Current Search: habitat (x)
Kotomin, Vladimir, Smith, Stanley, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
U.S. money market securities have been found to exhibit behavior consistent with preferred habitat for liquidity around year-ends (Griffiths and Winters (1997, 2004)). In particular, repurchase agreement and commercial paper yields tend to increase when the security begins to mature across the end of the year, and return to normal levels after the year-end obligations have been paid but before the calendar year-end. The competing hypothesis, window dressing by financial intermediaries around...
Show moreU.S. money market securities have been found to exhibit behavior consistent with preferred habitat for liquidity around year-ends (Griffiths and Winters (1997, 2004)). In particular, repurchase agreement and commercial paper yields tend to increase when the security begins to mature across the end of the year, and return to normal levels after the year-end obligations have been paid but before the calendar year-end. The competing hypothesis, window dressing by financial intermediaries around disclosure dates, requires that the increase in yields be sustained until after the turn of the year. This study is aimed at finding whether the behavior of international money markets around year-ends and quarter-ends is more consistent with preferred habitat for liquidity or window dressing. This is done by analyzing changes in LIBOR for different currencies around quarter-ends. A second part of the study considers the effect of preferred habitat on the term structure of short-term interest rates. The expectations hypothesis of the term structure posits that future expected interest rates are implied by the current term structure. Empirical research suggests that the expectations hypothesis often does not hold, especially at the short end of the term structure. Preferred habitat for liquidity in short-term rates may be one of the reasons for the failure of expectations. The same LIBOR data set is used to test for the expectations in the presence of preferred habitat for liquidity. The empirical results of this study suggest that preferred habitat for liquidity in the short-term rates around quarter-ends and year-ends is not responsible for the failure of the expectations hypothesis in the data.
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Date Issued
CFE0000583, ucf:46470
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Munim, Danielle, Noss, Reed, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Human population growth and development reduce the area and quality of natural communities and lead to a reduction of populations of the species associated with them. Certain species can be useful indicators or "focal species" for determining the quality of ecosystem remnants and the required management practices. Tree squirrels are good models for studies on the effects of fragmentation because they depend on mature forests. The Big Cypress fox squirrel, (Sciurus niger avicennia), a state...
Show moreHuman population growth and development reduce the area and quality of natural communities and lead to a reduction of populations of the species associated with them. Certain species can be useful indicators or "focal species" for determining the quality of ecosystem remnants and the required management practices. Tree squirrels are good models for studies on the effects of fragmentation because they depend on mature forests. The Big Cypress fox squirrel, (Sciurus niger avicennia), a state-listed Threatened subspecies endemic to south Florida, appears sensitive to habitat fragmentation and fire regime. This research aims to assess the conservation status of the Big Cypress fox squirrel. I documented the current distribution of the fox squirrel by obtaining and mapping occurrence records and through interviews with biologists and other field personnel of public land-managing agencies, and private landowners including golf course managers. Transect sampling was used to survey and sample natural areas and private lands to evaluate the distribution, abundance, and habitat use of fox squirrels. Natural areas and suburban areas appear to support Big Cypress fox squirrels, but individuals are widely distributed and only found in low numbers throughout southwest Florida. The distribution of fox squirrel populations depends on land use and understory height, but not the size of trees. Fire suppression has resulted in a dense understory in large portions of parks and preserve lands, which is unsuitable for fox squirrels.
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Date Issued
CFE0002276, ucf:47838
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Lyon, Casey, Stout, I. Jack, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Many species naturally occupy discrete habitat patches within a mosaic of habitats that vary in quality. The Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is endemic to Florida scrub, a habitat that is naturally patchy and greatly reduced in area over recent decades owing to development and urbanization. Because of this habitat loss, future management of Florida scrub-jays will focus on smaller, fragmented tracts of land. My study examines such a tract, Lyonia Preserve, southwest Volusia County...
Show moreMany species naturally occupy discrete habitat patches within a mosaic of habitats that vary in quality. The Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is endemic to Florida scrub, a habitat that is naturally patchy and greatly reduced in area over recent decades owing to development and urbanization. Because of this habitat loss, future management of Florida scrub-jays will focus on smaller, fragmented tracts of land. My study examines such a tract, Lyonia Preserve, southwest Volusia County, FL. This preserve was unoccupied by scrub-jays prior to habitat restoration. The preserve is now frequently managed exclusively for scrub-jays as a habitat island surrounded by development. Management of the preserve includes roller chopping, root raking, timbering, and "oak stripping" where islands of oak patches are left intact while the rest of the area is roller chopped. I investigate what, if any, demographic consequences may be associated with the habitat management and the spatial setting of the preserve. I used population data collected in this area since 1992 to examine population growth and responses to habitat restoration within the preserve and habitat destruction outside the preserve. I mapped territories and measured survival and recruitment of scrub-jays, and dispersal into and out of the study area, for two and a half years. Since restoration, the population has shown logistic growth, with the area supporting higher than average densities of scrub-jay family groups. Observed density of the population and territory size varied between study years. Breeder survival values were positively related to territory size and significantly lower during periods of highest observed density. However, recruitment (yearling production) showed no relationship to territory size. Dispersal to isolated habitat patches was observed; likewise, several failed dispersal events were noted. No immigration into the study area was observed; however these data may be underrepresented since not all scrub-jays in and outside of the preserve were banded, and data collection was limited during the initial colonization period. High densities inside the preserve may therefore be both a result of frequent habitat management in the form of mechanical treatment as well as crowding of individuals due to outside habitat destruction. The results indicate that carrying capacity of habitat for scrub-jays may be raised by frequent, mechanical management; however, if the area is isolated, management may result in high densities and negative demographic consequences, e.g., reduced breeder survival. Negative effects of management may be avoided by subjecting smaller areas to mechanical treatment with increased time between treatments. Land managed for Florida scrub-jays should be contiguous or connected with other scrub habitats so that surplus birds from the managed areas have a refuge and do not contribute to increased densities. Regulatory officials should use caution when allowing for "take" of scrub-jay habitat as the effects may extend beyond the local habitat being destroyed.
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Date Issued
CFE0001769, ucf:47280
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Simmons, Kathryn, Stout, I. Jack, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Successful recovery of the federally threatened southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris) depends in part on an understanding of their habitat requirements. I studied habitat use by beach mice at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida from March 2005 until March 2006. I livetrapped six grids, three on coastal dunes and three within scrub located inland from the coast. On each grid and trap station, I quantified the extent of bare ground, woody vegetation, non-woody...
Show moreSuccessful recovery of the federally threatened southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris) depends in part on an understanding of their habitat requirements. I studied habitat use by beach mice at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida from March 2005 until March 2006. I livetrapped six grids, three on coastal dunes and three within scrub located inland from the coast. On each grid and trap station, I quantified the extent of bare ground, woody vegetation, non-woody vegetation, height of vegetation, and percentage of coarse sand in the surface soil. I assessed trap success relative to these habitat variables using linear and multiple regression, correlation, and ordination. Significantly higher numbers of mice were captured in the scrub habitat relative to the coastal habitat. Linear regression of trap success against the habitat variables did not reveal any significant relationships at the level of grids. A non-metric multidimensional scaling model was designed to capture the vegetation heterogeneity at the trapping sites and clarify the results. This methodology identified a predominantly dune and predominately scrub cluster of trap sites. A bubble plot showed higher densities of beach mice using the scrub habitat types. These results suggest beach mice are selecting for those habitat variables defined by the ordination: higher vegetation height, more woody vegetation types, less bare ground, and less heterogeneity.
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Date Issued
CFE0002605, ucf:48271
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Ross, Monica, Weishampel, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
State and Federal agencies have created sanctuaries and speed zones to help reduce manatee mortality while incorporating the recreational and commercial resource needs of these same habitats for humans. Specific habitat resources are considered necessary to increase manatee survivorship. We have only recently begun to address how manatees use some of these resources based on physiological or reproductive strategies. In this study, I quantified patterns of habitat use during seasonal and diel...
Show moreState and Federal agencies have created sanctuaries and speed zones to help reduce manatee mortality while incorporating the recreational and commercial resource needs of these same habitats for humans. Specific habitat resources are considered necessary to increase manatee survivorship. We have only recently begun to address how manatees use some of these resources based on physiological or reproductive strategies. In this study, I quantified patterns of habitat use during seasonal and diel periods for different sex and reproductive manatee classes using data from a radio-telemetry study conducted by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission during 1991-1996. I used five environmental geographic data layers: bathymetry, distance to seagrass, distance to shoreline, distance to warm water refuge sites, and distance to fresh water sources, to discriminate seasonal and diel habitat use patterns for different manatee classes: males (M), females with calves (FWC), and females without calves (FNC). Mean occupancy values were calculated for environmental variable locations and seasonal, diel, and manatee class differences were tested using a Multi-Response Permutation Procedure (MRPP). Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) was used to visualize the ordination patterns of the manatee classes and to assess importance of correlated environmental variables. Significant differences in habitat use were noted between summer and winter based on distances to warm water, seagrass, and fresh water sources but similar habitat use patterns were exhibited within summer diel periods among manatee classes. All manatee classes appeared to have used a higher proportion of locations closer in proximity to seagrass at night than day in winter indicating a disproportionate difference in feeding bouts between diel periods. These differences may be attributed to adjusting feeding strategies to reduce thermoregulatory costs or to decrease human interactions. Differences in patterns were exhibited for the winter diel periods specifically for the FWC manatee classes during winter days. FWC had a higher proportion of locations within the warm water refuges during the day indicating a possible trade off situation between food consumption and thermal exposure. This study demonstrates coarse and fine scale patterns of variation in habitat use for manatees both seasonally and daily within winter. It also suggests that during winter months, manatees were not just utilizing their habitat but they appeared to have preferences and selection for certain habitat types. Recovery of a species is greatly enhanced when patterns of habitat use within the species' environment has been clearly defined. Understanding more specifically what types of habitats manatees choose might allow management to adjust strategies for protection of key habitats while encouraging further recovery of this species.
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Date Issued
CFE0001896, ucf:47408
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Species and habitat interactions of the gopher tortoise: A keystone species?.
Catano, Christopher, Hinkle, Charles, Stout, I, Jenkins, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Species-species and species-habitat interactions have been demonstrated to be important in influencing diversity across a variety of ecosystems. Despite generalities in the importance of these interactions, appropriate mechanisms to explain them are absent in many systems. In sandhill systems of the southeast U.S., gopher tortoises have been hypothesized to be a crucial species in the maintenance of diversity and function. However, the mechanisms and magnitude in which they influence their...
Show moreSpecies-species and species-habitat interactions have been demonstrated to be important in influencing diversity across a variety of ecosystems. Despite generalities in the importance of these interactions, appropriate mechanisms to explain them are absent in many systems. In sandhill systems of the southeast U.S., gopher tortoises have been hypothesized to be a crucial species in the maintenance of diversity and function. However, the mechanisms and magnitude in which they influence their communities and habitats have rarely been empirically quantified. I examined how habitat structure influences tortoise abandonment of burrows and how tortoise densities influence non-volant vertebrate community diversity. Tortoise burrow abandonment is directly influenced by canopy closure, with each percent increase in canopy cover relating to a ~2% increase in the probability of burrow abandonment. In addition, tortoise burrow density was positively correlated with diversity and evenness, but not species richness. This influence was directly proportional to burrow density, supporting a dominance role for this species and rejecting the commonly asserted keystone species mechanism. I also quantified the influence of tortoises in influencing diversity relative to other environmental and habitat variables. Through this research, I have demonstrated that disturbance and habitat structure are important, but diversity responds most to density of burrows in the habitat. These findings demonstrate the intricate relationships interacting to maintaining diversity in sandhill systems. In particular, habitat change leading to declines of gopher tortoises may have drastic negative impacts on vertebrate species diversity.
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Date Issued
CFE0004526, ucf:49246
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Suazo, Alexis, Stout, I. Jack, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Proper habitat management is essential for the survival and reproduction of species, especially those listed under state or federal laws as endangered, threatened or of special concern, and those with small local populations. Land managers use a combination of mechanical cutting and prescribed burning to manage and restore degraded scrub habitat in east central Florida. This approach improves habitat for the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), but little is known about its...
Show moreProper habitat management is essential for the survival and reproduction of species, especially those listed under state or federal laws as endangered, threatened or of special concern, and those with small local populations. Land managers use a combination of mechanical cutting and prescribed burning to manage and restore degraded scrub habitat in east central Florida. This approach improves habitat for the endangered Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), but little is known about its effects on other taxa, especially the threatened southeastern beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris). This single species approach may not be beneficial to other taxa, and mechanical cutting and prescribed burning may have detrimental effects on P. p. niveiventris. To evaluate the effects of land management techniques on P. p. niveiventris, I live trapped populations at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station near Titusville, Florida during 2004-2005. I evaluated the relative abundance and related demographic parameters of small mammal populations trapped in compartments under different land management treatments, and investigated the relationship between Florida scrub-jay breeding groups using these compartments and abundance of southeastern beach mice. My results suggest that P. p. niveiventris responded positively to prescribed burning, while the cotton mouse (P. gossypinus) responded positively to the mechanical cutting. Reproduction and body mass of southeastern beach mice were similar across land management compartments. Abundance of Florida scrub-jay breeding groups and southeastern beach mice were positively correlated suggesting that both listed species benefited from the same land management activities. A mosaic of burned and cut patches should be maintained to support small mammal diversity. In addition, adaptive management should be used at CCAFS to understand how small mammals, particularly the southeastern beach mouse, respond to land management activities.
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Date Issued
CFE0001521, ucf:47124
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DePue, Jason, Stout, Jack, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus), a species restricted to the Lake Wales Ridge and the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, is recognized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission as a species of special concern, highlighting its status as a species that is threatened by habitat loss statewide. Publicly owned lands offer protection for the species, but management is generally focused on protecting biodiversity in general and not a particular species. The response of the Florida mouse...
Show moreThe Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus), a species restricted to the Lake Wales Ridge and the Atlantic Coastal Ridge, is recognized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission as a species of special concern, highlighting its status as a species that is threatened by habitat loss statewide. Publicly owned lands offer protection for the species, but management is generally focused on protecting biodiversity in general and not a particular species. The response of the Florida mouse to land management practices such as mechanical treatment and prescribed fires is poorly documented. This research examined the population responses of Florida mice on three public lands in central Florida, namely, Bullfrog Creek Mitigation Park in Hillsborough County, Split Oak Mitigation Park in Orange County, and Chuluota Wilderness in Seminole County. Florida mice numbers increased or recovered to pre-burn levels within six months following prescribed burns in 2003 and 2004 on the Bullfrog Creek site. Florida mice dropped in numbers following a fire on the Split Oak site, but were increasing when the study ended. The steady decrease in numbers of mice at the Chuluota Wilderness site remained unaffected by habitat modification. Management of public lands that support Florida mice should continue to utilize prescribed fire to maintain upland habitats. When possible, prescribed fires should be limited to the spring and early summer months and applied to only a portion of the total available area in any year.
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Date Issued
CFE0000774, ucf:46564
Document (PDF)
Dyer, Karen, Stout, I. Jack, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
An intensive, replicated monthly sampling of snake communities inhabiting four habitat types was conducted at John F. Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida from November 2002 through October 2003. Thirteen species (580 individuals plus 74 recaptures) plus one hybrid were captured. The three most commonly captured species, Coluber constrictor, Thamnophis sirtalis, and Thamnophis sauritus, combined made up 85% of the sample. These three species were active during every month of the year...
Show moreAn intensive, replicated monthly sampling of snake communities inhabiting four habitat types was conducted at John F. Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida from November 2002 through October 2003. Thirteen species (580 individuals plus 74 recaptures) plus one hybrid were captured. The three most commonly captured species, Coluber constrictor, Thamnophis sirtalis, and Thamnophis sauritus, combined made up 85% of the sample. These three species were active during every month of the year, but showed modal activity patterns typical of Temperate Zone snakes. Monthly snake captures were correlated with monthly captures of potential prey species and with mean monthly temperature. Species richness in the four habitat types varied from nine to 12. Drift fences in ruderal habitats had the highest species richness, while fences in swales captured the greatest number of individuals. The most dissimilar habitat pair was scrub and swale, while the most similar pair was ruderal and hammock. Box traps proved more effective for targeting the largest snake species, while funnel and box traps were equally effective for targeting other species.
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Date Issued
CFE0000237, ucf:46264
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Rinne, Debra, Jenkins, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The peninsula effect is a pattern of diversity wherein species richness decreases along a peninsula from base to tip and is attributed to three mechanisms: historical processes, habitat gradients, and immigration-extinction equilibrium. Numerous studies have reported conflicting results involving the existence, cause, and validity of the peninsula effect in part because they did not account for effects of history or habitat on species richness patterns and because most previous research...
Show moreThe peninsula effect is a pattern of diversity wherein species richness decreases along a peninsula from base to tip and is attributed to three mechanisms: historical processes, habitat gradients, and immigration-extinction equilibrium. Numerous studies have reported conflicting results involving the existence, cause, and validity of the peninsula effect in part because they did not account for effects of history or habitat on species richness patterns and because most previous research focused on organisms that actively disperse, which could confound results with behavioral habitat selection. Florida poses an excellent opportunity to study the peninsula effect because of its geological history and its unique ridges have similar histories (e.g. age, elevation, and sediment). Habitat changes down the peninsula, from a warm temperate climate in the north to a subtropical climate in the south. I studied freshwater crustaceans in isolated wetlands because crustaceans are diverse and disperse passively among these discrete habitats. My study design and statistical analyses controlled for two of the three mechanisms (habitat and history) that may generate a peninsula effect to better test for the third hypothesis (immigration-extinction equilibrium) on the Florida peninsula. Thirty-one wetlands were sampled for crustaceans monthly from November 2004 through April 2005, or until a site dried. Human disturbance was minimized by choosing isolated, ephemeral wetlands located within state reserves, parks, and forests located on four major ridges: Trail, Brooksville, Mount Dora and Lake Wales. I measured several environmental variables to assess habitat variation among sites. Limnological parameters included temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, chlorophyll á, pheophytin, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total hardness. Other habitat variables included surface area, distance to nearest water body, fish presence or absence, hydroperiod, total transmitted light and canopy openness. Crustacean species were identified to the lowest practical taxonomic level (typically species) and recorded as present or absent. A total of 53 different crustaceans were identified, including 41 cladocerans, 10 copepods, and 2 ostracods. In a multiple regression, environmental variables and sampling effort accounted for 57% of the variation in species richness. Regression of remaining variation (residuals) against latitude, which measures position along the peninsula, was not statistically significant. The same pattern was obtained when the sequence of regressions was reversed. Therefore, the peninsula effect does affect the species richness of freshwater crustaceans inhabiting ephemeral wetlands on Florida's ridges. Instead, variation in species richness was determined mainly by habitat differences, particularly the complex interaction of phosphorus levels, isolation, fish presence or absence, and hydroperiod. This study may serve as a model for more thorough analyses of mechanisms (history, habitat, and immigration-extinction) of a peninsula effect in other taxa.
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Date Issued
CFE0001034, ucf:46809
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Blowers, Tracy, Waterman, Jane, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Levels of sociality vary depending on the costs and benefits associated with grouping behavior. Grouping species form either ephemeral aggregations due to resource availability, or structured groups based on familiarity of individuals. Because there are different costs and benefits associated with different types of groups, it is important to understand more about group structure before making predictions about specific behaviors. Female Hippopotamus amphibius are known to aggregate in the...
Show moreLevels of sociality vary depending on the costs and benefits associated with grouping behavior. Grouping species form either ephemeral aggregations due to resource availability, or structured groups based on familiarity of individuals. Because there are different costs and benefits associated with different types of groups, it is important to understand more about group structure before making predictions about specific behaviors. Female Hippopotamus amphibius are known to aggregate in the wild but the true nature of their grouping behavior is still not understood. My objective was to determine if captive female hippos form either ephemeral aggregations or social groups. Behavioral data, using continuous focal animal sampling and scan sampling, were collected on a group of nine captive female hippos housed at Disney's Animal Kingdom® Theme Park. The behavioral data were used to analyze interactions between hippos, association patterns for kin and non-kin as well as familiarity, dominance hierarchy, and habitat preferences. My results support the hypothesis that hippos are forming social groups due to the attraction to particular individuals. There were more associations between kin than non-kin and also between individuals that have been together longer. Captive female hippos were also found to exhibit dominance patterns within the group. The results from this study may aid in the general understanding of hippopotamus behavior and aid in the captive management of hippos. Using my results as a starting point, research can begin looking at grouping patterns and its costs and benefits of sociality in wild hippopotamus populations.
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Date Issued
CFE0002239, ucf:47905
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The effects of urbanization on cypress (Taxodium distichum) in central Florida.
McCauley, Lisa, Jenkins, David, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, Hoffman, Eric, Ewel, Kathy, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Urbanization is accelerating in the United States and is contributing to fragmentation of natural habitats, causing changes in species composition and declines in native species. Human population growth in Orlando is typical of growth in the southeastern United States and throughout the range of cypress (Taxodium distichum). Orlando has numerous isolated cypress wetlands, called cypress domes, and many remain among the current urbanized area. This makes Orlando ideal to study the effects of...
Show moreUrbanization is accelerating in the United States and is contributing to fragmentation of natural habitats, causing changes in species composition and declines in native species. Human population growth in Orlando is typical of growth in the southeastern United States and throughout the range of cypress (Taxodium distichum). Orlando has numerous isolated cypress wetlands, called cypress domes, and many remain among the current urbanized area. This makes Orlando ideal to study the effects of urbanization on cypress domes. Specifically, I tested how urbanization and its effects on fragmentation, hydrology, and fire regime) affected (a) the numbers and spatial pattern of cypress domes in central Florida and (b) the recruitment of cypress within cypress domes. Analysis of historical loss found over 3,000 cypress domes identified in images from1984, of which 26% were lost or degraded (i.e., no longer cypress-dominated) by 2004. Due to changed land use, many remaining cypress domes, formerly surrounded by natural lands, have become surrounded by urban lands causing spatial clustering and homogenization. Surprisingly, I found that both natural and urban cypress domes showed lower recruitment than agricultural cypress domes, where the natural fire regime has not been altered. The probability of cypress recruitment in cypress domes urbanized for more than 20 years is very low. Previous to that, cypress tends to recruit on the edge of cypress domes where there is less competition and hydrological conditions are more favorable. I estimate that only ~50% of the current cypress domes are recruiting and the existence of those wetlands are tied to the lifespan of the current adults. By 2104, I estimate that ~89% of the cypress domes currently recruiting will fail to recruit. I believe that reducing urban sprawl and restoring the natural fire regime to natural cypress domes will mitigate the current fate of cypress domes. Without this, cypress in isolated wetlands in central Florida, and providing Orlando urbanization is typical, throughout urbanized areas of the range, could be at risk. Cypress in urban areas will be then relegated to riparian zones and with unknown consequences for the species that utilize the former cypress dome habitat.
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Date Issued
CFE0004136, ucf:49065
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Boughton, Elizabeth, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Community composition results from an integrated combination of random processes, regional habitat spatial structure, local environmental conditions, and species interactions. For example, the outcome of plant interactions can change depending on local environmental conditions such as nutrient availability, land management, or herbivory intensity. In particular, plant interactions may vary between facilitation and competition depending on ecological context, with facilitation expected to be...
Show moreCommunity composition results from an integrated combination of random processes, regional habitat spatial structure, local environmental conditions, and species interactions. For example, the outcome of plant interactions can change depending on local environmental conditions such as nutrient availability, land management, or herbivory intensity. In particular, plant interactions may vary between facilitation and competition depending on ecological context, with facilitation expected to be prevalent under stressful conditions. I present the results of four studies that address different aspects of the community assemblage and dynamics emphasizing the synergistic effect of different processes. In the first, I investigated the importance of habitat isolation in determining species richness of wetlands with contrasting land use. The second describes an experiment to test the hypothesis that plant interactions with an unpalatable plant (Juncus effusus) would range from competition in ungrazed areas to facilitation in grazed areas and predicted that facilitative effects of Juncus would differ among functional groups of beneficiary species and be strongest when grazing was intense. In the third, I examine the community composition impacts of Juncus and predicted that Juncus would preserve functional diversity in grazed wetlands but that the effects of Juncus would vary along a grazing gradient. The fourth study investigated the relative importance of competition and nutrients in determining wetland invasion in two different land use types. Broadly, I demonstrate that the importance of different processes (habitat isolation, nutrient availability, competition/facilitation) to community composition is dependent on ecological conditions. This integrated view of community dynamics is interesting from a purely ecological perspective but also can be applied to understanding ecological problems such as exotic invasions and restoration of disturbed habitats.
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Date Issued
CFE0002678, ucf:48234
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Habitat selection in transformed landscapes and the role of novel ecosystems for native species persistence.
Sanchez Clavijo, Lina, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, Noss, Reed, Weishampel, John, Rodewald, Amanda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
To understand native species persistence in transformed landscapes we must evaluate how individual behaviors interact with landscape structure through ecological processes such as habitat selection. Rapid, widespread landscape transformation may lead to a mismatch between habitat preference and quality, a phenomenon known as ecological traps that can have negative outcomes for populations. I applied this framework to the study of birds inhabiting landscapes dominated by forest remnants and...
Show moreTo understand native species persistence in transformed landscapes we must evaluate how individual behaviors interact with landscape structure through ecological processes such as habitat selection. Rapid, widespread landscape transformation may lead to a mismatch between habitat preference and quality, a phenomenon known as ecological traps that can have negative outcomes for populations. I applied this framework to the study of birds inhabiting landscapes dominated by forest remnants and shade coffee plantations, a tropical agroforestry system that retains important portions of native biodiversity. I used two different approaches to answer the question: What is the role of habitat selection in the adaptation of native species to transformed landscapes? First, I present the results of a simulation model used to evaluate the effects of landscape structure on population dynamics of a hypothetical species under two mechanisms of habitat selection. Then I present the analyses of seven years of capture-mark-recapture and resight data collected to compare habitat preference and quality between shade coffee and forest for twelve resident bird species in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia). I provide evidence for the importance of including the landscape context in the evaluation of ecological traps and for using long-term demographic data when evaluating the potential of novel ecosystems and intermediately-modified habitats for biodiversity conservation. Beyond suggestions to improve bird conservation in shade coffee, my findings contribute to theory about ecological traps and can be applied to understand population processes in a wide variety of heterogeneous landscapes.
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Date Issued
CFE0006494, ucf:51392
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Using Land Cover Mapping and Landscape Metrics to Evaluate Effects of Urban Development on Ecological Integrity in Florida.
Gilbrook, Michael, Weishampel, John, Hinkle, Ross, Jenkins, David, Brody, Samuel, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The widespread loss and degradation of habitat constitutes the largest threat to biodiversity in North America. While regulatory programs such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and wetland permitting under the Clean Water Act have addressed acute assaults on critical habitat, large areas of unprotected uplands have been lost. Urban development, particularly the advent of lower density suburban and rural sprawl, has greatly diminished the extent of contiguous patches of forest habitat and...
Show moreThe widespread loss and degradation of habitat constitutes the largest threat to biodiversity in North America. While regulatory programs such as the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and wetland permitting under the Clean Water Act have addressed acute assaults on critical habitat, large areas of unprotected uplands have been lost. Urban development, particularly the advent of lower density suburban and rural sprawl, has greatly diminished the extent of contiguous patches of forest habitat and introduced a host of other undesirable effects on ecosystem function. This study sought to evaluate the extent of urban sprawl and its effects on ecological integrity in Florida using Landsat-derived land cover data collected by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) circa 1987 and 2003. Chapter 1 described a novel GIS technique for correcting the systematic errors in the FWC 1987 and 2003 land cover data and converting those data to a common classification system so that they could be used in any ad hoc land cover change analysis. Comparison to ground-truth observations demonstrated a significant improvement in the accuracy of the land cover data following the Land Cover Correction Process (LCCP). Change detection between 1987 and 2003 using the correct land cover revealed trends in land cover conversion that were very different from previously published results derived from the original FWC land cover data. Conversion to urban uses in the corrected data was 47,293 ha lower, and conversion to agricultural uses was reduced by 196,773 ha, resulting in 244,067 ha less anthropogenic land conversion than had been previously estimated. Although the corrected land cover data showed that overall land conversion of natural areas was lower compared to the earlier estimate, the corrected data showed proportionally greater habitat losses for four important habitat types: Pinelands (-10.08% in the corrected land cover as compared to -5.90% in the original FWC data); upland forest (-9.46% versus 6.37%); sandhill (-13.90% versus 11.18%); and scrub (-15.52% versus -9.83%). Given the relatively small areal extent of some of these habitats, the larger percent loss estimates over the study period revealed by the corrected land cover data are cause for even greater concern by conservation planners and policymakers. Now that its utility has been demonstrated, the LCCP technique can be applied to any pair of roughly similar land cover mapping datasets provided that their original classification systems can be composed by a cross-walk into a single scheme, and that one or more ancillary data sets are available to serve in the tie-breaker role performed here by the land use data from Florida's Water Management Districts. The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) and State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) soils data of the National Resource Conservation Service, the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) or the statewide habitat mapping of the USGS GAP Analysis Program could be adapted to provide the ancillary tie-breaker data required by the LCCP to conduct change detection between disparate land cover data sources heretofore considered too incompatible for that purpose.In Chapter 2, measures of urban sprawl, habitat loss and fragmentation in Florida were estimated using the corrected land cover data for 1987 and 2003. The Northwest and North regions of the state exhibited significantly higher indices of urban sprawl, habitat loss and habitat fragmentation via application of the Moran's I statistic. Reducing urban sprawl and habitat fragmentation spatial metrics to simple ordination variables through the use of non-metric multidimensional scaling produced new measures of urban sprawl and habitat fragmentation that correlated strongly with the original FRAGSTATS metrics, but could be more easily mapped and interpreted. Urban and Habitat ordination metrics were each spatially autocorrelated (Local Moran's I and K-means grouping analyses) but not correlated to each other using the Procrustes analysis PROTEST statistic (m2 = 0.952, p = 0.061). In contrast, individual urban sprawl metrics (CA, NP, LPI, ED, SHAPE_AM and DCAD) correlated with habitat fragmentation. NP and DCAD appeared to be particularly useful in predicting fragmentation, and county governments should take measures to reduce establishment of new urban patches to minimize NP and DCAD.Chapter 3 explored the relationship between environmental outcomes in habitat loss and fragmentation and the quality of county local government comprehensive plans. The use of NMS analysis provided a powerful technique for capturing the intrinsic variability of the Local Government Comprehensive Plan (LGCP) plan scoring systems of Brody (2003) and Pannozzo (2013) into a pair of variables each that could be used to explore associations with metrics of urban sprawl, habitat fragmentation and other county characteristics that influence urban growth and development. The geographic distribution of LGCP plan quality favored coastal counties with higher quality plans over inland counties, and there was some evidence that plans in Central and South regions of Peninsular Florida were superior to those in the North and Northwest Panhandle regions. Key factors in plan quality, specifically Coordination and Management, were strongly associated with urban sprawl or habitat fragmentation outcomes. The resources available to counties in the form of tax revenues, whether the county possessed a rural or urban economy, and the county's political makeup also appeared related to LGCP plan quality, urban sprawl or habitat fragmentation outcomes. More research will be needed to elucidate the specific causal mechanisms behind the implementation of local government planning that resulted in the observed environmental outcomes.
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Date Issued
CFE0005497, ucf:50353
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Horn, Kristina, Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Polygonella myriophylla (Polygonaceae) is a clonal shrub listed as endangered and narrowly endemic to pyrogenic scrub ecosystems in central Florida. It is almost restricted to gaps within the matrix of shrubs in the scrub but also occurs along adjacent road-side habitats. I hypothesize that persistent disturbed microhabitats and more dynamic sand accretion in roadsides will increase rooting probabilities compared to more stable scrub habitats, affecting survival, growth and reproduction. In...
Show morePolygonella myriophylla (Polygonaceae) is a clonal shrub listed as endangered and narrowly endemic to pyrogenic scrub ecosystems in central Florida. It is almost restricted to gaps within the matrix of shrubs in the scrub but also occurs along adjacent road-side habitats. I hypothesize that persistent disturbed microhabitats and more dynamic sand accretion in roadsides will increase rooting probabilities compared to more stable scrub habitats, affecting survival, growth and reproduction. In April 2004- March 2006, I compared plant (genet) and basal branch (ramet) performance between experimentally manipulated plants in native scrub and roadside habitats at two locations within the Lake Wales Ridge State Forest in Polk County: LC01 and Old School. We completed a total of 6 evaluations in each site (April, July and November 2004, May and November 2005, and March 2006). Fifteen plants per replicated habitat in LCO1 and Old School were selected based on presence of four unrooted branches. Each unrooted branch within a plant randomly received one of four possible treatments: forced branch burial, branch lifting, procedural control, and no manipulation (total N= 60 genets and 240 ramets). Forced burial was implemented to mimic sand burial and evaluate rooting probability and performance in both habitats. Branch lifting was applied to prevent sand burial and evaluate demography of unrooted branches in both habitats. The procedural control served to evaluate wire effects on ramet demography. The control provided vital and rooting rates of branches in natural conditions. Road populations exhibited larger crown area and higher monthly diameter (controlled by initial diameter) and higher monthly length growth rates compared to scrub populations. Rooting probability was only affected by treatment one (buried wire) not habitat or site. Forced sand burial increased rooting (67 % after forced contact vs. 20-30 % for other treatments). Rooted branches did not exhibit variation in survival, growth, or fecundity compared to unrooted branches. Old School populations exhibited larger crown area, higher monthly diameter and monthly length growth rates compared to LC01 populations. Prescribed fires killed several plants explaining significantly higher branch survival at the unburned LC01 (66.1%) compared to recently burned Old School (36.2 %). LC01 populations exhibited higher fecundity and ramet survival compared to Old School populations. In February December 2006, I describe the reproductive schedule at (LC01) in 10 road and 10 scrub plants. Monthly, I counted number of inflorescences and flowers per inflorescence (one inflorescence per plant) for each plant. Number of inflorescences per plant was highest between May and September and higher in road than in scrub. Our results indicate significant different demographic performance of P. myriophylla at plant and branch level between road and scrub habitats. A longer term study is needed to determine if the persistence of P. myriophylla is threatened by increasing roadside populations.
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Date Issued
CFE0001982, ucf:47421
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Stiner, Jennifer, Walters, Linda, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Widely regarded as a keystone species and ecosystem engineer, the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica plays a vital role in estuarine environments. Complex, three-dimensional oyster reefs act as havens for biodiversity and contribute to ecological processes. Recently, concern for this resource has arisen in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, the southernmost limit along the Atlantic coast for undisturbed, intertidal reefs of C. virginica. Since the 1990s, intense recreational boating activity has...
Show moreWidely regarded as a keystone species and ecosystem engineer, the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica plays a vital role in estuarine environments. Complex, three-dimensional oyster reefs act as havens for biodiversity and contribute to ecological processes. Recently, concern for this resource has arisen in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, the southernmost limit along the Atlantic coast for undisturbed, intertidal reefs of C. virginica. Since the 1990s, intense recreational boating activity has caused atypical dead margins (mounds of disarticulated shells) to emerge on the seaward edges of oyster reefs located along major navigational channels. Once dead margins are formed, little is known about their influence on biotic composition and interactions on oyster reefs. This study focused on the affect of dead margins on: (1) mobile species biodiversity and distribution, (2) reef architecture, and (3) the affect of structural variables on predation of juvenile oysters. To determine if dead margins influenced the biodiversity of mobile species on oyster reefs, lift nets (1 m2) were deployed within Mosquito Lagoon for one year (June 2004 - June 2005). These nets (5/site) were deployed on the back-reef areas of six reefs (3 reference reefs and 3 reefs containing dead margins). To simulate reef habitat, one and a half liters of live oysters were placed within each net. Lift nets were checked monthly and surveyed for all mobile species. The resulting data were assimilated into a species inventory containing 65 species of fishes, mollusks, crustaceans, worms, and echinoderms. The two most abundant species present on reefs in Mosquito Lagoon were the big-claw snapping shrimp Alpheus heterochaelis, a filter-feeder, and the flat-back mud crab Eurypanopeus herbstii, a predator of oyster spat. Contrary to expections, analyses of community metrics showed that dead margins did not significantly affect the biodiversity of back-reef areas on oyster reefs. Modified lift nets (0.25 m2) were placed on six different oyster reefs (3 reference reefs and 3 containing dead margins) to test if dead margins affected the distribution of mobile species inhabiting oyster reefs. Nine nets were arranged to cover three separate areas of each reef: the fore-reef (3 nets), mid-reef (3 nets), and back-reef (3 nets). Half a liter of oyster shells were placed inside each net. These nets were checked weekly, for five weeks and species richness, density, and biomass were recorded. Analyses revealed that all community metrics were significantly higher on reference reefs than reefs affected with dead margins. Further, a significant drop in all three metrics was seen on the mid-reef area of affected reefs. The absence of species on this area is hypothesized to be due to a lack of water, shade, and habitat complexity. To document architectural differences, two types of transects were run along five reference reefs and five reefs with dead margins. First, quadrat transects determined the percent of live oysters, the percent of shell clusters, topographic complexity (using chain links), and the angle of shells on each reef type. Transect lines were stretched parallel to the water line and covered all three reef areas (fore-reef, mid-reef, and back-reef). The results showed reference reefs to have approximately four-fold more live oysters, approximately twice as many shell clusters, and significantly greater topographic complexity. Numbers of live oysters and shell clusters were greater on the fore-reef and back-reef areas of both reef types. Second, laser transects were used to record reef profiles and the slope of fore-reef areas. Transect lines were stretched perpendicular to the water line and every 20 cm the distance between the lagoon bottom and reef top was measured. Vertical reef profiles and fore-reef slopes were significantly different between reference reefs and reefs with dead margins. Dead margins compressed reef widths, increased center peaks, and increased slopes on the fore-reef area by two-fold. Lastly, field experiments were conducted to determine the affect of dead margins on the vulnerability of oyster spat to predation. Structural variables (e.g. shell orientation, single versus shell clusters, reef slope) were manipulated and effects on oyster mortality were observed. Three predators were tested: the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, the common mud crab Panopeus herbstii, and the Atlantic oyster drill Urosalpinx cinerea. Structural variables did not have a significant influence on oyster mortality; however, a significant difference was established between predators. Panopeus herbstii consumed the most juvenile oysters, followed by U. cinerea and then C. sapidus. Together, these findings document ecological implications of dead margins on C. virginica reefs and reinforce the urgent need for enhanced regulations and restoration. If the intensity of recreational boating remains unregulated, dead margins will continue to increase. Thus, in order to maintain the diversity and productivity of Mosquito Lagoon, it is crucial to fully understand how dead margins alter the biogenic habitat and biotic communities of oyster reefs.
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Date Issued
CFE0001059, ucf:46790
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Exploring multi-scale variation of fish community diversity in a dynamic coastal estuary.
Troast, Brittany, Cook, Geoffrey, Walters, Linda, Paperno, Richard, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Examining diversity over multiple spatial and temporal scales affords the opportunity to develop a mechanistic understanding of the factors influencing community diversity dynamics, and how these may shift in a changing world. This thesis first examines multi-decadal fish community diversity metrics across a coastal biogeographic transition zone to quantify changes in species assemblages, assess relationships between fish community diversity and the abiotic environment, and capture potential...
Show moreExamining diversity over multiple spatial and temporal scales affords the opportunity to develop a mechanistic understanding of the factors influencing community diversity dynamics, and how these may shift in a changing world. This thesis first examines multi-decadal fish community diversity metrics across a coastal biogeographic transition zone to quantify changes in species assemblages, assess relationships between fish community diversity and the abiotic environment, and capture potential shifts in the location of a putative biogeographic break. Results of this chapter indicate not only a change in fish community composition, but also a shift in the location of the biogeographic transition zone. If these trends continue, a potential 16-62km shift northward by the year 2100 could occur. Understanding the novel species assemblages these shifts could result in is necessary for the future management of this area. Next this thesis examines diversity on a local scale, assessing the response of the fish community to restoration of oyster reefs and coastal wetlands which act as essential fish habitat. Results support the idea that fish community composition at restored oyster reefs is more similar to those of live reefs than dead reefs, however, results of abundance and diversity analyses were equivocal. Living shoreline analyses produced no differences between control and restored sites before or after restoration. Possible explanations for lack of clear trends in the fish community could be explained by the presence of other essential fish habitats in the area, scale of restoration, and length of monitoring. This thesis explores diversity on a multitude of spatial and temporal scales to better understand how fish communities respond to change and generates fundamental knowledge that can improve our ability to conserve and manage coastal communities and better inform the development of ecosystem-based management strategies.
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Date Issued
CFE0007905, ucf:52753
Document (PDF)
Abelson, Jesse, Jenkins, David, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Understanding of mechanisms that limit the abundance and distribution of species is central to ecology. The failure of mechanisms to regulate populations can result in population outbreaks. There have been two outbreaks of house mice in the past decade in central Florida. In my study, I examine the efficacy of landscape management in the form of mowing and plowed soil barriers to limit or prevent outbreaks of house mice in a former agricultural area. House mouse populations were highly...
Show moreUnderstanding of mechanisms that limit the abundance and distribution of species is central to ecology. The failure of mechanisms to regulate populations can result in population outbreaks. There have been two outbreaks of house mice in the past decade in central Florida. In my study, I examine the efficacy of landscape management in the form of mowing and plowed soil barriers to limit or prevent outbreaks of house mice in a former agricultural area. House mouse populations were highly variable, but were unaffected by mowing or plowed soil barriers. Red imported fire ants were ubiquitous in the study area regardless of land management treatments. Control of fire ants did not result in more house mice on treated plots.
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Date Issued
CFE0003590, ucf:48899
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Conservation and population biology: genetics, demography and habitat requirements of the Atlantic coast beach mice.
Kalkvik, Haakon, Parkinson, Christopher, Stout, I, Hoffman, Eric, Weishampel, John, Doonan, Terry, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The conservation biology field seeks to preserve biodiversity and the processes shaping that variation. Conservation biology is intimately tied to evolutionary research, in order to identify evolutionary distinct lineages that may be in danger of disappearing. Interestingly, patterns and processes of lineage divergence and persistence change with respect to spatial and temporal scale. I seek to evaluate biodiversity, the factors that have shaped this heterogeneity, and how this variability...
Show moreThe conservation biology field seeks to preserve biodiversity and the processes shaping that variation. Conservation biology is intimately tied to evolutionary research, in order to identify evolutionary distinct lineages that may be in danger of disappearing. Interestingly, patterns and processes of lineage divergence and persistence change with respect to spatial and temporal scale. I seek to evaluate biodiversity, the factors that have shaped this heterogeneity, and how this variability persists. To accomplish this I used a phylogeographic approach as well as niche and population modeling on the Peromyscus maniculatus species group found widely distributed in North America. My emphasis was on the southeastern U.S. species P. polionotus and its distinct beach forms. At a continental scale, I found that environmental niches are likely involved in generating and/or maintaining genetic lineages within the P. maniculatus species group. These findings add to a growing number of studies that have identified lineages occupying different environmental spaces. At a regional scale, I supported the hypothesis that barrier islands on the Atlantic coast of Florida were colonized by an ancestral form of P. polionotus by a single colonization, from the central Florida area. Subsequently, at least two distinct lineages diverged (P. p. phasma and P. p. niveiventris). I also found evidence that suggests that the extinct form of beach mouse (P. p. decoloratus) is part of the P. p. phasma lineage. At the population level, I evaluated changes in genetic diversity in historical samples compared to those that experienced recent human encroachment on natural habitat I used tissue preserved in natural history collections to compare with live-trapped specimens, and found that P. p. niveiventris has maintained historical genetic diversity levels. I suggest that the continuation of historical levels of genetic diversity is due to the presence of a single large area of continuous habitat in the central portion of the species' current distribution. Finally, I evaluated the importance of scrub and beach habitat to the population dynamics of beach mice. Beach mice have traditionally have been associated with beach dunes rather than with the scrub habitat found more inland on barrier islands. Using almost three years of capture-recapture data from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), I created a stochastic matrix model to assess the relative contribution of populations from the two different habitats to a variety of demographic measures. Both field data and model results provided evidence that the population dynamics of beach mice may rely much more on scrub habitat than formerly documented. Overall, my research emphasized a hierarchical approach to evaluate biodiversity and the processes shaping differentiation at different spatial and temporal scales. The methods and findings give insight into speciation at different scales, and can be applied to a wide range of taxa for questions related to evolutionary and conservation biology.
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Date Issued
CFE0004392, ucf:49372
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