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- Title
- Creator
Peace, Patricia, Fouty, H. Edward, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in stress from associated with the occupation of law enforcement exists across the officers'relationship domains. The sample consisted of 51 participants that was comprised of both law enforcement officers and their significant others. Unlike past studies, this study included those that were married, divorced, in a civil union, single, or cohabitating. Based on past research it was hypothesized that the stress placed on...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in stress from associated with the occupation of law enforcement exists across the officers'relationship domains. The sample consisted of 51 participants that was comprised of both law enforcement officers and their significant others. Unlike past studies, this study included those that were married, divorced, in a civil union, single, or cohabitating. Based on past research it was hypothesized that the stress placed on officers and their significant other would be higher than that of other relationships. An anonymous survey was sent out to a several departments. Separate one-way between subjects Analysis of Variances (ANOVAs) were conducted to compare the effects of stress on law enforcements officers and their relationships. There was no significant effect of stress found in regards to the occupation itself as it pertained to the relationship [F(1, 48) = 0.99, p = 0.32]. There was no significance of stress felt in regards to the individuals relationship on its own [F(1, 48) = 1.62, p =0.21].
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0003924, ucf:44707
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Investigators' Perceptions of Inter-Jurisdictional Law Enforcement Information Sharing On Criminal Investigative Success: An Exploratory Analysis.
- Creator
Freeman, Jennifer, Reynolds, Kenneth, Winton, Mark, Ford, Robert, Georgiopoulos, Michael, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Information sharing among law enforcement entities became a national priority after the 9/11 attack (Carter, 2005). Various information systems utilized by law enforcement agencies may be promising; however, there is little extant empirical research to validate the system's effectiveness related to increasing investigative success (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2010). One information system that has tied together numerous Florida law enforcement agencies is the FINDER system. FINDER, the...
Show moreInformation sharing among law enforcement entities became a national priority after the 9/11 attack (Carter, 2005). Various information systems utilized by law enforcement agencies may be promising; however, there is little extant empirical research to validate the system's effectiveness related to increasing investigative success (Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2010). One information system that has tied together numerous Florida law enforcement agencies is the FINDER system. FINDER, the Florida Integrated Network for Data Exchange and Retrieval system, provides agency investigators a wide range of information not previously available (Reynolds, Griset, (&) Scott, 2006; Scott, 2006). This study's foundation was primarily based upon the conceptual frameworks of diffusion of innovations and knowledge management. Survey based information from investigators using FINDER and those using a non-FINDER information system was obtained and analyzed to determine if the information impacted investigative success. Questionnaires were sent to those law enforcement investigators that participate in the FINDER system, as well as those who use a non-FINDER system. Through descriptive and regression analysis, it was found that FINDER participants reported there was a positive contribution to investigative success. The research also found that certain information obtained from FINDER assisted in arrests and an investigator's ability to solve cases. This study provides a foundation for further information system research related to case solvability and investigative success.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005167, ucf:50660
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hassan, Komysha, Knuckey, Jonathan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The shooting death of Michael Brown in June of 2014 by police in Ferguson, Missouri triggered massive public protests across the United States, calling attention to a wave of similar incidents thereafter, where unarmed black men have been killed at the hands of officers in a wide range of locales. The recent coverage has revealed the extent and dispersion of aggressive and, in many cases, fatal interactions between law enforcement and the public, particularly minorities. Actions by the...
Show moreThe shooting death of Michael Brown in June of 2014 by police in Ferguson, Missouri triggered massive public protests across the United States, calling attention to a wave of similar incidents thereafter, where unarmed black men have been killed at the hands of officers in a wide range of locales. The recent coverage has revealed the extent and dispersion of aggressive and, in many cases, fatal interactions between law enforcement and the public, particularly minorities. Actions by the Department of Justice and other state and local agencies have consistently focused on individual agencies and/or agents, as the cause of the problem. This research looks at the history of crime control policy and the law enforcement mandate, from the 1960s onward, examining disparities in crime policy and incidence. The findings show that the shift from locale-based to centralized crime control and the manipulation of crime as a political construct has led to a change in law enforcement identity, away from public service. Consequently, the governing politics and organizational culture of law enforcement has institutionalized some of the most reprehensible aspects, systematizing misconduct. The findings suggest that resolving the problem of misconduct in law enforcement requires an identity shift, focusing on structural rather than individual concerns and implementing more robust and comprehensive training parameters.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000207, ucf:46032
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Russo, Charles, Surette, Raymond, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Automatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear...
Show moreAutomatic vehicle locator (AVL) systems, utilizing military's global positioning system, may impact response time to law enforcement calls for service. In order to evaluate the impacts of AVL on response time to calls for service at the Altamonte Springs Police Department (ASPD), computer aided dispatch (CAD) data from years 1999 to 2003 were analyzed. The analysis of each of the data sets consisted of an initial sequence chart, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), a means plot and a linear regression. Interviews of ASPD personnel were conducted to understand user perceptions of AVL. Based on the ANOVA results, trends indicate that weekly response time was significantly lower during the AVL partial implementation period than during the pre or post AVL stages across all categories of data analyzed. Based on the regression results, trends indicate that the overall impact of AVL on response time for all categories analyzed is flat and show AVL as having no overall impact on response time across all calls for service analyzed. An exception to this is the findings related to Priority 3 calls for service; however this exception can be attributed to performance during the pre AVL implementation stage. These results do not suggest a capability for AVL to reduce response time to calls for service in a meaningful comprehensive way. Thus, the study's hypotheses are not supported.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001417, ucf:47046
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Scott, Jr, Ernest, Reynolds, Kenneth, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
An important post-9/11 objective has been to connect law enforcement agencies so they can share information that is routinely collected by police. This low-level information, gathered from sources such as traffic tickets, calls for service, incident reports and field contacts, is not widely shared but might account for as much as 97% of the data held in police records systems. U.S. policy and law assume that access to this information advances crime control and counterterrorism efforts. The...
Show moreAn important post-9/11 objective has been to connect law enforcement agencies so they can share information that is routinely collected by police. This low-level information, gathered from sources such as traffic tickets, calls for service, incident reports and field contacts, is not widely shared but might account for as much as 97% of the data held in police records systems. U.S. policy and law assume that access to this information advances crime control and counterterrorism efforts. The scarcity of functioning systems has limited research opportunities to test this assumption or offer guidance to police leaders considering investments in information sharing. However, this study had access to FINDER, a Florida system that shares low-level data among 121 police agencies. The user-level value of FINDER was empirically examined using Goodhue's (1995) Task-Technology Fit framework. Objective system data from 1,352 users, user-reported "successes," and a survey of 402 active users helped define parameters of user-level success. Of the users surveyed, 68% reported arrests or case clearances, 71% reported improved performance, and 82% reported improved efficiency attributed to FINDER. Regression models identified system use, task-fit, and user characteristic measures that predicted changes in users' individual performance. A key finding was that FINDER affirmed the importance of sharing low-level police data, and successful outcomes were related to its ease of use and access to user-specified datasets. Also, users employed a variety of information-seeking techniques that were related to their task assignments. Improved understanding of user-defined success and system use techniques can inform the design and functionality of information sharing systems. Further, this study contributes to addressing the critical requirement for developing information sharing system metrics.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001503, ucf:47139
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Behavioral Model of Law Enforcement Applicant Characteristics Derived from a Simulated Cheating Task: Implications for Pre-Employment Hiring Practices.
- Creator
Montaquila, Julian, Caulkins, Bruce, Wiegand, Rudolf, Teo, Grace, Beever, Jonathan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Recently, numerous high-profile instances of police misconduct and corruption have been thrust into the national spotlight. Hiring police officers who will act with integrity and not betray public trust remains essential. The present research experimentally examines this phenomenon by evaluating pre-employment assessment results against applicant performance on a simulated cheating task (i.e., The Dots Task) in order to derive information to improve contemporary pre-employment screening and...
Show moreRecently, numerous high-profile instances of police misconduct and corruption have been thrust into the national spotlight. Hiring police officers who will act with integrity and not betray public trust remains essential. The present research experimentally examines this phenomenon by evaluating pre-employment assessment results against applicant performance on a simulated cheating task (i.e., The Dots Task) in order to derive information to improve contemporary pre-employment screening and selection models. Four case examples are presented which depict malicious actors who possessed privileged access, assumed no one would ever scrutinize their activities, and attempted to leverage a lack of oversight for their personal benefit. A literature review of previous research findings is presented, and results from the current study are discussed. Spearman correlation analyses consistently indicated that participants who cheated were predisposed to moral disengagement via advantageous comparison. Participants who left all or part of their monetary award were less prone to general moral disengagement, particularly displacement of responsibility, while the opposite effect was observed for participants who took more than their earned award. Impression management was positively associated with stealing extra money, and cheating was more common among participants with elevated distorted thought patterns, including obsessional thinking, paranoid ideation, and alienation/perceptual distortion. Stepwise linear multiple regression analyses further substantiated the relationship between cheating and both distorted thought patterns and impression management, as well as provided evidence that (1) internalizing morality as part of one's self-identity and (2) warmth act as protective factors against cheating behavior. Positive relationships between cheating and distortion of consequences were also present within multiple regression analyses. Behavioral models produced from stepwise linear multiple regression analyses offer the potential to predict the likelihood and severity of cheating behavior that an individual may be predisposed to commit based upon their pre-employment assessment data, thereby enhancing pre-employment screening and selection decisions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007409, ucf:52714
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Modeling of Wrong Way Driving Entries and Developing Innovative Approaches for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advanced Wrong Way Driving Countermeasures.
- Creator
Kayes, Md Imrul, Al-Deek, Haitham, Eluru, Naveen, Hasan, Samiul, Uddin, Nizam, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Wrong-way driving (WWD) is a hazardous behavior on interstates, toll roads, and other high-speed limited access facilities. Since WWD crashes are rare, recent researchers have studied WWD events such as WWD 911 calls and WWD citations to understand the overall nature and trend of WWD. It is very difficult to build credible statistical models based solely on crashes due to the small sample size since these are only 3% of all crashes. Modeling of WWD non-crash events can result in more accurate...
Show moreWrong-way driving (WWD) is a hazardous behavior on interstates, toll roads, and other high-speed limited access facilities. Since WWD crashes are rare, recent researchers have studied WWD events such as WWD 911 calls and WWD citations to understand the overall nature and trend of WWD. It is very difficult to build credible statistical models based solely on crashes due to the small sample size since these are only 3% of all crashes. Modeling of WWD non-crash events can result in more accurate models. A model was developed for Florida limited access facilities to identify roadway factors and traffic characteristics of exit ramp terminals that influence WWD entries. This model indicated that interchange type, intersection angle of exit ramp terminals, presence of tolling at the entrance ramp, presence of channelizing island between the exit ramp lanes, number of lanes on the exit ramp, area (rural or urban), and traffic volumes significantly affect the likelihood of WWD entries at exit ramps. Conventional (")Wrong Way(") signs can reduce WWD incidents but can be insufficient in some cases. In areas with many WWD crash and non-crash events, transportation agencies can be proactive by considering the use of countermeasures with advanced technologies to actively warn motorists of WWD violations. To help agencies select the most effective countermeasure, two innovative evaluation of performance approaches were developed so they can be used to evaluate and compare among different advanced WWD countermeasures. These approaches consist of before-after analysis of WWD non-crash events (WWD 911 calls and citations) and turn around rates of wrong way vehicles to self-correct their WWD acts. With this research, transportation agencies can better predict WWD entries at exit ramps; identify suitable locations for possible countermeasures deployment; and improve their current design, signing, and pavement marking practices while still following national and state standards.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007474, ucf:52672
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Waiving Miranda.
- Creator
Voyles, Vance, Bartkevicius, Jocelyn, Roney, Lisa, Rushin, Patrick, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Waiving Miranda is a nonfiction collection that explores my career in law enforcement with a special emphasis on how the day-to-day association with others can lure a person into self-observation. The essays include my experiences as a road-patrol deputy, sex-crimes detective, and homicide detective in one of the largest county law enforcement agencies in the nation. Instead of the TV version of law enforcement(-)anecdotes of police chases and shoot outs(-)this thesis examines people on both...
Show moreWaiving Miranda is a nonfiction collection that explores my career in law enforcement with a special emphasis on how the day-to-day association with others can lure a person into self-observation. The essays include my experiences as a road-patrol deputy, sex-crimes detective, and homicide detective in one of the largest county law enforcement agencies in the nation. Instead of the TV version of law enforcement(-)anecdotes of police chases and shoot outs(-)this thesis examines people on both sides of the yellow crimes scene tape as they face their own mortality and the gruesome truth of people's unabashed cruelty towards one another.These essays wrestle with such issues as the following: confronting my own perceived inadequacies while encountering the expectations of those whose ideas of police work come from shows such as SWAT, Law and Order, and NYPD Blue; balancing career and parenting in the aftermath of divorce and a loss of purpose; pursuing a career in law enforcement with the idea of serving the community; discovering that policing in real life is a direct contradiction to the celluloid heroes I grew up watching on television; staging an internal war and ultimately resolving to move past resentment and move forward with a new purpose.Unlike most true crime dramas, this collection does not promise a happily ever after. Instead, it's a detailed account of the men and women in the law enforcement community today, and how, as much as they guard the public against criminals at large, so must they guard themselves against the emotional toll that this knowledge carries with it.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0004490, ucf:49277
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A Mixed-Methods Approach to Examining the Memphis Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Model: An exploratory study of program effectiveness and institutionalization processes.
- Creator
Magers, Megan, Potter, Roberto, Rosky, Jeffrey, Adams, Kenneth, Lin, Hefang, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The present study utilized a mixed-methods strategy to examine the effectiveness, diffusion, and institutionalization of the Memphis Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training component of the CIT model, a panel research design was employed in which a sample of 179 law enforcement officers and 100 correctional officers in nine Florida counties were surveyed on the first day of training (pretest), the last day of training (posttest), and one month...
Show moreThe present study utilized a mixed-methods strategy to examine the effectiveness, diffusion, and institutionalization of the Memphis Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model. To evaluate the effectiveness of the training component of the CIT model, a panel research design was employed in which a sample of 179 law enforcement officers and 100 correctional officers in nine Florida counties were surveyed on the first day of training (pretest), the last day of training (posttest), and one month following their completion of CIT training (follow-up). These surveys measured the extent to which CIT training achieved several officer-level objectives, including increased knowledge of mental illness and the mental health referral process, improved self-efficacy when responding to mental health crises, and enhanced perceptions of verbal de-escalation skills, mental health services in the community, and the mental health referral process. The results of these surveys revealed officers experienced a statistically significant increase on every measure of training effectiveness between the pretest and posttest data collection points. However, a significant decline was found among the 117 officers that responded to the follow-up survey on the measures associated with self-efficacy and perceptions of verbal de-escalation, which points to a measurable decay in the effectiveness of the training in the intermediate timeframe with regard to these two measures. To examine the extent to which the diffusion of the CIT model resembles a social movement in the field of criminal justice and to explore the impact of CIT institutionalization on the organizational structure of criminal justice agencies, an online survey was distributed to 33 representatives of law enforcement and correctional agencies known to participate in the CIT program in the nine Florida counties in which officers were surveyed. The results of this survey indicate interagency communication and external pressure from mental health providers and advocates largely contribute to the decision of criminal justice agencies to adopt the CIT model. In addition, the findings of this survey suggest criminal justice agencies modify their organizational structure in a number of different ways to internalize and institutionalize the CIT model. By coupling a training program evaluation with an assessment of diffusion and institutionalization, this study makes a unique contribution to organizational and evidence-based literature.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004884, ucf:49671
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sahin, Ismail, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Supply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. As with other public organizations, the performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social...
Show moreSupply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. As with other public organizations, the performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social capital may have significant implications for policy makers and practitioners in terms of enhancing organizational performance.Social capital has recently been examined at the organizational level. It may contribute to organizational effectiveness by increasing motivation, solving coordination problems, facilitating information flow between individuals and organizations, and developing knowledge within organizations. Because of the nature of the work, drug law enforcement departments or agencies require information sharing, cooperation, and motivation, all possible derivatives of social capital.Using a measurement model of organizational social capital, this study examines relationships among three dimensions of organizational social capital. The influence of social capital on the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments is investigated using structural equation modeling. Possible correlations among these dimensions or domains of organizational social capital are also empirically tested.Using survey data from 12 city law enforcement departments in Turkey, this study examines three social capital dimensions: (1) the structural dimension, concerning the extent to which officers within a department informally interact with each other; (2) the relational dimension, referring to the normative qualities of relationships among officers, such as trust and reciprocity; and (3) the cognitive dimension, reflected by shared language, shared interpretation, and shared vision.Four research hypotheses were tested and supported by the statistical results. The studyÃÂ's findings indicate that the relational and cognitive social capital variables have a direct and positive relationship with the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments. Relational and cognitive social capital, as latent constructs, were shown to have a strong relationship with organizational performance. Structural social capital, however, does not have a direct relationship with but may indirectly influence performance. This result indicates that structural social capital may influence organizational performance only indirectly, through its joint influence with two other social capital domains. On the other hand, strong and positive intercorrelations were found among the three dimensions. The results suggest that social capital is essential for drug law enforcement departments because police officers who know, understand, and trust each other are more likely to work together efficiently and effectively towards achieving organizational performance.According to the findings, informal structures shaped by informal relations among officers within the departments may also be an important factor for organizational performance. Investing in the development of social interactions and networks and building trust within organizations is important in order for administrators to improve organizational performance. The results of this conceptually grounded and empirical study suggest that drug law enforcement departments or agencies should pay close attention to promoting social capital among officers in order to fight effectively against drug trafficking.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003182, ucf:48601
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agency Interoperability Capabilities and Cyber Vulnerabilities.
- Creator
Trapnell, Tyrone, Caulkins, Bruce, Wiegand, Rudolf, Bockelman, Patricia, Canham, Matthew, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The National Data Exchange (N-DEx) System is the central informational hub located at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Its purpose is to provide network subscriptions to all Federal, state and local level law enforcement agencies while increasing information collaboration across all domains. The National Data Exchange users must satisfy the Advanced Permission Requirements, confirming the terms of N-DEx information use, and the Verification Requirement (verifying the completeness,...
Show moreThe National Data Exchange (N-DEx) System is the central informational hub located at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Its purpose is to provide network subscriptions to all Federal, state and local level law enforcement agencies while increasing information collaboration across all domains. The National Data Exchange users must satisfy the Advanced Permission Requirements, confirming the terms of N-DEx information use, and the Verification Requirement (verifying the completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and relevancy of N-DEx information) through coordination with the record-owning agency (Management, 2018). A network infection model is proposed to simulate the spread impact of various cyber-attacks within Federal, state and local level law enforcement networks that are linked together through the topologies merging with the National Data Exchange (N-DEx) System as the ability to manipulate the live network is limited. The model design methodology is conducted in a manner that creates a level of organization from the state level to the local level of law enforcement agencies allowing for each organizational infection probability to be calculated and entered, thus making the model very specific in nature for determining spread or outbreaks of cyber-attacks among law enforcement agencies at all levels. This research will enable future researchers to further develop a model that is capable of detecting weak points within an information structure when multiple topologies merge, allowing for more secure operations among law enforcement networks.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFE0007543, ucf:52621
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Falling Behind in Pay: A Longitudinal Test of Equity Theory Among Florida Municipal Police Agencies' Salaries.
- Creator
Lord, Robert, Gau, Jacinta, Wolf, Ross, Paoline, Eugene, Folger, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Prior research has found equity theory explains employee responses to falling wages in relation to other comparable workers. The present research attempts to contribute to the criminal justice literature by directly testing equity theory within the policing context, something no study has done to date. Applied to policing, equity theory predicts sworn officers employed by departments with falling or inequitable salaries (i.e., their salaries fail to keep up with those at other regional...
Show morePrior research has found equity theory explains employee responses to falling wages in relation to other comparable workers. The present research attempts to contribute to the criminal justice literature by directly testing equity theory within the policing context, something no study has done to date. Applied to policing, equity theory predicts sworn officers employed by departments with falling or inequitable salaries (i.e., their salaries fail to keep up with those at other regional agencies) will reduce their work input (i.e., discretionary arrests) and/or quit in higher numbers than before (i.e., increase attrition). The present study also attempts to quantify how far officer salaries can fall behind the mean regional police pay before a municipal agency experiences negative outcomes. The research questions are examined using data from Criminal Justice Agency Profile (CJAP) Reports from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), with historical salary and attrition data for 122 municipal law enforcement agencies in Florida from 2001-2011, and Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Part II Arrest Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the same time period. A time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) analysis is conducted over 11 annual data points. This study attempts to bring an additional theory into the fold of the policing literature by testing it against a large, law enforcement specific data set. This is in part an effort to answer the call for what has been described as a need for more theory in the criminal justice and policing literature (Cooper (&) Worrall, 2012; Mears, 2010). It should also enable police administrators to gauge, relative to regional competitor salaries, at what point to anticipate negative consequences from the underpaid condition of police officers working at their municipal police agencies. The findings suggest Florida municipal police officers do not reduce their work inputs, as measured by UCR Part II arrests, but do quit their jobs in larger numbers in response to stagnant or falling salaries as predicted by equity theory. Policy implications include a better understanding by police administrators as to what they can expect and prepare for when municipal police officers' salaries become stagnant or fall as compared to pay at other regional law enforcement agencies.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006136, ucf:51170
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Principals' Perceptions and Self-efficacy in Relation to School Security.
- Creator
Jones, Julian, Taylor, Rosemarye, Doherty, Walter, Kennedy, Mary, Wolf, Ross, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Principals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of...
Show morePrincipals in the nation's schools have been tasked with managing crisis incidents that may occur with students and others on their campuses on a daily basis. The purposes of this study were to determine the differences, if any, that existed in Central Florida public school principals' perceptions regarding school security, their perceived confidence to address critical crisis incidents on their campuses, their perceptions of the likelihood critical incidents would occur, their perceptions of interaction with law enforcement, the critical incidents they fear the most, and their perceptions of factors impacting the incidents they fear the most. Principal subgroup mean responses to the Principal Safety and Security Perceptions Survey in the three areas of Bandura's (1997) triadic reciprocal causation were examined in the context of principals' gender, longevity, student enrollment, grade configuration, free and reduced lunch rate, presence of a law enforcement officer, and presence of a security plan. Findings revealed significant differences between categorical groups of principals in multiple areas. It was determined that significant differences in principals' perceptions warrant further study. Recommendations for practice include security policy development and practical application of noted trends.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005636, ucf:50217
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Applying Problem-of-Practice Methods from the Discipline of Higher Education within the Justice System: Turning the Concept of Therapy Dogs for Child Victims into a Statewide Initiative.
- Creator
Holton, Jessie, Hopp, Carolyn, Vitale, Thomas, Williams-Fjeldhe, Karri, Mustaine, Elizabeth, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This Dissertation-in-Practice introduces a law enforcement concept-to-practice model designed by combining tested methods of organizational analysis often utilized by those in the discipline of education. The model incorporates a two phase design with the first phase focusing on implementing and evaluating innovative changes within a medium size law enforcement agency for a micro-level analysis. A second phase examines the ability to replicate the concept program on a statewide, macro-level,...
Show moreThis Dissertation-in-Practice introduces a law enforcement concept-to-practice model designed by combining tested methods of organizational analysis often utilized by those in the discipline of education. The model incorporates a two phase design with the first phase focusing on implementing and evaluating innovative changes within a medium size law enforcement agency for a micro-level analysis. A second phase examines the ability to replicate the concept program on a statewide, macro-level, by incorporating a re-design method utilizing organizational resource and structure frames. The concept applied to this model was the introduction of a therapy dog interaction during investigations involving crimes against children to reduce anxiety and increase communication. The first phase concluded that the introduction of therapy dogs during law enforcement investigations had a statistical significance in the reduction of anxiety and increased disclosure rates with child victims, without interfering with judicial policies and procedures. The second phase produced a series of flexible options allowing law enforcement agencies of all types to replicate therapy dog programs that are consistent, cost effective, and sustainable. The overall results indicate the use of this concept-to-practice model was successful in examining and introducing an innovative concept that provided a significant impact in the complex organizations of the justice system.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005807, ucf:50029
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The influence of perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support (&) debriefing on work-related compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress in Florida public safety personnel.
- Creator
Miller, Anastasia, Unruh, Lynn, Zhang, Ning, Wharton, Tracy, Liu, Albert Xinliang, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, and debriefing on the one hand, and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress on the other hand in Florida law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and dispatch public safety workers. In order to explore the relationships between these constructs, the research questions examined the relationships of the work environment of Florida...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, and debriefing on the one hand, and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress on the other hand in Florida law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and dispatch public safety workers. In order to explore the relationships between these constructs, the research questions examined the relationships of the work environment of Florida public safety by administering surveys gauging perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, psychological resilience, and debriefing activities that the personnel participate in. The Professional Quality of Life: Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Version 5 was also sent out to establish the self-reported levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. The study found that there were differences in the levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress between the public safety fields. It also found that there was a positive relationship between the presence of perceived organizational support, perceived coworker support, psychological resilience, and debriefing activities on at least one of the constructs of compassion satisfaction, burnout, or secondary traumatic stress within the different public safety fields. This study furthers the literature by being the first study to compare the four different public safety fields in the state of Florida and with regards to those constructs.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006357, ucf:51533
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Tragic City: Black Rebellion and the Struggle for Freedom in Miami, 1945-1990.
- Creator
Dossie, Porsha, Lester, Connie, French, Scot, Walker, Ezekiel, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This thesis examines the creation of South Florida's tri-ethnic racial hierarchy during the postwar period, from 1945-1990. This racial hierarchy, coupled with discriminatory housing practices and police violence, created the necessary conditions for Dade County's first deadly uprising in 1968. Following the acquittal of several officers charged in the killing of an unarmed black businessman, a second uprising in 1980 culminated in three days and three nights of violent street warfare between...
Show moreThis thesis examines the creation of South Florida's tri-ethnic racial hierarchy during the postwar period, from 1945-1990. This racial hierarchy, coupled with discriminatory housing practices and police violence, created the necessary conditions for Dade County's first deadly uprising in 1968. Following the acquittal of several officers charged in the killing of an unarmed black businessman, a second uprising in 1980 culminated in three days and three nights of violent street warfare between law enforcement and black residents in Miami's northwest Liberty City neighborhood. The presence of state sanctioned violence at the hands of police in Liberty City set the stage for the city's second uprising. Further, the oftentimes murky and ambiguous racial divide that made people of color both comrades and rivals within Miami's larger power structure resulted in an Anglo-Cuban alliance by the late 1960s and early 1970s that only worsened racial tensions, especially among the city's ethnically diverse, English speaking black population. This thesis project uses a socio-historical framework to investigate how race and immigration, police brutality, and federal housing policy created a climate in which one of Miami's most vulnerable populations resorted to collective violence.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFE0007173, ucf:52269
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Berrios-Ayala, Mark, Milon, Abby, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Imagine a world where someone's personal information is constantly compromised, where federal government entities AKA Big Brother always knows what anyone is Googling, who an individual is texting, and their emoticons on Twitter. Government entities have been doing this for years; they never cared if they were breaking the law or their moral compass of human dignity. Every day the Federal government blatantly siphons data with programs from the original ECHELON to the new series like PRISM...
Show moreImagine a world where someone's personal information is constantly compromised, where federal government entities AKA Big Brother always knows what anyone is Googling, who an individual is texting, and their emoticons on Twitter. Government entities have been doing this for years; they never cared if they were breaking the law or their moral compass of human dignity. Every day the Federal government blatantly siphons data with programs from the original ECHELON to the new series like PRISM and Xkeyscore so they can keep their tabs on issues that are none of their business; namely, the personal lives of millions. Our allies are taking note; some are learning our bad habits, from Government Communications Headquarters' (GCHQ) mass shadowing sharing plan to America's Russian inspiration, SORM. Some countries are following the United States' poster child pose of a Brave New World like order of global events. Others like Germany are showing their resolve in their disdain for the rise of tyranny. Soon, these new found surveillance troubles will test the resolve of the American Constitution and its nation's strong love and tradition of liberty. Courts are currently at work to resolve how current concepts of liberty and privacy apply to the current conditions facing the privacy of society. It remains to be determined how liberty will be affected as well; liberty for the United States of America, for the European Union, the Russian Federation and for the people of the World in regards to the extent of privacy in today's blurred privacy expectations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFH0004537, ucf:45187
- Format
- Document (PDF)