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- Title
- Creator
Hynes, Samantha, Chin, Dr. Matthew, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This experiment was run to see whether the educational presentations done at zoos and other educational facilities are effectively changing patrons' negative misconceptions about the animals they were seeing. Participants were invited to attend one of three educational presentations, where they were exposed to either a low, intermediate or high level of interaction involving a bat. I hypothesized that regardless of the level of interaction, participants would learn the information, but that a...
Show moreThis experiment was run to see whether the educational presentations done at zoos and other educational facilities are effectively changing patrons' negative misconceptions about the animals they were seeing. Participants were invited to attend one of three educational presentations, where they were exposed to either a low, intermediate or high level of interaction involving a bat. I hypothesized that regardless of the level of interaction, participants would learn the information, but that a higher level of interaction would cause the biggest perceptual change in terms of how participants felt about the bat and the highest degree of learning. Across the board, participants increased their factual knowledge, with no significant differences between the baseline, taxidermy or live bat conditions. The taxidermy group had the largest difference in attitude change, but the live bat did have a role in influencing participants' views as to whether bats were beneficial to the environment. These results imply that educational facilities can use a taxidermy bat or a live bat with their patrons and depending on how they utilize the inclusion of the interactive stimulus, it will cause perceptual and educational differences.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004300, ucf:45043
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Flying under the LiDAR: relating forest structure to bat community diversity.
- Creator
Butterfield, Anna, Weishampel, John, Noss, Reed, King, Joshua, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Bats are important to many ecological processes such as pollination, insect (and by proxy, disease) control, and seed dispersal and can be used to monitor ecosystem health. However, they are facing unprecedented extinction risks from habitat degradation as well as pressures from pathogens (e.g., white-nose syndrome) and wind turbines. LiDAR allows ecologists to measure structural variables of forested landscapes with increased precision and accuracy at broader spatial scales than previously...
Show moreBats are important to many ecological processes such as pollination, insect (and by proxy, disease) control, and seed dispersal and can be used to monitor ecosystem health. However, they are facing unprecedented extinction risks from habitat degradation as well as pressures from pathogens (e.g., white-nose syndrome) and wind turbines. LiDAR allows ecologists to measure structural variables of forested landscapes with increased precision and accuracy at broader spatial scales than previously possible. This study used airborne LiDAR to classify forest habitat/canopy structure at the Ordway-Swisher Biological Station (OSBS) in north central Florida. LiDAR data were acquired by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) airborne observation platform in summer 2014. OSBS consists of open-canopy pine savannas, closed-canopy hardwood hammocks, and seasonally inundated basin marshes. Multiple forest structural parameters (e.g., mean, maximum, and standard deviation of canopy height) were derived from LiDAR point clouds using the USDA software program FUSION. K-means clustering was used to segregate each 5x5 m raster across the ~3765 ha OSBS area into six different clusters based on the derived canopy metrics. Cluster averages for maximum, mean, and standard deviation of return heights ranged from 0 to 19.4 m, 0 to 15.3 m, and 0 to 3.0 m, respectively. To determine the relationships among these landscape-canopy features and bat species diversity and abundances, AnaBat II bat detectors were deployed from May to September in 2015 stratified by these distinct clusters. A statistical regression model selection approach was performed in order to evaluate how forest structural attributes such as understory clutter, vertical canopy structure, open and closed canopy, etc. and landscape metrics influence bat communities. The most informative models showed that a combination of site-specific (e.g., midstory clutter and entropy) and landscape level attributes (e.g., area of water and service road length) contributed to bat community patterns. This knowledge provides a deeper understanding of habitat-species interactions to better manage survival of these species and provides insight into new tools for landscape management as they apply to specific species.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006177, ucf:51151
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Psychometric Properties of a Social Skills Assessment Using Virtual Environment.
- Creator
Le, Thien-An, Beidel, Deborah, Paulson, Daniel, Bowers, Clint, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Background: Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a marked and persistent fear of social and/or performance situations in which embarrassment or scrutiny from others may occur. In children, this marked and persistent fear must be present in peer settings and is not exclusive to interactions with adults (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Behaviorally, children with SAD may avoid eye contact and exhibit other behavioral symptoms such as stooped shoulders, nail biting, trembling voice,...
Show moreBackground: Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is a marked and persistent fear of social and/or performance situations in which embarrassment or scrutiny from others may occur. In children, this marked and persistent fear must be present in peer settings and is not exclusive to interactions with adults (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Behaviorally, children with SAD may avoid eye contact and exhibit other behavioral symptoms such as stooped shoulders, nail biting, trembling voice, avoidance of social and performance situations, muffled voice, longer speech latency, inappropriate tone or low voice volume, and lack of spontaneous speech (Beidel (&) Turner, 2007; Ollendick, Benoit, (&) Grills-Taquechel, 2014; Spence, Donovan, (&) Brechman-Toussaint, 1999). Currently, there are several methods of assessing symptom severity of SAD, such as structured and semi-structured interviews supplemented by self- and parent-report forms, as well as behavioral assessment of social skills, such as RPTs. However, RPTs inherently present with feasibility concerns as there are several obstacles for its implementation. Thus, the current study will examine the psychometric properties of a VE based social skills assessment as it compares to the traditional RPT. Methods: Participants were 46 children, ages 7 to 14, who underwent two assessment conditions: RPT and VE BAT. Participants were assessed prior to the assessment conditions using the ADIS-C/P and completed several self- and parent-report forms. Participants reported self-ratings of anxiety and acceptability, while blinded observers rated social skills and overall social anxiety. Results: A paired-samples t-test revealed (a) no significant difference in acceptability between the two tasks (t(36) = .209, p (>) .05); (b) the VE BAT elicited somewhat less anxiety and somewhat more skilled social behavior than a comparable and traditional RPT; (c) the VE BAT demonstrated moderate concurrent validity with the SPAI-C (r = .422, p = .004); (d) behaviors were rated as consistent across assessment tasks for speech latency ( r = .367, p = .016), overall effectiveness ( r = .541, p = .000), overall social anxiety (r = .638, p = .000), and SAM ratings (r = .730, p = .000) and; (e) VE BAT was more feasible to implement than the RPT in terms of personnel time (t(45) = 12.87, p = .00, d = 2.69) and costs (t(45) = 12.88, p = .00, d = 1.83). Conclusion: The current study addresses many of the discussed limitations of conducting RPTs and, overall, supports the utilization of VE BATS as a viable alternative to behaviorally assessing social skills in children. Overall, the current study demonstrates acceptability, validity, and feasibility of implementing such a novel method, where a formal RPT is not possible. Further implications for the current study include that VEs have potential in the armamentarium for social skills training with children with SAD.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006134, ucf:51178
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Livelihoods support programs, conservation attitudes, and tropical biodiversity: an evaluation of biocomplexity in southeastern Ghana.
- Creator
Ekpe, Edem, Hinkle, Charles, Quigley, Martin, VonHolle, Mary, Weishampel, John, Uddin, Nizam, Owusu, Erasmus, Milon, Joseph, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Human activities are a major driver of biodiversity degradation and loss, especially in tropical forest areas, where forest-fringe towns and villages depend on the forests for their livelihoods. In order to reduce threats that human activities pose to biodiversity, livelihoods support programs are employed as economic incentives for biodiversity conservation. These programs support the livelihoods activities of local communities, with the aim of triggering favorable attitudes and behaviors...
Show moreHuman activities are a major driver of biodiversity degradation and loss, especially in tropical forest areas, where forest-fringe towns and villages depend on the forests for their livelihoods. In order to reduce threats that human activities pose to biodiversity, livelihoods support programs are employed as economic incentives for biodiversity conservation. These programs support the livelihoods activities of local communities, with the aim of triggering favorable attitudes and behaviors towards conservation, and ultimately reduce biodiversity degradation. Their effectiveness as conservation tools has not been evaluated. I investigated the effects of livelihoods programs on conservation attitudes and the consequent effects on biodiversity in the Afadjato-Agumatsa and Atewa forest areas in southeastern Ghana.The study areas are coupled human and natural systems, which are excellent for research in the theoretical framework of biocomplexity in the environment. Using literature reviews and field visits, I documented the specific livelihoods support activities (LSAs) used for biodiversity conservation, their historical trend and geographical distribution in Ghana. I used ex-post cost-benefit analysis to determine socio-economic estimates of the LSAs in the two forest areas. Since communities were not randomly assigned to the interventions, I employed quasi-experimental design to evaluate the effects of LSAs on environmental attitudes. I evaluated the effect of conservation attitudes on biodiversity at two levels. These levels included 1) functional biodiversity at the landscape level represented by mean Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of forest; and 2) compositional biodiversity at the species level represented by species diversity of fruit bats. The earliest record of LSAs used for biodiversity conservation in Ghana was in 1993. I identified 71 different activities belonging to eight categories. Some of these activities are beekeeping, animal husbandry, crop farming, and snail rearing. Most LSA programs have been in northern Ghana. There was an increasing tendency to make LSAs part of every conservation program in Ghana and this satisfies the current policy of collaborative conservation.The socio-economic estimates of LSAs included: 1) capital investment; 2) net socio-economic benefits; and 3) the benefit-cost ratio. The per-community values of the three estimates were not different between the two study areas. The per capita values of capital investment and net economic benefit were not significantly different between the two study areas. However, benefit-cost ratio per capita was higher in Afadjato-Agumatsa than in Atewa. Estimates of economic returns from LSAs were marginal but the perceptions of success were relatively high.Environmental attitudes in LSA communities and non-LSA communities were not significantly different, and this was confirmed by an estimate of infinitesimal effects of LSAs on forest conservation attitudes. Among LSA communities, benefit-cost ratio of LSAs predicted favorable forest conservation attitudes; and change in pro-conservation attitudes were significantly higher in communities that had active LSAs than in communities which had no active LSA.Mean NDVI of the forests decreased from 1991 to 2000 and decreased further but at a slower rate to 2010. Higher forest conservation attitudes predicted higher mean NDVI in 2010. Higher change in mean NDVI from 1991 to 2000 predicted higher change in mean NDVI from 2000 to 2010. Eleven of the 13 fruit bat species in Ghana were recorded in the study areas. Longer distances between a local community and its forest predicted higher species diversity of forest-specialist fruit bats.The results indicate that LSAs have become a major contribution to Ghana's current collaborative forest policy. The fact that perceptions of LSA success were moderate even though the economic returns from them were marginal suggest that other factors such as provision of employment, training in new skills and community cohesion played a part in how communities viewed the success as LSAs. Evaluations of conservation attitudes suggest that just participating in LSAs did not improve attitudes; but higher benefit-cost ratio predicted favorable conservation attitudes, and conservation attitudes were higher in communities that sustained their LSAs. Therefore, it may serve biodiversity conservation to invest in LSAs that can be sustained and involve the least costs to local communities. Primary production of the forests, a proxy for a functional habitat, continued to decrease. Preventing communities from locating closer to forests could improve fruit bat diversity, which contributes to natural forest regeneration. Improving conservation attitudes should be an objective of conservation at the landscape scale.On the basis of the results, I developed a conceptual model for forest biodiversity conservation in a biocomplexity framework. This model could be useful for evaluating conservation in tropical forest areas. Lessons from this study can be applied in other incentive-based conservation programs such as payments for ecosystem services systems and carbon market schemes. I suggest that this study be repeated after a decade and that other socio-political and biogeochemical variables be integrated into future studies.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004246, ucf:49511
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Kasprzyk, Marie, Jayasuriya, suhada, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Digital recordings of three different species of bats were studied in this thesis to determine the forces and moments that were experienced throughout the bat's flight. The recordings were also studied to determine the pursuit strategies that were most effective for the bat to quickly capture its prey. A pursuit strategy is a strategic way to travel that will allow a pursuer to capture/approach their target the quickest. Therefore when a bat utilizes a particular pursuit strategy, it will...
Show moreDigital recordings of three different species of bats were studied in this thesis to determine the forces and moments that were experienced throughout the bat's flight. The recordings were also studied to determine the pursuit strategies that were most effective for the bat to quickly capture its prey. A pursuit strategy is a strategic way to travel that will allow a pursuer to capture/approach their target the quickest. Therefore when a bat utilizes a particular pursuit strategy, it will adjust its position/ direction vector in a particular way that will allow it to approach its target very quickly. Data was collected directly from the video by manual collection utilizing Microsoft Visual Studio to extract frames, collect and record the data. This research was conducted to determine when throughout the flight the bat would experience significant forces and moments. The location and magnitude of the forces were reported along with an explanation of why the bat was experiencing a peak at each specific time. The forces and moments that the bat experienced thought-out the flight pursuit were calculated by relative velocity and acceleration calculations. In all four scenarios the bat experienced forces in relation to rotating its body about its center of mass. Forces were specifically seen when the bat periodically began to rotate its body before the final plunge to capture its prey. Prey avoidance and pursuit strategies were also studied and observed in this thesis which included the constant bearing and the constant absolute target direction. The intent was to determine which pursuit strategy bats use to quickly capture their prey. The constant bearing strategy is utilized to pursue prey moving along a smooth path, on the other hand the Constant Absolute Target Direction (CATD) pursuit strategy is utilized to capture erratically moving prey. For most of the bats analyzed, it was seen that the CATD strategy proved to be the preferred pursuit strategy. CATD was not only adequate for analyzing the pursuit of erratically moving prey but also worked well when analyzing the pursuit of prey that remained stationary. It cannot be fully concluded that bats utilize the CATD strategy to successfully capture erratically flying prey. The angle remains relatively constant but does not exhibit a zero change in angle as by definition. The large forces experienced by the bat were seen when the bat began to rotate its body about its pitch axis or when the bat made a large turn. Moments were seen specifically when the bat began to bank into its last and final turn towards its target.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFH0004418, ucf:45108
- Format
- Document (PDF)