Current Search: Violence (x)
Childhood Experiences and Domestic Violence: The role that interpartner violence plays in relationship functioning and parenting behaviors in adulthood.
Stephenson, J'Nelle, Renk, Kimberly, Paulson, Daniel, Sims, Valerie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
It is estimated that approximately 25% of women and 7.6% of men report experiencing violence from their romantic partner during their lifetime. Additionally, in households where interpartner violence occurs, there are between 3.3 and 10 million children in the United States alone. It is important to understand the cycle of domestic violence that can occur, as it can inform us about expected outcomes across time. This study examined mothers' childhood exposure to their own parents' domestic...
Show moreIt is estimated that approximately 25% of women and 7.6% of men report experiencing violence from their romantic partner during their lifetime. Additionally, in households where interpartner violence occurs, there are between 3.3 and 10 million children in the United States alone. It is important to understand the cycle of domestic violence that can occur, as it can inform us about expected outcomes across time. This study examined mothers' childhood exposure to their own parents' domestic violence. It was hypothesized that childhood exposure to domestic violence would be related to unhealthy intimate relationships and to the development of maladaptive parenting behaviors during adulthood. These experiences also were hypothesized to be related to the behaviors of the mothers' young children. For this study, 133 mothers with children who ranged in age from 1(&)#189;- to 5-years participated. Results indicated that exposure to domestic violence in childhood was related significantly to the likelihood of experiencing interpartner violence later in life. Also, having a personal history of interpartner violence in adulthood was related to higher rates of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in mothers' young children. Further, findings demonstrated a relationship between mothers' parenting behaviors and behavior problems in their children. Future research is needed to investigate further the mediators and moderators in the relationship between mothers' childhood exposure to domestic violence and behavior problems in their young children to broaden the literature on this topic. This information may be critical for treatment planning and intervention development for families who experience domestic violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0007250, ucf:52207
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The Use of Alcohol and the Impact on the Use of Threats in Domestic Violence Cases.
Zammit, Amanda, Reckdenwald, Amy, Huff-Corzine, Lin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Domestic Violence is a public health issue that is affecting millions of people annually. Police reports can give a unique aspect of cases that involve domestic violence because the narrative is a firsthand report of the violent incident. Using domestic violence case reports gathered from a law enforcement database at a county Sheriff's office in Florida, the current study examines whether alcohol use in domestic violence incidents influences threats that the victim receives during the...
Show moreDomestic Violence is a public health issue that is affecting millions of people annually. Police reports can give a unique aspect of cases that involve domestic violence because the narrative is a firsthand report of the violent incident. Using domestic violence case reports gathered from a law enforcement database at a county Sheriff's office in Florida, the current study examines whether alcohol use in domestic violence incidents influences threats that the victim receives during the incident. Logistic regression analysis indicates that alcohol use does not significantly impact threats that the victim receives during a domestic violence altercation. However, the study found that if there is a history of domestic violence mentioned in the police report, it is more likely that threats are also mentioned. The findings suggest that more research should be done on domestic violence cases involving alcohol use and non-violent forms of abuse such as threats.
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Date Issued
CFE0006929, ucf:51635
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Fowler, Amy, Donley, Amy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Volunteerism is a commonly researched topic however, much scarcer is research into the factors or motivations behind volunteering at domestic violence emergency shelters. Knowing the motivating factors that lead people to dedicate their time to different organizations is important because it gives us an understanding of what can be done in order to get other people involved in pro-social activities that benefit society as a whole. Just as there are different types of individuals who volunteer...
Show moreVolunteerism is a commonly researched topic however, much scarcer is research into the factors or motivations behind volunteering at domestic violence emergency shelters. Knowing the motivating factors that lead people to dedicate their time to different organizations is important because it gives us an understanding of what can be done in order to get other people involved in pro-social activities that benefit society as a whole. Just as there are different types of individuals who volunteer their time, there are different factors and motivators that compel those individuals to do so. Research to date has identified some common motivators. One of these is altruism. Altruism is essentially a motivation or drive to help another solely for that person's benefit or for the benefit of society as a whole. Other motivators that have been identified include: to gain understanding about a particular social issue, to strengthen social relationships and satisfy normative expectations; to aid in career advancement or to develop job prospects; to reduce negative feelings about oneself or address personal problems; and, to grow and develop psychologically and increase self-esteem. My research specifically examines the motivations among volunteers of local domestic violence emergency shelters. In my review of literature to date, I have been unable to find any research involving volunteers of domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, victim advocacy organizations, or anything along these lines. Only one study was found that has examined motivations among the volunteers for these organizations. This study was a very small (n=8), qualitative investigation with volunteers who occupied a specific position within an organization. This study examines motivations quantitatively of a larger sample of volunteers from two area domestic violence emergency shelters. To acquire this sample, all volunteers in the agency databases were emailed a link to the survey and asked to participate. The survey questionnaire included questions about the factors influencing their decision to volunteer and also why they chose to volunteer specifically at a domestic violence shelter. Demographic differences in motivations among the sample are also statistically determined. This study is important as it is the first to quantitatively assess the motivations of volunteers at a domestic violence agency. Motivations for volunteering at such an agency can differ significantly from motivations for volunteering at other types of organizations (like soup kitchens, day care centers, hospices and the like). The role of personal experience as well as knowing someone who has been personally impacted by domestic violence is measured as a unique motivation for this population. These findings are useful in providing domestic violence agencies with information that can assist in identifying potential volunteers from the larger community as well as a better understanding of their current volunteers. In addition, it contributes to the larger literature by examining a volunteer group that has largely been absent from the literature to date.
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Date Issued
CFH0004496, ucf:45077
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Impacts of Workplace Violence: The Role of Inequality.
Bares, Lindsey, Huff-Corzine, Lin, Wright, James, Hinojosa, Melanie, Truman, Jennifer, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In 2011 the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reported that of people who are employed and aged 16 and older, 24% of nonfatal violent incidents happened at work. To understand the magnitude of the problem, from 2005 to 2009, 572,000 nonfatal workplace crimes occurred against people aged 16 or older. Annually, the rate of workplace violence was about 5 victimizations per 1,000 employed persons aged 16 and older (Harrell 2011).The impact of crime on victims is a topic that deserves...
Show moreIn 2011 the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) reported that of people who are employed and aged 16 and older, 24% of nonfatal violent incidents happened at work. To understand the magnitude of the problem, from 2005 to 2009, 572,000 nonfatal workplace crimes occurred against people aged 16 or older. Annually, the rate of workplace violence was about 5 victimizations per 1,000 employed persons aged 16 and older (Harrell 2011).The impact of crime on victims is a topic that deserves attention because it extends our understanding beyond descriptive rates of violence. Workplace victimization, like most other types of victimizations can have far-reaching effects that extend from individuals to communities and society. This study investigates incidents of workplace violence in the United States through a theoretical lens of inequality. More specifically, do social demographics like gender, race, age, and occupation predict impacts to productivity, from the perspective of the victim? Longitudinal data from the NCVS for the years 1993 through 2014 are used to model Negative Binomial Regressions for count data and Ordinary Least Squares Regressions for expenditure data. The results suggest that the type of crime and being employed in high-risk occupations are the strongest predictors of experiencing adverse impacts as a result of workplace victimization.
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Date Issued
CFE0006563, ucf:51318
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Mendez, Monica, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Research in Latin America regarding interpersonal violence and adolescents is rare if not nonexistent. In a collaborative effort with the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and the National Institute of Women (INAMU), qualitative data were collected from three high schools and one after-school program from rural and urban locations of the Central Valley. The discussion groups/open-ended questionnaires were done with a total of 154 students ranging from ages 14 to 17 and grade levels 8th to...
Show moreResearch in Latin America regarding interpersonal violence and adolescents is rare if not nonexistent. In a collaborative effort with the Costa Rican Ministry of Education and the National Institute of Women (INAMU), qualitative data were collected from three high schools and one after-school program from rural and urban locations of the Central Valley. The discussion groups/open-ended questionnaires were done with a total of 154 students ranging from ages 14 to 17 and grade levels 8th to 12th. Information was obtained concerning students' perceptions, definitions and opinions on issues relating to interpersonal violence and gender roles and rules. The results show that the students made distinctions between acceptable and unacceptable uses of violence, supporting the idea behind a dichotomy of deviant and non-deviant interpersonal violence behaviors. In addition, students also recognized the overarching and detrimental existence of the machismo culture in society, which, in their eyes, perpetuates interpersonal violence. They were also generally unaware of any help that existed for abused adults, adolescents or children. Results show that the machismo culture that affects the socialization of adolescents is well recognized among adolescents and perceived as a detriment to people through gender role expectations and the use and perpetuation of interpersonal violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0002105, ucf:47559
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Taylor, Shauna, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Using three separate and unique sources of data, this study was designed to address: a) the associations between pregnancy-related violence and femicide with sociodemographic characteristics of victims and offenders and with family dynamics, b) how pregnancy affects the risk for threats of violence, power and control tactics, physical violence, stalking, sexual violence, and femicide, and c) how pregnancy contributes to increased severity of abuse. The overall results reveal a significant...
Show moreUsing three separate and unique sources of data, this study was designed to address: a) the associations between pregnancy-related violence and femicide with sociodemographic characteristics of victims and offenders and with family dynamics, b) how pregnancy affects the risk for threats of violence, power and control tactics, physical violence, stalking, sexual violence, and femicide, and c) how pregnancy contributes to increased severity of abuse. The overall results reveal a significant statistical correlation between pregnancy and the increased risk of intimate partner abuse on many dimensions, including physical abuse, stalking and harassment, sexual abuse, threats of serious harm and death, lethality risk, and power and control. The correlation between pregnancy and femicide is less clear and in need of further examination. While the nature of pregnancy as a risk factor across multiple dimensions of abuse is certainly pervasive, the findings indicate that power and coercive control warrants close attention as a potentially prominent and dangerous dynamic. Women of younger age, those single or divorced, residing with an IP, and having children in the home were shown to have a significantly increased risk of non-lethal and lethal IPV in all three samples. The findings contribute evidence to existing literature concerning potentially catastrophic outcomes for pregnancies occurring in an abusive context, including extremely high rates of miscarriage in abusive relationships. Implications for practice and for research are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0002560, ucf:47656
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Nabors, Erin, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study examines relationship violence among college students, focusing on the predictive roles of their sociodemographic characteristics and domestic violence beliefs. College students experience an extremely high level of abuse among intimate partners, with prevalence rates ranging between 20 and 50%. Since relationship violence among college students is such a widespread problem, it is important to understand what lies at the foundation of this type of abuse. Findings from previous...
Show moreThis study examines relationship violence among college students, focusing on the predictive roles of their sociodemographic characteristics and domestic violence beliefs. College students experience an extremely high level of abuse among intimate partners, with prevalence rates ranging between 20 and 50%. Since relationship violence among college students is such a widespread problem, it is important to understand what lies at the foundation of this type of abuse. Findings from previous studies demonstrate correlations between sociodemographic characteristics and perpetration of relationship violence as well as correlations between beliefs supportive of abuse among intimate partners and perpetration of relationship violence. However, research to date fails to fully explore the potential interactions between these variables. In an attempt to fill this void, the current study uses data from the Relationship Characteristics Study conducted in 2001, which includes a sample of 1,938 college students, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of relationship violence among college students. This study examines the associations between students' (1) sociodemographic characteristics, including race and ethnicity, university year, parents' education, family income, parents' marital status, and students' relationship status as well as additional risk factors, consisting of alcohol consumption, drug use, and witnessing interparental violence, (2) domestic violence beliefs, including empirically-based and myth-based domestic violence causation endorsements as well as physical and sexual abuse, stalking, and verbal abuse definitions, and (3) relationship violence perpetration, including negotiation, psychological aggression, physical assault, sexual coercion, and injury. Separate analyses are conducted for male and female college students. Based on previous research and theoretical foundations, it was expected that both college students' sociodemographic characteristics and their domestic violence beliefs would be predictive of relationship violence perpetration. It was further hypothesized that students' sociodemographic characteristics would impact their domestic violence beliefs. Findings generally support these expectations. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.
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Date Issued
CFE0000951, ucf:46757
Document (PDF)
Montanez, Julio, Donley, Amy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many policies and programs have relevance to intimate partner violence (IPV), such as no-drop policies, firearm-related policies, mandatory reporting, mandatory arrest, and others. IPV affects persons from a multitude of demographics and statuses. Dating violence has its mark on college campuses. The present research studies both attitudes toward IPV and attitudes toward interventions that pertain to IPV. Attitudes toward IPV have been found to relate to a number of explanatory variables:...
Show moreMany policies and programs have relevance to intimate partner violence (IPV), such as no-drop policies, firearm-related policies, mandatory reporting, mandatory arrest, and others. IPV affects persons from a multitude of demographics and statuses. Dating violence has its mark on college campuses. The present research studies both attitudes toward IPV and attitudes toward interventions that pertain to IPV. Attitudes toward IPV have been found to relate to a number of explanatory variables: attributions, socioeconomic status, age, class standing, race/ethnicity, religion/spirituality, attitudes toward gender, violence in the family of origin, and previous IPV histories. Perceptions of IPV interventions have been found to relate to a number of explanatory variables as well: attitudes toward IPV, attributions, race/ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status, education victim status, sexual orientation, attitudes regarding gender, and political variables. The present research administered a survey to undergraduate students at the University of Central Florida as a means to explore such perceptions.
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Date Issued
CFH0004903, ucf:45493
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Worthen, Kelly, Donley, Amy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The aim of the research is to evaluate crowd violence as it pertains to sports and its spectators. In particular, the research examines sports riots. "A sports riot is defined as violence-vandalism, throwing/shooting missiles, rushing the field or court, committing arson, and/or fighting- committed by five or more individuals in a crowd of one hundred people associated with a formally organized sporting event" (Lewis, 2007). On a micro level, the most prevalent form of spectator...
Show moreABSTRACT The aim of the research is to evaluate crowd violence as it pertains to sports and its spectators. In particular, the research examines sports riots. "A sports riot is defined as violence-vandalism, throwing/shooting missiles, rushing the field or court, committing arson, and/or fighting- committed by five or more individuals in a crowd of one hundred people associated with a formally organized sporting event" (Lewis, 2007). On a micro level, the most prevalent form of spectator violence is the act of Hooliganism in relation to football (soccer). The research on this aggression has been primarily inherent in Europe and South and Central America in concert with soccer matches. One of the goals of the research is to see if this unique type violence has the potential to occur in North America when comparing it to Europe and more specifically the United Kingdom. Currently, the average Major League Soccer (MLS) teams are capturing slightly higher attendance numbers than the NBA and the NHL. In the 2010-11 season, the average MLS attendance was 17,869, compared to 17,319 and 17,126 respectively (, 2011). With the expansion and globalization of the sport when traveling groups from Europe and South/Central America play United States teams (municipalities or the National team) in a "friendly" (exhibition match) or a World Cup qualifiers stateside, it is understood that supporter firms (hooligan gangs) will travel to support their team. Are hooligans simply looking for a violent result under the guise of being football supporters? "It's a lot more widespread than the general public realize. They might hear of one or two big incidences a year. But this thing happens week in week out at different grounds around England" (Hooligans: No one likes us, 2002). Collective behavior is the most apparent theoretic way to view these outbursts. This research however will examine this social phenomenon through symbolic interaction perspective as well. The hooligan culture is embedded with symbols of social disorder and rebellion. Racism, xenophobia homophobia and even patriotism are the tent poles of this social phenomenon. Additionally, from firm (gang) to firm (gang), socially constructed deviance such as rival history, improper police conduct, the media and alcohol are overarching factors. The final facet of the research examines how to curb the violence. Since Hooliganism is surprisingly tactical in and of itself, how authorities can potentially identify trouble makers and anticipate violence will be assessed. Since the English have customarily been deemed by the international community as some of the worst cohort participants, the tactics that authorities abroad have utilized (successful and otherwise) will be evaluated. Recommendations to prevent and combat this problem will be made in the hopes that a proactive approach can be developed domestically.
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Date Issued
CFH0004220, ucf:44936
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An Examination of Domestic Violence Perpetration: A Further Look into the Gender Symmetry Debate.
Parra, Michelle, Reckdenwald, Amy, Gay, David, Huff-Corzine, Lin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The influences of certain social changes and social movements, such as the feminist movement, in society introduced a violence gendered stereotype model that promoted the social idea that males are more violent than females. From the limited research, it appears that domestic violence perpetration among women differs from male domestic violence perpetration; however, research has not clarified the extent of female domestic violence perpetration and the severity of their abusive behaviors. The...
Show moreThe influences of certain social changes and social movements, such as the feminist movement, in society introduced a violence gendered stereotype model that promoted the social idea that males are more violent than females. From the limited research, it appears that domestic violence perpetration among women differs from male domestic violence perpetration; however, research has not clarified the extent of female domestic violence perpetration and the severity of their abusive behaviors. The current research examines gender-specific intimate partner violence perpetration to determine whether attitudes toward social gender role expectations, income contribution and production, and division of labor in the household can explain marital violence using secondary data collected from the National Survey of Families and Households. Findings indicate that significant differences were not found for perpetration of physical violence and attitudes about division of labor among women and men, but there were significant differences for men and women when taking into consideration their attitudes about income contribution, income production, and gender roles.
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Date Issued
CFE0006372, ucf:51503
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Lieftink, Katherine, Jasinski, Jana, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this thesis was to survey and discuss how small Baptist church clergy address domestic violence (DV) with the goal of studying how clergy in small Baptist churches view domestic violence and how they address the problem of domestic violence within their congregation. The Baptist faith was selected since they form the largest portion of the Protestant faith in the United States. The sample consisted of clergy from small Baptist churches located within the geographic limits of...
Show moreThe purpose of this thesis was to survey and discuss how small Baptist church clergy address domestic violence (DV) with the goal of studying how clergy in small Baptist churches view domestic violence and how they address the problem of domestic violence within their congregation. The Baptist faith was selected since they form the largest portion of the Protestant faith in the United States. The sample consisted of clergy from small Baptist churches located within the geographic limits of Brevard County, Florida. Interviews were conducted with ten small Baptist church clergy. The interview questions were constructed to ascertain specific areas of information regarding personal beliefs, perceptions about domestic violence, understanding of issues, and to find out information regarding clergy qualifications, roles, and responsibilities in the area of domestic violence. After summarizing the content of the responses, several conclusions regarding how small Baptist church clergy addresses domestic violence can be made. Within this group of small Baptist clergy, scripture does not justify DV. The clergy are aware of the issue of DV but their training in addressing the details and extent of the problem is often dependent upon the time period they were trained and ordained. Older clergy or those with less recent training, still regard physical abuse as the main element of DV. Counseling within the church is the primary method most of the clergy use to address DV. At the same time, physical danger or injury is referred to law enforcement and other agencies. Referral to other agencies or resources is an essential element to their DV programs. However, most do not have a formal system to implement these actions. Given the lack of resources within the church and heavy workload demands on the clergy, the effect of most small Baptist church clergy is positive in the areas of education, observation, referral, and awareness of domestic violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0001779, ucf:47288
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How Political Violence Helps Explain Organized Crime: A Case Study of Mexico's "War on Drugs".
Fulk, Alanna, Ash, Konstantin, Wilson, Bruce, Mirilovic, Nikola, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This thesis examines research from the disciplines of political science and criminal justice to develop a theory that explains geographic variation in violence related to organized crime. Large-scale organized crime violence exhibits characteristics of both ordinary crime violence and political violence, but these subjects are generally analyzed separately. However, as large-scale organized crime has become more prevalent and violent in recent years, most notably in Latin America, studies,...
Show moreThis thesis examines research from the disciplines of political science and criminal justice to develop a theory that explains geographic variation in violence related to organized crime. Large-scale organized crime violence exhibits characteristics of both ordinary crime violence and political violence, but these subjects are generally analyzed separately. However, as large-scale organized crime has become more prevalent and violent in recent years, most notably in Latin America, studies, including this one, have attempted to cross disciplinary boundaries in order to better explain trends in organized crime onset, termination and violence. This thesis argues that although the overall goal of organized crime groups is not to take control of a country, both organized crime groups and insurgent groups confront the state's monopoly on violence, leading to evident similarities in the way they use violence to attain their goals. They both use violence to maintain control over resources, take control from other groups and retaliate against the government. Previous literature has demonstrated that control is directly linked to geographic variation in political violence and through case studies of organized crime violence in Honduras and Brazil, as well as negative binomial regression analysis of organized crime violence in Mexico, this thesis finds that control is also directly linked to geographic variation in organized crime violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0007457, ucf:52688
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Risk Factors Associated with the Arrest for Adolescent to Parent Abuse.
Cicale, Coleen, Yegidis, Bonnie, Burg, Mary Ann, Gryglewicz, Kimberley, Fisher, Kristina Childs, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explored risk factors associated with the arrest for adolescent to parent abuse (ATPA) when compared to arrest for a similar violent misdemeanor against a non-parent. The phenomenon of ATPA is widely under-researched and there is little in terms of prevention policy or treatment. Using 18,548 risk assessment screens performed with adolescents (12-17) arrested in Florida for a violent misdemeanor, and guided by previous literature and social ecological and social bond theories, this...
Show moreThis study explored risk factors associated with the arrest for adolescent to parent abuse (ATPA) when compared to arrest for a similar violent misdemeanor against a non-parent. The phenomenon of ATPA is widely under-researched and there is little in terms of prevention policy or treatment. Using 18,548 risk assessment screens performed with adolescents (12-17) arrested in Florida for a violent misdemeanor, and guided by previous literature and social ecological and social bond theories, this analysis explored the relationship between risk factors (categorized as individual characteristics, beliefs, behavior, commitment and involvement and attachment) and arrest for ATPA versus arrest for a violent misdemeanor against a non-parent. Of the 17 hypothesized risk factors, 9 risk factors were found to be significant risk factors associated with the arrest for ATPA versus the arrest for a violent misdemeanor against a non-parent. Age and ethnicity/race were both found to be associated with ATPA arrests. Risk factors found to increase the likelihood of being arrested for ATPA included a history of mental health problems, the adolescent witnessing domestic violence, the adolescent being a victim of abuse, and adolescents' normative beliefs in resolving conflict. The findings of this study add to the current body of literature and can be used to inform the creation of new policies and interventions in the realm of ATPA and family violence.
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Date Issued
CFE0007165, ucf:52285
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Factors Contributing to Victim Employment, Victim Income Status, and Intimate Partner Violence in Jamaica.
Fraser, Marsha, Wan, Thomas, Yegidis, Bonnie, Dziegielewski, Sophia, Ross, Lee, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Using 166 IPV police reports in Jamaica, this mixed-methods study (a) explored the utility of routine activities theory and control balance theory for explaining the relationship between victim employment and IPV; (b) explored risk factors for IPV; and (c) examined the relationships between victim employment and victim income status with IPV murder and IPV severity in the Jamaica. Content analysis of the narratives of the police reports supported both theories suggesting an integration of the...
Show moreUsing 166 IPV police reports in Jamaica, this mixed-methods study (a) explored the utility of routine activities theory and control balance theory for explaining the relationship between victim employment and IPV; (b) explored risk factors for IPV; and (c) examined the relationships between victim employment and victim income status with IPV murder and IPV severity in the Jamaica. Content analysis of the narratives of the police reports supported both theories suggesting an integration of the two theories may be most fitting. Estrangement and infidelity emerged as bold themes. Infidelity was identified as an additional risk factor in the Jamaican context. Quantitative analysis revealed that employed victims and victims with income were significantly older than their counterparts. Being unemployed and having no income were associated with being female. Male victims were 4.98 times more likely to be employed and 7.30 times more likely to have income than female victims. Older victims were 2.36 times more likely to have income than younger victims. Victim employment and victim income status failed to predict the odds of IPV murder or to impact the level of IPV severity. However, the offender's weapon emerged as a salient predictor. When an offender used a sharp weapon or a gun, the odds of the victim being murdered was 4.77 greater and .71 greater respectively than if no such weapon was used. Using a sharp weapon magnified the IPV severity (B = 1.20) while using a gun reduced the IPV severity (B = .78). This study is useful for informing public policies addressing IPV in Jamaica.
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Date Issued
CFE0007632, ucf:52495
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Libby, Nicholas, Corzine, Jay, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study investigates the impact of traffic patterns and the availability of emergency medical services on the lethality of violent interpersonal encounters. Key situational and contextual factors are controlled using the criminal events perspective. Data were taken from the 2002 National Incident-Based Reporting System of the FBI, as well as from fire/rescue and EMS services of Memphis, TN, Cincinnati, OH, and Richmond, VA. Additive models of logistic regression analysis revealed that fire...
Show moreThis study investigates the impact of traffic patterns and the availability of emergency medical services on the lethality of violent interpersonal encounters. Key situational and contextual factors are controlled using the criminal events perspective. Data were taken from the 2002 National Incident-Based Reporting System of the FBI, as well as from fire/rescue and EMS services of Memphis, TN, Cincinnati, OH, and Richmond, VA. Additive models of logistic regression analysis revealed that fire/rescue availability, firearm use, incidents arising out of arguments, outdoor locations, and victim gender are the most consistent predictors of whether or not a violent incident will result in a homicide.
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Date Issued
CFE0001219, ucf:46941
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Campbell, Katharine, Abel, Eileen, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Working within the field of domestic violence can result in the occurrence of vicarious traumatization. The literature supports that collegial support and supervision are effective tools organizations can implement to assist in minimizing vicarious trauma. This study, guided by constructive self development theory and feminist theory, examines whether the level of vicarious trauma is impacted by knowledge base, collegial support, and supervision. Staff within certified shelters in the state...
Show moreWorking within the field of domestic violence can result in the occurrence of vicarious traumatization. The literature supports that collegial support and supervision are effective tools organizations can implement to assist in minimizing vicarious trauma. This study, guided by constructive self development theory and feminist theory, examines whether the level of vicarious trauma is impacted by knowledge base, collegial support, and supervision. Staff within certified shelters in the state of Florida were surveyed using a research designed instrument and the Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale. A total of 112 participants were recruited using the Tailor Design Method of surveying. Findings indicate that uniquely none of the independent variables significantly impacted vicarious trauma symptoms. However, collectively knowledge base, collegial support and supervision did impact minimizing vicarious trauma. Further, five of the ten subscales of vicarious trauma showed a statistically significant relationship with the independent variables. Implications for domestic violence agencies, practitioners, and future research are drawn.
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Date Issued
CFE0002098, ucf:47562
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Donis, Natalie, Pons, Irene, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In recent years, animal cruelty has stirred into the limelight as society has given the issue further consideration. State and federal laws as well as the establishment of diverse non-governmental organizations exist to abate animal cruelty, but such institutions have lagged in creating effective control mechanisms in spite of the growth of this modern day pandemic. This thesis will discuss animal cruelty, the types of cruelty, legislative developments, correlation of animal cruelty to...
Show moreIn recent years, animal cruelty has stirred into the limelight as society has given the issue further consideration. State and federal laws as well as the establishment of diverse non-governmental organizations exist to abate animal cruelty, but such institutions have lagged in creating effective control mechanisms in spite of the growth of this modern day pandemic. This thesis will discuss animal cruelty, the types of cruelty, legislative developments, correlation of animal cruelty to violence among humans, and ways to strengthen control mechanisms. Credible findings have indicated a propensity for offenders of animal cruelty to escalate their acts of violence towards a human. Although animal cruelty has made a modest impression on society, a significant segment of our population nevertheless shares the belief that animals are property lacking a holistic set of basic rights, which in turn perpetuates egregious forms of abuse towards animals. Said abuses will be thoroughly reviewed in this thesis with the intent of bringing a collective consciousness to the reader of the extensive types of abuses animals are subjugated to by some of the most heinous offenders. Then, a discussion will proceed of the hoisting impact animal cruelty has in galvanizing violence towards humans. By meticulously analyzing a variety of empirical research showing the overarching effects of animal cruelty as well as by analyzing state and federal laws that have been hindered tepid enforcement control mechanisms over the years, this thesis will argue for an overhaul of enforcement mechanisms so as to cause broader circumvention of animal cruelty. While research shows that there has been a growth in awareness by another significant segment of the population as to gravity of the situation dealing with the mistreatment of animals in our society, there still remains insufficient societal awareness and governmental power to abundantly curtail this imminent problem. Only when society is enlightened with the dangers of animal cruelty and how it can have dire undulating effects within the community, will substantial advancements be made to give animals the wide spectrum of rights they deserve. After conveying the societal necessity for change in constructively protecting animals, a discussion will ensue on the inadequacy of animal laws today. Then, a discussion will proceed on ways to strengthen animal rights in a manner that is reflective of the general cultural norms and values in this modern age. It is the intent of this thesis to affect change and begin a constructive discourse in society of how to mend the preceding errors of prior generations when dealing with animal abuse. While for a significant segment of the population the merit of such argumentation may rest solely in the notion that animals deserve certain basic rights, this thesis widens the purview of consciousness with the empirically-proven affirmation that animal violence can potentially lead to attacks against humans by people who progressively engage in anti-social acts. Thus, the nexus between admonishable violent acts and sanctionable criminal acts is intrinsically intertwined in the notion that animal abuse is a potential precursor to human abuse. In this light, even that segment of the population apathetic towards the plight of animals may not refute the importance of impugning any and all admonishable violent acts against animals into the realm of punitive criminal sanctions orchestrated by a governmental body empowered with seeking the common good -for to otherwise refute animal rights through this newly-endowed lens would be to refute human rights as well.
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Date Issued
CFH0004476, ucf:45119
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Richardson, Nadine, Negy, Charles, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study explores the topic of corporal punishment and examines the degree to which young adults have been subjected to corporal punishment, their attitudes about corporal punishment, the likelihood of them using corporal punishment on their children, and their propensity towards violence. Among African American participants, I also examine the correlation between their attitudes toward corporal punishment and their levels of acculturation toward the dominant culture. I predict that African...
Show moreThis study explores the topic of corporal punishment and examines the degree to which young adults have been subjected to corporal punishment, their attitudes about corporal punishment, the likelihood of them using corporal punishment on their children, and their propensity towards violence. Among African American participants, I also examine the correlation between their attitudes toward corporal punishment and their levels of acculturation toward the dominant culture. I predict that African Americans will have been subject to Corporal Punishment more than White Americans. I hypothesized that participants who have been subjected to corporal punishment will have a higher propensity towards violence and will continue to use corporal punishment on their children. I also hypothesized that African Americans who are relatively highly acculturated will be less likely to use Corporal punishment. Participants were asked to fill out a series of scales that tested for all of the research questions. Results for this study did support the hypothesis that African Americans did report receiving more Corporal Punishment than White Americans. Results did show that there is a negative correlation between levels of acculturation and likelihood to use Corporal Punishment for African Americans. . However, the direction of the correlation was consistent with the hypothesis, in that higher acculturation scores correlating with less desire to use corporal punishment on children. The results also did not support the hypothesis of a positive correlation between being subjected to Corporal Punishment and propensity towards violence. Finally the results did not support the hypothesis of a positive correlation between being subjected to Corporal Punishment and the likely to use Corporal Punishment on their own children.
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Date Issued
CFH0004135, ucf:44888
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Living with Cain: Associations among sibling trauma, sibling aggression, social adaptability, and risk taking in college.
Collins, Chad, Weger, Harry, Parrish, Adam, Miller, Ann, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study evaluated the relationship between three different dimensions of sibling abuse(-) verbal, physical, and sexual(-) and communicative social adaptability and risk-taking outcomes. A quantitative survey (N = 477) explored the frequency of such abuse among college students and self-reported risk-taking behavior, social experience, social wit, appropriate self-disclosure, social confirmation, and social composure. Moreover, participants responded to nominal prompts asking whether they...
Show moreThis study evaluated the relationship between three different dimensions of sibling abuse(-) verbal, physical, and sexual(-) and communicative social adaptability and risk-taking outcomes. A quantitative survey (N = 477) explored the frequency of such abuse among college students and self-reported risk-taking behavior, social experience, social wit, appropriate self-disclosure, social confirmation, and social composure. Moreover, participants responded to nominal prompts asking whether they ever reported their sibling abuse. Independent sample t-tests and correlation tests show that survivors of sibling trauma are moee likely to appropriately disclose socially and are more likely to report engaging in an index of various risky behaviors (e.g. heavy drinking and suicidal ideation) during their life. The three dimensions of trauma are correlated with different dimensions of communicative social adaptability and risk-taking behaviors. With regard to communicative social adaptability, experiencing verbal abuse is correlated with an increase in social confirmation, appropriate social disclosure, and social wit while physical abuse is correlated with an increase in social confirmation and social wit. These results supplement a small but extant body of literature on sibling abuse and demonstrates the need to further study maladaptive sibling dyads.
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Date Issued
CFE0007444, ucf:52738
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Altruistic Punishment Theory and Inter-Group Violence.
Besaw, Clayton, Tezcur, Gunes Murat, Dolan, Thomas, Kang, Kyungkook, Smirnov, Oleg, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation explores the role of altruistic punishment, the act of punishing outsiders perceivedto harm members of one's group at a personal cost, in explaining individual motivations toparticipate in inter-group violence. It first develops a social theory of this type punishment. Thistheory argues that an egalitarian social logic may be key to understanding motivations of parochialaltruism, and that one's social environment may influence thresholds of anger needed to inducepunishment...
Show moreThis dissertation explores the role of altruistic punishment, the act of punishing outsiders perceivedto harm members of one's group at a personal cost, in explaining individual motivations toparticipate in inter-group violence. It first develops a social theory of this type punishment. Thistheory argues that an egalitarian social logic may be key to understanding motivations of parochialaltruism, and that one's social environment may influence thresholds of anger needed to inducepunishment behavior. Empirically, it conducts two survey-experimental studies. The first experimentutilizes subject partisan identity in the context of American politics and hypothetical acts ofviolence to study altruistic punishment behaviors among two different populations in the US. Thesecond experiment utilizes a comparative sample of American, German, and Kurdish participantsto assess whether priming for anger tied to acts of political violence by outsiders against theirrespective in-group increases support for a hypothetical in-group (")punisher(") of these outsiders.The results of these studies offer two key findings: (1) anger induced costly punishment of outgroupperpetrators may be conditional on egalitarian attitudes; (2) this relationship is contextualand varies across population. The findings cautiously suggest two conclusions. First, there may beevolutionary and neurological mechanisms that promote participation in inter-group conflict andthat superficial characteristics such as ethnicity, religion, and ideology may work in tandem withbiological factors. Second, it suggests that social and political environments may be useful formodulating, or exacerbating, the role of anger in the decision to participate in inter-group conflictactivities.
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Date Issued
CFE0007156, ucf:52307
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