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- Title
- Creator
Hawkins, William, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Geophysical techniques, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), have been successfully used by law enforcement agencies to locate graves and forensic evidence. However, more controlled research is needed to better understand the potential and limitations of this technology in the forensic context. The goal of this study was to determine the potential of GPR using both a 250 MHz and 500 MHz antennae to monitor eight controlled graves with six different burial scenarios using pig carcasses as...
Show moreGeophysical techniques, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), have been successfully used by law enforcement agencies to locate graves and forensic evidence. However, more controlled research is needed to better understand the potential and limitations of this technology in the forensic context. The goal of this study was to determine the potential of GPR using both a 250 MHz and 500 MHz antennae to monitor eight controlled graves with six different burial scenarios using pig carcasses as human proxy cadavers. In addition, a conductivity meter was employed to determine the applicability of using this technology to locate unmarked graves. For the conductivity meter, the data was processed using an EM38 program in conjunction with the SURFER program to display a conductivity contour map of the grid. For the GPR imagery, reflection profile data was processed using the program REFLEXW while horizontal slices were processed using the GPR-SLICE program. Results indicate that the conductivity meter is not a viable option in the detection of clandestine graves when other geophysical tools are available. For the GPR, results indicate that while graves can still be detected after a two-year period, there is a marked decrease in the response, or resolution, of the burial scenarios. Furthermore, burials with grave goods interred along with the carcasses were far more likely to be detected than burials that were interred with no accompanying grave goods. When comparing the performance of the two antennae, the 250 MHz antenna provided increased resolution for large cadavers buried in deep graves.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003601, ucf:48859
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Diagenetic Changes in Long Bones in Central Florida: A Preliminary Macro- and Microscopic Comparison of Sun and Shade Microenvironments.
- Creator
Overholtzer, Mikayla, Schultz, John, Dupras, Tosha, Williams, Lana, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In forensic investigations, the estimation of time since death is of utmost importance when examining decomposing bodies and skeletal remains. Current methodology typically focuses on the gross and macroscopic changes to human remains. Surprisingly, microscopic analysis of diagenetic change has not been fully researched in regards to time since death. The current study involved the analysis of diagenetic change in 15 pig (Sus scrofa) long bones from two microenvironments (sun and shade) in...
Show moreIn forensic investigations, the estimation of time since death is of utmost importance when examining decomposing bodies and skeletal remains. Current methodology typically focuses on the gross and macroscopic changes to human remains. Surprisingly, microscopic analysis of diagenetic change has not been fully researched in regards to time since death. The current study involved the analysis of diagenetic change in 15 pig (Sus scrofa) long bones from two microenvironments (sun and shade) in the subtropical environment of Central Florida. While the control bone was not placed in the field, seven bones were placed in the sun microenvironment and seven in the shade microenvironment. One bone was collected from each micro environment every other week for a duration of 14 weeks. The samples were then analyzed for gross and macroscopic taphonomic changes, which included soil staining, hemolysis staining, loss of bone grease, and penetration of hemolysis staining into the bone cortex. Microscope slides were then prepared using thin sections of the 15 long bones. Slides were then stained with Periodic Acid Schiffer's stain and Hemotoxylin and Eosin stain and analyzed for Non-Wedl microscopic focal destruction (MFD), Wedl tunneling, and Haversian canal inclusions using standard light microscopy. While gross and macroscopic changes were not significant due to the short time interval studied, microscopic diagenetic changes that were observed included MFD and Wedl tunneling as early as four and six weeks, respectively. Group A (sun) demonstrated a greater occurrence of diagenetic change and greater diameter of MFD. Additionally, the maximum diameter of MFD steadily increased over time, suggesting a correlation between size of MFD and time since death. This pilot study demonstrates the possibility for future research to establish standards for estimating time since death using microscopic analysis. For example,further research should consider implementing a larger sample size, a longer postmortem interval, additional environments, comparative human samples, and a standardized methodology for preparing and analyzing the histological samples.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0006366, ucf:51516
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McManus, Sarah, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Forensic science television shows, especially CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, have been said to influence the public's perception of how forensic science is used and create interest in studying forensic science and pursuing jobs in the field. This study investigates this claim through a variety of methods. First, definitions of the CSI effect are discussed, including how it was first used and mentioned in the media. Second, survey data from students in a forensic anthropology course regarding...
Show moreForensic science television shows, especially CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, have been said to influence the public's perception of how forensic science is used and create interest in studying forensic science and pursuing jobs in the field. This study investigates this claim through a variety of methods. First, definitions of the CSI effect are discussed, including how it was first used and mentioned in the media. Second, survey data from students in a forensic anthropology course regarding interest in forensic science media and educational and career choices are analyzed. Third, the number and debut dates of forensic science non-fiction books, novels, non-fiction television shows, and television dramas are investigated. Finally, a content analysis of the television show Bones is undertaken in order to understand how the forensic anthropology presented in this show differs from the actual practice of forensic anthropology. Results of this study indicate that, overall, students who wanted to pursue forensic science careers and graduate study did not watch more forensic science television shows and read more forensic science novels than those who did not want to pursue forensic science careers and graduate study. Also, based on the decreased interest in a number of forensic careers, it appears that respondents may have started the course with false perceptions regarding the actual job descriptions of these careers. Regarding the number and debut dates of forensic science media, this study found that the majority of non-fiction forensic anthropology books, non-fiction television shows, television dramas debuted after CSI appeared, corroborating the claim that CSI led to an increase in interest in forensic anthropology. In addition, this study found that while much of Bones is fictionalized for entertainment purposes, many of the techniques and analyses presented on the show have a peripheral basis in scientific methods.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003184, ucf:48596
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Humbert, Lorraine, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Forensic anthropologists rely on forensic evidence to estimate the postmortem interval of a decedent. This may include the study of the degree of deterioration of the human body, the life stage of insects, and the degradation of associated material evidence. Material evidence comes in many forms, and certain taphonomic processes will affect the material and must be considered when making inferences about a PMI. These include variables such as the characteristics of the soil, microorganisms,...
Show moreForensic anthropologists rely on forensic evidence to estimate the postmortem interval of a decedent. This may include the study of the degree of deterioration of the human body, the life stage of insects, and the degradation of associated material evidence. Material evidence comes in many forms, and certain taphonomic processes will affect the material and must be considered when making inferences about a PMI. These include variables such as the characteristics of the soil, microorganisms, and the presence of a decaying organic material. Previous research has undertaken studies in how fabric degrades over time; however, there is no standard methodology in use. The purpose of this research project is to establish a comprehensive scoring system and description standard after analyzing the degradation of four different fabric types. This will be useful for future studies in need of a standard methodology. In addition, the methods used in this project can be applied to actual forensic cases. After retrieval, the fabric type with the highest degradation was the cotton with about 1/3 of all cotton fabric swatches demonstrating more than 50% total degradation. For all fabric types, swatches that were positioned flat tended to degrade more than those that were positioned crumpled. Cotton fabric swatches degraded more in Trench 1 and Trench 2 than the Ground Surface, however, all other fabric types demonstrated slightly more degradation on the Ground Surface than the other two Areas. Soil moisture fluctuated the most on the Ground Surface while Trench 1 and Trench 2 were able to retain more water in the soil. Overall, cotton was the only fabric type to degrade significantly enough to show how it degrades over time, while the other fabric types have longer degradation intervals that must be studied further.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFH0004515, ucf:45220
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Preliminary Investigation into Biological Sex Estimation Using Trace Element Analysis in Human Hair.
- Creator
Woltering, Abigail, Dupras, Tosha, Williams, Lana, Schultz, John, Starbuck, John, Baudelet, Matthieu, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In forensic anthropology the estimation of biological sex of unidentified human remains is critical, as it essentially halves the number of potential identities. Sex estimation is also important in bioarchaeology, because the creation of the biological profile is critical to the interpretation of different sociocultural aspects of past populations. Furthermore, certain aspects of the biological profile are sex specific, so it is important to be able to accurately determine biological sex ...
Show moreIn forensic anthropology the estimation of biological sex of unidentified human remains is critical, as it essentially halves the number of potential identities. Sex estimation is also important in bioarchaeology, because the creation of the biological profile is critical to the interpretation of different sociocultural aspects of past populations. Furthermore, certain aspects of the biological profile are sex specific, so it is important to be able to accurately determine biological sex (France 1998). Typically, biological sex is estimated by assessing sexually dimorphic differences within the pelvis and skull. However, because sexually dimorphic differences arise during puberty it is difficult, and oftentimes impossible, to use these traditional techniques on juveniles. Recently, human hair has gained prominence in anthropological research. This is particularly evident in bioarchaeology, where hair can be used to discern information concerning health, toxicology, culture, and diet of past populations. This study focuses on the relationship between the content of trace elements in hair and biological sex to determine if biological sex can be assessed from the content of trace elements in human head hair. Hair was collected from three human sample groups: modern living individuals, modern cadavers, and archaeological remains. Data on trace elements was collected using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). The statistical relationship between the content of trace elements and sex was then analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), post-hoc analysis of variance (ANOVAs), and stepwise binary logistic regression. The MANOVA revealed a statistically significant multivariate main effect for sample group using mean values (p-value (<) 0.0001) and mean variance values (MVs) (p-value = 0.018). Given the significant results of the MANOVA test, the univariate main effects were examined with post-hoc ANOVA tests. Significant univariate main effects were obtained for mean values for C/Mg (p-value (<) 0.0001), C/Fe (p-value (<) 0.0001), C/Ca (p-value (<) 0.0001), and C/Sr (p-value (<) 0.0001). Significant univariate main effects were obtained for MVs for C/Mg (p-value = 0.016), C/Fe (p-value = 0.010), and C/Sr (p-value = 0.042). These preliminary results demonstrate that biological sex of humans can be accurately estimated through trace elemental analysis approximately 85% of the time in living samples, and 79% of the time overall. The results also demonstrate the viability of this technique for sex estimation in juvenile remains with approximately 83% success in predicting juvenile biological sex. This sets the stage establishing trace elemental analysis of hair as a technique for estimating biological sex which is critical to forensic individuation and identification as well as further contextualization of archaeological remains.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006705, ucf:51928
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Fletcher, Joanna, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can be a useful geophysical instrument in the search and detection of clandestine graves in a forensic context. Controlled research in the field of forensic archaeology has demonstrated the applicability of this technology and is vital for improving GPR search methods. The objectives of this research was to evaluate the applicability of GPR, using 250 MHz and 500 MHz antennae, to locate shallow graves containing small pig cadavers in various burial scenarios...
Show moreGround-penetrating radar (GPR) can be a useful geophysical instrument in the search and detection of clandestine graves in a forensic context. Controlled research in the field of forensic archaeology has demonstrated the applicability of this technology and is vital for improving GPR search methods. The objectives of this research was to evaluate the applicability of GPR, using 250 MHz and 500 MHz antennae, to locate shallow graves containing small pig cadavers in various burial scenarios over a 12 month period. Data was collected on a controlled grid containing six graves at 0.5 m in depth: five graves containing pig carcasses and one control grave. The five graves containing the pig carcasses were devised to test a number of common forensic burial scenarios. The reflection profile data was processed using the computer program REFLEXW. The results demonstrate that the additional grave items did not always increase the detection of the grave for this monitoring period. Further, the low demarcation of the grave containing disturbed backfill illustrated that the hyperbolic reflection features were the result of the pig carcasses and not the disturbed soil. In terms of antenna performance, the 250 MHz data initially provided a higher resolution within the first few months. However, over time the higher detail provided by the 500 MHz data consistently resulted in easily discernable reflections.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003592, ucf:48883
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Preliminary Validation of Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (HHXRF) Spectrometry: Distinguishing Osseous and Dental Tissue from Non-Bone Material of Similar Chemical Composition.
- Creator
Zimmerman, Heather, Schultz, John, Toyne, Jennifer, Sigman, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Forensic anthropologists normally examine bone from a variety of medicolegal contexts. The skeletal remains may in some cases be highly fragmented or taphonomically modified, making it difficult to sort bone from non-bone material. In these cases, the forensic anthropologist may rely on microscopic or destructive chemical analyses to sort the material. However, these techniques are costly and time-intensive, prompting the use of nondestructive analytical methods in distinguishing bone and...
Show moreForensic anthropologists normally examine bone from a variety of medicolegal contexts. The skeletal remains may in some cases be highly fragmented or taphonomically modified, making it difficult to sort bone from non-bone material. In these cases, the forensic anthropologist may rely on microscopic or destructive chemical analyses to sort the material. However, these techniques are costly and time-intensive, prompting the use of nondestructive analytical methods in distinguishing bone and teeth from non-bone materials in a limited number of cases. The proposed analytical techniques are limited in that they rely on an examination of the major elements in the material, and do not sort out all materials with a similar chemical composition to bone/teeth. To date, no methods have been proposed for the use of handheld X-ray fluorescence (HHXRF) spectrometry in discriminating human and nonhuman bone/teeth from non-bone materials. The purpose of this research was to develop a method for the use of HHXRF spectrometry in forensic anthropology specifically related to distinguishing human and nonhuman bone and teeth from non-bone materials of a similar chemical composition using multivariate statistical analyses: principal components analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). This was accomplished in two phases. Phase 1 consisted of a Reliability Test and involved sampling a single human long bone in thirty locations. Multiple spectra were collected at each location to examine the reliability of the instrument in detecting the elements both within a single site and between multiple sites. The results of the Reliability Test indicated that HHXRF consistently detected the major and minor elements found on the surface of a human bone. These results were used for Phase 2, designated the Accuracy Test, which involved analyzing a set of materials compiled from the literature to test the accuracy of the technique in discriminating bone (human and nonhuman) and non-bone samples (other biological and non-biological). The results of the Accuracy Test indicate that osseous and dental tissue can be distinguished from non-bone material of similar chemical composition with a high degree of accuracy (94%) when data is collected from several locations on a sample and analyzed separately during multivariate statistical analyses. Overall, it was not possible to discriminate rock apatite and synthetic hydroxyapatite (synthetic bone) from bone. However, this technique successfully discriminated other non-bone materials that are chemically similar to bone, such as ivory and octocoral, which previous methods focusing on only a comparison of Ca/P ratios were unable to distinguish from bone.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004801, ucf:49736
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Assessment of Trace Elements Distribution in Teeth Utilizing a Sample Group from Postclassic Lamanai: The Application of LA-ICP-MS in Bioarchaeology and Forensics.
- Creator
Hawkins, Michelle, Schultz, John, Williams, Lana, Baudelet, Matthieu, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Trace element analysis of skeletal remains and teeth is a common research technique in biological and forensic anthropology. In particular, LA-ICP-MS has become a widely-accepted tool for analyzing and mapping the distribution of trace elements in teeth. Investigation into the relative spectral intensities and spatial distribution of thirteen trace isotopes (13C, 24Mg, 27Al, 31P, 44Ca, 47Ti, 52Cr, 55Mn, 56Fe, 66Zn, 88Sr, 138Ba, 208Pb) within teeth was undertaken using LA-ICP-MS. The total...
Show moreTrace element analysis of skeletal remains and teeth is a common research technique in biological and forensic anthropology. In particular, LA-ICP-MS has become a widely-accepted tool for analyzing and mapping the distribution of trace elements in teeth. Investigation into the relative spectral intensities and spatial distribution of thirteen trace isotopes (13C, 24Mg, 27Al, 31P, 44Ca, 47Ti, 52Cr, 55Mn, 56Fe, 66Zn, 88Sr, 138Ba, 208Pb) within teeth was undertaken using LA-ICP-MS. The total archaeological sample of teeth (N=26) was comprised of four tooth types (UCI, ULI, UPM1, and UPM2) and 18 individuals from a Postclassic Lamanai site. In preparation for analysis, teeth sectioned down the center using a low-speed saw. Maps were created using the laser ablation system and MATLAB(&)#174; software. The frequency of each isotope detected at low, moderate, and high intensities at each of the six defined tooth locations was calculated. The inner dentine and the outer root border were the two areas that most commonly exhibited the highest intensities of isotopes. Detection of major structural isotopes (44Ca and 31P) was similar in both spatial locations and relative intensity across all teeth. In comparison, detection of more minor isotopes, while similar in spatial locations across all teeth, varied in relative intensity per individual sample. The frequency that each isotope was detected also varied by tooth type. These findings demonstrate the disparities between different types of dental tissue for retaining trace elements and serve to illuminate possible sources of external exposure and internal bioavailability influencing interindividual variation within the Lamanai sample population. Variation in isotope frequency based on tooth type may be due to developmental properties and/or changes in diet during early life. Ultimately, teeth act as storehouses of trace elements, and maps of isotopic distribution in teeth help reveal how individuals are influenced by both biological processes and cultural activities.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006881, ucf:51722
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Chemical Differentiation of Human Osseous, Non-human Osseous, and Non-osseous Materials Using Scanning Electron Microscopy - Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (SEM/EDX) and Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
- Creator
Meizel-Lambert, Cayli, Schultz, John, Sigman, Michael, Toyne, J. Marla, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Identification of osseous materials is generally established on gross anatomical factors; however, highly fragmented or taphonomically altered materials are often problematic and alternative methods, such as biological, histological, or chemical analysis, must be utilized. Recently, chemical methods have been proposed to sort unknown materials according to their Ca/P ratios. Ubelaker and colleagues (2002) proposed using SEM/EDX to achieve this distinction and Christensen and colleagues (2012)...
Show moreIdentification of osseous materials is generally established on gross anatomical factors; however, highly fragmented or taphonomically altered materials are often problematic and alternative methods, such as biological, histological, or chemical analysis, must be utilized. Recently, chemical methods have been proposed to sort unknown materials according to their Ca/P ratios. Ubelaker and colleagues (2002) proposed using SEM/EDX to achieve this distinction and Christensen and colleagues (2012) have validated X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) for this application. An alternative method of analysis involves performing principal component analysis (PCA) on element spectra to classify unknown materials based on their trace element composition. Zimmerman (2013) proposed the validity of this method with data obtained using hand held XRF. Subsequently, performing PCA on elemental data obtained using SEM/EDX demonstrates potential for material differentiation. Elemental weight percent data were collected using SEM/EDX then processed in R, version 3.0.1, by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing using PCA and Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis. A two-tiered analysis was undertaken to improve discrimination between sample groups. The first tier involved distinguishing between osseous and non-osseous materials. After outliers were removed overall correct classification was 98.02% with one of 1504 osseous and 39 of 520 non-osseous spectra misclassifying. Since forty spectra were collected for each sample, the single misclassifying spectra would not affect the overall classification of the sample, resulting in 100% correct classification with a 0% error rate for the osseous samples. The second tier assessed differentiation of human and non-human osseous materials but demonstrated a poor correct classification rate of 72.41%. Finally, a blind study was conducted using 20 samples to assess the applicability for using this method to classify unknown materials as osseous or non-osseous. All of the samples were correctly classified resulting in 100% correct classification, further demonstrating the efficiency of SEM/EDX and statistical analysis for differentiation of osseous and non-osseous materials. Due to its high specificity, small sample requirements, and relative non-destructive testing protocol, as well as its presence in most modern crime laboratories, SEM/EDX has been proposed as a laboratory method for chemical differentiation of osseous and non-osseous materials. Additionally, the proposed method does not require advanced training or knowledge of analytical chemistry as the SEM/EDX provides clear results that can be processed using publically available statistical analysis software. By assessing and improving chemical analysis methodologies used for material differentiation, forensic anthropologists might be able to identify osseous and non-osseous samples as a preemptive step in forensic investigations involving fragmentary and taphonomically modified materials, reducing time and cost investments spent on forensically insignificant samples.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005665, ucf:50185
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Filiault, Matthew, Schultz, John, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation...
Show moreIn medico-legal investigations involving unidentified skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists commonly assist law enforcement and medical examiners in their analysis and identification. The traditional documentation techniques employed by the forensic anthropologist during their analysis include notes, photographs, measurements and radiographic images. However, relevant visual information of the skeleton can be lacking in morphological details in 2D images. By creating a 3D representation of individual bones using a laser-scanner, it would be possible to overcome this limitation. Now that laser scanners have become increasingly affordable, this technology should be incorporated in the documentation methodologies of forensic anthropology laboratories. Unfortunately, this equipment is rarely used in forensic anthropology casework. The goal of this project is to investigate the possible visualization applications that can be created from digitized surface models of bone for use in medico-legal investigations. This research will be achieved in two phases. First, examples of human bone as well as replicas of bone will be scanned using a NextEngineâ„¢ laser scanner. In conjunction with this will be the exploration and documentation of protocols for scanning different bone types and processing the scan data for creating a 3D model. The second phase will investigate how the resulting 3D model can be used in lieu of the actual remains to achieve improved documentation methodologies through the use of several commercial computer graphics programs. The results demonstrate that an array of visual applications can be easily created from a 3D file of bone, including virtual curation, measurement, illustration and the virtual reconstruction of fragmented bone. Based on the findings of this project, the implementation of laser scanning technology is recommended for forensic anthropology labs to enhance documentation, analysis and presentation of human bone.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004287, ucf:44907
- Format
- Document (PDF)