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- Title
- Creator
Briggle, Leslie, Molina, Olga, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
With an increasing number of veterans returning to civilian life after deployment in combat, it is important to analyze what challenges they face during reintegration, what resources assist them with coping with these challenges, and which of these resources they perceive as the most helpful. The literature indicates that the most common challenges faced by returning veterans are employment difficulties, family readjustment problems and mental health issues which are shown to be positively...
Show moreWith an increasing number of veterans returning to civilian life after deployment in combat, it is important to analyze what challenges they face during reintegration, what resources assist them with coping with these challenges, and which of these resources they perceive as the most helpful. The literature indicates that the most common challenges faced by returning veterans are employment difficulties, family readjustment problems and mental health issues which are shown to be positively affected by the presence of social support networks (Burnell, Coleman, & Hunt, 2009). There exists a gap, however in the research regarding the extent to which each particular social support network affects veterans' reintegration. This qualitative study explored veterans' perceptions of the challenges faced during reintegration, and the social supports which assisted the most during the reintegration process in order to try to bridge the gap in the research. The findings indicate that veterans struggle the most with reconnecting emotionally with family and friends, managing strong emotions (such as anxiety and alienation), missing the military after discharge, and dealing with the negative effects of deployment on daily life (such as difficulty sleeping, anxiety, and difficulty finding employment). Unit support was overwhelmingly expressed as the most helpful social support, while family and friends were seen more as a challenge than a help. Many veterans went on to surround themselves with fellow veterans and/or join the reserves after their active duty was up.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Identifier
- CFH0004449, ucf:45130
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- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Ferraro, Anthony, Cronon, Christopher, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The main objective in this research was to examine the extent to which gender and gender biases influence monetary benefits received, including jury award amounts, in workplace sexual harassment claims. Two methods were utilized to explore the discrepancies in monetary benefits received based on gender differences. The first method used was a survey to test various gender attitudes, attitudes on sexual harassment, and how influential a victim's gender was on determinations of damage award...
Show moreThe main objective in this research was to examine the extent to which gender and gender biases influence monetary benefits received, including jury award amounts, in workplace sexual harassment claims. Two methods were utilized to explore the discrepancies in monetary benefits received based on gender differences. The first method used was a survey to test various gender attitudes, attitudes on sexual harassment, and how influential a victim's gender was on determinations of damage award amounts in sexual harassment cases. 6 two-way factorial univariate between-subject analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to analyze the survey data. The second method in this project consisted of an examination of claims filed by victims of sexual harassment. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission statistics were broken down by gender with respect to resolution type. This provided a means to assess the actual monetary benefits received by both men and women across all possible forms of claim resolutions. In conjunction, these two methods provide a more balanced approach to the assessment of gender discrepancies in sexual harassment claims. Using a combination of actual claims of sexual harassment and survey data, rather than just one or the other, allows for direct comparison between perception and reality. The comparison of perception and reality allows for a more complete assessment of the state of sexual harassment claims as they relate to victim's gender. With a more complete assessment of sexual harassment claims and perceptions of sexual harassment it may be possible to bring to light potential injustices caused by gender or gender stereotyping, and correct any imbalances that may be present.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004247, ucf:44967
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Gonzalez Cruz, Kiara L, Huff-Corzine, Lin, Reckdenwald, Amy, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Society's views about mental illness can influence their views regarding police-response strategies used with the mentally ill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the question: does mental illness impact perceptions of delinquent behavior and police responses? It is important to understand the effects of these interactions to better assist those affected by mental illness and avoid uncertain risks/injuries to the police and citizens involved in an incident. Labeling theory suggests that...
Show moreSociety's views about mental illness can influence their views regarding police-response strategies used with the mentally ill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the question: does mental illness impact perceptions of delinquent behavior and police responses? It is important to understand the effects of these interactions to better assist those affected by mental illness and avoid uncertain risks/injuries to the police and citizens involved in an incident. Labeling theory suggests that people may come to identify and act in ways that reflect how others label them as well as come to define mentally ill individuals in accordance with the label. My interest in understanding how police label mentally ill individuals as either deviant (out-of-the-norm) or criminal because of their condition motivated me to explore what other people thought about this. This study used survey analysis to collect data from 349 Facebook participants. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 scenarios (excerpt A and excerpt B). The only difference between these two scenarios is that excerpt B directly relates to mental illness while excerpt A does not mention mental illness. In relation to labeling theory, I predict mental illness will impact the perception people have about how police may respond to situations involving the mentally ill. Further studies should expand this research to examine this connection more thoroughly. The broader implications of this research is that it could create awareness as to ways in which to improve police training tactics that could in turn result in better support between mental health services and law enforcement.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000180, ucf:45958
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- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Lutz, Andrew, Chin, Matthew, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The use of virtual teams (VTs) in the workplace has increased rapidly as companies seek to coordinate the collaboration of geographically dispersed employees effectively. This study involved an experimental comparison of VTs and face-to-face teams engaged in coopetition. Coopetition occurs when a relationship is characterized by simultaneous cooperation and competition. This study differed from previous research because many previous studies of team coopetition place their focus on...
Show moreThe use of virtual teams (VTs) in the workplace has increased rapidly as companies seek to coordinate the collaboration of geographically dispersed employees effectively. This study involved an experimental comparison of VTs and face-to-face teams engaged in coopetition. Coopetition occurs when a relationship is characterized by simultaneous cooperation and competition. This study differed from previous research because many previous studies of team coopetition place their focus on traditional face-to-face teams and fail to touch upon the intricacies of VT coopetition. Because of this, investigating the intricacies of coopetition among VT members is an essential addition to the large body of research on face-to-face teams. This study examined team coopetition through separate measures of competitiveness and cooperativeness. The constructs competitiveness and cooperativeness were measured separately instead of together on a single continuum. This method determined team members' coopetitive proclivities, the balance between one's tendency to perform behaviors directed toward achieving a self-serving goal or goals and one's tendency to perform behaviors directed toward achieving a group-serving goal or goals within the context of a coopetitive relationship. Team members' coopetitive proclivities were examined through a combination of videogame play and electronic surveys. All participants in this experiment were female. No significant differences between the coopetitive proclivities of virtual and face-to-face teams were found. We found that the ratings of competence that participants received from their partners tended to be lower under the virtual condition. We found that extroverted team members were more likely to cooperate. We also found that the ratings of competitiveness that participants received from their partners were negatively correlated with the ratings of desirability for future collaboration (i.e., team viability) that participants received from their partners. Further, it was determined that the ratings of cooperativeness that participants received from their partners were positively correlated with the ratings of team viability that participants received from their partners. Additional results indicated a positive relationship between team members' self-reported levels of agreeableness and the ratings of competence that participants received from their partners. Results also indicated a positive relationship between team members' self-reported levels of openness and the ratings of competence that participants received from their partners. This paper discusses the implications of these results and possible directions for future study.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFH0004743, ucf:45378
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Colon, Yuisa M., Chase, Susan K., University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) still remains a difficult disorder to treat. TBI has been associated to chronic neuroinflammation and a high risk for neurodegenerative disorders. Since 2001 between ten to twenty percent of all deployed military members have suffered a combat-related TBI. Nearly twenty to thirty percent of those will experience chronic cognitive, behavioral and somatic symptoms after suffering a TBI. Methods: The objective of this review is to evaluate current...
Show moreBackground: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) still remains a difficult disorder to treat. TBI has been associated to chronic neuroinflammation and a high risk for neurodegenerative disorders. Since 2001 between ten to twenty percent of all deployed military members have suffered a combat-related TBI. Nearly twenty to thirty percent of those will experience chronic cognitive, behavioral and somatic symptoms after suffering a TBI. Methods: The objective of this review is to evaluate current literature examining vitamin D as a neurosteroid with protective properties and its clinical relevance after traumatic brain injury. Vitamin D is known to participate in neurobiological processes and genomic regulation in the brain. Clinical and laboratory findings support that vitamin D modulates the immune responses to trauma, diminishes oxidative and toxic damage, and inhibiting activation and progression of the neuroinflammation. Inadequate levels of vitamin D have been identified as a common risk factor for many neurological disorders and have been linked to poorer recovery. Results: This review found compelling evidence to support that the pathology of TBI is closely associated with neuroprotective mechanisms of vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels are common among US active duty military and veterans. The findings strongly suggest that optimizing vitamin D prior to injury could improve the recovery for military members after experiencing a TBI. Vitamin D ameliorates brain damage by modulating neuroinflammation, improving cell survival and down-regulating mechanisms involved in the progression of cell damage following a TBI. However, further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of vitamin D optimization in TBI outcomes.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFH2000097, ucf:45536
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Frank, Spencer, Raghavan, Seetha, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The leading edge vortex has been identified as the most critical flow structure for producing lift in flapping wing flight. Its stability depends on the transport of the entrained vorticity into the wake via spanwise flow. This study proposes a hypothesis for the generation and enhancement of spanwise flow based on the chordwise vorticity that results from the tilting of the leading edge vortex and trailing edge vortex. We investigate this phenomenon using dynamically scaled robotic model...
Show moreThe leading edge vortex has been identified as the most critical flow structure for producing lift in flapping wing flight. Its stability depends on the transport of the entrained vorticity into the wake via spanwise flow. This study proposes a hypothesis for the generation and enhancement of spanwise flow based on the chordwise vorticity that results from the tilting of the leading edge vortex and trailing edge vortex. We investigate this phenomenon using dynamically scaled robotic model wings. Two different wing shapes, one rectangular and one based on Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), are submerged in a tank of mineral oil and driven in a flapping motion. Two separate kinematics, one of constant angular velocity and one of sinusoidal angular velocity are implemented. In order to visualize the flow structure, a novel three dimensional particle image velocimetry system is utilized. From the three dimensional information obtained the chordwise vorticity resulting from the vortex tilting is shown using isosurfaces and planar slices in the wake of the wing. It is observed that the largest spanwise flow is located in the area between the chordwise vorticity of the leading edge vortex and the chordwise vorticity of the trailing edge vortex, supporting the hypothesis that the vortex tilting enhances the spanwise flow. Additionally the LEV on the rectangular wing is found to detach at about 80% span as opposed to 60% span for the elliptical wing. Also, two distinct regions of spanwise flow, one at the base and one at the tip, are observed at the beginning of the sinusoidal kinematic, and as the velocity of the wing increases these two regions unionize into one. Lastly, the general distribution of vorticity around each wing is found to be nearly the same, indicating that different wing shapes do not greatly affect the distribution of vorticity nor stability mechanisms in flapping flight. In summary the tilting mechanism helps to explain the overall flow structure and the stability of the leading edge vortex.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0004124, ucf:44875
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Qureshi, Akhtar, Sadri, Houman, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research paper investigates the current turmoil in Pakistan and how much of it has been caused by the joint American-Pakistani War on Terror. The United States' portion of the War on Terror is in Afghanistan against the Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that began after the September 11th attacks in 2001, as well as in Pakistan with unmanned drone attacks. Pakistan's portion of this war includes the support to the U.S. in Afghanistan and military campaigns within it's own borders against...
Show moreThis research paper investigates the current turmoil in Pakistan and how much of it has been caused by the joint American-Pakistani War on Terror. The United States' portion of the War on Terror is in Afghanistan against the Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that began after the September 11th attacks in 2001, as well as in Pakistan with unmanned drone attacks. Pakistan's portion of this war includes the support to the U.S. in Afghanistan and military campaigns within it's own borders against Taliban forces. Taliban forces have fought back against Pakistan with terrorist attacks and bombings that continue to ravage the nation. There have been a number of consequences from this war upon Pakistani society, one of particular importance to the U.S. is the increased anti-American sentiment. The war has also resulted in weak and widely unpopular leaders. The final major consequence this study examines is the increased conflict amongst the many ethnicities within Pakistan. The consequences of this war have had an effect on local, regional, American, and international politics.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0003789, ucf:44725
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sullivan, Andrea K, Sadri, Houman A., Bledsoe, Robert, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The objective of this research is to identify the need for stricter environmental standards and regulations in three areas of study. Organized by their level of analysis, these areas are Latin America (at the System-Level-of Analysis), Colombia (at the State-Level-of-Analysis), and the city of Cartagena (at the Sub-National-Level of Analysis). This research was accomplished in two phases. The first involved conducting an exhaustive literature search of sources, germane to the objective,...
Show moreThe objective of this research is to identify the need for stricter environmental standards and regulations in three areas of study. Organized by their level of analysis, these areas are Latin America (at the System-Level-of Analysis), Colombia (at the State-Level-of-Analysis), and the city of Cartagena (at the Sub-National-Level of Analysis). This research was accomplished in two phases. The first involved conducting an exhaustive literature search of sources, germane to the objective, published in Spanish and English. The second featured a site inspection conducted over a 10-day period during the month of May 2016 to Cartagena, Colombia. The purpose of the site inspection was to interview locals and to photographically document waste disposal practices. The results of this research determined that government at all levels (system, state, and subnational) play a significant and sometimes determinant role in managing waste and water pollution that are responsible for health problems primarily among the poor; these health problems are discussed in detail. This research discovered that the lack of government intervention is responsible for reducing the efficacy of waste management and water sanitation services. This research concludes with a discussion of how proactive waste management and water sanitation policies and practices can have a significant benefit not only to improving health but also has significant economic, social and environmental benefits that may reach beyond local levels.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFH2000150, ucf:45936
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Isner, Michael, Blackwell, Christopher, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Gay and bisexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) comprise a sizable, medically vulnerable population. Depression is the most commonly experienced mental health disorder affecting this group of people, lending itself to a host of risks associated with depression. As screening of depression in this population can be challenging, it is vital that clinicians have the best available tools and guidelines to detect depressive symptomology. This focused, comprehensive review of...
Show moreGay and bisexual men infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) comprise a sizable, medically vulnerable population. Depression is the most commonly experienced mental health disorder affecting this group of people, lending itself to a host of risks associated with depression. As screening of depression in this population can be challenging, it is vital that clinicians have the best available tools and guidelines to detect depressive symptomology. This focused, comprehensive review of the literature examined current data describing the clinical instruments used to detect depressive symptoms in HIV-infected gay and bisexual men. The aim of this analysis was to seek out which instruments were the most widely and successfully employed for this population. An initial search using EBSCOhost and associated databases CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Health and Psychosocial Instruments alongside inclusion and exclusion criteria found 1,899 articles. Results were narrowed using additional inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevancy, yielding a total of 13 articles for review. The findings of this review suggest screening of depressive symptoms in HIV-infected gay and bisexual men was most successful using the CES-D, the BSI-18, and the BDI. Health care providers should have an understanding of the importance in assessing this population for depression and have access to the best possible tools to do so.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000205, ucf:45928
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Vergara, Angela, Negy, Charles, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In the current climate in which it seems like popular media determines normality, it is not surprising to find that reality television, especially programs geared towards elective cosmetic surgery, are correlated with the decision making processes associated with actually pursuing cosmetic surgery. Research suggests that attitudes towards cosmetic surgery have changed dramatically due to the public's exposure to reality makeover shows; these shows have increased the popularity of such...
Show moreIn the current climate in which it seems like popular media determines normality, it is not surprising to find that reality television, especially programs geared towards elective cosmetic surgery, are correlated with the decision making processes associated with actually pursuing cosmetic surgery. Research suggests that attitudes towards cosmetic surgery have changed dramatically due to the public's exposure to reality makeover shows; these shows have increased the popularity of such procedures and have highlighted and implied that cosmetic surgery is associated with little pain and risk. In this study, I sought to determine if attitudes toward cosmetic surgery vary as a function of ethnicity and gender, as well as examine the influence of the media on openness to pursuing cosmetic surgery. Examining how others view those who pursue elective cosmetic surgery and the variables associated with those who obtain cosmetic surgery will shed light on the processes associated with the decision to pursue the procedures.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2012
- Identifier
- CFH0004137, ucf:44887
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Fernandez, Jacquelyn R, Hinojosa, Ramon, Hinojosa, Melanie, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The Millennial generation is now the largest living generation. This generation has absorbed many labels, including the one of not being civically engaged. Many news sources focused on their lack of engagement throughout the 2016 election, stating that they were the key to a win in the election. Since Bernie Sanders was the first candidate to capture the attention of such a large amount of the Millennial generation, this research is designed to understand why and provide an in-depth analysis...
Show moreThe Millennial generation is now the largest living generation. This generation has absorbed many labels, including the one of not being civically engaged. Many news sources focused on their lack of engagement throughout the 2016 election, stating that they were the key to a win in the election. Since Bernie Sanders was the first candidate to capture the attention of such a large amount of the Millennial generation, this research is designed to understand why and provide an in-depth analysis of the thoughts about Sanders from the largest living generation. The data was collected by conducting 15 in-depth interviews with Millennials, ages 18-34, who supported or voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries. During the interviews, they were asked questions about their background, their views on social issues, their thoughts on Bernie Sanders, and where they see the United States political system going forward. The final analysis was conducted using a basic thematic approach, which coded for similarities throughout each interview. After analysis 7 major themes emerged which are as follow, (a) they aren't just engaged, they are passionate, (b) political engagement through technology, (c) lost cause, (d) life experiences, (e) generational differences, (f) authenticity, and (g) all lives matter. The findings indicate that this sample of the Millennial generation is far from unengaged. They are very passionate about the lives of all Americans and Sanders spoke to them at a level in which they felt they could trust him. These findings are important for future researchers who wish to understand Millennials importance in the future of our political system.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000352, ucf:45762
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sanchez, Angel E, Wilson, Bruce, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This research produces original empirical estimates of Hispanics in Florida's Dept. of Corrections (FDOC) and uses those estimates to measure the impact felony disenfranchisement is having on Hispanics in Florida. Research institutions find that data on Hispanics in the criminal justice system, particularly in Florida, is either lacking or inaccurate. This research addresses this problem by applying an optimal surname list method using Census Bureau data and Bayes Theorem to produce an...
Show moreThis research produces original empirical estimates of Hispanics in Florida's Dept. of Corrections (FDOC) and uses those estimates to measure the impact felony disenfranchisement is having on Hispanics in Florida. Research institutions find that data on Hispanics in the criminal justice system, particularly in Florida, is either lacking or inaccurate. This research addresses this problem by applying an optimal surname list method using Census Bureau data and Bayes Theorem to produce an empirical estimate of Hispanics in FDOC's data. Using the Hispanic rate derived from the empirical FDOC analysis, the rate of Hispanics in the disenfranchised population is estimated. The results reveal that FDOC systematically undercounts Hispanics (and overcounts Whites) by nearly 8 percent - i.e., there are over 2.5 times more Hispanics in FDOC data than actually reported by FDOC. However, even when applying the upward adjusted rate of Hispanics to the disenfranchised population, Hispanics are still underrepresented and less likely to be disenfranchised than their White and Black counterparts in Florida. This research provides an accurate up-to-date state of the data with respect to Hispanics in FDOC; it applies a surname method which other researchers can use to address lacking or inaccurate data on Hispanics in the criminal justice system; and it calls into question research that relies on FDOC's inaccurate race data. Taken together, these findings might facilitate answers to many pressing questions on felony disenfranchisement in Florida and its impact on the political process.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000216, ucf:46035
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Sewell, Rachel, Donley, Amy, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
In today's society a beauty ideal exists in America, which attempts to define female beauty as fitting into a certain mold. Certain characteristics have been deemed the most attractive when it comes to female physical attractiveness, and an ideal image of beauty has been presented by the media. This research focuses on whether or not everyone buys into that beauty ideal, and examines the impact that a person's sex and race has on the physical characteristics which that individual defines as...
Show moreIn today's society a beauty ideal exists in America, which attempts to define female beauty as fitting into a certain mold. Certain characteristics have been deemed the most attractive when it comes to female physical attractiveness, and an ideal image of beauty has been presented by the media. This research focuses on whether or not everyone buys into that beauty ideal, and examines the impact that a person's sex and race has on the physical characteristics which that individual defines as the most appealing. Surveys were administered to 300 UCF students age 18-35. Participants were asked about ten different physical characteristics relating to women, and were asked to choose the characteristic among each group that they found the most physically attractive or beautiful. The study showed that both sex and racial differences do exist, and that there are variations in what different people consider beautiful. Not everyone has the same opinion on what is attractive in regards to the physical appearance of women.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0004117, ucf:44862
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Murray, Matthew, Bohil, Corey, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The conscious or unconscious acquirement of knowledge in implicit category learning was examined in accordance with predictions made by the COVIS theory of categorization (Ashby & Maddox, 2011). COVIS assumes separate category learning systems. The explicit system relies on easily verbalized rules while the implicit system requires integration of more than one stimulus dimension. Participants in this experiment categorized lines varying in length and orientation as belonging to one of two...
Show moreThe conscious or unconscious acquirement of knowledge in implicit category learning was examined in accordance with predictions made by the COVIS theory of categorization (Ashby & Maddox, 2011). COVIS assumes separate category learning systems. The explicit system relies on easily verbalized rules while the implicit system requires integration of more than one stimulus dimension. Participants in this experiment categorized lines varying in length and orientation as belonging to one of two categories; in the rule-based (RB) condition only length was relevant, while participants in the information integration (II) condition needed to integrate both dimensions. Corrective feedback was provided during training. In test phases, participants were asked to attribute their responses to one of four criteria (guess, intuition, memory, or rule), a measure adapted from Dienes and Scott (2005). Neural activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was recorded with a 20-optode fNIRS system. We found that in the implicit (II) learning condition, participants who reported guessing less than half the time were learning but were unconscious to the structures driving that learning, reflected by accuracy, attribution self-report and neural activation. Our results substantiate the claim that implicit category learning is mediated unconsciously and evidence the dual-system model of categorization postulated by COVIS, furthering our understanding of category learning and thus, the ways in which to improve it.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFH0004765, ucf:45348
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Granato, Courtney, Hopp, Carolyn, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study examines the potential correlation between standardized testing and teacher practice. Building upon the conceptual framework, are constructs of school climate and assessment to develop themes such as leadership role, teacher role, district role, and coach's role as well as teacher practice, classroom assessment, standardized assessment, and the alignment of curriculum to standardized testing. In discovering the parallel between standardized testing and teacher practice, both...
Show moreThis study examines the potential correlation between standardized testing and teacher practice. Building upon the conceptual framework, are constructs of school climate and assessment to develop themes such as leadership role, teacher role, district role, and coach's role as well as teacher practice, classroom assessment, standardized assessment, and the alignment of curriculum to standardized testing. In discovering the parallel between standardized testing and teacher practice, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected through research and observations, but more importantly through a survey and focus group. Over a two-semester period, it became evident that there was an eminent parallel between each the themes and constructs within the conceptual framework, ultimately answering the research question. Although the data fulfilled the research question of this study, future research would require a more in-depth, longitudinal study in order to suggest possible ideas for solutions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Identifier
- CFH0004790, ucf:45335
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Roy, Courtney, Ezell, Dan, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
This study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner's (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspectives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions concerning enjoyment...
Show moreThis study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner's (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspectives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions concerning enjoyment and contentment of academic topics. Three ELLs from two learning environments participated with the eight day intervention, comprising of 45 minute instructive sessions to become proficient with demonstrating an arrangement of invigorating yet harmless scientific experiments. After the Peer Presentation, analysis of pre- and post-sociometric results demonstrated an overall increase of more intimate friendships. Examination of the ELLs' oral interview responses indicated growth of enjoyment regarding their institution and public discourse. Overall recommendations and suggestions of utilizing Peer Presentations are discussed for those involved with educating students.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Identifier
- CFH0004665, ucf:45266
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Kacerosky, Pamela, McIntyre, Matthew, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Objectives: To analyze the association between age at menarche, as a measure of sexual maturation, and adult height from ten published studies. Methods: Compared published measurements of age at menarche, adult height, and within-sample relationships observed in ten studies, for women from several societies and socioeconomic backgrounds, living in the 20th century, Results: In these studies, early maturers were taller during pre-puberty, but had shorter adult height then later maturers. Late...
Show moreObjectives: To analyze the association between age at menarche, as a measure of sexual maturation, and adult height from ten published studies. Methods: Compared published measurements of age at menarche, adult height, and within-sample relationships observed in ten studies, for women from several societies and socioeconomic backgrounds, living in the 20th century, Results: In these studies, early maturers were taller during pre-puberty, but had shorter adult height then later maturers. Late maturers experience a longer period of pre-pubertal growth and a delayed age of peak height velocity, leading to an extended overall time of growth, until adult stature was obtained. Conclusions: Improved living conditions and energy balance increase childhood growth rate, and are associated with an earlier puberty, and shorter duration of growth. In developed countries duration of growth may play an increasingly important role in adult stature.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2011
- Identifier
- CFH0004090, ucf:44803
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Morley, Landon C, White, Grace, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Sexual communication is important in overall sexual and relationship satisfaction.Women, in particular, report lower psychological well-being when sexual dysfunction occurs (Davison, Bell, LaChina, Holden and Davis, 2009). This study was designed to uncover precisely how important sexual communication is in relation to sexual satisfaction, whether there are any discrepancies between women's desired sexual acts verses the acts they actively take part in, and to what degree personality has an...
Show moreSexual communication is important in overall sexual and relationship satisfaction.Women, in particular, report lower psychological well-being when sexual dysfunction occurs (Davison, Bell, LaChina, Holden and Davis, 2009). This study was designed to uncover precisely how important sexual communication is in relation to sexual satisfaction, whether there are any discrepancies between women's desired sexual acts verses the acts they actively take part in, and to what degree personality has an effect on sexual communication and activity. Participants were 428 women from the psychology pool at University of Central Florida. The average age of the sample was 20.7 years (SD = 5.24). Approximately 56% of the sample identified as white, 14% as black, 7% as Asian and 10% as other. Communication was positively correlated to sexual satis-faction, there were no found discrepancies between sexual participation and desired sexual acts among the study participants, and personality significantly predicted levels of communication and participation in varying sexual acts, particularly regarding extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness. Communication about sex is strongly related to life and health satisfaction and a greater understanding of sexual desires should be continually sought to create harmony within relationships.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2018
- Identifier
- CFH2000346, ucf:45780
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Reiber, Anne, Bagley, George, Brunson, Richard, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
The research and statistics gathered in this thesis begin in 2000. Newspapers began experiencing change due to technology before 2000. However, the information necessary to complete this thesis only goes back to that year. Since the year 2000, the newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the age of ever-changing technology. Newspapers across the US, including large and well-established publications have been forced to find new strategies that allow them to keep up with new digital...
Show moreThe research and statistics gathered in this thesis begin in 2000. Newspapers began experiencing change due to technology before 2000. However, the information necessary to complete this thesis only goes back to that year. Since the year 2000, the newspaper industry has struggled to adapt to the age of ever-changing technology. Newspapers across the US, including large and well-established publications have been forced to find new strategies that allow them to keep up with new digital technologies. The New York Times was the focus of this study, but it is only one part of a very large industry. However, it is one of the most successful papers of the digital age and offers a thorough look into the newspaper industry. Therefore, its strategies to adapt to digital and its overall business model were compared to newspapers throughout the nation. The intent of this thesis is to have a better understanding of the future of the newspaper industry in the digital age, including newspapers in small, medium and large markets. A look into The New York Times' history provides a better understanding of how newspapers have already been affected by the digital age, and its business model offers guidance for other newspapers on how to adapt. This thesis focused on analyzing at least one newspaper to represent each market including a small, medium and large market newspaper then determining if the methods The New York Times uses would be adaptable and scalable to their newspapers. This thesis determines which newspapers could use The New York Times' strategies to their benefit and draws conclusions on the future of the newspaper industry as a whole.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2017
- Identifier
- CFH2000271, ucf:45847
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Creator
Harris, Dominique T, Fritzsche, Barbara, University of Central Florida
- Abstract / Description
Many corporate offices now offer fitness benefits to their employees. Evidence shows that corporate fitness programs are linked to decreased tardiness, absenteeism, and reduced healthcare costs. These programs also help address the growing obesity crisis threatening one in every three American adults. However, many employees do not participate in corporate fitness plans in spite of the convenience many programs offer. Thus, I wished to explore the personality and lifestyle factors that...
Show moreMany corporate offices now offer fitness benefits to their employees. Evidence shows that corporate fitness programs are linked to decreased tardiness, absenteeism, and reduced healthcare costs. These programs also help address the growing obesity crisis threatening one in every three American adults. However, many employees do not participate in corporate fitness plans in spite of the convenience many programs offer. Thus, I wished to explore the personality and lifestyle factors that contribute to older (age 25+) employees' exercise habits, their use of corporate benefits and correlates to the Big Five model of Personality along with other personality measures. I gathered 94 participants aged 25 and above, who work full-time (at least 32+ hours per week).I had my participants report their demographic information and take a survey through Qualtrics and Amazon Mechanical Turk analyzing their exercise habits and use of corporate benefits. Based on my findings, the Big 5 facet that correlated with corporate benefit use the most was immoderation. Other factors that correlated included Externally Controlled Motivation, Autonomous Motivation, and Perceived Competence. Furthermore, participants were able to share tips for how to improve corporate benefit use. The study could have benefitted from a larger sample size and observation-based reporting, however overall it serves as a good indicator of traits that make a person more inclined to participate in exercise programs and poses suggestions for the improvement of said programs.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Identifier
- CFH2000101, ucf:45518
- Format
- Document (PDF)