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Free trade: An address delivered before the Democratic Association of Brussels, Belgium, January 9, 1848.
Marx, Karl, Engels, Friedrich, Kelley, Florence
Date Issued
358384, CFDT358384, ucf:5209
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Warshofsky, Mia R, Dolan, Thomas, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
As European colonialism was the dominant system of long-distance governance and resource appropriation for centuries, its economic legacies are diverse albeit understated. The existing research looks mainly at the effects of colonialism on a former colony's internal development. This study broadens that scope, looking at which factors are correlated with the presence or absence of a trade agreement with the European Union as well as the number of restrictions to free trade within them. This...
Show moreAs European colonialism was the dominant system of long-distance governance and resource appropriation for centuries, its economic legacies are diverse albeit understated. The existing research looks mainly at the effects of colonialism on a former colony's internal development. This study broadens that scope, looking at which factors are correlated with the presence or absence of a trade agreement with the European Union as well as the number of restrictions to free trade within them. This was carried out through four large-n regressions. The first compared current former- and non-colony trading partners. The second narrowed the scope by comparing only former colonies. The third measured the number of restrictions among all current European Union trade agreements. The fourth measured trade restrictions among former colonies. The results are that various identity, developmental and intuitional variables are correlated with the existence of trade deals and the number of restrictions they contain.
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Date Issued
CFH2000185, ucf:46014
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Fischer, Mark, Dolan, Christopher, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
This study briefly examined the terrorist attacks that occurred between the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that occurred on September 11, 2001. Specifically, this study examines the reactions of the public and press to the attacks on the military barracks in Riyadh, the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Zambia and Kenya, and the attack on the U.S.S Cole in Yemen. This study examines the effect public opinion had on...
Show moreThis study briefly examined the terrorist attacks that occurred between the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that occurred on September 11, 2001. Specifically, this study examines the reactions of the public and press to the attacks on the military barracks in Riyadh, the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Zambia and Kenya, and the attack on the U.S.S Cole in Yemen. This study examines the effect public opinion had on the President and Congress and their reactions to the public pressure. The primary purpose of this thesis is to briefly examine the reactions of Presidents and Congress to the attacks on Americans at home and abroad, and that effect on their efforts to prevent further attacks on the United States. Did the President use his office to activate and motivate public officials and the public to the dangers of terrorist attacks? Was the public effective in persuading Congress to enact legislation to increase funding for terrorist prevention? And, how effective was the press in its role to educate and define the issues surrounding terrorist attacks on Americans.
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Date Issued
CFE0001293, ucf:46879
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The bankruptcy of the American labor movement.
Foster, William Z.
Date Issued
357440, CFDT357440, ucf:5187
Document (PDF)
Hawkins, Alicia, Armacost, Robert, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The focus of this dissertation is on improving decision-maker trade-offs and the development of a new constrained methodology for multiple response surface optimization. There are three key components of the research: development of the necessary conditions and assumptions associated with constrained multiple response surface optimization methodologies; development of a new constrained multiple response surface methodology; and demonstration of the new method. The necessary conditions for and...
Show moreThe focus of this dissertation is on improving decision-maker trade-offs and the development of a new constrained methodology for multiple response surface optimization. There are three key components of the research: development of the necessary conditions and assumptions associated with constrained multiple response surface optimization methodologies; development of a new constrained multiple response surface methodology; and demonstration of the new method. The necessary conditions for and assumptions associated with constrained multiple response surface optimization methods were identified and found to be less restrictive than requirements previously described in the literature. The conditions and assumptions required for a constrained method to find the most preferred non-dominated solution are to generate non-dominated solutions and to generate solutions consistent with decision-maker preferences among the response objectives. Additionally, if a Lagrangian constrained method is used, the preservation of convexity is required in order to be able to generate all non-dominated solutions. The conditions required for constrained methods are significantly fewer than those required for combined methods. Most of the existing constrained methodologies do not incorporate any provision for a decision-maker to explicitly determine the relative importance of the multiple objectives. Research into the larger area of multi-criteria decision-making identified the interactive surrogate worth trade-off algorithm as a potential methodology that would provide that capability in multiple response surface optimization problems. The ISWT algorithm uses an ε-constraint formulation to guarantee a non-dominated solution, and then interacts with the decision-maker after each iteration to determine the preference of the decision-maker in trading-off the value of the primary response for an increase in value of a secondary response. The current research modified the ISWT algorithm to develop a new constrained multiple response surface methodology that explicitly accounts for decision-maker preferences. The new Modified ISWT (MISWT) method maintains the essence of the original method while taking advantage of the specific properties of multiple response surface problems to simplify the application of the method. The MISWT is an accessible computer-based implementation of the ISWT. Five test problems from the multiple response surface optimization literature were used to demonstrate the new methodology. It was shown that this methodology can handle a variety of types and numbers of responses and independent variables. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the methodology can be successful using a priori information from the decision-maker about bounds or targets or can use the extreme values obtained from the region of operability. In all cases, the methodology explicitly considered decision-maker preferences and provided non-dominated solutions. The contribution of this method is the removal of implicit assumptions and includes the decision-maker in explicit trade-offs among multiple objectives or responses.
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Date Issued
CFE0001765, ucf:47272
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Automation: A report to the UAW-CIO Economic and Collective Bargaining Conference held in Detroit, Michigan the 12th and 13th of November 1954.
International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Education Dept
Date Issued
361653, CFDT361653, ucf:5271
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Life history response to infection and the potential for dishonest signals in the ground cricket, Allonemobius socius.
Copeland, Emily, Fedorka, Kenneth, Hoffman, Eric, Crampton, William, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In order to maximize fitness, individuals must partition their limited resources among competing physiological processes, creating negative statistical associations between processes known as (")life-history trade-offs("). Evidence indicates that individuals tend to decrease their reproductive investment when confronted with a significant immunological challenge in order to increase investment in immune defense. This trade-off is often accompanied by a significant decrease in the sexual...
Show moreIn order to maximize fitness, individuals must partition their limited resources among competing physiological processes, creating negative statistical associations between processes known as (")life-history trade-offs("). Evidence indicates that individuals tend to decrease their reproductive investment when confronted with a significant immunological challenge in order to increase investment in immune defense. This trade-off is often accompanied by a significant decrease in the sexual signal, which provides an honest signal of the male's infection status to potential mates. However, if individual residual reproductive value is low, they may instead increase their reproductive investment to maximize reproductive success before the end of their life (a.k.a. terminal investment). Here, we investigate the potential for terminal investment in the ground cricket Allonemobius socius by inoculating males with varying dosages of an immune challenge. We predicted that both high dose and advanced male age would induce terminal investment. Furthermore, we predicted that terminally investing males would produce a dishonest signal by increasing their signaling effort. We found that upon infection We found that upon infection, young males and old males differentially alter their reproductive strategy. Young males exhibited the classic deceleration of reproductive effort. However, old males increased their calling song energetics and decreased their parental investment (nuptial gift size), suggesting that old males are dishonestly signaling their condition to the female.
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Date Issued
CFE0004529, ucf:49249
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HJB Equation and Statistical Arbitrage applied to High Frequency Trading.
Park, Yonggi, Yong, Jiongmin, Swanson, Jason, Richardson, Gary, Shuai, Zhisheng, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
In this thesis we investigate some properties of market making and statistical arbitrage applied to High Frequency Trading (HFT). Using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB) model developed by Guilbaud, Fabien and Pham, Huyen in 2012, we studied how market making works to obtain optimal strategy during limit order and market order. Also we develop the best investment strategy through Moving Average, Exponential Moving Average, Relative Strength Index, Sharpe Ratio.
Date Issued
CFE0004907, ucf:49628
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Three Essays on Short-selling, Maring Trading and Market Efficiency.
Wang, Song, Gatchev, Vladimir, Chen, Honghui, Schnitzlein, Charles, Hofler, Richard, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
My dissertation contains three essays on short-selling, margin trading, and market efficiency. The first essay uses a unique exogenous event, the introduction of short selling in the Chinese stock market, to examine the direct link between idiosyncratic risk and short selling. Based on Shleifer and Vishny (1997), I hypothesize that idiosyncratic risk deters arbitrageurs with negative information from taking short positions in overvalued stocks. Consequently, the stocks with high idiosyncratic...
Show moreMy dissertation contains three essays on short-selling, margin trading, and market efficiency. The first essay uses a unique exogenous event, the introduction of short selling in the Chinese stock market, to examine the direct link between idiosyncratic risk and short selling. Based on Shleifer and Vishny (1997), I hypothesize that idiosyncratic risk deters arbitrageurs with negative information from taking short positions in overvalued stocks. Consequently, the stocks with high idiosyncratic risk are more overvalued at the onset of the introduction of short sale and perform worse in the subsequent period. The second essay examines the impact of the introduction of margin trading and short selling in the Chinese stock market on market quality. The third essay examines the relationship between short selling and SEO discount under the SEC's amendment to Rule 105. If the amendment is binding, the short-selling prior to seasoned equity offering (SEO) should correctly reflect negative information and promote price efficiency. Thus the winner's curse problem during SEO process is reduced and the value discount of a SEO should be less.
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Date Issued
CFE0004614, ucf:49941
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The international council of trade and industrial unions.
Lozovskii, A.
Date Issued
358320, CFDT358320, ucf:5198
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Fox, Jay, Trade Union Educational League (U.S.)
Date Issued
886198, CFDT886198, ucf:5609
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British labor bids for power: The historic Scarboro Conference of the Trades Union Congress.
Nearing, Scott
Date Issued
369421, CFDT369421, ucf:5444
Document (PDF)
Isenhour, Linda, Stone, Dianna, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Researchers in human resource management (HRM) have long been concerned with the attraction and retention of organizational members (Breaugh, 1992; Rynes, 1991; Vroom, 1966). However, as the U.S. work force has become more diverse (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000), the need to consider how issues of cultural diversity are related to the recruitment process has become increasingly important. For example, although past research has investigated relations among individuals' values, personality, and...
Show moreResearchers in human resource management (HRM) have long been concerned with the attraction and retention of organizational members (Breaugh, 1992; Rynes, 1991; Vroom, 1966). However, as the U.S. work force has become more diverse (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000), the need to consider how issues of cultural diversity are related to the recruitment process has become increasingly important. For example, although past research has investigated relations among individuals' values, personality, and job choice preferences, no research has examined the job choice trade-off preferences of culturally diverse individuals. Moreover, researchers have not examined explicit job choice trade-off preferences involving job and organizational factors, even though expectancy theory-based models of recruitment implicitly suggest that individuals make trade-offs among valent job and organizational factors. Therefore, the purpose of the current research was to examine the relations among individuals' (a) cultural values (power distance, Protestant Ethic-earnings, Protestant Ethic-upward striving), (b) ethnicity (European-American, Hispanic-American), and (c) their job choice trade-off preferences for organizational prestige over pay using Thurstone's (1927, 1931) law of comparative judgment method. Study 1 served as a pilot of the procedure and measures. Based on the results of Study 1, changes were made to improve reliability of measures prior to Study 2. Study 2 tested hypothesized relations among cultural values, ethnicity, and job choice trade-off preferences for organizational prestige over pay. Results from Study 2 showed that power distance cultural values were related positively to job choice trade-off preferences for organizational prestige over pay and that Protestant Ethic-earnings cultural values were related negatively to job choice trade-off preferences for organizational prestige over pay. In addition, Hispanic-Americans were more likely than European-Americans to prefer job choice trade-offs for organizational prestige over pay. However, Protestant Ethic-upward striving cultural values were unrelated to job choice trade-off preferences for organizational prestige over pay. Moreover, ethnicity was unrelated to power distance cultural values, Protestant Ethic-earning cultural values, or Protestant Ethic-upward striving cultural values. Study results suggest that including cultural values and ethnicity in future recruitment research can enhance the understanding of individuals' job choice preferences and provide practitioners with information to attract multicultural job applicants.
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Date Issued
CFE0001194, ucf:46858
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Romano, John, Gilkeson, Jim, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Tracking ability of leveraged and inverse exchange traded funds can be very important to investors looking for a dependable return. If the investor wants to put their money on a certain index they feel strongly about, they expect their investment vehicle to track that return appropriately. Over the years, we have seen tremendous growth in the exchange traded fund industry. In 2006, leveraged and inverse funds were introduced to the market, allowing investors to take leveraged and directional...
Show moreTracking ability of leveraged and inverse exchange traded funds can be very important to investors looking for a dependable return. If the investor wants to put their money on a certain index they feel strongly about, they expect their investment vehicle to track that return appropriately. Over the years, we have seen tremendous growth in the exchange traded fund industry. In 2006, leveraged and inverse funds were introduced to the market, allowing investors to take leveraged and directional trades on indices. These investment vehicles can be traded as easily as any stock, and therefore need some attention. Since any novice investor can access and trade these funds, they need to be aware of the risks they are taking. In this study, I test whether the ProShares S&P tracking leveraged and inverse exchange traded funds track their appropriate index multiple as promised. I did this by running regressions on each fund against the appropriate multiple of their underlying indices. I did this for funds of different market capitalization, for different holding periods, and with different amounts of leverage, to compare how these funds track in different conditions. I found that the large cap funds tend to track the best, with the small cap funds tracking the worst. I also find that tracking error tends to increase with longer holding periods. I find that the distribution of excess returns becomes less normal over longer holding periods, and begins to flatten out and widen. There does not seem to be a concrete conclusion as to whether or not the amount of leverage affects the tracking ability of the funds. I end up with mixed results when comparing amounts of leverage by model fit and by tracking error. Direction also does not seem to play any role in the tracking ability of these funds.
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Date Issued
CFH0004184, ucf:44893
Document (PDF)
Chen-Shue, Yun, Yong, Jiongmin, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The intention of this thesis is to provide a primitive mathematical model for a financial market in which tradings affect the asset prices. Currently, the idea of a price-volume relationship is typically used in the form of empirical models for specific cases. Among the theoretical models that have been used in stock markets, few included the volume parameter. The thesis provides a general theoretical model with the volume parameter for the intention of a broader use. The core of the model is...
Show moreThe intention of this thesis is to provide a primitive mathematical model for a financial market in which tradings affect the asset prices. Currently, the idea of a price-volume relationship is typically used in the form of empirical models for specific cases. Among the theoretical models that have been used in stock markets, few included the volume parameter. The thesis provides a general theoretical model with the volume parameter for the intention of a broader use. The core of the model is the correlation between trading volume and stock price, indicating that volume should be a function of the stock price and time. This function between price and time was made visible by the use of the trading volume process, also known as the Limit Order book. The development of this model may be of some use to investors, who could build their wealth process based on the dynamics of the process found through a Limit Order Book. This wealth process can help them build an optimal trading strategy design.
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Date Issued
CFH0004689, ucf:45245
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Multi-Objective Optimization for Construction Equipment Fleet Selection and Management In Highway Construction Projects Based on Time, Cost, and Quality Objectives.
Shehadeh, Ali, Tatari, Omer, Al-Deek, Haitham, Abou-Senna, Hatem, Flitsiyan, Elena, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The sector of highway construction shares approximately 11% of the total construction industry in the US. Construction equipment can be considered as one of the primary reasons this industry has reached such a significant level, as it is considered an essential part of the highway construction process during highway project construction. This research addresses a multi-objective optimization mathematical model that quantifies and optimize the key parameters for excavator, truck, and motor...
Show moreThe sector of highway construction shares approximately 11% of the total construction industry in the US. Construction equipment can be considered as one of the primary reasons this industry has reached such a significant level, as it is considered an essential part of the highway construction process during highway project construction. This research addresses a multi-objective optimization mathematical model that quantifies and optimize the key parameters for excavator, truck, and motor-grader equipment to minimize time and cost objective functions. The model is also aimed to maintain the required level of quality for the targeted construction activity. The mathematical functions for the primary objectives were formulated and then a genetic algorithm-based multi-objective was performed to generate the time-cost Pareto trade-offs for all possible equipment combinations using MATLAB software to facilitate the implementation. The model's capabilities in generating optimal time and cost trade-offs based on optimized equipment number, capacity, and speed to adapt with the complex and dynamic nature of highway construction projects are demonstrated using a highway construction case study. The developed model is a decision support tool during the construction process to adapt with any necessary changes into time or cost requirements taking into consideration environmental, safety and quality aspects. The flexibility and comprehensiveness of the proposed model, along with its programmable nature, make it a powerful tool for managing construction equipment, which will help saving time and money within the optimal quality margins. Also, this environmentally friendly decision-support tool model provided optimal solutions that help to reduce the CO2 emissions reducing the ripple effects of targeted highway construction activities on the global warming phenomenon. The generated optimal solutions offered considerable time and cost savings.
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Date Issued
CFE0007863, ucf:52800
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Commitment and Credibility in FDI.
Sullivan, Kathleen, Hamann, Kerstin, Edwards, Barry, Boutton, Andrew, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
How can firms in foreign direct investment (FDI) best protect their assets from host government contract beach? FDI is the largest and most stable form of external financing to less developed countries (LDCs). It increases job growth, technological development, and efficiency in the host country, subsequently increasing economic development. Companies prefer to invest in countries that are less prone to contract breach. I propose that credibility of commitments can help explain variation in...
Show moreHow can firms in foreign direct investment (FDI) best protect their assets from host government contract beach? FDI is the largest and most stable form of external financing to less developed countries (LDCs). It increases job growth, technological development, and efficiency in the host country, subsequently increasing economic development. Companies prefer to invest in countries that are less prone to contract breach. I propose that credibility of commitments can help explain variation in contract breach. I propose that firms are most likely to avoid contract breach when they are involved in supply chains and when the host country has a preferential trade agreement (PTA).I measure this relationship using a difference of means test and logistic regression. Using data from 1992-2008 from the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), I find that on average, the least amount of cases filed involved supply chains and PTAs. Only 4% of cases involved supply chains and PTAs, suggesting a protective force in FDI. The interaction between supply chains and PTAs has a significantly positive effect on investors winning their cases in the ICSID. My results suggest that in the event of a contract breach, my interaction variable of membership in supply chains and PTA's help investors protect their assets. The implications of these findings are twofold. To safeguard their FDI, firms can ensure better protection from contract breach through supply chains. Furthermore, host countries can attract more FDI from PTAs. For future research, I suggest case study analysis as well as interviews with representatives from foreign firms that have dealt with contract breach.
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Date Issued
CFE0007866, ucf:52795
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A Study of the Relationship Between Trade Liberalization and Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa's Least Developed Countries.
Rash, Stephanie, Sadri, Houman, Morales, Waltraud, Kinsey, Barbara, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between trade liberalization, measured using the Heritage Foundation's Trade Freedom indicator, and human development, measured using the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Index, in sub-Saharan Africa's Least Developed Countries between 1990 and 2011 as data allows. In addition to exploring the relationship between these two variables, alternative factors that influence human development are examined in bivariate...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between trade liberalization, measured using the Heritage Foundation's Trade Freedom indicator, and human development, measured using the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Index, in sub-Saharan Africa's Least Developed Countries between 1990 and 2011 as data allows. In addition to exploring the relationship between these two variables, alternative factors that influence human development are examined in bivariate correlations with human development as well as used as control variables in a multiple regression analysis. Namely, this study includes government effectiveness, the percentage of the labor force employed in the agricultural sector, the percent of Gross Domestic Product made up of the sale of agricultural products, geography, and armed conflict as control variables.By conducting a cross-national bivariate correlation analysis as well as a cross-national multiple regression analysis for the years between 1990 and 2011, this study highlights how, when included in a model with control variables, trade liberalization goes from being a statistically significant predictor of human development index scores to losing its significance altogether. The results from this study indicate that trade liberalization, government effectiveness, and geography, more specifically being landlocked or not, do not have statistically significant effects on human development for LDCs in the region. However, this study finds that for every unit increase in the percentage of the labor force working in agriculture as well as the percentage of GDP made up by agricultural products, a lower human development score can be expected. Armed conflict also has a statistically significant, negative effect on human development.
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Date Issued
CFE0004427, ucf:49362
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Tsang, Howin, Wooten, William, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Recent research in reducing adverse impact in personnel selection has focused on the use of various weighting schemes to balance levels of adverse impact and the validity of selection processes. De Corte Lievens & Sackett (2007) suggested the use of the normal boundary intersection method to create a number of weights that optimize adverse impact and criterion validity. This study seeks to improve the efficacy of this solution by looking at specific types of performance, namely task and...
Show moreRecent research in reducing adverse impact in personnel selection has focused on the use of various weighting schemes to balance levels of adverse impact and the validity of selection processes. De Corte Lievens & Sackett (2007) suggested the use of the normal boundary intersection method to create a number of weights that optimize adverse impact and criterion validity. This study seeks to improve the efficacy of this solution by looking at specific types of performance, namely task and contextual performance. It will investigate whether a focus on contextual performance will improve the trade-off by requiring smaller losses in validity for greater gains in adverse impact. This study utilized data from 272 applicants for exempt positions at a multinational financial institution. The two sets of Paraeto optimal composite were developed, one based on contextual performance and the other based on task performance. Results were analyzed based on levels of adverse impact and validity of weights generated using each method. Results indicate that reducing adverse impact required a greater validity trade-off for task performance than contextual performance. Application of this method would allow for greater reductions to adverse impact than the original method while retaining a validity coefficient of 95% of the maximum achieved with regression weighting. Though this method would limit practitioners to selecting based on contextual performance, the use of minimal cut-off scores on task predictors or job experience could allow employers to incorporate task measures while further reducing adverse impact.
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Date Issued
CFE0003399, ucf:48386
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On the Back of the Crocodile: Extent, Energetics, and Productivity in Wetland Agricultural Systems, Northern Belize.
Montgomery, Shane, Chase, Arlen, Chase, Diane, Walker, John, University of Central Florida
Abstract / Description
Ancient populations across the globe successfully employed wetland agricultural techniques in a variety of environmentally and climatically diverse landscapes throughout prehistory. Within the Maya Lowlands, these agricultural features figure prominently in the region comprised of northern Belize and southern Quintana Roo, an area supporting low-outflow rivers, large lagoons, and numerous bajo (swamp) features. Along the banks of the Hondo and New Rivers, the Maya effectively utilized wetland...
Show moreAncient populations across the globe successfully employed wetland agricultural techniques in a variety of environmentally and climatically diverse landscapes throughout prehistory. Within the Maya Lowlands, these agricultural features figure prominently in the region comprised of northern Belize and southern Quintana Roo, an area supporting low-outflow rivers, large lagoons, and numerous bajo (swamp) features. Along the banks of the Hondo and New Rivers, the Maya effectively utilized wetland agricultural practices from the Middle Preclassic to the Terminal Classic Periods (1000 B.C.(-)A.D. 950). A number of past archaeological projects have thoroughly examined the construction and impact of these swampland modifications. After four decades of study, a more precise picture has formed in relation to the roles that these ditched field systems played in the regional development of the area. However, a detailed record of the full spatial extent, combined construction costs, and potential agricultural productivity has not been attempted on a larger scale. This thesis highlights these avenues of interest through data obtained from high- and medium-resolution satellite imagery and manipulated through geographic information systems (GIS) technology. The research explores environmental factors and topographic elements dictating the distribution of such entities, the energetic involvement required to construct and maintain the systems, and the efficiency of wetland techniques as compared to traditional milpa agriculture. Spatial analyses reveal a total of 254 distinct wetland field systems within the 6560 square kilometer area of interest, clustered along navigable waterways, seasonal lagoons, and upland landscapes separating the Hondo and New Rivers. Energetic estimates illustrate substantial investment in wetland field construction, spanning several generations based on a locally available workforce. However, productivity calculations associated with the ditched field systems commonly exceed those attributed to milpa techniques, suggesting agricultural surplus far beyond the immediate need. These combined data indicate the potential export of maize and other agricultural commodities to regional centers in northern Belize and further abroad during the Late Preclassic and Late to Terminal Classic Periods through riverine trade networks. Additionally, these data help illustrate participation trends and patterns of connectivity relating to tiered sites within the area of interest. This research contributes to the overall understanding of wetland agriculture within Mesoamerica as well as provides insight into the political management of intensive agricultural production during Maya prehistory.
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Date Issued
CFE0006360, ucf:51514
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