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- Title
- The Relationship Between Nonprofit Capacity Building, Organizational Learning and Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Strengthening Communities Fund Program in Central Florida.
- Creator
Broxton, Margaret, Kapucu, Naim, Bryer, Thomas, Feldheim, Mary, Rivera, Fernando, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Nonprofit capacity building programs and program activities positively influence perceived organizational effectiveness. Being able to link nonprofit capacity building to organizational effectiveness is a paramount concern for both nonprofits seeking capacity building programming and those entities, be it foundations or government that fund capacity building initiatives and programs. Therefore being able to link nonprofit capacity building to organizational effectiveness and higher...
Show moreNonprofit capacity building programs and program activities positively influence perceived organizational effectiveness. Being able to link nonprofit capacity building to organizational effectiveness is a paramount concern for both nonprofits seeking capacity building programming and those entities, be it foundations or government that fund capacity building initiatives and programs. Therefore being able to link nonprofit capacity building to organizational effectiveness and higher performance is crucial to ensure that both nonprofit organizations and funders continue to pursue and support capacity building programming. Through an examination of the developing hollow state and the resulting nonprofit capacity disparity this study demonstrates the purposeful need for the continuation of nonprofit capacity building programming and the support of such programming through outside private foundation and government funding. Using a conceptual model developed from the literature on organizational learning and change this study examines the impact of capacity building programming, programming activities, organizational learning theory and perceived organizational effectiveness. The influence of the type of capacity building programming, i.e. traditional workshop and traditional workshop plus technical and financial assistance is investigated through the use of quantitative and qualitative methods. Specifically the quantitative methods utilized were descriptive including bi-variate correlation analysis, paired and independent T-tests, ANOVA and multiple regression. The qualitative analysis including examining open-ended survey question responses from two pre-post capacity building intervention surveys and one post program survey and the analysis of comments made in 10 focus groups. The influence of capacity building programming activities, i.e. organizational development, organizational program development, organizational collaboration and organizational leadership is investigated through the use of multiple regression and qualitative analysis. This study uses pre-, post-test survey data from a total of 43 nonprofit organizations that participated in the Strengthening Communities Fund in Central Florida Program, managed by the Center for Public and Nonprofit Management at the University of Central Florida. The two year program was offered in two identical 10 month cycles. Pre- and post-test data were collected from 23 participant organizations in Cycle 1 and 20 in Cycle 2. This study sought to identify the nonprofit capacity building programming modality and programming activities that contributed most to perceived organizational effectiveness. According to the findings, nonprofit organizations seeking capacity building and funders looking to support capacity building programs should look to programs that offer activities that increase organizational leadership capacity and organizational program development. Increasing organizational leadership capacity and organizational program development contributes most to perceived organizational effectiveness. This study did not find support to recommend one particular capacity building training modality over another. Regardless of the method of capacity building program delivery, i.e. workshop and/or technical and financial assistance, programs which build organizational leadership capacity and organizational program development will greatly influence the perceived organizational effectiveness of the capacity building participant organizations.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004361, ucf:49417
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Why do Individuals Act Fairly or Unfairly? An Examination of Psychological and Situational Antecedents of Organizational Justice.
- Creator
Ganegoda, Deshani, Folger, Robert, Ambrose, Maureen, Schminke, Marshall, Latham, Gary, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Most studies on organizational justice have focused on individuals' reactions to justice. As such, a key question has been left largely unanswered: Why do individuals act fairly or unfairly? The present research adopted a person-situation interactionist approach (Trevino, 1986) to examine psychological and situational antecedents of individuals' fair behavior. The social identity model of deindividuation (SIDE; Reicher, Spears, (&) Postmes, 1995) and side-bet theory of continuance commitment ...
Show moreMost studies on organizational justice have focused on individuals' reactions to justice. As such, a key question has been left largely unanswered: Why do individuals act fairly or unfairly? The present research adopted a person-situation interactionist approach (Trevino, 1986) to examine psychological and situational antecedents of individuals' fair behavior. The social identity model of deindividuation (SIDE; Reicher, Spears, (&) Postmes, 1995) and side-bet theory of continuance commitment (Becker, 1960) was used to examine how organizational identification and continuance commitment might influence employees' fair or unfair behavior depending on an organization's justice climate. Based on SIDE, it was hypothesized that organizational identification relates positively to employees' feelings of deindividuation. Based on side-bet theory, it was further hypothesized that employees' continuance commitment relates positively to their adoption of a subordinate role. Both deindividuation and adoption of a subordinate role were argued to make employees more susceptible to external influences and, therefore, make individuals more likely to behave in ways that are normative in a given context. Individuals who have higher levels of continuance commitment and organizational identification were, therefore, argued to engage in fair or unfair behavior depending on the level of the justice climate and the strength of the justice climate of their workgroup. The results of three studies provided support for the majority of hypotheses. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004255, ucf:49498
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Relationship Between Practicing School Counselors' Perceived Organizational Support And Their Service Delivery.
- Creator
Geigel, Vincent, Lambie, Glenn, Van Horn, Stacy, Hopp, Carolyn, Blank, William, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Role ambiguity in school counseling is common; therefore, school counselors deal with issues of role conflict, lack of advocacy, and the assignment of inappropriate duties. The American School Counselor Association (2012) National Model was developed to provide school counselors with a framework for the delivery of appropriate school counseling services to students; however, the National Model is not implemented in all school districts. School counselors' perceived organizational support (POS...
Show moreRole ambiguity in school counseling is common; therefore, school counselors deal with issues of role conflict, lack of advocacy, and the assignment of inappropriate duties. The American School Counselor Association (2012) National Model was developed to provide school counselors with a framework for the delivery of appropriate school counseling services to students; however, the National Model is not implemented in all school districts. School counselors' perceived organizational support (POS) was hypothesizes as possible variable mitigating the adoption of the ASCA National Model. This study examined the relationship between school counselors' in Central Florida perceived organizational support (as measured by the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support [SPOS]) and their school counseling service delivery (as measured by the School Counselor Activity Rating Scale [SCARS]). Descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression (MLR), and Pearson product-moment correlation (two-tailed) analysis were employed to investigate correlations. MLR analysis was applied to the outcome/dependent variable of POS (total mean SPOS score) and predictor/independent variables of school counseling services delivery (five mean SCARS subscale scores). Overall, the five mean SCARS subscale score predicted only 6.1% of the variance in the school counselors' mean SPOS scores. In addition, none of the five mean SCARS subscale scores had a statistically significant beta coefficient.Moreover, the results identified that school counselors at the elementary school level had higher POS, SCARS consultation, SCARS curriculum, and SCARS other scores than middle and high school counselors. Furthermore, the school counselors with more experience and not working at Title I schools had lower SCARS counseling scores. The school counselors reporting an older age and with a larger counselor-to-student ratio also had higher SCARS curriculum scores.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFE0004999, ucf:49557
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
McCardle, Jie, Ambrose, Maureen, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to investigate both individual and structural factors in predicting workplace deviance. Deviant workplace behavior is a prevailing and costly phenomenon in organizations. It includes a wide range of negative acts conducted by employees to harm the organization and its members. In the first section, I conducted a comprehensive literature review. In the review, I first review the current state of research on the relationship between organizational justice and...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to investigate both individual and structural factors in predicting workplace deviance. Deviant workplace behavior is a prevailing and costly phenomenon in organizations. It includes a wide range of negative acts conducted by employees to harm the organization and its members. In the first section, I conducted a comprehensive literature review. In the review, I first review the current state of research on the relationship between organizational justice and workplace deviance by presenting the various theoretical frameworks, as well as empirical findings. Next, I summarize existing research patterns and identify research challenges that must be overcome in order to advance our understanding of this topic. Finally, I offer future directions researchers should undertake in justice-deviance research. Specifically, I suggest the development of more comprehensive models that include potential moderators and mediators that may better explain how and why justice judgments can lead to deviant behaviors and when the negative effect is most damaging. In the second section, I developed a theoretical model that proposes the relationship between organizational justice, organizational structure (centralization and organicity), employee perceived powerlessness, information salience about each type of justice, and workplace deviance. In the third section, I tested the model and presented the findings. Results of HLM analysis show that (1) organizational justice, perceived powerlessness, and centralization exert direct effects on workplace deviance, (2) organicity exerts direct effects on justice information salience; (3) perceived powerlessness partially mediates the relationship between centralization and organizational deviance; (4) information salience of procedural justice strengthens the effects of procedural justice on interpersonal deviance. Conclusions are drawn from the theory and findings, highlighting implications for future workplace deviance and organizational behavior research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001975, ucf:47470
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Implementing Sustainability Initiatives: A Study of U.S. Local Governments.
- Creator
Lebredo, Nick, Kapucu, Naim, Wang, Xiaohu, Hawkins, Christopher, Knox, Claire, Rivera, Fernando, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Sustainability has been framed by the World Commission on Environment and Development as a fundamental concept in human society and by Fiorino (2010) as a critical conceptual focus for public administration over the next decade. A large number of U.S. local governments have implemented sustainability initiatives. Nevertheless, relatively few studies have comprehensively examined sustainability implementation by local governments.This study makes a concerted effort to examine sustainability...
Show moreSustainability has been framed by the World Commission on Environment and Development as a fundamental concept in human society and by Fiorino (2010) as a critical conceptual focus for public administration over the next decade. A large number of U.S. local governments have implemented sustainability initiatives. Nevertheless, relatively few studies have comprehensively examined sustainability implementation by local governments.This study makes a concerted effort to examine sustainability implementation in U.S. local governments, which have taken the lead in many areas of sustainability. This study also develops a capacity building model to empirically evaluate how organizational strategies and capacities influence sustainability practices at the local level of government through a national survey of U.S. cities with populations over 50,000.The results show that cities are most successful in implementing sustainability initiatives if they develop proper technical, financial, and, particularly, managerial capacities and if they pursue primarily external, bottom-up, more participative, citizen or stakeholder driven strategies. These results suggest a public manager road map for sustainability implementation. From a theoretical perspective, the capacity building model adopted in this study provides a relatively powerful explanation of sustainability implementation, which demonstrates the value of a capacity building model in further studying sustainability implementation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004337, ucf:49444
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Muniz, Elizabeth, Dipboye, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The United States' (U.S.) workforce is more diverse than in previous decades in terms of race, gender, and native language (Fay, 2001). Such demographic shifts have changed how organizations attract applicants and how they motivate, reward, and retain employees (McAdams, 2001). Furthermore, organizations benefit from diversity by: (a) attracting the best talent available in the workforce (Cox, 1993), (b) increasing their product marketability to customers (Deshpande, Hoyer, & Donthu, 1986...
Show moreThe United States' (U.S.) workforce is more diverse than in previous decades in terms of race, gender, and native language (Fay, 2001). Such demographic shifts have changed how organizations attract applicants and how they motivate, reward, and retain employees (McAdams, 2001). Furthermore, organizations benefit from diversity by: (a) attracting the best talent available in the workforce (Cox, 1993), (b) increasing their product marketability to customers (Deshpande, Hoyer, & Donthu, 1986; Redding, 1982), and (c) fostering creativity, innovation, problem solving, and decision making in employees (Thomas, 1999; Thomas, Ravlin, & Wallace, 1996; Watson, Kumar, & Michaelsen, 1993). Given such benefits, organizations should attend to initiatives that facilitate the attraction of applicants from diverse backgrounds. Research has demonstrated that applicants use information about human resource systems, such as rewards, to form judgments about the perceived fit between them and the organization (Bretz & Judge, 1994; Schneider, 1987). For instance, organizations with policies accommodating work and family issues attract applicants preferring such benefits. Because reward systems influence applicants' opinions about the relative attractiveness of organizations (Lawler, 2000), it is important to determine the factors that influence such preferences. Motivation theories, such as the Theory of Reasoned Action, suggest that preferences toward reward systems are guided by individuals' values (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Vroom, 1964). Such values, in turn, cause differences in reward preferences and organizational attraction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of individuals' cultural values to the attraction of organizations offering different kinds of reward systems. More specifically, it sought to test three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 predicted that there would be a two-way interaction between collectivism and the type of organization on organizational attraction. Hypothesis 2 predicted that there would be a two-way interaction between individualism and the type of organization on organizational attraction. Hypothesis 3 predicted that there would be a positive relation between collectivism and subjective norms used in organizational attraction. To test the three hypotheses, data from 228 participants were analyzed to evaluate their level of attractiveness to two different types of organizations (i.e., career-oriented vs. family-oriented). Findings for the test of Hypothesis 1 indicated that there was a joint effect between collectivism and the type of organization on organizational attraction. The slopes of the regression lines for each type of organization (i.e., family-oriented and career-oriented) differed as a function of collectivism. The slope of the regression line for the family-oriented organization was steeper than the slope of the regression line for the career-oriented organization. Results for the test of Hypothesis 2 indicated a joint effect between individualism and the type of organization on organizational attraction. The slopes of the regression lines for each type of organization (i.e., family-oriented and career-oriented) differed as a function of individualism. The slope of the regression line for the career-oriented organization was steeper than the slope of the regression line for the family-oriented organization. Findings for the test of Hypothesis 3 showed that collectivism was related to subjective norms. Results indicated that the more collective the individual, the higher the subjective norms. In addition, supplementary analysis showed that individualism was not related to subjective norms. Taken together, results from the tests of the three hypotheses support components of the Theory of Reasoned Action, and the premise that values are a factor related to an individual's attraction to a particular organization. The current study showed that the cross-cultural values of individualism and collectivism help predict organizational attraction. Based on these results, practical implications, contributions to theory, study limitations, and future research are discussed for designing organizational attraction strategies for a culturally diverse workforce.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Identifier
- CFE0001859, ucf:47395
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Johnson, Catherine, Upchurch, Randall, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Employee motivation shall be defined by Robbins (as cited in Ramlall, 2004) as: "the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort's ability to satisfy some individual need." To engage in the practice of motivating employees, employers must understand the unsatisfied needs of each of the employee groups. This study desires to provide practitioners in the restaurant industry the ability to recognize motivators for these different employment...
Show moreEmployee motivation shall be defined by Robbins (as cited in Ramlall, 2004) as: "the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals, conditioned by the effort's ability to satisfy some individual need." To engage in the practice of motivating employees, employers must understand the unsatisfied needs of each of the employee groups. This study desires to provide practitioners in the restaurant industry the ability to recognize motivators for these different employment groups and their relationship to organizational commitment. The restaurant industry consists of two types of employees: salaried and hourly. This study focuses on hourly employees, and their subdivision: tipped employees. For the purpose of this research hourly employees shall be defined as employees that depend on their hourly wage as their main source of income and tipped employees shall be defined as employees that depend on the receipt of tips as their main source of income. The purpose of this study desires to provide practitioners in the restaurant industry a comparison and analysis of employee motivation between the two employment groups and their level of organizational commitment. After formulating a thorough research review, a questionnaire instrument was assembled. The sample for this study was a convenience sample consisting of 104 restaurant hourly tipped and non-tipped, front of the house personnel employed in a single branded, national restaurant chain located in the metropolitan area of Orlando, Florida. The research instrument was a survey questionnaire instrument comprised of three sections: 1.) twelve motivational factors derived from Kovach (1995), 2.) nine questions from the reduced OCQ from Mowday, Steers, and Porter (1979), and a section concerning demographic information of gender, age, race, education level, marital status, job type and tenure in the industry. Results from the study revealed that firstly, all of the employees in this thesis study felt that management loyalty was the most important motivating factor; secondly, intrinsic motivation factors were more important to non-tipped hourly employees; thirdly, gender had a strong influence in half of the motivating factors; fourthly, promotion and career development was found to be more important to non-tipped employees; lastly, overall mostly medium positive relationships were found between employee motivation and organizational commitment. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed in the final chapter.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000847, ucf:46655
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Cochran, Larry, Maiden, Paul, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
As the speed of change increases, federal agencies are challenged more often to develop and implement improvements to existing programs, new programs to meet new needs, or adjustments to programs based on changed circumstances of delivery. Built on the foundation of systems theory, expectancy theory, and field theory, this research seeks to explain why some managers do not propose changes in their organizations---even when the very survival of the organization is at risk. By measuring the...
Show moreAs the speed of change increases, federal agencies are challenged more often to develop and implement improvements to existing programs, new programs to meet new needs, or adjustments to programs based on changed circumstances of delivery. Built on the foundation of systems theory, expectancy theory, and field theory, this research seeks to explain why some managers do not propose changes in their organizations---even when the very survival of the organization is at risk. By measuring the fields of influence encountered by managers, we find that the chain of command is supportive of change initiatives. Other organizational elements--human resources and legal staff were measured in this research--are, in general, indifferent about the managers' effort to change. Employees, on the other hand, are strongly opposed to any change with even minimal impact on their work habits and conditions. Based on a survey of 201 managers of Army morale, welfare and recreation activities worldwide, this research views the climate for change from the perspective of the activity manager. There are general findings, along with detailed analysis, that support the need for a change to the environment itself. Executives charged with reviewing and approving activity-initiated changes may find this study useful in developing implementation strategies. Managers may take comfort in knowing that their environment is highly consistent with the experiences of other managers. Support staff--particularly legal and human resources offices--may find the perceptions of managers to be incongruent with the service objectives. We hope that everyone can find enlightenment, or perhaps confirmation of their own experiences, in the responses of these managers, and can use this information productively in the management of their areas of responsibility.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Identifier
- CFE0001004, ucf:46834
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bencaz, Nicholas, Jentsch, Kimberly, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Mentoring in the workplace has become an increasingly popular trend because of its touted success at addressing the career and social related needs of employees. While the majority of the research on mentoring has examined protégé benefits, far fewer studies have examined the potential negative effects of mentoring. Moreover, little is known about the antecedents of negative mentoring experiences. A primary objective of the present study was to investigate relations between...
Show moreMentoring in the workplace has become an increasingly popular trend because of its touted success at addressing the career and social related needs of employees. While the majority of the research on mentoring has examined protégé benefits, far fewer studies have examined the potential negative effects of mentoring. Moreover, little is known about the antecedents of negative mentoring experiences. A primary objective of the present study was to investigate relations between mentor and protégé perceptions of organizational politics and reports of functional and dysfunctional mentoring. In addition, I examined the joint contribution of functional and dysfunctional mentoring to a number of protégé outcomes. Data were collected from 93 mentor-protégé dyads employed across the United States by a marketing communications business. Results indicated that mentors who perceived their climate to be more political expressed greater motivation to mentor for their own self-enhancement and lesser motivation to mentor for their own intrinsic satisfaction. Protégés who perceived their climate to be more political reported a greater incidence of dysfunctional mentoring. Protégé reports of the functional mentoring they received accounted for unique variance in predicting supervisor ratings of their performance, whereas dysfunctional mentoring accounted for unique variance in predicting turnover intentions, stress, and job satisfaction. The results of this study broaden our understanding of the manner in which mentoring relationships can go awry.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Identifier
- CFE0002195, ucf:47923
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Kelton, Kathryn, McGee, Janet, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research study was conducted to determine whether teachersÃÂ' perceptions of climate within a school had a significant influence on the dimensions that support a community of professional learners. Teachers from ten middle schools in one central Florida school district completed a combined survey design which included questions pertaining to both climate characteristics and Professional Learning Community (PLC) dimensions. Foundational theories regarding both...
Show moreThis research study was conducted to determine whether teachersÃÂ' perceptions of climate within a school had a significant influence on the dimensions that support a community of professional learners. Teachers from ten middle schools in one central Florida school district completed a combined survey design which included questions pertaining to both climate characteristics and Professional Learning Community (PLC) dimensions. Foundational theories regarding both learning organizations and organizational climate were explored. Recent research on the development of professional learning communities and school climate was also examined. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed to investigate each research question; these statistics included Spearman rho correlations, multiple regressions, and chi-square analyses. Findings demonstrated that the null hypotheses were rejected or partially rejected for each research question. Significant relationships were found between teachersÃÂ' perceptions of school climate and the dimensions of a PLC. Of the demographic variables, only years of teaching experience was found to be not significantly related to the school climate dimensions. The implications of these results validate the importance of building a climate of supportive principal behavior and committed and collegial teacher behaviors, as demonstrated by the significant relationship of these characteristics to schools exhibiting higher degrees of the dimensions that constitute a PLC. Educational stakeholders wishing to develop schools into job-embedded communities of learners with evidence of the five dimensions (shared leadership, shared vision, collective creativity, peer review and supportive conditions) must attend to developing the climate behaviors necessary for that to occur. As demonstrated by the research results, establishing an appropriate school climate that promotes professional interaction, support, and teacher commitment to students is a strong place to begin.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003333, ucf:48460
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Bur, Marsha, Bozeman, William, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examined the practices of Title I elementary school principals in the state of Florida for the school year 2009 - 2010. Elementary school principals in six Florida school districts responded to a survey to determine the extent of implementation of instructional and organizational practices identified by research to improve instruction and learning. The practices (sub-constructs) examined were identified as curriculum, instruction, assessment, educational agenda (vision, mission,...
Show moreThis study examined the practices of Title I elementary school principals in the state of Florida for the school year 2009 - 2010. Elementary school principals in six Florida school districts responded to a survey to determine the extent of implementation of instructional and organizational practices identified by research to improve instruction and learning. The practices (sub-constructs) examined were identified as curriculum, instruction, assessment, educational agenda (vision, mission, beliefs, goals), leadership for school improvement, community building, and culture of continuous improvement. The results of this study indicated that participating Florida Title I principals believed that they were implementing effective instructional and organizational practices in their schools. Despite this belief, all but two of the schools represented in the results, failed to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) for school year 2009 - 2010. The analysis of the responses indicated a negative, but not statistically significant, correlation between self-reported scores and AYP percentage points earned. These results warrant further study to determine if the reported indicators can be verified by observation or other personnel. Within the limits of this study, the negative correlation suggested that school principals should examine their practices related to instructional and organizational effectiveness for fidelity and stakeholder buy-in. Principals must not only believe that these practices are evident, they must verify them through constant monitoring and quantitative measures.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFE0003632, ucf:48864
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Successful Organizational Change: Aligning Change Type with Methods.
- Creator
Al-Haddad, Serina, Kotnour, Timothy, Mollaghasemi, Mansooreh, Hoekstra, Robert, Diaz, Rey, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The motivation behind this research is the prevalence of challenges and ambiguity associated with successful organizational change and the numerous available approaches in dealing with these challenges and ambiguity.Many definitions and methods have been suggested to manage change; however, organizations still report a high failure rate of their change initiatives. These high failure rates highlight the continuing need for research and investigation, and imply a lack of a valid framework for...
Show moreThe motivation behind this research is the prevalence of challenges and ambiguity associated with successful organizational change and the numerous available approaches in dealing with these challenges and ambiguity.Many definitions and methods have been suggested to manage change; however, organizations still report a high failure rate of their change initiatives. These high failure rates highlight the continuing need for research and investigation, and imply a lack of a valid framework for managing successful organizational change. This dissertation critically reviews the concept of having one change approach as the (")silver-bullet("). In pursuit of this goal, this research contributes a roadmap to the change management literature and provides definitions for describing change types, change methods and change outcomes. This dissertation also develops a conceptual model that proposes relationships and connections between the change types, change method and change outcomes that is assumed to enable successful change. To validate the research conceptual model, two hypotheses were developed and a self-administered survey was created and administered (paper survey and online). The respondents were professionals involved in change projects in the Central Florida region. The unit of analysis in this research was a completed change project. Respondents were asked to complete the survey for two different projects: a successful project and an unsuccessful project. Statistical processes were applied to verify the conceptual model and test the research hypotheses.Based on the data collected, exploratory factor analysis was used to verify the validity and reliability of the conceptual model measures. Results of the hypotheses testing revealed that there are relationships between the complexity of the change type and the use of change methods that significantly relate to successful change. The results also revealed that the alignment of the change type and change methods significantly relates to successful change.From the viewpoint of change project managers, the results of this dissertation have confirmed that the complexity of the change project type negatively correlates with change success and the increased use of change methods positively correlates with change success. The results also confirmed that the methods that highly correlate to change success address the following: (a) the situation that needs changing, (b) the proper implementation of change, (c) the establishment of suitable plans and controls to sustain change, and (d) the presence of a credible team leader who influences the major decisions during the change project.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFE0005121, ucf:50691
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- From Sisters to CEO's: Defining Organizational Rhetoric in a Case Study of Social Sorority Bylaws.
- Creator
Rood, Paige, Roozen, Kevin, Holic, Nathan, Jones, Natasha, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Organizational Rhetoric is typically used in the fields of Communication and Mass Communication to examine the communicative strategies that animate businesses and corporate organizations. This study aims to give a more rhetorically focused definition of organizational rhetoric by emphasizing how communicative acts structure action and shape the construction of identity in settings beyond formal workplaces. Based on an analysis of the social sorority bylaws of Kappa Alpha Theta and the...
Show moreOrganizational Rhetoric is typically used in the fields of Communication and Mass Communication to examine the communicative strategies that animate businesses and corporate organizations. This study aims to give a more rhetorically focused definition of organizational rhetoric by emphasizing how communicative acts structure action and shape the construction of identity in settings beyond formal workplaces. Based on an analysis of the social sorority bylaws of Kappa Alpha Theta and the rhetorical situations those bylaws address, this study suggests that social sororities employ organizational rhetoric as an effective means of persuading their members to be active participants within the organization. Ultimately, the analysis argues that the rhetoric employed by social sororities mimics the typified, effective rhetorical moves of an organization to shape the agency and identities of their members.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFE0005993, ucf:50784
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Antecedents of Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry.
- Creator
Shapoval, Valeriya, Pizam, Abraham, Murphy, Kevin, Kwun, David, Wang, Chung-Ching, Joseph, Dana, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
It is a general policy in the hotel industry that all the service should be provided in the friendly and a professional manner. The first smile of a front desk clerk or a wait staff can make a difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty. A service quality is becoming more important with increase of competitiveness among hotels and hotel brands. A process of regulating positive emotions for an organization is called Emotional Labor (EL) (Grandey, 2000). While essential for the hospitality...
Show moreIt is a general policy in the hotel industry that all the service should be provided in the friendly and a professional manner. The first smile of a front desk clerk or a wait staff can make a difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty. A service quality is becoming more important with increase of competitiveness among hotels and hotel brands. A process of regulating positive emotions for an organization is called Emotional Labor (EL) (Grandey, 2000). While essential for the hospitality industry, empirical research on EL is very limited, and research on EL during stressful situations is almost nonexistent. To reduce the gap in the prior research, this study is looking into dynamics of a perceived organizational and customer (in) justice as a stress factor on an employee's EL and subsequent job satisfaction. To further understand dynamics of the proposed model, variables such as a gender and intensity of interaction were used as moderating effects. This study extended research done by Spencer and Rupp (2006, 2009) on employees' perceived customer injustice and its effects on employees' EL. This study drew on fairness, effective events, referent cognition, social exchange and action theories to explain why individuals' EL is impacted by injustice extended by guests and organization. Four types of organizational justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal and informational) were used in this research. The results of the study indicated that employees EL (effort, dissonance) increases with increased effects of distributive (in) justice. EL dissonance had a significant negative effect on job satisfaction and EL effort had a significant positive effect on a job satisfaction. Finally, procedural (in) justice and informational (in) justice had a higher effects on male employees rather than their female counterparts. Since this study is first to explore effects of four facets of organizational (in) justice on employees EL, job satisfaction and gender as moderating effects, this study offers multiple theoretical and managerial implication for evaluation of EL and its antecedents in the hospitality industry.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFE0006393, ucf:51505
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Unintentionally unethical: How uncivil leaders violate norms and hurt group performance.
- Creator
Coultas, Christopher, Salas, Eduardo, Salazar, Maritza, Burke, Shawn, Fritzsche, Barbara, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Incivility is a common form of low-grade aggression that lacks a clear intent to harm, that violates community norms and values for interpersonal conduct, and is often chronic in nature (Andersson (&) Pearson, 1999; Cortina, Magley, Williams, (&) Langhout, 2001). Because of its subtleties, it is difficult at times to detect and even more difficult to prevent. However, it is an essential phenomenon to research, due to its ubiquity and negative impact on worker outcomes such as job satisfaction...
Show moreIncivility is a common form of low-grade aggression that lacks a clear intent to harm, that violates community norms and values for interpersonal conduct, and is often chronic in nature (Andersson (&) Pearson, 1999; Cortina, Magley, Williams, (&) Langhout, 2001). Because of its subtleties, it is difficult at times to detect and even more difficult to prevent. However, it is an essential phenomenon to research, due to its ubiquity and negative impact on worker outcomes such as job satisfaction and psychological health (Cortina et al., 2001). Incivility instigated by those in authority may be an even bigger problem, due to victims' fear of retaliation in the event that they choose to report the incivility (Estes (&) Wang, 2008). Furthermore, as the global economy shrinks and intercultural interactions become the rule rather than the exception, the norms for (")good interpersonal conduct(") become blurred, leading to even greater and more frequent incivility (Milam, Spitzmueller, (&) Penney, 2009; Pearson (&) Porath, 2005). Yet while it logically follows that incivility may be defined differently across different cultures, little research has been done on this topic. Furthermore, it is unclear how to (")fix(") the incivility problem in the workplace. Pearson and Porath (2005) suggested that organizational norms strongly endorsing civility could mitigate the occurrence of workplace incivility. The purpose of this research is to test the effects of internal cultural values and external group norms on perceptions of and reactions to leader incivility in a group setting.To test this, I manipulated leader incivility, cultural values, and group civility norms in a laboratory setting. Participants were exposed to a cultural value prime in which they were primed to endorse either high or low power distance values. Then, in a group setting, participants were presented with either a pro-civility or neutral group norm, and proceeded to engage in a groupivdiscussion with a confederate leader. This confederate leader was inconspicuously selected from among the participants and followed a script in which he consistently engaged in incivility towards both group members while conducting the group discussion. After completing the group discussion, the leader left for leader training and the participants engaged in an interdependent business simulation. At periodic segments throughout the experiment, I assessed participants' affective states as well as their perceptions of interactional justice and intragroup conflict.Regression analyses generally supported hypotheses regarding the moderating effect of values on perceptions of and reactions to incivility. Power distance predicted individuals' assessment of justice in the face of leader incivility; the interaction effect of power distance values and civility norms approached (but did not achieve) significance. Justice perceptions were strongly negatively correlated with participants' experience of anger; anger was found to mediate the relationship between participants' justice assessments (when the leader was present) and their perceptions of intragroup conflict (when the leader was absent). Power distance values and civility norms both moderated the relationship between anger and individual-level perception of intragroup conflict. At the group level of analysis, relationship conflict negatively predicted group performance, but task conflict positively predicted group performance, when there were pro-civility norms in place. These findings have implications for diverse organizations attempting to promote justice, harmony, and civility within their organizations. Incivility is a nuanced phenomenon and one that is perceived and responded to differently across individuals. Cultural values play a role, but so do organizational norms. Future research is needed to explore further the interactive effects of cultural values and organizational norms, and how organizations can leverage these to prevent the occurrence and negative consequences of workplace incivility.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFE0004667, ucf:49899
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Evans, Amanda, House, Jess, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to assess the perceptions of social workers employed in Florida hospitals in relation to the core values of their profession and the alignment of those values within the culture of their current work setting. The conceptual framework for the study was from organizational behavior theory specific to culture, values, and trust. The Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999) provided a method to distinguish co-existing competing values within an organization....
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to assess the perceptions of social workers employed in Florida hospitals in relation to the core values of their profession and the alignment of those values within the culture of their current work setting. The conceptual framework for the study was from organizational behavior theory specific to culture, values, and trust. The Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999) provided a method to distinguish co-existing competing values within an organization. The research findings indicated that 65% of the professional social workers who participated in the study perceived that the core values of their profession are very much in alignment with the written mission statement of their hospital. However, less than half of the respondents (42%) stated the daily business of the hospital strongly reflected the mission statement. The social workers perceived the current culture of hospitals in Florida as being closely clustered among four cultures: clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy. However, they would prefer a stronger clan culture and less of a market culture in the future. A large majority (85%) of all respondents communicated that their work assignments allowed them to demonstrate their professional values on a regular basis. However, only 63% stated that they trusted that their hospital valued the knowledge and skills of their profession.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Identifier
- CFE0000866, ucf:46673
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Hughes, Ian M, Jex, Steve, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
There is a void that exists within the discretionary behavior literature as it pertains to the counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) relationship, respectively. The present study examined the moderating effects of moral identity on the relationship between CWB and OCB. In addition, exploratory analyses using moral identity sub-dimensions, organizational fairness, and job satisfaction were conducted. The study recruited 254 participants using MTurk...
Show moreThere is a void that exists within the discretionary behavior literature as it pertains to the counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) relationship, respectively. The present study examined the moderating effects of moral identity on the relationship between CWB and OCB. In addition, exploratory analyses using moral identity sub-dimensions, organizational fairness, and job satisfaction were conducted. The study recruited 254 participants using MTurk. Using moderated multiple regression, a moderating effect for internalization (a moral identity sub-dimension) was revealed for the relationship between the organizational sub-dimensions of CWB and OCB. Other moderation analyses proved to be non-significant. Theoretical and practical implications of results are discussed. Future research should implement a longitudinal design to help determine causality for the moderation finding, as the current study used cross-sectional data. Findings from this study could be used to help fill the CWB to OCB literature void previously mentioned.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2019
- Identifier
- CFH2000535, ucf:45684
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Caldwell, James, Schminke, Marshall, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
ABSTRACT The vast majority of behavioral ethical research focuses on the antecedents of unethical behavior. Consequently, questions involving the consequences of organizational unethical behavior remain largely unanswered. Therefore, extant business ethics research largely neglects the impacts of organizational unethical behavior on individuals. Moreover, questions involving what organizations can do to correct or recover from having engaged in unethical behavior as well as individual...
Show moreABSTRACT The vast majority of behavioral ethical research focuses on the antecedents of unethical behavior. Consequently, questions involving the consequences of organizational unethical behavior remain largely unanswered. Therefore, extant business ethics research largely neglects the impacts of organizational unethical behavior on individuals. Moreover, questions involving what organizations can do to correct or recover from having engaged in unethical behavior as well as individual responses to those efforts are also mostly ignored. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of unethical activity on employees and explore organizations that have failed ethically and their attempts at recovery. This study explores two issues. First, how do employees react to organizational unethical behavior (OUB) and to what extent are those reactions dependent on contextual and individual factors? Second, to what extent can organizations recover from the negative impacts of ethical failure? More specifically, is it possible for organizations that fail in their ethical responsibilities to recover such that they are paradoxically "better-off" than their counterparts that never failed in the first place? To explore these issues I review, integrate and draw upon the ethical decision-making and service failure recovery literatures for theoretical support. Empirical testing included two studies. The first was a field study using survey data acquired from the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) in which over 29,000 participants were asked about their perceptions of ethics at work. Second, a supplemental field study was conducted in which 100 employees rated the characteristics of unethical acts (e.g. severity). Results revealed a negative direct effect of severity and controllability of the OUB on perceptions of organizational ethicality and a negative direct effect of controllability of the OUB on organizational satisfaction. Ethical context moderated the relationship between OUB controllability and perceived organizational ethicality. Partial support was found for the moderating effects of ethical context on the relationship between OUB severity and perceived organizational ethicality. Results also supported an ethical failure recovery paradox.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Identifier
- CFE0002655, ucf:48243
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sahin, Ismail, Wan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Supply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. As with other public organizations, the performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social...
Show moreSupply reduction efforts by drug law enforcement departments are a significant factor in improving the effectiveness of drug control policies. As with other public organizations, the performance of drug law enforcement departments is one of the most important concerns for policy makers. Therefore, improving the performance of these departments is crucial in order for governments to constrict illegal drug markets and prevent illegal drug distribution. The literature suggests that social capital may have significant implications for policy makers and practitioners in terms of enhancing organizational performance.Social capital has recently been examined at the organizational level. It may contribute to organizational effectiveness by increasing motivation, solving coordination problems, facilitating information flow between individuals and organizations, and developing knowledge within organizations. Because of the nature of the work, drug law enforcement departments or agencies require information sharing, cooperation, and motivation, all possible derivatives of social capital.Using a measurement model of organizational social capital, this study examines relationships among three dimensions of organizational social capital. The influence of social capital on the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments is investigated using structural equation modeling. Possible correlations among these dimensions or domains of organizational social capital are also empirically tested.Using survey data from 12 city law enforcement departments in Turkey, this study examines three social capital dimensions: (1) the structural dimension, concerning the extent to which officers within a department informally interact with each other; (2) the relational dimension, referring to the normative qualities of relationships among officers, such as trust and reciprocity; and (3) the cognitive dimension, reflected by shared language, shared interpretation, and shared vision.Four research hypotheses were tested and supported by the statistical results. The studyÃÂ's findings indicate that the relational and cognitive social capital variables have a direct and positive relationship with the perceived performance of drug law enforcement departments. Relational and cognitive social capital, as latent constructs, were shown to have a strong relationship with organizational performance. Structural social capital, however, does not have a direct relationship with but may indirectly influence performance. This result indicates that structural social capital may influence organizational performance only indirectly, through its joint influence with two other social capital domains. On the other hand, strong and positive intercorrelations were found among the three dimensions. The results suggest that social capital is essential for drug law enforcement departments because police officers who know, understand, and trust each other are more likely to work together efficiently and effectively towards achieving organizational performance.According to the findings, informal structures shaped by informal relations among officers within the departments may also be an important factor for organizational performance. Investing in the development of social interactions and networks and building trust within organizations is important in order for administrators to improve organizational performance. The results of this conceptually grounded and empirical study suggest that drug law enforcement departments or agencies should pay close attention to promoting social capital among officers in order to fight effectively against drug trafficking.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2010
- Identifier
- CFE0003182, ucf:48601
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Three Studies Examining The Effects of Informal Management Control Systems and Incentive Compensation Schemes on Employees' Performance.
- Creator
Akinyele, Kazeem, Arnold, Vicky, Sutton, Steven, Tian, Yu, Libby, Theresa, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This dissertation is comprised of three studies investigating the effects of informal management control systems (MCS) and different types of incentive compensation schemes on employees' performance. Prior research describes informal MCS as implicit sets of structures that management adopts to encourage employees to act in a way that aligns with overall organizational goals (Berry et al. 2009). Management usually puts informal MCS in place to inspire self-regulation behaviors among employees;...
Show moreThis dissertation is comprised of three studies investigating the effects of informal management control systems (MCS) and different types of incentive compensation schemes on employees' performance. Prior research describes informal MCS as implicit sets of structures that management adopts to encourage employees to act in a way that aligns with overall organizational goals (Berry et al. 2009). Management usually puts informal MCS in place to inspire self-regulation behaviors among employees; hence, management may not reward or penalize employee behavior that is consistent or inconsistent with this informal MCS (Berry et al. 2009; Christ et al. 2008). Informal controls are implied by social pressures, such as employees' feedback, and management communication, such as a value statement or the organizational culture, where no explicit enforcement measures exist (Berry et al. 2009; Kachelmeier, Thornock and Williamson 2015). The first study examines whether the presence of a value statement (an informal MCS) can be used to motivate employees to perform important, but uncompensated subsequent tasks. The second study extends the first study by examining whether the interactive method of delivery of a value statement (informal MCS) can be used in conjunction with an incentive scheme to improve employees' performance. Lastly, the third study investigates the impact of an important aspect of organizational context, specifically organizational culture (informal MCS), and different types of incentive compensation schemes on strategy surrogation. The first study investigates whether the presence of a value statement (an informal MCS) can be used to motivate employees to perform important, but uncompensated tasks. Additionally, this study seeks to examine the type of incentive scheme that will result in the highest subsequent uncompensated task performance in the presence of an organizational value statement. Considering that incentive contracts cannot completely govern all the employees' responsibilities (Christ, Emett, Summers and Wood 2012), this study investigates how employees will perform their important but uncompensated tasks. The study shows that under fixed pay compensation, the presence of a value statement improves the performance of employees compared to the absence of a value statement. Conversely, under a piece rate incentive compensation, the presence of a value statement negatively influences the performance of employees in the important but uncompensated task. The study also shows that the intrinsic motivation of employees operating under piece rate compensation is more likely to be crowded out by their incentive pay relative to employees operating under a fixed wage. The second study examines whether the interactive method of delivery of a value statement (informal MCS) through electronic integration can be used in conjunction with an incentive scheme to improve employees' performance. Prior research shows that effectiveness of incentive systems is influenced by the presence or absence of a nonbinding value statement in the organization. A value statement is a declaration that communicates an organization's priorities and core beliefs to its customers and employees. Drawing upon the mere-exposure effect, the results of the study show that the employees who experience the interactive delivery of a value statement do not perform significantly better than employees who experience the passive delivery of a value statement. However, employees who receive a piece-rate incentive perform significantly better than employees who receive a fixed pay incentive. As predicted, the method of delivery of an organizational value statement moderates the effectiveness of a fixed pay incentive scheme.The third study draws upon the theory of inattentional blindness to investigate whether different types of organizational culture, control dominant or flexibility dominant, impacts strategy surrogation. Strategy surrogation occurs when managers focus on the measures in the SPMS on which they are compensated and completely or partially lose focus on the overall strategic objectives of the organization (Choi et al. 2012, 2013). Organizational culture is defined as a set of dominant values, beliefs, and assumptions that governs how people behave in organizations (Henri 2006). The results of the study show that there is no significant difference between employees operating under a control-dominant culture and employees operating under a flexibility-dominant culture. Similarly, the type of organizational culture does not moderate the relationship between incentive systems and strategy surrogation. However, employees operating under a pay-for-performance compensation scheme significantly surrogate more than employees operating under a fixed pay compensation scheme.Collectively these studies contribute to management accounting research by examining how different types of informal MCS such as organizational value statement and organizational culture interact with incentive compensation scheme. Specifically, these three studies highlight how and when we can use informal MCS to improve employees' performance as well as their decision making in the organization. Study one contributes to research and practice by highlighting situations where a pay-for-performance incentive scheme may result in unintended consequences. Study two contributes to the management control literature by demonstrating how utilizing technology can enhance the delivery of an organization's value statement and ultimately improve employees' performance. Study three contributes to the incentives and organizational culture literature as well as strategy surrogation research by examining institutional factors that may inhibit or exacerbate surrogation.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFE0006850, ucf:51783
- Format
- Document (PDF)