Current Search: caffeine (x)
Shimshoni, Deborah, Samsam, Mohtashem, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As the most widely consumed drug around the globe, there is a vast array of contradicting research available on caffeine. One of the most debated and researched topics on caffeine is its effect on the brain. Meanwhile, the data on the neurological condition of migraine has information scattered throughout countless research articles and experiments. Although neither migraine or caffeine are completely understood by the medical world, this analysis attempts to give a more coherent...
Show moreAs the most widely consumed drug around the globe, there is a vast array of contradicting research available on caffeine. One of the most debated and researched topics on caffeine is its effect on the brain. Meanwhile, the data on the neurological condition of migraine has information scattered throughout countless research articles and experiments. Although neither migraine or caffeine are completely understood by the medical world, this analysis attempts to give a more coherent understanding of the relationship between the two. This is done by first understanding the known and theorized mechanisms of caffeine as well as the pathologies of migraine. Discussions on channelopathies, current migraine medications, and case studies will be presented. After much background research, we hypothesized that caffeine could excite neurons at physiological concentrations to the point of activation. This was tested by targeting the transcription factor cFos using immunocytochemistry in vitro. The protein cFos was identified due to its rapid translation�just 15 minutes after stimuli�to indicate activation. In addition to a control culture, three different caffeine concentrations were tested on the neurons: 50 micromoles� average plasma level after 1-2 cups of coffee consumption, 100 micromoles�average plasma level after 5-6 cups of coffee also believed to be the therapeutic amount to defend against neurological diseases such as Alzheimers Disease, and 250 micromoles�the average plasma level considered to be toxic in humans. Indeed, we saw a 53.8% increase in cFos expression in the neurons as 100 micromolar of caffeine was added and exposed to the cell cultures for 24 hours. In order to ensure the results obtained in this study were physiologically relevant in vivo, known toxic levels were tested for in vitro neurotoxicity. It was found in vitro that at the non toxic plasma concentrations of 50 micromolar and 100 micromolar of caffeine did not display cellular death as tested by Trypan Blue viability testing, Crystal Violet morphologies, and fleurojade immunochemistry that tests for degeneration. Each of these experiments identified a significant death increase as the toxic level of 250 micromoles of caffeine were utilized. This allowed us to theorize that the activation of neurons found in these experiments due to caffeine exposure would apply the same effect in vivo.
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Date Issued
CFH2000087, ucf:45559
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Patel, Arjun, Webster, Danielle, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Caffeinated energy beverages (CEDs) are a growing supplement being consumed by a large number of young adults aged 18 to 24 years of age. As these CEDs contain nutritional supplements, they are not classified the same way other beverages such as sodas are and they can thus bypass regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. Without regulation by this governing body, it is important to understand how these supplements may be affecting their target population. In this study, students from a...
Show moreCaffeinated energy beverages (CEDs) are a growing supplement being consumed by a large number of young adults aged 18 to 24 years of age. As these CEDs contain nutritional supplements, they are not classified the same way other beverages such as sodas are and they can thus bypass regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. Without regulation by this governing body, it is important to understand how these supplements may be affecting their target population. In this study, students from a large university were recruited in order to determine patterns of CED usage as well as how CED usage may affect perceived stress and burnout. Alcohol usage, another type of beverage commonly consumed in this population, was also assayed in this group in order to determine how perceived stress and burnout are affected. The study was case-control in nature, as regular users of CEDs were compared against students who were not regular consumers. From the data, no major relationships could be identified in regards to perceived stress, burnout, and CED usage. However, extracurricular activity was found to be somewhat predictive of CED usage while alcohol usage was found to be negatively correlated with perceived stress.
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Date Issued
CFH0004787, ucf:45333
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Anthropogenic Organic Chemical Removal from a Surficial Groundwater and Mass Transfer Modeling in a Nanofiltration Membrane Process.
Jeffery, Samantha, Duranceau, Steven, Lee, Woo Hyoung, Sadmani, A H M Anwar, Yestrebsky, Cherie, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This dissertation reports on research related to trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in surficial groundwater supplies and their subsequent removal from nanofiltration (NF) membranes. The research was conducted along coastal South Florida in cooperation with the Town of Jupiter Water Utilities, Jupiter, FL (Town). The focus of the research was to determine the extent of reclaimed water impacts on surficial groundwater supplies and subsequent effects on the Town's NF water treatment plant. Routine...
Show moreThis dissertation reports on research related to trace organic compounds (TrOCs) in surficial groundwater supplies and their subsequent removal from nanofiltration (NF) membranes. The research was conducted along coastal South Florida in cooperation with the Town of Jupiter Water Utilities, Jupiter, FL (Town). The focus of the research was to determine the extent of reclaimed water impacts on surficial groundwater supplies and subsequent effects on the Town's NF water treatment plant. Routine monitoring of fourteen TrOCs in reclaimed water and at the water treatment facility revealed varying degrees of TrOC detection in the environment. Certain TrOCs, including caffeine and DEET, were detected in a majority of the water sampling locations evaluated in this work. However, subsequent dilution with highly-treated reverse osmosis (RO) permeate from alternative supplies resulted in TrOCs below detection limits in potable water at the point-of-entry (POE). Pilot testing was employed to determine the extent of TrOC removal by NF. Prior to evaluating TrOC removal, hydraulic transients within the pilot process were first examined to determine the required length of time the pilot needed to reach steady-state. The transient response of a center-port NF membrane process was evaluated using a step-input dose of a sodium chloride solution. The pilot was configured as a two-stage, split-feed, center-exit, 7:2 pressure vessel array process, where the feed water is fed to both ends of six element pressure vessels, and permeate and concentrate streams are collected after only three membrane elements. The transient response was described as a log-logistic system with a maximum delay time of 285 seconds for an 85% water recovery and 267 gallon per minute feed flowrate.Eleven TrOC pilot unit experiments were conducted with feed concentrations ranging from 0.52 to 4,500 ?g/L. TrOC rejection was well-correlated with compound molecular volume and polarizability, with coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.94. To enhance this correlation, an extensive literature review was conducted and independent literature sources were correlated with rejection. Literature citations reporting the removal effectiveness of an additional sixty-one TrOCs by loose NF membranes (a total of 95 data points) were found to be well-correlated with molecular volume and polarizability, with R2 values of 0.72 and 0.71, respectively.Of the TrOC's detected during this research, the anthropogenic solute caffeine was selected to be modeled using the homogeneous solution diffusion model (HSDM) and the HSDM with film theory (HSDM-FT). Mass transfer coefficients, K_w (water) K_s (caffeine), and k_b (caffeine back-transport) were determined experimentally, and K_s was also determined using the Sherwood correlation method. Findings indicate that caffeine transport through the NF pilot could be explained using experimentally determined K_s values without incorporating film theory, since the HSDM resulted in a better correlation between predicted and actual caffeine permeate concentrations compared to the HSDM-FT and the HSDM using K_s obtained using Sherwood applications. Predicted versus actual caffeine content was linearly compared, revealing R2 values on the order of 0.99, 0.96, and 0.99 for the HSDM without FT, HSDM-FT, and HSDM using a K_s value obtained using the Sherwood correlation method. However, the use of the HSDM-FT and the Sherwood number resulted in the over-prediction of caffeine concentrations in permeate streams by 27 percent and 104 percent, respectively.
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Date Issued
CFE0006331, ucf:51545
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Health Behaviors in Military Veterans with and without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Kitsmiller, Emily, Neer, Sandra, Beidel, Deborah, Bowers, Clint, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
A link between posttraumatic stress disorder and health behaviors, such as exercise, alcohol, smoking, and caffeine has been suggested. However, it is unknown whether veterans with combat-related PTSD differ from combat veterans without PTSD and whether health behaviors change over the course of exposure therapy for PTSD or differ based on PTSD severity. This study examined the relationship between health behaviors and PTSD. More specifically, combat veterans with and without PTSD were...
Show moreA link between posttraumatic stress disorder and health behaviors, such as exercise, alcohol, smoking, and caffeine has been suggested. However, it is unknown whether veterans with combat-related PTSD differ from combat veterans without PTSD and whether health behaviors change over the course of exposure therapy for PTSD or differ based on PTSD severity. This study examined the relationship between health behaviors and PTSD. More specifically, combat veterans with and without PTSD were compared across self-reported levels of alcohol use, smoking, exercise, and caffeine. Health behaviors of combat veterans with PTSD were compared before and after a 17-week treatment for PTSD. Results showed a significant number of participants decreased alcohol use at post-treatment by an average of eight drinks over 30 days, regardless of their PTSD severity level or amount of improvement in PTSD symptoms. No significant differences were found for other health behaviors.
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Date Issued
CFE0006891, ucf:51711
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The Effects of Phosphatidylserine on Reaction Time and Cognitive Function Following an Exercise Stress.
Wells, Adam, Hoffman, Jay, Fragala, Maren, Stout, Jeffrey, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an endogenously occurring phospholipid that has been shown to have cognition and mood enhancing properties in humans, possibly through its role as an enzyme co-factor in cellular signal transduction. Specifically, PS has been identified as activator of classical isoforms of protein kinase C, an enzyme known to be involved in the growth and differentiation of neural cells, and is therefore thought to play a role in the protection of neurons.The purpose of this study...
Show morePhosphatidylserine (PS) is an endogenously occurring phospholipid that has been shown to have cognition and mood enhancing properties in humans, possibly through its role as an enzyme co-factor in cellular signal transduction. Specifically, PS has been identified as activator of classical isoforms of protein kinase C, an enzyme known to be involved in the growth and differentiation of neural cells, and is therefore thought to play a role in the protection of neurons.The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of supplementation with PS and caffeine on measures of cognition, reaction time and mood prior to and following an exercise stress. Twenty, healthy, resistance trained males (17) and females (3) (mean (&)#177; SD; age: 22.75 (&)#177; 3.27 yrs; height: 177.03 (&)#177; 8.44cm; weight: 78.98 (&)#177; 11.24kg; body fat%: 14.28 (&)#177; 6.6), volunteered to participate in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were assigned to a PS group (400mg/day PS; 100mg/day caffeine, N=9) or PL (16g/day Carbs, N=11) delivered in the form of 4 candy chews identical in size, shape and color. Subjects performed an acute bout of full body resistance exercise, prior to (T1) and following 14 days of supplementation (T2). Measures of reaction time (Dynavision(&)#174; D2 Visuomotor Training Device), cognition (Serial Subtraction Test, SST), and mood (Profile of Mood States, POMS) were assessed immediately before and following resistance exercise in both T1 and T2. Data was analyzed using two-way ANCOVA and repeated measures ANOVA.Supplementation with 400mg PS and 100mg caffeine did not have a significant impact upon measures of reaction time or cognition between groups at baseline or following acute resistance exercise. However, there was a non-significant trend to the attenuation of fatigue between groups, following acute resistance exercise (p = 0.071). Interestingly, our data suggests that acute resistance exercise alone may improve cognitive function.Although more research is necessary regarding optimal dosage and supplementation duration, the current findings suggest that supplementation 400mg/day PS with 100mg/day caffeine may attenuate fatigue following acute resistance exercise. It is possible that the lack of significance may be the result of both an inhibition of the PS activated pathway and a withdrawal effect from caffeine.
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Date Issued
CFE0004457, ucf:49325
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