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- Title
- Macroscopic Crash Analysis and Its Implications for Transportation Safety Planning.
- Creator
Siddiqui, Chowdhury, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Uddin, Nizam, Huang, Helai, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Incorporating safety into the transportation planning stage, which is often termed as transportation safety planning (TSP), relies on the vital interplay between zone characteristics and zonal traffic crashes. Although a few safety studies had made some effort towards integrating safety and planning, several unresolved problems and a complete framework of TSP are still absent in the literature. This research aims at examining the suitability of the current traffic-related zoning planning...
Show moreIncorporating safety into the transportation planning stage, which is often termed as transportation safety planning (TSP), relies on the vital interplay between zone characteristics and zonal traffic crashes. Although a few safety studies had made some effort towards integrating safety and planning, several unresolved problems and a complete framework of TSP are still absent in the literature. This research aims at examining the suitability of the current traffic-related zoning planning process in a new suggested planning method which incorporates safety measures. In order to accomplish this broader research goal, the study defined its research objectives in the following directions towards establishing a framework of TSP- i) exploring the existing key determinants in traditional transportation planning (e.g., trip generation/distribution data, land use types, demographics, etc.) in order to develop an effective and efficient TSP framework, ii) investigation of the Modifiable Aerial Unit Problem (MAUP) in the context of macro-level crash modeling to investigate the effect of the zone's size and boundary, iii) understanding neighborhood influence of the crashes at or near zonal boundaries, and iv) development of crash-specific safety measure in the four-step transportation planning process.This research was conducted using spatial data from the counties of West Central Florida. Analysis of different crash data per spatial unit was performed using nonparametric approaches (e.g., data mining and random forest), classical statistical methods (e.g., negative binomial models), and Bayesian statistical techniques. In addition, a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) based application tools were utilized for spatial data analysis and representation.Exploring the significant variables related to specific types of crashes is vital in the planning stages of a transportation network. This study identified and examined important variables associated with total crashes and severe crashes per traffic analysis zone (TAZ) by applying nonparametric statistical techniques using different trip related variables and road-traffic related factors. Since a macro-level analysis, by definition, will necessarily involve aggregating crashes per spatial unit, a spatial dependence or autocorrelation may arise if a particular variable of a geographic region is affected by the same variable of the neighboring regions. So far, few safety studies were performed to examine crashes at TAZs and none of them explicitly considered spatial effect of crashes occurring in them. In order to understand the clear picture of spatial autocorrelation of crashes, this study investigated the effect of spatial autocorrelation in modeling pedestrian and bicycle crashes in TAZs. Additionally, this study examined pedestrian crashes at Environmental Justice (EJ) TAZs which were identified in compliance with the various ongoing practices undertaken by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and previous research. Minority population and the low-income group are two important criteria based on which EJ areas are being identified. These unique areal characteristics have been of particular interest to the traffic safety analysts in order to investigate the contributing factors of pedestrian crashes in these deprived areas. Pedestrian and bicycle crashes were estimated as a function of variables related to roadway characteristics, and various demographic and socio-economic factors. It was found that significant differences are present between the predictor sets for pedestrian and bicycle crashes. In all cases the models with spatial correlation performed better than the models that did not account for spatial correlation among TAZs. This finding implied that spatial correlation should be considered while modeling pedestrian and bicycle crashes at the aggregate or macro-level. Also, the significance of spatial autocorrelation was later found in the total and severe crash analyses and accounted for in their respective modeling techniques.Since the study found affirmative evidence about the inclusion of spatial autocorrelation in the safety performance functions, this research considered identifying appropriate spatial entity based on which TSP framework would be developed. A wide array of spatial units has been explored in macro-level crash modeling in previous safety research. With the advancement of GIS, safety analysts are able to analyze crashes for various geographical units. However, a clear guideline on which geographic entity should a modeler choose is not present so far. This preference of spatial unit can vary with the dependent variable of the model. Or, for a specific dependent variable, models may be invariant to multiple spatial units by producing a similar goodness-of-fits. This problem is closely related to the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem which is a common issue in spatial data analysis. The study investigated three different crash (total, severe, and pedestrian) models developed for TAZs, block groups (BGs) and census tracts (CTs) using various roadway characteristics and census variables (e.g., land use, socio-economic, etc.); and compared them based on multiple goodness-of-fit measures.Based on MAD and MSPE it was evident that the total, severe and pedestrian crash models for TAZs and BGs had similar fits, and better than the ones developed for CTs. This indicated that the total, severe and pedestrian crash models are being affected by the size of the spatial units rather than their zoning configurations. So far, TAZs have been the base spatial units of analyses for developing travel demand models. Metropolitan planning organizations widely use TAZs in developing their long range transportation plans (LRTPs). Therefore, considering the practical application it was concluded that as a geographical unit, TAZs had a relative ascendancy over block group and census tract.Once TAZs were selected as the base spatial unit of the TSP framework, careful inspections on the TAZ delineations were performed. Traffic analysis zones are often delineated by the existing street network. This may result in considerable number of crashes on or near zonal boundaries. While the traditional macro-level crash modeling approach assigns zonal attributes to all crashes that occur within the zonal boundary, this research acknowledged the inaccuracy resulting from relating crashes on or near the boundary of the zone to merely the attributes of that zone. A novel approach was proposed to account for the spatial influence of the neighboring zones on crashes which specifically occur on or near the zonal boundaries. Predictive model for pedestrian crashes per zone were developed using a hierarchical Bayesian framework and utilized separate predictor sets for boundary and interior (non-boundary) crashes. It was found that these models (that account for boundary and interior crashes separately) had better goodness-of-fit measures compared to the models which had no specific consideration for crashes located at/near the zone boundaries. Additionally, the models were able to capture some unique predictors associated explicitly with interior and boundary-related crashes. For example, the variables- 'total roadway length with 35mph posted speed limit' and 'long term parking cost' were statistically not significantly different from zero in the interior crash model but they were significantly different from zero at the 95% level in the boundary crash model.Although an adjacent traffic analysis zones (a single layer) were defined for pedestrian crashes and boundary pedestrian crashes were modeled based on the characteristic factors of these adjacent zones, this was not considered reasonable for bicycle-related crashes as the average roaming area of bicyclists are usually greater than that of pedestrians. For smaller TAZs sometimes it is possible for a bicyclist to cross the entire TAZ. To account for this greater area of coverage, boundary bicycle crashes were modeled based on two layers of adjacent zones. As observed from the goodness-of-fit measures, performances of model considering single layer variables and model considering two layer variables were superior from the models that did not consider layering at all; but these models were comparable. Motor vehicle crashes (total and severe crashes) were classified as 'on-system' and 'off-system' crashes and two sub-models were fitted in order to calibrate the safety performance function for these crashes. On-system and off-system roads refer to two different roadway hierarchies. On-system or state maintained roads typically possess higher speed limit and carries traffic from distant TAZs. Off-system roads are, however, mostly local roads with relatively low speed limits. Due to these distinct characteristics, on-system crashes were modeled with only population and total employment variables of a zone in addition to the roadway and traffic variables; and all other zonal variables were disregarded. For off-system crashes, on contrary, all zonal variables was considered. It was evident by comparing this on- and off-system sub-model-framework to the other candidate models that it provided superior goodness-of-fit for both total and severe crashes.Based on the safety performance functions developed for pedestrian, bicycle, total and severe crashes, the study proposed a novel and complete framework for assessing safety (of these crash types) simultaneously in parallel with the four-step transportation planning process with no need of any additional data requirements from the practitioners' side.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004191, ucf:49009
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Integrating the macroscopic and microscopic traffic safety analysis using hierarchical models.
- Creator
Cai, Qing, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Hasan, Samiul, Lee, JaeYoung, Yan, Xin, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Crash frequency analysis is a crucial tool to investigate traffic safety problems. With the objective of revealing hazardous factors which would affect crash occurrence, crash frequency analysis has been undertaken at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. At the macroscopic level, crashes from a spatial aggregation (such as traffic analysis zone or county) are considered to quantify the impacts of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, transportation demand and network attributes so...
Show moreCrash frequency analysis is a crucial tool to investigate traffic safety problems. With the objective of revealing hazardous factors which would affect crash occurrence, crash frequency analysis has been undertaken at the macroscopic and microscopic levels. At the macroscopic level, crashes from a spatial aggregation (such as traffic analysis zone or county) are considered to quantify the impacts of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, transportation demand and network attributes so as to provide countermeasures from a planning perspective. On the other hand, the microscopic crashes on a segment or intersection are analyzed to identify the influence of geometric design, lighting and traffic flow characteristics with the objective of offering engineering solutions (such as installing sidewalk and bike lane, adding lighting). Although numerous traffic safety studies have been conducted, still there are critical limitations at both levels. In this dissertation, several methodologies have been proposed to alleviate several limitations in the macro- and micro-level safety research. Then, an innovative method has been suggested to analyze crashes at the two levels, simultaneously. At the macro-level, the viability of dual-state models (i.e., zero-inflated and hurdle models) were explored for traffic analysis zone based pedestrian and bicycle crash analysis. Additionally, spatial spillover effects were explored in the models by employing exogenous variables from neighboring zones. Both conventional single-state model (i.e., negative binomial) and dual-state models such as zero-inflated negative binomial and hurdle negative binomial models with and without spatial effects were developed. The model comparison results for pedestrian and bicycle crashes revealed that the models that considered observed spatial effects perform better than the models that did not consider the observed spatial effects. Across the models with spatial spillover effects, the dual-state models especially zero-inflated negative binomial model offered better performance compared to single-state models. Moreover, the model results clearly highlighted the importance of various traffic, roadway, and sociodemographic characteristics of the TAZ as well as neighboring TAZs on pedestrian and bicycle crash frequency. Then, the modifiable areal unit problem for macro-level crash analysis was discussed. Macro-level traffic safety analysis has been undertaken at different spatial configurations. However, clear guidelines for the appropriate zonal system selection for safety analysis are unavailable. In this study, a comparative analysis was conducted to determine the optimal zonal system for macroscopic crash modeling considering census tracts (CTs), traffic analysis zones (TAZs), and a newly developed traffic-related zone system labeled traffic analysis districts (TADs). Poisson lognormal models for three crash types (i.e., total, severe, and non-motorized mode crashes) were developed based on the three zonal systems without and with consideration of spatial autocorrelation. The study proposed a method to compare the modeling performance of the three types of geographic units at different spatial configuration through a grid based framework. Specifically, the study region was partitioned to grids of various sizes and the model prediction accuracy of the various macro models was considered within these grids of various sizes. These model comparison results for all crash types indicated that the models based on TADs consistently offer a better performance compared to the others. Besides, the models considering spatial autocorrelation outperformed the ones that do not consider it. Finally, based on the modeling results, it is recommended to adopt TADs for transportation safety planning.After determining the optimal traffic safety analysis zonal system, further analysis was conducted for non-motorist crashes (pedestrian and bicycle crashes). This study contributed to the literature on pedestrian and bicyclist safety by building on the conventional count regression models to explore exogenous factors affecting pedestrian and bicyclist crashes at the macroscopic level. In the traditional count models, effects of exogenous factors on non-motorist crashes were investigated directly. However, the vulnerable road users' crashes are collisions between vehicles and non-motorists. Thus, the exogenous factors can affect the non-motorist crashes through the non-motorists and vehicle drivers. To accommodate for the potentially different impact of exogenous factors we converted the non-motorist crash counts as the product of total crash counts and proportion of non-motorist crashes and formulated a joint model of the negative binomial (NB) model and the logit model to deal with the two parts, respectively. The formulated joint model was estimated using non-motorist crash data based on the Traffic Analysis Districts (TADs) in Florida. Meanwhile, the traditional NB model was also estimated and compared with the joint model. The results indicated that the joint model provides better data fit and could identify more significant variables. Subsequently, a novel joint screening method was suggested based on the proposed model to identify hot zones for non-motorist crashes. The hot zones of non-motorist crashes were identified and divided into three types: hot zones with more dangerous driving environment only, hot zones with more hazardous walking and cycling conditions only, and hot zones with both. At the microscopic level, crash modeling analysis was conducted for road facilities. This study, first, explored the potential macro-level effects which are always excluded or omitted in the previous studies. A Bayesian hierarchical model was proposed to analyze crashes on segments and intersection incorporating the macro-level data, which included both explanatory variables and total crashes of all segments and intersections. Besides, a joint modeling structure was adopted to consider the potentially spatial autocorrelation between segments and their connected intersections. The proposed model was compared with three other models: a model considering micro-level factors only, one hierarchical model considering macro-level effects with random terms only, and one hierarchical model considering macro-level effects with explanatory variables. The results indicated that models considering macro-level effects outperformed the model having micro-level factors only, which supports the idea to consider macro-level effects for micro-level crash analysis. Besides, the micro-level models were even further enhanced by the proposed model. Finally, significant spatial correlation could be found between segments and their adjacent intersections, supporting the employment of the joint modeling structure to analyze crashes at various types of road facilities. In addition to the separated analysis at either the macro- or micro-level, an integrated approach has been proposed to examine traffic safety problems at the two levels, simultaneously. If conducted in the same study area, the macro- and micro-level crash analyses should investigate the same crashes but aggregating the crashes at different levels. Hence, the crash counts at the two levels should be correlated and integrating macro- and micro-level crash frequency analyses in one modeling structure might have the ability to better explain crash occurrence by realizing the effects of both macro- and micro-level factors. This study proposed a Bayesian integrated spatial crash frequency model, which linked the crash counts of macro- and micro-levels based on the spatial interaction. In addition, the proposed model considered the spatial autocorrelation of different types of road facilities (i.e., segments and intersections) at the micro-level with a joint modeling structure. Two independent non-integrated models for macro- and micro-levels were also estimated separately and compared with the integrated model. The results indicated that the integrated model can provide better model performance for estimating macro- and micro-level crash counts, which validates the concept of integrating the models for the two levels. Also, the integrated model provides more valuable insights about the crash occurrence at the two levels by revealing both macro- and micro-level factors. Subsequently, a novel hotspot identification method was suggested, which enables us to detect hotspots for both macro- and micro-levels with comprehensive information from the two levels. It is expected that the proposed integrated model and hotspot identification method can help practitioners implement more reasonable transportation safety plans and more effective engineering treatments to proactively enhance safety.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006724, ucf:51891
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Siddiqui, Chowdhury, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recent research has shown that incorporating roadway safety in transportation planning has been considered one of the active approaches to improve safety. Aggregate level analysis for predicting crash frequencies had been contemplated to be an important step in this process. As seen from the previous studies various categories of predictors at macro level (census blocks, traffic analysis zones, census tracts, wards, counties and states) have been exhausted to find appropriate correlation with...
Show moreRecent research has shown that incorporating roadway safety in transportation planning has been considered one of the active approaches to improve safety. Aggregate level analysis for predicting crash frequencies had been contemplated to be an important step in this process. As seen from the previous studies various categories of predictors at macro level (census blocks, traffic analysis zones, census tracts, wards, counties and states) have been exhausted to find appropriate correlation with crashes. This study contributes to this ongoing macro level road safety research by investigating various trip productions and attractions along with roadway characteristics within traffic analysis zones (TAZs) of four counties in the state of Florida. Crashes occurring in one thousand three hundred and forty-nine TAZs in Hillsborough, Citrus, Pasco, and Hernando counties during the years 2005 and 2006 were examined in this study. Selected counties were representative from both urban and rural environments. To understand the prevalence of various trip attraction and production rates per TAZ the Euclidian distances between the centroid of a TAZ containing a particular crash and the centroid of the ZIP area containing the at fault driver's home address for that particular crash was calculated. It was found that almost all crashes in Hernando and Citrus County for the years 2005-2006 took place in about 27 miles radius centering at the at-fault drivers' home. Also about sixty-two percent of crashes occurred approximately at a distance of between 2 and 10 miles from the homes of drivers who were at fault in those crashes. These results gave an indication that home based trips may be more associated with crashes and later trip related model estimates which were found significant at 95% confidence level complied with this hypothesized idea. Previous aggregate level road safety studies widely addressed negative binomial distribution of crashes. Properties like non-negative integer counts, non-normal distribution, over-dispersion in the data have increased suitability of applying the negative binomial technique and has been selected to build crash prediction models in this research. Four response variables which were aggregated at TAZ-level were total number of crashes, severe (fatal and severe injury) crashes, total crashes during peak hours, and pedestrian and bicycle related crashes. For each response separate models were estimated using four different sets of predictors which are i) various trip variables, ii) total trip production and total trip attraction, iii) road characteristics, and iv) finally considering all predictors into the model. It was found that the total crash model and peak hour crash model were best estimated by the total trip productions and total trip attractions. On the basis of log-likelihoods, deviance value/degree of freedom, and Pearson Chi-square value/degree of freedom, the severe crash model was best fit by the trip related variables only and pedestrian and bicycle related crash model was best fit by the road related variables only. The significant trip related variables in the severe crash models were home-based work attractions, home-based shop attractions, light truck productions, heavy truck productions, and external-internal attractions. Only two variables- sum of roadway segment lengths with 35 mph speed limit and number of intersections per TAZ were found significant for pedestrian and bicycle related crash model developed using road characteristics only. The 1349 TAZs were grouped into three different clusters based on the quartile distribution of the trip generations and were termed as less-tripped, moderately-tripped, and highly-tripped TAZs. It was hypothesized that separate models developed for these clusters would provide a better fit as the clustering process increases the homogeneity within a cluster. The cluster models were re-run using the significant predictors attained from the joint models and were compared with the previous sets of models. However, the differences in the model fits (in terms of Alkaike's Information Criterion values) were not significant. This study points to different approaches when predicting crashes at the zonal level. This research is thought to add to the literature on macro level crash modeling research by considering various trip related data into account as previous studies in zone level safety have not explicitly considered trip data as explanatory covariates.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002871, ucf:48029
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Safety investigation of traffic crashes incorporating spatial correlation effects.
- Creator
Alkahtani, Khalid, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, Zheng, Qipeng, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
One main interest in crash frequency modeling is to predict crash counts over a spatial domain of interest (e.g., traffic analysis zones (TAZs)). The macro-level crash prediction models can assist transportation planners with a comprehensive perspective to consider safety in the long-range transportation planning process. Most of the previous studies that have examined traffic crashes at the macro-level are related to high-income countries, whereas there is a lack of similar studies among...
Show moreOne main interest in crash frequency modeling is to predict crash counts over a spatial domain of interest (e.g., traffic analysis zones (TAZs)). The macro-level crash prediction models can assist transportation planners with a comprehensive perspective to consider safety in the long-range transportation planning process. Most of the previous studies that have examined traffic crashes at the macro-level are related to high-income countries, whereas there is a lack of similar studies among lower- and middle-income countries where most road traffic deaths (90%) occur. This includes Middle Eastern countries, necessitating a thorough investigation and diagnosis of the issues and factors instigating traffic crashes in the region in order to reduce these serious traffic crashes. Since pedestrians are more vulnerable to traffic crashes compared to other road users, especially in this region, a safety investigation of pedestrian crashes is crucial to improving traffic safety. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which is one of the largest Middle East metropolises, is used as an example to reflect the representation of these countries' characteristics, where Saudi Arabia has a rather distinct situation in that it is considered a high-income country, and yet it has the highest rate of traffic fatalities compared to their high-income counterparts. Therefore, in this research, several statistical methods are used to investigate the association between traffic crash frequency and contributing factors of crash data, which are characterized by 1) geographical referencing (i.e., observed at specific locations) or spatially varying over geographic units when modeled; 2) correlation between different response variables (e.g., crash counts by severity or type levels); and 3) temporally correlated. A Bayesian multivariate spatial model is developed for predicting crash counts by severity and type. Therefore, based on the findings of this study, policy makers would be able to suggest appropriate safety countermeasures for each type of crash in each zone.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007148, ucf:52324
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Exploration and development of crash modification factors and functions for single and multiple treatments.
- Creator
Park, Juneyoung, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Eluru, Naveen, Wang, Chung-Ching, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic safety is a major concern for the public, and it is an important component of the roadway management strategy. In order to improve highway safety, extensive efforts have been made by researchers, transportation engineers, Federal, State, and local government officials. With these consistent efforts, both fatality and injury rates from road traffic crashes in the United States have been steadily declining over the last six years (2006~2011). However, according to the National Highway...
Show moreTraffic safety is a major concern for the public, and it is an important component of the roadway management strategy. In order to improve highway safety, extensive efforts have been made by researchers, transportation engineers, Federal, State, and local government officials. With these consistent efforts, both fatality and injury rates from road traffic crashes in the United States have been steadily declining over the last six years (2006~2011). However, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA, 2013), 33,561 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States in 2012, compared to 32,479 in 2011, and it is the first increase in fatalities since 2005. Moreover, in 2012, an estimated 2.36 million people were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes, compared to 2.22 million in 2011. Due to the demand of highway safety improvements through systematic analysis of specific roadway cross-section elements and treatments, the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) (AASHTO, 2010) was developed by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) to introduce a science-based technical approach for safety analysis. One of the main parts in the HSM, Part D, contains crash modification factors (CMFs) for various treatments on roadway segments and at intersections. A CMF is a factor that can estimate potential changes in crash frequency as a result of implementing a specific treatment (or countermeasure). CMFs in Part D have been developed using high-quality observational before-after studies that account for the regression to the mean threat. Observational before-after studies are the most common methods for evaluating safety effectiveness and calculating CMFs of specific roadway treatments. Moreover, cross-sectional method has commonly been used to derive CMFs since it is easier to collect the data compared to before-after methods.Although various CMFs have been calculated and introduced in the HSM, still there are critical limitations that are required to be investigated. First, the HSM provides various CMFs for single treatments, but not CMFs for multiple treatments to roadway segments. The HSM suggests that CMFs are multiplied to estimate the combined safety effects of single treatments. However, the HSM cautions that the multiplication of the CMFs may over- or under-estimate combined effects of multiple treatments. In this dissertation, several methodologies are proposed to estimate more reliable combined safety effects in both observational before-after studies and the cross-sectional method. Averaging two best combining methods is suggested to use to account for the effects of over- or under- estimation. Moreover, it is recommended to develop adjustment factor and function (i.e. weighting factor and function) to apply to estimate more accurate safety performance in assessing safety effects of multiple treatments. The multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) modeling is proposed to avoid the over-estimation problem through consideration of interaction impacts between variables in this dissertation. Second, the variation of CMFs with different roadway characteristics among treated sites over time is ignored because the CMF is a fixed value that represents the overall safety effect of the treatment for all treated sites for specific time periods. Recently, few studies developed crash modification functions (CMFunctions) to overcome this limitation. However, although previous studies assessed the effect of a specific single variable such as AADT on the CMFs, there is a lack of prior studies on the variation in the safety effects of treated sites with different multiple roadway characteristics over time. In this study, adopting various multivariate linear and nonlinear modeling techniques is suggested to develop CMFunctions. Multiple linear regression modeling can be utilized to consider different multiple roadway characteristics. To reflect nonlinearity of predictors, a regression model with nonlinearizing link function needs to be developed. The Bayesian approach can also be adopted due to its strength to avoid the problem of over fitting that occurs when the number of observations is limited and the number of variables is large. Moreover, two data mining techniques (i.e. gradient boosting and MARS) are suggested to use 1) to achieve better performance of CMFunctions with consideration of variable importance, and 2) to reflect both nonlinear trend of predictors and interaction impacts between variables at the same time. Third, the nonlinearity of variables in the cross-sectional method is not discussed in the HSM. Generally, the cross-sectional method is also known as safety performance functions (SPFs) and generalized linear model (GLM) is applied to estimate SPFs. However, the estimated CMFs from GLM cannot account for the nonlinear effect of the treatment since the coefficients in the GLM are assumed to be fixed. In this dissertation, applications of using generalized nonlinear model (GNM) and MARS in the cross-sectional method are proposed. In GNMs, the nonlinear effects of independent variables to crash analysis can be captured by the development of nonlinearizing link function. Moreover, the MARS accommodate nonlinearity of independent variables and interaction effects for complex data structures. In this dissertation, the CMFs and CMFunctions are estimated for various single and combination of treatments for different roadway types (e.g. rural two-lane, rural multi-lane roadways, urban arterials, freeways, etc.) as below:1) Treatments for mainline of roadway: - adding a thru lane, conversion of 4-lane undivided roadways to 3-lane with two-way left turn lane (TWLTL)2) Treatments for roadway shoulder: - installing shoulder rumble strips, widening shoulder width, adding bike lanes, changing bike lane width, installing roadside barriers3) Treatments related to roadside features: - decrease density of driveways, decrease density of roadside poles, increase distance to roadside poles, increase distance to trees Expected contributions of this study are to 1) suggest approaches to estimate more reliable safety effects of multiple treatments, 2) propose methodologies to develop CMFunctions to assess the variation of CMFs with different characteristics among treated sites, and 3) recommend applications of using GNM and MARS to simultaneously consider the interaction impact of more than one variables and nonlinearity of predictors.Finally, potential relevant applications beyond the scope of this research but worth investigation in the future are discussed in this dissertation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005861, ucf:50914
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Pemmanaboina, Rajashekar, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic crashes have been identified as one of the main causes of death in the US, making road safety a high priority issue that needs urgent attention. Recognizing the fact that more and effective research has to be done in this area, this thesis aims mainly at developing different statistical models related to the road safety. The thesis includes three main sections: 1) overall crash frequency analysis using negative binomial models, 2) seemingly unrelated negative binomial (SUNB) models...
Show moreTraffic crashes have been identified as one of the main causes of death in the US, making road safety a high priority issue that needs urgent attention. Recognizing the fact that more and effective research has to be done in this area, this thesis aims mainly at developing different statistical models related to the road safety. The thesis includes three main sections: 1) overall crash frequency analysis using negative binomial models, 2) seemingly unrelated negative binomial (SUNB) models for different categories of crashes divided based on type of crash, or condition in which they occur, 3) safety models to determine the probability of crash occurrence, including a rainfall index that has been estimated using a logistic regression model. The study corridor is a 36.25 mile stretch of Interstate 4 in Central Florida. For the first two sections, crash cases from 1999 through 2002 were considered. Conventionally most of the crash frequency analysis model all crashes, instead of dividing them based on type of crash, peaking conditions, availability of light, severity, or pavement condition, etc. Also researchers traditionally used AADT to represent traffic volumes in their models. These two cases are examples of macroscopic crash frequency modeling. To investigate the microscopic models, and to identify the significant factors related to crash occurrence, a preliminary study (first analysis) explored the use of microscopic traffic volumes related to crash occurrence by comparing AADT/VMT with five to twenty minute volumes immediately preceding the crash. It was found that the volumes just before the time of crash occurrence proved to be a better predictor of crash frequency than AADT. The results also showed that road curvature, median type, number of lanes, pavement surface type and presence of on/off-ramps are among the significant factors that contribute to crash occurrence. In the second analysis various possible crash categories were prepared to exactly identify the factors related to them, using various roadway, geometric, and microscopic traffic variables. Five different categories are prepared based on a common platform, e.g. type of crash. They are: 1) Multiple and Single vehicle crashes, 2) Peak and Off-peak crashes, 3) Dry and Wet pavement crashes, 4) Daytime and Dark hour crashes, and 5) Property Damage Only (PDO) and Injury crashes. Each of the above mentioned models in each category are estimated separately. To account for the correlation between the disturbance terms arising from omitted variables between any two models in a category, seemingly unrelated negative binomial (SUNB) regression was used, and then the models in each category were estimated simultaneously. SUNB estimation proved to be advantageous for two categories: Category 1, and Category 4. Road curvature and presence of On-ramps/Off-ramps were found to be the important factors, which can be related to every crash category. AADT was also found to be significant in all the models except for the single vehicle crash model. Median type and pavement surface type were among the other important factors causing crashes. It can be stated that the group of factors found in the model considering all crashes is a superset of the factors that were found in individual crash categories. The third analysis dealt with the development of a logistic regression model to obtain the weather condition at a given time and location on I-4 in Central Florida so that this information can be used in traffic safety analyses, because of the lack of weather monitoring stations in the study area. To prove the worthiness of the weather information obtained form the analysis, the same weather information was used in a safety model developed by Abdel-Aty et al., 2004. It was also proved that the inclusion of weather information actually improved the safety model with better prediction accuracy.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000587, ucf:46468
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Hierarchical Corridor Safety Analysis Using Multiple Approaches.
- Creator
Alarifi, Saif, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Tatari, Omer, Kuo, Pei-Fen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic crashes are a major cause of concern globally. Extensive efforts from transportation professionals have been made to investigate new methods to identify the contributing factors to crashes at various locations on the road network. Corridors, among other road network's components, play a vital role in moving people and goods between primary zones in different areas, and the safety and operational improvements of them have been the focus of many studies since they carry the most traffic...
Show moreTraffic crashes are a major cause of concern globally. Extensive efforts from transportation professionals have been made to investigate new methods to identify the contributing factors to crashes at various locations on the road network. Corridors, among other road network's components, play a vital role in moving people and goods between primary zones in different areas, and the safety and operational improvements of them have been the focus of many studies since they carry the most traffic on the road network. Corridors contain mainly intersections and segments, and previous corridor studies have focused on a sole type of road entity. Having both components while analyzing corridors in addition to corridor-level variables in a hierarchical joint model framework would provide a comprehensive understanding of the existing safety problems along corridors. Therefore, this research aims to provide a complete understanding of the contributing factors to crashes at intersections and segments along corridors. In addition, it explores the associated crash risk factors with crash counts of different types and severity levels. The results reveal that accounting for the variations in traffic volumes and roadway characteristics, by estimating the model with random parameters, across corridors improved the model's performance. Also, the results confirm the importance of accounting for the spatial autocorrelation between road entities along the same corridor, and the adjacency-based first-order neighboring structure provides the best fit for the data among the other neighboring structures. Furthermore, it was found that the significant variables and their magnitudes are different across crash types and severity levels. Also, road designers and engineers should carefully identify the optimal number and location of driveways, median openings, and access points within the influence area of intersections since they significantly affect crashes along corridors. Lastly, this research suggests and justifies considering the proposed hierarchical joint model for future corridor studies
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0006967, ucf:51666
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Darwiche, Ali, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The research conducted in this thesis consists of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based safety study and a spatial analysis of vehicle crashes in the State of Florida. The GIS safety study is comprised of a County and Roadway Level GIS analysis of multilane corridors. The spatial analysis investigated the use of county-level vehicle crash models, taking spatial effects into account. The GIS safety study examines the locations of high trends of severe crashes (includes incapacitating...
Show moreThe research conducted in this thesis consists of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based safety study and a spatial analysis of vehicle crashes in the State of Florida. The GIS safety study is comprised of a County and Roadway Level GIS analysis of multilane corridors. The spatial analysis investigated the use of county-level vehicle crash models, taking spatial effects into account. The GIS safety study examines the locations of high trends of severe crashes (includes incapacitating and fatal crashes) on multilane corridors in the State of Florida at two levels, county level and roadway level. The GIS tool, which is used frequently in traffic safety research, was utilized to visually display those locations. At the county level, several maps of crash trends were generated. It was found that counties with high population and large metropolitan areas tend to have more crash occurrences. It was also found that the most severe crashes occurred in counties with more urban than rural roads. The neighboring counties of Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough had high severe crash rate per mile. At the roadway level, seven counties were chosen for the analysis based on their high severe crash trends, metropolitan size and geographical location. Several GIS maps displaying the safety level of multilane corridors in the seven counties were generated. The GIS maps were based on a ranking methodology that was developed in research that evaluated the safety condition of road segments and signalized intersections separately. The GIS maps were supported by Excel tables which provided details on the most hazardous locations on the roadways. The results of the roadway level analysis found that the worst corridors were located in Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties. Also, a sliding window approach was developed and performed on the ten most hazardous corridors of the seven counties. The results were graphs locating the most dangerous 0.5 miles on a corridor. For the spatial analysis of crashes, the exploratory Moran's I statistic test revealed that crash related spatial clustering existed at the county level. For crash modeling, a full Bayesian (FB) hierarchical model is proposed to account for the possible spatial correlation among crash occurrence of adjacent counties. The spatial correlation is realized by specifying a Conditional Auto-regressive prior to the residual term of the link function in standard Poisson regression. Two FB models were developed, one for total crashes and one for severe crashes. The variables used include traffic related factors and socio-economic factors. Counties with higher road congestion levels, higher densities of arterials and intersections, higher percentage of population in the 15-24 age group and higher income levels have increased crash risk. Road congestion and higher education levels, however, were negatively correlated with the risk of severe crashes. The analysis revealed that crash related spatial correlation existed among the counties. The FB models were found to fit the data better than traditional methods such as Negative Binomial and that is primarily due to the existence of spatial correlation. Overall, this study provides the Transportation Agencies with specific information on where improvements must be implemented to have better safety conditions on the roads of Florida. The study also proves that neighboring counties are more likely to have similar crash trends than the more distant ones.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002623, ucf:48204
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Arterial-level real-time safety evaluation in the context of proactive traffic management.
- Creator
Yuan, Jinghui, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Hasan, Samiul, Cai, Qing, Wang, Liqiang, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the context of pro-active traffic management, real-time safety evaluation is one of the most important components. Previous studies on real-time safety analysis mainly focused on freeways, seldom on arterials. With the advancement of sensing technologies and smart city initiative, more and more real-time traffic data sources are available on arterials, which enables us to evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials. However, there exist substantial differences between arterials and...
Show moreIn the context of pro-active traffic management, real-time safety evaluation is one of the most important components. Previous studies on real-time safety analysis mainly focused on freeways, seldom on arterials. With the advancement of sensing technologies and smart city initiative, more and more real-time traffic data sources are available on arterials, which enables us to evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials. However, there exist substantial differences between arterials and freeways in terms of traffic flow characteristics, data availability, and even crash mechanism. Therefore, this study aims to deeply evaluate the real-time crash risk on arterials from multiple aspects by integrating all kinds of available data sources. First, Bayesian conditional logistic models (BCL) were developed to examine the relationship between crash occurrence on arterial segments and real-time traffic and signal timing characteristics by incorporating the Bluetooth, adaptive signal control, and weather data, which were extracted from four urban arterials in Central Florida. Second, real-time intersection-approach-level crash risk was investigated by considering the effects of real-time traffic, signal timing, and weather characteristics based on 23 signalized intersections in Orange County. Third, a deep learning algorithm for real-time crash risk prediction at signalized intersections was proposed based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE). Moreover, in-depth cycle-level real-time crash risk at signalized intersections was explored based on high-resolution event-based data (i.e., Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM)). All the possible real-time cycle-level factors were considered, including traffic volume, signal timing, headway and occupancy, traffic variation between upstream and downstream detectors, shockwave characteristics, and weather conditions. Above all, comprehensive real-time safety evaluation algorithms were developed for arterials, which would be key components for future real-time safety applications (e.g., real-time crash risk prediction and visualization system) in the context of pro-active traffic management.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007743, ucf:52398
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Pedestrian Safety Analysis through Effective Exposure Measures and Examination of Injury Severity.
- Creator
Shah, Md Imran, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Pedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also...
Show morePedestrians are considered the most vulnerable road users who are directly exposed to traffic crashes. In 2014, there were 4,884 pedestrians killed and 65,000 injured in the United States. Pedestrian safety is a growing concern in the development of sustainable transportation system. But often it is found that safety analysis suffers from lack of accurate pedestrian trip information. In such cases, determining effective exposure measures is the most appropriate safety analysis approach. Also it is very important to clearly understand the relationship between pedestrian injury severity and the factors contributing to higher injury severity. Accurate safety analysis can play a vital role in the development of appropriate safety countermeasures and policies for pedestrians.Since pedestrian volume data is the most important information in safety analysis but rarely available, the first part of the study aims at identifying surrogate measures for pedestrian exposure at intersections. A two-step process is implemented: the first step is the development of Tobit and Generalized Linear Models for predicting pedestrian trips (i.e., exposure models). In the second step, Negative Binomial and Zero Inflated Negative Binomial crash models were developed using the predicted pedestrian trips. The results indicate that among various exposure models the Tobit model performs the best in describing pedestrian exposure. The identified exposure relevant factors are the presence of schools, car-ownership, pavement condition, sidewalk width, bus ridership, intersection control type and presence of sidewalk barrier. The t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test results show that there is no significant difference between the observed and the predicted pedestrian trips. The process implemented can help in estimating reliable safety performance functions even when pedestrian trip data is unavailable.The second part of the study focuses on analyzing pedestrian injury severity for the nine counties in Central Florida. The study region covers the Orlando area which has the second-worst pedestrian death rate in the country. Since the dependent variable 'Injury' is ordinal, an 'Ordered Logit' model was developed to identify the factors of pedestrian injury severity. The explanatory variables can be classified as pedestrian/driver characteristics (e.g., age, gender, etc.), roadway traffic and geometric conditions (e.g.: shoulder presence, roadway speed etc.) and crash environment (e.g., light, road surface, work zone, etc.) characteristics. The results show that drug/alcohol involvement, pedestrians in a hurry, roadway speed limit 40 mph or more, dark condition (lighted and unlighted) and presence of elder pedestrians are the primary contributing factors of severe pedestrian crashes in Central Florida. Crashes within the presence of intersections and local roads result in lower injury severity. The area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve has a value of 0.75 that indicates the model performs reasonably well. Finally the study validated the model using k-fold cross validation method. The results could be useful for transportation officials for further pedestrian safety analysis and taking the appropriate safety interventions.Walking is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and possesses significant health benefits. In order to get these benefits from walking, the most important task is to ensure safer roads for pedestrians.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006656, ucf:51224
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Microscopic Safety Evaluation and Prediction for Special Expressway Facilities.
- Creator
Wang, Ling, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Essam, Eluru, Naveen, Lee, JaeYoung, Uddin, Nizam, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Expressways are of great importance and serve as the backbone of a roadway system. One of the reasons why expressways increase travel speeds and provide high level of services is that limited access is provided to permit vehicles to enter or exit expressways. Entering and exiting of vehicles are accomplished through interchanges, which consist of several ramps, thus the spacing between ramps is important. A weaving segment might form when an on-ramp is closely followed by an off-ramp. The...
Show moreExpressways are of great importance and serve as the backbone of a roadway system. One of the reasons why expressways increase travel speeds and provide high level of services is that limited access is provided to permit vehicles to enter or exit expressways. Entering and exiting of vehicles are accomplished through interchanges, which consist of several ramps, thus the spacing between ramps is important. A weaving segment might form when an on-ramp is closely followed by an off-ramp. The geometric design of ramps and the traffic behavior of weaving segments are different from other expressway segments. These differences result in distinct safety mechanisms of these two expressway special facilities. Hence, the safety of these two facilities needs to be addressed.The majority of previous traffic safety studies on expressway special facilities are based on highly aggregated traffic data, e.g., Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). This highly aggregated traffic data cannot represent traffic conditions at the time of crashes and also cannot be used in the study of weather and temporal impact on crash occurrence. One way to solve this problem is microscopic safety evaluation and prediction through hourly crash prediction and real-time safety analysis. An hourly crash study averages one or several hours' traffic data in a year and also aggregates crash frequencies in the corresponding hour(s). Then it applies predictive models to determine the statistical relationship between crashes and hourly traffic flow characteristics, such as traffic volume. Real-time safety analysis enables us to predict crash risk and distinguish crashes from non-crashes in the next few minutes using the current traffic, weather, and other conditions.There are four types of crash contributing factors: traffic, geometry, weather, and driver. Among these, traffic parameters have been utilized in all previous microscopic safety studies. On the other hand, the other three factors' impact on microscopic safety has not been widely analyzed. The geometric factors' influence on safety are generally excluded by previous researchers using the matched-case-control method, because the majority of previous microscopic safety studies are on mainlines, where the geometric design of a segment does not change much and geometry does not have a significant effect on safety. Not enough studies have adopted weather factors in microscopic safety analysis because of the limited availability of weather data. The impact of drivers on safety has also not been widely considered since driver information is hard to be obtained. This study explores the relationship between crashes and the four contributing factors. Weather data are obtained from airport weather stations and crash reports which record weather and roadway surface conditions for crashes. Meanwhile, land-use and trip generation parameters serve as surrogates for drivers' behavior.Several methods are used to explore and quantify the impact of these factors. Random forests are used in discovering important and significant explanatory variables, which play significant roles in determining traffic safety, by ranking their importance. Meanwhile, in order to prevent high correlation between independent variables, Pearson correlation tests are carried out before model estimations. Only the variables which are not highly correlated are selected. Then, the selected variables are put in logistic regression models and Poisson-lognormal models to respectively estimate crash risk and crash frequency for special expressway facilities. Meanwhile, in case of correlation among observations in the same segment, a multilevel modeling structure has been implemented. Furthermore, a data mining technique(-)Support Vector Machine (SVM)(-)is used to distinguish crash from non-crash observations. Once the crash mechanisms for special expressway facilities are found, we are able to provide valuable information on how to manage roadway facilities to improve the traffic safety of special facilities. This study adopts Active Traffic Management (ATM) strategies, including Ramp Metering (RM) and Variable Speed Limit (VSL), in order to enhance the safety of a congested weaving segment. RM regulates the entering vehicle volume by adjusts metering rate, and VSL is able to provide smoother mainline traffic by changing the mainline speed limits. The ATM strategies are carried out in microscopic simulation VISSIM through the Component Object Model (COM) interface. The results shows that the crash risk and conflict count of the studies weaving segment have been significantly reduced because of ATM.Furthermore, the mechanisms of traffic conflicts, a surrogate safety measurement, are explored for weaving segments using microscopic simulation. The weaving segment conflict prediction model is compared with its crash prediction model. The results show that there are similarity and differences between conflict and crash mechanisms. Finally, potential relevant applications beyond the scope of this research but worth investigation in the future are also discussed in this dissertation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006414, ucf:51480
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Development of Traffic Safety Zones and Integrating Macroscopic and Microscopic Safety Data Analytics for Novel Hot Zone Identification.
- Creator
Lee, JaeYoung, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Ahmed, Nam, Boo Hyun, Kuo, Pei-Fen, Choi, Keechoo, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Traffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. With consistent efforts of transportation engineers, Federal, State and local government officials, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in the United States have steadily declined from 2006 to 2011.Nevertheless, fatalities from traffic crashes slightly increased in 2012 (NHTSA, 2013). We lost 33,561 lives from road traffic crashes in the year 2012, and the road traffic...
Show moreTraffic safety has been considered one of the most important issues in the transportation field. With consistent efforts of transportation engineers, Federal, State and local government officials, both fatalities and fatality rates from road traffic crashes in the United States have steadily declined from 2006 to 2011.Nevertheless, fatalities from traffic crashes slightly increased in 2012 (NHTSA, 2013). We lost 33,561 lives from road traffic crashes in the year 2012, and the road traffic crashes are still one of the leading causes of deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In recent years, efforts to incorporate traffic safety into transportation planning has been made, which is termed as transportation safety planning (TSP). The Safe, Affordable, Flexible Efficient, Transportation Equity Act (-) A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which is compliant with the United States Code, compels the United States Department of Transportation to consider traffic safety in the long-term transportation planning process. Although considerable macro-level studies have been conducted to facilitate the implementation of TSP, still there are critical limitations in macroscopic safety studies are required to be investigated and remedied. First, TAZ (Traffic Analysis Zone), which is most widely used in travel demand forecasting, has crucial shortcomings for macro-level safety modeling. Moreover, macro-level safety models have accuracy problem. The low prediction power of the model may be caused by crashes that occur near the boundaries of zones, high-level aggregation, and neglecting spatial autocorrelation.In this dissertation, several methodologies are proposed to alleviate these limitations in the macro-level safety research. TSAZ (Traffic Safety Analysis Zone) is developed as a new zonal system for the macroscopic safety analysis and nested structured modeling method is suggested to improve the model performance. Also, a multivariate statistical modeling method for multiple crash types is proposed in this dissertation. Besides, a novel screening methodology for integrating two levels is suggested. The integrated screening method is suggested to overcome shortcomings of zonal-level screening, since the zonal-level screening cannot take specific sites with high risks into consideration. It is expected that the integrated screening approach can provide a comprehensive perspective by balancing two aspects: macroscopic and microscopic approaches.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005195, ucf:50653
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Multi-Level Safety Performance Functions for High Speed Facilities.
- Creator
Ahmed, Mohamed, Abdel-Aty, Mohamed, Radwan, Ahmed, Al-Deek, Haitham, Mackie, Kevin, Pande, Anurag, Uddin, Nizam, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
High speed facilities are considered the backbone of any successful transportation system; Interstates, freeways, and expressways carry the majority of daily trips on the transportation network. Although these types of roads are relatively considered the safest among other types of roads, they still experience many crashes, many of which are severe, which not only affect human lives but also can have tremendous economical and social impacts. These facts signify the necessity of enhancing the...
Show moreHigh speed facilities are considered the backbone of any successful transportation system; Interstates, freeways, and expressways carry the majority of daily trips on the transportation network. Although these types of roads are relatively considered the safest among other types of roads, they still experience many crashes, many of which are severe, which not only affect human lives but also can have tremendous economical and social impacts. These facts signify the necessity of enhancing the safety of these high speed facilities to ensure better and efficient operation. Safety problems could be assessed through several approaches that can help in mitigating the crash risk on long and short term basis. Therefore, the main focus of the research in this dissertation is to provide a framework of risk assessment to promote safety and enhance mobility on freeways and expressways. Multi-level Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) were developed at the aggregate level using historical crash data and the corresponding exposure and risk factors to identify and rank sites with promise (hot-spots). Additionally, SPFs were developed at the disaggregate level utilizing real-time weather data collected from meteorological stations located at the freeway section as well as traffic flow parameters collected from different detection systems such as Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) and Remote Traffic Microwave Sensors (RTMS). These disaggregate SPFs can identify real-time risks due to turbulent traffic conditions and their interactions with other risk factors.In this study, two main datasets were obtained from two different regions. Those datasets comprise historical crash data, roadway geometrical characteristics, aggregate weather and traffic parameters as well as real-time weather and traffic data.At the aggregate level, Bayesian hierarchical models with spatial and random effects were compared to Poisson models to examine the safety effects of roadway geometrics on crash occurrence along freeway sections that feature mountainous terrain and adverse weather. At the disaggregate level; a main framework of a proactive safety management system using traffic data collected from AVI and RTMS, real-time weather and geometrical characteristics was provided. Different statistical techniques were implemented. These techniques ranged from classical frequentist classification approaches to explain the relationship between an event (crash) occurring at a given time and a set of risk factors in real time to other more advanced models. Bayesian statistics with updating approach to update beliefs about the behavior of the parameter with prior knowledge in order to achieve more reliable estimation was implemented. Also a relatively recent and promising Machine Learning technique (Stochastic Gradient Boosting) was utilized to calibrate several models utilizing different datasets collected from mixed detection systems as well as real-time meteorological stations. The results from this study suggest that both levels of analyses are important, the aggregate level helps in providing good understanding of different safety problems, and developing policies and countermeasures to reduce the number of crashes in total. At the disaggregate level, real-time safety functions help toward more proactive traffic management system that will not only enhance the performance of the high speed facilities and the whole traffic network but also provide safer mobility for people and goods. In general, the proposed multi-level analyses are useful in providing roadway authorities with detailed information on where countermeasures must be implemented and when resources should be devoted. The study also proves that traffic data collected from different detection systems could be a useful asset that should be utilized appropriately not only to alleviate traffic congestion but also to mitigate increased safety risks. The overall proposed framework can maximize the benefit of the existing archived data for freeway authorities as well as for road users.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004508, ucf:49274
- Format
- Document (PDF)