Current Search:  African American Legacy - The Carol Mundy Collection 1794-2010 (x)

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(81 - 100 of 121)


Plantation police, or home guard, examining negro passes on the Lever road, below New Orleans, LA
Pore Lil Mose
Pore Lil Mose
Pore Lil Mose
Pore Lil Mose
Portrait of a young African American female
Portrait of a young African American male
Portrait of an elderly African American female
regular cut up
Rev. Andrew Jones
Rev. Dr. Breckenridge
rising sun stove polish
Romeo and Juliet in Dixieland
Rosie's are red. And Violet's are blue...
Run along Sonny I didn't order no coal
Runge & Schacht
Sam Black gets a shot at "Br'er Rabbit"
Sapolio, Enoch Morgan & Sons
