However, the information necessary to complete this thesis only goes back to that year. Since the year 2000, the newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the age of ever-changing technology. Newspapers across the US, including large and well-established publications have been forced to find new strategies that allow them to keep up with new digital...
Show moreThe research and statistics gathered in this thesis begin in 2000. Newspapers began experiencing change due to technology before 2000. However, the information necessary to complete this thesis only goes back to that year. Since the year 2000, the newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the age of ever-changing technology. Newspapers across the US, including large and well-established publications have been forced to find new strategies that allow them to keep up with new digital technologies. The New York Times was the focus of this study, but it is only one part of a very large industry. However, it is one of the most successful papers of the digital age and offers a thorough look into the newspaper industry. Therefore, its strategies to adapt to digital and its overall business model were compared to newspapers throughout the nation. The intent of this thesis is to have a better understanding of the future of the newspaper industry in the digital age, including newspapers in small, medium and large markets. A look into The New York Times' history provides a better understanding of how newspapers have already been affected by the digital age, and its business model offers guidance for other newspapers on how to adapt. This thesis focused on analyzing at least one newspaper to represent each market including a small, medium and large market newspaper then determining if the methods The New York Times uses would be adaptable and scalable to their newspapers. This thesis determines which newspapers could use The New York Times' strategies to their benefit and draws conclusions on the future of the newspaper industry as a whole.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000271, ucf:45847
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Riley, Keith, Holt, Larry, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this investigation is to contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of effective time management skills among African American and Hispanic male student athletes and their academic achievement utilizing the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002) Base year thru the First follow-up database. The researcher has assessed indicators (socioeconomic status, time use patterns, sports participation, and race) within the construct of academic achievement among African...
Show moreThe purpose of this investigation is to contribute to the body of knowledge in the area of effective time management skills among African American and Hispanic male student athletes and their academic achievement utilizing the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002) Base year thru the First follow-up database. The researcher has assessed indicators (socioeconomic status, time use patterns, sports participation, and race) within the construct of academic achievement among African American and Hispanic male high school student athletes. Their contribution to the main effects revealed that statistically significant differences exist between the non-sports participant and sports participant groups. After controlling for time spent completing mathematics homework and socioeconomic status, the findings revealed that time spent completing math homework was significantly related to academic achievement for African American and Hispanic male student athletes. Time spent watching television was not significantly related to academic achievement for African American and Hispanic male student athletes. For the variable time spent playing on the computer game, the analysis indicated that the detrimental effect of time spent playing video/computer games was the same for African American and Hispanic male student athletes. Finally, it is noteworthy that effective use of time (i.e., playing video games less) and sports participation positively influences academic achievement of African American and Hispanic males high school student athletes. Strategies were uncovered for possible future research among African American and Hispanic male student athletes to increase academic achievement levels.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001580, ucf:47109
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bolton, Amy, Bowers, Clint, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Optimal delivery of instruction is both critical and challenging in dynamic, scenario-based training (SBT) computer simulations such as those used by the military. Tasks that human instructors must perform during these sorts of simulated training exercises can impose a heavy burden on them. Partially due to advances in the state-of-the-art in training technology and partially due to the military's desire to reduce the number of personnel required, it may be possible to support functions...
Show moreOptimal delivery of instruction is both critical and challenging in dynamic, scenario-based training (SBT) computer simulations such as those used by the military. Tasks that human instructors must perform during these sorts of simulated training exercises can impose a heavy burden on them. Partially due to advances in the state-of-the-art in training technology and partially due to the military's desire to reduce the number of personnel required, it may be possible to support functions that overburdened instructors perform by automating much of the SBT process in a computer simulation. Unfortunately though, after more than 50 years of literature documenting research conducted in the area of training interventions, few empirically-supported guidelines have emerged to direct the choice and implementation of effective, automated training interventions. The current study sought to provide empirical guidance for the optimal timing of feedback delivery (i.e., immediate vs. delayed) in a dynamic, SBT computer simulation. The premise of the investigation was that the demand for overall cognitive resources during the training exercise would prescribe the proper timing of feedback delivery. To test the hypotheses, 120 volunteers were randomly assigned to 10 experimental conditions. After familiarization on the experimental testbed, participants completed a total of seven, 10-minute scenarios, which were divided across two training phases. During each training phase participants would receive either immediate or delayed feedback and would perform either high or low cognitive load scenarios. Four subtask measures were recorded during test scenarios as well as subjective reports of mental demand, temporal demand and frustration. Instructional efficiency ratios were computed using both objective performance data and subjective reports of mental demand. A series of planned comparisons were conducted to investigate the training effectiveness of differing scenario cognitive loads (low vs. high), timing of feedback delivery (immediate vs. delayed), and sequencing the timing of feedback delivery and the cognitive load of the scenario. In fact, the data did not support the hypotheses. Therefore, post hoc, exploratory data analyses were performed to determine if there were trends in the data that would inform future investigations. The results for these analyses are discussed with suggested directions for future research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001223, ucf:46935
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Russo, Charles, Surette, Raymond, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Automatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear...
Show moreAutomatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear regression. Interviews of ASPD personnel were conducted to understand user perceptions of AVL. Based on the ANOVA results, trends indicate that weekly response time was significantly lower during the AVL partial implementation period than during the pre or post AVL stages across all categories of data analyzed. Based on the regression results, trends indicate that the overall impact of AVL on response time for all categories analyzed is flat and show AVL as having no overall impact on response time across all calls for service analyzed. An exception to this is the findings related to Priority 3 calls for service; however this exception can be attributed to performance during the pre AVL implementation stage. These results do not suggest a capability for AVL to reduce response time to calls for service in a meaningful comprehensive way. Thus, the study's hypotheses are not supported.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001417, ucf:47046
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Zhang, Xiaoling, Costain, Gene, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
On April 21, 2001, the United States and China faced their first major incident of the 21st century when a U.S. spy plane accidentally collided with a Chinese fighter plane. The dialogue that followed between the two countries, as well as the tenor of the incident as reported in the international press, provide some interesting and insightful glimpses into how these major powers handled the incident in the days and weeks that followed. Although the mainstream media in both China and the...
Show moreOn April 21, 2001, the United States and China faced their first major incident of the 21st century when a U.S. spy plane accidentally collided with a Chinese fighter plane. The dialogue that followed between the two countries, as well as the tenor of the incident as reported in the international press, provide some interesting and insightful glimpses into how these major powers handled the incident in the days and weeks that followed. Although the mainstream media in both China and the United States reported the key facts and elements of the incident in a similar fashion, the spin that was ultimately placed on the event by the Chinese press was clearly indicative of the Asian state's desire to portray the United States as being at fault; however, because both countries have an enormous stake in ensuring continued friendly relations for trade purposes, the Chinese press eventually adopted an official position that would allow the United States to "save face" while ensuring that the killed Chinese pilot involved was lauded as a fearless hero of the state and a martyr to its cause. To determine how these events played out in the respective mainstream media of China and the United States, as well as the international media, this research provides a review of the relevant literature to identify how the spy plane collision was portrayed, what elements are regarded as important for analysis. This study compares the two accounts from China and the U.S., and to a lesser extent, the international media, by grouping the media accounts into three separate dimensions: 1) visual framing, 2) contextual framing and 3) operational framing, to determine how these factors played out in the spy plane incident. The analysis of the media accounts is followed by a summary of the research in the concluding paragraph.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000427, ucf:46390
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bubelnik, Matthew, Siders, Craig, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The time-resolved electrical conductivity of a short-pulse generated plasma filament in air was studied. Close-coupled metal electrodes were used to discharge the stored energy of a high-voltage capacitor and the resulting microsecond-scale electrical discharge was measured using fast current sensors. Significant differences in the time dependence of the current were seen with the two electrode geometries used. Using sharp-tipped electrodes additional peaks in the time-resolved conductivity...
Show moreThe time-resolved electrical conductivity of a short-pulse generated plasma filament in air was studied. Close-coupled metal electrodes were used to discharge the stored energy of a high-voltage capacitor and the resulting microsecond-scale electrical discharge was measured using fast current sensors. Significant differences in the time dependence of the current were seen with the two electrode geometries used. Using sharp-tipped electrodes additional peaks in the time-resolved conductivity were seen, relative to the single peak seen with spherical electrodes. We attribute these additional features to secondary electron collisional ionization brought about by field enhancement at the tips. Additional discrepancies in the currents measured leaving the high-voltage electrode and that returning to ground were also observed. Implications for potential laser-induced discharge applications will be discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000447, ucf:46378
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Jones, Lauriann, Mouloua, Mustapha, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to extend previous findings of Mouloua, Parasuraman, and Molloy (1993), Parasuraman, Mouloua, and Molloy (1996), Hilburn, Parasuraman, and Mouloua (1996), and Oakley, Mouloua, and Hancock (2003) by: 1) examining the effect of repeated adaptive function allocation to manual control of minimal length (5 minutes) to reduce of human error and minimize workload; 2) explore the placement or timing of adaptive function allocation intervals (approximately 20 minutes of...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to extend previous findings of Mouloua, Parasuraman, and Molloy (1993), Parasuraman, Mouloua, and Molloy (1996), Hilburn, Parasuraman, and Mouloua (1996), and Oakley, Mouloua, and Hancock (2003) by: 1) examining the effect of repeated adaptive function allocation to manual control of minimal length (5 minutes) to reduce of human error and minimize workload; 2) explore the placement or timing of adaptive function allocation intervals (approximately 20 minutes of automation control to reduce the human operators' monitoring decrement between intervals, maintain adaptive recovery performance levels, and improve response times); 3) examine different levels of automation reliability (30%, 60%, and 90% reliable); 4) explore factors that may be manipulated to reduce automation-induced monitoring inefficiency, increase detection of automation malfunctions, improve situation awareness, reduce response/reaction times, and reduce workload in a simulated complex aviation system. The study was a 2 (non-adaptive control vs. adaptive group) x 3 (30%, 60%, and 90% automation reliability condition) x 4 (repeated 25 minute session) mixed factorial design. Fifty-four undergraduate participants' (i.e., 27 participants per group; 9 participants per condition; at least 18 yrs. of age) percentage of detected malfunctions, response times, and subjective workload were gathered from the Multi-Attribute Task Battery and the NASA TLX. Results indicated a significant improvement in detection of malfunctions and response times during adaptive-function allocation to manual control but without adaptive recovery. There was a significant effect for workload found between baseline measures and experimental sessions by group in the first session but not across experimental sessions. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future research are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001874, ucf:47387
- Format
- Document (PDF)